Best Way To Handle Data Connections For Multiple Users And Executions.

May 3, 2008

 basically, is it inefficient to open and close a data connection everytime data needs to be retrieved
or is there a way for a user to use the same conenction over multiple pages or
for multiple users to share one global data connection
I just wanted to know this before I built a site where data could be constantly being pulled or put into the database.
It would be easier to just keep opening and closing the connection since it just means pasting in the small chunk of code I use to do that where I need it. 
I hear speak of connections sometimes not closing etc and wonder if that is an issue then if you are opening and closing too many of them.
 I am using SqlConnection SqlCommand and SqlDatareader , my code works, just wondering if my approach lacked scalability before I find out too late and have to rewrite everything . Jim 

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Multiple Executions Of Same Package Using DTEXEC

Dec 17, 2006


I have a file-deployed package which I need to call N times at once using DTEXEC.  When I attempt to execute N instances of the package, the second instance doesn't execute.  I can execute different packages at the same time, but never the same package more than once.  Does anyone know how to get this scenario working?  Just to clarify a bit more - I can call the package as many times as I like as long as I wait until the previous run of DTEXEC is finished.  Please help!



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MSDE - How Many Connections Can It Handle

Oct 8, 2005

I have an application that I have written that uses a sql server database running under MSDE 2000 on a 2003 server.

The application consists of many exe's that may run simultaneously and each of the exe's has a connection to the database.

Example, if I have 50 concurrent users using the system, that could actually be 150 actual connections to the database.

So, how many concurrent connections can the MSDE handle?



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How To Handle Users Hits To Single Table

Feb 4, 2008

Hello friends

I am new to SQL database design.I am having a table name customerletter_master in which all details of customer letters are saved.At a time i.e in single second around 200- 400 entry are made in customerletter_master table. Hits to customerletter_master table are more.

Following fields are used in customerletter_master – CID (autogen number), letterno(primary key),consignee, consignor, letterstatus1, letterstatus2, letterstatus3, POD, and some more fields. When letter passes to different stages letterstatus1 is filled to yes and then letterstatus2 and letterstatus3 are filled according to passage of letter.

And at same time many user can accesses the customerletter_master table to search any letter according to letterno. Therefore customerletter_master is used to enter data and to search data at same time and there can be more than 200-400 users doing add and search records to and from customerletter_master

how should i design this table. What should i use to enter and search record and minimize the table hits made by the user at same time. Should i use store procedures or any other method to add and search record. Plz help me out by giving some example.

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How Do I Scale A Database To Handle A Billion Simultaneous Users?

Mar 30, 2007

Hi everyone. I hope that my question isn't too broad, but here it goes...

I am trying to figure out the best way to scale a SQL Server database so that it can handle a billion simultaneous users querying the same tables, and can easily scale to handle many billions of simultaneous users. The database must also have 999.99% availability. The number of licences and amount of hardware needed is not an issue.

Thanks in advance.

View 15 Replies View Related

Force Users/connections To Disconnect From Db

Mar 6, 2004


I need to attach and detach 50 DB's, for which I have wrote a simple script. How can I make sure that there are no connections or users connected to the DB's, if there any users how can I forcefully disconnect them.


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Get @@trancount For All Users/ Connections URGENT

Sep 26, 2007

Hi all,

Is there any way to get the @@trancount for a connection from outside the connection?

The reason i'm asking is that a customer just lost a days work, and there is nothing in any table from a certain time onward. One theoy is that a backup was restored, but we checked and that is not the case.

So another theory is that a certain sproc began a transaction, but never finished because of an error. (We had some strange timeouts as well, so this is quite plausible.)

So the question: Can i get a list of current connections with their trancount? I could just run this to see if a certain connection would never get back to zero to check the transaction theory.
Thanks in advance,


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Number Of Simultaneous Users/connections On SQL Server

Mar 30, 2001


could somebody please let me know what is the maximum number of simultaneous users/connection per single SQL Server 7.0 box? Licenses are not the issue here, rather the number of physical connections supported before another server needs to be purchased.

Another variation of this question would be what's the highest number of databases that 7can be created on SQL 7.0 server and what is the highest number of physical connections supported per database? Again, licenses are not the issue. Thanks a lot in advance.

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Need A Way To Handle Multiple Selections

Oct 31, 2007

I have a webform that lists all items (codes) on the left and selected items (codes) on the right. A user selects an item on the left and clicks a button to move it to the right side. An update changes the bit from 0 to 1. This uses the bit column in the table to determine what is listed on the left (0) or right (1) sides.
Then I can filter in my stored procedure on the bit column WHERE (dbo.tblCodes.CodeSelect = 1)
My problem with this is that if two or more users are doing this process on different sessions, they can trip over each others selections.
I'm hoping someone has a suggestion on how I might avoid the users having this problem.

View 3 Replies View Related

How To Handle Multiple Files

Feb 19, 2008


I have a situation where every morning files are downloaded from an ftp site.

Problem is, I don't know beforehand how many files there will be. Usually it's one or two, but might be more. All files need to be loaded in the database.

How can I account for there multiple files, whose number I do not know beforehand? That is, in the file connection manager, how do I tell it which files to load?


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How To Handle Multiple Column Conversions

Jan 26, 2006

I have multiple columns in a table that I only want to convert if they are not null or of the proper type. I don't really want to redirect the whole row if one of the conversions fails, rather I would just not want to do the cast or set it to another value. In this scenario is it better to use a custom script or multiple tasks? The multiple tasks seems like a lot of overhead for processing the same data. Just curious how others handle this scenario as it seems as though it has come up quite often on our current project? Thanks for the assistance.


PS: Is it possible to embed evaluation statements along with conversion statements in a task expression? e.g. (len(trim([Column1])) > 0) substring([Column1], 1, 4)

View 1 Replies View Related

How To Handle Database Transaction Within Multiple Web Forms?

Dec 12, 2007

I have a 2.0 web application. In one of the modules I have following scenario. In the UI there are 3 pages to take the input from the user. On the 1st page, we are inserting data in the master table and with the same we are beginning new sql transaction with the isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED. so that uncommited master table data can be read.  Master table has also has 4 detail tables. Then the user is navigated to 2nd and then to 3rd page where the user can enter multiple records in the detail tables. And only after finishing on the 3rd page, the transaction is commited.
I want to ask that is it the right way of doing this kind of functionality?
And is there any other way of doing this?

View 6 Replies View Related

How To Handle Connection String When Using Tables From Multiple Databases?

Mar 10, 2004

I have a query that involves tables from 2 different databases. Using the query analyzer I can construct my query and it works great. Now I am trying to implement the query into my code and I am confused about I handle the connection string(s) since I am now using 2 different databases.

Can anybody help?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Cannot Handle Multiple Threads Same Time

Jul 24, 2012

we are queirying an stored procedure multiple times same time,from our application. In this case, few processes executing successfully and few getting failed with error "50000 error executing the stored procedure" and if we run thesame process again its getting executed sucessfully.Does the MySQL cannot handle multiple threads same time?

View 9 Replies View Related

Where To Store Multiple Connectionstings For Multiple Users?

Oct 26, 2006

We have an application where users log in and set up a ConnectionString based on the login-info. As to now, we have used

Application.Contents("conn") = (strConnectionString)

in Global.asax.vb (Application_Start section) and then in the in the webforms we use

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
con = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(Application("conn"))

(Each user has their own sql database that they connect to using the same scripts.)

The question is: When many users are logged on at the same time, will the use of Application.Contents be a safe way to connect to each users own database or is there a possibility that users suddenly will try to establish a connection to a database that is not their own?

Scenario: User1 logs in at 10:00 and establish a connection to his own database. At 10:05 User2 logs on and establish a connection to his database since Global.asax.vb is run again. Will User1 now use User2's connection so that he is actually woking on User2's database?

Is there a better/safer way to do this connection in Global.asax.vb ?

Help much appreciated!!!!

View 8 Replies View Related

How To Handle Multiple Result Sets Return From Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2007

Hi all,

I want to know how to handle multiple result sets return from Stored Procedure? I know one way is to insert the result sets into the table, but the limitation is the result sets must have the same data structure. If the result sets have different data structure, how can I handle it.


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Can The SQL 2005 Install Upgrade From SQL 2000 Handle Multiple Instances?

Aug 7, 2006

Can the SQL 2005 install upgrade from SQL 2000 handle multiple instances?

View 1 Replies View Related

Can SSRS 2005 Handle Stored Procedures Or SQL Subqueries That Rreturn Rowsets Based On Multiple SQL Updates?

Nov 8, 2006


I have a stored procedure that creates a temporary table, and then populates it using an INSERT and then a series of UPDATE statements. The procedure then returns the temporary table which will contain data in all of its columns.

When I call this procedure from SSRS 2005, the rowset returned contains data in only those columns that are populated by the INSERT statement. The columns that are set via the UPDATE statements are all empty. I read (in the Hitchhikers Guide to Reporting Services) that SSRS will only process the first rowset in a stored procedure that generates multiple rowsets. Is this true? Is this why SSRS does not retrieve data for the columns that are populated by the UPDATE statements?

Here is the stored procedure:


-- File: sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange.sql
-- Desc: Returns EDP program and related channel (i.e., provider) information from the IPTV Data warehouse.
-- Note that some of that data used by this procedure are obtained from the RMS_EPG database
-- which is created by an application (loadEPG) that loads the EPG data from a GLF format XML file.
-- Auth: H Hunsaker
-- Date: 11/07/2006

-- Example invocation
-- EXEC dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange ...

-- Arguments/Parameters:

-- Parameter Name Type Description
-- 3. StartDate datetime First date of reporting period
-- 4. EndDate datetime Last date of reporting period
-- TerseMode bit Return all columns? (1 = no, 0 = yes)
-- 5. AsXML bit Resultset format (0 = standard, 1 = XML)
-- 6. Debug bit Debug mode (0 = off, 1 = on). Currently disabled

IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
@EndDate datetime = NULL,
@TerseMode bit = 0,
@AsXML bit = 0,
@Debug bit = 0
-- Notes: Much of the program content (roles, flags, etc.) that we want is not stored in the IPTV data warehouse.
-- So I am going to the RMS_EPG database to obtain that information.
-- We will have to ensure that the 2 databases are generated at the same or a matching time
-- in order to to ensure that all programID values in the data warehouse can be located in the RMS_EPG database.

-- Debug code for testing
-- DECLARE @StartDate datetime
-- DECLARE @EndDate datetime
-- DECLARE @TerseMode bit

--SET @StartDate = NULL
--SET @EndDate = NULL
--SET @TerseMode = 1


CREATE TABLE #programWatched
--IPTV device ID
tdeviceId uniqueidentifier NULL,
taccountId uniqueidentifier NULL,

-- Basic program information
tprogram int NULL, -- programID from EPG XML, needed to access program data in the RMS_EPG db.
tprogramId uniqueidentifier NULL, -- programID generated by IPTV
tprogramTitle varchar(150) NULL,
tprogramEpisodeTitle varchar(100) NULL,
tprogramDescription varchar(500) NULL,

toriginDateTime datetime NULL,
tduration bigint NULL,
tprogramType nvarchar(100) NULL,
tchannelCallName nvarchar(20) NULL,

programMPAARating varchar(50) NULL,
programVCHIPRating varchar(50) NULL,
programMPAARatingVal smallint NULL,
programVChipRatingVal smallint NULL,

-- Categories
programGenre varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory1 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory2 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory3 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory4 varchar(50) NULL,

-- Roles
programActor1FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor2FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor3FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor4FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor5FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor6FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor7FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor8FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8 varchar(100) NULL,

programDirectorFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirectorLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirector varchar(100) NULL,

programWriterFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriterLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriter varchar(100) NULL,

programProducerFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducerLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducer varchar(100) NULL,

-- Flags
ClosedCaption bit NULL,
InStereo bit NULL,
Repeats bit NULL,
New bit NULL,
Live bit NULL,
Taped bit NULL,
Subtitled bit NULL,
ThreeD bit NULL,
Letterbox bit NULL,
Dolby bit NULL,

FlagOrdinalValue smallint NULL,

-- Channel
tchannelId int NULL,

callLetters varchar(20) NULL,
displayName varchar(50) NULL,
type varchar(50) NULL,
networkAffiliation varchar(50) NULL

-- I store the program watching data in a temp table because
-- data from the VIL and the Sandbox that were used to test this procedure were either incomplete or invalid.
-- Use of a temp table with a series of updates allow me more control over the result set.

INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system
AND originTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system

-- AccountId/SubscriberId
UPDATE #programWatched
SET taccountId = (SELECT accountId
FROM DW_BRDB_bm_device d
WHERE d.deviceId = tdeviceId)

-- program (this is the integer program ID stored in the EPG XML, not to be confused with the IPTV programId)
-- a program can occur on multiple channels, so we filter channels where scheduleTime <= originTime <= scheculeTime + durationSecs
UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelCallName = (SELECT TOP 1 channelCallName
WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND toriginDateTime BETWEEN scheduleTime AND DATEADD(s, epg.durationSecs, epg.scheduleTime))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tprogram = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramEpisodeTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programEpisodeTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramType = (SELECT TOP 1 programType FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName)

-- Rating (otained from programValues, can also be obtained from programFlags)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 9)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARatingVal = CASE programMPAARating
WHEN 'PG-13' THEN 30
WHEN 'NC-17' THEN 50

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 8)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRatingVal = CASE programVChipRating
WHEN 'TV-14' THEN 45

-- Genre
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programGenre = (SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType psct ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType pct ON pct.programCategoryTypeId = psct.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

-- Categories
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory1 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory2 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory3 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory4 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2, programCategory3))

-- Roles
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirector = programDirectorLastName + ' , ' + programDirectorFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriter = programWriterLastName + ' , ' + programWriterFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducer = programProducerLastName + ' , ' + programProducerFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1 = programActor1LastName + ' , ' + programActor1FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2 = programActor2LastName + ' , ' + programActor2FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3 = programActor3LastName + ' , ' + programActor3FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4 = programActor4LastName + ' , ' + programActor4FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5 = programActor5LastName + ' , ' + programActor5FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6 = programActor6LastName + ' , ' + programActor6FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7 = programActor7LastName + ' , ' + programActor7FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8 = programActor8LastName + ' , ' + programActor8FirstName

-- Channel (provider) Call Letters, Display Name and Type
-- Is this correct? Should we get the channelId from the schedule table?
-- Is this efficient? View execution plan

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelId = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET callLetters = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelCallLetters
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET displayName = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelDisplayName
JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET type = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelType
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET networkAffiliation = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelNetworkAffiliation
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

IF @TerseMode = 0
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime
-- Get only Genre, title, show date/time, rating, call letters
SELECT tDeviceId, tprogramTitle, tprogramEpisodeTitle, programGenre, toriginDateTime, programMPAARating, programVCHIPRating, tchannelCallName
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime

DROP TABLE #programWatched




I also tried a query that populates some of its columns via subqueries. The query works fine when executed by the SQL Sevrer Query Analyzer,
meaning that all columns contain values, but when executed from SSRS, the columns that are poulated by the subqueries are empty, and only the columns that are not set by subqueries contain values:


PW.originTime AS 'When Watched',
PW.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

(SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime
AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) AS Title,

(SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND
DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) As program,

(SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN
DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Genre,

(SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime
BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Category

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched PW
ORDER BY DeviceId, programId, originTime


Any help is appreciated

View 3 Replies View Related

Multiple Ado Connections

Feb 19, 2004

Hi, I have a VB application running on SQL Enterprise Edition. Physically there are only 20 users loging in to the software at one time. However i can see more that 12 SPIDs for each user. The developers have been opening a new connection for each form in the application i guess. Is it normal or is there any specific requirement that foces them to do so? Shall i need to change the default WORKER-THREADS option on the server for peformance? Suggestions please!!!


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DTS Packages Executions

Jun 22, 2007

I have a weird situation. I have migrated some DTS packages from a sql 7.0 server to SQL2005. One of them works as a DTS package but fails under the job sections with an error saying could not connect to the database server. I have no option but to rewrite the whole package in SSIS(which I hate).

Any ideas.

Paresh Motiwala
Boston, USA

View 2 Replies View Related

Multiple Connections In A CLR Trigger

May 23, 2007


Is there nay way that it is possible to connect to another database within a trigger€¦

My scenario is that an update in a table in database X triggers several updates in a table in Database Y. The databases are on the same SQL Server

Thanks for any ideas, solutions or hints you can give me..!!!

View 5 Replies View Related

Logging Sql Query Executions

Jan 30, 2008

Hi,I'm looking for a way to log exactly which sql queries are executed on a specific page request. Actually I'm not looking for anything advanced here, just a log which writes all the queries to a text-file would be good enough for me. Does anyone know of a tool for visual studio that could help me with this or is there a way to build a logger like this by hooking into ADO.NET in some way? This would help me out a whole lot now as I with this log could see that my cache logic really is working as it should. thanks! 

View 4 Replies View Related

Multiple Connections In Managed Trigger

Apr 13, 2006

Hi All,

I am trying to open multiple connections in a Managed Trigger but encoutering an error as :

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction context in use by another session.

Below is the sample code:

public partial class Triggers

[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger (Name="TrgInsertContract", Target="Contracts", Event="FOR INSERT")]
public static void TrgInsertContract()
SqlTriggerContext triggContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext;
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection = true");

SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT * from " + "inserted WHERE Active=1";
SqlDataReader reader;
reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=TestDB;Data Source=SHAIKDEV;User ID=sa;password=****");

Any help please ?????


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Help With Multiple Connections In A CLR Stored Procedure

Nov 3, 2005

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

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SQLExpress Problem With Multiple Connections

Feb 21, 2007

I have a SQLExpress Database that I can connect to from a C# application and seperately from an application via 'OBDC' with NO problems. Both applications are running on the Local PC running XPpro.

However, I cannot connect to the same database from both applications at the same time!

Is there a way around this ?, is it a restriction of the Express version ?

View 3 Replies View Related

Multiple Odbc Connections And Transactions

Jan 3, 2008

I am using ODBC to connect to SQL Server. The documentation says that ODBC transactions are managed on the connection level and cannot span connections.

Does this mean that two instances of my code using transactions (each with its own process and a single connection) in the same machine accessing the same database will not play nice together (violate transaction rules)?


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Prevent Simultaneous Package Executions

Oct 23, 2007

How can I prevent a package, or a section of a package, from being run more than once simultaneously? The package makes use of a staging database table, and if two copies of this package are run at the same time, there will be a race condition and possible corruption of the data in the database table. I have also noticed that the SSIS logging gets messed up and starts overwriting itself if I have more than one of these packages run at the same time.

What I am thinking of should work the same way as a serializable transaction lock on a normal query, where one query has to wait if another query has a lock on the table. I don't want the package to throw an error, I want it to wait until the other one is done.

I have been trying to use transactions in a test SSIS package, but they are not quite doing what I want them to do. I put various SSIS steps in a sequence container and require a serializable transaction. I have also tried putting the transaction at the package level, but that is not preventing simultaneous package runs.

Is there a built-in way to do this that is easy to implement? Otherwise, what I could do is insert a flag into the database indicating that a package is running, then make sure to reset the flag on any error or on completion. It seems like this alternate method could be error-prone though.

I am using SP2.

View 8 Replies View Related

Multiple Users Problem

Feb 15, 2006

Hi, I am building a web application now that will be used by multiple users. Users import data from a CSV into table 'temp' which is later converted to the right data type and then moved to another table, but I was wondering what would happen if more than 1 user was importing different files at the same time.Will this create a problem, if so how can I fix this?Thanks for the help.

View 3 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Conditional Multiple ODBC Connections

Feb 4, 2015

If I have 100 ODBC clients all submitting the following SQL at the same time how do I know that the SQL inside the conditional only gets executed once. It appear SQL Server is preventing it from happening but was curious how. Or do I need to add something to prevent it from happening.

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type='U' AND name = 'mytable)
CREATE table mytable (task int NOT NULL, first_name varchar(128), last_name varchar(128))

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Logging Signons And Stored Procedure Executions

Oct 25, 1999

I'm looking for a facility similar to NT audit facility except for SQL Server 6.5.

Is there a tool or facility that will track when users log in (using SQL Server security), and either which stored procedures they execute or which tables they select?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Determine If 3 Most Recent Job Executions Have Failed

Dec 29, 2014

I'm looking for feedback on a query I've devised to return a numeric value if the 3 most recent executions of a job have failed. The purpose of the query is to server as a custom counter alert for Idera SQL DM, and by definition an SQL Script alert must return a numeric value.

My environment is SQL Server 2008. Note that the job name is hard coded.

;WITH CTE_Restore_JobHistory AS
(SELECT h.[job_id]
,j.[name] as JobName

[Code] .....

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Best Way To Handle Data Access

Jan 23, 2006

This may be a loaded question, but I was wondering if anyone could outline the main options we have available to us for handling data access with 2.0 / SQL Server 2005.
I know at one extreme you can simply use the Data Controls like GridView, FormView, and DetailsView, specifying the necessary SQL on a page-by-page basis.  At the other extreme, my understanding is that you can basically set up a SQLConnection object, explicitly specify your SQL (or call a stored procedure) and then execute these items from within the code.
Can anyone either outline the main options or point me to a resource that better explains this?  Thanks!

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Multiple Users Logging Into A Database

Apr 27, 2004

I'm developing an application in ASP.Net that uses SQLServer. The database person in the team wants to have each user have a seperate login to the database so he can tell who has done what changes in the database. Is this a good practice? Or are their performancesecurity issues with this model?

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