Bit If A Mess

Nov 11, 2007

I had sql server 2005 standard edition and express edition and sql 2000 desktop edition all installed on my xp notebook.

Whe i tried to create a maintenance plan in sql 2005 standard edition i got an error saying that it couldn't load something (which looked like it might be dll) so I tried to reinstall sql 2005 standard edition over the top to replace the dlls. However the install wizard told me that it can't do anything as all components are already installed!
So i decided to remove SQL 2005 and start again.
In add remove programs i removed various components (like vss writer, and one or two others) then when i clicked on SQL 2005 to remove it I got a message saying that it had already been removed and would i like to remove it from the add remove programs list.. so i said yes.
It actuallly appears that it is installed (after a fashion) although i can't connect to it anymore in ssms. If i put the cd in to try to reinstall it still tells me that it's already installed....i'm stuck now!

So.. i need to do something drastic to remove sql 2005 (as i can't remove it from the add remove programs and the CD won't let me reinstall over the top)
Can anyone help me with any suggestions to physicall remove it

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An Unholy Mess

Mar 20, 2008

I am trying to verify and create new user based on Billing Statement information. The user may not be the ID of the statement but has a

relationship to that ID.

Here is the data I will be passing:

Statement PrepDate
Statement PatBal

BillTo Address
BillTo Name

Patient DateofBirth
Patient Name

relevant table info:

BillToID, Name (user match), Address1(user match)

BillToID, PrepDate (user match), PatBal (user match)

BillToID, Name (user match), BirthDate (user match), Email, PatientsID

PatientID, UserName (user input), PIN (user input), Question (user input), Answer (user input)

I also check to make sure the username doesn't already exist in the PATWEB table

here is what I have so far that is not working (table reference not unique - BILTOS)

INSERT INTO PATWEB (PatientID, UserName, PIN, Question, Answer, LastAccess)
SELECT PATIENTS.PatientID, '', 'osx5ief7*', 'What', 'green', CurDate()
WHERE not exists (select * from PATWEB Where PATWEB.PatientID = PATIENTS.PatientID)
AND PATIENTS.BirthDate = '1971-05-03'
AND STMTHIST.PatBal = '215.00'
AND STMTHIST.PrepDate = '2008-03-05'
AND BILLTOS.Address1 = '987 Worley St'

so I am checking to see if the billing statement and other info they supplied matches before I create the account in PATWEB.

I appreciate any help, thanks

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How Do I Manage This Mess? Thanks!

May 24, 2007

Say for example I have the following 2 database tables, the first one contains the old employee data, and has the fields shown below:
and another one containing the new employee data with similar fields but instead of oldEmployeeID, it is showing the newEmployeeID.
During the conversion process, something were messed up and instead of putting in the original hiring date of the workers into the new employee database, the conversion date was put in, which, depending on the mood of HR ladies, could be any date, and at the same time, of course, new employee join the company, and we assume their hiring dates were entered correctly. On top of that, there are some employee who were terminated before the conversion took place but we still need to keep a record of that.
And I created a third table, say, emplyeeAll with similar fields to the employee data tables.
So here is what I need to do: if the firstName, lastName and DateOfBirth in the old employee data table and the new employee data table matches, I would assume they are the same employee, hence I would put the information for the employee obtained from the new employee data table to the employeeAll table, with the Hiring Date changed to the Hiring Date of the old employee data table (and do not copy the record from the old employee table to prevent duplicates), otherwise, I would simply copy and paste the data in new and old employee table to my employeeAll table.
I know this is really confusing, but...well...hope you know what I am saying...
Is it possible to have a SQL statement for all these? If so, how should the statement looks like?

Thanks a lot!


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PHP User Tries To Untangle Filthy Mess Of .NET

Mar 15, 2006

"" Then MM_LoginAction = MM_LoginAction + "?" + Request.QueryString
If MM_valUsername "" Then
set MM_rsUser = Server.CreateObject(MM_flag)
MM_rsUser.ActiveConnection = MM_conConsumer_STRING
MM_rsUser.Source = "SELECT LastName, Password"
If MM_fldUserAuthorization "" Then MM_rsUser.Source = MM_rsUser.Source & "," & MM_fldUserAuthorization
MM_rsUser.Source = MM_rsUser.Source & " FROM dbo.PLStaff WHERE supervisor != 570 and LOWER( left(firstname,1)) + LOWER(lastname) ='" & Replace(MM_valUsername,"'","''") &"' AND Password='" & Replace(Request.Form("password"),"'","''") & "' and Emp_state = 1 "
MM_rsUser.CursorType = 0
MM_rsUser.CursorLocation = 2
MM_rsUser.LockType = 3
If Not MM_rsUser.EOF Or Not MM_rsUser.BOF Then
' username and password match - this is a valid user
Session("MM_Username") = MM_valUsername
session.Timeout = 30

If (MM_fldUserAuthorization "") Then
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = CStr(MM_rsUser.Fields.Item(MM_fldUserAuthorization).Value)
Session("manager") = 1
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = ""
End If
if CStr(Request.QueryString("accessdenied")) "" And false Then
MM_redirectLoginSuccess = Request.QueryString("accessdenied")
End If
End If
End If

Where do I find out the name of the table being accessed to authenticate the user?

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How To Sort This Mess Out (owners And Permissions)

Feb 6, 2007


I've been asked to sort out a mess as follows:

two dbs on one server...

first db has a user called 'bob'.. that's the login on the server and also the login name on the db in question.

this db has several SP's owned by 'bob' which need to copied to the second db.

Here's where the problem starts.

Somehow, this second db has the standard users it needs, however the db User has a LoginName of 'bob'..

So basically if I try and create a user of 'bob' on the second server which will then allow me to copy these SP's across it says it already exists.. but if I just go ahead and try and copy the SP's it says the User does not exist.

Just to clarify what I mean..

I go into the 2nd db using EM.

go to users:

the visual that appears shows me several users in order with their

Name | Login Name | DB Access

the dbo user is set as:

dbo | bob | 2nd db

basically what I need (I think) is for that login Name to be removed from the dbo user and applied to specific user called bob...

how do I do that?

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Urgent Assis Plse** Error Mess In SQL 6.5

Apr 9, 2001

Fairly new to DBA work. In error log receiving message Error 1105 Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'msdb' because the logsegment is full.

I've looked in books and is this a serious problem, as I've tried to increase the size of the MSBD device but it will not allow me it says the Max size allowed is -1197MB...Is this right

Any help would be good...

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SSRS Report In Firefox Browser Is A Mess --- Please Help

Mar 2, 2007


i have a SSRS report where matrix is embedded into table.

when i view the deployed report in IE, it works fine

But when i view the report in FIREFOX browser.. the report for toss..

the alignment of the report is completely screwed up :-(

My client badly requires Firefox support for all their reports

Any suggestion and help would be appreciated


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