Brand New / Totally Confused / Am I In The Right Place?

Apr 26, 2006

I downloaded MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The MS site said that it was "easy to install, use and manage." However I'm totally confused. I'm not a total neophyte but I can't even seem to launch the program.

I have an MS SQL database powering my website. I view the database on my home computer using MS Access 2000 with an ODBC connection. MS Access 2000 however, does not let me make changes to the structure of the database. I can't add, delete or modify fields in my current tables. I can't add or delete tables. Is MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition the proper software to perform these functions? If it is, is there a guide to helping me launch the program, connect to my MS SQL database and perform these functions? If this is not the right software, what is?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance anyone can offer.


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Totally Confused Connecting Two Tables?

Jan 30, 2008

 Hello everyone. I need some assistance here. I have a web form to get information about user details. The web form has two parts. the first part is user personal information  where there is few textboxes, dropdownlist , radiobuttons , checkbox etc. this is where user inputs his personal information. the second part contains the office information where there is few textboxes, dropdownlist , radiobuttons , checkbox etc too. but the second part is automatically populated by data from the database(lets say table1). this happens as soon as user selects an option from dropdownlist in second part(here an option for dropdownlist is name of the office) . there is also a save and cancel button at the end of the what i want here is, whenever i click a save button in my webform,i want the data of first part of my webform (ie user personal information) to get stored in new table(say table2).but i dont want the data of secont part of my webform(ie office information) to get stored in table2.(coz its already stored in table1.thats from whereit got populated earlier).But i want a reference of second part of my web form(ie office info) in table2.(only the reference id of related data from table1.not the whole data)and finally i want to display data from both the tables in one single details view.(both personal and office information)i hope u people are gettin it?i know i have to use foriegn keys.but i dont know how to use in this case.(sql express)and can u plz explain how to implement this in cs file with example including source code.(c#, vwd2005 express, sql express). thanks. jack.     

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Is There A Place Where I Can Find The Events That Takes Place In Sql Server?

Jul 20, 2007

Is there a place where i can find events that takes place in the sql server? Like adding data to a database or something like that....



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SQL Server 2008 :: Insert Into Brand New Not Created Table

Mar 13, 2015

why my insert or into is not working in my SQL Server R2 2008. I have a code I am using on an existing table and trying to put the data in a brand new table but it keeps giving me an error

select mCid, caucasian, aa, api, aian, mr, his, max(val)
into memberrand
cross apply (
select AA union all
select API union all
select AIAN union all
select MR union all
select HIS union all
) v(val)

group by mCid, AA, API, AIAN, MR, HIS, caucasian

The error is: Msg 1038, Level 15, State 5, Line 1..An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name.Do I have to actually create this table with no values first and then run the query? I was hoping this was sort of a make a table query

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I Cannot Create A Brand New MDF (sql Server Database) With Visual Basic 2005

Apr 20, 2007

Hi everybody:

I go to Server Explorer, right click on Data Connection, input the server name (that is, my own computer), give a new name to the database to create, and then inevitably get the error window saying:

An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connectiong to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections. (Provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40, could not open a conection to SQL Server)

So, how to open a connection to SQL server 2005? I looked in the msdn but found absolutely nothing.

Please help


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Totally New To SQL

Jun 10, 2008

Waiting my my 431 study package turning up, any offers on any addional books etc that would help me pass this exam?

Cheers up front.

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Totally New To This.

Feb 17, 2008

Hi folks,

This is what I want to do,but is it possible.

I think I have got the hang of queries and stuff like that but here is what I want to do.
I am using the 2008 express freebie from microsoft with Sql server 8 freebie.

Here is waht I want to do. Place a load of buttons on a screen each one with a list in it.
so for example box one will specify all the days of the week,the others all the colors of the rainbow and the others all the month in the years.
So the the boxes will feed through to a tiny little sql server database with three tables...days..colours...months.
I want somebody to be able top come along and then click on a particular day of the week...let's say thursday...then click on a colur.lets say pink...then click on a month,lets say september..
Then a table will appear with that info in it..i.e. thursday,yellow september.

I know I could write a little prog in VB or C++ to do this but I am trying to relate it to a database.

I think the bottom line here is that I am trying to get the user to create the query and get the result of that query out onto a page.

As you can see I am just below novice level and I think the question I am really asking is that is it possible that the person using my program is actually making up a query(based on my criteria)and can get a result,rather than me have top store a query(or stored procedure) that just responds to a click on the box.

If this lot makes any sense what so ever,then could someone kind soul point me it the right direction(or any direction) :)


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Totally Lost -- Please Help

Jul 19, 2004

I am looking thru SQL Books, browsing the forum, but still unclear of the best method to perform the following calculation. I am really struggling with this and any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.

Table 1 = customer information. Contains customer #, name, address, etc.
Table 2 = default price list. Contains item #, item desc, price
Table 3 = Allowed discounts based on customer types. Hospital gets $1 off, Doctors get 25 cents off, individuals get no discount.

Further discounts are given for multiple purchases. The 1st item is 100%, 2nd item is 75% and 3rd and subsequent items get 50% off purchase that day.

Here is a basic query result set of customer number, price, item ordered, item description and customer type.

Cust Price ItemNo Item Type
1 $5.50 23432 Moisturizer Hospital
2 $5.55 23453 Moisturizer 2 Indvidual
2 $29.00 23243 Lotion Pkg Indvidual
3 $29.00 23243 Lotion Pkg Doctor
3 $21.25 23232 Gloves Doctor
3 $3.00 23235 Drape Doctor
3 $2.00 27821 Lube Doctor


Customer 1 ordered 1 item @ 5.50, but because they are a hospital they get a $1.00 discount. They only ordered 1 item so they pay 100% of the discounted price.

(5.50 - 1.00) * 100% = 4.50

Customer 2 ordered 2 items @ 5.55 and 29.00 respectively. They get no discount because they are an individual client, but do qualify for the multiple item discount of 25% for the second item.

29.00 + 5.55 * 75% = $33.16

Customer 3 ordered 4 items @ 29.00, 21.25, 2.00 and 3.00 respectively. They get a 25 cent discount off each item for being a doctor. They also get a multiple item discount of 25% off the second item and and 50% off items 3 and 4.
The math ideally will look like this

(29.00 - .25)*100% + (21.25 - .25)*75% + (3.00-.25)*50% + (2.00 - .25) * 50% = $47

For customer 2 if someone entered the lower valued item first the math would look like this

5.55 + 29.00 * 75% = $27.30 (loss of revenue)

Possible Solution
The prices need to be sorted in descending order to maximize revenue prior to discounts being taken for a given day.
Should I use a "rank by clause" statement?

Then I need to multiply the first item by 100%, the 2nd by 75% and the remaining items by 50% to get a grand total of money due. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I am not at all sure how to accomplish this.

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Stumped. Totally... (but There Must Be A Way!?)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there...I am having a whole bunch of trouble trying to design a certain query. Ihave two tables (see a representation of them here: ) one called menu_data and onecalled page_data.menu_data contains a list of defined menus (menu_group) which may be sortedaccording to the menu_group_display_order column.page_data contains a list of page definitions. Each page belongs to amenu_group. All the pages in a given group may be sorted according to thepage_display_order column. (for instance, a query to order all pages with amenu_group equal to 1 in ascending order would produce:CatsDogsFishSquirrels)What I am trying to do is to design a query that will tell me thepage_user_name of all the pages that sit at the 'top' of their menu group,but ordered by the menu_group_display_order column.So basically, it will order the data in menu_data by themenu_group_display_order colum, then comparing menu_data.menu_group topage_data.menu_group, will return the 'first' row after being ordered bypage_display_order, so that in the case of the data given, the return wouldbe:HorsesCatsBirdsRabbitsI've tried UNION, GROUP BY, TOP 1, INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, SLIGHTLY TO THELEFT JOIN, ONLY IF ITS A WEDNESDAY JOIN... etc etc... But I just can't getit to work! It either returns 40 rows, or one. I've spent a total of about10 hours trying to design this query, and am losing what precious littlehair I have left at an alarming rate.Hope someone can provide some insight!Plankmeister.

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Totally Stuck

Jan 4, 2007

I know that the answer to my problem is something that lies right infront my eyes but I got totally stuck. I cant understand why, when I deploy a database application I've made, when the application is run for the second time, the database doesn't have the data I have entered the first time... Is it something I have to tell my application?

It must be something trivial but I just can't put my finger on it.

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Totally Stuck With Money, Please Help!

Jan 5, 2004

i'm using query analyzer,

simply trying to use smallmoney as

In my table I have declared as:
payrate smallmoney,

Inserting values into table like this:

Error recieved is:
Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type smallmoney,

What am I doing wrong? Also, ideally i'd like the 258 to be expressed as £258 (english pounds) if anyone can help with that also.

Thanks in advance

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Totally Shameless Self-promotion

Jul 23, 2005

This is a shameless plug. My new book, SQL PROGRAMMING STYLE is outnow.Joe Celko's SQL Programming Styleby Joe CelkoSave 20% and get Free Shipping if you order by Friday May 6.Place your order now or learn more below_______________________________________If you're looking for a book with a collection of tricks & tips andrules for formatting and writing portable, readable, maintainable SQLcode, you'll find what you need here!Are you an SQL programmer that, like many, came to SQL after learningand writing procedural or object-oriented code? Or have switched jobsto where a different brand of SQL is being used, or maybe even beentold to learn SQL yourself?If even one answer is yes, then you need this book. A "Manual of Style"for the SQL programmer, this book is a collection of heuristics andrules, tips, and tricks that will help you improve SQL programmingstyle and proficiency, and for formatting and writing portable,readable, maintainable SQL code. Based on many years of experienceconsulting in SQL shops, and gathering questions and resolving hisstudents' SQL style issues, Joe Celko can help you become an evenbetter SQL programmer. More specifically, this book will give youexpert advice from a noted SQL guru and award-winning columnist.Table of Contents_______________________________________FeaturesHelps you write Standard SQL without an accent or a dialect that isused in another programming language or a specific flavor of SQL, codethat can be maintained and used by other people.Enables you to give your group a coding standard for internal use, toenable programmers to use a consistent style.Gives you the mental tools to approach a new problem with SQL as yourtool, rather than another programming language-one that someone elsemight not know!Place your order here: discounts available, contact Join Bytes!

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Odd Things...I'm Totally Stuck

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all of you,

I've got a .dtproj project along with 10 dtsx packages. Up to here everything is fine, every package have its own source files, sql destinations and so on..
Issue comes when I try create a flat file source connection for the eleven one.

I get this message:

The component has detected potential metadata corruption during validation.
Error at Data Flow Task [Flat File Source [1]]: Failed to find any non-special error column in output "Flat File Source Error Output" (3).

It may not be possible to recover to a valid state using a component-specific editor. Do you want to use the Advanced Editor dialog box for editing this component?

Otherwise if I'm gonna to open a new .dtproj project separately no problem at all, I mean, appears the suitable window, "Connection Manager", "Column", "Error output" on the left and so on..

It's very strange. The rest of the packages, the same situation. Fortunately, all of them are stored on the server.

I don't get the point at all. Could you please tell me what the hell is happening?

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Totally Sound Query Not Working In ACCESS

Jan 26, 2006

okay so i have query which sure does run fine if i drop it into a SQL server's console. however i try and put this into ACCESS so the accounting department can use it and it returns no values.

not sure if i should drop in the vb forum or what but im about to build a page in c# and have them get it that way.

Any one have any suggestions


select Doc.Dat, Doc.DocNo, Doc.IdPers, Pos.ItemNo, Pos.[Description], Pos.Quantity, Pos.SinglePrice, Pos.Discount from Pos, Doc where Doc.Dat like '%2005%' AND IdPers = (select IdPers from Pers where match = 'Aec One Stop Group, Inc.') AND Pos.IdDoc in ( select idDoc from Doc where Type = 8 ) ORDER by Dat, DocNo DESC

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Implementing Security In Totally Open Environment

Aug 4, 2015

I've been parachuted into a place with a few dozen servers, several thousand external users (and scheduled to grow). Right now the whole place - IT and non-IT alike - l logs in with SA.....

(where's the 'Puking' icon??)

They've got Windows logins, but that's about as tight as it gets. Honestly I've never seen anywhere as insecure....and not sure where to start.

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Similar Table, But Totally Different Search Performance...

Sep 20, 2007

I have two table A and B:

A 2000000 Rows 569288KB 8KB index
B 3000000 Rows 853712KB 8KB index

But when do "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM A/B", table B is significantly slower than A:

A 0 secend
B 8 seconds

Does anyone know why? So I can boost the performance to search table B.

Thanks in advance.

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Confused :-(

Sep 13, 2004

Having serious problems trying to insert date into database using sqladapter.update method gives an error saying "Converting DateTime from Character string". the funniest thing is that it works on my developement box, but when i upload to the server with thesame settings in my development box, it does not work.

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M Confused About Using Dbo And ..

Jan 4, 2007

I will give someone a script that creates a database using :
create database mydatabase
my question: can I use myDatabase.dbo...... and myDatabase..Whatevertable in order to manipulate the database objects or should I be careful with putting dbo in my script.

The reason is that I will have to give the following script to someone to execute on his instance and I don t want it to fail.

The script creates a database mosaikDB737, create a table called FileListInput in that database and populates a second table called DBlistOutput with the list of names of all databases in the instance.

Please let me know if there are any (BAD) chances for the following script to fail.

create database mosaikDB737
use mosaikDB737

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[FileListInput]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FileListInput](
[FileName] [char](50) NULL

use master
select name into mosaikDB737.dbo.DBlistOutput from sysdatabases where name not in ('master','tempdb','model','msdb')
select * from mosaikDB737.dbo.DBlistOutput

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So Confused

Dec 15, 2007

OK, so I'm new to SQL server, which I'm sure you'll all see from my question below.

I am trying to migrate an access DB with queries over to sql server 2005. simple queries I can handle, but I've come accross a query that calls another query and does an update based off of my first query. The below queries work perfectly fine in access but I dont know how to get this going in SQL server. From my VERY minimal understanding in of SQL server i thought we couldnt call stored procedure (query1) and have it update the underlying tables. If I'm wrong, please show me how its done, If I'm right please show me the right way of doing this.
If you see spelling errors in the queries please ignore, that is not the full queries, it is just a cut down version to explain what I need to be able to do.


SELECT table1.assettag, table1.City, table2.Status, table2.ScheduleItems
FROM Table1 Inner join on table1.assettag = table2.assettag
where Status = "Scrubbed" or Status = "Initial"


Update Query1
SET query1.ScheduledItems = True
Where query1.Status = Scrubbed

thank you for any information or help.

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Very New And Very Confused!!

Mar 5, 2008


I have never used coding before (just learning) and I need to collect username and password and check it against my SQL database. I am using the below code as a sample guide for me to figure this out. Does anyone point me to a sample code page that I may look at that actually is doing what I want to do??


Protected Sub submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submit.Click

Dim myReader As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader

Dim mySqlConnection As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

Dim mySqlCommand As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

'Establish the SqlConnection by using the configuration manager to get the connection string in our web.config file.

mySqlConnection = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString())

Dim sql As String = "SELECT UserLogonID, UserPassword FROM MyUsers WHERE UserLogonID = '" & Me.userid.Text & "' " And "Userpassword = '" & Me.psword.Text & "'"

mySqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, mySqlConnection)



myReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

If (myReader.HasRows) Then

'Read in the first row to initialize the DataReader; we will on read the first row.


Dim content As ContentPlaceHolder

content = Page.Master.FindControl("main")

Dim lbl As New Label()

lbl.Text = "The Last Name you choose, " & Me.dlLastName.Text & ", has a first name of " & myReader("FirstName")


End If

Catch ex As Exception



If Not (myReader Is Nothing) Then


End If

If (mySqlConnection.State = Data.ConnectionState.Open) Then


End If

End Try

End Sub

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Confused About Permission

Aug 29, 2007

I read a few articles on best SQL practices and they kept coming back to using a Least Privileged Account.  So I did so and gave that account read only permissions.  The articles also said to do updates use Stored Procedures - so I created stored procedures for updating/deleting data.So here's my problem - I connect to the database using the Least Privileged Account, I use the Stored Procedures, but .NET keeps saying I lack permissions.  If I GRANT the Least Privileged Account UPDATE/DELETE permission on the table, the Stored Procedures run perfectly.  But isn't that EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid?My greatest concern is someone hacks my website and using the Least Privileged Account, they delete all my data using that account.  So I don't want to give the Least Privileged Account the Update/Delete privileges.Thanks a MILLION in advance! 

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Nullable Got Me Confused

May 30, 2006

I have just started on a project which will be based on an existing MS SQL Server database. It has many columns which can be, and sometimes are, null. My basic DataReader code throws an SqlNullValueException when I try to GetInt32 but not when I try GetString. Why the difference?
Also, how do I model my class? Do I have to make all fields into nullable types? If I do that I notice a simple GridView will not show a column for that field! I am confused.

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SP - Dazed And Confused

Mar 13, 2000


I am calling a sql 7.0 stored procedure (sp) from an active server page(asp).

The sp is a simple insert. I need to read the return the value of the sp in my asp. If the insert is
successful, my return value is coming back correctly (to whatever i set it)....but if there is an error
such as a Uniqueness Constraint, I can't get the return code(set in the SP) to come back to the ASP.
It comes back blank. (The literature I've read says that processing should continue in the SP, so you
can perform error that right?)

I set the return var in my ASP as:
objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter("return",_
and read it back as:
strReturn = objCommand.Parameters("return").Value

In my SP I simply do;

INSERT blah blah
if @@error = 0

(Idon't ever get back "200")

Any ideas???

Thanks for your help.

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Confused About Replication

Dec 18, 2006


I have study Microsoft online books for few days no, about repliction but I'am even more confused about replication. please help somebody

My goal:

I have been written a GPS program that has an database.
The database will be replicated to an central web server.
That will say one web server and x numbers of laptops that has same GPS program. :)
All laptops uses internet to replicate.

Now... I have no problem to create publications and subscriptions on server BUT HOW do I do it on client????? :confused:

Microsoft do not write nothing about client side of replication. everyting is SERVER, SERVER,SERVER and SERVER.The Microsoft HOW TO is only How to click forward, its dosen't really explain anything.

Problaby I need some kind of an database on client and subscription to make the replication. :confused:

please help me, I'am almost finished with my project only replication part is over my head :(

if someone can point me to right direction in this issue. I would be greateful. :cool:



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Xp_sendMail (Confused)????

Jul 2, 2002

I want to use xp_sendmail against a database other than the master. When I run a test using the master database, it sends a test message w/no problems. However when I try to use xp_sendmail against a database I've created, it gives me an error stating:

Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'xp_sendmail'.

How can I use xp_sendmail using a dabase other than Master?? Please Help.

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Confused Joins

Mar 21, 2007

I am using this query to create a single transactions from data that is distributed over several databases. So essentially i have created several variable tables and now I have to join them together.
So what I wanted to have happen was display all rows from temptalbel and then join the other tables to create one transaction row. The problem that occurs is within the where statement and I dont understand why. In some cases, you can have two instances of x but y will be different. In that case the joins work perfectly. In the event that there are only a single instance of x associated with a single instance of y this join does not work. Can anyone help me understand why this is happening?

select somedata, somedata, somedata, somedata
From kpi..temptablel l
left outer join @temps s on l.x = s.x
left outer join @tempf f on l.x = f.x
left outer join kpi..temptablee e on l.x = e.x
left outer join @tempn n on l.x = n.x

where l.y = s.y and l.y = f.y and l.y = e.y and l.y = n.y

The Yak Village Idiot

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Confused. Need Some Help About SQL Coding

Jun 14, 2007

hi im a little bit confused. are the two pieces of code similar? what are the differences. i really need to know that coz i wont get access to a SQL machine until monday.

wheresex = 'F' and
group by sex

wheresex = 'F' and

also is it wise to use Group by and having in sub-queries?

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Confused About Creating A Dup Mdf

Mar 13, 2008

I have an slq Express mdf at path X and I copy it to path Y. When I open it up (from the Y path) using sql mgmt studio, it shows that it's from path X.
Why? How can I get sql mgmt studio to recognize it as a separate mdf, distinct from the one at path X?


rank beginner

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Alias Has Confused Me.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to learn how to make and use aliases for two tables in inthis update statement:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateStatusAS UPDATE dbo.npfieldsSET Status = N'DROPPED'FROM dbo.npfields NPF, dbo.importparsed IMPLEFT JOIN IMPON (NPF.pkey = IMP.pkey)WHERE (IMP.pkey IS NULL) AND((NPF.Status = N'ERR1') OR (NPF.Status = N'ERR2') OR (NPF.Status =N'ERR3'))I thought I could define the aliases in the FROM statement.I'm using Access as a front end to SQL server if that makes adifference in the queries.

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Little Bit Confused About Databases On CE

Nov 10, 2006

Hi there,

i need a database for my Windows CE application which i can update from a desktop application.

I tried the SqlCeConnection. This works good on the device, but i found out, that i need a sql server on the desktop or someone else to get access to the device server. This is a problem for me, because i cannot insall such a sever on the desktop.

So i searched and searched....I found infos about the ole connection, but i cant find the namespace?!?

Can anyone give me a hint what the best solution could be?

Im using Visual Studio 2005 and a CE device.

Thanks a lot

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Overwhelmed And Confused ...

Mar 28, 2007

I'm trying to get up-to-speed on developing new websites using Visual Web Designer and SQL Server Express.

I have previously installed various Microsoft web development components (Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 1/2/3 and SQL Server 2005). I've also tried out the new Web Expressions Beta (and Design and Blends, altho the install keys for the latter two never worked and I never received an answer as to what to do for that in the appropriate forums).

TODAY, I'm just trying to get Visual Web Developer and SQL Server Express installed so that I can start down the path of "Connecting to an Existing Database" as outlined in the (downloaded) "Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition - Build a Web Site Now!" PDF gude (page 138: "Start Visual Web Developer and display the Database Explorer window.").

HOWEVER, when I attempt to install "SQLEXPR32.exe" I get the following message after all the unpacking seems to complete:

"SQL Server 2005 Setup has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, .NET Franework, or SQL Server 2005. Use Add or Remove Programs to remove these components, and then run SQL Server 2005 Setup again. For detailed instructions on uninstalling SQL Server 2005, see the SQL Server 2005 Readme."

NOW, my first confusion is this: is "SQLEXPR32.exe" Server 2005 or SQL Server Express -- and what's the difference? Following this bit of unhelpful error message, I searched through the SQL Server Express pages and found a live link to a "uninstall tool" that hinted that it could solve my left-over garbage problems. However, then I run that I get:

"The setup has encountered an unexpected error in datastore. The action is Write_CommitFlag .... blah-blah-blah"

so it sounds like the automatic uninstall tool has gotten lost.

ODDLY, the codish window which follows contains the following:


Reference to undefined entity 'nbsp'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/DOCUME~1/Kevin/LOCALS~1/Temp/IXP000.TMP/failed....

&nbsp; <!-- div id="RPCreated" style="display:none">

" which very peculiarly looks like something has gotten lost and confused over a non-breakable space? ("&nbsp;"). Huh?

ME? I'm totally lost! Is there no step-by-step cookbook that I can use to just start all over and go through the painful (DSL) downloads and get my show on the road?

Sign me ... "depressed on the garden isle of Kauai ..."

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Lost And Confused About SQL

Jul 21, 2007

What is SQL?

After running a disk cleanup and defrag, I now have this icon and it tells me SQL is not connected. What is it? I am on a campus which supplies "high speed" internet connection... Please, help! I'm not savvy at any of this!

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Using CheckpointFile: Confused!

Sep 12, 2007

There are two properties in using CheckpointFile: CheckpointUsage and SaveCheckpoints:
It says: SaveCheckpoints indicates whether the package saves checkpoints while CheckpointUsage indicates whether the package uses checkpoints.

The confusion is: If CheckpointUsage is set to NEVER, and SaveCheckpoints is set to be YES, is there any checkpoint file saved on disk even if a filename is specified? It is easy to find out through a simple testing, but the teminologies here are kind of confusion.

comments please ?

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