CASTing A Datatype Returned By CASE Statement

Apr 28, 2004

I realize that the CASE statement doesn't like different datatypes as return values but if I want to format the "0" in the second WHEN condition below to "000", how do I do that? I have a "Region" that is "000" and would like it to show up that way at the very top of my report. I have the GROUP BY and ORDER BY to work fine, it just shows up as "0" and I can't change it. I realize it is being read as an int but am having trouble with the CAST and where to place it. Thanks again, you guys are great.


SELECT Region =
CASE WHEN branch_num IN(48,53,78,173,186,198,208,212,257,286,287,317,35 3,398,440,
478,571,572,610,1069) THEN 44
WHEN branch_num IN(484,532,841,864,7001,7101,7102,7103,7104,9031) THEN 0
ELSE 999

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Case Statement On A Bit Datatype

May 4, 2008


I have a column of datatype bit.When i run a case statement i get a error.

SELECT Name,Married =
CASE Married
WHEN Married = '1'THEN 'Y'
WHEN Married = '0' THEN 'N'
from Person

The above code gives a error message
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near '='.


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Transact SQL :: Casting To Same DataType

Jun 10, 2015

Biz talk server executes every query twice, first with FMT only to get metadata.If metadata changed, it will produce error.Now, i have query like:

SELECT col1, col2, col3 INTO #tmp FROM dbo.myTable

How SQL decide the type of column in #tmp? Does it create column of the same type as it is in dbo.myTable or its decision is based on result?For example, col1 is varchar(20), but col1 in #tmp will be varchar(200) or even nVarChar.Col2 is INT, but result is for example low number(like, 1,2,3,) - is it possible that col2 in #temp table will be smallint or tinyint even if col2 in myTable is INT.If that is true one way to overcome that will be to explicitly CAST all columns to proper data type. Is there any performance impact of casting: CAST(col1 as VARCHAR(20)) if col1 is already varchar(20) in dbo.myTable?

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Datatype Casting In Derived Column

Apr 21, 2006

Here is my expression in a derived component:

"Failed insert into PONL_WELL. WELL_NO=" + (DT_WSTR,10)PROP_NO

PROP_NO comes from ms sql server , and the derived component datatype for this column is DT_WSTR.

The destination will be ms sql server, and i have a data conversion after the derived component to cast from DT_WSTR to DT_STR.

However, the derived component failed everytime giving me

Error: 0xC0049064 at Load Ponl_Well, Derived Column [1342]: An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast.

Anyone know how i can eliminate the data conversion component and just do my string and column concatenation in the derived column and have it output as DT_STR?

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Casting Or Converting Smallint Datatype To Datetime

Sep 8, 2007

A SQL Server 2005 db has three date related-columns (MonthGiven,
DayGiven, YearGiven) each as smallint datatype.  I would like to
create a DocDate column (datetime datatype) that combines the data from
the three existing date-related columns.  I have tried casting and
simple concatentation without success.  ALTER TABLE Details ADD DocDate DateTime NULL

UPDATE Details SET DocDate = CAST(MonthGiven AS DateTime)+ '/' + CAST(DayGiven AS DateTime) + "/" Cast(YearGiven As DateTime)
I think I need to be doing a Conversion instead of casting but
have been unable to implement info I have found in the SQL Server
Developer Center in my situation.

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Converting/Casting Strings Into Datetime Datatype

Aug 10, 2007


I have a varchar column that inludes dates in the following fomat: 03032007? When I try to cast this to datetime, I keep getting "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." error. Maybe someone has some ideas how to handle this?


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CASTING Statement For A Date

Sep 6, 2006

I am selecting older legacy data from an AS400 mainframe that we still use. I am fairly new to constructing T-SQL statements so I hope I am doing this correctly. There is a table from the AS400 that has been setup with a field for TMONTH, TDAY, and TYEAR. Instead of having one field for a date, for some reason years ago this was set up this way.

I now have this statement in my SELECT statement and it is not working:


I am not getting a syntax error, however I am getting "Error Converting data type varchar to numeric. These fields on the AS400 are set up as numeric fields.

What do I need to do differently? Should I use a CONVERT instead and if so, how would I structure that statement.

Thanks for the help

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Data Casting, Casting Operations

Jul 23, 2005

Does anybody know how could I calculate the new date(adding @c to @bor subtracting @b to @c), having for example a declaration like this:DECLARE @a CHAR(12)DECLARE @b DATETIMEDECLARE @c INTSET @b='3.04.04';SET @c=6and to calculate the number of days between two dates with this kindof declaration(@a-@b or @b - @a):DECLARE @a CHAR(12)DECLARE @b DATETIMEDECLARE @c INTSET @a='12.2.04';SET @b='3.04.04';Thanks in advance.

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Select Case Does Not Evaluate The Value Returned By Datareader Or Dataset

Sep 13, 2006

I am working on a company sign out sheet for our Intranet. The application accesses a sql database.  I tried using a datareader as well as a dataset to access a small piece of information regarding the group that each employee belongs to in the company.  My last attempt was to assign the value to the text property of a text box and evaluate the text from the text box with the Select Case but that did not work either.The application is supposed to generate an email to our receptionist as well as to the group technical assistant responsible for each group according to the value that is passed into the Select Case statement.  With the datareader as well as the dataset and even now with creating a text box and accessing the text property, I was able to assign the group value to a variable (I can see the value in the subject of the email), but when the variable is supposed to be evaluated by the select case statement it skips right through all of the cases to case else and uses only the receptionist's address in the email as if it doesn't even see the value of the variable.   I have searched for a possible answer to the problem I am but so far have had no luck.  Any ideas?   I included the part of the code that I am having trouble with: '********************************************************************************************' New DataSet is created to determine the group the employee belongs to so that the appropriate' group technical assistant is emailed when employee signs out'******************************************************************************************** ' declare variablesDim sqlGroup As String ' string variable to store sql statement for datasetDim BLGroup As String ' string variable to store the bl group of the employeeDim emailAddress As String ' string variable to store resulting email address Dim groupDS As DataSet ' dataset variableDim groupAdapter As SqlDataAdapter ' sql data adapter variable' sql statement to access group value from the databasesqlGroup = "SELECT BLGroup FROM BLGroupsView WHERE (RTRIM(fname) + ' ' + LTRIM(lname)='" & employee & "')" ' repopen the connection (leftover from working with the datareader)Connection.Open()' create new SqlDataAdapter applying sql statement and connectiongroupAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlGroup, Connection)' create new dataset groupDS = New DataSet()' populate the datasetgroupAdapter.Fill(groupDS, "BLGroupsView") ' get the value stored in the BLGroup column (only one row is returned at a time) BLGroup = groupDS!BLGroup' Create GroupTextBox TextBox control.Dim GroupTextBox As New TextBox()' Set options for the UserTextBox TextBox control.GroupTextBox.ID = "GroupTextBox"GroupTextBox.Visible = "False"GroupTextBox.Text = BLGroup' just trying anything with this next line, even when i didn't set this the select case statement did not seem to see the value returned by the variableGroupTextBox.runat = "server"  ' use a select case statement to evaluate the value of the group (didn't work when I passed in the BLGroup variable eitherSelect Case GroupTextBox.TextCase "bh"emailAddress = ";"Case "env"emailAddress = ";"Case "sw"emailAddress = ";"Case "fac"emailAddress = ";"Case "www"emailAddress = ";"Case ElseemailAddress = ""End Select '*************************************************************************************************' set new message objectDim myMessage As System.Web.Mail.MailMessage = New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage()'**********************************************************' set message properties'********************************************************** myMessage.From = ""myMessage.To = emailAddressmyMessage.Subject = employee & " Signing Out at " & TimeOut.Text & " " & BLGroupmyMessage.Body = employee & " Signing Out at " & TimeOut.Text & " for " & Destination.Text & " will potentially return at " & EstTimeIn.Text'***********************************************************' set smtp server namesmtpMail.SmtpServer = "mailserver1"' send email using smtpsmtpMail.Send(myMessage) It sends the message and returns the BLGroup value everytime but only sends to the receptionist.  Thanks for your time! 

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Problem Using Result From CASE In Another CASE Statement

Nov 5, 2007

I have a view where I'm using a series of conditions within a CASE statement to determine a numeric shipment status for a given row. In addition, I need to bring back the corresponding status text for that shipment status code.

Previously, I had been duplicating the CASE logic for both columns, like so:

Code Block...beginning of SQL view...
shipment_status =
[logic for condition 1]
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
WHEN [logic for condition 4]
shipment_status_text =
[logic for condition 1]
THEN 'Condition 1 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
THEN 'Condition 2 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
THEN 'Condition 3 text'
WHEN [logic for condition 4]
THEN 'Condition 4 text'
ELSE 'Error'
...remainder of SQL view...

This works, but the logic for each of the case conditions is rather long. I'd like to move away from this for easier code management, plus I imagine that this isn't the best performance-wise.

This is what I'd like to do:

Code Block
...beginning of SQL view...
shipment_status =
[logic for condition 1]
WHEN [logic for condition 2]
WHEN [logic for condition 3]
WHEN [logic for condition 4]

shipment_status_text =

CASE shipment_status

WHEN 1 THEN 'Condition 1 text'

WHEN 2 THEN 'Condition 2 text'

WHEN 3 THEN 'Condition 3 text'

WHEN 4 THEN 'Condition 4 text'

ELSE 'Error'

...remainder of SQL view...

This runs as a query, however all of the rows now should "Error" as the value for shipment_status_text.

Is what I'm trying to do even currently possible in T-SQL? If not, do you have any other suggestions for how I can accomplish the same result?



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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Statement With CASE Statement?

Aug 13, 2014

i was tasked to created an UPDATE statement for 6 tables , i would like to update 4 columns within the 6 tables , they all contains the same column names. the table gets its information from the source table, however the data that is transferd to the 6 tables are sometimes incorrect , i need to write a UPDATE statement that will automatically correct the data. the Update statement should also contact a where clause

the columns are [No] , [Salesperson Code], [Country Code] and [Country Name]

i was thinking of doing

Update [tablename]
SET [No] =
WHEN [No] ='AF01' THEN 'Country Code' = 'ZA7' AND 'Country Name' = 'South Africa'
ELSE 'Null'

What is the best way to script this

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How To Write Select Statement Inside CASE Statement ?

Jul 4, 2006

Hello friends,
I want to use select statement in a CASE inside procedure.
can I do it? of yes then how can i do it ?

following part of the procedure clears my requirement.

SELECT E.EmployeeID,
CASE E.EmployeeType
select * from Tbl1
select * from Tbl2
select * from Tbl3

can any one help me in this?
please give me a sample query.

Thanks and Regards,
Kiran Suthar

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Transact SQL :: Update Statement In Select Case Statement

May 5, 2015

I am attempting to run update statements within a SELECT CASE statement.

Select case x.field
FROM OuterTable x

I get incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.

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Case Statement Error In An Insert Statement

May 26, 2006

Hi All,
I've looked through the forum hoping I'm not the only one with this issue but alas, I have found nothing so I'm hoping someone out there will give me some assistance.
My problem is the case statement in my Insert Statement. My overall goal is to insert records from one table to another. But I need to be able to assign a specific value to the incoming data and thought the case statement would be the best way of doing it. I must be doing something wrong but I can't seem to see it.

Here is my code:
Insert into myTblA
mycasefield =
when mycasefield = 1 then 99861
when mycasefield = 2 then 99862
when mycasefield = 3 then 99863
when mycasefield = 4 then 99864
when mycasefield = 5 then 99865
when mycasefield = 6 then 99866
when mycasefield = 7 then 99867
when mycasefield = 8 then 99868
when mycasefield = 9 then 99855
when mycasefield = 10 then 99839
Select MTB.LocationID
MTB.elevation, --alt min
null, --alt max
MTB.longitude, --longitude
MTB.latitude --latitude
from MyTblB MTB

The error I'm getting is:
Incorrect syntax near '='.

I have tried various versions of the case statement based on examples I have found but nothing works.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this one. I've been smacking my head against the wall for awhile trying to find a solution.

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How To Show Records Using Sql Case Statement Or If Else Statement

Feb 20, 2008

i want to display records as per if else condition in ms sql query,for this i have used tables ,queries as follows

as per data in MS Sql

my tables are as follows
fields are -- material_id,project_type,project_id,qty, --

fields are-- ab_crp_id,custname,contract_no,field_no

fields are -- other_proj_id,other_custname,po

for ex :
vales in table's are
ab_crp_id custname contract_no field_no
1 abc 234 66
2 xyz 33 20

other_proj_id other_custname po
1 xxcx 111
2 dsd 222

material_id project_type project_id qty
1 AB Corporate 1 3
2 Other Project 2 7

i have taken AB Corporate for AB_Corporate_project ,Other Project for Other_project

sample query i write :--

select m.material_id ,m.project_type,m.project_id,m.qty,ab.ab_crp_id,
ab.custname ,op.other_proj_id,op.other_custname,op. po
case if m.project_type = 'AB Corporate' then
select * from AB_Corporate_project where ab.ab_crp_id = m.project_id
else if m.project_type = 'Other Project' then
select * from Other_project where op.other_proj_id=m.project_id
from material m,AB_Corporate_project ab,Other_project op

but this query not work,also it gives errors

i want sql query to show data as follows

material_id project_type project_id custname other_custname qty
1 AB Corporate 1 abc -- 3
2 Other Project 2 -- dsd 7

so plz help me how can i write sql query for to show the output
plz send a sql query

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UPDATE Statement: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value

Oct 3, 2007

I am struggling with syntax for an update statement.
Goal: If a RelationID has invoice history then HasHistory=1

UPDATE [Tbl_Relations]
SET [HasHistory]= 1
FROM [Tbl_Relations] r INNER JOIN
(SELECT RelationID
FROM vw_Invoice_history
) inv ON r.RelationID= inv.RelationID

Result: Subquery returned more than 1 value

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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Get A Returned Print Statement Into Something That Can Be Evaluated...

Jan 11, 2008

We have some SQL CLR code that was written to go get information from a web service...all works great and the CLR code does what it is supposed to. The problem is, it returns its success or failure status as a string text value (equivalent of a print statement I imagine) instead of as a result set or output parameter that i can check. In the proc I wrote to call the CLR stored proc I do some cleanup that i would like to rollback if the call to the web service that the CLR proc makes fails. Problem is, how can i get there. I have tried every way that I know and I can't seem to get that text into an object (temp table, variable whatever) that i can evaluate. Anyone have any suggestions?

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How To Page SQL Query Result Returned From FOR XML Statement?

Apr 25, 2006

Gurus.I do not know if it is possible, but here is what I want to do.I want to allow user to page the SQL result, so he could decides toreturn from row 10 to row 20, or row 100 to 200, without returns thewhole resultset. Every time he sends another request, I do not mind tohit the database again, (I do not want to cache the result in themiddle tier server, scalability issue), and I know that I could achievethis with CURSOR, but unfortunately the FOR XML is not allowed in aCURSOR statement .(I know that I could achieve what I want to do by writing custom codein the middle tier, but I just want to see if there is a way to do thison the database side.)Any comments & suggestion is greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.(I am using SQL2005)John

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Determining If A SqlCeDataReader Has Returned Data From A SELECT Statement

Sep 26, 2006

Hi all,

is there no a way to determine if a SqlCeDataReader has managed to return data (rows) from an executed SQL SELECT statement? I ask this because I have the following problem where I first need to determine if data (rows) are returned, if so, cycle through them and get the data out. But if I do the test to determine if data is returned (like I have in my code below) then the Reader.Read() is classed as reading a row, so when I do my 'while (Reader.Read())' this will then only work with data in the 2nd row.
if (Reader.Read()){ while (Reader.Read()) { //Get data from rows }}

I recall having this issue before as there doesn't seem to be a standard way of testing for data returned from a SELECT statement. I hope you can shed some light on this for me.


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Excluding Part Of Select Statement If No Data Is Returned In Results

Aug 22, 2006

I have a query that returns results based on information in several tables.  The problem I am having is that is there are no records in the one table it doesn't return any information at all.  This table may not have any information initially for the employees so I need to show results whether or not there is anything in this one table.
Here is my select statement:
  SELECT employee.emp_id, DATEDIFF(mm, employee.emp_begin_accrual, GETDATE()) * employee.emp_accrual_rate -
(SELECT SUM(request_duration) AS daystaken
FROM request) AS daysleft, employee.emp_lname + ', ' + employee.emp_fname + ' ' + employee.emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_name,
department.department_name, location.location_name
request AS request_1 ON employee.emp_id = request_1.emp_id INNER JOIN
department ON employee.emp_department = department.department_id INNER JOIN
location ON department.department_location = location.location_id
GROUP BY employee.emp_id, employee.emp_begin_accrual, employee.emp_accrual_rate, employee.emp_fname, employee.emp_minitial,
employee.emp_lname, department.department_name, location.location_name
ORDER BY location.location_name, department.department_name, employee.emp_lname
The section below is the part that may or may not contain information:
  SELECT (SELECT SUM(request_duration) AS daystaken
FROM request) AS daysleft

So I need it to return results whether this sub query has results or not.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Case Statement In Sql Help

Jan 18, 2008

I am trying to use a case statement in one of my stored proc but I am stuck a little bit.Here is a example, something like:declare @id int   set @id =1case @id         When 1 then select  *  from contactsend case but this keeps on giving me error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'case'. Any help is appreciated! 

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Case Statement

Apr 22, 2008

Hi I have some question regarding the sql case statment.Can i use the case statement with the where clause.Example: SELECT FirstName, IDFROM myTablewhere case when ID= '123' then id = '123' and id='124' endorder by idBut the above code does not work.  

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Sql Case Statement Help

Jun 2, 2005

Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any way in an sql statement to check whether the data your trying to get out of the DB is of a particular type, ie. Int, char etc. I was thinking about a case statement such as
CASE WHEN (MyNum <> INT) then 0 end AS MyNum
This has to be included in the sql statement cause I need this field to get other data.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
If I’m in the wrong thread section please advise of best one to get help in.

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What Is The Best SQL Statement For This Case ?

Sep 17, 2005

Hi !!!i hope one of the sql specialists answer me about the best and most effeceint way to acheive what i am looking for Scenario:-------------i have a 3 tables related to each other Addresses, Groups and GroupAddressthe relation is for both addresses and groups  is one to many in the GroupAddress.the behaviour in the application : user can add addresses to his address list and from the address list a user can add an address to many groups like if you have Group name "Freinds" and you add me in it and you have Football team group and you add me to it like that !!!not i have another function called "copy group"in the GroupAddress i have this data as example GroupID   AddressID1                41                61                21              441              72              82             62             93            133             73           10and the group ID called "Freinds"i want to copy the group so i can have another group that has the same addresses by one click rather than collectiong them again one by one the way the new copy will have a new group name ( as this is thebusiness logic so user can not have dupicate group name )so what is the best SQL statement that i need to copy the group ???i hope that clear enough!

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CASE Statement

Jan 23, 2002

I am trying determine if I can do something like the code below. I have done a left join on a table. In the select statement there are three possible values. Yes, No, or NULL. I could like to use a Case statement to determine if there is Null. If so, then output N/A in place of the Null. So then my possible valus are Yes, No, and N/A.

Any clues?


OfferDressRoomYN.yesno as OfferDressRoom
WHEN offerDressRoomYN.yesno IS NULL THEN 'N/A'
FROM dataquestionnaire dq
LEFT OUTER JOIN yesno OfferDressRoomYN ON dq.c3_1 = OfferDressRoomYN.yesnoid

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Case Statement

Aug 27, 2001

Can anybody tell me how to execute store procedure in the case statement.


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Case Statement

Sep 23, 2002

How do l use the case statement to cater for these updates.

SET Entity = ('AB')

SET Entity = Entity + '' + ' | SB'

SET Entity = 'SB'
WHERE SB_CLIENT = 1 And entity is null

SET Entity = Entity + '' + (' | CI')

SET Entity = 'CI'
WHERE CI_CLIENT = 1 And entity is null

SET Entity = Entity + '' + (' | GEMS')

SET Entity = 'GEMS'
WHERE GEMS_CLIENT = 1 And entity is null

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IF Else Within A Case Statement

Feb 14, 2006

In my query below i have the results ,The thing to observe in the result set it for the name "Acevedo" , "Abeyta" its not doing a group by and populating the results in the following column.Rather its addind a new row and adding it as 1 in the next row.
I have to populate the counts in one row for common names.Shall i use a if condition within a case block.If yes how?any other work arounds would be appriciated.
Please help

isnull(replace(Ltrim(Rtrim(P.Lastname)),',',''),'' ) Lastname
, case ProductID
WHEN 22 then count(S.Product)
Else 0
END AS Builders
, case ProductID
WHEN 23 then count(S.Product)
Else 0
END AS Associates
, case ProductID
WHEN 24 then count(S.Product)
Else 0
END AS Affiliates
FROM vwpersons p with (nolock)
join vwSubscriptions S with (nolock)
on S.RecipientID = P.ID
where P.Lastname in (select Ltrim(Rtrim( from externaldata.dbo.Hispanicnames H)
group by P.Lastname, S.ProductID
having count(P.LastName)>=1
order by 1

Result set :

Firstname Builders AssociatesAffiliates

Abarca 010
Abelar 100
Abreu 100
Abreu 010

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AVG(CASE) Statement - Help Please

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to get avg score by site, by call type. Columns are Site(varchar), Calltype(varchar), totalscore(float). Calltypes are A, B, C, D. Sites are 1, 2, 3, 4. I can do a straight average statement and only get one calltype.
I want to do a CASE statement to get all average scores for all calltypes.

Select Site, avg(totalscore) as [Avg Score]
WHERE calltype = 'A'


Site Avg Score (for A)
1 85
2 75.5
3 85.33

SELECT Site, AVG(CASE WHEN TotalScore > 0 AND CallType = 'A' THEN Totalscore
ELSE 0 END) AS [Avg Score For A]


Site Avg Score For A
1 i get 8.5
2 i get 37.75
3 i get 36.57
Why am I getting a difference?
Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you

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SQL CASE Statement

Aug 18, 2004

Hi Ive got a simple query where I want to calculate an average of one number divided by the other ie: avg(x / y)

Im trying to use a case statement to return 0 in the event that y is 0, to avoid a division by zero error. My query is still returning a division by zero error anyway can anybody help?

FROM [Company/Year]


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Case Statement

Apr 11, 2008

i ahve one fucniton:
create function fntotalcountcustclas

( @campaign varchar(50), @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime)
( Select t.itemnmbr,t.custclas, t.custclasdescription, t.totalcustclas as totalcount

vi.itemnmbr, replace(vc.custclas,'','Unspecified') as custclas, vc.custclasdescription, count(vc.custclas) as totalcustclas
from vwcustnmbr vc
join vwitemnbmr vi
on vi.sopnumbe=vc.sopnumbe
Where vi.Campaign = @Campaign and (vc.docdate between @startdate and @enddate)

group by vi.itemnmbr,vc.custclas, vc.custclasdescription
) as t
when i m executing it:
select * from fntotalcountcustclas('copd','1/1/2008','4/11/2008')
order by totalcount desc

i m getting results like:
06-5841 STANDARD Standard(web) 31
06-5840 STANDARD Standard(web) 30
kr-014 STANDARD Standard(web) 72
06-5841 INDPATIENT Patient 12
06-5840 INDPATIENT Patient 9
06-5845 INDPATIENT Patient 6
06-5841 PROGRAM Program 6
06-5841 INST-HOSPITAL Hospital 11

Basically, i ahve to use one condition to get corrrect output related to inputs:

like - i have to input @category varchar(50), @category_value varchar(50)
and if category = 'campaign' then category_value = ''
then output should be itemnmbr sum(totalcount) [whatever should be custclas or custclasdesscription]
itemnmbr sumcount
06-5840 52
06-541 101
06-452 26
kr-045 252

and if categroy = 'item' then category_value = any itemnmbrs(06-5840,06-5845,06-5841 etc..)
then output should be
itemnmbr custclas custclasdescription totalcount
06-5840 STANDARD Standard(web) 31
06-5840 INDPATIENT Patient 9
06-5840 PROGRAM Program 6
06-5840 INS-HOSPITAL Hospital 17

like that..

can anyone help me to write case statement.
thanks a lot!!

create function fntotalcountcustclas

( @campaign varchar(50), @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime,
@category varchar(50), @category_value varchar(50))
( Select t.itemnmbr,t.custclas, t.custclasdescription, t.totalcustclas as totalcount,
case when category

vi.itemnmbr, replace(vc.custclas,'','Unspecified') as custclas, vc.custclasdescription, count(vc.custclas) as totalcustclas
from vwcustnmbr vc
join vwitemnbmr vi
on vi.sopnumbe=vc.sopnumbe
Where vi.Campaign = @Campaign and (vc.docdate between @startdate and @enddate)

group by vi.itemnmbr,vc.custclas, vc.custclasdescription
) as t

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Case Statement

May 5, 2008

Im running the following sql statement but I dont see the
expected output. There are few differences between acc & cl1, mcc & cl2 , ncr & cl3 but I dont see either 'ONE' or 'TWO' or 'THREE'.
There is even a case where cl3 is null but the sql is not filling in either one or two or three. Query simply returns id & rest as null values.

WHEN p1.acc!= p1.cl1 then 'ONE'
WHEN p1.mcc!= p1.cl2 then 'TWO'
when p1.ncr!= p1.cl3 then 'THREE'
As NOnMatchingColumn
(select id, acc, cl1,mcc,cl2,ncr,cl3 from

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Help With Case Statement

Jun 6, 2008

I'm not sure if I am doing this the right way. In my table I have project ids. Each project id has several activities associated with it. Each project has a starting balance. Each activity posts an expense to the total balance of the project. If the project has enough money to handle the charges made by the activities, all the activity expenses can be "posted". If there isn't enough money, I want to loop through the activities, check to see if there is enough of a balance to "post" the first one, If there is, then I want to re-adjust the balance and check the second activity. I want to scroll through each project/activity to see what can be "posted". Here is what I have so far, but I cannot work out how to change the total balance amount. Hopefully what I am trying to do makes sense!

declare @testId nchar(6)
declare @RowNum int
declare @newBalance int
select top 1 @testId=projID from #ProjIds
set @RowNum = 0

WHILE @RowNum <= (Select Max(temp_id) from #ProjIds)
set @RowNum = @RowNum + 1
set @newBalance = (select top 1 Bal_2300
from #RevRecData
where @testId=projId
order by projID, activity)

select projId, activity, postCr, Bal_2300,
'New_Status' = Case when (postCr <= Bal_2300) then 'Can Clear' else 'Still Check' END,
'New_Balance' = Case when (postCr <= @newBalance) then (@newBalance - postCr) else @newBalance End
from #RevRecData
where @testId=projId
order by projID, activity

select top 1 @testId=projId from #ProjIds
where projId > @testID

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