Build A Table View From 2 Others Tables ???

Apr 17, 2008

Dear all,

I have the following 2 tables structure whcih I need to collect information in a single consolidation table
For that lest call Tabel1 as OnStart and table2 as OnEnd
Here is how my data tables looks like in both table

OnStart :

Name value
str1 1
str2 2
str3 3
str4 4

OnEnd :

Name value
str5 11
str6 12
str7 13
str8 14

What I need to do is to return data from those 2 tables in following format :

Table results that should be return from procedure call

Name value TriggerStatus
str1 1 true
str2 2 true
str3 3 true
str4 4 true
str5 11 false
str6 12 false
str7 13 false
str8 14 false

The result above means that from the TriggerStatus fields I will know if data are originated from the OnEnd or OnStart table

How can I perform this ?
Thanks for your help


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Filtering To Build A View

Oct 3, 2007

I am completely new to SQL and I am trying to filter a table on one column to build a view. The column is 5 characters. For most of the records only the first three characters are present the last two are spaces. I would like to search for the first three characters but include records that contain the last two characters. I am looking for 001, 006, 061, 064, 070, and 227.

[RD_ID] nvarchar length 5

I have tried ‘001’ or ‘001 ‘ or ‘001*’

Thanks for any help.

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Create A View Or Temp Table From 2 Tables

Jan 4, 2008

I have 2 tables:

Customer Table: ID, OrderID (composite key)

100, 1
100, 2
200, 3
200, 1
Order Table: OrderID, Detail

1, Orange
2, Apple
3, Pineaple

Assuming each customer always orders 2 items. I need to create a SQL query that shows as following (a view or a temp table is OK). How do I do that?

CustomerID, Order Detail1, Order Detail2

100, Orange, Apple
200, Pineaple, Orange

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Error On Build Solution, If SSIS Project Is Part Of Build

Mar 22, 2006


we have automated build on every night. In our solution is SSIS project, where each package is encrypted per password. We call build process per command line like this..

C:ProgrammeMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe (c:DevelopmentX3\X3.sln /build Release)' in 'c:DevelopmentProjectsDailyBuild

Through build process we get a error:

External Program Failed: C:ProgrammeMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe (return code was 1):

We think a reason is, that on build of SSIS project must be entered a password. You can wonder for what we need that SSIS packages are part of our build. We hope that on build process is also created Deployment Utility, if so set in dtproject.user. Is it so? Is there any way to create Deployment utility on automated build process? Can be a password provided pre command line?

with best regards

Anton Kalcik

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Smarter Table Build - Might Split The Table

Jul 10, 2006

Hello,I am using SQL 2005 and Cognos' Data Manager. It is an ETL tool fordata warehousing.I have a problem with time it takes to load new changes, and I amseeking advice on a better way to manage the data.I have a table that tracks student attendance and it contains about 13million records. On a daily basis, there are 5,000 - 20,000 inserts and10,000 - 50,000 updates.The daily data comes for two different text files from my operationsystem; current and historical (CLSFIL and CLSHIS).The data is loaded into a staging area from the operational system,where data cleansing and other fields are added to the table.The final step is delivering the table to my target database, which isused for reporting.Heres the situation: I find it takes 45 minutes to do a relationalupdate, where only the records that changed in the last day will beloaded. However, if I choose the native API load instead of aRelational Load, it can load all 13M records in 7 minutes. The table isheavly indexedAt some point, the API load will take more time than the relationalload, (the changes and new records will remain a constant, but the filewill continue to grow).I'm seeking another solution is more efficient. I'm considering twotables for history and current and creating a view for reporting via aunion.This a good idea? How can I make the view effeicent to use the whereclause? Looking to bounce around ideas.Other Ideas?Thanks in AdvanceRob(I maintain the key relationships in the tool, not the tables. I knowI have lots to learn and improvments)CREATE TABLE "dbo"."F_BI_Class_Attendance_Detail"("CLASS_ATTENDANCE_ID" VARCHAR(50) NULL,"CLASSES_OFFERED_ID" VARCHAR(26) NULL,"CLASS_CAMPUS_ID" VARCHAR(10) NULL,"STUDENT_ID" CHAR(20) NULL,"FULL_CLASS_ID" CHAR(15) NOT NULL,"SESSION_ID" CHAR(10) NULL,"SECTION_ID" VARCHAR(5) NULL,"MEET_DT" DATETIME NULL,"MEETING" SMALLINT NULL,"PRESENT" CHAR(2) NOT NULL,"SESSION_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"STUDENT_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"CLASS_CAMPUS_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"CLASSES_OFFERED_SKEY" BIGINT NULL,"LOAD_DT" DATETIME NULL,"COMPUTED_DT" DATETIME NULL);

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Please Help Me About Build New Table

Dec 12, 2005

please help me
i need for example
when my user clicke in the button a new table build in my sql database
please help me

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How Can I Build A Table Using A SP In A For Each Loop

Feb 20, 2008

I have a table of CategoryIDs and I want to increment through it passing each categoryID as a parameter to a stored procedure that returns the TOP 1 row, and build a new table from the the result.    I do not know how to pass the categoryID into the stored procedure.  I do not know how to begin building the new table.
public DataTable GetContractorCats()    {        // Generates table of all Contractor Category IDs no parameters        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings  ["ConnectionString2"].ConnectionString);        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetContractorCatIDs", con);        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();        da.SelectCommand = cmd;        DataSet ds = new DataSet();        try        {            da.Fill(ds, "ContractorCats");            return ds.Tables["ContractorCats"];        }        catch        { throw new ApplicationException("Data error"); }    }protected void Top1EachCategory(){    // need to build a new table row by row using a stored procedure that finds the top result from a database query    int RowIncrement;    RowIncrement = 0;    DataTable dt1 = GetContractorCats();    foreach (DataRow row in dt1.Rows)    {       I need to pass value of dt1 table ["CG_ID"] as a parameter to Stored Procedure called "GetTop1"       Run the stored procedure which returns a single row if the CG_ID is found and use its field values to build each row in a new table.       The stored procedure returns C_Name, Category_Name, C_Email, C_RCode and C_City
      RowIncrement++;     }    

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Query To Build Table With Nvarchar(max)

Jan 8, 2007

an error, incorrect syntax, was generated when the following query was tried: 
CREATE TABLE ASPNET2(id smallint IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,word nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,definition nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL)
I wanted to use nvarchar(MAX) because something I read suggested that I couldn't do editing with the controls if a variable was set to text.

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Build Dynamic Table Columns Issue

Jun 4, 2004

How I can build a dynamic temp table based upon the dynamic coulmn info from the other table? Please see my attached file as an example. Thanks!


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SQL 2012 :: Build Tree From Child To Parent Table

Jan 15, 2015

I'm playing with CTE and just want to expand my skills and ask how you would build this tree structure to fill that [Tree] column for table like in sample below:

/* CREATE TABLE #T1 (child_id INT, parent_id INT, tree VARCHAR(MAX))

( 200,3, '200-3-2-1' ),
( 100 , 14 , '100-14-1'),
( 3 , 2 , '3-2-1'),
( 2 , 1 , '2-1'),
( 14 , 1 , '14-1'),
( 1 , NULL , '1');

[Code] .....

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Build Hierarchy - Store Data Link In Table

Sep 3, 2013

I have one table Emp_MAster with two column ID-Sup_Id. I need to create a table where i can store data link this


Only difference is that I need to store data in an hierarchy view so Emp 1 is reporting to Emp2 and Emp2 is reportign to Emp3 so in new table I should get


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What Am I Missing Here? Using A Stored Proc Output To Build Table Rows

Nov 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have access to a stored procedure that was written previously for a process that uses the output from the stored procedure to provide input to a BCP operation in a bat file that builds a flat text file for use in a different system.

To continue with the set up, here is the stored procedure in question:

select top 15

cast ( f.priceclose as decimal(10,2)) as PriceClose,
cast ( f.pricechg as decimal(10,2)) as pricechg,
from dailydata f, snames s
where f.tendcash = 0
and f.status = 1
and f.typ = 1
and f.osid = s.osid) tt
order by rating desc, rank desc


The code in the calling bat file is:
REM *************************
REM *************************
bcp "exec dailydb.[dbo].[HE_GetStks]" queryout "d:TABLESINPUTHE_GetStks.WRK" -S(local) -c -U<uname> -P<upass>

This works just peachy in the process for which it was designed, but I need to use the same stored procedure to grab the same data in order to store it in a historical table in the database. I know I could duplicate the code in a separate stored procedure that does the inserting into my database table, but I would like to avoid that and use this stored procedure in case the select statement is changed at some point in the future.

Am I missing something obvious in how to utilize this stored procedure from inside an insert statement in order to use the data it outputs? I know I cannot use an EXECUTE HE_GetStks as a subquery in my insert statement, but that is, in essence, what I am trying to accomplish.

I just wanted to bounce the issue of y'all before I go to The Boss and ask him to change the procedure to SET the data into a database table directly (change the select in the proc to an INSERT to a local table) then have the external BAT file use a GET procedure that just does the select from the local table. This is the method most of our similar jobs use when faced with this type of "intercept" task.

Any thoughts?

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Can't View Tables In EM!

Sep 25, 2002

I have suddenly lost the ability to view the tables for one of my database via Enterprise Manager. It just sits at an hourglass and never returns!
Alos, if I attempt to link to the tables via MSAccess's ODBC interface, I get a timeout.

I am able to view the table list for other user databases, as well as the system databases.

I am able to view other object list (like SPs) for the database in question, via Enterprise Manager.

I am able to perform a select query against the sysobjects table for the database in question.

Any ideas on why Enterprise Manager, and ODBC links, are hanging while trying to access the tables for one particular user database?

Any help is appreciated.

All other functions appear normal. If I can't figure anything out, or no one has any other ideas, I will try rebooting the server after the users are gone for the day.

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Sql EX 05 Can't View DB And Tables

Nov 28, 2005

Hi, I€™m new to sql ex 2005 and have a couple of questions I can€™t find the answers to.   Q.1   I am working with VS web dev ex 2005 and I€™m trying to backup my db,  is it as simple as copying the .mdf file? Or should I create a text file, or something else?   Q.2  How do I view the content of the db in my web programs in the sql server 2005 ex?  I can€™t figure out what to do, to view the content.  I have tried to find tutorials on ex 05 but can€™t find answers to my questions.   Help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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View 2 Tables With A Certain Criteria

Aug 28, 2000

Is it possible to to view 2 tables with a common field name and display it in the following way

Name telephon no.

John 123-4567
Peter 159-7536
without repeating the name in each row.

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List Tables In A View??

Jan 5, 2005

Is there a way to easily list the tables/views that a view is using to get its data?

Thanks in advance,

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Identyfying Which Tables Have Gone Into A View

Oct 6, 2005

I am trying to find the list of tables that make up any particular view in SQL server 2000. The information schema - VIEW_TABLE_USAGE would be the best tool, if only the sysdepends table worked! When I use the schema I get some but not all of my views. Has anyone got a solution, prefably one without cursors, that can identitfy the source tables for a view? I have used the following SQL, but unfortunately it gives too many results: SELECT AS VIEW_NAME, AS TABLE_NAME, VIEW_SQL.text FROM sysobjects VIEWS INNER JOIN syscomments VIEW_SQL ON = INNER JOIN sysobjects TABLES ON VIEW_SQL.text LIKE '%.' + + '%' WHERE (VIEWS.xtype = 'V') AND (TABLES.xtype = 'U') ORDER BY, Justin

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View From 2 Tables / Multiple Row To One

May 2, 2014

I want to combine 2 tables into a view. The first table is a list of 'Products' (P1, P2.....)

Table: Product

IDUserStart Date..
P5 Etc

Table two is qualities for each product. A product can have from zero to 8 qualities. Qualities have a description and a value (varchar).

Table: Qualities

P2abcdef Etc

I would like to create a view that joins these tables. Each row show a product and all the qualities it has, from quality 1 to quality 8. If there is no N'th quality, to show blank/null/zero.

The problem is how to get values from multiple rows (in table Qualities) in a single row in the view.

Wanted View
ProductUserQuality1Value1Quality Value2Quality3Value3Quality4Value4 etc..

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How To Find The Tables In A View

Nov 15, 2006

Dear friends,
is there any way to find the table names from a view?

ex: suppose i have a view named as vorganization.i need all the tables in this view. is it possible to get through a query? same case for procedures and functions also.........

or we have to use sp_helptext?

is there any better way?

thank you very much.


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View From A Merge Of Two Tables

May 15, 2006

Hi,I hope this is the right place to ask this question. If it is not,please let me know a more appropriate place.I have two tables.CREATE TABLE tblEmployees(EmployeeID int identity NOT NULL,LastName varchar(50) NULL,FirstName varchar(50) NULL,);CREATE TABLE tlkpDept(DeptID char(5) NULL,Name char(10) NULL,LongName char(50) NULL);Now I want to create a view called AssignedTo. [The application I'mdoing, will track the status of our customer requests. Each requestcan be assigned to either an individual employee or an entiredepartment]I want the view to have two columns, ID and LongName. ID should beeither the DeptID or the EmployeeID. The LongName column should beeither the LongName or the FirstName + LastName.I'm not even sure how to begin to write such a complex SQL.EnterpriseManager is being less than helpful too.Can anyone help?Thanks in advance.-Tom

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View Of Max Values From Many Tables

May 22, 2007

I have about 14 tables that I am trying to tie together in a view tosee a user's status in our company.Joe User:Email - ActiveADP - ActivePortal - Inactiveetc.We need to track application access across the company, so we havetables for each application that contain user info(username,password(encrypted), start date, end date, changed date) so that wecan track who has what, and when they were given access as well aswhen it was taken away.Every application table has a userID attached to it.What I would like to do is to take the userID field and look for theirapplication access across the company. To do this, i'll have to lookfor the max value in each table because someone could be given access,have it taken away, and be given it again. People move all over theplace here, so we have to be able to track who has what, when, and atwhat building.I started out with trying to left outer join the tables together, butit didn't work. I tried doing something along the lines of:selectesarfAppEmail.emailID,esarfAppEmail.esarfUserID,CASE WHEN esarfAppEmail.endDate IS NULL Then 'Active' else 'Inactive'end as EmailStatus--,


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Concat Tables Into One Row In View

Jun 26, 2007

If I have table1 and table2 with table2 having multiple rows tied to asingle row in table 1.What I am trying to do is set up a view that has one row that showsthe followingtable1.uniqueid,, table2.row1.detail, table2.row2.detail,table2.row3.detailI'd like to be able to do a select on the view and only come back withone row per widget. If possible, I'd actually like to be able toconcat all the rows from table 2 into one column if that's possible.table1.uniqueid,, (table2.row1.detail - table2.row2.detail- table2.row3.detail), table1.dateCreatedthxM@

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View Between Tables In Different Databases

Jun 25, 2007

We have created a view that selects from tables in two databases. it looks like something like this:


SELECT col FROM db1.mytab

UNION SELECT col FROM db2.mytab;

Both tables have col as primary key.

When we executes SELECT col FROM myview WHERE col='SOMEVALUE' we receives the correct result but SQL server does not use any indexes. It performs a index scan on both tables. Wh and what can we do about it? The tables contains millions of rows so the performance is terrible.

The following works fine:

SELECT col FROM db1.mytab WHERE col ='SOMEVALUE'


Qe are running SQL Server 2000 and TRANSACT SQL

Best regards


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Jun 20, 2007


I am new to SQLSERVER, so I am trying to learn from all these database views, in Oracle it use 'desc all_tables ' to database dictionary view, can some one tell me how to view SQLserver dictionary view like INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, or sys.tables?

IF I login as sa, but I only want to view the table list one schema at a time? how do I do that?

I tried :

select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
where table_schema='CIT'....

select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
where table_schema='CIT.DBO'.... give 0 result too.

it give me 0 result, but if I login as CIT, then

'select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES' will give 14 tables.

Plus, When I log into Query analyzer, all the tables has dbo. prefix. , why is that?

Thanks a lot

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Linking Two Tables In A Detail View

Apr 10, 2007

I have a province table in a my database.  I would like to link this province table to a resource table's Province_ID.  This Province_ID is an int.
Vic Valentic
Open Door
2 Elite Dr. #33
Hamilton, Ontario
L8W 2N3

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Joining Multiple Tables In A View.

Dec 5, 2005

I have three tables
1st table is Student
StudnetID (pk)
Other fields…
2nd table is PhoneType
PhoneTypeID (pk)
3rd table is StudentHasPhone
SHPID (pk)
StudnetID (fk)
PhoneTypeID (fk)
PhoneType is an auxiliary table that has 5 records in it Home phone, Cell phone, Work phone, Pager, and Fax. Is there a way to do a join or maybe make a view of a view that would allow me to ultimately end up with…
StudnetID: 1
Name:  John
HomePhone: 123-456-7890
WorkPhone: 123-456-7890
Pager:   123-456-7890
Memo: This is one student record.
Some students will have no phone number, some will have all 5 most will have one or two. If possible I would like to do a setup like this in my database to keep from having to have null fields for 4 phone numbers that the majority of records won’t have.
Thanks in advanced,
Nathan Rover

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How To VIEW Oracle Tables In SQL Server ?

Aug 5, 2002

Is there a way to view the Oracle (8i) databaes, tables and data in SQL 2000 without physically importing those the tables ?


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View Tables And Insert Updates

Jun 2, 2006

Hi to all
I have a View of 3 tables I would like to be able to update insert
data into Views table that in return do the same in the original tables is that possible?
Thank you

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How To Manage The Version Of Tables,View, And So On

Jan 12, 2004

I am managing the SQL script files for constructing tables,views,and so on with Visual Source Sefe.

But once I run these scripts with a tool like Query Analyzer
for the database in SQL Server,
I do not know How to get the versions of the scripts which were installed now, with using Enterprise Manager or any tool associated with SQL Server2000.

Please tell me How are you managing and
know which version of scripts have been installed on database in SQL Server.

Sorry for my poor English.

Thanks for reading.

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View All Tables In Msde Database

Apr 29, 2004


I have a application that uses a MSDE database to store information. The application seems to hit into a database corruption problem. Now I would like to view all the datas and tables created in the database. How can I do that using OSQL ?? What are the commands to view all the tables in this database ? Or is there any other better applications to do the viewing ??
Please advise. Thanx a lot !!


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Creating A View By Using Multi Tables

Jun 12, 2007

Here I need to create a view by using following criteria, there is 3 tables which are Tbl.adminCategory, tbl_adminuser, tbl_outbox respectively. I am working on 2000SQL server

I am treing to create view as following but getting some error.

SELECT tbl_adminuser.adminUserName, tbl_AdminCategory.Name,
FROM tbl_adminuser INNER JOIN
tbl_AdminCategory ON
tbl_adminuser.adminUserID = tbl_AdminCategory.CatID INNER JOIN
tbl_outbox ON tbl_AdminCategory.CatID = tbl_outbox.msgUserID
AND tbl_outbox.msgUserID <> 0
GROUP BY tbl_outbox.msgUserID
But I am getting error pls correct the view,

thanks to all

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View Or Tables To Check For Number Of DBs

Aug 24, 2007

I am new with SQL and I am Oracle DBA, trying to learn SQL. Any way, in SQL, is there a view or tables that you can run to pull out a list of the databases inside an instance? I don't want to use the GUI though.


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Creating View Help With Temporary Tables

Mar 11, 2008

Hi All,

In my SQL I am having temporary tables. And in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) whenever I execute sql statement its working fine & I am getting the records.

My SQL statement is using 2 databases as follows:

Both the above databases are SQL SERVER 2000(80) with a compatibility level of 80.

The problem is when I am trying to create a new view with my sql statement and when I am saying “Verify SQL Syntax�, I am getting an error as “Invalid Object Name ‘#pdninfo’.

And when I am saying “execute SQL�, I am getting an error as “Unable to parse query text� but when I am continuing with the error, the sql statement is running and I am getting the data.

And now when I am trying to save the view I am getting the error as below
“Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘INTO’�.
Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables.

Please suggest how to solve this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You

MY SQL Statement is as follows:

pl.facilityname as processlevelname,
pdn.timeframe as pdn_timeframe,
pdn.actualeffectivedate as pdn_startdate,
/*actualeffectivedate is the start date for the pdn. starteddate is when info starts being put in the system*/
/*the pdn end date has to be calculated for the pdn based on the timeframe and actualeffectivedate*/
case when pdn.actualeffectivedate <> convert(datetime,'01/01/1900',110) then
case pdn.timeframe
when '30' then dateadd(month,1,pdn.actualeffectivedate)
when '60' then dateadd(month,2,pdn.actualeffectivedate)
when '90' then dateadd(month,3,pdn.actualeffectivedate)
else null
end as pdn_enddate,
pdn.status as pdn_status,
status.description as pdn_statusdesc,
pdn.managersignoff as pdn_managersignoff,
pdn.managersignoffdate as pdn_managersignoffdate,
pdn.associatesignoff as pdn_associatesignoff,
pdn.associatesignoffdate as pdn_associatesignoffdate,
pdn.witnessname as pdn_witnessname,
/*the start date for the extension has to be calculated by subtracting 30 days from the evaluationdate*/
/*where the evaluationtype = 'X' (Extension Final).*/
/*there is only one timeframe of 30 days for an extension and only one extension is allowed per pdn for an associate*/
when (eval.evaluationtype = 'X' and eval.status not in ('C','D','N')) then dateadd(month,-1,eval.evaluationdate)
else null
end as ext_startdate,
eval.evaluationdate as eval_evaluationdate,/*end date of the evaluation or extension*/
eval.evaluationtype as eval_evaluationtype,
evaltype.description as eval_evaltypedesc,
eval.status as eval_status,
status2.description as eval_statusdesc,
eval.effectivedate as eval_effectivedate,
eval.managersignoff as eval_managersignoff,
eval.managersignoffdate as eval_managersignoffdate,
eval.associatesignoff as eval_associatesignoff,
eval.associatesignoffdate as eval_associatesignoffdate,
eval.witnessname as eval_witnessname
into #pdninfo
FROM [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[PDNMain] pdn
left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[EvaluationsMain] eval
on pdn.transactionid = eval.transactionid
left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[ProcessLevel] pl
on pdn.processlevel = pl.processlevel
left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[StatusDescriptions] status
on pdn.status = status.status and status.type = 'PDN'
left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[StatusDescriptions] status2
on eval.status = status2.status and status2.type = 'EVAL'
left outer join [PerformanceDeficiencyNotice].[dbo].[EvaluationTypes] evaltype
on eval.evaluationtype = evaltype.type
/*select active pdns from PDNMain (status: 'A' = Approved, 'S' = Submitted)*/
WHERE pdn.status in ('A','S')
/*select extensions from EvaluationsMain (evaluation type: 'X' = Extension Final; status: <> 'C' - Completed,*/
/*'D' - In Progress, or 'N' - Not started)*/
OR (eval.evaluationtype = 'X' and eval.status not in ('C','D','N'))

/*get last performance rating and last (maximum) performance review date from PerformanceReviewHistory*/
/*Note: A PerformanceReviewHistory record gets created within a couple of days after an associate is hired.*/
/* The rating and updatedate are null initially. Aggregate functions (i.e. MAX) ignore null values.*/
/* You must check for "updatedate IS NOT NULL" as shown below or the record will be dropped.*/
SELECT distinct(#pdninfo.employeenbr), perfreview.rating, perfreview.updatedate
into #perfreview
FROM #pdninfo, [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[PerformanceReviewHistory] perfreview
WHERE #pdninfo.employeenbr = perfreview.employeenbr
AND perfreview.updatedate =
(SELECT max(updatedate)
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[PerformanceReviewHistory] perfreview2
WHERE perfreview2.employeenbr = perfreview.employeenbr
AND updatedate IS NOT NULL)

/*select active pdns ('orig' = original)*/
SELECT 'orig' as orig_or_ext,
#pdninfo.*, #perfreview.rating as lastperfrating, #perfreview.updatedate as lastperfreviewdate,
/*get empstatus, lasthiredate, originalhiredate, gender, race, middle init, supervisor name from Employee*/
emp.empstatus, emp.lasthiredate, emp.originalhiredate, emp.gender, emp.race, emp.mi,
(SELECT emp2.lastname
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_lastname,
(SELECT emp2.firstname
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_firstname,
(SELECT emp2.mi
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_mi
FROM #pdninfo
left outer join #perfreview
on #pdninfo.employeenbr = #perfreview.employeenbr
left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp
on #pdninfo.employeenbr = emp.employeenbr
WHERE #pdninfo.pdn_status in ('A','S')


/*select extensions ('ext' = extension)*/
'ext' as orig_or_ext,
#pdninfo.*, #perfreview.rating as lastperfrating, #perfreview.updatedate as lastperfreviewdate,
/*get empstatus, lasthiredate, originalhiredate, gender, race, middle init, supervisor name from Employee*/
emp.empstatus, emp.lasthiredate, emp.originalhiredate, emp.gender, emp.race, emp.mi,
(SELECT emp2.lastname
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_lastname,
(SELECT emp2.firstname
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_firstname,
(SELECT emp2.mi
FROM [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp2
WHERE #pdninfo.supemployeenbr = emp2.employeenbr) as sup_mi
FROM #pdninfo
left outer join #perfreview
on #pdninfo.employeenbr = #perfreview.employeenbr
left outer join [HRDataWarehouse].[dbo].[Employee] emp
on #pdninfo.employeenbr = emp.employeenbr
WHERE #pdninfo.eval_evaluationtype = 'X' and #pdninfo.eval_status not in ('C','D','N')

drop table #pdninfo
drop table #perfreview

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