Building A Parts Table With Multiple Catagories

Mar 14, 2008

I am trying to figure out the best way to build a table that will hold information about our inventory of parts. We have several issues that I have been struggeling with trying to make this work. First capturing the basic part information is a no brainer, where I am having some questions is with how to assign categories, subcategories for each of these parts. The challenge comes because each part can belong to multiple categories and subcategories. For example we have 5 main items that would have categories, subcategories, parts. For example:

Item: Trailer
Model: model1, model2, model3
Category: Chassis
Subcategory: Upper frame, lower frame, electrical
Part: could be any thing that falls under one of the subcategories

Item: Trailer
Model: model1, model2, model3
Category: Gen set
Subcategory: engine, power, electrical
Part: could be any thing that falls under one of the subcategories


My main items are trailer, shelter, power, heat, lights. Under the trailer and shelter items parts can belong all models or just a couple or just one model. My thought was to create a table for each item, ie: TrailerModels, ShelterModels which would have 100 plus columns, 1 column for each model, using a bit datatype to show which parts could belong to which model. This however seems to be quite a bit of work, because in order to use the models to thin down lists when searching for an item it would have query this table as well as the category and subcategory tables.

Anyone have some feedback about how I should approach this? I don't know if I was able to communicate the specifics of this very well but I can clear up details if anyone wants to throw some feedback my way.



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Db Theory Advice Multiple Catagories Per Item

Jun 14, 2004

My co worker designed a database where retail items can be placed in multiple catagories. This seems odd to me..... In general, Isnt it more normal than not to be only one catarory for each item? For example, lets say I was selling a bowling ball with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it. I can then find this item in the "Mickey Mouse" catagory or in the "bowling ball" catagory but in the database the bowling ball has only one catagoryID. When I worked for a multi-million dollar corporate retail store , an item was listed once in only one catagroy. But i am sure items can be viewed

I know there isnt a single rule, I am just looking for a solution. How should the database sturucture be built with this in mind starting out with what is listed below???? Mabey an attributes table?

ItemID ItemName CatagoryID

CatagoryID CatagoryName

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Building Relationships Between Multiple DB's

Jan 20, 2000

During the set-up of my DB's and their tables, I was unable to setup a relationship between a table in one Database and another table in my other Database ( using the diagram ). Maybe my datastructure of multiple databases is not correct, or is their an option to set relations between multiple databases ?

PS in the future I planned to have some other databases on different servers.

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Secure Parts Of A Table

Sep 30, 2007

This is the thread

Here it mentions the following
Deployment Considerations
When using Windows authentication to connect to SQL Server in production
environments, consider the following:

Use a custom service account.
Create a SQL Server login for a Windows group.
Assign database permissions to a database role.
Use a Custom Service Account

This is my problem we are trying to convert all our web pages to use Windows Authenication.
DOMAINWEBGROUP (for example).

Tracey and Jack part of this group
But sometimes there may be anothers added to this say John

The security comes from SQL right now i give data reader to the database.

1. ASP.NET uses the service account DOMAINWEBGROUP
2. Assign WEBGROUP to database PERSONEL
Table Employees
Web Page
Lets say Tracey logs into the web page.....and i have two pages
1. Employess
2. Salary

As the WEBGROUP is data reader viola Tracey sees all salary information.
Im trying to figure out that only Tracey can see Employees

But im not seeing the relationship when using WEBGROUP

Is there a way in SQL to say yes we have the DOMAINWEBGROUP
but in sql also put in Tracey and know that Tracey is part of DOMAINWEBGROUP
So that in my tables i can only give tracey part of this employee table (say the first name last name) and not salary information. (I know how to use the roles).

The part im confused about is the mapping WEBGROUP to tracey in sql as the web developers only pass in WEBGROUP

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Building An Application On Multiple Data Sources

Jul 6, 2006

ASP.NET on SQL ServerI've been asked to quote for developing a system to expose data on aweb application. Most of the data will come from SQL Server DBslocated on a single box. However, some of the data will be sourcedfrom ORACLE which is located on a different box. It may be necessaryto create VIEWS and Stored Procedures joining these DBsDoes anyone have any pointers, clues, hints, tips or pitfalls that Imight consider while making my proposal? What sort of extracontingency should I allow for the connection to ORACLE? Should I doall the data retrieval on the DB server, or should I do it on the Webserver?Any thoughts would be appreciated.ThanksWilliam Balmer

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Reference A Temporary ##global Table Of A Linked Server Using 4-parts Identifier

Oct 17, 2007

Is it possible to reference a temporary global tale (##table) of a linked server using the 4 parts "identifier": linkedserver.database.schema_name.##object_name ??
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Building A Table From SQL Query

Apr 21, 2006

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.I have query that returns all the colums in a row (SELECT * FROM table WHERE value = 'value') and I need to build a table with this data.  Some of the columns may not have values in them, and so I dont want to build a table row for it.  I also need to use the column name as the table header.  As an example:==============================Column Name    || Column Value-----------------||-----------------Column Name    || Column Value
I hope I have explained myself properly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

View 4 Replies View Related

Building A Multi Statement Table UDF

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,While in the process of building my table (40 or so Insert statments)can I then query ("select * from @Table_variable") and use the resultsup to theat point for another insert into @Table_varible? If you lookfor stepID -15 I have commented that section out due to it notretuning the correct values.Thank you in advanceStephen PattenTable Code:ALTER FUNCTION dbo.BidContract(@MixHeaderID int,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10),@AreaTypeID int,@NailingParam int,@TapingParam int)/*@MixHeaderID int = 2,@MaterialEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@LaborEffectiveDate nvarchar(10) = '2003-01-01',@AreaTypeID int = 1,@NailingParam int = -1,@TapingParam int = -1*/RETURNS @table_variable TABLE (IDintIDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,StepIDdecimal (18,1)NOT NULL ,JobMasterIDintNOT NULL ,MixHeaderIDintNOT NULL ,BidSubtypeIDintNOT NULL ,WorkTypeIDintNOT NULL ,UnitNamenvarchar (64)NOT NULL ,UnitQuantityintNOT NULL ,ItemDescriptionnvarchar (256)NOT NULL ,ItemQuantitydecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ScaleValuedecimal(18, 4)NOT NULL ,ExtendedPricedecimal (18,4)NOT NULL ,IsVisiblebitNULL ,WSQtyAdjdecimal(18,4)NULL)ASBEGIN/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MATERIALSUBTYPE 1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -1WALLBOARDALL MATERIAL THAT HAS A MATERIAL CATEGORY OF 1 (WALLBOARD)NOTE: THIS WILL ALSO GIVE YOU THE TOTAL SQUARE FEET TO BE USED INLATER CALCULATIONS*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubTypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 1 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixHeader.MixHeaderID, 1 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area /1000) AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectivedate)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), MixHeader.MixHeaderID,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixHeader.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*STEP -2STOCKINGScale * Total Wallboard sq ft*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT -2, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'STOCKING', SUM(ItemQuantity),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), SUM(ItemQuantity) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(830, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MISC MATERIALSUBTYPE 2/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*STEP -3NAILS AND SCREWSScale * Total Wallboard sq ft1 box covers 4000 sq ft of wallboardThis makes sure we are dealing with whole boxes of nails:ROUND(((TotalSquareFoot)/4000 + .4999), 0)SELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999,0), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4) + .4999, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM bidunitWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 3, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'NAILS-SCREWS', ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0),dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),ROUND((SUM(ItemQuantity)/4), 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(829, 1, '2003-01-01'),IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 1GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdj/*MUDStep -4Select just a subset of the already inserteddata to give us a distinct list of UNITS to pass to the MUD functionNOTE: this type of select will be used a couple of more times, alwaysuse StepID = -2 (STOCKING)@THE_VALUE = isnull(@WALLBOARD/250,0) + isnull(@FIRETAPING/500,0) +isnull(@METAL/125,0) + isnull(@CEIL_SQ_FT/900,0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 4, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'MUD', dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetMudValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(828, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*TAPEStep -5ROUND(SUM(ItemQuantity)/1100, 0)*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 5, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 2, WorkTypeID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, N'TAPE', dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName), dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), dbo.BidContract_GetTapeValue(@MixHeaderID,UnitName) * dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(832, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate), IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variableWHERE StepID = - 2/*METALStep -6SUM(Z395*1.1)/1000*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, (ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0) * 1.1) / 1000* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription, MaterialScale.PriceHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 6 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * 1.1) / 1000 *MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 2) AND(MaterialScale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND(MaterialScale.EffectiveDate = @MaterialEffectiveDate)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*MISC MATERIALStep -7*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtype,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)AS ItemQuantity, MaterialScale.Price ASScaleValue, ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity), 0)* MaterialScale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNOT NULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2))) OR(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity,MaterialScale.Price, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)UNION ALLSELECT - 7 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity AS ItemQuantity,MaterialScale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *MaterialScale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINMaterialScale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialScale.MaterialItemMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND(NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID IN(1, 2)))GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '') +'~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MaterialScale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity,FloorPlanLineItem.QuantityHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidMiscMaterialExemptionList))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID<> 3)/*COUNT OF LIVING UNITSStep -8****HOUSE***SELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)****HOUSE****/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'SUNDRIES' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) ASItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity* dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 8 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,N'SUNDRIES' AS ItemDescription,1 AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate)AS ScaleValue, SUM(1 *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(843, @AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit ='1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*FIRE HAULT - CHECK FOR FIREPROOFINGStep -9*/IF EXISTS (SELECT 'true' AS Expr1FROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription = N'FIRETAPING') AND(JobMaster.ProjectTypeID <> 1))BEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidsubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIRE HAULT' ASItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) AS ItemQuantity,dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity *MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanHeader INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit= '1') OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 9 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 2 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'FIREHAULT' AS ItemDescription,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2,0) AS ItemQuantity, dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID,@MaterialEffectiveDate) AS ScaleValue,ISNULL(SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) / 2, 0) *dbo.BidContract_GetMaterialScaleValue(579,@AreaTypeID, @MaterialEffectiveDate) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelIDIS NULL) AND (FloorPlanHeader.IsLivingUnit = '1')GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)END/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////NAILING LABORSUBTYPE 3//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*PRODUCTION WALLBOARDStep -10.x*/IF (@NailingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncreaseAS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRate + NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease)AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production( @MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID = dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionINSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.1 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity, RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' '+ dbo.Height.HeightDescription AS ItemDescription,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +dbo.Height.NailingRateGarage +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM dbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production_ Garage(@MixHeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINdbo.Height ON NailingLabor.HeightID =dbo.Height.HeightID INNER JOINdbo.BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' +dbo.Height.HeightDescriptionENDIF (@NailingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.2 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONNailingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID) AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate)ORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageENDIF (@NailingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 10.3 AS StepID, NailingLabor.JobMasterID,NailingLabor.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID, NailingLabor.WorkTypeID,NailingLabor.UnitName,NailingLabor.UnitQuantity,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionAS ItemDescription, NailingLabor.ItemQuantity,NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,NailingLabor.ItemQuantity *NailingLabor.ProductionNailingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_NailingLabor_Wallboard_Production(@Mix HeaderID)NailingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON NailingLabor.HeightID =Height.HeightIDORDER BY NailingLabor.WorkTypeID DESC,RTRIM(NailingLabor.ItemDescription) + N' ' + Height.HeightDescription--TODO: add garageEND/*'ALL OTHER MATERIALStep -11*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity,BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale()BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription= BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND (BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, BidContract_NailingLabor_Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 11 AS StepID, MixHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID <> 606)AND (MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (Scale.EffectiveDate =@LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 2) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'PRELIM WALLBOARD LESS SPECIALStep -12*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1)AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price, VT.UnitQuantity * Scale.Price ASExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 12 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area) AS ItemQuantity, 0 ASIsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ONFloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID = MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderIDINNER JOINMixHeader ONMixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ONFloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID = Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ONFloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ONFloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID = WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL)AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND (NOT(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList)))GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription + N' ' +WorkLocation.WorkLocationDescription, FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3,''), JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1)AND (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)) VT INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONVT.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*PRELIM SPECIAL BOARDStep -13*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * (FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Dimension.Area) * Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible,0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ON FloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID= MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))UNION ALLSELECT - 13 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area)AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Dimension.Area * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINDimension ON FloorPlanLineItem.DimensionID =Dimension.DimensionID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID ANDMixHeader.JobMasterID = JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID =WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID = 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(SELECTclsBidNailingLaborExemptionListDescriptionFROMclsBidNailingLaborExemptionList))/*'ALL OTHER PRELIM MATERIALStep -14*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity *Scale.Price) AS ExtendedPrice,0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 14 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 3 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * Scale.Price) ASExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID AND MixHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_NailingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingID LEFT OUTER JOINWorkLocation ON FloorPlanLineItem.WorkLocationID= WorkLocation.WorkLocationIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialCategoryID <> 1) AND(MaterialItemMaster.Attribute2 = N'1') AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),JobMaster.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.PriceHAVING (NOT (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription IN(N'WINDOWS', N'ANGELS'))) AND (FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID = 1) AND(MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*'FOREMANStep -15INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT- 15 AS StepID,JobMasterID,MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID,UnitName,UnitQuantity,N'FOREMAN' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variable T2WHERE T2.UnitName = T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 3) * .08AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible,WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 10.1, - 10.2, - 10.3, - 12, -13))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT*//*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAPING LABORSUBTYPE 4/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*WALLLBOARD W/ HEIGHTStep - 16.x*/IF (@TapingParam = -1) --ProgressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.1 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease + Height.TapingRate) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible,TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -2) --NonprogressiveBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.2 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease AS ScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity * (Scale.Price +TapingLabor.TapingLaborIncrease) AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID)TapingLabor INNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONTapingLabor.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)ENDIF (@TapingParam = -3) --StraightBEGININSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 16.3 AS StepID, TapingLabor.JobMasterID,TapingLabor.MixHeaderID, TapingLabor.BidSubtypeID,TapingLabor.WorkTypeID, TapingLabor.UnitName,TapingLabor.UnitQuantity,CASE TapingLabor.ItemDescription WHEN'WALLBOARD' THEN Height.HeightDescription ELSETapingLabor.ItemDescription + ' ' + Height.HeightDescriptionEND AS ItemDescription,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity, TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight ASScaleValue,TapingLabor.ItemQuantity *TapingLabor.TapingLaborStraight AS ExtendedPrice,TapingLabor.IsVisible, TapingLabor.WSQtyAdjFROM BidContract_TapingLabor_Wallboard(@MixHeaderID) TapingLaborINNER JOINHeight ON TapingLabor.HeightID = Height.HeightIDINNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ON TapingLabor.ItemDescription= Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)END/*METAL AND MISC ITEMSStepID -17*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity *FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM((MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)* (Scale.Price + JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease))AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =MixHeader.MixHeaderID INNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID =MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795,589, 584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589,584, 586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)UNION ALLSELECT - 17 AS StepID, JobMaster.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '')AS UnitName, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescriptionAS ItemDescription, SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity) AS ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue,SUM(FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity * (Scale.Price +JobMaster.TapingLaborIncrease)) AS ExtendedPrice, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 ASWSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ON FloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID= MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixHeader ON MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = MixHeader.MixHeaderIDINNER JOINJobMaster ON FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID =JobMaster.JobMasterID INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription =Scale.ItemDescription LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ON MixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID IN (605, 795, 589, 584,586, 583, 585, 587, 582, 588)) AND(Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND (Scale.AreaTypeID =@AreaTypeID)GROUP BY JobMaster.JobMasterID,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2,'') + '~' + ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''),MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity, Scale.Price,FloorPlanLineItem.WorkTypeIDHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID)/*BRACKETSStepID -18*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity) AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL)GROUP BY MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription,FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID, MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)UNION ALLSELECT Brackets.StepID, Brackets.JobMasterID,Brackets.MixHeaderID, Brackets.BidSubtypeID, Brackets.WorkTypeID,Brackets.UnitName,Brackets.UnitQuantity, Brackets.ItemDescription,Brackets.ItemQuantity, Scale.Price AS Price, Brackets.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice,Brackets.IsVisible, Brackets.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 18 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 4 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, '') AS UnitName,MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity AS UnitQuantity, N'BRACKETS' ASItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM MixLineItem INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONMixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID = FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFTOUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NULL) AND(MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NULL)GROUP BY FloorPlanHeader.PlanName + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute1, '') + '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute2, '')+ '~' +ISNULL(FloorPlanHeader.Attribute3, ''), FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID = @MixHeaderID))Brackets INNER JOINBidContract_TapingLabor_Scale() Scale ONBrackets.ItemDescription = Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*FOREMANStepID -19*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID, WorkTypeID,UnitName, UnitQuantity, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ExtendedPrice /ItemQuantity AS ScaleValue,ExtendedPrice, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 19 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, BidSubtypeID,0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'FOREMAN' ASItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) AS ItemQuantity,(SELECTSUM(T2.ExtendedPrice)FROM @table_variableT2WHERE T2.UnitName =T1.UnitName AND T2.BidSubtypeID = 4) * .06 AS ExtendedPrice,IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY UnitName, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID,BidSubtypeID, UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible)VT/*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PICKUPSUBTYPE 5//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*//*CUT & SCRAPEStepID -20Same as Total Taping Labor Wallboard less the Garages*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 20 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, 'CUT &SCRAPE' AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%Garage%')) AND(StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*SANDING / HIGHStepID -21Wallboard and Round 10 feet and above from taping labor*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 21 AS StepID, JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, 5AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID, UnitName, UnitQuantity, N'SANDING'AS ItemDescription,SUM(ItemQuantity) / 1000 ASItemQuantity, IsVisible, WSQtyAdjFROM @table_variable T1WHERE (StepID IN (- 16.1, - 16.2, - 16.3)) AND (NOT(ItemDescription LIKE N'% 8%')) AND (NOT (ItemDescription LIKE N'%9%')) AND(NOT (ItemDescription LIKEN'%GARAGE%'))GROUP BY JobMasterID, MixHeaderID, UnitName,UnitQuantity, WSQtyAdj, IsVisible) VT INNER JOINPickupScale Scale ON VT.ItemDescription =Scale.ItemDescriptionWHERE (Scale.EffectiveDate = @LaborEffectiveDate) AND(Scale.AreaTypeID = @AreaTypeID)/*WINDOWSStepID -22*/INSERT INTO @table_variableSELECT VT.StepID, VT.JobMasterID, VT.MixHeaderID, VT.BidSubtypeID,VT.WorkTypeID, VT.UnitName, VT.UnitQuantity, VT.ItemDescription,VT.ItemQuantity,Scale.Price AS ScaleValue, VT.ItemQuantity *Scale.Price AS ExtendedPrice, VT.IsVisible, VT.WSQtyAdjFROM (SELECT - 22 AS StepID, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID, 5 AS BidSubtypeID, 0 AS WorkTypeID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription AS UnitName,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantity AS UnitQuantity,MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription AS ItemDescription,SUM(MixLineItem.FloorPlanQuantity * FloorPlanLineItem.Quantity)AS ItemQuantity, 0 AS IsVisible, 0 AS WSQtyAdjFROM FloorPlanLineItem INNER JOINMaterialItemMaster ONFloorPlanLineItem.MaterialItemMasterID =MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID INNER JOINFloorPlanHeader ONFloorPlanLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID =FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID INNER JOINMixLineItem ON FloorPlanHeader.FloorPlanHeaderID =MixLineItem.FloorPlanHeaderID LEFT OUTER JOINMixBuilding ONMixLineItem.MixBuildingID = MixBuilding.MixBuildingIDWHERE (MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOTNULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID IS NOT NULL) AND(MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802) OR(MixLineItem.MixBuildingID IS NOT NULL) AND (MixLineItem.MixLevelID ISNULL) AND (MaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterID = 802)GROUP BYMaterialItemMaster.MaterialItemMasterDescription,MixBuilding.MixBuildingDescription, FloorPlanHeader.JobMasterID,MixLineItem.MixHeaderID,MixBuilding.MixBuildingQuantityHAVING (MixLineItem.MixHeaderID =@MixHeaderID)) VT INNE

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SQL Server 2012 :: Building Self-referencing Hierarchical Table

May 21, 2014

An example of what I am talking about is the employee table in the Adventureworks database. This has employeeID and then ManagerID, ManagerID just being the EmployeeID of the person whom the original reports to.

I know the queries for querying this type of data and even making recursive common table expressions. What I cannot seem to find is how one goes about BUILDING said table. I see all sorts of examples where people are just doing INSERT table VALUES () manually to load the table. The problem is, I need to create a table that has potentially thousands of records.

It will essentially be a dimensional map. Don't even get me started as to they why, I will just suffice to say that is what the client and project want . I have a process that will do this now, but it is not very dynamic and very hard coded. To me, there seems like there should be some sort of standardized methodology for handling this.

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2012 :: In Trigger - Building Dynamic Table With Inserted Data

Nov 4, 2015

Within a trigger, I'm trying to create a unique table name (using the NEWID()) which I can store the data that is found in the inserted and deleted tables.

Declare @NewID varchar(50) = Replace(convert(Varchar(50),NEWID()),'-','')
Declare @SQLStr varchar(8000)

Set @SQLStr= 'Select * into [TMPIns' + @newID + '] from inserted'
Exec (@SQLStr)

I get the following error: Invalid object name 'inserted'

I know I can do:

Select * into #inserted from inserted
Set @SQLStr= 'Select * into [TMPIns' + @newID + '] from #inserted'
Exec (@SQLStr)

But I don't want to use TempDB as these tables can become big and I also feel that it is redundant. Is there a way to avoid the creation of #inserted?

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Web Parts Without Personalization

Aug 17, 2007

i am using web parts with drag and drop feature , i did not use aspnetdb  for user membership
 while it is published it gives eror as follows
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. SQLExpress database file auto-creation error:
The connection string specifies a local Sql Server Express instance using a database location within the applications App_Data directory. The provider attempted to automatically create the application services database because the provider determined that the database does not exist. The following configuration requirements are necessary to successfully check for existence of the application services database and automatically create the application services database:

If the applications App_Data directory does not already exist, the web server account must have read and write access to the applications directory. This is necessary because the web server account will automatically create the App_Data directory if it does not already exist.
If the applications App_Data directory already exists, the web server account only requires read and write access to the applications App_Data directory. This is necessary because the web server account will attempt to verify that the Sql Server Express database already exists within the applications App_Data directory. Revoking read access on the App_Data directory from the web server account will prevent the provider from correctly determining if the Sql Server Express database already exists. This will cause an error when the provider attempts to create a duplicate of an already existing database. Write access is required because the web server accounts credentials are used when creating the new database.
Sql Server Express must be installed on the machine.
The process identity for the web server account must have a local user profile. See the readme document for details on how to create a local user profile for both machine and domain accounts.
Please give me ur valuable advice , thanks in advance

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What&#39;s The Best Way To Dupe Certain Parts Of My RS?

May 29, 2002

Mgmt just decided that the designer (me) was more valuable than the developer (now me). I hope there are some gurus out there who can help.

What would be the best way to duplicate certain parts of my RS? Suppose
I have a table with three columns: ID, adName, and priority. When I serve the ads, I am randomizing them, but would like to serve some more frequently than others. I am hoping there is a single query I can use, that will seed the RS with multiple instances of high-priority records.

Should I stick to play-doh?

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Date Parts In SQL V6.5

Mar 10, 2003

I am still using SQLv 6.5 and have a need to do monthly reports. It is my understanding that there is no inherent capability in SQL v6.5 for functions such as MONTH getdate() as exist in SQL 2000. Does anyone know of a script that will simulate this so I can extract information from a database such as date_last_update IN MONTH 02?



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SQL Pieces-parts

Jul 20, 2005

I'm very familiar with Oracle at a conceptual level and need tounderstand MSSQL as well. Can anyone point me to a document/web pagethat describes the different files used in MSSQL and a discussion of howthey relate? (ex. with Oracle, there is tempdb, redo, archive, db files,rollback, etc.)

View 4 Replies View Related

Integration Services :: Insert Multiple Columns As Multiple Records In Table Using SSIS?

Aug 10, 2015

Here is my requirement, How to handle using SSIS.

My flatfile will have multiple columns like :

ID  key1  key2  key3  key 4

I have SP which accept 3 parameters ID, Key, Date

NOTE: Key is the coulm name from the Excel. So my sp call look like

sp_insert ID, Key1, date
sp_insert ID, Key2,date
sp_insert ID, Key3,date

View 7 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Selecting Data From Table With Multiple Conditions On Multiple Columns

Apr 15, 2014

I am facing a problem in writing the stored procedure for multiple search criteria.

I am trying to write the query in the Procedure as follows

Select * from Car
where Price=@Price1 or Price=@price2 or Price=@price=3
where Manufacture=@Manufacture1 or Manufacture=@Manufacture2 or Manufacture=@Manufacture3
where Model=@Model1 or Model=@Model2 or Model=@Model3
where City=@City1 or City=@City2 or City=@City3

I am Not sure of the query but am trying to get the list of cars that are to be filtered based on the user input.

View 4 Replies View Related

Getting Parts Of DateTime Field

Jun 8, 2008

Hi everyone,
I want to get year, month, day and time parts of a DateTime field in sql,
Can help me?

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Tell Me Some Third Parts Monitoring Tools

Mar 15, 2002

Hi, gurus:

Please tell me some third parts monitoring tools for MS SQL server 2000.

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Splitting Dataset In 2 Parts

Mar 22, 2012

I have 5 records in a table called "testing" as such:


How can I split this dataset so that three records have LetterCd = 'y' and the other 2 records have LetterCd = 'x'? The number of records can vary, but the idea is the same: split the values in the LetterCd column evenly (50% = 'x', 50% = 'y'). LetterCd is varchar(25) and contact_id is int. I can't update the data, it would have to be a SELECT statement with some sort of CASE statement to get the remainder of the record count?

View 8 Replies View Related

Deleting Parts Of A String

Mar 18, 2014

The issue is that I need to delete parts of this string using SQL Server.This string is a title of a document which should contain only the Document Category & Title. Instead, it is displaying extra parts such as Year, Date Created, etc. I would like to truncate/parse off the title. The database is Acme_system. The name of the table is dbo.documents, the column name for the title is "title" and there is also column is "childcat".

The title string reads:

2013-730-DAILY NOTES AND TRACKING FORM-11-16-13 700-030714

I want to take off everything except for "DAILY NOTES AND TRACKING FORM-11-16-13 700"

View 9 Replies View Related

Select Parts Of Information

Apr 20, 2008

Hey guys,

I was wondering if this is possible I have to be able to just select the number before the '-' in acolumn which is formatted like 123-456 so I just need the the 123 part.

Any ideas how this can be achieved?


View 6 Replies View Related

Deleting Parts Of String

Mar 18, 2014

The issue is that I need to delete parts of this string using SQL Server.

This string is a title of a document which should contain only the Document Category & Title. Instead, it is displaying extra parts such as Year, Date Created, etc. I would like to truncate/parse off the title. The database is Acme_system. The name of the table is dbo.documents, the column name for the title is "title" and there is also column is "childcat".

The title string reads:

2013-730-DAILY NOTES AND TRACKING FORM-11-16-13 700-030714

I want to take off everything except for "DAILY NOTES AND TRACKING FORM-11-16-13 700"

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Selecting Parts Of Data

Apr 20, 2008

Hey guys,

I was wondering if this is possible I have to be able to just select the number before the '-' in acolumn which is formatted like 123-456 so I just need the the 123 part.

Any ideas how this can be achieved?


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RS Web Parts On SharePoint 2007

Feb 20, 2007


I'm having troubles connecting the webparts on SharePoint 2007. I installed the RSWebParts package from SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on my MOSS 2007 box. The installation went smoothly and I can add both Report Explorer and Report Viewer on a page. But when I try to connect RE to RV I get the following error:

An unexpected error has occurred.

Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.

So I have to go to the maintenance page and remove the web parts.

Have anyone managed to bypass this and make them work together?


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Sending Parts Of The Report

Feb 22, 2008


I prepared a report including sale information of a company. There are different offices of the company in different locations. And in each offices there are more than 1 saleman. I have to send the report (but just the associated part of the report to the saleman, not the whole one) to each saleman and his/her manager. I prepared a subscriber data (name and mail addy) for each office. How can i send the associated part of the report to the salemen and his/her manager by using just the original report (I dont wanna seperate the report depending on the saleman and send each report one by one, cuz there are many offices and salemen)

Thank you

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Can I Cause Parts Of The Report To NOT Print?

Apr 30, 2008

I want to add some information to a report that I do NOT want to be included in the printed output. Is there any way to designate a rectangle or list or table to NOT print?


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Transact SQL :: Create Email Report Which Gives Result Of Multiple Results From Multiple Databases In Table Format

Jul 24, 2015

I'm trying to create an email report which gives a result of multiple results from multiple databases in a table format bt I'm trying to find out if there is a simple format I can use.Here is what I've done so far but I'm having troble getting into html and also with the database column:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
= 'Job Summary', 
@profile_name  =

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Splitting Selects Into Smaller Parts

Oct 24, 2005

I'm having problems with handling a very large amount of user records - about 100.000 - 150.000 records. Instead of selecting all of them at a time, how do I f.ex. select 1000 of them? (f.ex. get nr. 1 - nr 1000, then get nr. 1001 - nr. 2000)  ???

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Returning Specific Parts Of A String

Apr 24, 2008

I have a field that contains text strings that always follow this syntax "ABC:DE:comment follow". I want to return a new field with only whatever is between the two : (in this case DE but it could be more). It would be perfect if all the field follow that syntax, however, I have variations where users put spaces either before or after the :. Can the spaces be ignored?

Thank you for any help.

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Count By Distinct Value When All Parts Not Null

Mar 12, 2007


I'm fairly new to SQL as so am looking for help with an ad hoc query. The data in focusing on is from table named APs:

FileNo Type PartNo Completed
6 Northbound 1 03/03/2007
6 Northbound 2 NULL
6 Other 1 NULL
6 Other 2 NULL
20 Proof 0 19/07/2006
20 TCP 0 21/07/2006
24 40-Day 1 16/01/2006
24 40-Day 2 16/03/2006
24 Other 0 NULL
44 Northbound 1 16/01/2006
44 Northbound 2 16/06/2006
44 Northbound 3 16/12/2006
44 Northbound 4 01/01/2007

I've tried variations on a SELECT statement like below but have been unable to find a way to count only those types per fileNo that have all partNo completed (and to count all types per fileNo with a partNo of 0 and a completed date as they have no parts):

WHERE (completed IS NOT NULL)

Total count should be: 4

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Sycn Databases From Different Parts Of The World

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all,
New to replication
I need suggestions on how go about keeping 2 sql servers from different parts of the world to be in sync all times, some latency may be accepted.

Here is the senario,
we have website hosted in NA and customers from all parts of the world log in to oursystem and does what ever they have to do which will update the sql server databases. as our company is expanding we want to have a same website hosted in eu, so when ever a person logs from eu he will be hitting the webservers in eu and anything he do will go to the SQL database servers that are in eu. Now the problem i have is when one site goes down say NA site goes down, we need to route all the traffic to site in EU that means sql servers in EU. This brings the challenge of both the servers need to be in sync all times.

I did some research on merge replication, this might not work because in this concept we have to make 1 server as the master and the others as slaves. Also i need to think in a way that if they want to expand more that means to asia, i will be having another server, these all need to be in Sync.

We are using SQL Server 2005 standard edition.
I was reading that this can be achived easily with peer-to-peer replication,but is only available in Enterprise edition which is 4times the cost of standard edition.My company is not going to agree for this, so got to do the research and propose a solution

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Parent Table - (multiple) Rows Into (multiple) Columns

Feb 12, 2015

I have an Parent table (Parentid, LastName, FirstName) and Kids table (Parentid, KidName, Age, Grade, Gender, KidTypeID) , each parent will have multiple kids, I need the result as below:

I need results for each parent like this

ParentID, LastName, FirstName, [Kid1Name,Kid2Name,Kid3Name], [Kid1Age,Kid2Age,Kid3Age],[kid1grade,Kid2grade,Kid3grade],[kid1gender,Kid2gender,Kid3gender]

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Seaching For Full Words, Not Parts Thereof

Mar 13, 2002

i'm struggling to write an sql select statement that will return records on this criteria:
any time a certain word (not part of a word) in a certain cell, i.e. if i'm looking for 'and' i dont want to get 'the sand was hot' but i do want to get 'cats and dogs'. i cant presume that there will always be a space on iether side of the word because of punctuation marks and times when the word is at the begining of the cell 'and then we...'

anyone have any advice??

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