Quick question here. I am working with a database which uses Binary(8) as an id(ie, contact_id is binary(8), and connects 2 tables). I can already extract the binary data (in the form 00-00-00-00-00-00-ab-cd). I know that there exists a contact_id 0x0000000000001989 (hex) however, when I attempt this query...
"SELECT * FROM Support_Incident where Contact_Id = '0x0000000000001989'". I get no results. What have I done wrong?
here is my problem: i have a variable @sid_x as binary(16) = 0x4CF254AB0BA5D411AA3E00508BC5C413 and i want to use it as argument in sp_addlogin statement.
select @sqlcmd = 'sp_addlogin "test", @sid = ' + @sid_t /* this doesn't work, because @sid_t is binary... */
select @sqlcmd = 'sp_addlogin "test", @sid = ' + convert (char (20), @sid_x) /* this doesn't work either, because it doesn't convert to binary text */
my question, is there any way i can get @sid_x in follow text format 0x4CF254AB0BA5D411AA3E00508BC5C413 ?
I can't take full credit for this. I want to share this with Jeff Moden who did the important research for this calculation here.
All I did was just adapting some old code according to the mantissa finding Jeff made and optimized it a little
Some test codeDECLARE@SomeNumber FLOAT, @BinFloat BINARY(8)
SELECT@SomeNumber = -185.6125, @BinFloat = CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))
SELECT@SomeNumber AS [Original], CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8)) AS [Binary], dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Converted], @SomeNumber - dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float(CAST(@SomeNumber AS BINARY(8))) AS [Error]
And here is the code for the function.CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnBinaryFloat2Float ( @BinaryFloat BINARY(8) ) RETURNS FLOAT AS BEGIN DECLARE@Part TINYINT, @PartValue TINYINT, @Mask TINYINT, @Mantissa FLOAT, @Exponent SMALLINT, @Bit TINYINT, @Ln2 FLOAT, @BigValue BIGINT
WHILE @Part <= 8 BEGIN SELECT@Part = @Part + 1, @PartValue = CAST(SUBSTRING(@BinaryFloat, @Part, 1) AS TINYINT), @Mask =CASE WHEN @Part = 2 THEN 8 ELSE 128 END
WHILE @Mask > 0 BEGIN IF @PartValue & @Mask > 0 SET @Mantissa = @Mantissa + EXP(-@Bit * @Ln2)
SELECT@Bit = @Bit + 1, @Mask = @Mask / 2 END END
RETURNSIGN(@BigValue) * @Mantissa * POWER(CAST(2 AS FLOAT), @Exponent - 1023) END Thanks again Jeff!
I have a table with 10 rows with a varbinary column
I wish to concatenate all the binary column into a single binary column and then write that to another table within the database. This application splits a binary file (Word or PDF document) into multiple segments (this is Column2 as below)
I'm using a bit-wise comparison to effectively store multiple values in one column. However once the number of values increases it starts to become too big for a int data type.you also cannot perform a bitwise & on two binary datatypes. Is there a better way to store the binary data rather than int or binary?
insert into scn_transaction (sourceSystemName) values(@sourceSystem);
SELECT @txOut = @@identity
Whose purpose is to perform an insert into a table and return me the identity value of the inserted record, which I'll then use throughout the rest of my package. The identity column in the inserted table is numeric(18,0).
I execute the stored proc with the following sql with an OLE DB connection manager:
exec sp_newTransaction ?, ?
The first parameter is a string variable from earlier in the package, and the second is the output parameter. I have the following parameter mappings to the execute sql task:
The proc is correctly called, and the row insesrted, however I get a type conversion error when SSIS attempts to map the return parameter to my package variable... I've tried all sorts of combonations, and can't seem to get it to execute.
At one point I wasn't returning a numeric, but rather an int from the stored proc, and all was well until I went to use the variable in a derived column later in the package, and the type was converted quite incorrectly (a 1 was 77799789080 or some such), indicating a type conversion error likely related to the encoding of the number.
I'd like to keep the datatypes as numeric and make ssis use those - any pointers are greatly appreciated as to what type my package variable should be to allow proper assignment of a sql server numeric type to it.
I have a field in a table that stores date of birth. The field's datatype is char(6) and looks like this: 091703 (mmddyy). I want to convert this value to a datetime datatype.
What is the syntax to convert char(6) to datetime?
HI,I have a table with IDENTITY column with the datatype as INTEGER. Nowthis table record count is almost reaching its limt. that is totalrecord count is almost near to 2^31-1. It will reach the limit with inanother one or two months.In order to avoid the arithmentic overflow error 8115, we would likechange the datatype from INT to BIGINT. we hope this will solve ourproblem.How do I approch this datatype conversion?. Since the data count ishuge, that leads to a long down time of database.we need better approach or solution for this problem?. kindly give mea better solution that will reduce the total downtime of the productiondatabase.?.Regards
i have so doubts in my mind and that i want to discuss with you guys... Can i use more then 5/6 fields in a table with datatype of Text as u know Text can store maximu data... ? acutally i am trying to store a very long strings values into the all fields. it's just popup into my mind that might be table structer would not able to store that my amount of data when u use more then 5/6 text datatypes...
and another thing... is which one is better to use as data type "Text" or "varchar(max)"... ? if any article to read more about these thing,, can you refere to me...
i am using asp.net 2.0 with c#. i have database - mssql server. in that i have tuser table in that table i have password feild which datatype is Binary. when i am entered password in asp.net application that time runtime error is convert the string to binary. my code is---string myByte = Stingtest; System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();Byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(myByte);myByte = ""; myByte = encoding.GetString(bytes);
Hello,I am trying to serialize (binary) a class and save it in a database. I followed a few examples I found in internet and this is what I came up with: 1 ' Rows 2 <Serializable()> _ 3 Public Class Rows 4 Implements ISerializable 5 6 Private _Rows As New Generic.List(Of Row) 7 Public Property Rows() As Generic.List(Of Row) 8 Get 9 Return _Rows 10 End Get 11 Set(ByVal value As Generic.List(Of Row)) 12 _Rows = value 13 End Set 14 End Property ' Rows 15 16 ' New 17 Public Sub New() 18 End Sub ' New 19 20 ' New 21 Public Sub New(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext) 22 End Sub ' New 23 24 ' GetObjectData 25 Public Sub GetObjectData(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData 26 27 siRows.AddValue("Rows", Me.Rows) 28 29 End Sub ' GetObjectData 30 31 Public Sub Serialize(ByVal filename As String) 32 33 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null 34 Try 35 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite) 36 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter 37 bfRows.Serialize(sRows, Me) 38 Finally 39 sRows.Close() 40 End Try 41 42 End Sub ' Serialize 43 44 Public Shared Function Deserialize(ByVal filename As String) As Rows 45 46 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null 47 Try 48 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) 49 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter 50 Return CType(bfRows.Deserialize(sRows), Rows) 51 Finally 52 sRows.Close() 53 End Try 54 55 End Function ' Deserialize 56 57 End Class ' Rows After serializing the class I need to save it in an a SQL 2005 database.But all the examples I followed use the filename ... Anyway, do I need to do something to save this into an SQL 2005 database or can I use it as follows? And how can I use this?This is the first time I do something like this so I am a little bit confused.Thanks,Miguel
Hy friends!I'm new in WebApplications that have SQL SERVER DB.My problem is that...In the DataBase I have a table with varbinary column and in the program I want save in this column a value of binary[] variable! How I can make it?Another question.... If I want select (by a query in the application) the value of the binary column, where I store it? because if I want select an integer value I take this in a int variable, and if I want select an string value from a DataBase I take this in a string variable..but How I can make it with binary column?Thanks in advance!!
Hello, I have a table which uses binary data to store passwords. How do I view the contents of the "binary data" column, ie. the passwords? It just shows it as <binary data>?
I have a binary column with length 20 in SQL server table. I store dynamically C# byte[] value range from 0 to 19. So for example, If I store length of 16 and when I try to retrive it back into byte [] in C# it returns whole length 20. When I see in debug it has value from 0 to 15 which I want to use but from 16 to 19 is zero. How can I get just length value which I stored.
I use DataRow to get whole row and from the row object I extract byte [] based on column name.
I have a field in my database defined as a bit. I need to bind this field to a checkbox I have stored in a datgrid on my webform. I'm having problmes finding the right call in the html
We have a dll that sends a hexadecimal data (const. length) to MS SQL Server database. It's declared as String in VB, the db column data type is binary.
Here is the SQL String that has been executed successfully in Query Analyzer:
When I am trying to do the same thing in the insert stored procedure, I get an error message: "Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type binary, table 'MyDB.dbo.MyTABLE', column 'MyCOLUMN'. Use the convert function to run this query."
How does one go about getting a graphic image into SQL Server 6.5. For example, let`s say I have a company logo that I want to include in a company profile table to be used on some reports. The graphic is now a .BMP or .GIF or .JPG file.
Can anyone provide me with the syntax for comparing rows of two tables using binary checksum? The tables A and B have 8 & 9 columns respectively. The PK in both cases is Col1 & Col2. I want checksum on Columns 1 to 8.
Hi there, Am working on an archiving system that stores files/images in a column of type Binary. we want to change the front end of this archiving system it was done using asp.net we dont have access to the source code what is the way to retrieve the files from the binary columns? how they store or retrieve the files? Thanx best site for sql,,,
I would like to drop the leading 0x on a binary value so I can do abitwise operation.Here is simplified code:select right(0x88186000,8)I expected to get back 88186000, this was not the case. The commandreturned some wierd characters.Am I missing something?
Is it true that binary and varbinary has a max-kapacity at 8000 bytes? Imjyst unsure how to read the dokumentation and want to be completely sure.And image is only one to use for data aobve that size?Thx in regards for clearing things out for meReagardsAnders
I want to store a binary string in SqlServer from VB .NET through astored procedure. I have been storing the binary data in a BitArraywhich I am not set on by any means. When I pass the BitArray into astored procedure, which is looking for a variable of type binary, itthrows the following: "Object must implement IConvertible." BitArrayobviously does not implement IConvertable.If anyone has a good way of passing binary data into a storedprocedure through a parameter array I'd appreciate it.
I have a 256 bit hash value to identify chunks of data. Would it be a good idea to create a 32-byte binary field as the primary key or encode the bytes to a string?
Need help reading a binary file see below for details...
I have uploaded a csv file into a sql table. Now i want to extract the data and insert the data in the csv file into another sql table. What commands can i use in sql to extract/ read the data ?
Hello Dears, I was Maked Pictures table in sql server 2005 with Two Col pic_Id (int) and picture(binary) i need now ro insert image into this table by Asp.net under VB.net Code i have in my form FileUpload and button control and this is my CodeProtected Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click Dim content() As Byte = ReadBitmap2ByteArray(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType) StoreBlob2DataBase(content) End SubFunction ReadBitmap2ByteArray(ByVal FileName As String) As Byte() Dim image As Drawing.Bitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(FileName)Dim stream As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream() image.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)Return stream.ToArray End Function Sub StoreBlob2DataBase(ByVal content As Byte()) con.Open()Dim cm As New SqlCommand("Insert into Pictures(Pic_Id,picture) values(@id,@pic)", con) cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", 1)Dim p1 As New SqlParameter p1.ParameterName = "@pic" p1.SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.Binary p1.Value = content p1.Size = content.Length cm.Parameters.Add(p1) cm.ExecuteNonQuery() End Sub
when i make run to my website it give me an Exeption in this statement Dim image As Drawing.Bitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(FileName) it tell me that Parameter is not valid i need help about this please with my Best regard khalil
Here is my task I am storing pdf's in sql server. I would like to retrieve the binary data from sql server and write the pdf content into an existing aspx page to the appropriate pageview section. What is the best way to handle this. The code works below but it loads a new browser with the content. I need it to appear in it's tabbed section in the original aspx file. Any assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jerry oSQLConn.Open()Dim myreader As SqlDataReader myreader = myCommand.ExecuteReader Response.Expires = 0 Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear() Do While (myreader.Read()) Response.ContentType = ("application/pdf")Response.BinaryWrite(myreader.Item("img_content")) Loop
Hello, I have a table that stores binary files. When I serve them up to the user, I call the following page (serveDocument.aspx?DocumentID=xxx) which holds only the following code and pass the document ID: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim DocumentID As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString("DocumentID")) 'Connect to the database and bring back the image contents & MIME type for the specified picture Using myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("kelly_lmConnectionString1").ConnectionString) Const SQL As String = "SELECT [Content_Type], [Document_Data] FROM [lm_Service_Detail_Documents] WHERE [Document_id] = @Document_id" Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(SQL, myConnection) myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Document_id", DocumentID) myConnection.Open() Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader If myReader.Read Then Response.ContentType = myReader("Content_Type").ToString() Response.BinaryWrite(myReader("Document_Data")) End If
myReader.Close() myConnection.Close() End Using End Sub It works perfectly. But heres the thing: I want users to be able to right click on the link and chose 'Save Target As'. In IE 7, this works fine. In FireFox it saves the document as 'serveDocument.aspx'. Is there any way to inject the filename that I want to save the document as? Thank you.
I need help please. I have a image field in SQL called AttachData. I need to retrieve the information and save it on my computer. I tried the following but it fails on the line 7. How can I write the data from sql to my computer? Here is my table in sql: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MailAttachment]( [MsgID] [int] NOT NULL, [AttachName] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Hebrew_CI_AS NULL, [AttachType] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Hebrew_CI_AS NULL, [AttachSize] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT (0), [AttachCompSize] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT (0),[AttachData] [image] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]1 Dim s As New _ 2 System.IO.FileStream("c:emails" _ 3 & "" & AttachName.ToString, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew,System.IO.FileAccess.Write) 4 6 7 ' s.Write(CType(AttachData, Byte()), 0, CInt(AttachSize)) 8 10 11 s.Close()