Before Full Backup Is It Ok Running DBCC SHRINKDATABASE

Apr 16, 2008


I have a full backup Job in SQL Server2000 server(designed by some body).

Step2.DBCC SHRINKFILE -->It is shrinking log file

Is it OK Shrinking Database and log files before full backup..

Your advice is appreciated.

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DBCC Shrinkdatabase

May 1, 2000

Does anyone have any idea how long DBCC SHRINKDATABASE takes to run? I have a 20GB database with 10.5 GB used. I know hardware is part of the equation, but I don't know the specifics of the machine this particular DB is on, other than it is an 8 cpu compaq.

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Dbcc Shrinkdatabase

Sep 10, 2003

When using the above comand on our database, I receive the error:

Transaction (Process ID 81) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Is that because we have users in the database as Im trying to shrink it ?

I re-ran the query and received the same messages.

thank you

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Dbcc Shrinkdatabase

Sep 28, 2006

I've been testing this in our test environment. Our database has grown to 18GB so I want to make it smaller.

I used


because i want to free up space that the file takes up on the server. Am I misunderstanding this? Should I not expect my .mdf to shrink?


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May 12, 2008


should i use the SHRINK DATABASE maintenance plan once a month on all USERS DB?
if so what parameters should i put this the "Shrink Database when i grows beyond XXX MB" and the "Amount of free space to remain after shrink"


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Feb 15, 2006


I have strange problem:
1) When I run "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" (from my application) on computer with SQL Server 2000, it works fine.
2) When I run "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" (from my application) on computer with MSDE that is connected the network with other computer with SQL Server 2000, it works fine.
3) When I run "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" (from my application) on computer with MSDE that isn't connected the network, it stops response. I have wait for 15 minuts but it still doesn't work, neither the database is clear before. Why?
4) Also when I run "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" (from my application) on computer with MSDE that is connected the network without other computer with SQL Server 2000, it stops response. I have wait for 15 minuts but it still doesn't work, neither the database is clear before. Why?

May be the "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" need some DLLs that installed on SQL Server 2000 only and doesn't deliver with MSDE? May be this is SQL-DMO or/and SQL-NS?

My appliation created by C# in VS.NET 2003. I am using OLEDB.


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Jun 15, 2006

Has anyone used the
in a VB.NET project to shrink a DB.
Please, if you dont mind, paste the code in this forum.


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Nov 8, 2006

Is there anyway to tell how long this will run for -- or how far it has got? I have a large database that has just had most of the data removed. The command has been running for 8 hours and I have just stopped it to let something else run quickly. Any way of telling how much longer it will take?

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Mar 3, 2008

Hi everyone:

I have a database that appears like it's much bigger than it should be. Looking at its properties in Enterprise Manager, it's 13GB big, but it says 7GB is available in free space. It's like it's grown, data was deleted, and it was never shrunk back down.

So I'm considering running a DBCC SHRINKDATABASE but am worried about the ramifications. Here are my concerns:

- Is the data in the database in any danger? Is the SHRINKDATABASE function safe?

- Can SHRINKDATABASE be run with the DB still in use? I'll run it after hours, but want to know if I need to put it in admin mode

- Will SHRINKDATABASE even do what I want?

- I've read the SHRINKDATABASE can fragment indexes. Is this true? If yes, how do I avoid it?


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How To Capture Results Of A DBCC SHRINKDATABASE?

Feb 28, 2008

So, basically I'm trying to do an insert into exec(dbcc shrinkdatabase)

Code Snippet



,@DBName VARCHAR(512)

SET @DBName= 'admin'

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#ShrinkDB') IS NOT NULL






,CurrentSize BIGINT

,MinimumSize BIGINT

,UsedPages BIGINT

,EstimatedPages BIGINT










and receive the following:

Cannot perform a shrinkdatabase operation inside a user transaction. Terminate the transaction and reissue the statement.

I've tried adding a begin tran and commit tran around it, doesn't help ...

Is there any way around this? Is there any other way to capture the output of a shrink database from a procedure perspective?


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Tran Log Backup Conflicts With Shrinkdatabase?

Apr 2, 2008


I have maintenance plan on DBABC backup log to .trn job to run every 90 minutes (daily).

in order to keep the log file small, I also set up a job (T-SQL) to run at 4:15 am to backup log ABC with truncate_only, then run dbcc shrinkdatabase (DBABC, 10)

it looks "backup log ABC with truncate_only" has conflicts with the every90 minutes backup transaction log.

Question: could I keep the backup transaction log every90 minutes, but still could shrink the log file. The log file is growing very fast.

Or I have to use differential backup instead of backup tran log?


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TempDB Log File Running Out Of Free Space While Running DBCC CheckDB On Large Database

May 28, 2015

In my environment, there is maintenance plan configured on one of the server and while running DBCC checkdb on a database of size around 200GB, log file usage of tempdb is increasing and causing the maintenance job to fail.

What can I do to make the maintenance job run successfully, size of the tempdb database is only 50GB and recovery model is set to simple. It cannot be increased as the mount point on which it is residing is 50GB.

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Running DBCC On 24 X7 DB

Nov 6, 1998

Has anyone had experience in running DBCC in a 24x7 environment. The only time that I can run them is after a server crash. I have had the server lock up when the results page returned. It almost immpossible to go down for more than hour, because we have international clients. The database is 1.2 GB but it is in constant use because we run reports from Crystal Info server and through an ASP for client use. I have consider dump the database to another site, running DBCC, copying back to the original and restoring the logs until the current time. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Lisa Bodine
Systems Analyst/DBA
Cyntergy Corp

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Shrinking Log With Dbcc In Full Recovery

Mar 2, 2007

BOL says should not manually truncate log in full recovery mode unless you make an immediate full backup because you will invalid the log sequence. Does DBCC shrinkfile(log_filename) with notruncate also invalidate the sequence? Is there any way to shrink logs between full backups? (I do back up the logs frequently, but often it needs a shrink statement to keep size under control still during a certain time window). Thanks.

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SQL 2012 :: Backup Cleanup Of Differential And Log Backups Based On Full Backup?

Feb 19, 2015

Using Ola Hallengren's scripts I do a full backup of a database on a Sunday. Then differential backups every 6 hours and log backups every hour. I would like to keep a full week of backups based off the full backup done on Sunday. Is there a way for me to clear out the diff and log folders after the successful full backup on Sunday nights?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore DB With Full Backup And Transactional Log Backup

Aug 3, 2015

Need to restore database,here's the scenario:

Data got deleted on Friday evening, need to have database restored to FRiday afternoon and also some data has been entered on Monday, which needs to be there.

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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URGENT! - DBCC Keeps Running Without Any Results?

May 30, 2001

One of our databases seems to be looking dodgy as some scheduled jobs are failing, but DBCC CHECKDB is no use since it has been running for over 1/2 hour without giving me any results, just the spinning globe.

How do I find out what is wrong without resorting to backups?

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DBCC DBREINDEX Running Out Of Room

May 16, 2000

I am trying to reindex a large table, and cannot because there isn't enough room on the the primary filegroup. the database consistes of one physical file in the primary filegroup. the table is over 50% of the size of the database. When the table is less than 50% of the size of the database, I do not see this problem.

BTW, the only index on the table is the primary key which consists of two columns, one is an integer and the other datetime.

It seems as if SQL server needs 1x the current size of the table to be free in order to reindex? Is this the case?

It is not an option for me to allow the database to autogrow. Is there anything else I can do?

Thanks for your help!

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Running DBCC Shrinkfile Code, From Where?

Feb 13, 2006

SQL2000 Server, SP4, a database with a 17Gb log file. It has been backed up so all transactions should be validated, now the real file size needs to be shrunk because I need the diskspace plus I want to speed up the backup process. Tells me what to do but not where to do it.

So I need to run this code : DBCC SHRINKFILE(pubs_log, 2)

but from what console do I run it?

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HDD Errors After Running DBCC Checkdb

Jan 22, 2008

Hi everybody,

I have a very strange problem. I have installed MS WS2003 SP2 and MS SQL 9.0.3054 SP2.
I have database dbTraceIT with data file on D drive and log file on E drive. If I run T-SQL command:

use dbTraceIT
dbcc checkdb
or Integration Services Package (task: Check Database Integrity Task, developed with MS VS)

this comand/or task has generated the hard disk errors on D drive. The chkdsk tool reports errors when hdd index verification has been completed. After hdd errors€™ repairing, if I run checkdb T-sql command the situation is repeated again.
Question: is it a bug or something different? Do you have similar disk error if you use e.g. Integration Service Packages (for instance index rebuild or whatever)?


Steps to reproduce

Find any DB on your MS SQL. Run chkdsk command on hard drive where DB€™s data file is stored. Verify that everything is OK.
Run t-sql command
use dbTraceIT
dbcc checkdb
3. Run chkdsk again. It should show hdd errors.

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Recovery :: Differential Backup Much Larger Than Database / Full Backup

Nov 16, 2015

I have a database that is just over 1.5GB and the Full backup that is 13GB not sure how this is since we have compression on for full backups and my other full backups are much smaller than there respective databases...Now my full backup is taken every Sunday night and the differentials are taken every 6 hours after the full backup. Now I have been thrown into this DBA role with little to no experience just what I have picked up and read. So my understanding of backups are limited but what I think I understand is that we take a full backup and the differential only captures what changes in the database so my question is why is my database 1.5GB but my differential is 15.4GB? I have others database that are on the same instance and don't seem to have this problem. I also just noticed that we do not rebuild the index before a full backup like we do on other instances...

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Order By Error Running DBCC DBREINDEX

Jul 20, 2005

I'm running a simple DBCC DBREINDEX ('myTable') and I receive thefollowing error:"Server: Msg 169, Level 15, State 2, Line 2A column has been specified more than once in the order by list.Columns in the order by list must be unique. DBCC executioncompleted. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your systemadministrator."I can successfully reindex other tables in this database. I thoughtthat perhaps I had objects in the database that ended up with the samename, but I've pretty much ruled that out.Any suggestions?ThanksJohn D. Morrismailto://

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Does A Full Backup Include Data Changes Made During The Backup?

Nov 29, 2007

If my backup starts at 8PM and take 1 hour to complete, will the changes made to the database during that hour be captured in the full backup?

Stated another way, will my backup be a snapshot of:
a) 8PM when the backup started
b) 8PM with some of the changes made between the hour
c) 9PM when the backup finished?

Anybody know the exact way SQL Server handles that logic?



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Differential Backup Fails Because Of Erroneous Full Backup

Jul 19, 2007


I am using the Simple recovery model and I'm taking a weekly full backup each Monday morning with differentials taken every 4 hours during the day.

On Wednesday afternoon, a programmer ran a process that corrupted the db and I had to restore to the most recent differential. It was 5pm in the afternoon and a differential backup had just occured at 4pm. No problem, I figured.

I restored the full backup from Monday morning and tried to restore the most recent differential backup. The differential restore failed. Since I had used T-SQL for the initial attempt, I tried using Enterprise Manager to try again.

When viewing the backup history, I see my initial full backup taken on Monday plus all the differentials. BUT, on closer inspection, I noticed another full backup in the backup history that was taken early Tuesday morning. I can't figure out where this Tuesday morning full backup came from. It wasn't taken by me (or scheduled by me) and I'm the only one with access to the server. My full backups are usually named something like HCMPRP_20070718_FULL.bak. This erroneous full backup was named something like HCMPRP_03a_361adk2k_dd53.bak. It seemed like it was a system generated name. Not something I would choose. To top it off, I could not find this backup file anywhere on the server and when I tried to restore using this full backup, it failed.

Does anyone have any clues as to where this full backup might come from? Does SQL Server trigger a full backup on its own if some threshold is reached?

I ended up having to restore using the differential taken just before this erroneous full backup and lost a day of transactions.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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How Can I Trigger Full Backup On Tran Log Backup Error?

Aug 8, 2007

I have MS SQL 2005 server with 300+ databases on it. The application is set up that way that it creates a new database as needed (dynamically). Do not ask me why - I hate this design... So, it can create 3-4 databases a day (random time).
I've scheduled full backup of all databases to run once at night, and it runs just fine. Besides that, I have scheduled tran logs backup of all databases to run every hour. This backup fails from time to time with the following error:

Executing the query "BACKUP LOG [survey_p0886464_test] TO DISK = N'D:\backups\log backups\survey_p0886464_test_backup_200708072300.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'survey_p0886464_test_backup_20070807230002', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
" failed with the following error: "BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

So, I think what happens is since my full backup of all databases are scheduled to run only once at night, and tran logs every hour, when new database is created during the day, there is no full backup for it, that is why tran logs backup fails. Becuase after the failure, if I run full backup again, then tran log runs just fine afterwards.

I am new to MS SQL Server, I am mostly working with Sybase IQ. Do you know if I can "trigger" full backup every time when new database created to avoid tran lof failure?

Or is it possible to schedule full backup to run if tran log backup fails?
Any advice will be much appreciated.

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How To Restore Database From Full Backup And Several Diff Backup

Oct 17, 2006

I have a full backup and several diff backup,now i want to restore

firstly,I restore full backup

FROM DISK = 'D:databackup200610140000.bak'

it's working,then i don;'t know how to continue

Thanks in advance

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DB Engine :: DBCC Error In Full Text Internal Table?

Jul 23, 2015

I have a database that has had a full text index at some point in it's history - but no longer does. The database is currently at SQL 2012 compatibility, but it was created on SQL2000. It still appears to have a row in the internal table sys.sysftinds - but some of the column values are NULL, and NULLs are not allowed. The database fails DBCC checks because of this.

Msg 8970, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Row error: Object ID 25, index ID 1, partition ID xxxx, 
alloc unit ID xxxx (type In-row data), 
page ID (1:xxxx), row ID 0. Column 'sensitivity' was created NOT NULL, but is NULL in the row.
DBCC results for 'sys.sysftinds'.

There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object "sys.sysftinds".

CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sys.sysftinds' (object ID 25).

repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (xxxx.sys.sysftinds).

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Running DBCC with repair_allow_data_loss has not worked.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Backup Running Long And Backup Threads Show Suspended

Feb 18, 2015

SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.

Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.

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DBCC Interrupting Long Running INSERT Program

Mar 7, 2001

My program is copying several hundred thousand records from an Access DB to a sql server 7 db. It has to do some conversions and lookups along the way. At seemingly random times, a DBCC job gets started up by the system that locks up my program.

Any thoughts as to why it happens? What I can do to detect/prevent it so that my program doesn't lock up?

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SQL 2012 :: Use Of Running DBCC Free Session Cache?

Feb 12, 2015

What is the use of running DBCC FREESESSIONCACHE.

How frequently can we do this on all the databases.

What happens if we schedule to run it every 1min.

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of running this on all databases.

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Running DBCC CHECKIDENT Command Within Stored Proc?

Jun 17, 2015

For reasons beyond the scope of my question, is there a way to run this command within a Stored Procedure from a low privileged user login? I can grant the entity "db_ddladmin" privilege and the proc runs, but I'd rather not give out that level of permission to what is basically a glorified web access login.

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Should Full Backup And Transaction Backup Be From One Plan?

Mar 11, 2008

Hello, everyone:

I just heard that for restore purpose, ths full backup and transaction log backup should be from one maintenance plan. Otherwise transaction log backup files cannot be restored after restoring full backup files.

Is it true? Can anyone offer official documents?

In my system, full and transaction backups are from one maintenance plan. Restores are doing fine. I am not sure that ideal is true or not.



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