Aug 5, 2006

In step one of this Blog ,what's  this mean
Step 1: Create or obtain a blank SQL database instance
 and how do i go about doing it

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How Can I Use Sql Express Instead Of Sql Server 2005 For Providers

May 22, 2007

Hi all,

Since I activated the aspnet_regsql.exe tool, it has been a bad day - here's why:

Originally I installed VS2005 Pro (without Sql Express) and then Sql Server 2005 Dev. I then started to learn from the ".NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 Web-Based client Development" Training kit from Micorsoft. I have compiled and run every exercise up till Chapter 9 lesson 2 exercise 1, without the need to start the Sql Server 2005. In exercise 2 I should learn about profilers and the exercise showed me to use the aspnet_regsql.exe tool if I was using Sql Server 2005 - and so I did, and exercise 2 worked fine after a couple of adjustment in the connection string, because it was configured to use the SQLEXPRESS server by default.

However - in Chapter 9 lesson 3, I should not use providers, so I shut down the Sql Server 2005, because I don't have that much memory to spend. Now the trouble comes - every website I have made afterwards require that the Sql Server 2005 is running or else I get some errors.

How can I get back to the way it was before I activated the aspnet_regsql.exe, so I don't have to have the Sql Server 2005 running every time I want to make a website using aspx?

Thanks in advance

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Licensing Sql Express For Web Hosting Providers

Oct 24, 2006

For the second time in as many months I've been asked the question. What is the license requirement for me, the service provider, for offering my clients the ability to use SQL Server Express?

I understand the license to say that as long as I'm registered (no cost) there is no further licensing needed in order to offer this to my clients.

Could someone clarify this for me? If I'm incorrect I'd appreciate the right answer.

Thank you!

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I Created A Website On My Localhost With Three .mdf Files Using SQL Express But Now I Get An Error When I Try To Host It On My Web Server Without SQL Express. Need Some Help On How To Change My Connection

Feb 15, 2008

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)Source Error:
here is my web.config file:<?xml version="1.0"?><!--
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
--><configuration xmlns="">
<appSettings><add key="EmailFrom" value=""/>
<add key="EmailSubject" value="File Ready for Download!"/><add key="SmtpServer" value=""/>
<add key="MailUser" value=""/><add key="MailPassword" value=""/>
<add key="MailPort" value="25"/><add key="EmailFormatSelected" value="Text"/>
<add key="PageTitle" value="Send It Now!"/><add key="ShareLocalFolderPath" value="H:MIS DepartmentIntranetSendItNowFileStorage"/>
<add key="httpDownloadPath" value="http://misfs/SendItNow/ContentFiles/"/>
<add key="CurrentTheme" value="CleanBlue" />-->
<add key="CurrentTheme" value="CleanOrange"/></appSettings>
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=(local)SqlExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|FileShareDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
Visual Basic options:
Set strict="true" to disallow all data type conversions
where data loss can occur.
Set explicit="true" to force declaration of all variables.-->
 <identity impersonate="false"/>
<roleManager enabled="true"/><compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true">
<assemblies><add assembly="System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/></assemblies></compilation>
<clear/><add namespace="System"/>
<add namespace="System.Collections"/><add namespace="System.Collections.Specialized"/>
<add namespace="System.Configuration"/><add namespace="System.Text"/>
<add namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions"/><add namespace="System.Web"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.Caching"/><add namespace="System.Web.SessionState"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.Security"/><add namespace="System.Web.Profile"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.UI"/><add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls"/>
<add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts"/><add namespace="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls"/>
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user. -->
<authentication mode="Forms"/>
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />

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Data Providers For SQL Server 6.5

Feb 23, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to configure an SSIS connection manager to recognise a SQL Server 6.5 database but I can't get it to work. Testing the connection works but I am unable to select a database from the drop down list.

Which OLE DB provider should I use to access a SQL Server 6.5 database?!

Inability is a disaster; patience is bravery; abstinence is a treasure, self-restraint is a shield; and the best companion is submission to Divine Will.

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Change Sql Server Express Language

Jan 3, 2007

i am using sql server expressnow, i need to change database default language from US_English to british Englishhow to change ......anyone can help?

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SQL Server Express Authentication Mode Change

Jul 6, 2005

Does anyone know how to change the SQL Express authentication mode from Windows Authentication to Mixed Mode after it's already been installed?   

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SQL Server Express 2005 SP2 Change Db Owner

Jan 29, 2008

How do you change the owner on a db in express.

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How To Change From SQL Server Express To Database.mdf Connection

Apr 29, 2006


I've created a SQL Server Express Database that is used by an ASP.NET 2.0 application (developed using VWD Express).

I would like to be able to:

Make changes to stored procedures, views and table structures while developing/testing ASP.NET application - which, ideally, needs a SQL Server Manager Studio Express connection and
Upload my application and data to a database on a network - which, ideally, needs a direct Database.mdf connection.

I know that I need to change my connection string - and am able to achieve that with ease - but I'm not sure what the best way of switching between the two ways of attaching on the database side. I keep getting logon type problems etc.

Thanks very much.



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Please Help Me! How Do You Change The Default Server In Visual C# Express?

Jun 14, 2006

I have had visual C# Express edition for a while, and had successfully used SQL Server 2005 express successfully since it was first released. I downloaded the new version with advanced services, created a new instance, and tried to use it. VC# wont connect cause it is still trying to connect to my old instance which no longer exists. Could someone please tell me how to make my new instance the one to log on to?

Thanks in advance,


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ASP Authentication With SQL Server 2005 - Not Express, Permanent Change

May 8, 2006

Hi all,
I've read up on the fact that if you use SQL server 2005 instead of SQL express you need to change the connection string in web.config.
Is there anyway to make this default connection type, or do I have to do it for every website I create. i.e. is there a global file that this connection can be entered into. Then whenever I start a new website I don't have to put the string in.
Just me being lazy really. But it's nice to know if it's possible.
Many thanks

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How Can I Change Security Mode Of SQL Server Express 2005

Sep 11, 2006

I have created one application in visual studio 2005 and also created setup project of that application. now i want to install SQL Server Express edition with my application. so i have checked SQL Server Express 2005 in Setup Project Properities(Prerequisites...). now i want to change SQL Secirty Mode during setup. and i don't know how can we do this?

Any idia?

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Cannot Change Server Authentication In Management Studio Express

Jul 18, 2006

I use the Mangement Studio Express to manage a MSDE 2000 instance and notice that the Server authentication area in the Security is disabled for that instance. But for an Express instance, the Server authentication area is enabled. Is this difference caused by some settings?



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I Can't Change My Sql Login User's Password In SQL Server 2005 Express

Jan 13, 2006

SQL Server 2005 Express keeps putting in a different password than the one I chose.  I would check the properties on the login I want to change.  Then I change the password and it gets accepted.  When I try my web application, I get the dreaded "login failed for <loginname>".  I look at the properties again and see my password never change.  Is this a bug?  I ever tried this syntax to no avail:


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OLEDB Providers

Jul 7, 2004


I have a DTS package which is using OLEBD provider for Oracle, it was working fine. I tried to open this package and I got this error message "There was a problem retrieving the list of OLE DB Providers"

I tried to intall MDAC8.2, it didn't help, should I reinstall SQL Server?


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OLEDB Providers

Nov 19, 2004

can any one please give a technical defenition for OLEDB providers

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Lost OLE DB Providers

Jan 7, 2004

I lost in SQL Server 2000 with SP3a on W2K Server Ole DB Provider.
When I trying make new linked server I cannot select Provider name,
because menu is empty. Existing link between SQL servers returning error message Error 7302: Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. OLE DB error trace [Non/interface error: CoCreate of DSO for SQLOLEDB returned 0x80004002]. I tried completly uninstall SQL from server and I installed server again without success.

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OLE DB Providers Download!!!!

Apr 21, 2008


I have Windows server 2003 SR2 and wich to install on it OLE DB Providers. I mainly have an application that needs OLE DB provider for Excel and Dbase to access read excel and dbase Files on disk. I have searched all over the web for a download link. I installed MDAC on the server and restarted bu still no luck. My ODBC applet in the control panel only shows the SQL native drivers.

PS: Windows is 64 bit. I believe this might be why. But what can I do in this situation?

please help


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Oracle OLE DB And .NET Providers

Dec 9, 2006

I have installed the latest 64-bit Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC for Windows x64 (10.2.0) client software in a 64 bit server but I am having the following issues:

After I installed the software and I try to create a new connection in SSIS using the OLE DB or .NET provider, the providers do not show as an option in the connections.

I believe I am missing one step in registering the driver in the server but I do not known where, Could it be a permissions issue?

In addition, I tested the ODBC connection and I had to declare the path for the Oracle path in the environment variable manually since it was not set during the installation. ODBC connections are working correctly.

Does anybody knows what steps I am missing?

Thanks in advance


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Four-Part Name Requirements For OLE DB Providers

Jul 27, 2006


Could any one pls Explain about the Four-Part Name Requirement for  OLE DB Provider.


-Sivaraman Latchapathi

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Performance Between OLEDB And ADO.NET Providers

Mar 16, 2007


I am planning on using SSCE in a desktop embedded scenario. In considering deployment options, in addition to the SSCE runtime, I would also need to bundle either MDAC (OLEDB) or .NET Framework 2.0 (ADO.NET).

From the installer footprint standpoint, it's a no-brainer since MDAC is much smaller in size than .NET Framework. However, an article from the MSDN library ( talks about the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server and how it performs much better than the OLEDB counterpart.

So my question is, how much of a performance difference is there between using the OLEDB provider vs. the ADO.NET provider? I am primarily concerned with insert speed.

Also, it does seem a little silly when you need a 22.4Mb installer (.NET Framework) for a provider to a database that is under 2Mb in size.


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Change SQL Express Table Question!

Apr 3, 2007

Hi all

I have a problem with a user who had a sql express db on a laptop, basically they have a column(street) in a table(houses) which needs its length changing from Varchar(10) to a varchar(15).

Does anyone know how to do this via a script of some kind, the msde DB does not have query analyser but can you do it via the comand prompt?

Cheers in advance!


ps: I have a similar post in the SQL 200 Admin forum!

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Express SMO Restore Only If Change System Date

Jun 23, 2012

I am using the (SQL Express ) bellow given code to restore data from *.bak file (A backup file creater earlier by SQL backup). Some times this do not restore the data and gives error "Restore Failed". But when I change the system date to next day date then it restore data successfully.VB code used is as follow:

Dim strFileName As String
Dim rstDb As New Restore
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server("(local)SQLEXPRESS")
Dim db As Database
db = srv.Databases("mydatabase")


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Change Format Of Date Wghen Inserting Into Sql Express

Jan 7, 2008

I have a webform that has 2 calendars that i use to insert a dateFrom and dateTo into a sql database table that has the type smalldatetime. When i insert into the database i get yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss but i just want the yyyy-mm-dd not the time. how can i do this with my c# code? I also has a datetime.Now() that does the same thing.1 string dateNow = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
3 string myConnectionString = @"Data Source=SRVWEB02SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=strukton_se;User ID=user;Password=secret";
5 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);
6 string myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO jobs (name, description, contact, datePosted, dateFrom, dateTo) Values(@name, @description, @contact, @datePosted, @dateFrom, @dateTo)";
7 SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(myInsertQuery);
8 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", TextBoxName.Text);
9 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("description", TextBoxDescription.Text.Replace("
", "&lt;br/>"));
10 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("contact", TextBoxContact.Text.Replace("
", "&lt;br/>"));
11 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("datePosted", dateNow);
12 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateFrom", Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());
13 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateTo", Calendar2.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());
15 ButtonSubmit.Enabled = false;
17 myCommand.Connection = myConnection;
18 myConnection.Open();
19 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
20 myCommand.Connection.Close();

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Gridview Delete Behavior Change From Beta2 In VWD Express

Nov 12, 2005

I've not been able to test this yet in full VS2005 (MS is screwed up with orders for some reason. Has anyone heard this one. All orders for less than quantity=5 were being rejected). So, instead of waiting for it I installed VWD Express. Now, the project had been built in VWD express beta 2, so no big change there.Several gridview controls in the project had <Delete> enabled. Just <Delete> mind you. Nothing else for command buttons. They all worked fine with delete queries that use gridview.selectedvalue as the parameter. Every single one stopped working since I've converted from beta 2 to RTM!Here's what I determined. The delete will only work if the row in the grid is selected first!. Otherwise <selectedvalue> is null when you click on <Delete>.Is this a bug or what?I'd be happy to supply more details. I am certain others will report this, but I have yet to find a post here or in any blogs out there that reproduce this problem in the RTM of .NET 2.0

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How Do I Change The Password Of A DB Account Using Management Studio Express??

Apr 22, 2008

I can get to the DB and find the user account, but I see nowhere to change the password? My app requires a password that meets Windows Security requirements and the one that was initially created is not long enough.....

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T-SQL In Mngmt Studio Express Doesnt Affect Change- Obvious Omission?

Feb 16, 2007

I must be doing some daft thing-In Management Studio Express I have Northwind, Pubs and a db of myown.I can create SQL select queries and get results back fine but when Itry to do an insert, update or delete I get the message: (1 row(s)affected) - making me think all has gone well, however, when I refreshand look at the relevant table nothing has changed.Any tips?ps In learning the basics of SQL server,, javascript andvbscript I am often encoutnering a problem that halts me for fivehours or so but has an obvious solution 'if you know how'- I supposethis is the difference learning on your own vs in an officeenvironment- "Pete, how do you...?". I am trying to create abeneficial application under my own steam and with limited resources-are there any other sources of internet support I might not know aboutbut could use to get quick answers to sticky techie questions?D

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Difference Between The SQL Server Express Bundled With C#/VB VS The Downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 With Advanced Services

Aug 31, 2006

What is the Difference between the SQL Server Express Bundled with C#/VB VS the downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 with advanced Services?

I installed C# with SQL Server Express, however I wanted to add the Full Text Searching and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, so I downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1. When I installed it over top of my current installation, it complained of version mismatching, and then C# failed to recognize that I had SQL 2005 Express installed at all.

What I'd like to know is, which version is more current (they have to be different, they had different version numbers, one was 9.xx.xxxx the other was 2005.9.xx.xxxx) The one bundled with C#, or the SP1 downloadable one.

Firstly, I want to be up todate as far as security patches, and Secondly, how do I add the full text searching and SSMSE to the one bundled with C# without breaking it.

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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Support Web/Internet Replication To Other SQL Server Express Clients?

Jan 22, 2007


Q1: Does Sql Server 2005 Express support Web/Internet to other SQL Server 2005 Express Clients or does it have to Synch across the internet to a fully installed setup SQL Server 2005 with IIS?

Q2: Does SQL Server 2005 Express support Direct Replication between other SQL Server 2005 Express clients?


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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)

Jun 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL server 2005 express edition with SQL server Management studio express (SSMSE).

I have installed also SQLce and I would know how I can manage sql compact edition databases (.ldf) with sql SSMSE, if it is possible!

I would be grateful if you could explain it trought a detailed guide (I am a beginner user of sql server tools) or trought a link to useful sites.

I'm Looking forward for your reply and still trying...


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SQL Server Express Utility: How Can I Install SSEUtil.exe In My PC? How Can I Use It To Interact With SQL Server Express?

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all,

I downloaded the SSEUtilSetup.EXE and extracted the SSEUtil.exe to a folder of C:drive of my PC that is Windows XP Pro. I plan to learn the CLR programming via user-instance of SQL Server Express. I need to have SQL Server Express Utility installed. Please help and tell me how I can install SSEUtil.exe in my PC and how I use it to interact with SQL Server Express.

Scott Chang

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How To Connect To My Sql Server Express,also Pubs And Northwind For Sql Server Express

Feb 20, 2006

1, I have installed VWD express,sql server 2005 express.I also install management studio and adventureswork db.In the management studio I can able to connect and view adventurework db.But I can't manage to make a connection string to my db server when connecting to management studio server name is "KAMRANSHAHIDSQLEXPRESS".I wants a connection string with respect to this server.2,Is there new database for pubs and northwind for sql server 2005.Or they are of old sql server 2000.I have installed sample databases but can't find script for pubs and northwind nor it install automatically.I wan't to use tutorial's sample.

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SQL Server Express Installed But No SQL Server Express Service Present!?!

Mar 14, 2007


I'm a newbie and I have a problem that i can't solve despite sitting here all day trying to wortk it out.

I have installed SQL Server Express 2005 along with the associated toolkit. Previous to that i installed MS Visulal studio 2005, .NET 2.0 and MSDN.

The problemn is that it appears despite installing everything i don't have SQLExpress services running on my PC. I have admin rights, it installed okay but there is nothing to connect to.

When i run "sqlcmd.exe -s (local)SQLExpress -E" from the command prompt i get the following message:

HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failu
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

When i run SQL Server Configuration there is no "SQLExpress" service present under "SQL Server 2005 Servcies" in SQL Server Configuration dialog; just a message saying:

"there are no items to show in this view"

When i run Surface Area Configuration i get the following message:

TITLE: Surface Area Configuration

No SQL Server 2005 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLSAC)



If you can shed any light on this id be extreamly grateful as i'd been here for hours before stumbling across the toolkit (why this wasn't bundled i don't know) only to realise once i had it that the SQLExpress service isn't running :(



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