Beginner's Question On Cluster Indexes

Jan 24, 2007

Imagine a group of tables headed by Columns: "Day","Customer",and "Town". With One C.Index already built based on "Day" and "Customer". Most queries have only these 2 Columns in their WHERE Clauses.
Now if a new group of Queries are to be run where the WHERE Clause will take "Day" and "Town" but not "Customer".

Is it better to a) add a New - 2nd C.Index to each table based on "Day" and "Town" or b) to remove it and Create a New (Only one) Cluster Index based on 3 Columns: "Day","Customer","Town" ?

Appreciate any advice,


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Two Non-cluster Indexes On Same Column?

Feb 5, 2014

We have two non cluster indexes on the same column for a table. let me know will it impact negatively on table like performance etc. ?

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Removal Of Selected Indexes / Script Index Create For List Of Indexes

Jul 1, 2014

I'm working to improve performance on a database I've inherited, and there are several thousand indexes. I've got a list of ones which should definitely exist within the database, and I'm looking to strip out all the others and start fresh, though this list is still quite large (1000 or so).

Is there a way I can remove all the indexes that are not in my list without too much trouble? I.e. without having to manually go through them all individually. The list is currently in a csv file.

I'm looking to either automate the removal of indexes not in the list, or possibly to generate the Create statements for the indexes on the list and simply remove all indexes and then run these statements.

As an aside, when trying to list all indexes in the database, I've found various scripts to do this, but found they all seem to produce differing results. What is the best script to list all indexes?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed On Adding Node To Cluster

Oct 10, 2015

During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We  run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…

1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges). 

2. net stop winmgmt 

3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository). 

4. net start winmgmt

2<sup>nd</sup> Method..

1. Disable and stop the WMI service.

a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled

b. Command : -                 net stop winmgmt

2. Run the following commands.

a).  Command:  Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem

b). Command:   Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem

3. Re-enable the WMI service

Command:          sc config winmgmt start= auto 

Last command to run after above steps

4. Command:     mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"

File not found Error for above command.

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Access Denied To Cluster Storage When Restoring 2005 Full Text DB To 2014 Cluster

Jun 10, 2015

I am in the process of moving databases from a SQL 2005 Standard version to a 2-node 2014 cluster.All of my 2005 databases back up successfully.They all restore without issue except for one database that has a full text catalog. I get this message

Msg 7610, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Access is denied to "fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog", or the path is invalid.
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 50, Line 2
File 'sysft_FTCatalog' cannot be restored to 'fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
Msg 3119, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


I went as far as giving the folder full access to everyone temporarily and received the same error.

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SQL 2012 :: Advanced Cluster Preparation For New Instance On Existing Cluster

Apr 10, 2014

I ran the Advanced cluster preparation for a new sql instance on an existing cluster.

Slq Server 2012.

After is completed, it was successful, I realized I specified the wrong Instance Root directory.

Is it possible to remove what the preparation installed? Or is it possible to change the root directory?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Can Build Cluster By Adding Cluster Service

Jul 6, 2015

Can I build a cluster by adding the cluster service, then the SQL instances, then add the other nodes and their passive SQL instances?I would lean to building the cluster first, the add the SQL instances.

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SQL 2012 :: Server Cluster Without Windows Failover Cluster

Feb 18, 2014

I´ve been reading that SQL Server 2012 Always On is dependent on having a Windows Failover Cluster setup. Is that correct ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Non-cluster Primary Key To Cluster Unique

Nov 6, 2014

I have following script which i am planning to run to drop all non-clustered primary keys on a database and then created as clustered. I am using someone else's script so don't know how to modify this. Some of primary key columns are used in references in other tables.

is there anyway i can drop the existing primary keys and using their original script then create again as clustered including restoring all foreign and reference keys and unique or no unique.

DECLARE @table NVARCHAR(512), @tablename NVARCHAR(512),
@column NVARCHAR(MAX);
DECLARE @indexname NVARCHAR(512);
SELECT name As 'Table'

[Code] ....

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Recovery :: Can Join A Node In Windows Cluster Which Is Already In Different Cluster

Oct 8, 2015

can we join a node in a windows cluster which is already in a different cluster?

We have this requirement as we need to setup readable secondary ( always on AG) on the third node.

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Recovery :: IP Change For Cluster / Nodes And Windows Cluster?

Jul 15, 2015

We are planning to change all IPs of PRODUCTION Failover Cluster Setup. In my cluster setup ... we have 2 Physical Nodes with windows-2008, Roles are MSDTC and SQL-2008R2.

IP change for:

1. Both Nodes(Physical)
3. SQL Server 
4. windows Cluster 

So Almost... All IPs are going to change.

Im DBA here, I need to take care of SQL cluster and MSDTC. But I haven't performed this activity before.So I'm worrying about Impacts and consequences of this change. steps how should I perform this activity.

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Script To Change Cluster Index To Non Cluster

May 20, 2003

Hi all,

We have many tables which have cluster index on column with datatype 'Char(200)'.
Does anyone have script to change cluster index to noncluster for all user tables which have clustered index on a column with 'char(200)' datatype.


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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Cluster And Non-cluster Index

Jul 26, 2015

Wanted to know about difference between cluster and non cluster index with example.

When to use cluster index and non cluster index .

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DB Engine :: Why Cluster And Non-cluster Indexed Created On Same Key

Jun 10, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Access](
 [AdminID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [FnID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

why the cluster and non cluster indexed created on the same key?

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A Question About Clustered Indexes Forcing Rebuild Of Non-clustered Indexes.

Sep 18, 2007

So I'm reading and I come across this:
When selecting a column to base your clustered index on, try to avoid columns that are frequently updated. Every time that a column used for a clustered index is modified, all of the non-clustered indexes must also be updated, creating additional overhead. [6.5, 7.0, 2000, 2005] Updated 3-5-2004
Does this mean if I have say a table called Item with a clustered index on a column in it called itemaddeddate, and several non-clustered indexes associated with that table, that if a record gets modified and it's itemaddeddate value changes, that ALL my indexes on that table will get rebuilt? Or is it referring to the table structure changing?
If so does this "pseudocode" example also cause this to occur:
sqlstring="select * from item where itemid=12345" sqlstring, etc, etc, etc
rs.Fields("ItemName")="My New Item Name"
Note I didn't explicitly change the value of rs.fields("ItemAddedDate")...does rs.Fields("ItemAddedDate")=rs.Fields("ItemAddedDate") occur implicitly, which would force the rebuild of all the non-clustered indexes?

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SQL 6.5 Cluster Upgrade To SQL Server 7.0 Cluster

Jul 17, 2000

I am trying to upgrade a SQL Server 6.5(Cluster) to SQL Serevr 7.0 (Cluster)..I already have an intsllation of 7.0(On a Cluster),so this means that 6.5 and sql 7 are on seperate cluster's ,if i try to upgrade from 6.5 Cluster to 7.0 Cluster is asks me to uncluster 6.5 and 7.0 is this correct ,assume i cannot break the cluster then what???.. what is the best way i can achieve this functinality.....

thanks in advance


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Sql Beginner

Aug 4, 2000

I am just a sql beginner. I wonder if it is possible to jump to table B to continue searching while I am still doing search on table A. Thanks


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DTS - Beginner

Oct 9, 2000

Can anyone tell me where I can learn more about DTS.
As I have to export data from a .CSV(comma separated file) into SQL Server.

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Sep 12, 2007

I have MS SQL 2000 and 2005 Express install on my computer. I would like to know where I can get some good beginner's training and I also need to know how to run sql scripts and import database to both.

This is so easy to do in mysql.


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Beginner Please Help

Aug 19, 2005

I have a SQL server that my web host has provided but I don't know who to set it up! I'm currently have an MS Access database on my web site and I want to change it to MSSQL using the Access upsizing wizards, can anyone talk me through it?

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Beginner Needs Help With SP

Dec 8, 2006

hi there. this is my first post on this forum. im new to SQLServer so please go easy on me. :)

i am trying desperately to call a stored procedure from within another stored procedure. if i post my code below could somebody tell me where i am going wrong. the SP i have written is executing OK but the OUTPUT parameter Id_User is coming back as null, whereas it should be giving my a value there. i have tried changing the line 'EXEC sp_User_I' for 'INSERT INTO @User_Id EXEC sp_User_I' but this wont compile.

@Username varchar(16),
@Password varchar(88),
@Surname varchar(32),
@DateBirth datetime,
@Email varchar(64),
@Id_Account int OUTPUT,
@Id_User int OUTPUT


DECLARE @ErrorCode int;



EXEC sp_User_I
@Id_User some other stuff here for the account...


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Beginner SQL Help

Mar 19, 2008

Hi all,

I've been banging my head against this issue, and I haven't managed to find a solution. I was hoping that maybe somebody here has done something similar.

I am trying to get the latest available pricing from a Rate table, which is based on the customer ID and the provided date from another table (Table1).

This is what the code looks like, essentially:


from table1
left outer join table2 on table1.Id = table2.Id
left outer join (
Select Top 1 Rate from RateTable
Where <
order by desc
) as table3 on table3.custId = table1.custId

I understood that can't be explicitly passed into the nested join within table3, but does anybody know a work around that can achieve the above example (the environment is SQL server 2000 and inside a view not on in a stored proc)?

Thanks in advance for any tips or workaround.

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BCP Beginner - Please Help

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am completely new to the BCP utility and fairly new to SQL ServerI am learning from a book and I am trying the following example (the serverI'm learning on is called contractor and a password has not been give to thesa)bcp pubs..authors out authors.txt -C -r -t, -U sa -P -S contractorWhen I run this in Query Analyser i get the error message..Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'.I have tried puuting quotes around the database and the table name asfollows-bcp "pubs..authors" out authors.txt -C -r -t, -U sa -P -S contractorand get the errorServer: Msg 179, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.Please can anybody help me to get this first bit working?Thanks in anticipation.

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SQL Beginner

Nov 15, 2005

What is the best way to go about learning SQL?  Where should I start?

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As A Beginner

Sep 4, 2006

How do i learn SQL server 2000...I'm new to development, and need to get my basics right before i proceed further.

Do give me your feedback / learning tips.

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SQL Beginner

Apr 19, 2008


is there any SQL server book or online meterial for beginners?? i've checked msdn its seems not helpful at beginner issues for installing and first time configuring SQL Server. and installing its clients etc.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logic To Rebuild Only Clustered Indexes / Skipping To Rebuild Non Clustered Indexes In Same Table

Jun 25, 2015

I have a requirement to only rebuild the Clustered Indexes in the table ignoring the non clustered indexes as those are taken care of by the Clustered indexes.

In order to do that, I have taken the records based on the fragmentation %.

But unable to come up with a logic to only consider rebuilding the clustered indexes in the table.

create table #fragmentation
FragIndexId BigInt Identity(1,1),
--IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS FragIndexId,
DBNAME nvarchar(4000),
TableName nvarchar(4000),

[Code] ....

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Indexes Vs Clustered Indexes

Sep 17, 2006

What is the difference please?

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Some Questions From Beginner

Jan 23, 2006

hello all i'm new in dot net and as every one beginning in something i have some problems hope u guys can help me my first question is really easy i'm feeling silly to ask such a question i made database in sql server 2005 and i made a table and columns but i cant insert data into the table i dont know how to fill the table with data? my second question is can i convert sql server 2000 database to 2005 if i can how i cando that? that's all for now hope u can really help me thanks in advance

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Beginner Seeks Help

Aug 31, 2006

My company needs a database. My first thought was to do it in Access, because it's available! But I wanted to check that that was smart, what its limitations are, when it's better to move to bigger / more expensive software, etc.

It's probably going to have several hundred thousand records in and will grow by more than a hundred thousand every year. Is there a size limit?

Not that many fields, though - it's not that complicated a database.

Many thanks in advance for any help :beer:

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Beginner && DB Creating

Feb 7, 2007


I'm trying to make a dictionary.

WordIta(#id, word);

tables with words in Italian and English.
Connect1(#id,id1,id2); connecting word form Eng with Ita translation.
Connect2(#id,id1,id2); same for Italian.

Is this correct? 3. normalisation? Will this work?

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Another Beginner SP Question

Dec 8, 2006

if i am creating an SP then i only specify output parameters if the SP is to return a single set of values. is that correct? if my SP is returning multiple rows from a SELECT statement then i would not specify any parameters on the SP. can somebody clarify this for me. thanks!

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Help Im A Beginner... Insert

Aug 17, 2007

Hi guys,

I am new to database programming... i know the answer is somewhere in the past forums and i unfortunately i can't locate it... I have this problem i hope you can help me.

I am trying to insert values into table hosp_wareitem and one of it is the itemid where in i would like to get the item id of an existing medicine... (i hope you can understand me guys) here is my query.. right now im puzzled and i know the answer is already there.. i just cant see it...

set xact_abort on
declare @id as integer
begin transaction
select @id (select medicines_id from
hosp_medicines where medicines_id = medicines_id)
insert into Hosp_WareItem
'1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM',
'1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM',
Update Hosp_Counter set Counter_ID = @ID
where Table_Description = 'wareitem'
commit transaction

it returns an error

(1 row(s) affected)

(24 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 6
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ItemID', table 'Medix_Hospital.dbo.Hosp_wareitem'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

it tries to insert a null value in itemid because it cant get the value of the medicine_id.

any help is much appreciated!


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