Best Practice/recommendation Dev Data Maint Plans

Feb 9, 2007

We are working on converting to SQL 2005 database. During the conversion we are having to rewrite a lot of code and doing a lot of intital testing and development on development data. This is causing our transaction logs to really big. I have created a maint plan that runs nightly that does a back up of database and tran log but throughtout the day the tran logs are getting really big and eating up a ton of disk space. Does anyone have suggestions on what sort of maint plan I can setup to run on my developement data where as at this point I am not concened about being able to roll back the database just keep is small as possible and "healthly"

All ideas are appreciated



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Auto-Creating DB Maint Plans?

Aug 3, 2005

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know an easier way to create DB Maint Plans instead of having to create each one manually?
i.e. Copy Maint Plans from 1 server to another automatically.
Does anyone know of a quick export method.

thnx in advance.

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2005 Maint Plans .txt Files Not Deleting?

Aug 16, 2007

I am running 2005 SP2 (It is the SP2 refresh as I downloaded the SP2 on 3/15/07) and I can't get the .txt maint plans to delete. The job completes successfully; however, the old .txt files are still there. I found this technote:
although I don't receive the error message in the KB. The report does have "New Component Output" as the 1st line in the report. I still don't see how deleting the 1st line of an already run job (the report) will affect a new run of the job.

Also, I checked the version of the Microsoft.SqlServer.MaintenancePlanTasks.dll and it is at 9.00.3043.00 (which is the SP2 Refresh) in KB 933508 ( ).

I have several SQL/2005 servers and they all have this problem. Any help would be appreicated...


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SQL 2000 - Changing Maint Plans; Any Gotchas?

Oct 16, 2007

Hi fellow techs! I am getting to know SQL 2000 intimately and it's been a fun ride with the top down!

My question is, are there any gotchas that I should be aware of in SQL 2000 if I want to change 3 of my databases running on one 2000 SQL server from simple to full recovery model? I want to begin backing up the log file for point in time purposes, but don't want anything to break by disregarding the gotchas, if there are any.


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Best Practice - Data Sources And Data Views Vs OLE DB Source

Feb 26, 2008

Hi, i'm wondering which is the best way to search data in a SQL Server.
I reach data using Data Sources and Data Views and also with OLE DB Source with a Data access mode: Named query.
I have to write the data into a Flat File. So, does any one knows which is the best practice for this? Or any one of the two are good choices?
Thanks for your help.


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Different Execution Plans - Same Data, Same Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there - hoping someone can help me here!I have a database that has been underperforming on a number of queriesrecently - in a test environment they take only a few seconds, but onthe live data they take up to a minute or so to run. This is using thesame data.Every evening a copy of the live data is copied to a backup 'snapshot'database on the same server and also, on this copy the queries onlytake a second or so to run. (This is testing through the QueryAnalyser)I've studied the execution plans for the same query on the snapshot dband the live db and they seem to be significantly different - why isthis? it's looking at the same data and exactly the same code!!Anybody got any ideas???

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Bad Practice For Data Sources?

Feb 27, 2006

I'm just wondering if it is bad programming practice to have many data sources on one page. I need a "Matrix" type of page that grabs data from many tables and so far I have 5 data sources. Is this common or is there something I should be doing to make it more efficient?

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Moving Data For Audit - Best Practice

Oct 17, 2005

Here is the situation:Tables:AccountAccountDocumentAccountTestThen we have the following "Activity" table refencing "Account" tableabove:Table: ActivityColumns: ActivityID, AccountNo,...when "Activity" with accountno is created, we'd like to able to takesnapshop or copy all Account related data records from tables: account,accountdocument, accounttestand store it somewhere.This way even if account, accountdocument and accounttest tables changelater, then "Activity" accountno integrity in maintained.Do we need to create or replicate similar tables to store data foraudit?or Which other ways can this be achieved?

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Best Practice To Copy A Lot Of Data Between Databases

Oct 30, 2007


I have a database on sqlserver 2000 which contains some tables which receive Create/Read/Update statements from applications, and +-5 tables which contain a sort of read-only data: the applications are only reading from these tables.

Sometimes these 5 tables need to be updated with new data. Currently I am doing this as follows:

Execute a long-running operation (e.g. 1 week), which will add new data, against a Test-database (which is a restore from a backup of the original database)
Some people do some checks to see if the new data in the Test-database is correct
If (2) is OK, the only thing which needs to be done is copying the data of the 5 tables in testdatabase to the 5 tables of the production-database.For (3), I currently use a DTS-package which consists of a "Copy SQL Server Objects"-task. This task is configured to copy the 5 tables (objects) from testdatabase to productiondatabase. The data in these 5 tables is around 20GB, and this task takes a lot of time compared to a backup/restore of the same size of data. I already tried to speed it up by creating different filegroups and wanted to restore only 1 filegroup but you can read here that making a filegroup backup on a testdatabase and trying to restore it on a production database won't work. Is there some other way to speed this up? Is my current way of working good practice?


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Best Practice For Data Dictionary In SQL Server 2005

Sep 1, 2006

Hi ,all here,

Would please anyone here give me any guidance and advices for best practice of data dictionary in SQL Server 2005?

I have restored a large insurance claims database with up to more than 300 tables, massively, most of them are empty tables, many of them dont have any keys, contrains, indexes, and more difficult, there is no any data dictionary for the database which gets me stuck in the understanding of the data at the moment. Thus I think data dictionary is very important for a database.

Will anyone gives me advices for that? Really need help.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Service Broker In Data Push Scenario:best Practice

May 7, 2007

Hallo I need some hints because I would like to set up my service broker in the proper way.

First: I'm going to setup service Broker between 2 databases on the same sql server instance.

My Goal: I insert the data on table1 in the DB1.On table1 there is a trigger that begin conversation and send the message to the service on the DB2.
On the receiving queue there is an Activation that take the xml message, shred it and save the content on th table 2 on the DB2.
Actually this SP is my main concern because the shred and insert involves also several checks so it could take "a while".

Volume of data: it seems that there are 100-200 daily insert in the table1 on the DB1 and it is possible that some of them arrives at the "same time".

Very quickly:
On the DB1 the trigger:

Notice that I reuse always the same conversation and the send queue as RETENTION = OFF

begin transaction;


set @dialog_handle = (select conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints where far_service='ReceiveService');

if @dialog_handle is null



FROM SERVICE [SendService]

TO SERVICE 'ReceiveService'

ON CONTRACT [MainContract]




MESSAGE TYPE Message ('uyiuy')



On the DB2
ReceiveQueue is defined as:


But most important is the Activation's SP and this is the main code:

while (1 = 1)


begin transaction

-- Receive the next available message from the queue


RECEIVE top(1)


@dialog = conversation_handle
FROM ReceivedQueue

if (@@ROWCOUNT = 0)


Rollback Transaction



SET @ErrorSave = @@ERROR ;

IF (@ErrorSave <> 0)



SET @ErrorDesc = N'An error has occurred.' ;


WITH ERROR = @ErrorSave DESCRIPTION = @ErrorDesc ;

INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblLog] VALUES(@ErrorDesc,NULL)




'this is the SP that does most of the work

exec [dbo].[sp_ShredXMLMessageToRelationalData] @message_body


commit transaction

I have to say that everything works fine but I don't think that it is completly performant.
I read several blogs/forums and now I'm confused on the best way to implement service broker messaging:
These are my questions:

1) I read that is the DB's are in the same instance It can improve performances the send the message directly on the Queue2.
Can be useful in my case? How to implement it?
2)In my case it is necessarly that I send a message back to the initiator?
3) In my case the conversation never end. I don't think that this is correct but in case of the data push who has to END the conversation? The target? the initiator? never end to avoid overhead (I read that big overhead is caused by the BEGIN and END DIALOG)?

3) where (initiator or Target) and how to handle the service broker error? In my case my applications are SPs and I need to inform the developer or DBA that something went wrong during the processing ( conversation or shredding stored procedure).

4) In my case is should be a good idea to think about how to solve the possibility of the "poison messages"

for sure I will find out other questions...
Any hint, link is appreciated!

Thank you very much!

Marina B.

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What Is The Best Practice To Change A Column's Data Type In A Very Big Table?

Dec 11, 2007

Hi All,

I am using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition fully patched. Database is in Simple Recovery mode.

I need to change a column's data type from "int(4)" to "smallint(2)". I know for sure that there will be no data (precision) lost, because I know the possible values that this column could have.

My problem is that the table I am dealing with has 600,000,000 records in it. I dropped all indexes before I tried to alter the table. But still it is taking forever and filling up my 280GB disk with transaction log file.

I know that in Oracle, if I want I can turn off logging and do these kind of modifications relatively faster.

I was wondering if there is a way of disabling logging before running this alter command.

What is the best practice to handle a situation of this sort?

I appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,
Sinan Topuz

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What Is The Best Practice To Handle Cobol Redeines In Flat File Data.

Mar 1, 2007

Here is my idea but I am looking for the best practice.

Each record can have 3 possibilites.

I would read and write the data 3 times to different tables and add an identity key on all 3 files then I would reassembe the data back together on the identity key and map the data to a fourth and final table.

Any other ideas?



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Jun 24, 2004

I was if anyone can recommend a book that specifically focuses on SQL statements such as Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Transcations..etc

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Need A Recommendation

Apr 8, 2008


I will have to create a table that consists of only of two fields. one: them employeeID and two: the SupervisorID,
my question is what should I define as my primary key. Should it be an aditional field, or could it be the EmployeeID field.

The employeeID is an unique filed. The end user for this application will be updating rearly some of this records, and may be adding or deleting some new records exporadically.

Thanks for suggestions.

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SQL HA Recommendation

Dec 21, 2006


Here's the scenario I'm working with:

A SQL 2005 server with around 1K~ databases, capacity at about 1TB~. We would like to be able to have a warm standby with transactions replicated to it. In the event of a failure on the principle, we would want the warm standby to come online automatically and begin serving db requests.

I've looked at the SQL 2005 database mirroring option; however, this has a restriction of around 10 databases per SQL server instance which, unfortunately, I exceed. One method I've been looking at is transaction replication in the classic publisher / subscriber model; however, how would I handle automated fail-over to the subscriber if the publisher were to fail?

Does anyone in the community have any thoughts or recommendations?



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Backup - Maint. !!!

Mar 26, 2001

In SQL 7, a single table cannot be restored. What if a week later one found out that a table was corrupted few days and no one realized, then how to address this ? Restoring entire db from a tape few days old would't be a solution since all other tables have changed meantime.

Your feed-backs are greatly appreciated !!!


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Maint. Plan

May 31, 2001

In maint. plan when reorg is selected for a user db, it will also work on
sys tables in user database. Is it a good thing to do ? How do I avoid sys tables in a user database not to be part of maint optimization plan ? Some script would be helpful !


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SQL Maint Optimization

Apr 19, 2000

I am using the Database maintenance on a database that is about 4gb. The database optiiztion is running about an hour. Does this job only do an update stats? If I run the stored procedure sp_updatestats on the database it only takes a couple of minutes. Are thes two processes doin the same thing? Do I need them if the create, update statistics are turned on?


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Maint. Plan Help

Aug 8, 2006

I need to set up a Maintenance Plan on a 6.5 DB. I know the version is old but the customer cannot upgrade at this time. When I try and run the wizard to set it up I get a warning about running a plan on a DB that is larger that 400MB. Whats the deal? Thanks for the help!!

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SQL Maint. Plan Help

Apr 14, 2004

I have setup maintenance plan to run nightly.

(1) Maint plan is setup to backup the databases that users actually use to update company information (2) diffrent databases.
(2) maint plan backs up the master database this is setup to run by itself.
(3) maint plan is setup to backup the model - msdb databases together.

I setup the email notification option to inform me if my backups were successfull. below is an example that I'm recieving everymorning on every database. Something about the single user mode is causing the problem. can somone explain this to? Maybe give me a direction to follow to correct this problem. Below is an example error message that I'm recieving.

I can backup any database by right clicking selecting all tasks then backup database and I get a complete backup to problem. Why is my Maint. Plan not going through. the rebuilding of indexs is successful.

Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server 'My Server name' as 'My_Domain_NameMy_SQL_Admin_Account (trusted)
Starting maintenance plan 'LEO-SLCBOM Full Nightly' on 4/13/2004 11:15:00 PM
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 5070: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database state cannot be changed while other users are using the database 'Leo'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]sp_dboption command failed.
[1] Database Leo: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 7919: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Repair statement not processed. Database needs to be in single user mode.

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Repair statement not processed. Database needs to be in single user mode.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

[2] Database SlcBom: Check Data and Index Linkage...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

Deleting old text reports... 0 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'LEO-SLCBOM Full Nightly' on 4/13/2004 11:15:01 PM
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

Emailing report to operator 'Admin, SQL'

Thnaks for any help

SQL Rookie

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Maint. Not Running

Dec 7, 2007

Just two days ago, I noticed none of the scheduled maintenance jobs (backups) are running. I can run them manually successfully, but they are not running according to the maintenance schedule. There are no errors thrown.

Just prior to this happening, our anti-virus detected and deleted what it described as a virus [trojan]. The file was named sqlmaint.rll. I have done extensive searching and have not found anything definitive for this file. Obviously, this has something to do with maintenance not running, but how can I resolve this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
SQL Server 2000

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Maint Views

Jan 18, 2007

When I use Enterprise Manager to Maint views it basically brought up the view in simple text editor, where I could put in comments as to what the view was for.

I did this by just double clicking the view, but now in SQL Studio express when I modify the view it just brings it up in a query editor. I don't see my comments for my old SQL2000 views.

Is this just the way it is, and I need to get used to it. Or I am just missing something.

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Forum Recommendation

Sep 8, 2004

Can anyone recommend me other "REALLY GOOD" msql server forums?


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General Recommendation

Sep 26, 2004

Hi, folks. I've a production SQL machine with more than 20 users making transactions 24 hrs in 6 days a week. I've only Sunday for maintenance. The server has fixed 2 GB RAM allocation for SQL. Is it good to Restart SQL ( or machine) to clear the Buffer-Cache( or is it good to keep the cache) .... :rolleyes:


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Filegroup Recommendation

Jan 15, 2004

Are there any general recommendations concerning filegroups? My personal point of view is to place large tables in their own filegroups and group smaller, more static, tables in a single filegroup. Is it also good practice to group small and large index in two separate filegroups or should each large index have their own filegroup? Are there any useful links out there concerning filegroups and configuration?

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Software Recommendation

Oct 7, 2007

i need a recommendation for a good database creator & manager software, with a simple user interface (not access :-) ).


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SQL Hardware Recommendation

Jul 20, 2005

I am in need of some advice. I need to build a SQL machine that willbe adequate for my company. Budget is a very big factor but I need themachine to be reliable and as redundant as possible.This box will be 'vanilla' since I will be building it myself. Ilooked at some larger companies websites and the prices are way out ofcontrol.Here's what my configuration is so far (keeping price in mind):Case: rack-mount 4UMotherboard: Intel 865GLCL (800MHz FSB)Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHzMemory: 1GB DDRAMHard Drive(s): 3-36GB SATA [10,000 RPM] in RAID 5 configurationCD-ROM: standardFloppy: standardRAID Controller: Promise SATANIC: 3ComMy machine does not come under a very heavy load but it is used often.I'm interested in hearing others comments about their SQL servers so Iknow how to gauge building my machine.

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Book Recommendation

Jul 20, 2005

Can someone please recommend a good book for SQL Server 2000 for aprogrammer(Powerbuilder), not a DBA.

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Book Recommendation

Jul 27, 2006

I have begun to try to break out of using Access db's (97!) and have been trying out SQL Server Express 2005 along with the SQL Management Studio Express. I am a little confused with it as I am trying to use the interface inside of VB.NET 2005 as well as the management studio and sometimes I can connect from one without the other.

Anyway this points to the fact that I have a lot to learn and I was looking for a recommendation for a book that could be a tutorial for using VB.NET 2005 with SQL Server Express. I really need something that starts from square one but hopefully builds fast. Right now it appears I need to understand connection strings (when do I put ".sqlexpress" and when do I use the server name followed by the instance for example?).

I have tried some of the books online for example and ran into a dead end with the simple tutorial ( when the headers didn't sort, I couldn't select any other pages and the edit button didn't work. I don't have a clue what happened as I followed the instructions.

Anyway if someone could recommend something that teaches using SQL Server Express while building an application with VB2005 that would be perfect.


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Performance Recommendation

May 31, 2007

Please give me some advice. In my application I calculate a list of identifiers (Guids) that are primary keys in my table and I have to retrieve those rows from the database. So my first approach is like

Code SnippetSELECT id, c2 FROM t1 WHERE id IN (@id1, @id2, @id3,....)

where @idn are the calculated identifies as parameters. This approach does not scale well since there is a limit of parameters that can be used. So one possibility might be to use several SELECT statements, each with the maximum number of parameters. I can't believe that this is a good solution. A temporary table may be a better solution - I don't know. Are there any better ways to retrieve performantly - any recommandations?

Thanks a lot


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Maint Plan Issues

Aug 16, 2005

I have a maint plan for a single database to backup the database, thats it, very simple. It fails every time.

When I do a view history of the maint plan, it is empty as if it has never run. When I do a view history of the job, it shows it has failed after 13 seconds. With this message.
"Executed as user: sa. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed."

Any help would be great as I cannot get any backups to run. I am worried to say the least right now.

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Maint Cleanup Task

Mar 19, 2007

Ques; can "both" files the db backup (.bak) file "and" the (.txt)report file in a maint plan object be cleaned up at same time?

The object is working ok but trying to setup and match backup text reports to the db, I have way more .bak files than text files.

Created from/after db maint plan (which is working ok) from/in the object Maintenance Cleanup Task and the object selections are

Delete files of the following type:
_backup files
_maintenance plan text reports

File location:
_delte specific file
File name: __
_search folder and delete files based on an extension
File extension:__
File age:
_Delete files based on the age of the file at task run time...
delete files oder than the following. . . .

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