Best Way To Import ASCII Tab Delimited File Every Week (5,000 Records)...

Jul 20, 2005

I need to import an ASCII tab delimited file that has roughly 5,000 records
once a week into a SQL Server table. I have researched BCP and it seems
like the way to go. Am I headed in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,


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Import Ascii File With Ssis And Script

Jan 15, 2007

Hi, i've question about how to import an ascii-file in a sql 2005 table.
I want to import this file also with an unique key. There i first have to get the last key form the table and then raise this key. Next step is to use this key during the import.

How do i have to do this in ssis?
Thanks in advance


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Import A CSV Delimited Text File Into A Table

Jan 18, 2007


Could you help me to write a script to import a CSV delimited text file into a sql server table.?



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Import Into Comma Delimited Text File (very Urgent)

Aug 28, 2001

I want to join differnet tables and import the data into comma delimited text file. There will be lot of checks like if then else to manipulate data. I want to use stored procedure but don't know how to output to text file. Is there any utility which can be used in stored procedure. In future this will be run as an automated job.
Thanks in advance.

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How To Import In Special Character Delimited Text File By Using SSIS ?

Sep 26, 2007


I would like to know how to import in the custom delimited text file by using SSIS.
For example, instead by using tab or comma delimited, I use this character : '�'
The reason is the delimited format that SSIS provided is too common such as colon, semi colon, tab, comma and pipeline.
I have the data that the user also key in the pipeline there. So I am thinking to separate the field by using this special character, but cannot see if there is anyway to import in by using SSIS.

Please help to share the solution on this :


best regards,

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How To Export Records From Sql Database To Tab-delimited File

Jul 7, 2005

I want to export data/records coming from the database and save it as a
.txt file but tab-delimited. The flow of my project is something this.

Web Form->SQL Database->Web Report->Tab-Delimited file.

I will explain more..What we want to do is an online application form.
We have a form and will save all the data to sql server database. We
also want to save all those information in a tab-delimited file. I
would like to save this first in the database(no problem in this part).
Then later on export this in tab-delimited file.

If you can give me a little bit tutorial of this i really
appreciated..Even 3 records can do as long i can see how to do
this..Ooops btw, i also want  to name the .txt file as

Thank you very much!

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Import ASCII Data

Aug 29, 2006

I have data that comes from a legacy system. I can obtain the data in anASCII format. Currently I have created scripts in ACCESS to import the datainto tables.What I would like to do is create an automated import function in SQL.I am new to SQL, can anyone point me in the direction I should look to findout how I could perform this task?Using SQL 2005.ThanksMatt--Matt Campbellmattc (at) saunatec [dot] comMessage posted via

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Flat File Records Dropped During Import

Jun 7, 2007

I am attempting to import a fixed width flat file into a SQL Server table. When I import the file, 704 records don't make it into the table. I know this because if I do the import with MS Access 2003 into an Access table, all of the records from the flat file make it into the table. The flat files have a .txt extension.

The only possible problem that I can see is that some of the rows in the flat file do not contain the full set of characters. When I do the import into SQL Server and create a table on the fly, I still end up 704 records short. There are no error messages during or after the import.

I suppose I could isolate some of the missing records, put them into a different file and try to import them to see what would happen. Other than that, how do I begin to troubleshoot this problem? Are there known issues where records can be dropped from a fixed width file?

Thank you for your help!


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Import From Flat File Having 2 Types Of Records

Feb 6, 2008

I have a flat file that contains 2 types of records - Dev and production. The Dev will be noted with an D and the Production with a P. These records are different - The dev records are in a different order and contain different info then the Production. I need to use SSIS to import the data into 2 different SQL Tables. How to do this?
Can any one help me
Thanks in advance

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Import Text File Report With Varying Content And Records

Oct 23, 2014

I get error reports in simple text files like the one below in relatively the same format. The only thing that varies is the number error reasons as there can be any number of error reasons for a file. Usually there is only one but there can be a handful. What is the best way to capture the error description and count of errors no matter how many there are? I want to take these items and update a table I have in sql server 2008r.

Report Message example:
************************************************** *****

Original File Name: some.file.YYYYMMDD.d.incr.02of02.1.dat
Source File ID: file02YYYYMMDD
File Receipt Date: 10/17/2014
Total records received: 1331136
Total records loaded: 1329987

Error code: EBBW002 Error desc: Duplicate Record Total records: 1146
Error code: EABC001 Error desc: Invalid Length Record Total records: 1
Error code: ERRCM10 Error desc: Missing First Name Total records: 2

Total number of Errors encountered during the ODS update processing: 1149
************************************************** *****

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Convert An Ascii File To Sql

Oct 7, 2005

All,  I have to automatically grap a dbf or ascii file from my hard drive and then insert that into an already existing database table.  Does anyone know how to do this? The only thing I can find is to do it manually from enterprise manager, but I need to automate this.Thanks in advance!

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Best Practice For Ragged Delimited Text Import

Aug 9, 2007

I have tab delimited text files which may have optional fields (meaning they can be not present at all) to the right of the required fields that I care about. It would appear that using a Flat File Connection with Delimited Format (tab) set will choke if it is initially configured with a file that has something like:

data data data

and it then encounters

data data data optionaldata

It chokes. I know this could be parsed line by line, but that seems silly. It seems like there should be a way to ignore columns beyond a certain point (e.g. Format "Delimited Ragged Right").

Is there some way to do this with a directly with a flat file connection?



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Double Quotes In ASCII File

Feb 1, 2006

I've an issue with double-quotes in CSV file. One of the columns may contain this kind of value: "STATUS ""H"" "

I've got quote set to "

The file source fails on such records.

I found this thread and Scott tells us there that the file can't contain " in data.

Is this 100% correct?

I've got mutliple text columns and the pain is that I don't know which column might have these cases in future. To create a script means to write my own file parser for all files I use.

Any ideas?


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How To Get Records (In This Week) Only?

Feb 26, 2007


How to get records from MSSQL database which only recorded from the biging of this week?

in example my week begin from Sunday..

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Display Records For This Week

Apr 15, 2008

hi friends,

how to display the records for this week?

for today i used this query to dispaly the values

select count(*) from tbl_voting v,tbl_lkvotefor l where v.voteforid=l.voteforid and v.creationdatetime=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Import To Table From Varying Tab Delimited Text Files

Feb 10, 2014

I need to import data to a MSSql table from massive (read: a million and a half rows, every single day) logs that come in .txt format separated in tabs with a ";" symbol and then have some stored procedures analyze that data to generate some reports in an excel file with that info. The text files include the column headers in the first row and the data starts on the second one.

The challenge is that the text files differ in column order and count every single day.

The analysis that I need to do only needs about 15 columns from the nearly 90-120 that those files include, and those columns sadly happen to be in a different order in those files.

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Inserting From A Comma-seperated Ascii-file With Logics

Nov 17, 1999

Hi all !

I want to insert things to SQL-server from an ascii file but I also want to add logics with IF - Then _ Else statements. I guess the only way is to make a
stored Procedure.

How do you do when you want to read from a text file using the data into variables and then write it into the database ?

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Dropped Lines When NULL Ascii Value In Text File

Aug 11, 2006


My problem is that I have to process a special text file every day which contains 0 ASCII values to separate fields. The DTS import program drops everything after the ascii 0 value in the row, but of course I need the entire row with all fields.
So how can I prevent the text file import task from dropping everything after the 0 ascii value?

Could you help me in this?

thank you

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Selecting The Records In The Present Week

Dec 3, 2007

Dear All,

I want to retrive the records if are created in a particular week.
if i pass 03/12/2007 , i want get records which are created in that week

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Parsing Variable Length Delimited Records

Mar 25, 2006

I am running SQLServer 2000 to parse and store records in the EDIX12
format. This consists of variable length delimited records which
I am passing to the "transforms" tab to process with VBScript.

The problem is though each segment has a defined number of fields, N,
the standard states that if the final M fieds are empty/blank they are
not to be sent. Thus, a segment defined to have 20 fields may
have 6 the first time I see it, 13 the next time, etc. To access
the columns in VBScript I use DTSSource("Col001"). This works as
long as the columns are there, but gives an error when they are
not. Is there a parameter telling me how many columns are
defined? Or is there something akin to IFEXISTS("Colxxx") or

How can I handle this situation? One suggestion has been to pass
the entire segment to the Transforms section and break it up there.

Finally, what resources can yuo point me to for reference? I'd
like to get good at using DTS since my client wants their project
written for it.

Thanks for yuor help,


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Generating AScii 7 Bit Flat File (.txt) On To A FTP Location Using Integration Services/DTS

Sep 12, 2006

Hi All,

I need to know how to create a AScii 7 bit flat file using Integration services. I do have basic charecters in the flat files - only other charecters required are a pipe (|), which is used as delimeter and additionally it will have line feed (LF) which is used as row delimeter.

Please let me know if this is possible.


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Problem With BULK INSERT ASCII File Into Nvarchar Column

Aug 21, 2007

I have a problem with BULK INSERT. I created the following table:

Code Snippetcreate table Test
(id char(4), name nvarchar(16), last char(1))

I am trying to bulk insert data from ASCII (not unicode) file with only two rows:
0011First name
0018Second name

Since it is a fixed length file, I am using the following format file:

Code Snippet
3 SQLCHAR 0 0 "

With bcp utility everything works just fine!

Code Snippet
bcp Demo.dbo.test in c: est -T -f c: est.fmt

But when I use BULK INSERT in the following form:

Code Snippet

I am getting error
Server: Msg 4863, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk insert data conversion error (truncation) for row 1, column 2 (name).

Now, one interesting thing: if I change the name field from nvarchar to varchar, it is working with BULK INSERT as well.
Can anybody explain what is going on here?

I am using MS SQL 2000 and MSDE

Thanks in advance,

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Generating AScii 7 Bit Flat File (.txt) On To A FTP Location Using Integration Services/DTS

Sep 12, 2006

Hi All,

I am using MS SQL 2005 and using Integration Services I have created FTP task to create a txt file with the required information on to a FTP location. But I need the encoding of the file to be set to AScii 7 bit mode rather than unicode or Ansi-Latin I - which are 16 bit. I tried creating the file first in unicode first & then converting it Ascii, but this made me to loose some data from the generated file. Looks like this doesnt work out and my attempts generating AScii 7 bit flat file is failing. I need solution to URGENTLY otherwise I will have think of some alternative other than Integration services. Egarly waiting for any responses!!


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Alternate Week Database Records Display

Oct 4, 2013

In our organization we have fixed two weeks menu. On our intranet i have database entries with two weeeks menu without dates. I want first six entries to appear in one week and next six entries to appear in another week. How can i achieve this with SQL query.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Parse Two Delimited Table Columns Into Multiple Records

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table structure where there are multiple "/" separated values in two columns that I need to parse out into single records.

INSERT INTO CONFIGNEW(PlanID, GroupID, SubGroupID, ExternalCode) VALUES('101/201', '000005', 'LAA/OCA/UCA/XCA', '1', 'M231_1)

[Code] .....

The results I am looking to achieve are:


Is there an SQL statement that can be used to accomplish this?

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Transact SQL :: Replace Column Value From ASCII Characters To Non ASCII Characters In Table?

Oct 22, 2015

I’m getting ASCII characters in one column of my table. So I want to replace same column value in NON ASCII characters.

Note – values in column must be same

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Debug Stored Procedure That Uses Comma Delimited List To Insert Multiple Records

Jan 18, 2006

I need some help with a stored procedure to insert multiple rows into a join table from a checkboxlist on a form. The database structure has 3 tables - Products, Files, and ProductFiles(join). From a formview users are able to upload files to the server. The formview has a products checkboxlist where the user selects all products a file they are uploading applies too. I parse the selected values of the checkboxlist into a comma delimited list that is then passed with other parameters to the stored proc. If only one value is selected in the checkboxlist then the spproc executed correctly. Also, if i run sql profiler i can confirm that the that is passing the correct information to the sproc:
exec proc_Add_Product_Files @FileName = N'This is just a test.doc', @FileDescription = N'test', @FileSize = 24064, @LanguageID = NULL, @DocumentCategoryID = 1, @ComplianceID = NULL, @SubmittedBy = N'Kevin McPhail', @SubmittedDate = 'Jan 18 2006 12:00:00:000AM', @ProductID = N'10,11,8'
Here is the stored proc it is based on an article posted in another newsgroup on handling lists in a stored proc. Obviously there was something in the article i did not understand correctly or the author left something out that most people probably already know (I am fairly new to stored procs)
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Add_Product_Files_v2/*Declare variables for the stored procedure. ProductID is a varchar because it will receive a comma,delimited list of values from the webform and then insert a rowinto productfiles for each product that the file being uploaded pertains to. */@FileName varchar(150),@FileDescription varchar(150),@FileSize int,@LanguageID int,@DocumentCategoryID int,@ComplianceID int,@SubmittedBy varchar(50),@SubmittedDate datetime,@ProductID varchar(150)
/*Insert into the files table and retrieve the primary key of the new record using @@identity*/ INSERT INTO Files (FileName, FileDescription, FileSize, LanguageID, DocumentCategoryID, ComplianceID, SubmittedBy, SubmittedDate) Values (@FileName, @FileDescription, @FileSize, @LanguageID, @DocumentCategoryID, @ComplianceID, @SubmittedBy, @SubmittedDate)
 Select @FileID=@@Identity
/*Uses dynamic sql to insert the comma delimited list of productids into the productfiles table.*/ DECLARE @ProductFilesInsert varchar(2000)
 SET @ProductFilesInsert = 'INSERT INTO ProductFiles (FileID, ProductID) SELECT  ' + CONVERT(varchar,@FileID) + ', Product1ID FROM Products WHERE Product1ID IN (' + @ProductID + ')'  exec(@ProductFilesInsert) EndGO

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Importing A Tab Delimited File

Jul 5, 2007

hi all,

While importing a tab delimited file..
it seems ssis interprets the incoming col as 50 chars in length even
though it is far smaller.
any ideas how this could be??

any help would be appreciated.

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Tab-delimited Header File

Feb 19, 2008

used bcp utility to send data to output file in tab-delimited format (-t ), but headerfile is separate entity in this query.

when I set FILEheader = firstname,lastname...what must I use to change the comma to tab in the header string. I have tried various ways , {t}, [-t], and others. what am I missing?

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Character Delimited BCP File

Feb 6, 2008

Is there a faster way to create my pipe delimited BCP file, besides from creating a format file? Actually, my problem is that I am having issue with the file. It looks perfect, like:

Code Snippet

But when I load it to DataStage it puts the entire row as one column. I already specified the | as the delimiter in DataStage. I think the issue is from the column collation. If my data is as simple as my example above, what column collation should i use for the format file? Currentyl, i have something like:

Code Snippet8.0
1 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 1 emp_id ""
2 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 2 emp_cand_id ""
3 SYBCHAR 0 4 "|" 3 emp_statusid ""
4 SYBCHAR 0 4 "
" 4 emp_type SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

I generated this through prompts given by BCP for each column. Then I changed the 2nd column values all to SYBCHAR and 0 prefix length..

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Parsing A Tab Delimited File

Dec 5, 2007

I have a tab delimited file with 122 columns. Can any one let me know if there is a better way of parsing/extracting few columns (say about 15) from the file and loading it into a table using SSIS.

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Delimited Txt File Into SQL Server Table

May 16, 2007

I am new to VB, and am looking to write some code to import a delimited (by a ~) .txt file into a SQL server table.  It doesn't need to append, just to totally overwrtie the table.  Is this possible?  I have been looking at the Bulk Insert, but this doesn't seem to be quite right.  Can anyone help?

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Comma Delimited Text File

May 18, 2004

Hi I'm pretty new to using Microsoft Visual C# .NET and I want to upload a comma delimited text file from my local machine into a table in an sql server database through a web app. How would I go about programming this and what controls do I need? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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