Few days back we faced a problem when we were doing an Export to Excel of a report which was using sub-reports. After going thro. the knowledge base articles we came to know that SSRS currently doesn't suppot this option, an alternate is to use use List instead of tables, so we used List and did all the formatting with the list and the data was displayed correctly and it was Exporting to Excel also properly. But now we found out that after doing an Export to Excel, the Excel File is leaving blank rows between the data (i.e.,) If the report consists of two rows, then it displays the first row in the 10th row of excel and the second row in the 12th row of excel. The 11th row is blank and it appears as a small blank row between 10 and 12. The actual problem because of this is we are not able to do Auto filter in Excel, because Excel by default considers the values only until it encounters a blank row when we are doing auto filter. So is there a way to avoid this blank row while exporting to Excel, we have tried to remove the borders and all other stuffs but nothing seems to work. Have anyone encountered the same problem or is there any work around for this problem. Thanks in advance.
Hi We are trying to export some data from SQL server into an excel sheet. The data records will be like more than 1 lakh records. I noted that Excel has a constraint of not creating rows more than 65,000. In this case we need to create multiple workbooks in the excel sheet.
Could you please help me how to creat multiple workbooks thru DTS in run time - if it is >65,000?
Hi... I am new to MS SQL 2000. I need to generate reports using the SQL2000 database and exporting the data to Excel. Currently i started using the DTS services and was fine..But i have constraints that Excel can hold only 65K records..My records can go up to 80K +.Is there a way i can split the sheet depending the number of records..or is there a better way to do this...I do not have reporting services as we r using SQL 2000...Could anyone please help...
If there is any other way of doing this please guide me as to how to go about or any reference websites...
Hi, i hv made a rdl having 2 tables.My requirement is to display the tables on different sheets of excel, so i hv inserted "Page Break At End" in table1. As a result im getting tables in different sheets but second table (in sheet2) is starting from 2nd row of the sheet i.e. 1st row is coming as hidden, and i want to remove this row as client feed's this excel file in some other application. If anyone is aware of the solution pl. reply ASAP.
Anyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.
I am using the rectangle for the physical page break and set the page break option as "Add a page break after" for each rectangle except for the last key summary page in the RDL
Other Report details Report Paper Size is A4, Landscape, Width = 29.7cm, Height = 21cm Report Margins - Left=0.2cm, Right=0.2cm, Top=0.25cm, Bottom=0.25cm
Rectangle size in the report body in each page as Width=28.7cm, Height=17.5cm, Header Height= 2cm Footer Height = 1cm
Now, the issue is when I add the Tablix with the rectangle to display the details data, it also adds the blank page after the page and when I remove the Tablix and only keep the graphs within the rectangle then blank page issue get fixed.
I have a VS2005 C# winforms application that reads a SSRS request from a table and using the ReportViewer control produces a report and then exports in one of a number of formats via a specified path to a share on another server. This normally works without issue, however today I have had three instances of invalid or blank PDF's being produced. A sample error from the Acrobat Viewer is "There was an error processing the page. There was a problem reading this document (109)."
The software version are as follows:
Host Server: Windows Server 2003 with Sp1.
SQL 2005 with Sp1.
Acrobat reader: Version 7.0
By deleting the PDF file, resetting the processed flag to un-processed, the report was run again, and this time a perfectly readable PDF file was produced. As neither the source data nor the report definition file was updated during this time period, how it works at one time but not previously is currently inexplicable. I have run the report manually with the same input parameters using Internet Explorer and exported it successfully to another location.
Any ideas as to what is going on?
A fix to the winforms application will be to delete any existing file before exporting a new one.
I am delivering report in Excel format every Monday. I am also including link with that email. sometime, it delivers excel sheet correct and sometime it just gives blank sheet in attachment and the strange thing is that We can see data through the included link, but not in excel attachment.
Any idea?? If any of you passed through this problem plzzz help me out...
We have recently upgraded to SP1 of SSRS 2008. As a result, when we export a blank report to CSV, we now get a line of commas below the headings. Or found a way to not include the commas?
I am trying to validate and import a Excel file into the database table using script component. The file contains some blank columns in the sheet. How can I handle the blank spaces while validating the file in the Script Component?The code is as follows:Dim excelcmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT Item,TaxCode,ItemDescription FROM [Input$]WHERE LEN(Item)>=0 AND LEN(ItemDescription)>=0 AND LEN(TaxCode)>=0", excelConn) Dim excelreader As OleDbDataReader = excelcmd.ExecuteReader() Dim row As Integer = 0 While excelreader.Read() NameValsBuffer.AddRow() NameValsBuffer.ItemCode = CStr(IIf(excelreader.GetString(0).Length = 0, "#", excelreader.GetString(0))) NameValsBuffer.TaxCode = CStr(IIf(excelreader.GetString(1).Length = 0, "#", excelreader.GetString(1))) NameValsBuffer.ItemDescription = CStr(IIf(excelreader.GetString(2).Length = 0, "#", excelreader.GetString(2))) NameValsBuffer.CompanyId = Me.Variables.CompanyId NameValsBuffer.UserId = Me.Variables.UserId End While
When i use a preformated excel sheet as destination in data flow task, When a export is done a blank row appears in between the header and data i.e. row no 2.
When I open the spreadsheet in Excel 2000, it works fine. When I try to print, it crashes Excel. In testing, I narrowed it down to the Header/Footer, because it also crashes when I go to Page Setup and click on the header/footer tab.
However, I can print the same spreasheet from Excel 2007.
Am I just dealing with a "you need to upgrade all your clients" situation, or is there a known issue with certian formatting that is passed out with reports that is not supported by older versions of Excel?
I am using Reporting Services 2005 SP2 to serve up the report that is exported to Excel.
I am importing a .xlsx into at SQL Server 2014 table. I would like to import each row with an ID and stop at the notes that are listed at the bottom. Please see attached image. How do I tell my SSIS Data Task to stop importing at the first blank row?I never know how many rows of data I may have so I can not use a fixed row number to stop at.
I'm hoping that someone can help. This is my first time posting and fortunately I can normally find what I need but this time I am stumped.
I have a query that produces a date range. The problem is I want to insert or at lease display the dates between even if they don't show up in table. Here's the problem.
My intial query is select date_of_call from call_data where date_of_call >= '2001-09-01' and date_of_call <= '2001-09-15' order by date_of_call
When I do a group by and count it looks like this: select date_of_call, count(date_of_call) as Count_Date_of_Call from call_data where date_of_call >= '2001-09-01' and date_of_call <= '2001-09-15' group by date_of_call order by date_of_call
If you notice out of 15 days it only shows 5 days. I am wondering how I can insert the days missing and insert either null or 0 values in the count column so it would look something like this:
I've been googling this for a while now and can't seem to find any elegant answers.
I'm looking for an automated way to present a FORMATED Excel Spreadsheet to the Customer from a stored procedure output.
Can anyone advise me the best method of doing this - should I / can I assign an Excel Template to the DTS Task output ?
His mind is set on Excel and the formatting is basic and easy to write in a Macro which I've done, but this requires human interaction to finish the task (Automated Run Once on opening etc).
In an ideal world an individual would send an email to the Server with two formated parameters (@FromDate & @ToDate) and would be emailed back a ready formatted S/Sheet. But I believe he would be willing to just select the relevant SpreadSheet for the Daily / Weekly / Monthly periods dumped.
When expoting data from excel to sql server table, using SSIS package, after exporting is done, how would i check source rows are equal to destination rows. If not to throw an error message.
How can we handle transactions in SSIS 1. when some error/something happens during export and the # of rows are not exported fully to destination, how to rollback the transaction in SSIS.
When expoting data from excel to sql server table, using SSIS package, after exporting is done, how would i check source rows are equal to destination rows. If not to throw an error message.
Running this code on my PC via VS 2005 .Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS) Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file. I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not. I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table. I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here: http://www.webfound.net/excelfile.xls
Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table. I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:
How to perform
1) stripping out all undesired rows 2) importing each column into sql table
W2k3 server, SQL 2005. @@version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I have my first SSIS package almost working, but I'm having an odd problem and can't find any information to help resolve it.
I'm importing from a flat file (csv) to an existing table (append). I've got a Derived Column transformation in the middle to do some data cleanup. It's all working except for one little problem...
One of the transformations is 'REPLACE([Column 3],"^","; ")', output to a new column. (The input file has a field that uses carets as delimiters between an unknown number of items; I'm changing that to semicolons for easier reading.) Not all rows have data in this column, some will have one item, some will have multiple items.
The REPLACE works except that it fills in repeated data for all the blank rows.
Incoming data is:
1 Smith,Jane^Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
4 Adams,James^Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
Data inserted into the table is:
1 Smith,Jane; Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
3 Brown,John
4 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
5 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
I've tried to use a Conditional to skip the empty rows, but I can't get that working at all (get syntax errors no matter what I put in).
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most appreciated!
I have flat file source from which data is imported to a Sql table.The target column is int and input column is string .The column has some numeric values and some blank values.when I tried to convert into int values it fails.
I've built a fairly straight forward report in RS that looks normal in preview mode and in PDF format with out any issues.But when I export it to Excel report header is not appearing in each page.Any ideas as to why this is occurring?thanks in advance,Ramesh KS
Hello All, I'm simply exporting data from SQL to Excel via the Export Data feature in SQL Management Studio.My problem is I have a column aliased as [ID #] and when it exports it changes the Pound Sign into a decimal -> ID .SPACE(25) As [ID#], It's not a major problem but does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Kyle
Hi there I know its possible to export data from a gridview to excel. I'm looking to export data directly from a stored procedure at the click of a button.Somebody suggested using the following:insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C: esting.xls;', 'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from table-nameWhen I tried executing the above lines of codes I got the following error message:"Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server." If anyone has any idea whats wrong ... plssssssssssssssssssss ... let me know .... Thanks in advance.
I have a job which produces a daily report and exports it to excel. However, instead of overwriting the contents of the file the data is being appended to the file. Any suggestions welcome.
I'm trying to export to excel using dts, but using a stored procedure where i have a query using temporary tables (#D,#T,#R) and the result is a table with a variable number of columns (sometimes 3 columns and sometimes 10 columns)
I want to run Stored procedure that is returning recordsets and is using cursors/ temporary tables (MS Sql 2000 Server). The output of this SP is to be used to prepare an excel Report.
It shows me the data in the Preview, but asks me to define transformations. Further on the transformations, it does not shows up the source columns (although they were populated in the preview)
When I perform the same task using DTS Export utility, i get the following error:
Error source: MS ole db provider for sql server Error Desc : Null Accessors are not supported by this provider context: error calling CreateAccessor. Your provider does not support all the interface/methods required by DTS