CLR Functions With Optional Parameters

Jul 28, 2006

I'm rewriting a T-SQL function that is called "Proper Case" which takes in a sentence and returns the sentence with the first letter of each word capitalized.

The new CLR(C#) function implements new functionality where it can take a string and turn it into a properly cased string, sentence cased string, lower cased, upper cased, and toggle cased.

The function takes in one parameter, the string, and the casing type, a string also. I want the casing type to be optional where if it's not passed in it defaults to "proper". The reason why I want this is so that I can easily replace the existing T-SQL function without having to add an extra parameter to each call to make life easier.

I know you can do it for SQL stored procedures, but I seem to be having trouble with the function.

Things I've tried:
1) Overloading the function in C# doesn't work because SQL functions don't like overloaded functions.

2) Attempting to set a "default" value to the parameter.
a) casingType nvarchar(4000) = 'proper'
b) default casingType nvarchar(4000) = 'proper'

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Optional Parameters

Sep 15, 2005

Is there an option in a stored procedure whereby a parameter can be flagged as optional? I have a stored procedure with 2 parameters, Product and Date, and I would like to be able to just pass the Product, or pass Product and Date from an Access project. Is this possible?

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Function With Optional Parameters

Jan 19, 2008

Hi, I wish to create a user defined funtion in sqlserver2005 with optional parameter list. So at the time of function calling the parameters should be a optional one. How can i do this? please help me .

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Dynamic Optional Parameters

Feb 13, 2008

Good day,

I have an issue on constructing dynamic WHERE conditions that use OPTIONAL parameters.

1) @DateFrom datetime,
@DateTo datetime,
2) @Param1 char(8),
3) @Param2 char(3),
4) @Param3 tinyint

I would like to use a where clause that can make use of any combination of the 4 parameters (the two dates should be together)

1 2 3 4
/ x x x
x / x x
x x / x where x = not supplied
/ = supplied a value

(and so the list continues)
Can anybody assist me or give me insights on how to go about this complicated WHERE construct without listing all the probable combinations of the supplied parameters in series of IF statements.

thank you

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SQLMANGR.EXE Optional Parameters?

Sep 10, 2005

Dear GroupI'd like SQLManager to start on Win98. I've added it to StartUp and itshows in the right-bottom corner of the desktop upon operating systemstart but the database still shows as stopped. Is there's a command Ican use like SQLMANGR.EXE /start or SQLMANGR.EXE /run from the commandline?Thanks very much for your efforts and sharing your expertise!Martin

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Handling Optional Parameters

Jul 27, 2007

On many reports I have optional parameters, for example if the employee is filled in it will run for that employee but if it's null it runs for all employees. Which is the best way to handle this?

The two options I am currently looking at are:

select * from employee where ( = @EmpID or @EmpID is Null)

select * from employee where isnull(@empID, =

Anyone else have a different solution?

Currently we use the OR approach and I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts before switching to using IsNull, which seems a bit better.

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Multiple/optional Parameters

Sep 11, 2007

Can I create a report that offers users a choice for the parameter. I want to show a sales report based on either Fiscal year or Calender Year. Can I do that with one report that allows an option on which parameter to choose or do I need two reports.


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Optional OLEDB Parameters : Need Help

Nov 8, 2007

I am using Oracle 7.3 against SSRS. I have created an inline query with 7 unnamed parameters. I have named them in SSRS parameters window and selected NULL and ALLOW BLANK check boxes for all the parameters.

What I think should happen is: I should be able to pass the combination of parameters NOT all of them, because I have selected NULL and Blank check boxes. But in my case the query is not giving me any results if I pass 2 of 7 parameters. I can see the results only when I pass all 7 parameters.

Please Help me...

Is there a way I can create a Dynamic WHERE condition using ORACLE 7.3 as database and OUT REF cursor as out parameter for generating parameters. An Example would be great.......

I am much familar with SQL Server and creting a dynamic query is no problem. Because of this new assignment in Oracle 7.3 I am pulling my hair to solve this perticlaur problem...

Please guys / gals help..


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Optional Report Parameters

Jun 11, 2007

Is there a way to create optional parameters in Reporting. For example, I have two tables Region and Country, with drop downs in report displaying the list of each. The stored proc for Country list expects an input parameter RegionID but does NOT require one for the result set to be fetched. The stored procs run fine in sql, but when run with the report, the designer always complains that the RegionID Parameter must be provided for the Country DataSet/List to be populated. Is there a way to create this RegionID parameter as optional such that the country list is populated with all rows in the Country table if no RegionId is provided, and filters if a RegionId is provided??

here is some code that I am using my stored procs

Code Snippet
For Regions
Create Proc... spGetRegions

Select RegionID, RegionName From Region

Order By RegionName

Code Snippet

For Countries


Create Procedure dbo.spGetCountries

@RegionID int = NULL,



Select CountryID, CountryName From Country C

WHERE C.RegionID = CASE WHEN @RegionID is null THEN C.RegionID ELSE

@RegionID END

ORDER BY C.CountryName


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Stored Procedures And Optional Parameters

Mar 5, 1999

I need to create a SP that will accept a varying number of input parameters. A form that the user completes has a several controls that serve to narrow the number of records returned. The more parameters given, the fewer rows returned. In the past I have accomplished this by dynamically building an SQL statement. I dosen't appear possible to pass an SQL statement in a variable to a SP. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

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Search Query With Optional Parameters

Jun 12, 2006

I need to create a stored procedure that will search some tables.

The stored procedure will be passed some parameters that may or may not have a value.

I have googled the best way to do this.
I found this post as an example: Optional Search Parameters

and also found this example : Optional Parameters in T-sQL

I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

In the past I would build a dynamic query like the following.

SQL Code:

- SQL Code

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search_Results]

@SUBCITY VarChar(100) = 'Any'


Declare @SUBCITYString Varchar(200)
If @SUBCITY <> 'Any'
Set @SUBCITYString = ' AND (Table1.SUBCITY LIKE ''' + @SUBCITY + '%'') '
Set @SUBCITYString = ''

Declare @SQLString As Varchar(500)
Set @SQLString = 'SELECT*


' + @SUBCITYString + '


Execute (@SQLString)


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search_Results]  @SUBCITY VarChar(100) = 'Any' AS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @SUBCITYString Varchar(200)IF @SUBCITY <> 'Any' BEGIN  SET @SUBCITYString = ' AND (Table1.SUBCITY  LIKE ''' + @SUBCITY + '%'') 'ENDELSE BEGIN SET @SUBCITYString = '' END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @SQLString AS Varchar(500)SET @SQLString = '  SELECT    *                            FROM  Table1               WHERE  Table1.ID IS NOT NULL                ' + @SUBCITYString +  '            ORDER BY Column ASC' Execute (@SQLString) GO

However this is really cumbersome to create and is not fun debugging!

Does one of these ways have an advantage over the other? Or is there another way to do this?

Thank you!

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Optional Parameters In A Stored Proc?

May 19, 2004

Title speaks for itself really.
Is it possible to write a stored proc with optional parameters?
For example consider the following SELECT


I'd like to add optional parameters to that statement so that if they wanted to narrow down the results by providing criteria for some fields they could - but didn't have to.

Is this possible?

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Optional Where Parameters On Null Data

Apr 25, 2007

I'm new to SQL Server, so if I'm doing anything stupid don't bemean :)I have a procedure that I use to return data based on optionalparameters. It works fine, except when the underlying data contains anull on one if the fields being searched.My system uses a default wildcard for all parameters, so this excludessuch records. I need a way to add in " OR fldName IS NULL " where theparameter is empty or '%'. I've looked at using CASE WHEN, but itdoesnt seem to like SQL Keywords being part of the WHEN clause.I'd hate to have to resort to executing concatonated strings made fromIF and ELSE statements. Just too messy and not at all pretty!Any Ideas? Here's what I've got:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[procFindUnits]@strUnitIDnvarchar = '%',@strProjectNamenvarchar = '%',@strAddressnvarchar = '%',@strTenancynvarchar = '%',@strTenurenvarchar = '%'ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SELECTtblUnits.strUnitID,tblProjects.strProjectName,qryAddresses.Address_OneLine,lkpTenancyTypes.strTenancyType,lkpTenureTypes.strTenureTypeFROM tblUnits INNER JOINtblProjects ON tblUnits.intProjectID = tblProjects.intProjectIDLEFT OUTER JOINlkpTenancyTypes ON tblUnits.intTenancyType =lkpTenancyTypes.intTenancyType LEFT OUTER JOINlkpTenureTypes ON tblUnits.intTenureType =lkpTenureTypes.intTenureTypeID LEFT OUTER JOINqryAddresses ON tblUnits.strUnitID = qryAddresses.strUnitIDWHERE(tblUnits.strUnitID LIKE @strUnitID)AND (tblProjects.strProjectName LIKE @strProjectName)AND (qryAddresses.Address_OneLine LIKE @strAddress)AND (lkpTenancyTypes.strTenancyType LIKE @strTenancy)AND (lkpTenureTypes.strTenureType LIKE @strTenure)END

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Optional Parameters For CLR Stored Procedure

Oct 2, 2007

How do I specify optional parameters when writing CLR based Stored Procedures in C#?

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Optional Parameters In A Stored Procedure

Jan 7, 2008

Hi all,

Can anyone please tell me what is the best way to handle optional parameters in a stored procedure which will ensure a good execution plan? I ask this as I have to create a stored procedure with six optional parameters and I'm getting a little concerned that, apart from the parameter issue, I'm going to have a lot of if else statements. Is there an easy way of doing all this?


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Report Builder And Optional Parameters

Nov 30, 2006


Is it possible to create optional parameters in Report Builder?

An *ordinary* parameter is created by marking a filter expression as "prompted". At run-time, the user will be asked to provide a value for this parameter (or accept a default value if it is available). This works fine. What I want is to let the user choose whether to provide a value, or leave the parameter empty. In latter case, the reports should not take the parameter into account and display all available data.

Example: I have a list of products grouped by the name of the supplier. I want users to be able to see the entire list, or narrow it down to one supplier only. So I create a free text parameter that will contain a part of the supplier's name. It works ok, but if parameter is left blank, or set to NULL, the report will display no data (all products always have their suppliers).

I tried to create a filter formula to check for empty value and bypass the filter if necessary, but the formula only allows me to use the parameter expression once. So I cannot check for empty value and apply the filter in the same expression.

As a last resort, I used the following workaround: created a new formula named "Enter 'ALL' to see all suppliers" that would return text constant "ALL". I then added another prompted filter expression for this field and grouped it with my supplier prompt using "Any of" group. User is now able to choose a supplier, or enter "ALL" to the second prompt field. This clumsy approach actually works, but then another problem emerges - although I mark both filter fields as Prompted, the Report Builder will forget this flag for one of the fields when the report is reopened. I think it could be a bug (we use SQL2005 SP1)

Anyway, it'd be nice if I could create an optional parameter as one expression, not two. Is there any way to do that?



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SqlDataSource And Optional Stored Procedure Parameters

Oct 12, 2006

Everyone,I have an application that pulls a list of employees into a web form.  I use the same stored procedure to search for employees by various demographic characteristics, and have set all of these search parameters to be optional in the stored procedure.Everything works fine when I pull the entire list (without declaring any select parameters).  However, on my Search page, I have declared a number of SelectParameter (ControlParameters, to be specific) objects and mapped each one to its respective control (text boxes and a checkbox).  When I attempt a search, the SqlDataSource does not select any records unless I specify an argument for ALL of the search parameters.  If I omit even a single search value, the page just posts back and does not pull any information from the database.  I have verified with SQL Profiler that it is not attempting to hit the database.I have experimented with various declarations in the ControlParameter object, including the DefaultValue and ConvertEmptyStringToNull items.  If I specify a non-empty string as a DefaultValue for all of the parameters, it will perform the query, but it does not query if I use an empty string as a default value - unless my user specifies a value in the form. Any ideas?ThanksTim

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Problem With Getdate Function In Optional Parameters

Mar 29, 2007

Hi, I want to write a StoredProcedure with one optional input parameter of Date and when it is missing I want current date to be used.
I have written the following StoredProcedure, but getdate function doesn`t work. If I replace it with a constant date, it works.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[LinksFees_Record]
@Date datetime = getdate
INSERT INTO LinkSearchFees
(LinkID, Price, [Date])
SELECT ID AS LinkID, SearchDayFee AS Price, @Date
FROM Links
WHERE (SearchDayFee > 0)
When I call the StoredProcedure the following exception occur: Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
How can I fix it? 

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Stored Procedure Optional Search Parameters

May 18, 2008

Hi I want to give the user the ability to search based on a number of criteria, however i do not know how to build my statement properly this is what i have so far;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_StoreFind]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@StoreName varchar(250),@subCategoryID INT
SELECT Stores.StoreName ,StoreCategories.storeIDFROM Stores INNER JOIN
Stores.storeID = StoreCategories.storeID INNER JOIN
SubCategories ON
StoreCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE
My problem is how will i pass the parameters into the statement, taking into fact that sometimes they may be optional. Thank you 

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Stored Proc Update Optional Parameters

Dec 3, 2003

I have a stored procedure that updates about a dozen rows.

I have some overloaded functions that I should update different combinations of the rows - 1 function might update 3 rows, another 7 rows.

Do I have to write a stored procedure for each function or I can I handle it in the Stored Procedure. I realise I can have default values but I the default values could overwrite actual data if the values are not supplied but have been previously written.

Many thanks for any guidance.


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Optional Parameters Passed To Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

In which system table the information about the optional parameters passed to stored procedure are stored.I know about the tbl_columns and all that stuff. From where can i can come to know the parameter is mandatory or optional.--Message posted via

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How To Handle Optional Parameters When Called A Report Via URL

Jul 5, 2007

Please i have lots of reports, i would like to pass parameters, i may pass or i will not pass.

but all of my reports are using stored procs from sql server database.

please guys can some one give me an idea how can i have optional parameters defined in the stored procedure.

in the reports layout collections property where i have to specify the parameters need to run the report there how can i define. wether it is optional of required parameter.

i see the parameters collections object there are hidden, pass null or pass a default value or pass the info via query etc.

please help thank you very much for the information.

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How To Add Optional Parameters For SQL Reporting Service 2005

Jun 14, 2007

Hi friends,

I am developing reports using SQL Server 2005 Reporting service

I want to pass optional parameters to Report using dropdown

I filled dataset using EmpId and EmpName. and assigned this dataset to

query the values.

I checked properties for Report Parameters of Allow Null, Allow Blank values

Even i checked this properties, it enforces me to Enter some value for dropdown while running or previewing the report

I don't want to enforce the user that value must be selected.

In short, How we can able to pass multiple parameters which are not mandatory.

Pls reply me ASAP

Any suggestion is appreciated

Thanks in Advance.



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Multivalue Optional Parameters : Report Builder

Mar 14, 2007

Hi All,

Is there any way to make Multivalue parameter ( list parameter) in Report builder as optional ?

I was able to achieve optional functionalitiy for parameter is single value but not able to with respect to multivalue parameters

An early response is highly appreciated


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Using Stored Procedures/parameters When WHERE String Has Optional Conditions

Sep 15, 2005

I've created a search page in my app that allows the user to enter optional parameters to narrow down the result set. It looks something like:Find all parts where:   manuafacturer:    <dropdownlist>ANY | manufacturer 1 |... </dropdownlist>   model:               <dropdownlist>ANY | model 1 |... </dropdownlist>   cost:                  between <textbox> and <textbox> dollarsCurrently I create the SQL command on the fly building the WHERE based on what the user selects. For example if in the form above they select    manufacturer = manufacturer1   model = ANY   cost = between 10 and 15the WHERE string is    ... WHERE manufacturer='manufacturer1' AND cost BETWEEN 10 AND 15Since the user doesn't care about model I leave it out of the WHERE. OK so here is my question. I want to move my queries to strored procedures however I'm not sure how to create the query since it changes based on what the user enters. Using the example above I'm assuming I can create one query with 4 parameters however what value would I use for ANY?    parameter1 (manufacturer) = "manufacturer1"   parameter2 (model)  = ???   parameter3 (price low) = 10   parameter4 (proce high) = 15I see there is an ANY operator in T-SQL but it doesn't look like the right thing to use. Should I use LIKE '%'? Seems that using LIKE would result in addition overhead.ThanksSimon

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Report Based On Optional Parameters From Stored Procedure

Jan 12, 2008

I have the following stored procedure:

Code Block
CREATE PROCEDURE udsp_td_queryowner
@state varchar(10) = NULL,
@businesstype varchar(20) = NULL,
@size int = NULL,
@sortorder varchar(20) = 'state'
SELECT gl_t.state AS [State],
gl_t.business_type AS [Business Type],
gl_t.lowsize AS [Low Size],
gl_t.highsize AS [High Size],
e.InternetAddress AS [Owner]
FROM gl_territory gl_t JOIN employee e ON gl_t.employeenumber = e.EmployeeNumber
WHERE state = COALESCE(@state, state) AND
business_type = COALESCE(@businesstype, business_type) AND
COALESCE(@size, lowsize, highsize) between lowsize AND highsize
ORDER BY CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'state' THEN gl_t.state
WHEN @sortorder = 'business type' THEN gl_t.business_type
WHEN @sortorder = 'owner' THEN RTRIM(e.FirstName) + ' ' + RTRIM(e.LastName)
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'low size' THEN gl_t.lowsize
WHEN @sortorder = 'high size' THEN gl_t.highsize
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'statedesc' THEN gl_t.state
WHEN @sortorder = 'business typedesc' THEN gl_t.business_type
WHEN @sortorder = 'ownerdesc' THEN RTRIM(e.FirstName) + ' ' + RTRIM(e.LastName)
CASE WHEN @sortorder = 'low sizedesc' THEN gl_t.lowsize
WHEN @sortorder = 'high sizedesc' THEN gl_t.highsize

What it allows me to do is enter in any number of the variables when running the stored procedure. For example, EXECUTE udsp_td_queryowner @state = 'IA' would give me everything in the table in the state of IA regardless of the other field values. Likewise, if I ran EXECUTE udsp_td_queryowner @state = 'KY', @size = 15 it would return the records that are in KY and the size of 15 is in the range of the low and high value.

If I run the first example in Query Analyzer I get 53 records from the data I have. It returns every record that has IA as the state. I run the same thing in Reporting Services and all I get is 3 records. Just the 3 records for the state of IA where the business type is either null or blank (I can't tell.) If I allow all of the variables to accept Nulls then it returns the correct data. However, I would like to find a better alternative because when the report is run it returns all of the records in the table initially and if they user wants to enter in any parameters they have to toggle off the null box for the corresponding paramter.

Any ideas?

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Max No. Of Parameters In Functions

Mar 19, 2006

Can anybody tell me the max no of parameters that we can use in a single

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User Defined Functions && Default Parameters

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am trying to call a user defined function(UDF) from a stored proc,using a default parameter in the called UDF (e.g. @bid_price_type int= 0 ). However the calling stored proc complains that the UDF isexpecting a 2nd parameter when I only provide the @test parametervalue. Are default parameter values supported in UDF's?I wld really appreciate anybody's help. Thankyou in advance.UDF code:CREATE FUNCTION get_bid_price (@test int, @bid_price_type int = 0)RETURNS decimal(18, 4) ASBEGINdeclare @x decimal(18, 4)if (@bid_price_type = 0)beginselect @x = fieldNamefromtableNameendelsebeginselect @x = fieldName2fromtableName2endreturn @xEND' Calling Stored Proc codeCREATE PROCEDURE testASdeclare @x decimal(18, 4)set @x = dbo.get_bid_price(1)select @xGOthanks,Vic Y

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User Defined Functions, Passing Parameters From Another Udf's Results (end Result=Crosstab)

Oct 25, 2005

Hi All:I've read a whole slew of posts about creating temp tables using storedproceedures to get the crosstab ability, but I'm wondering if, for thisspecific case, there might be a more efficient way.What makes this question different from the others that I've read isthat I'm using user defined functions, not tables. I actually thinkthat I've got the crosstab thing down, it's just passing the parameterto the 2nd udf that's messing me up.I've got a people table and an address table. Each person can havemultiple addresses. I need to create a dataset that has in each rowthe name of the person, the first address, any second address, and anythird address. I only need to show the first 3, so if there's 100, Ican just ignore the rest.I created a user defined function to return the 1st, 2nd, or 3rdaddress for a given person.udf_ReturnAddress(PersonID,MatchNumber)Another user defined function returns the people that I'm looking for(potential duplicates for a person in this case).udf_ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(PersonID)SELECTMain.FoundPersonID, Main.LastName, A1.Street, A2.Street,A3.StreetFROMudf(ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(@PersonID) MainTableCROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,1) Adr1) A1CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,2) Adr2) A2CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,3) Add3) A3If, for the first parameter for the return address function, I replaceMain.FoundPersonID with the ID of a person, it works just fine. Iobviously don't want a static id as a parameter - I want to use the IDof the person that the first udf found. Leaving the variableMainTable.PersonID there causes an error in the query designer though.I get "Error in list of function arguments: '.' not recognized.So maybe my problem is that I just don't know how to pass the id of theperson that's found by the first UDF as the parameter of the functionto find the found person's 3 addresses.Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!ThanksKen

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SQL Server 2005: CLR Functions Vs SQL Functions

May 26, 2006

I was playing around with the new SQL 2005 CLR functionality andremembered this discussion that I had with Erland Sommarskog concerningperformance of scalar UDFs some time ago (See "Calling sp_oa* infunction" in this newsgroup). In that discussion, Erland made thefollowing comment about UDFs in SQL 2005:[color=blue][color=green]>>The good news is that in SQL 2005, Microsoft has addressed several of[/color][/color]these issues, and the cost of a UDF is not as severe there. In fact fora complex expression, a UDF in written a CLR language may be fasterthanthe corresponding expression using built-in T-SQL functions.<<I thought the I would put this to the test using some of the same SQLas before, but adding a simple scalar CLR UDF into the mix. The testinvolved querying a simple table with about 300,000 rows. Thescenarios are as follows:(A) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column(B) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column and as a criterionin the WHERE clause(C) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column(D) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion in theWHERE clause(E) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column(F) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion inthe WHERE clauseA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(295310 row(s) affected)A: 1563(150003 row(s) affected)B: 906(295310 row(s) affected)C: 2703(150003 row(s) affected)D: 2533(295310 row(s) affected)E: 2060(150003 row(s) affected)F: 2190The scalar CLR UDF function was significantly faster than the classicscalar UDF, even for this very simple function. Perhaps a more complexfunction would have shown even a greater difference. Based on this, Imust conclude that Erland was right. Of course, it's still faster tostick with basic built-in functions like CASE.In another test, I decided to run some queries to compare built-inaggregates vs. a couple of simple CLR aggregates as follows:(G) Calculate averages by group using the built-in AVG aggregate(H) Calculate averages by group using a CLR aggregate that similatesthe built-in AVG aggregate(I) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group (average excluding highestand lowest values) using built-in aggregates(J) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group using a CLR aggregatespecially designed for this purposeA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(59 row(s) affected)G: 313(59 row(s) affected)H: 890(59 row(s) affected)I: 216(59 row(s) affected)J: 846It seems that the CLR aggregates came with a significant performancepenalty over the built-in aggregates. Perhaps they would pay off if Iwere attempting a very complex type of aggregation. However, at thispoint I'm going to shy away from using these unless I can't find a wayto do the calculation with standard SQL.In a way, I'm happy that basic SQL still seems to be the fastest way toget things done. With the addition of the new CLR functionality, Isuspect that MS may be giving us developers enough rope to comfortablyhang ourselves if we're not careful.Bill E.Hollywood, FL------------------------------------------------------------------------- table TestAssignment, about 300,000 rowsCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestAssignment]([TestAssignmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[ProductID] [int] NULL,[PercentPassed] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_TestAssignment] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TestAssignmentID] ASC)--Scalar UDF in SQLCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIsEven](@intValue int)RETURNS bitASBEGINDeclare @bitReturnValue bitIf @intValue % 2 = 0Set @bitReturnValue=1ElseSet @bitReturnValue=0RETURN @bitReturnValueEND--Scalar CLR UDF/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;public partial class UserDefinedFunctions{[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDetermini stic=true,IsPrecise=true)]public static SqlBoolean IsEven(SqlInt32 value){if(value % 2 == 0){return true;}else{return false;}}};*/--Test #1--Scenario A - Query with calculated column--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario B - Query with calculated column as criterion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END=1--Scenario C - Query using scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario D - Query using scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--Scenario E - Query using CLR scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario F - Query using CLR scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--CLR Aggregate functions/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct Avg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;}}public void Merge(Avg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (numValues == 0){return SqlDouble.Null;}else{return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;}[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct TrimmedAvg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;this.minValue = SqlDouble.MaxValue;this.maxValue = SqlDouble.MinValue;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;if (Value < this.minValue)this.minValue = Value;if (Value > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Value;}}public void Merge(TrimmedAvg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;if (Group.minValue < this.minValue)this.minValue = Group.minValue;if (Group.maxValue > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Group.maxValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (this.numValues < 3)return SqlDouble.Null;else{this.numValues -= 2;this.totalValue -= this.minValue;this.totalValue -= this.maxValue;return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;private SqlDouble minValue;private SqlDouble maxValue;}*/--Test #2--Scenario G - Average Query using built-in aggregate--SELECT ProductID, Avg(Cast(PercentPassed AS float))FROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario H - Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.Avg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS float)) AS AverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario I - Trimmed Average Query using built in aggregates/setoperations--SELECT A.ProductID,CaseWhen B.CountValues<3 Then NullElse Cast(A.Total-B.MaxValue-B.MinValue ASfloat)/Cast(B.CountValues-2 As float)End AS AverageFROM(SELECT ProductID, Sum(PercentPassed) AS TotalFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductID) ALEFT JOIN(SELECT ProductID,Max(PercentPassed) AS MaxValue,Min(PercentPassed) AS MinValue,Count(*) AS CountValuesFROM TestAssignmentWHERE PercentPassed Is Not NullGROUP BY ProductID) BON A.ProductID=B.ProductIDORDER BY A.ProductID--Scenario J - Trimmed Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.TrimmedAvg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS real)) ASAverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID

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Optional Relationship

Dec 18, 2006

Hi, how can i make optional relationship?
for example: In table A, there is column 1, column 2, column3. In table B, there is column 4, column 5 and column 6.
 column 1 and column 2 are primary keys for table A and table B. The relationships between table A and table B are column 2 and column 5; column3 and column 6. but optional (ie. when data exists in column 2, then column3 is null)
 how can i set the relationship? because one of the columns data is null each time, error always occurs.

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Optional Inner Joins

Nov 27, 2004

I have a select proc that will take a bunch or criteria parameters. Based on how many are not null I would like to decide how many inner joins to do.
for example:

select H1.Priceid as HotelPriceId,H2.Priceid as AirPriceId, H1.VendorPackageId from
select HA.PriceId, HA.VendorPackageId from Criteria HA Inner Join
select VendorPackageId from ValidVendorPackages
where Vendor = 'SBT'
and Sitecode = 'system'
and PackageType = 'AHCF'
)HB on HA.VendorPackageId = HB.VendorPackageId
CriteriaId in
select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria
where Destination = 'LAS'
and LengthOfStay = 5
and Ages = 'A2'
and ComponentType = @ComponentType_1
and ValidItemType = @ValidItemType_1
and ItemValue = @ItemValue_1

select HA.PriceId, HA.VendorPackageId from Criteria HA Inner Join
select VendorPackageId from ValidVendorPackages
where Vendor = 'SBT'
and Sitecode = 'system'
and PackageType = 'AHCF'
)HB on HA.VendorPackageId = HB.VendorPackageId
CriteriaId in
select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria
where Destination = 'LAS'
and LengthOfStay = 5
and Ages = 'A2'
and ComponentType = @ComponentType_2
and ValidItemType = @ValidItemType_2
and ItemValue = @ItemValue_2
)H2 on H1.Priceid = H2.priceId Inner Join
select HA.PriceId, HA.VendorPackageId from Criteria HA Inner Join
select VendorPackageId from ValidVendorPackages
where Vendor = 'SBT'
and Sitecode = 'system'
and PackageType = 'AHCF'
)HB on HA.VendorPackageId = HB.VendorPackageId
CriteriaId in
select CriteriaID from ValidItemCriteria
where Destination = 'LAS'
and LengthOfStay = 5
and Ages = 'A2'
and ComponentType = @ComponentType_3
and ValidItemType = @ValidItemType_3
and ItemValue = @ItemValue_3
)H3 on H2.Priceid = H3.priceId

if values are only passed in from @ComponentType_1,@ValidItemType_1,@ItemValue_1 I dont want to do any inner joins.

If its passed in for @ComponentType_1,@ValidItemType_1,@ItemValue_1 & @ComponentType_2,@ValidItemType_2,@ItemValue_2 I want to do the first Inner Join.

and of course if I get all 3 sets of criteria I want to do both the inner joins.
I know I can cut and past this thing 3 times with an if statement but that isn't going to be practical.

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Optional Argument In UDF?

Jan 27, 2004

Is it possible to define an argument as optional for a UDF? I have a financial calculation that may or may not require a defined date range depending on the status of an individual item. Is there a way to avoid requiring the date range where it's not necessary?

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