Bring A Table Back

Feb 25, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I have deleted a static table accidentally in production. How will I bring it back? Thanks a lot.


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Bring Back Excluded Item

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have been wrestling with this problem all morning with no success sofar where I have a need to bring back an excluded field.Basically I have a list of order numbers. Each order number can havemany order types attached one of which is a ‘P’ type. Most order typeshave an account number attached in its own field however when a ‘P’ typeis selected the account number is not brought back.Is there someway I can get this brought back for each P type or do Ihave to do some fancy insert in a data warehouse to get this done (i.e.insert account numbers into all P types)?Many thanksSam*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Count Need To Bring Back A Zero When No Matches

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to do a calculation with the below query and it works long as d.closegoal has values and d1.opengoal has values but the problem is when there is no count for either, I need to bring back a value of zero if there are no matches. Since I am using it in an outer select statement for a calculation it not bringing anything back because of no matches.
This is my code:

select d.lwia,

cast((d.closegoal + d1.opengoal) as float)denominator



select yg.lwia,

cast(count(yg.appid)as float) closegoal

from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.lwia = @RWB

-- Attained a goal in the timeframe timely or untimely

and ((convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) <= @EndDte) -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

-- Goal due but not attained

or (convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaingoal <> 1))

group by yg.lwia



-- Closure with open goal

select cast(count(yg.appid)as float) opengoal

from dbo.tbl_caseclosure cc,

dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.appid = cc.col_idnum

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaindate is null

and yg.lwia = @RWB

group by yg.lwia



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Restoring Master Did Not Bring Back Users

Jun 28, 2000

I'm trying to recreate a sql database on another server and I installed sql server 6.5 on a server and then restored the master db using the Sql Setup program. It worked without any errors, but it did not create the loginthat will use the database that I have not restored yet. Aren't the Logins storied in the master database?


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How To Bring Back A List Of Duplicates From A Column

Jul 20, 2005

I have a column that has 75 values, 50 are unique/25 are duplicates. Ineed to be able to bring back a list of the duplicates, listing allrows even if more than two have the same value. I need to be able todo this using t-sql.Thanks,Tim

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MSDE Database Is Offline, How Do I Bring It Back Online?

Nov 29, 2007

Dear All,

One of my users created a MSDE database and did not realise that the limit is 2GB. I can not access the database. Is there anyway I can recover it?

They do not have a backup.

Could I create a new database in Standard Edition and then attach the Data and log files from the MSDE database?
Would that work?

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Unable To Bring Database Back Into MULTI_USER Mode.

Sep 24, 2007

I'm wondering if somebody could provide insight into a problem I'm having with SQL Server 2005. Although the problem is happening wthin an SSIS ETL, I don't think this problem is SSIS related.

In the ETL I need to rename a database, so I first put the database into single-user mode by issuing the command:


The database then goes into single-user mode, and after the renaming occurs, I attempt to put the same database back into multi-user mode:


However, whenever I have a query pane opened against the same database in SQL Server Management Studio, the ETL fails and I get this error message:

"Error: Changes to the state or options of database 'foobar' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it."

I'm wondering why the ALTER DATABASE command does not kill off the active connections? This is on my development box, and I'm the only one connected to the database. I've tried with ROLLBACK 30 as well, same thing. If I cut and paste the same command into Mangement Studio, the command succeeds so I don't think its a permission issue (using Windows Authentication both Management Studio and the ETL are executed by the same login). If I close the query pane the ETL succeeds at restoring multi-user mode. Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance!

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How To Bring Back The Distinct Values In Single Column From Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

12.) Now you have two different tables - each with two columns.Table #1Single Column2 rows with a value equal to 1 and 2Table #2Single column2 rows with a value equal to 2 and 4Construct a statement returning in a single column all the valuescontained, but not the common values.This is another question that I got in an interview, I missedit.......Thanks,Tim

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Transact SQL :: Undo Update And Bring Back Records To Their Previous Values

Aug 7, 2015

I have a table with 1 million records. I want to update only 400 records. The update statement is provided by a 3rd party vendor. Once i run the update statement it will update all the 400 records. Once the table is updated the users will validate the table

if the update is successful or not. What i'm looking for is:

1) Is there a way to identify what records were updated.
2) If the update done is not what the users wanted i need to undo and bring back the 400 records to their previous values.

I'm on sql server 2008.

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Using Membership Db To Lookup Data In Another Db And Bring Back Into A Grid View (total Newbie To .net)

May 11, 2007

I have the membership stuff up and running.  I've added a field to the membership table called custnmbr.  Once a user logs in, I want store his custnbmr in the session and use that to lookup data in another db.
ie: Joe logs in and his custnumbr is 001, he goes to the login success page and sees his list of service calls which is:
select top 10 * from svc00200 where custnmbr = 001 (the membership.custnmbr for the logged in user)
I know how to do this in old ASP using session variables....but I have no idea where to even start with .Net.
Many thanks

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Can We Pause Log Shipping, Bring Primary Db To Simple Recovery Model And Then Back To Full R Model?

Apr 25, 2008

We have the following scenario,

We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.

SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.

Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.

It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.

If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.

Thanks Much

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Bring The Max Record From A Second Table In A Join

Mar 20, 2008

Hi, I have this scenario.

I have two tables joined.

Table A brings one record but table B brings two records for record in table A.

What I need is join both tables but I must bring (always) the max created record from table B if there are more than one record for the one in table A. Is this clear?

I dont want to use GROUP BY beacuse it is a very big query with lot of tables and it will be a mess.

I will give an example:



1 1-1-08 JOHN
1 2-1-08 PATRICK

If I join both tables I will have two records. What I need is to have the max created record from table B even if one or more records are joined. I only need one match from table B for each record of table A.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

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How To Bring File From FTP To Staging Table In SQL Using SSIS

Nov 6, 2007

I have been working on this without any success. Anybody out there to help?

1. There are new files uploaded in the FTP site everyday by other regions. 3 regions and 1 file each. That means 3 files at 3 different times. The file name will be that same day's date.csv. Example; today's file will be A_20071106.csv , B_20071106.csv and C_20071106.csv. Tomorrow's will be A_20071107.csv,B_20071107.csv and C_20071107.csv. How do I do this to run everyday and take the file only for that day from FTP straight into SQL Staging table?

2. Everyday, immediately after each file is uploaded, to indicate the FTP file is loaded successfully, there will be a 20071106.dummy and so on for all three files will show up on the same folder in FTP. I must make this package runable only if the .done file arrives for that days date and then execute the .csv file. Otherwise check after 30 minutes if the .dummy is there yet or not. Do this until the .dummy file comes. Then execute the package that is on that time. Then do the same for the other two for that particular day. The times are 4pm for A, 6pm for B and 8.30pm for C

3. Then, if there is a new row, it should INSERT, any changes (based on 5 columns), it should update and if there was a row yesterday and it is not there today, DELETE.

4. All this must be automated.

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Accidentally Deleted A Table In My Local SQL Server How Can I Get Back The Table

Jan 13, 2004


I accidentally deleted a table in my local server. How can I get back the table? I did not do it as a transaction!

Thanks in Advance

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Table Scans - More Rows Brought Back Than In Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have a query which is quite complex. It's based on a set of data ina complex view which takes the data from several tables.In this complex query, if I allow the various parts of the query towork on the results of the view (MISView), it can take 15 minutes torun (eek !), however, if I create a temporary table with the data fromthe view and then use that for the remainder of the query, it runs inapprox 20 seconds.Now, I have examined the execution plan (my new favourite toy) andthere is a difference (as expected). However when looking at the partof the query that takes up most of the time, it shows that it bringsback 109,645,866 records from a table (Credit) that contains 13,002records. This table is one that is referenced in the view (MISView)which contains 13,653 records and does get some of it's data from thetable which is scanned (Credit).For the record, we don't have any tables with over 100,000 records in,so 109 million rows is going some for us. The part of the query thatruns slow does reference another copy of itself but this is necessaryfor the equation that is being run.Now I'm OK with why it's doing the table scan, but why does it bringback substantially more data than is in the table ? Is it somemultiple of the number of records that it's trying to work out. Iassume it tries to run a seperate plan for the view as part of it'sprocess.Ideally, I'm still going to go down the route of the temporary table,but I would like to understand more about what it does first as Idon't like leaving things unanswered.Any help would be appreciated.

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Table Back Up

Apr 14, 2008

Please suggest me how to take table back up from a database.

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Back Up Table

Mar 17, 2008

dear db gurus,

can you help me how to get back up for
the table in a database...


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Having Difficulty Setting Back Up To Back Up File Wihout Datetime Stamp SQL 2K

Apr 24, 2007

Hello,I'm trying to create a simple back up in the SQL Maintenance Plan that willmake a single back up copy of all database every night at 10 pm. I'd likethe previous nights file to be overwritten, so there will be only a singleback up file for each database (tape back up runs every night, so each daysback up will be saved on tape).Every night the maintenance plan makes a back up of all the databases to anew file with a datetime stamp, meaning the previous nights file stillexists. Even when I check "Remove files older than 22 hours" the previousnights file still exists. Is there any way to create a back up file withoutthe date time stamp so it overwrites the previous nights file?Thanks!Rick

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How To Back Up Table In SQL 2000

Jul 6, 2001

How to Back up table in SQL 2000

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How To Back Up Certain Table Or Files

Mar 31, 2008

hello everyone... i need ur help... how can i back up only a certain table that i want using sql server management studio?? or mbe some commands...???

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How To Back Up Certain Table Or Files

Mar 31, 2008

hello everyone... i need ur help... how can i back up only a certain table that i want using sql server management studio?? or mbe some commands...???

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Mirroring :: Principal Database Get Role Back After Being Back On Line

May 14, 2015

New to Database Mirroring and I have a question about the Principal database server. I have a Database Mirroring setup configured for High-safety with automatic fail over mode using a witness.

When a fail over occurs because of a lost of communication between the principal and mirror, the mirror server takes on the roll of Principal. When communication is returned to the Principal server, at some point does the database that was the previous Principal database automatically go back to being the Principal server?

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Reporting Services :: Run Two Reports Back To Back Without Page Eject?

Jun 9, 2015

I need to run two reports each of A5 Size to run back to page and print on single A4 paper means in 1st half Sale bill will be printed and in second half Gate Pass Will Be Printed both report will be on same page and size and shape should be maintained. How to do it.

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Copy Table Data Back And Forth

Mar 16, 2006

This is probably a dumb question.. but here goes.

I'd like to make a copy of several tables before changes are made to them so that I can 'roll back' if necessary.

What I 'thought' i could to was this:

select * into mytable_temp from mytable

and then to roll back..

truncate table mytable

Select * into mytable from mytable_temp

When I try and select back into my original table, it says I can't because the object already exists.. What is a better way to accomplish this????

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Pass Back One Value From UDF Having Found It In A Table

Feb 8, 2007

How do I pass back only one value, such as TotalJobPrice from the tblJobRecords when I know which JobID to Select. All I want is the TotalJobPrice returned from the UDF, not a record from the table. I can write a UDF that will return a table, but I don't know how to get the one field of data from that table of one row that can be returned from a UDF that returns a table. I want to be able to write something like this: @TotalJobPrice = fnTotalJobPrice(@JobID)
Hope that is clear.
Thanks in advance,

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Write A Date Back To A Table In An Expression

Mar 12, 2008


I have a package that maps the current getdate to a variable.

I then want to be able to write that variable back to a table using a sql task using the following expression:

" + (DT_STR, 10, 1252) @[Control::intAdtBatchId] + ",
'" + @[Control::strSubjectArea] + "',
convert(datetime, '" + (DT_STR, 30, 1252) @[Control::dteRunDate] + "',131))"

The problem is the date is being written back in the wrong format. I've tried changing the mask to 121 but the month is being written as the day.

Help, how can I make this work regardless of the locals. In oracle I would just put a to_char(date,'dd-mm-yyyy') but not sure what to do here.

Thanks for your help


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How To Insert Back Salesh Into Table Using Query?

Jun 16, 2007

Hi ,
i am working with .net and as backhand using mySql.
i have done all configration to use the database drive, my problem is i want to insert a path of my xxx selected file from open dialog box. we all know very well that paht has back salesh like "c:data estfilename" that is cause of my problem when ever i insert a path into my table of mysql it accesses all put in different way like "catatestfilename".
that is what i hope u understood what i want to know.
any one who has some idea please mail me.
i will thankfull for your's concern.
keep thinking.

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Write To A Table In A Rolled Back Transaction.

Mar 4, 2008


Is there a way to write to a log-table inside a transaction which is rolled back without rollback of this log-entry.

thanks in advance

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Sending Sql 2005 Table Back To DB2 AS400

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to send a file from SQL 2005 back to our AS400 DB2 db. First time trying to get this to work in SSIS.

I have a couple fields that are datetime in SQL Server and see SQL server sees datetime fields from DB2 as string so I am converting them to Strings using derived columns. That part seems to work fine. Get no errors on that part.

The conversions seem like they are working but it is faling when it tries to send it to as/400. I get the following error: any ideas on what is wrong?

[OLE DB Destination [1569]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5029: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5035: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "IBMDA400 File Rowset" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "CPF5035: Data mapping error on member DSSCNTL. ".

I even created a sql table with same field sizes as one I am sending to AS400 and its sucessful there. So seem like it mght have somthing to do with sending to AS400 but not sure what.

Any ideas?


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How Do I Back-up &> Truncate &> Shrink &> Back-up SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am hoping you can help me with the following problem; I need to process the following steps every couple of hours in order to keep our Sql 2000 database a small as possible (the transaction log is 5x bigger than the db).1.back-up the entire database2.truncate the log3.shrink the log4.back-up once again.As you may have determined, I am relatively new to managing a sql server database and while I have found multiple articles online about the topics I need to accomplish, I cannot find any actual examples that explain where I input the coded used to accomplish the above-mentioned steps. I do understand the theory behind the steps I just do not know how to accomplish them!If you know of a well-documented tutorial, please point me in the right direction.Regards.

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Data Access :: Adding Back Constraints To Table

Nov 11, 2015

I have removed all constraints of a table.I have a copy of the database as back up, now how can i add back the constraints to the removed table.

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How Do You Grab Keys From Dimensions And Store Them Back Into Your Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have run into an issue that seems very simple but I am new to SSIS and DBs in general and therefore cannot solve it. I would like to take data from a SQL Server table, lookup a key from a dimension table and update the same SQL Server table with this data. Is there anyway to do an update using SSIS?



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Transact SQL :: Get Back (Identity) ID To The Other Table In SSIS Data Flow?

Jul 17, 2015

Table 1:

-------     -----                ----          ----
Name       Add                  No         RowID
-------     -----                 ----         -------

aa     #a-1,India                              10
bb     #a-1,India                              11                
aa     #a-1,India                              12


 table 1 inserting to Table 2 (Using 1st Data flow)

Table 2:

-------     -----                ----
Name       Add                 ID(Note:Here Identity1,1)
-------     -----                 ----
aa     #a-1,India                 1
bb     #a-1,India                 2
aa     #a-1,India                 3


My Requirement is Update  Table 1 set Column::No=Table 2.ID
based on Exact Match of
Table1.Name=Table2.Name  and

It means Get back the Id for Source Table 1

 2nd Data flow
             Source(Table1:Name, Add,No)

   --LOOKUP(Table2:Name, Add::Matched Look Columns Name, Add and
Tick Mark on ID)

   -->OLEDB Command: update Table1 set N0=? where  RowID=?(Here Param_0= NO ,Param_1=RowID)

Here My Issue is if  Table 1 had Duplicates(same Name, Add, but Row Id is different it is Updating Same ID for Table 1.No It means Get Back ID correctly not updating Result::

Table 1:

-------     -----                ----          ----
Name       Add                  No         RowID
-------     -----                 ----         -------
aa     #a-1,India                1              10
bb     #a-1,India                2              11                
aa     #a-1,India              1 12


My correct Output is     3      instead of Result:Table1 1.NO  1   where RowID =12

It caused by LOOKUP , It picking Top1 ID while Matching Look on fields.

How Should I update the (Identity) Get Back Table 2.ID to Source Table1. NO  in Above logic in SSIS?

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