I'm in the midst of planning how to build an NT box to host SQL 7.0 and was wondering if there is any advantage to segregating the RAID 5 Array (5 x 18GB drives) into numerous *logical* partitions to separate database and log files (I can't see what advantage there would be if the disks are all on the same array, but..)
If anyone has any pointers or links to recommended NT configurations for hosting SQL, I'd appreciate hearing them.
I am trying to connect to a remote MSSQL database through a manager program called "SQL Manager Lite". The first thing that the wizard asks me is the "host name".
How do I find this host name? I just mention that I am trying to connect to a database on a shared hosting.
Hi! Hello. I have now started to build my own community. And I have some questions on the database.For the users to login I use the login control and all the users information is stored in the ASPNETDB.MDF database.In the web.config file I have created some profiles for saving some information about the users (Name, Birth, Town) and so on.Now. All the users in this community will have their own profile page, Guestbooks ++.So I was wondering if I should create tables for all features like guestbook, profile pages or should I do this by using Profile (ASP.NET).How many users does ASPNETDB support?.
Is there any sql method that takes 3 parameter like, day, month and year . And return me the date. For example function(10,3,2007) and it returns 10-03-2007
userfeatureuserName featureIda 1a 5b 1b 5b 9c 5 c 9 menuid Pid Name1 Administrator2 1 Create User3 1 Delete USer4 1 View log5 WSR6 5 X7 5 X8 5 X9 Manager10 9 Y11 9 Y Using the above table i want to create a treeview ie based on the user login. Please let me know if there is any previous sample to this situation.
I've never done this before and I have all kinds of issues conflicting in my head (search rank, noise words, injection attacks ..etc). simply i need to search several columns in a table in the database using one search text (just like the simple search in Google). if multiple words are you used then the search should search for each of them. also manage to ignore noise words and other issues.
what is the best way of doing this? I looked at FTS in SQL 2000 but didn't know how to handle all the above mentioned issues. this should be simple, right? but i have been looking all day. I guess i don't know what im looking for because i've never implemented a web search b4.
I am not very experienced with stored procs and I'm attempting to write my first one. I am writing a search page via aspx and that page will call my proc and depending on the input parameters, the proc will return the search results. To do this I have built a where clause string but I don't know how to (if it's even possible) make this variable part of my query. Can anyone tell me a way to make the following work (input params left out to conserve space)? BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF SET @where = '' IF @JobNoStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND LJOB BETWEEN @JobNoStart AND @JobNoEnd' IF @OrderDateStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND JOBDATE BETWEEN @OrderDateStart AND @OrderDateEnd' IF @DueDateStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND DUEDATE BETWEEN @DueDateStart AND @DueDateEnd' IF @ProofDateStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND PROOFDUE BETWEEN @ProofDateStart AND @ProofDateEnd' IF @CloseDateStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND CLOSEDATE BETWEEN @CloseDateStart AND @CloseDateEnd' IF @CogsDateStart !='' SET @where =+ ' AND COGSDATE BETWEEN @CogsDateStart AND @CogsDateEnd' IF @ProductName !='' SET @where =+ ' AND PRODUCT = @ProductName' IF @CustomerNumber !='' SET @where =+ ' AND FCUSTNO = @CustomerNumber' IF @SalesPerson !='' SET @where =+ ' AND FSALESPN = @SalesPerson' IF @CSR !='' SET @where =+ ' AND JOBPER = @CSR' IF @Closed = 0 SET @where =+ ' AND CLOSEDATE IS NOT NULL OR CLOSEDATE IS NULL' ELSE IF @Closed = 1 SET @where =+ ' AND CLOSEDATE IS NULL' ELSE IF @Closed = 2 SET @where =+ ' AND CLOSEDATE IS NOT NULL' IF @Canceled = 0 SET @where =+ ' AND CANCDATE IS NOT NULL OR CANCDATE IS NULL' ELSE IF @Canceled = 1 SET @where =+ ' AND CANCDATE IS NOT NULL' ELSE IF @Canceled = 2 SET @where =+ ' AND CANCDATE IS NULL' IF @FinalShip = 0 SET @where =+ ' AND FINALSHIP IS NOT NULL OR FINALSHIP IS NULL' ELSE IF @FinalShip = 1 SET @where =+ ' AND FINALSHIP IS NOT NULL' ELSE IF @FinalShip = 2 SET @where =+ ' AND FINALSHIP IS NULL' SELECT LJOB, DUEDATE, FCOMPANY, ID, QUAN WHERE LJOB IS NOT NULL @where
I am having some problems trying to build an sql statement from more than one statement.
Here is the statement
select 'Insert App_Column (Table_ID, Column_Type_Transformation, Column_Name, ) Values (@table_ID,' ,'NULL,', name from payatwork..syscolumns where id in ( select id from payatwork..sysobjects where name like 'Employee_Profile') order by colorder, ')'
What I am finding is that the bracket at the end of the statement is not appearing - how do I append statements to the end of this sql statement (i've tried various combinations of the + sign and the comma without success.
Help Please - JMail - SQL SPs - Confirmation Email
I'm at the last stage of my current project and an totally stuck.
I'm trying to build the body of a order processing request email. For security reasons I wish to use a SP to build and send the email. (therefore no sensitive data gets passed to the client)
I have the JMail Object running properly on the server. It collects and sends the email in the normal course of the transaction from the client. Problem is that I cannot figure out how to properly build the body of the email in the SP.
I'm looking to do add the following to a single SQL SP variable to stuff in the Jmail Object to be sent. The content of the variable should look something linke the following: -----------------------------------------
/*loop each record where /*customerID and orderID match passed arguments /***loopstart*** OrderDetails.SKU <tab> Product.Productname <tab><tab> Orderdetails.Qty <tab> OrderDetails.Price<cr> /***loopend***
I am working with SQL server 2000. The database is installed in my machine. Now I have got the ".ldf" and ".mdf" file pertaining to a database from someother server.
Is it possible to build the database present in the above said files in my server.
NOTE : I dont have a direct access to the remote server from where the above said files were obtained (otherwise I think the DTS utility would have come in handy).
This will probably be trivial and basic for most, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the best way to do a SELECT statement. First, let me explain what I have:
Two tables:
Table 1: Orders Some of the fields: ID PropID WorkOrderNum OrderDesc DateCompleted
Table 2: OrderDetail ID OrderID TenantName
As you probably have realized, the OrderID in my 'OrderDetail' table corresponds to the ID field in my 'Orders' table. The 'Orders' table contains the order header information, while the OrderDetail contains line items for that order - 1 line item per record.
Here is my SQL statement to retrieve an order when searching by the 'Order Description' (Orders.OrderDesc):
SELECT PropertyLocations.PropertyLocation, Orders.ID, Orders.PropID, Orders.WorkOrderNum, Orders.OrderDesc, Orders.DateCompleted FROM PropertyLocations, ORDERS WHERE PropertyLocations.ID = Orders.PropID AND OrderDesc LIKE '%lds%'
Ok, so now for the 'big' question/problem: I also need to be able to search the 'Tenant Name' field from the 'OrderDetail' table. So what is the best/most efficient way of doing that? The other stipulation about that is that there can be (and usually is) several records/line items (in the OrderDetail table, of course) that contains the same (or similar) data, but I don't want duplicates. And when I say duplicates, all I care about is retrieving a few fields (as you can see from my SQL statement) from the 'Orders' table. Another way to describe what I want is that I want all unique orders that have a 'TenantName' in the 'OrderDetail' table that matches the search criteria. My brain just isn't wanting to figure this out right now, so I was hoping someone could help me out.
I have a SQL 2005 database containing the location of graphics files. I want to start learning how to write a C# application that will get a path from the DB and display the file. Any recommendations on sites where I can start learning how to do this?
hi, I change the PC name. so now @@servername returns the oldname. I try sp_dropserver and I got an error:
Msg 15015, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_dropserver, Line 42 The server '[IBM-E81EB247FF3]' does not exist. Use sp_helpserver to show available servers.
Hi all,I'm new to SQLServer (Express edition) so I was wondering: if the webhost supports SQLServer 2005 do I just need to move the .MDF file to mydirectory on the web host to be able to use it?Thanks,Lorenzo
Whatever you do, don't try aspwebhosting.com . One day recently I gotan email from them saying that my account had been suspended for usingtoo much cpu time. There was no further explanation. Those bastardstook my site offline, removed my email account, blocked my ftp accessand even refused to let me get a backup of sql-server data. I sentthem an email (using a yahoo account since they had shut down my ownserver) to ask what I could do to get my data. Rather than answer myemail they simply put me their BLOCK list. All of my emails are nowautomatically bounced. I only sent them one email and it was verypolite. My website is gone. My data is gone. All of my files aregone. The loss of time and effort combined with damage to my businessis unforgivable
I am looking for a free ms sql database for my programs, but i don't want to host it on my computer, because my web host does not allow servers to be run and people connecting to thme.
when I run the Query "Select @@ServerName" it is providing the server name which is not same as I connect to SQL Server.example : My SQL Server Name is "XXX123" and when I run the above query it is Printing as "YYY123"
I am trying to send files over to an ftp server on Mainframe using scripts that is provided in this link, but I can't get it to work. The problem is the sendfile method concatinates the source file name to the MVS dataset name which causes the issue.
Here's my code (FTPConn is a connecation mgr for FTP):
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim mgr As ConnectionManager
mgr = Dts.Connections("FTPConn")
Dim conn As FtpClientConnection
conn = New FtpClientConnection(mgr.AcquireConnection(DBNull.Value))
Dim toFiles As String
toFiles = "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int"
Dim fromFiles(0) As String
fromFiles(0) = "c: est.txt"
conn.SendFiles(fromFiles, toFiles, True, True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
End Class
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC001602A at Package, Connection manager "FTPConn": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint
200 Port request OK.
501 Invalid data set name "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int/test.txt". Use MVS Dsname conventions.
I'm stuck and uinder a bit of a time crunch. I have 5 fields I want to get out of a sql database using a function that I'm writing. I figure it sounds like an array. basically I want to make an array, and fill it up with the results of a sql select, then read the array. This is what I have so far..... String TempHRAcctCode, TempJobDescription, TempHourlyRate, TempEmplID; Array TempArray; TempJobDescription = DDDept.SelectedItem.Text; (to get KeY Value) SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MYCONN"].ToString()); connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select HRAcctCode, HourlyRate , EmplID, ... FROM TimeMyProfile WHERE JobDescription = " + TempJobDescription + " ", connection); SqlDataReader TempDataReader = command.ExecuteReader; while TempDataReader.Read ( ... OK I GIVE UP! Thanks in advance
Hello, I'm having problems building an sql stament that joins a few tables. I can seem to get my head around the structure! I have to try and link up four different tables to try and get my result. Here are the 4 table structures... Web_Users----------------User_IDName Tags_Table-----------------Tags_IDUser_IDGroup_IDTitle Created_Groups-----------------------Group_IDGroup_Name Tags_To_Groups------------------------Group_Link_IDGroup_IDTag_ID Basically, this database, has four tables; One table (Web_Users) that contains a users name, and assigns a unique ID (User_ID), another table that stores a users tags they have created, and also links it to a group_ID. The created_groups table, contains group names and assigns a unique id also. And the last table, Tags_To_Groups, links tags to groups. So this is what I'm trying to do... I'm trying to get the Group_name field from Created_Groups table, of a tag , that belongs to a certain user. If sounds easy when I say it like that, but I've been inner joining tables all night and failing every time. Does this make sense? Can anyone help? Thank you
Hi there, i have a query building question and was hoping that one of you would know the answer. Here is what i need to do :(i am using asp.net and ado.net) I have 1 table where I store thedata, where 5 criteria determine a unique row in this table. Now, this has recently changed as the start date was added. So there potentially can be more than one entry in the table with same 5 criteria, but different start date. I need to retrieve the row with the latest start date (currently active). The problem arises when the users enter less than 5 criteria. In this case the results may not possess same 5 criteria. Say the user searches based on 2 criteria. Then all the rows possessing these 2 ctieria will be returned, but other 3 criteria might differ with the results set. But, i only need the latest start date row for each row. So for example, if i searched on 2 criteria, i got back 4 rows, 2 of which possess the same 5 criteria. But between these 2 i only need to display ONE row to the user - the one with the latest date. How do i build a query? say the table name is tbl, and criteria 1 to 5 fields are called c1 ... c5, and start date field is called start_date. thanks in advance
Hi Everyone,I'm facing this problem now.Cannot open database "C:myDB" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'myLaptopASPNET'.May i ask how can i resolve?Please feel free to let me know the information you need.Thank You!
I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.I have query that returns all the colums in a row (SELECT * FROM table WHERE value = 'value') and I need to build a table with this data. Some of the columns may not have values in them, and so I dont want to build a table row for it. I also need to use the column name as the table header. As an example:==============================Column Name || Column Value-----------------||-----------------Column Name || Column Value -----------------||----------------- I hope I have explained myself properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a question about re-creating the sql portion on either node a or b in a clustered situation. Is it possible to do this without affecting the working node and database ? or is the best solution to make a ghosted image of the node after install is complete and if the node fails just get to a point on the affected node where you can copy the image back?
During the set-up of my DB's and their tables, I was unable to setup a relationship between a table in one Database and another table in my other Database ( using the diagram ). Maybe my datastructure of multiple databases is not correct, or is their an option to set relations between multiple databases ?
PS in the future I planned to have some other databases on different servers.
I'm building a DTS package which needs to mail a list of users nightly
The mailing list needs to be dynamic so I'm using the dynamic properties tab to populate the To, From etc. fields in an SMTP DTS task.
I need to construct a script which will run within the DTS package and build a mailing list file from a table of users in the connected db. The Dynamic properties task will then pull from this data file when populating the 'To' field.
The basic select statement is simple (e.g. SELECT email FROM employees WHERE role = 'mgr') however I need the output to be a single line of email addresses separated by commas (e.g. Email1,Email2,Email3....etc).
I'm a bit unsure on how to go about doing / writing this.
Ok, I have an sp that'll build an SAP feed based on parameter input (params control which type of file I want to create). I want to build 9 files in total.
I have a table set up with my parameters and output file names.
Question 1: Process from DTS I have a DTS package which will build a file based on params and filename from table, pulled with a Dynamic Properties task. How can I iterate through my table of parmas to create the muliple files?
Question 2: Process from a stored proc I have a stored proc, from which the interation through values is simple. How can I create and export to the text files from the stored proc? I think I may be having a mental fart on this one. I could create a text linked server dynamically, but I have not played with them much, How to I write to one (create table etc).
I am trying to create a stored proc. I am passing in some variables which are used as the "data" side of where clause tests, but I also want to pass in a couple of variables to be the variable side of the where clause test, can it be done?
i.e. select id from table where a=1 and b=2 order by my_order_field
select id from table where a=@data1 and b=@data2 order by @my_variable_field