Feb 28, 2001
I have a stored procedure that is calling a cursor to populate some variables it then uses those variable to get more information and then inserts that info into a final table. The estimated number of records that it should insert is around 2 million. The procedure stops after about 6000 records inserted. It still apears to be running but in fact is not. Can anyone help? I have also attached the code.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[create_table1_tmp] AS
/* table1 variables */
declare@v_ARCKEY int
declare@v_INVKEY int
declare@v_ITEM char (15)
declare@v_BRAND char(15)
declare@v_PRICE decimal(12, 2)
declare@v_QTYORD decimal(12, 3)
declare@v_QTYSHP decimal(12, 3)
declare@v_CTCKEY int
declare@v_SOMKEY int
declare@v_ORDATE datetime
declare@v_FNAME char (15)
declare@v_CONTACT varchar (20)
declare@v_TITLE varchar (25)
declare@v_SALUT char (4)
declare@v_DEGREE char (6)
declare@v_SALESMN2char (3)
declare@v_TTL_CODEchar (4)
declare@v_SPECIALTYvarchar (30)
declare@v_COMPANYvarchar (35)
declare@v_ADDRESS1varchar (50)
declare@v_ADDRESS2varchar (50)
declare@v_CITYvarchar (20)
declare@v_STATEchar (10)
declare@v_KEYCODEchar (10)
declare@v_ZIPchar (10)
declare@v_COUNTRYchar (2)
declare@v_ARCSOURCEchar (5)
declare@v_SLSVOLchar (1)
declare@v_TYPEchar (8)
declare@v_CODEchar (3)
declare@v_SUBTYPEchar (1)
declare@v_TERMdecimal(2, 0)
declare@v_STATUSchar (1)
declare@v_XRENEWEDdecimal(2, 0)
declare@v_SHPAMTdecimal(12, 2)
declare@v_SOMSOURCEchar (5)
declare@v_PMETHchar (1)
declare@v_EXTPRICEdecimal(12, 2)
declare@v_CTYPEchar (5)
declare@v_CTCKEY_SBSUBS int
declare@v_ACRONYMchar (8)
declare@v_PONUMvarchar (20)
declare@v_EMAILvarchar (50)
declare@v_ARCPHONEVARCHAR (20)
declare@v_ARCFAXNOVARCHAR (20)
declare@v_CMCPHONEVARCHAR (20)
declare@v_CMCFAXNOVARCHAR (20)
/* processing Variables */
declare @v_tmpint
declare@v_arckey_tmp INT
declare@v_ctckey_tmp INT
declare@v_invkey_tmp INT
declare@v_subkey_tmp INT
declare@v_arcDORENEW TINYINT
declare@v_cmcDORENEW TINYINT
declare@v_sbsDORENEW TINYINT
declare@v_arcDOFAX TINYINT
declare@v_cmcDOFAX TINYINT
declare@v_arcDOMAIL TINYINT
declare@v_cmcDOMAIL TINYINT
declare@v_arcDOPHONE TINYINT
declare@v_cmcDOPHONE TINYINT
/* cursors for retrieving online data*/
declarev_mast cursor for
select /*+ INDEX_COMBINE(arc) */
som.arckey arckey,
sot.invkey invkey,
sot.item item,
sot.price price,
sot.qtyord qtyord,
sot.qtyshp qtyshp,
som.ctckey ctckey,
som.somkey somkey,
sot.ordate ordate,
arc.phone arcphone,
arc.faxno arcfaxno,
arc.salesmn2 salesmn2,
arc.country country,
arc.source arcsource,
arc.slsvol slsvol,
arc.type type,
arc.specialty specialty,
arc.numdrs numdrs,
arc.bedsize bedsize,
arc.numlives numlives,
arc.code code,
arc.dorenew arcdorenew,
arc.company company,
arc.address1 address1,
arc.address2 address2,
arc.city city,
arc.state state,
sub.eupdate eupdate,
sub.doupdate doupdate,
sub.subkey subkey,
sub.subtype subtype,
sub.startdate startdate,
sub.term term,
sub.status status,
sub.statdate statdate,
sub.xrenewed xrenewed,
sub.dorenew sbsdorenew,
som.shpamt shpamt,
som.source somsource,
som.pmeth pmeth,
sub.ctckey ctckey_sbsubs,
sub.updonly updonly,
sot.disc disc,
arc.dofax arcdofax,
from sotran sot,somast som, arcust arc,sbsubs sub
where (som.arckey != '121449' and som.arckey != '1364166')
and (som.sotype not in (
select value from table1_param
where name = 'sotype') or
som.sotype is null)
and (som.sostat not in (
select value from table1_param
where name = 'somstat') or
som.sostat is null)
and arc.arckey = som.arckey
and (arc.code not in (
select value from table1_param
where name = 'code') or
arc.code is null)
and (arc.slsvol not in (
select value from table1_param
where name = 'slsvol') or
arc.slsvol is null)
and arc.foreign_ = 0
and sot.somkey = som.somkey
and (sot.sostat not in (
select value from table1_param
where name = 'sotstat') or
sot.sostat is null)
and sot.item > '0100'
and sub.subkey =* sot.subkey
order by arc.arckey,som.ctckey,sot.invkey,sub.subkey,sot.rq date desc
OPEN v_mast
--pull all somast records where custno isn't 121449 or 1364166
--and sotype filtered and sostat isnot filtered
set @v_loop = 0
fetch next from v_mast into @v_arckey, @v_invkey, @v_item, @v_price, @v_qtyord,
@v_qtyshp, @v_ctckey, @v_somkey, @v_ordate, @v_arcphone, @v_arcfaxno, @v_salesmn2, @v_country,
@v_arcsource, @v_slsvol, @v_type, @v_specialty, @v_numdrs, @v_bedsize, @v_numlives,
@v_code, @v_arcdorenew, @v_company, @v_address1, @v_address2, @v_city,
@v_state, @v_zip, @v_eupdate, @v_doupdate, @v_subkey, @v_subtype, @v_startdate, @v_term, @v_status,
@v_statdate, @v_xrenewed, @v_sbsdorenew, @v_shpamt, @v_somsource, @v_pmeth, @v_ctckey_sbsubs,
@v_updonly, @v_disc, @v_arcdofax, @v_ponum, @v_arcdomail, @v_arcdophone
while @@fetch_status = 0--for v_rec in v_mast loop
set @v_loop = @v_loop + 1
set @v_expdate = dateadd(month,@v_term,@v_startdate) - 1
set @v_keycode = ''
--select company, address1, address2, city, state, zip
--from cmcship
--where ctckey = @v_ctckey
--if (@@rowcount = 0)
--set @v_tmp = null
begin tran t1
set @v_company = (select top 1 company from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_address1 = (select top 1 address1 from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_address2 = (select top 1 address2 from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_city = (select top 1 city from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_state = (select top 1 state from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_zip = (select top 1 zip from cmcship where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
commit tran t1
--select company, address1, address2, city, state, zip
--from cmcadd
--where ctckey = @v_ctckey
--if (@@rowcount = 0)
--set @v_tmp = null
begin tran t2
set @v_company = (select top 1 company from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_address1 = (select top 1 address1 from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_address2 = (select top 1 address2 from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_city = (select top 1 city from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_state = (select top 1 state from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_zip = (select top 1 zip from cmcadd where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
commit tran t2
--select fname, contact, title, salut, degree, phone, faxno, ttl_code, dorenew,
--ctype, email, dofax, domail, email_info, emailpromo, docall
--from cmctac
--where ctckey = @v_ctckey
--if (@@rowcount = 0)
--RAISERROR ('cmc not found', 16, 1)
begin tran t3
set @v_fname = (select top 1 fname from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_contact = (select top 1 contact from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_title = (select top 1 title from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_salut = (select top 1 salut from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_degree = (select top 1 degree from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcphone = (select top 1 phone from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcfaxno = (select top 1 faxno from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_ttl_code = (select top 1 ttl_code from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcdorenew = (select top 1 dorenew from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_ctype = (select top 1 ctype from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_email = (select top 1 email from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcdofax = (select top 1 dofax from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcdomail = (select top 1 domail from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_email_info = (select top 1 email_info from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_emailpromo = (select top 1 emailpromo from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
set @v_cmcdophone = (select top 1 docall from cmctac where ctckey = @v_ctckey)
commit tran t3
--select acronym, brand from invhead
--where invkey = @v_invkey
--if (@@cursor_rows = 0)
--set @v_tmp = null
begin tran t4
set @v_acronym = (select top 1 acronym from invhead where invkey = @v_invkey)
set @v_brand = (select top 1 brand from invhead where invkey = @v_invkey)
commit tran t4
set @v_amt = ((@v_qtyshp+@v_qtyord)*@v_price *(100-@v_disc))*.01
if @v_amt < 0
set @v_extprice = round(@v_amt,2)
set @v_extprice = round(@v_amt,2)
if (@v_arcdomail = 0 or @v_cmcdomail = 0)
set @v_domail = 0
set @v_domail = 1
if (@v_arcdofax = 0 or @v_cmcdofax = 0)
set @v_dofax = 0
set @v_dofax = 1
if (@v_arcdophone = 0 or @v_cmcdophone = 0)
set @v_dophone = 0
set @v_dophone = 1
if ((@v_arcdorenew = 0 or @v_cmcdorenew = 0) or @v_sbsdorenew = 0)
set @v_dorenew = 0
set @v_dorenew = 1
-- remove all but the newest orders
if @v_arckey = @v_arckey_tmp and @v_ctckey = @v_ctckey_tmp and
@v_invkey = @v_invkey_tmp and ((@v_subkey is null and
@v_subkey_tmp is null) or (@v_subkey = @v_subkey_tmp))
set @v_tmp = null
begin tran t5
set @v_arckey_tmp = @v_arckey
set @v_ctckey_tmp = @v_ctckey
set @v_invkey_tmp = @v_invkey
set @v_subkey_tmp = @v_subkey
commit tran t5
begin tran t6
insert into table1_tmp
arckey, invkey, item, brand, price, qtyord, qtyshp, ctckey, somkey,
ordate, fname, contact, title, salut, degree, salesmn2, ttl_code,
specialty, company, address1, address2, city, state, keycode,
zip, country, arcsource, slsvol, type, numdrs, bedsize, numlives,
code, subkey, subtype, startdate, term, status,
statdate, xrenewed,expdate, shpamt, somsource,
pmeth, extprice, ctype,ctckey_sbsubs, acronym,
ponum, email, arcphone, arcfaxno, cmcphone, cmcfaxno,
dofax, dophone, dorenew, domail, doupdate, updonly,
email_info, emailpromo, disc)
values (
@v_arckey, @v_invkey, @v_item, @v_brand, @v_price, @v_qtyord, @v_qtyshp,
@v_ctckey, @v_somkey, @v_ordate, @v_fname, @v_contact, @v_title,
@v_salut, @v_degree, @v_salesmn2, @v_ttl_code, @v_specialty, @v_company,
@v_address1, @v_address2, @v_city, @v_state, @v_keycode,
@v_zip, @v_country, @v_arcsource, @v_slsvol,
@v_type, @v_numdrs, @v_bedsize, @v_numlives, @v_code,
@v_subkey,@v_subtype, @v_startdate, @v_term, @v_status,
@v_statdate, @v_xrenewed, @v_expdate, @v_shpamt, @v_somsource,
@v_pmeth, @v_extprice, @v_ctype, @v_ctckey_sbsubs, @v_acronym,
@v_ponum, @v_email, @v_arcphone, @v_arcfaxno, @v_cmcphone,
@v_cmcfaxno, @v_dofax, @v_dophone, @v_dorenew, @v_domail,
@v_doupdate, @v_updonly, @v_email_info, @v_emailpromo, @v_disc
commit tran t6
fetch next from v_mast into @v_arckey, @v_invkey, @v_item, @v_price, @v_qtyord,
@v_qtyshp, @v_ctckey, @v_somkey, @v_ordate, @v_arcphone, @v_arcfaxno, @v_salesmn2, @v_country,
@v_arcsource, @v_slsvol, @v_type, @v_specialty, @v_numdrs, @v_bedsize, @v_numlives,
@v_code, @v_arcdorenew, @v_company, @v_address1, @v_address2, @v_city,
@v_state, @v_zip, @v_eupdate, @v_doupdate, @v_subkey, @v_subtype, @v_startdate, @v_term, @v_status,
@v_statdate, @v_xrenewed, @v_sbsdorenew, @v_shpamt, @v_somsource, @v_pmeth, @v_ctckey_sbsubs,
@v_updonly, @v_disc, @v_arcdofax, @v_ponum, @v_arcdomail, @v_arcdophone
end --while loop
close v_mast
deallocate v_mast
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