I am trying to serialize (binary) a class and save it in a database. I followed a few examples I found in internet and this is what I came up with: 1 ' Rows
2 <Serializable()> _
3 Public Class Rows
4 Implements ISerializable
6 Private _Rows As New Generic.List(Of Row)
7 Public Property Rows() As Generic.List(Of Row)
8 Get
9 Return _Rows
10 End Get
11 Set(ByVal value As Generic.List(Of Row))
12 _Rows = value
13 End Set
14 End Property ' Rows
16 ' New
17 Public Sub New()
18 End Sub ' New
20 ' New
21 Public Sub New(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext)
22 End Sub ' New
24 ' GetObjectData
25 Public Sub GetObjectData(ByVal siRows As SerializationInfo, ByVal scRows As StreamingContext) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
27 siRows.AddValue("Rows", Me.Rows)
29 End Sub ' GetObjectData
31 Public Sub Serialize(ByVal filename As String)
33 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null
34 Try
35 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
36 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter
37 bfRows.Serialize(sRows, Me)
38 Finally
39 sRows.Close()
40 End Try
42 End Sub ' Serialize
44 Public Shared Function Deserialize(ByVal filename As String) As Rows
46 Dim sRows As Stream = Stream.Null
47 Try
48 sRows = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
49 Dim bfRows As New BinaryFormatter
50 Return CType(bfRows.Deserialize(sRows), Rows)
51 Finally
52 sRows.Close()
53 End Try
55 End Function ' Deserialize
57 End Class ' Rows
After serializing the class I need to save it in an a SQL 2005 database.But all the examples I followed use the filename ... Anyway, do I need to do something to save this into an SQL 2005 database or can I use it as follows? And how can I use this?This is the first time I do something like this so I am a little bit confused.Thanks,Miguel
I made a point type by C# for deploying in SQL2005.
It builds successfully every time.
When I deploy, it gives the following error: "Error: Type "SqlServerProject1.TypePoint" is marked for native serialization, but field "x" of type "SqlServerProject1.TypePoint" is not valid for native serialization." although x variable is value type decimal.
using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
I have a table with 10 rows with a varbinary column
I wish to concatenate all the binary column into a single binary column and then write that to another table within the database. This application splits a binary file (Word or PDF document) into multiple segments (this is Column2 as below)
I have followed the steps outlined in the knowledge base article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913668 for effecting Xml Serialization within the SQL CLR. That is, I have
1. Prebuilt the serialization assembly X.Serializers for the types in assembly X and,
2. Registered both assemblies with SQL Server via the create assembly directive
Yet, when I attempt to create an XmlSerializer on the basis of one of the types defined in X, SQL CLR ignores the pre-built serialization assembly and attempts to dynamically create/load the assembly. Since dynamic loading is disallowed, this fails with the expected exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, consider using pre-generated serializer. Please see inner exception for more information. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.
I have followed the steps outlined in the knowledge base article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913668 for effecting Xml Serialization within the SQL CLR. That is, I have
1. Prebuilt the serialization assembly X.Serializers for the types in assembly X via the SGEN tool and,
2. Registered both assemblies with SQL Server via the create assembly directive
Yet, when I attempt to create an XmlSerializer on the basis of one of the types defined in X, SQL CLR ignores the pre-built serialization assembly and attempts to dynamically create/load the assembly. Since dynamic loading is disallowed, this fails with the expected exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, consider using pre-generated serializer. Please see inner exception for more information. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.
I'm using a bit-wise comparison to effectively store multiple values in one column. However once the number of values increases it starts to become too big for a int data type.you also cannot perform a bitwise & on two binary datatypes. Is there a better way to store the binary data rather than int or binary?
I have a C# application that get data (i.e. select Firstname, LastName from person) to form a DataSet object (i.e. PersonName variable inside my code). Then I want to post this DataSet object into a local private queue (the path is: .privatemyTestQ). Note that I carefully labled the message to be "Variables Message" (as needed per anothre thread discussion here in this forum).
I created a receiving package, in which I want to use SSIS's Message Queue task to retreive the above DataSet object (from C# application). I got failure:
[Message Queue Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Root element is missing.".
However, As a comparison research, I created another SSIS sending-package. And I used ADO.NET provider to get the same data to store the sull result set in a package-level variable. Then I use Message Queue task to post this variable (i.e. object) to the same private queue above. Then I run my above receiving package. I was successful to read back the messge that I posted from SSIS sending package. (Please note that if I use OLEDB provider for sending package to get data from database, the MSMQ task for sending failed due to serializtion issue for __ComObject. With ADO.NET provider, the result set is represented as a type of DataSet).
I then curiously looked into message body from Computer Management Counsol. I found that message sent from SSIS is in SOAP format while message from my C# application is NOT in SOAP (but only in XML format). Obviously SSIS MSMQ task serialize objects into SOAP format.
Can anyone here please help on how to serialize my DataSet object from my C# app) in compliance with the MSMQ task's spec so that I can read message from Q using SSIS package.
So it means that this class will be serialized in the native SQL Server format. Is there any possibility to deserialize data retrieved from server as bytes to an object instance? For example:
while (rdr.Read()) { // Retrieve the raw bytes into a byte array byte[] buffer = new byte[32]; long byteCount = rdr.GetBytes(1, 0, buffer, 0, 32); Point pt = new Point(); // Here I need to fill the created object with retrieved data }
After I retrieved the data in bytes format, I need to write it to the object. How can I do this? In fact, I have no possibility to use SqlDataReader in the following manner:
Code Snippet // Retrieve the value of the UDT Point pnt = (Point)rdr[1]; // Point pnt = (Point)rdr.GetSqlValue(1); // Point pnt = (Point)rdr.GetValue(1);
because I retrieve data in bytes not from the server, but from an unmanaged application. I have a possibility to create an instance of the class, but how can I fill this instance with data? Is it possible to do using native SQL Server native format? How can I do this when UDT uses user defined serialization?
I have started to see regular occurences of "ODBC error 40001- serialization failure" in the log of a client website (using cold fusion) and would be grateful for any suggestions on likely causes and solutions. The error message also mentions deadlock victims. Thank you in advance.
I am getting the following error when executing a CLR stored procedure. I have set generate serialization assembly to 'ON' with no effect. The error is:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load dynamically generated serialization assembly. In some hosting environments assembly load functionality is restricted, consider using pre-generated serializer. Please see inner exception for more information. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host., Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322), ODBC Error Code = 40001 (Serialization failure) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 56) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
Any ideas? Would setting the isolation level to Read Commited help?
In article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913668 it says to generate a serialization assembly and pop this into the database along side the assembly with the serialized type. All well and good, but how doe the XmlSerializer know to look in the database for the assembly - does it use the name of the assembly + XmlSerializer?
It is certainly ambiguous in the aforementioned kb article. In one place it generates an assembly in the database called
CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest.XmlSerializers] from 'C:CLRTestMyTestMyTestinDebugMyTest.XmlSerializers.dll' WITH permission_set = SAFE
and in another it uses
USE dbTest GO CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest] from 'C:CLRTestMyTest.dll' GO CREATE ASSEMBLY [MyTest.XmlSerializers.dll] from 'C:CLRTestMyTest.XmlSerializers.dll' GO
I can't get either to work, and I've tried various combinations, this and the fact that the kb artice uses two different naming conventions suggests to me that there must be "something else" which links the assembly with the serialization assembly.
i am using asp.net 2.0 with c#. i have database - mssql server. in that i have tuser table in that table i have password feild which datatype is Binary. when i am entered password in asp.net application that time runtime error is convert the string to binary. my code is---string myByte = Stingtest; System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();Byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(myByte);myByte = ""; myByte = encoding.GetString(bytes);
Hy friends!I'm new in WebApplications that have SQL SERVER DB.My problem is that...In the DataBase I have a table with varbinary column and in the program I want save in this column a value of binary[] variable! How I can make it?Another question.... If I want select (by a query in the application) the value of the binary column, where I store it? because if I want select an integer value I take this in a int variable, and if I want select an string value from a DataBase I take this in a string variable..but How I can make it with binary column?Thanks in advance!!
Hello, I have a table which uses binary data to store passwords. How do I view the contents of the "binary data" column, ie. the passwords? It just shows it as <binary data>?
I have a binary column with length 20 in SQL server table. I store dynamically C# byte[] value range from 0 to 19. So for example, If I store length of 16 and when I try to retrive it back into byte [] in C# it returns whole length 20. When I see in debug it has value from 0 to 15 which I want to use but from 16 to 19 is zero. How can I get just length value which I stored.
I use DataRow to get whole row and from the row object I extract byte [] based on column name.
I have a field in my database defined as a bit. I need to bind this field to a checkbox I have stored in a datgrid on my webform. I'm having problmes finding the right call in the html
We have a dll that sends a hexadecimal data (const. length) to MS SQL Server database. It's declared as String in VB, the db column data type is binary.
Here is the SQL String that has been executed successfully in Query Analyzer:
When I am trying to do the same thing in the insert stored procedure, I get an error message: "Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type binary, table 'MyDB.dbo.MyTABLE', column 'MyCOLUMN'. Use the convert function to run this query."
How does one go about getting a graphic image into SQL Server 6.5. For example, let`s say I have a company logo that I want to include in a company profile table to be used on some reports. The graphic is now a .BMP or .GIF or .JPG file.
Can anyone provide me with the syntax for comparing rows of two tables using binary checksum? The tables A and B have 8 & 9 columns respectively. The PK in both cases is Col1 & Col2. I want checksum on Columns 1 to 8.
Hi there, Am working on an archiving system that stores files/images in a column of type Binary. we want to change the front end of this archiving system it was done using asp.net we dont have access to the source code what is the way to retrieve the files from the binary columns? how they store or retrieve the files? Thanx best site for sql,,,
Quick question here. I am working with a database which uses Binary(8) as an id(ie, contact_id is binary(8), and connects 2 tables). I can already extract the binary data (in the form 00-00-00-00-00-00-ab-cd). I know that there exists a contact_id 0x0000000000001989 (hex) however, when I attempt this query...
"SELECT * FROM Support_Incident where Contact_Id = '0x0000000000001989'". I get no results. What have I done wrong?
I would like to drop the leading 0x on a binary value so I can do abitwise operation.Here is simplified code:select right(0x88186000,8)I expected to get back 88186000, this was not the case. The commandreturned some wierd characters.Am I missing something?
Is it true that binary and varbinary has a max-kapacity at 8000 bytes? Imjyst unsure how to read the dokumentation and want to be completely sure.And image is only one to use for data aobve that size?Thx in regards for clearing things out for meReagardsAnders
I want to store a binary string in SqlServer from VB .NET through astored procedure. I have been storing the binary data in a BitArraywhich I am not set on by any means. When I pass the BitArray into astored procedure, which is looking for a variable of type binary, itthrows the following: "Object must implement IConvertible." BitArrayobviously does not implement IConvertable.If anyone has a good way of passing binary data into a storedprocedure through a parameter array I'd appreciate it.
I have a 256 bit hash value to identify chunks of data. Would it be a good idea to create a 32-byte binary field as the primary key or encode the bytes to a string?
Need help reading a binary file see below for details...
I have uploaded a csv file into a sql table. Now i want to extract the data and insert the data in the csv file into another sql table. What commands can i use in sql to extract/ read the data ?
Hello Dears, I was Maked Pictures table in sql server 2005 with Two Col pic_Id (int) and picture(binary) i need now ro insert image into this table by Asp.net under VB.net Code i have in my form FileUpload and button control and this is my CodeProtected Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click Dim content() As Byte = ReadBitmap2ByteArray(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType) StoreBlob2DataBase(content) End SubFunction ReadBitmap2ByteArray(ByVal FileName As String) As Byte() Dim image As Drawing.Bitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(FileName)Dim stream As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream() image.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)Return stream.ToArray End Function Sub StoreBlob2DataBase(ByVal content As Byte()) con.Open()Dim cm As New SqlCommand("Insert into Pictures(Pic_Id,picture) values(@id,@pic)", con) cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", 1)Dim p1 As New SqlParameter p1.ParameterName = "@pic" p1.SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.Binary p1.Value = content p1.Size = content.Length cm.Parameters.Add(p1) cm.ExecuteNonQuery() End Sub
when i make run to my website it give me an Exeption in this statement Dim image As Drawing.Bitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(FileName) it tell me that Parameter is not valid i need help about this please with my Best regard khalil