CLR Stored Procedure In Reporting Services
Feb 24, 2007
I have created CLR Stored Procedure and my CLR stored procedures are not appearing in the Stored Procedures drop-down list located on the Data tab within the VS2005 Business Intelligence Development Studio. After Creating the dll I have registered the dll like that CREATE ASSEMBLY MY_SP_NAME from 'C:MY_DLL_PATHMY_DLL_NAME.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFEAfter registering I have deployed the dll :CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MY_SP_NAME] @dbname [nvarchar](4000), @varTable [nvarchar](4000), .............. .............. .............. ASEXTERNAL NAME [MY_DLL_NAME].[MY_CLASS_NAME].[MY_SP_NAME]GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'AutoDeployed', @value=N'yes' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'SqlAssemblyFile', @value=N'EXAMINER_WORKSHEET_F_hmz4_Ex.cs' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOEXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'SqlAssemblyFileLine', @value=10 , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'PROCEDURE',@level1name=N'MY_SP_NAME'GOThe Stored Procedure is deployed successfully to SQL Server 2005, but its not showing in the drop-down list located on the data tab while I am desiging my RDL layout.All of the non-CLR stored procedures are present. Is there something I need to do to add these CLR stored procedures?
Please please ASAP.
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Apr 24, 2008
Hi all,I am using Stored procedure to design report instead of Query.
Problem is i am unable to view the fields in the dataset.
Any body please tell me the Steps to use Stored procedure in Reporting Services design.
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Sep 26, 2004
I have a big SQL Stored Procedure which works with a cursor inside of it. During the procedure the data is inserted into a table and at the end is a SELECT statement from that table. The problem is that when i create a dataset with that stored procedure and i run it in the Data tab i get the correct select, but in the Fields section of the Report I don't get the fields from the last SELECT, but the fields from the cursor. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug and how can i fix it.
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May 14, 2008
I'm having some problems and I wonder if anyone can help me.
I need to call a stored procedure to retrieve some data from the bank and use it in a report.
I'm using oracle DB, but I'm not using ODBC, I'm using Oracle.
I can call the SP using 2 commands:
1- in the dataset data form, I can select the command type as Stored Procedure and write the name of my procedure without the arguments, and then the VS ask for the arguments
2- in the same form, the command type as TEXT, i can use the syntax: call <SP name>(arguments)
My problems are:
-in the first way, how can I programatically set the arguments to send?
-in both of them, how can I define that the data that should be stored in the dataset is in the out cursor parameter?
Thank you,
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Mar 10, 2008
I have created stored procedure.How can i use it insted of writing Sql Statement in Report Design.
Pls Help me.
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Jan 26, 2007
Hi all,
I have stored procedures that will run fine from query analyzer windows, from other programs, etc. When I try to run the sp from vs 2005 form with in a SSRS project, the sp just hangs. It will not return any records and the app says "Not Responding. This does not happen for all SP's only some of them. Any ideas?
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Dec 19, 2007
I am working with one example on SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. I have a stored procedure with two parameters. I want to call this stored procedure from SQL Server Reporting Services 2005.
@id int,
@name varchar(150)
SELECT EmpId, EmpName, EmpSal FROM Emp WHERE EmpId = @id AND EmpName = @name
I want to pass
@id AND @name
parameters from reporting services form. Can you please give me link / article / steps to follow this in SQL SERVER REPORTING SERVICES 2005 ?
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Oct 21, 2015
Created a report with parameters that can have multiple values.
Ran Stored procedure with same above criteria and data is retrieved
Ran the report and no data is displayed
I am unable to figure out where it might have gone wrong.
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Jun 27, 2007
I have a report. I need to make a drop-down parameter optional. I've setup the parameter to use a dataset as its source, and I need to allow the value to be null. I've selected allow nulls check box, and I've even tried setting the default value to System.DBNull.Value. But, when the entry is not selected (blank), no data ever comes back. If the data is blank or null, my procedure works (I've tested it). How do I send a null value to the database through reporting services report? I was hoping to avoid creating a special query just for that purpose.
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May 2, 2006
I am trying to call oracle stored procedure from SRSS 2005. I am using the syntax { Call s_test_rcur()} . I am getting following error.An error occurred while retrieving the parameters in the query.ORA-00911: invalid characterORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 68ORA-06512: at line 1
ORA-00911: invalid characterORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 68ORA-06512: at line 1Â (System.Data.OracleClient)
Here is the Oracel stored proc.
PROCEDURE s_test_rcur (po_test_rc OUT rc_test, -- returns a record setpo_error OUT INTEGER)ISBEGIN g_err_level := 1;OPEN po_test_rc FORSELECT a.ssn_id,TO_CHAR (a.acad_yr) || TO_CHAR (a.acad_yr + 1) acad_yr,RPAD (NVL (last_name, ' '), 30, ' ') last_name,RPAD (NVL (first_name, ' '), 30, ' ') first_name,NVL (middle_initial, ' ') middle_initialfrom test_tableorder by last_name;po_error := 0;EXCEPTIONWHEN OTHERSTHENpo_error := -1;g_error_code := SQLCODE;g_error_msg :='Err level :' ||TO_CHAR (g_err_level) ||' ' ||SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 250);END;
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Aug 21, 2015
I have a stored procedure (sproc) Â running in Firebird Database. Now I try to use this sproc to build a report in the SSRS 2012 (SSDT) Report Designer.
After I connect to the dataset, and when I choose the Query Type as 'Stored Procedure', and type the name of  my sproc, and then go to the Query Designer, and click ! (F5)  ,  I get the following error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Report Designer
An error occurred while executing the query.
ERROR [HY000] [ODBC Firebird Driver][Firebird]Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 1, column 1 [sproc name]Â
ERROR [HY000] [ODBC Firebird Driver][Firebird]Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 1, column 1 [sproc name] (OdbcFb)
how to resolve this? If its a T-SQL sproc, then it will be no issue; in this case, Â Firebird database connects to the SSRS via a 32-bit System ODBC connection.
When I proceed and click ok for everything, I get this error (after I exit the Query Designer), in the Dataset Properties tab:
"Could not update a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct."
The ODBC connection between SSRS and Firebird works fine. In fact I am able to run many queries as ad-hoc ones, Â but when I use the queries as sprocs, then this issue pops up.
how to handle Firebird stored procedures  in SSRS.
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Sep 9, 2015
I have created a query in which I have used first_value, lead, lag windows functions. I tried using the query in SSRS query text, but for some reason it could not load. Then I created a stored procedure and implemented that query in stored proc.
The problem is that I am able to execute the stoured proc from sql server studio, but SSRS is not able to load data.
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Sep 17, 2007
I used a stored procedure in my report. If I run the sp in Management Studio (on my pc, database is on a sql server) it takes only several minutes; but from reporting services (also on pc) I put it in the data tab and execute it, it takes forever, actually never finish. I want to know why it's taking so long to execute it from reporting services while it returns data instantly from Mgt Studio. There is cursor in the sp. I don't know whether this is the culprit. Anyone knows why? Thanks!
Below is the sp.
create proc [dbo].[p_national_by_week]
set nocount on
declare @s1 nvarchar(2000), @parmdefinition nvarchar(300), @rangestart smalldatetime, @rangeend smalldatetime
, @price_low money, @price_high money, @weekdate smalldatetime
declare c1 cursor for
--- GG change for reg dates.
select weekdate from vtRealEstate_RealtorListing_WeekDates
open c1
fetch from c1 into @weekdate
while @@fetch_status =0
select @rangeend = @weekdate+7, @rangestart=@weekdate
select @s1 = N'
declare @mlsid_count int, @avg_price money, @avg_day_on_market int, @median_price money, @c1 int
select @mlsid_count=count(*), @avg_price=avg(CurrentPricefilter),
@avg_day_on_market=avg(datediff(dd, FirstListedDate, LastModifiedDate))
from vtRealEstate_RealtorListings
where ((FirstListedDate <= @rangeStart and LastModifiedDate >= @rangeStart) or
(FirstListedDate >= @rangeStart and FirstListedDate < @rangeEnd)
and currentpricefilter is not null
and mlsidfilter is not null
select @c1=@mlsid_count/2
set rowcount @c1
select @median_price = CurrentPricefilter from vtRealEstate_RealtorListings
((FirstListedDate <= @rangeStart and LastModifiedDate >= @rangeStart) or
(FirstListedDate >= @rangeStart and FirstListedDate < @rangeEnd)
and currentpricefilter is not null
and mlsidfilter is not null
order by currentpricefilter
insert report_detail_test (weekdate, mlsid_count, avg_price, median_price
, avg_day_on_market)
values(@weekdate, @mlsid_count, @avg_price, @median_price, @avg_day_on_market)
', @parmdefinition=N'@rangestart smalldatetime, @rangeend smalldatetime, @weekdate smalldatetime'
exec sp_executesql @s1, @parmdefinition, @rangestart=@rangestart, @rangeend=@rangeend
, @weekdate = @weekdate
fetch from c1 into @weekdate
select weekdate
, mlsid_count
, avg_price
, median_price
, avg_day_on_market
from report_detail_test
order by WeekDate
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Nov 2, 2015
Created a report that displays the Maximum Response time (example of value 00:00:00) which is directly pulled from the Stored proc.When I ran the report, the column displays blank values.I am not sure if I should add any conversion to the Response value in the report.
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Dec 12, 2007
I was wondering if it was possible to call reporting server web service directly from my sql server stored procedure. The call that I need to make to reporting web service needs to generate the report in a PDF format.
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Jan 3, 2014
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, and BIDS 2008 SP1. The problem I am about to define does NOT happen when the report is deployed to the report server, but only within the report development environment (BIDS).
From within BIDS my reports are fed by stored procedures. The problem is when I modify a stored procedure in Management Studio, and refresh the report from within BIDS, the report does not reflect the new changes made in the stored procedure. So far I have found one clumsy solution to this problem:
1) Go to the folder where the project is saved on the file system.
2)Find the ".data" file that is associated to the particular report, then delete it. For instance, if my report name is TestReport.rdl, find the file named, then delete it.
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Jun 2, 2015
I have a requirement to display each student Fitness test results in the form of a Box plot chart with High Whisker , Low whisker , Low box,high box , Mean and Median in a stored procedure since test areas are dynamic. But , i have never done this before.
Test Type
Test Date
Student ID
Test Result
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Apr 15, 2008
I have an issue with using multiple parameters in SQL Reporting services where data is passed in from a stored procedure
When running the report in design mode - I can type in a parameter sting and it runs fine
In the report preview screen I can select single parameters by ticking the drop down list and again it runs fine
as soon as I tick more than one I get an error
An error occurred during local report processing
Query execution failed for data set €˜data'
Must declare the scalar variable '@parameter'
Some info...
The dataset 'workshop' is using a sproc to return the data string?
I get multiple values back fine in the sproc using this piece of code
(select [str] from iter_charlist_to_table( @Parameter, DEFAULT) ))
I have report parameters set to Multi-Value
Looking through the online books it says...
You can define a multivalued parameter for any report parameter that you create.
However, if you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:
The data source must be SQL Server, Oracle, or Analysis Services.
The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Reporting Services does not support passing a multivalued parameter array to a stored procedure.
The query must use an IN clause to specify the parameter.
Am I trying to do the impossible ?
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Nov 9, 2007
I have written a stored procedure that returns 8 tables.
When I try to design a server report based on this stored procedure, reporting services only recognises the first table and not the other 7 tables.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005.
Thank you in advance
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Apr 17, 2008
I want to get data from Oracle 10g Stored procedure to Reporting Services 2005. I could pass a SQL text and get a record set, but I want to execute a store proc and get the record set.
1. Add New Data Source
2. Choose Type : Oracle and connection tested OK
3. { call Test_Package.Test_Procedure(?) } is it wrong... how to write???
There is an error in the query. ORA-00911: invalid character
Also make sure that you use the text-based generic query designer (2 panes !) instead of the visual query designer (4 panes) - you can switch between them through an icon on the toolbar in the data view of report designer.
Question : I tried many methods but unable to solve it...
create or replace
PACKAGE Test_Package
END Test_Package;
create or replace PROCEDURE Test_Procedure (
Test_Cursor IN OUT Test_Package.Test_Type,
Test_Parameter IN Test_Table.ID%TYPE
OPEN Test_Cursor FOR
FROM Test_Table WHERE Test_Table.ID >= Test_Parameter;
END Test_Procedure;
The below site gave some example but i could not solve it... any suggestions greatly appreciated...
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Jul 6, 2015
I created a data set using SP. in ssms SP gets all records but in ssrs i am not able to get all records, getting only 5 row.
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Mar 27, 2007
In the field, the operators are presented with 5 categories, each category having between 3 and 5 possible selections, for example:
Weather - clear(1), cloudy(2), rain(4) or snow(8).
If the operator selected cloudy and rain, the value of Weather would be 6.
I want to print a report in the office that will list the categories and the available selections for each, putting an "X" next to those selections that were checked by the operators.
In Access, it was easy - I plugged a decode procedure into the OnFormat event...
cnum = obj![WEATHR]
If cnum - 8 >= 0 Then
obj![SNOW] = "X"
cnum = cnum - 8
End If
If cnum - 4 >= 0 Then
obj![RAIN] = "X"
cnum = cnum - 4
End If
If cnum - 2 >= 0 Then
obj![CLOUDY] = "X"
cnum = cnum - 2
End If
If cnum - 1 >= 0 Then
obj![CLEAR] = "X"
End If
Making the change to SQL Reporting Services, I'm you can tell, I'm not even sure how to ask the question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 7, 2004
Hi, all:
Kind of new to reporting services. I've been playing around with SQL Reporting Services and was wondering if anyone knows how to populate the fields from a dataset in the Report Designer from a stored procedure that uses dynamic SQL. I've had success with non-dynamic stored procedures and inline queries, but am unable to generate fields when the sp contains dynamic SQL. I've tried defining the fields manually, but when I execute the report I receive errors that the fields are undefined.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Jun 8, 2015
How to find out last created stored procedures in sql.
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Dec 17, 2003
Is it possible to have single stored procedure which can return Weekly, Monthly, Quaterly and Yearly Report.
User input for Queries:
Weekly : Start Date & End Date
Monthly: Month & Year (Eg. Jan 2003, May 2004)
Quarterly: Quarter & Year (First Quarter 2003, ThirdQuarter 2004)
Yearly: Year
Currently I have 4 different Stored Procedure 1 for each reporting system.
I have seen that one can use CASE in Stored procedure.....
Pls give suggestion !!!
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Jan 2, 2004
Thx to all who helped me for Stored Procedure previously
Here is what I have:
3 Drop Down Boxes:
1) List of property
2) Ticket Status
3) Tech Name
All 3 Drop boxes have default value of "All"
So, if all 3 drop boxes are "All" ie.
list of property = All
Ticket status = All
Tech Name = All
Query pulls up all records from database and displays it.
Lets say if I select Tech Name is XYZ then query should pull out all property, all ticket status by Tech XYZ.
Now my previous developer has if else case and he has total 9 query for doing all this. He has used SQL along with C# code.
I am trying to modify this if-else and convert it into Stored Procedure. Is there a way I can handle all with 1 stored procedure ?
Previous Reporting works like charm........
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Aug 11, 2005
Hi all,
I want to use 2 stored procedures in one report, but I could not find what is the way of doing this. I searched this subject on the intrernet, and I found some solutions. However, they used stored procedures in one stored procedure and used in one report. This is not the thing which I want to do, I want only do using 2 stored procedures in one report at the same time.
Thanks, for now...
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Nov 25, 2015
I'm new to SSRS (We are using SQL 2014) and have been asked to create a report from SharePoint list data. One of the columns in my list contains XML data. I need to pull three different fields from this XML. I see lots on using xml as a datasource but I'm using a SharePoint list as my datasource. Before I get too far down the wrong road I thought I'd ask here if there was a built in means of parsing XML or if I should look at using the Text Function under Common Functions in the Epression builder?
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Jun 4, 2015
When i open any reports getting the below error message.An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database.
(rsReportServerDatabaseError)Procedure or function 'CreateSession' expects parameter '@SiteZone', which was not supplied. Â
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Nov 23, 2015
I have a report that uses a stored procedure as a dataset.The stored procedure accepts four parameters, which I have defined in the report. works fine in query builder and SSMS.
When I run the report I get an error stating a parameter is missing. I tried deleting parameters and recreating not luck.
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May 12, 2015
I am working on a report where some customization is need to be delivered.. situation is , i have some parameter in report @USER_ID , @Report_Type where i am proving selection to user to select Report Type (Pending Or Completed) and passing USER_ID auto matically from URL string of user login(C# code).
I have another parameter @USER_IDS which is multiple selection for user and it will be filled with the users which lie under passed @USER_ID means i just need to add dataset with the query to select users from mapper table where reporting_head =@USER_ID, simple, but i have requirement to populate the underlined users with the selection of @USER_ID and @Report_Type and it need some TSQL code to populate so i am using Another store procedure and using same parameter as my main store procedure has .
Now i am using dataset with this store procedure  to fill my @USER_IDS  parameterÂ
Both parameters value will be passed from main report parameters now , when i am previewing a report i am getting error
and i also tried to write exec statement in dataset query with the main repport paramters but exec is not supported ..
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Jun 16, 2015
What might be the reason for this error:
A propos above error, traying to open [URL] ....
I am getting this error:
User 'domainuserName' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.
How to proceed with this ?
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Mar 22, 2008
I am trying to migrate my reports from SQL server 2000 reporting services 32bit to 2005 64bit. I am following the migration steps that MS specified.
Restored my Reportserver and ReportserverTempDB databases
Then I was using the configure Report services to upgrade these databases but I always end up getting the follwoing exception when I run the upgrade on the "Database Setup" configuration for 'ReportServerTempDB' database
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Common.DBUtils.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.SqlClientTools.SqlTools.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)
It's driving me crazy, why is it looking for 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB' in the catalog instead of 'ReportServerTempDB'?
Is it possible to migrate from 32bit to 64bit?
Any help is appreciated
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