Blank Spaces In Table Name, Cannot Delete Table

Mar 10, 2000

A table was created in version 6.5 that has 2 blank spaces and a slash '/' in it's name (i.e. Item Type w/Groups). This was done in error and now the table cannot be dropped or renamed and dropped.

Does anyone know how I can delete this table? Please let me know.

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How To Delete A Row From Table Where Name Is Blank

Mar 20, 2012

when Name != ' '
Then 'N'
Else delete from table where Name=' '

from table

I am trying to delete a row from table where name is blank.

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Delete Table Row If Row Is Blank

Mar 17, 2007

Hi All,

I face one problem.

I have one table in .rdlc to display all the sales in that table, but some of the sales is blank and assume there are only two column in table.

So when detect the row for that two column is blank, either the table will skip listing out the blank data or delete that particular row.

How can i do it?

By the way, assume the data we get from database can not filter the blank value.



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Dbo.Table Of A Database In The .SQLEXPRESS Object Explorer: How To Copy The Dbo.Table To The Another Blank Dbo.Table?

Jan 9, 2008

Hi all,

The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing:
dbo.Order Details

But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?

I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing:
New Table...
Open Table
Script Table as |> CREATYE To |>
DROP To |>
INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window
DELETE to |>
From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.

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Soft Delete In Table, Why Merge Agent Report Hards Delete On Table ?

Feb 1, 2007

Hi seniors

there are two tables involve in replication let say table1 and replicated table is also rep.table1.

we are not deleting records physically in table1 so only a bit in table1 has true when u want to delete a record but the strange thing is that replication agaent report that this is hard delete operation on table1 so download and report hard delete operation and delete the record in replicated table which is very crucial.

plz let me know where am i wrong and how i put it into right way.

there is no triggers on published tables and noother trigger is created on published table.


Ahmad Drshen

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SQL Server 2008 :: Non Blank / Non Null Value From Table To Update Same Table

Mar 13, 2015

Here is the sample data for table.

create table #sample (emp varchar(max),data1 varchar(max),data2 varchar(max), Rdate date)
insert into #sample (emp,data1,data2,rdate)

insert into #sample (emp,data1,data2,rdate)

[Code] ...

I need to update the data1, data2 from yesterday or before but they should be non blank and non null and update to todays data.

It means, I can't update to 2015-03-12 values to 2015-03-13, as they are blanks or nulls.

So I need to go 2015-03-11 and check the values, if they are not blank , i need to update with todays values.

Before the update :


After the update:


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Delete Table And Immediately Crate Table, Error Occur Table Already Exist

May 29, 2008


Cmd.CommandText = "Drop Table Raj"


Cmd.CommandText = "Select * Into Raj From XXX"



This generates error that Table already exist.

If Wait 1 sec then execute statement then it works fine.

Thanks in Advance

Piyush Verma

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Replace Blank Spaces

Oct 3, 2006

i have a field with blank spaces.
i wanna replace the spaces with just one spaces. ihave 500 fields in 500 tables.

any input will be appreacited.

i have something like this but its not working.

declare @field varchar(50)
declare @minVoter int
declare @maxVoter int
declare @tableName varchar(20)

set @tablename = '00001'

-- select ad_str1 from [00170]

select @minVoter = min(id_voter),
@maxVoter = max(id_voter) from quotename(@tablename)

while (@minVoter <= @maxVoter)
select @field = ad_str1
from quotename(@tablename)
where id_voter = @MinVoter

update [00170]
set ad_str1 = replace(@field, ' ', ' ')

select @minVoter = min(id_voter)
from quotename(@tablename)
where id_voter > @minvoter


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How To Remove Blank Spaces In Records??

Jun 23, 2005

We imported approximately 2.9 million records from our mainframe server
into our SQL Server but have run into a problem.  The data in a
few of the fields contains both leading and trailing spaces.  An
example of the data would be like this, using periods to represent

What we have:


What we need:

1A02938  (no spaces)

 Is there some sort of algorithm I can run on the data to remove
those spaces?  The problem is coming up when trying to perform a
SELECT query.  We try something like:

SELECT * FROM PCPIPT0 WHERE PANO20 = "1A02938"  but we get zero
results because of the spaces in the database.  The datatype of
the filed is char(20) because we need some flexibility on the size of
the data stored.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Varchar And Blank Spaces In SQL DB Field

Jun 30, 2005

I am trying to load a field in my DB and it is defined as varchar(11) but when I populate it, it still adds spaces at the end. When I try to use it in an If statement, it doesn't match and executes the else instead. The wierd part is it seems to make it 10 characters long and not 11 or the the actual length. I think I had originally set it up for char(10) then changed it afterward but I even deleted the field and reentered it as varchar(11).Thanks,Eric

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How To Set 0 Instead Of Blank Spaces To A Column Or Field.

Aug 20, 2007

Hi i hv a doubt in Sql server reporting..I do generate some reports based on some criteria.In the results screen i hv empty fields based on the search i hv generated.I need to set "0" instead of blank spaces in the fields..Can any one help me?

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SQL 2012 :: Select Rows With Blank Spaces

Feb 12, 2014

I got two columns DEATHDATE and STATUS

I have to update STATUS Column as INVALID when data in DEATHDATE column as follows

Example of INAVLID DEATH DATE : 1221, 12xt88,12#10, 1, ABC, #@ , etc

Do nothing when the DEATHDATE is VALID like

Examples of Valid/accepatable DEATHDATE: 09122012, 091212 ,******,********, 000000,00000000

How can i achieve this.

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Replace Nulls With Blank Spaces In Float Data Type

May 8, 2008

I have a simple question. Is it at all possible to replace columns which has nulls with blank spaces for a float data type column.
The columns has null values( written)) in it in some rows and has numbers in other rows . I want to remove nulls before copying it to another file.

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How To Remove The Blank Spaces Between Subreports In Sql Server Reporting Service?

Feb 14, 2007

In Sql server reporting service the blank spaces or white spaces are coming in between the subreports, when we place the subreports in the main reports.

If any one know how to remove the blank spaces between the subreports, please reply me. Its very urgent.

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Reporting Services :: How To Remove Blank Spaces After Removing Duplicated Records

Aug 18, 2015

I wanted to remove duplicate records from SSRS report. I set the "Hide Duplicates" to True. It is now working, But i am getting the space between the two records, which i want to get rid of. How to get rid of extra spaces between two records ( Please find the details below).

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Newbie-DELETE A Record In A Table A That Is Related To Table B, And Table B Related To Table A

Mar 20, 2008

Hi thanks for looking at my question

Using sqlServer management studio 2005

My Tables are something like this:

--Table 1 "Employee"
CREATE TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee](
[EmployeeGID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BranchFID] [int] NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[MiddleName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee]
REFERENCES [myCompany].[Branch] ([BranchGID])
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Employee] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Employee_BranchFID]

-- Table 2 "Branch"
CREATE TABLE [Mycompany].[Branch](
[BranchGID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BranchName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[City] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[ManagerFID] [int] NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Branch]
REFERENCES [MyCompany].[Employee] ([EmployeeGID])
ALTER TABLE [MyCompany].[Branch]

--Foreign IDs = FID
--generated IDs = GID
Then I try a simple single row DELETE

DELETE FROM MyCompany.Employee
WHERE EmployeeGID= 39

Well this might look like a very basic error:
I get this Error after trying to delete something from Table €śEmployee€?

The DELETE statement conflicted with the
REFERENCE constraint "FK_Branch_ManagerFID".
The conflict occurred in database "MyDatabase",
table "myCompany.Branch", column 'ManagerFID'.

Yes what I€™ve been doing is to deactivate the foreign key constraint, in both tables when performing these kinds of operations, same thing if I try to delete a €śBranch€? entry, basically each entry in €śbranch€? and €śEmployee€? is child of each other which makes things more complicated.

My question is, is there a simple way to overcome this obstacle without having to deactivate the foreign key constraints every time or a good way to prevent this from happening in the first place? Is this when I have to use €śON DELETE CASCADE€? or something?


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Delete Child Table Rows Based On Predicates In A Parent Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim

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Transact SQL :: Delete Records From Table (Table1) Which Has A Foreign Key Column In Related Table (Table2)?

Jun 29, 2015

I need to delete records from a table (Table1) which has a foreign key column in a related table (Table2).

Table1 columns are: table1Id; Name.  Table2 columns include Table2.table1Id which is the foreign key to Table1.

What is the syntax to delete records from Table1 using Table1.Name='some name' and remove any records in Table2 that have Table2.table1Id equal to Table1.table1Id?

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How To Alter The Table With Delete/update Cascade Without Recreating The Table

Jul 26, 2004

I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.


************************************************** ******
Contract table DDL is

create table contract(
contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key,
contractDate smalldatetime not null,
tuition money not null,
studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId),
contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId)

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HOW TO: Delete All Records From A Table Where A Child Record From Another Table Does Not Exist.

Mar 17, 2008

I need to delete all records in the TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA table that do not have a corresponding record in the TBL_VERIFICATION table.

Primary Table: TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA
PK: Serial Number
PK: ProcessedDateTime

PK: Serial Number


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Delete Rows In One Table By Referencing Another Table Info

Sep 16, 2004

I have one table that has unique id's associated with each row of information. I want to delete rows of information in one table that have a unique ID that references information in another table.

Here is a basic breakdown of what I am trying to do:

Table1 (the table where the rows need to be deleted from)
Column_x (Holds the id that is unique to the various rows of data - User ID)

Table2 (Holds the user information & has the associated ID)
Column_z (holds the User ID)

I tried this on a test set of tables and could not get it to work. What I am trying to do is skip all rows of Table1 that have ID's present in Table2, and delete the rows of ID's that are not present in Table2.


SELECT Column_z
FROM dbo.Table2
DELETE FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Column_z <> Column_x

This did not seem to do what I needed, it did not delete any rows at all.

I wanted it to delete all rows in Table1 that did not have a reference to a user ID that matched any ID's in Column_z of Table2

Then I tried another scenerio that I also needed to do:


SELECT Column_z, Column_a
FROM dbo.Table2
DELETE FROM dbo.Table1
WHERE Column_z = Column_x AND Column_a='0'

'0' being the user id is inactive so I wanted to delete rows in Table1 and remove all references to users that were in an inactive status in Table2.

Neither one of the Queries wanted to work for me in the Query Analyzer when I ran them. It just said (0) rows affected.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?

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SQL 2012 :: Delete From One Table Based On Results Of Other Table

May 28, 2015

I have this table:

with actividades_secundarias as (
select a.*, r.Antigo, r.Novo, rn = row_number()
over (PARTITION BY a.nif_antigo, r.novo ORDER BY a.nif_antigo)
from ACT_SECUNDARIAS a inner join

[Code] ....

I want to make a delete statement like this:

select * into #table1 from actvidades_secundarias where rn>1
Delete from act_secundarias where act_secundarias.nif_antigo = #table1.nif_antigo and act_secundarias.cod_cae = #table1.cod_cae

But it seems that I cant delete like this.

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Allow Blank On Table

Jan 31, 2007


I'm having a problem with my database. I have a users table where the username and password fields are set to Not Allow Null values, but, when somebody signs up to the site they can put a blank value ' ' and register. That is not Null, how can I set up the server so that it can not accept blank values like that?



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Trim Empty Spaces From Columns Inserted Into Table

Sep 22, 2014

I am inserting the following columns from one table to another,


How do I make sure that all empty spaces are trimmed.

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Creating A Blank Table From Another

Feb 17, 2004

Hi again,

I want to create a blank table with the same column names as another but with no rows i.e. it is empty. Does anyone know how to do the last part?

I have so far

create table newtest as select * from shared.test ..... (empty bit here?)

Any good advanced sql tutorial urls would be good to.

Thanks in advance :)

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Delete Or Drop Table Then Create Table

Mar 14, 2007

which one is smarter, where there is no indexing on the table which is really simple table delete everything or recreate table. I got an argument with one of my coworker. He says it doesnt matter i say do delete. Any opinions.

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Delete SQL Table Using A Variable That Refers To The Table Name

Jul 20, 2005

SQLLY challenged be gentle --Trying to create code that will drop a table using a variable as theTable Name.DECLARE @testname as char(50)SELECT @testname = 'CO_Line_of_Business_' +SUBSTRING(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATEAS varchar), 5, 2) + '_' + LEFT(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATE AS varchar),4)+ '_' + 'EOM'FROM TableNamePrint @testname = 'blah...blah...blah' (which is the actual tablename on the server)How can I use this variable (@testname) to drop the table? Undersevere time constraints so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Copy And Delete Table With Foreign Key References(...,...) On Delete Cascade?

Oct 23, 2004

Need some serious help with this one...

Am working on completing an ORM that can not only handles CRUD actions -- but that can also updates the structure of a table transparently when the class defs change. Reason for this is that I can't get the SQL scripts that would work for updating a software on SqlServer to be portable to other DBMS systems. Doing it by code, rather than SQL batch has a chance of making cross-platform, updateable, software...

Anyway, because it needs to be cross-DBMS capable, the constraints are that the system used must work for the lowest common, a 'recipe' of steps that will work on all DBMS's.

The Problem:
There might be simpler ways to do this with SqlServer (all ears :-) - just in case I can't make it cross platform right now) but, with simplistic DBMS's (SqlLite, etc) there is no way to ALTER table once formed: one has to COPY the Table to a new TMP name, adding a Column in the process, then delete the original, then rename the TMP to the original name.

This appears possible in SqlServer too long as there are no CASCADE operations.
Truncate table doesn't seem to be the solution, nor drop, as they all seem to trigger a Cascade delete in the Foreign Table.

So -- please correct me if I am wrong here -- it appears that the operations would be
along the lines of:
a) Remove the Foreign Key references
b) Copy the table structure, and make a new temp table, adding the column
c) Copy the data over
d) Add the FK relations, that used to be in the first table, to the new table
e) Delete the original
f) Done?

The questions are:
a) How does one alter a table to REMOVE the Foreign Key References part, if it has no 'name'.
b) Anyone know of a good clean way to get, and save these constraints to reapply them to the new table. Hopefully with some cross platform ADO.NET solution? GetSchema etc appears to me to be very dbms dependant?
c) ANY and all tips on things I might run into later that I have not mentioned, are also greatly appreciated.


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Delete Syntax To Delete A Record From One Table If A Matching Value Isn't Found In Another

Nov 17, 2006

I'm trying to clean up a database design and I'm in a situation to where two tables need a FK but since it didn't exist before there are orphaned records.

Tables are:

Brokers and it's PK is BID

The 2nd table is Broker_Rates which also has a BID table.

I'm trying to figure out a t-sql statement that will parse through all the recrods in the Broker_Rates table and delete the record if there isn't a match for the BID record in the brokers table.

I know this isn't correct syntax but should hopefully clear up what I'm asking

DELETE FROM Broker_Rates

WHERE (Broker_Rates.BID <> Broker.BID)


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Create TRIGGER Remove White Spaces From A Fields In Table-scan And Fix

Apr 21, 2008

i have table i use it for update insert
and the users use this table from a grid on the web
and i need to prevent from white space in the fields in table
so how to
create TRIGGER remove white space from a fields in table scan and fix it ?

Code Snippet
SELECT TRIM(fieldname)
, LTRIM(fieldname)
, RTRIM(fieldname)
, LTRIM(RTRIM(fieldname))
FROM tablename

Code Snippet
WHERE (LTRIM(RTRIM(fieldname)) = 'Approve')

Code Snippet
replace(@text,' ','')

create TRIGGER on update insert and not to damage the text in the all fields

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Table Owner Name Shows Blank!! URGENT!!

Oct 17, 2001

I have a table which has a blank as owner name when I see on Enterprise manager. Sp_changeobjectowner is not working on this to change the owner name to dbo.I am still able to create another table with same name under dbo.But I want to get rid of the table which has no ownername. When i run the drop table command it doesn't drop that!!It says invalid object!!Any help!!

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Transact SQL :: Remove Blank Rows From Table?

Apr 17, 2012

I have a table for example like following

DECLARE @tmpTable table
name varchar(10),
address1 varchar(10),
phnno varchar(10),
mobno varchar(10)
INSERT INTO @tmpTable(name,address1,phnno,mobno)

[Code] ....

I want to remove all empty rows like row 1,2 and 3 in the above example.

I can't check all columns null values as there are many columns in my actual table.

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Removing Blank Space Caused By Wide Table

Apr 5, 2007

Hi all,


-For instance 2 small tables (eg. width 10cm = 3 inch?)

-And one wide table (eg. width 30cm = 10 inch?)

All separated by "insert pagebreak after table".


When rendered, the pages with the small tables on have a lot of white blank space at the right of the table. This is probably caused by the big table on page 3.

This report is distributed by email in Excell format. So on sheet 1 and 2 there are a lot of white cells on the right of the tables. When trying to print, they just want to use the "landscape" option and the "fit to page" option. Because of the empty white cells, the fit to page option reduces the first 2 tables to a very small table which covers only 50 % of the page width. The other 50 % is reserved for the empty cells.

Off course, I know that deleting the empty cells offers a solutions, but it would be a lot more handier if there were no empty cells in the first place.

Anybody with a solution?

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