Best Approach To Move Data On A Same Server

Nov 26, 2007

I have staged my tables in a database which is in the same server as the destination database and they are on sql server 2005.

Now I need to push the data from the staged table to destination.

Which is the best approach in ssis ?

1) using execute sql task to a call stored procedure to push the data to a different database using server.dbo.table name from the stored procedure.


2) using dataflows to call a stored procedure and map source and destination.

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Move All, But Data, From One Sql Server To Another

Feb 23, 2007


We are currently moving our environment. I was told that we need to copy all the stuff over. More specifically, we want to move everything except the data, as our data is dynamic and will fill up in a few days by itself.

What is the best way to move everything over from one server instance to another?

My current approach is the following:

1. Create the file groups we have on our current server on the new server
2. Script out all databases with stored procedures, functions, views, priviliges, indexes ...
3. Script out all the jobs
4. Script out all the dts packages (or rather save each in a file)
5. Load all scripts into the new sql server
6. Re-create user accounts (can these be scripted out also and then loaded?)

Am I missing something or is there a wiser alternative?

Thanks a lot

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Best Approach To Encrypt Data?

Sep 12, 2007


I want to encrypt certain data like password, ssn, credit card info etc before saving in database. Also, this encrypted data can be queried using standard SQL statements like:

select * from users where userid=454 and password = 'encrypted data'

The mechanism to encrypt data could be in a .net application. The code that does encryption/decryption should also be protected so that it doesnt work if it falls in wrong hands.

Can anyone suggest what would be the best way to accomplish above?


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Data Normalization - Best Approach?

Feb 23, 2006


I wonder what would be the best (at to be honest - how to do it at all) to perform data normalization with SSIS. The scenario is as follows:
I got plain table with several columns in it.Some of columns can be copied straight into destination tableSome columns (String) should be lookup in another table to get IDOn success just replace string with IDOn fail - create new record in lookup table and return newly created ID
Thanks for any ideas and maybe short samples

Anrijs Vitolins

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Move Data From Access To Sql Server 7.0 Using Sql Queries

Jan 22, 2008

Hi All,
I hope I am at the right place to post this question:
How can I move the tables with its data from Access to SQL Server 7.0 using SQL queries. Later I might put everything in the store procedure and have a third party running the store-procedure to do it by itself.
Please advice what should I do first? Do I create new tables in the s SQL Server 7 or can I move the data and create the tables at the same time?..Thank you.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Move Data From One To Another Table

Jul 29, 2014

I have a table attendance_details in both database DB1 and DB2, i need to move 01/7/14 and 02/7/14 records from db1 to db2, My table contains

employee_no INT,
date_of_attendance datetime,
present varchar(20),
shift_type VARCHAR(20),
marked_by VARCHAR(50)

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Move Oracle Data To SQL Server 2005

Nov 19, 2007


When i try to use the Microsoft OLE-DB Drive for oracle in import/Export Wizard, it gives me message that Oracle networking driver is missing. Contact Oracle for this information.

Any idea to further move on this. I am wondering, why SQL Server 2005 does not have that driver.


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Integration Services :: How To Move Data From PDW Server

Aug 4, 2015

I need to move data from PDW Server to Sql Server through SSIS.

which component should I used under Data flow for PDW part !

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Transact SQL :: Move Data From Linked Remote Server?

Jun 18, 2015

I have a database that is off site, it has a database one it that I have a Linked server connection to. We have no other means of connecting to that server database except via that linked server connection. Is there a way I can Copy eplicatemoves etc... that database to an internal server with out doing it table by table. It is apx 80gig db 

Copying a backup file is not an option either, and Mailing it on media make it a significant delay.

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Move VistaDB Tables/data To SQL Server 2005

Feb 16, 2007

Is there any way to import a VistaDB database into SQL Server? From what I can tell, there is not...

Please advise.



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History/Data Change File Approach

Mar 4, 2005

I need to record in a table:
Who, When, What Field and New Value of Fields
When changes occur to an existing record.

The purpose is for users to occassionally view the changes. They'll want to be able to see the history of the record - who changed what and when.

I figured I'd add the needed code to the stored procedure that's doing the update for the record.

When the stored procedure is called to do the update, the PK and parameters are sent.

The SP could first retain the current state of the record from the disk,
then do the update, then "spin" thru the fields comparing the record state prior to the update and after. Differences could be parsed to a "Changes string" and in the end, this string is saved in a history record along with a few other fields:

Name, DateTime, Changes

FK to Changed Record: some int value
Name: Joe Blow
Date: 1/1/05 12:02pm
Changes: Severity: 23 Project: Everest Assigned Lab: 204

How does the above approach sound?

Is there a better way you'd suggest?

Any sample code for a system that spins thru the fields comparing 1 temporary record with another looking for changes?



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Help Required For Approach To Load Data Into Tables

Sep 27, 2007

Hi , I am loading the Data into the Tables with the constraints on and redirecting the error rows into a seperate table is there a way to capture the error rows from a execute sql task by directly loading data without constraints and later adding them with the execute sql task and redirecting them to error table as this approach would make the loads quicker. the approach now that i am using is on a row by row basis ..... and if i drop constraints and load data and then add constraints will this deposit the same error rows as in case of the current approach please send me ur suggestions

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ETL Delta Pulling Huge Data.. Right Approach ?

Dec 3, 2006

Hi all,

In an approach of building an ETL tool, we are into a situation wherein, a table has to be loaded on an incremental basis. The first run all the records apporx 100 lacs has to be loaded. From the next run, only the records that got updated since the last run of the package or newly added are to be pulled from the source Database. One idea we had was to have two OLE DB Source components, in one get those records that got updated or was added newly, since we have upddate cols in the DB getting them is fairly simple, in the next OLEDB source load all the records form the Destination, pass it onto a Merge Join then have a Conditional Split down the piple line, and handle the updates cum insert.

Now the question is, how slow the show is gonna be ? Will there be a case that the Source DB returns records pretty fast and Merge Join fails in anticipation of all the records from the destination ?

What might be the ideal way to go about my scenario.. Please advice...

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Move Data / Findings Into A Perm Table?

Oct 18, 2014

I would like to move the data / findings into a perm table?The reason for this is so clients can connect to the table using excel. I have another stored procedure which is setup in this process already and it works well. I basically have the stored procedure setup on a task to run early in the morning so when clients get up they connect and get their data.



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Move Data From Tables On Linked Server To Normal Database?

Nov 10, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to insert data from a TableA on ServerA into TableB on ServerB using SSIS in Visual Studio.

The specification I was given is basically

Insert INTO TableB AS (Select * from TableA WHERE NOT EXISTS on TableB).

I can't use a linked server unfortunately.

I wonder if it possible to move data from tables on a linked server to a "normal database"? What am I doing wrong?

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Approach Help To Load Data From Flatfiles Into Relational Table Where Data Is Coming As Spaces In Few Columns From Flatfiles

Sep 18, 2007

Hi ,

My Input is a flat file source and it has spaces in few columns in the data . These columns are linked to another table as a foreign key and when i try loading them in a relational structure Foreigh key violation is occuring , is there a standard method to replace these spaces .

what approach should i take so that data gets loaded in a relational structure.

for example

Name Age Salary Address
dsds 23 fghghgh

Salary description level
2345 nnncncn 4

here salary is used in this example , the datatype is char in real scenario

what approach should i take to load the data in with cleansing the spaces in ssis

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Move Text Data From Primary To New Filegroup?

Oct 15, 2015

I need to modify a table to reside on a new filegroup and also point TEXTIMAGE_ON to that filegroup instead of PRIMARY. Apparently in the past, the only way to achieve this via SQL is to create a new table, copy over data, drop the old table and rename the new table to the original name. I found this solution in the SQL Server 2005 forum.

Is there any other way to alter this table in order to point the TEXTIMAGE_ON to new filegroup using SQL Server 2014? We are on Standard edition. The technique I am using is the drop constraint (with move option) and add constraint (to new filegroup) commands. The data and indexes move, but not the text data (it still is in primary filegroup).

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SQL Server 2014 :: Move Data From Database Taking Into Account Identity Keys

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to move specific data from three linked tables on a source database to three tables on a destination database by generating dynamic SQL INSERT scripts but am getting stuck on the last set of INSERT statements. I don't think I can use SSIS because the source autonumber fields may already exist on the destination side but I could be wrong.

For simplicity, Table 1 (T1) has one autonumber key of PK1 as well as other fields (A1, B1, etc.).

Table 2 (T2) has one autonumber key of PK2 and a foreign key (FK1) that links back to PK1 as well as other fields (A2, B2, etc.).

Table 3 (T3) has one autonumber key of PK3 and a foreign key (FK2) that links back to PK2 as well as other fields (A3, B3, etc.).

Like this:
T1: PK1, A1, B1, etc.
T2: PK2, FK1, A2, B2, etc.
T3: PK3, FK2, A3, B3, etc.

So, I'm able to query the source database T1 to generate my dynamic SQL INSERT statements that will be run on the destination side. I'm also able to generate my dynamic SQL statements to insert into T2 but when I get to T3 I currently am stuck figuring out how to insert because the destination side is unable to match it's FK2 to the just inserted PK2. It throws the below error.

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AlwaysOn - Amount Of Data To Move To Replica Node

Aug 4, 2015

Background information: SQL 2014 Ent. highly volatile OLTP environment. We generate 10 - 12 GB compressed transaction log backup files every 15 minutes.

Currently - we have two-node A/P cluster residing on flash array. Need to leverage AlwaysOn to offload processing. Replica server with have Flash storage. Replica node has same CPU and memory footprint. 10GB connection between nodes. Anyone generating such large transaction log for 15/30 minute time period?

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Parameters Approach To Fill Report Header With Source Data Doesn't Work

Jan 19, 2007

It's well known issue, that one can't use any dataset fields in a
report header/footer directly. One of the approach is to create
query-based parameter that basically equals
=First(Fields!@FieldName@.Value, "@DataSetName@") and use that
parameter value instead. But it doesn't work in my case!

My report displays some entity description and is parametrized with
EntityID param. Its header contains entity name that, according to the
approach, is queried from the data source through the EntityName
report parameter. There's important issue: the report is displayed in
ReportViewer control, that is embedded into my application and entity
ID parameter isn't ser by user in ReportViewer parameters area. Its
default value is changed by the application with SetReportParameters()
web method every time a user wants to view the report according to the
entity the user is exploring in the application. But after the report
has been rendered, its header always contains not actual (outdated)
entity name. Nevertheless, the report body contains actual data
(including entity name). If I alter entity ID parameter in ReportViewer
or in web-based Report Manager and refresh report, header displays
correct entity name.

What's wrong in the workflow described?

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MS SQL Server 7.0 And Approach

Oct 18, 1999

NT Server 4.0 w/ SP4
SQL Server 7.0 w/ SP1
Win98 Client w/ Lotus Approach 9.5

I recently added SQL 7.0 to be a back end for my Approach front end. I transferred all the data from a dbase IV in approach to SQL. Most of the conversions worked ok. I have two big problems.

1) One particular repeat panel in Approach loses the children records of the master record. If I delete some of the records, more will appear. It's as if there is an imaginary limit of the number of records it can read in the repeat panel. I don't have this problem with any other records and children in repeat panels. I called Lotus and they don't have an answer. This is important because the children records need to be summed up so I can have a running total.

2) I original configured the clients to use the TCP/IP Netlib w/ the default port. I couldn't open enough databases so I changed to Multiprotocol. This allowed certain clients to open more databases, but others can't open additional databases. Also, after the change, the NT authentication login has had problems. I had to change to the SQL login to get all my clients back on line. Sometimes the same client can't open more than 10 databases while other times it will open 15. There is no consistent patten to when it can and can't open the additional databases.

If anyone knows how to fix either of these problems, I would greatly appreciate any advice. I'm getting tired of my boss yelling at me.



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Remote Hosted SQL Server - Approach?

Jul 18, 2007

I have been happily using RS (SQL200) on one of our local servers for some time. However, we have SQL2000 installed on a hosted, managed remote server for some applications we provide.

We need to report on the data so the obvious decision was to get RS installed on the remote machine so I could design and deploy the necessary reports from here to RS on the hosted server.

However, for various reasons (that I do not fully understand) the default install of RS does not work on the remote server and the hsoiting company won't install it in anything other than it's default dormat. So our original plan seems to be stuffed.

What are options here? It was suggested that we could 'replicate' the hosed server data to my 'local' SQL server but that seems to have hit a brick wall too.

What would I need to do to report using the 'local' RS against the 'remote' data - is this possible?

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Best Approach To Login To SQL Server Express?

Mar 28, 2007

I borrowed some code from a colleague to login into SQL Server:

public static SqlConnection GetConnection()
string dbNameSvr = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("DataBaseServer");
string db = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("DataBase");
string userId = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("UserId");
string password = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("Password");

string connStr = "Data Source=" + dbNameSvr + ";" +
"Database=" + db + ";" +
"User Id=" + userId +";" +
"Password=" + password + ";";

SqlConnection aConn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

return aConn;

It works but someone has commented that it is very insecure. I don't really understand why but I'll take his word for it. So I'm wondering what approach most people use to have a web app login to their database?

Robert W.

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Best Approach For Appl Development-SQL Server 2005

Apr 13, 2008


I'm looking for some input as to "how to" create a desktop application that will be using SQL Server 2005 with the possibility of becoming a web application later.

So far I have looked at Access 2007 as a candidate to build the appropriate forms and update the SQL Server, however I'm still wondering if there is a better approach considering that this app may likely become a web app, and I should bypass Access 2007 and use some other product, and it doesn't have to be a MS product, and could be Open Source.

The SQL Server 2005 part has been loaded and works fine with the various management tools.

With that said are there any opinions on what other application(s) could be used to build the front-end as rapidly as possible and still have scalability?


Cool Hand

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What's The Best Approach To Time-based Checking From App. To SQL Server?

Jan 14, 2007


I have an VB.NET application connected to a SQL Server Express. I want to let the application to run in either "Normal mode" or "Holiday mode" according to current weekday is normal day or state public holiday.

My approach is to find out all the public holidays in a year and enter them into a Holiday Table. Then some code in my application constantly check the current weekday against the one in the holiday table, if matches, the application goes into holiday mode.

This approach is not perfect as "State public holidays" are confirmed by the state government in the current year and the coming year. So state public holidays are unconfirmed for the third year afterward. The system is required by client to support public holiday in the next 10 years.

I wonder what is the best approach to this problem?


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Reporting Services :: Print Data With Blank Space And Move To Continue Data To Next Page

May 15, 2015

I am using SQL Server report 2008/2012 (SSRS) and my report viewer contains body content with 3 Row groups.
While printing the report,  data print with blank space and move to continue data to next page. 

Departure flight : 70 rows
First Page            : 42 rows printed
Second Page      : 23  rows printed  [ Supposed to be print 28 ,  if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ]
Third Page           : 5 rows printed

Departure flight : 42  rows
First Page            : 42  rows printed [Report max. record allowed to print 42 rows so if total record is 42 then print perfectly ]

Departure flight : 26 rows
First Page            : 23 rows printed [Supposed to be print 26, if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ]
Second Page      : 3 rows printed

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Move Text Data (not A File) Into An Image Data Type

Mar 11, 2008

The ERP manufacturer used an image data type to store large text data fields. I am trying to move these data types from one database to another database using either Sql Queries or MS Access. I can cast them as an 8000 char varchar to read them directly but have no luck importing into these image data fields.

Access and Crystal are not able to read these fields directly.

Any suggestions? Most information about these fields has to do with loading files but I am just moving data.



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NH: Best Practices Approach - Call Stored Proc - Or Run It Via Linked Server?

Mar 27, 2007

what pro's cons would there be to having a linked server run a local stored proc against another sql server or create that stored proc on that other sql server and call it from there in the c# code.
i would think that calling the stored proc would be more efficient that running a linked server - but please let me know your thoughts. I'm not sure i can have permission to add a stored proc on that server, so possibly the linked server is the only solution - but if i can put a stored proc on that server should i?

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Move Data To New SAN

Jun 14, 2006

Next month client is moving servers to new location. The servers will get new ip and subnet Our user db's which are on a SAN will be moving to new SAN. My plan is the following, please correct any mistakes.

1. Do full backups of everything
2. Detach user db's
3. Copy these files to usb box (100 gig worth)
4. After server is in new world bring it up
5. Copy db files from usb
6. Attach db files

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Best Way To Move Data

Jun 7, 2007


I'm a C# developer, not a DBA, but fairly familiar with sql server 2000 and learning 2005. I have a need to update a table on one sql server from another remote sql 2005 server. Both will be SQL 2005, but will not be on the same network, so there will be firewall issues to contend with. Security is not a huge concern as the data is public info and not personal secure information or anything like that. What I'll have is a table of data in one sql database. I will have a copy of that data on another sql server that is used at an ISP and drives a web site. I need the table at the ISP sql server to get updated from the SQL server that is onsite in our office on our private network. I would like to not have to get network admins to open sql server ports if possible, so I guess I'm wondering if there is an easy way with SQL 2005 to update data from one sql server to another in the environment that I have described that maybe could expose the data over a common port (ie port 80). I don't want to have to use integrated security as I'm not sure this would work between remote databases in this scenario. I don't know if the web service end point support in sql 2005 would allow this. The examples I have seen online show a sql endpoint created and then accessed from a .NET application. I can do that if I have to, but I would rather do all of this inside the database in some fashion. I am open to any idea that would work and if I need to, I can ditch the idea of using something over port 80 and can get the necessary ports open between the sql servers. This is a pretty simple scenario that we have with one table of data needing to be updated weekly on a web based sql server from a remote sql server.

Any ideas on how you would approach this would be greatly appreciated. Security for the data I'm accessing is not a huge concern as the data is public domain as I've said, but I need to make sure the rest of the server and database on both ends are secured.

Thanks for any help!

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What Is The Best Way To Move Data From...

Jul 20, 2005

Am MS Access 2000 DB To an SQL SERVER 2000?(without Enterprise manager)

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Move Data Between Databases

May 18, 2008

hi, I currently uses SQL Server 2005.I need to move the data to my website, how do I do that? I have the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I couldn't not get it to export the data in .sql file (which is needed to import to my website's SQL database).Please let me know of any tools I need to perform the task. thanks. 

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Move Data Between Database

May 15, 2006

Currently we update database A everyday with tables from database B.
Database is India and has poor connection speed. What would be the best method of moving this data.
Currently it's about 100 tables and on average its about 900 mb.
Any input is greatly appreciated.

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