CLR Trigger -&&> Send Insert/Update/Delete Message To Windows Service

Feb 1, 2007


I have an c# windows service, which is running on the same machine where my mssql server is installed. This service must be informed for each insert/update/delete event on one specific table.

My idea was to create an CLR Trigger for this table which can communicate with this service via .NET remoting. But the problem is, that the system.runtime.remoting assembly is not integrated within the mssql clr enviroment => i can't use remoting.

Are there any other idea's how can i solve this?

Best regards,

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Aug 15, 2001





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Insert Update Delete Trigger?

Dec 2, 2014

I have to create a trigger that will log who changed information on a table and when (NOT what they have changed).

My idea is to get the users name and see if it is in a table if not create it and get the associated ID, also get the ID of table that was accessed along with the ID of the type of task that was performed. Take this data and insert it into a table.

Here is the SQL I have so far.

-- Primary Database Tables --
CREATE TABLE Physician (
Physician_ID int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
First_Name varchar(100),
Last_Name varchar(100),
Mobile_Number varchar(15),
Pager_Number varchar(15)


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How Create Trigger Stop Update Delete And Insert

Apr 11, 2008

How to create trigger to stop the delete , updation and insert in the table of database ....

How can i stopped .......................I want to apply on whole table of database

Pls help me out.


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SQL Service Broker To Send Message To SSRS

Jan 23, 2008

Hi All,
I want to send notification to SSRS on change in database for that I am using SSB to send message to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Can I use SSB and if yes, how? Please guide me I am new to this.


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SQL CE Error 28562 - Failed To Create The Delete Message To Send To The Server

May 13, 2004

Hi when I am performing a merge replication between my PDA (SQL CE) and SQL I get the above message. There is no information about it anywhere.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Service Broker: Trigger On New Message

Jul 13, 2007


I have a small problem with my two databases ( A and B ).

On database A I have a queue set up for receiving messages from a service broker which are sent via a stored procedure from database B ...

Each time a message hits the queue on database A I would like to run a stored procedure that takes the message and actions it.

I have my stored procedures in place but can't figure out how to trigger a procedure each time a message is received. I have read this ( ) but would really appreciate someone posting an example of setting up queue activation.

Many thanks


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Windows Update Error Message Code 80072f76

Apr 28, 2007

What does this code mean and what can I do to fix it? I need to update vista when applicable.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Reporting Services :: How To Check Report Server Windows Service Has Send As Permissions On The SMTP Server

Sep 3, 2015

i want to check.. Report Server Windows service has Send As permissions on the SMTP server.

how can i do this..

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DELETE And UPDATE Trigger Question

Sep 28, 2006

HelloI have a Trigger on a table. Here is the code  ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[OnOrderDelete]
ON [dbo].[orders]
DECLARE @ids int;
SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from DELETED);
DELETE FROM files WHERE OrderId = @ids;
ENDActually the UPDATE event handler is not wanted here, but why when I leave him I have a following behaviour:When orders table is updated, the "SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from DELETED);
DELETE FROM files WHERE OrderId = @ids;" part is executed, and the program recognizes DELETED as UPDATED! (Like " SELECT @ids =( SELECT id from UPDATED) ") Is this right? And how can I part UPDATED and DELETED ?ThanksArtashes

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Trigger For Delete Or Specific Update

May 2, 2007

I have a table where I want to prevent user from deleting or setting a flag on a field to "y" with a database trigger (sql 2000). I understand the trigger for just one (stopping the delete, or stopping the field being changed to "y"). Should I have 2 seperate triggers or would there be a way to handle both.

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Create One Trigger For Both Update And Delete

Apr 30, 2007

hi,CAn i have one trigger for both Update and DeleteDelete Trigger---------------------create Trigger [tr_delete_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for deleteasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendTrigger Update---------------------CREATE Trigger [tr_update_user_log]on [dbo].[user_log] for updateasbegininsert into z_user_log select * from deletedendCan i have one trigger instead of these Triggers ..

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My On Update Trigger Reacts Also On Delete

Aug 9, 2006

In SQL Server 2005 Express I created a trigger which should edit a value in another table when a special tupel column has been updated. The funny thing is, that it also fires on delete...of course not what I wanted. what did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance!

ALTER TRIGGER dbo.update_history_users

ON dbo.[user]



IF UPDATE([name])


DECLARE @old_value nvarchar(MAX),

@new_value nvarchar(MAX);

SELECT @old_value = name FROM DELETED ;

SELECT @new_value = name FROM INSERTED ;

UPDATE dbo.history SET user_name = @new_value WHERE user_name = @old_value;


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Insert/Delete Trigger Misfires

Jan 6, 2006

I am having problems with a trigger that is designed to audit changes to a particular field in a table. If that field is updated, then the old record is inserted into an audit table.

This trigger never fails when I run test data against it from Query Analyzer. It works some of the time when the web application updates it, fails other times.

Typically, multiple records are updated at the same time. Any ideas?

Here is the Trigger:

create trigger t_u_product_rate_detail
on product_rate_detail
for insert, update, delete


/--Local variable
@auditdate datetime,
@audituser sysname

--Set values so function isn't executed a bunch of times
@auditdate = getdate(),
@audituser = suser_sname()

if exists (select * from inserted)
if exists (select * from deleted)
insert into product_rate_detail_audit_log
select d.product_rate_detail_id,
@auditdate, @audituser, 'U'
from deleted d
join inserted i on i.product_rate_detail_id = d.product_Rate_detail_id
where (d.rate <> 0 and d.rate is not null)
and i.rate <> d.rate -- this determines if the rate has changed.


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Trigger On Insert To Delete Record

Mar 26, 2008

Can anybody help me in writing a SQl trigger to delete a record when inserted after 70 seconds.?

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Question About Trigger Insert Before Delete

Aug 14, 2007

Hello, everybody

I have a question about trigger.
I have a table called "Users", it has a ID (auto increment), UserName, FirstName...ect.
The question is if one row is deleted, I want to put this row into "Users_Histroy" Table whose structure is the same as "Users" Table and then delete this row in "Users" Table..
How can I achieve this? I am pretty new about triggers.
Thank you very much.

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Using Trigger/Stored Procedure (Delete, Insert)?

Apr 18, 2008

I have 3 tables...TableA, TableB, TableC TableA - Personal InformationPersonalInfoId (Primary) , First Name,Last NameTableB - Personal Information To Department IDReferenceID, FKPersonalInfoId, FKDepartmentIdTableC - DepartmentDepartmentId, DepartmentNameI am coding Asp.Net VB using VWD express with Sql Server Express.  I know how to create a stored procedure to delete, insert and even update a record in TableA, TableB, TableC respectively.If I need to delete a record in TableC, which has a related record in TableB, I have read that I need to use a Trigger.  I never have used a Trigger and it is new to me.  Can someone point me a way on how to use one in this case of my deleting scenario.  Pretty much, if a user clicks on a delete button, and deletes a record in my TableC, I dont want a  FKDpartmentId in my TableB that doesnt exist anymore because it was deleted in TableC or prevent a user from deleting that record till the relationship in TableB is no longer valid. In the same vain, If I have a input form which ask the user to enter their First Name and Last Name and Department, i would like to add those records in TableA for First and Last Name, TableB for the Department.  Once again, how do I create a Trigger that if I insert a record in Table A to also insert the information for Department in Table B, if its successful in my stored procedure.  Hope that made sense.Thanks.   

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SQL Server 2008 :: Delete Before Insert Trigger Statement

Apr 6, 2015

What statement do I use, as part of an insert trigger, to insert xml data from the xml database to a flat file database, to check if a record with a specific ID exists to delete first then insert the changed record, instead of adding the changes or an updated from the original xml database.

What I’m trying to do is take the xml formatted data out of one sql server database and insert the data only in that xml into a another sql database. So I can play with the data.

Problem is if the data in the xml is updated or changed for a specific record on the original xml database then the trigger inserts another copy into the created database (which I don’t want).

This is on SQL Server 2008R2.

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SQL 2005 Service Pack 2 Installed But Still Shows In Windows Update

Nov 9, 2007

I upgraded the OS on my SQL 2005 SP2 to Windows 2003 SP2. Everything still works fine but now Windows Update says that I need SQL 2005 SP2 again. I checked the version of SQL on the server and it's still SP2. Did the Windows service pack somehow downgrade parts of my SQL installation? I know I can probably just reinstall the SQL service pack but I was just curious...

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Create Delete Trigger On Table1 To Update A Filed On Table2

Jan 11, 2008

Hi everyoneI am trying to create a DELETE Trigger. I have 2 tables. Table1 andTable2. Table 2 has all the same fields and records as Table1 + 1extra column "date_removed"I would like that when a record is deleted from Table 1, the triggerfinds that record in Table2 and updates the date_removed filed withcurrent time stamp.The primary key on both is combination of domain,admin_group and cn.CREATE TRIGGER [tr_updateTable2] ON [dbo].tbl_Table1FOR DELETEASUpdate Table2SET date_removed = getDate()I'm stuck here, how do I manipulate on Table2 only the records thatwere deleted on Table1, so to only update date_removed filed for themin Table2?I guess i need to compare domain, cn and admin_group, but I don't knowhow.Any help would be greatly appreciatedThanks! :-)

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Sql Server Service Pack 3 Update, Delete Question Or Problem

Jul 20, 2005

hi alli am trying to update or delete a row/record in table cptcodesthe error i am getting iskey column information is insufficient or incorrect to many rowswere affected by update....can you tell me wat causes the above Errorthis is a new table no primary keys set or index's or constraints just asingle table with some datain it...all columns are char nulls allows except the key field but noprimary set as yetthanks for the helpdave

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Trigger To Update A Table On Insert Or Update

Feb 15, 2008


I've to write an trigger for the following action

When a entry is done in the table Adoscat79 having in the index field Statut_tiers the valeur 1 and a date in data_cloture for a customer xyz

all the entries in the same table where the no_tiers is the same as the one entered (many entriers) should have those both field updated

statut_tiers to 1
and date_cloture to the same date as entered

the same action has to be done when an update is done and the valeur is set to 1 for the statut_tiers and a date entered in the field date_clture

thank you for your help
I've never done a trigger before

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Update Or Delete With Insert?

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,
I have this project I'm working on it's Product Content Management System rewrite. I got to the point of updating the Product By Sku and not sure if I should use UPDATE statement or I should DELETE sections assosiated with the ProductContentID and then re-insert them again? I'm not sure which is more afficient?
I can really do both and it's really not that complicated, the only problem I see with DELETE then INSERT is the ProductContentSectionId in the Sections table is going to grow very fast and I'm a bit concerned about it.
We use SQL Server 2000 and we have about 4 bound tables where we keep the data. The one I'm talking about is the sections table where we keep the actual types of product content like a BoxShot, Description, Key Features and so on...
Thank you in advance!
Tatyana Hughes

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Update, Delete, Insert

Jan 8, 1999

I am trying to update a SQL database with data from a Wang system. The Wang data is dumped to a txt file. I then import it into an update table in SQL via Access. Some of the data is new and some of the data is updated records. At this point I have been trying to create a script to update and add data to a table via the query tool in SQL Then delete data from the update table.

I was able to get the UPDATE and DELETE to work but I have not figured out how to insert new records at the same time? Can I use an IF statement? I will apreciate any help or sample code, Thanks.

UPDATE MemberList
Set Name = NameUpd, Address1 = Address1Upd, Address2 = Address2Upd, City = CityUpd, State = StateUpd, ZipCode = ZipCodeUpd, MemberStatus = MemberstatusUpd
FROM MemberList, MemberListUpd
WHERE MemberList.MemberNumber = MemberListUpd.MemberNumberUpd


DELETE MemberListUpd

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Delete/insert Vs Update

Jan 22, 2008

Im trying to keep a mirror image of some data Im getting from Quickbooks.

As the records are inserted into the database I need to check if a record exists and either update or insert a new one.

it seems easier just to delete using the tnxid and reinsert vs updating

my question is if I go


INSERT INTO QBInvoicesQue(100s of feilds)



delete from QBInvoices where txnid = @TxnID


and there is not matching txnid to delete from will it cause any problems? before going to the insert statement?


INSERT INTO QBInvoices(100s of feilds)


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Update = Delete &&amp; Insert?

Oct 16, 2007

I vaguely recall reading an article that I can no longer find that an update statement is executed as a combination of a Delete and an Insert by SQL server. Does anyone know if this a still a true statement in SQL Server 2005?



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Best Practices For Insert/Update/Delete

Jul 24, 2007

 for now, doing a small school project, i find doing SPs for Insert useful, like checking for existing data and not inserting, that might not be the best method, i had advice from here i can use unique constraints instead, then what about update and delete? SPs also? the pros make SPs for everything? currently use dynamically generated SQL from SqlDataSources. for Update / delete. some delete are SPs too...

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Can't Update, Insert, Or Delete Rows

Oct 20, 2007

I have recently started an ASP.Net application and am having some issues updating, inserting and deleting rows. When I started working with it, I was getting errors because it could not find any update command. Eventually, I figured out how to automatically generate the commands, by configuring my SQLDataSource control and clicking the "advanced" button. Right now though, I have generated the commands, but I still can not insert, update or delete rows. When I attempt to update anything, I recieve an error that says "The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator." Nowhere in my table do I have any rows that use the datatype "nvarchar", only "text" and "int". I tried switching all of my text columns to "nvarchar(500)", which did not help. I am led to believe that the auto generated SQL procedures are trying to do something behind the scenes that is making my database act up, because even when I delete rows, I get the same exception, so the datatypes cannot be messed up there, because all that the datasource is doing is deleting rows, therefore there is no need to worry about data types. I only get the error when I check the "Use optimistic concurrency" box. When I do not use optimistic concurrency, I can delete, insert, and update rows... but nothing happens. There are no errors, but nothing is deleted, updated or inserted either. Upon postback, nothing has changed. I may upload a copy of the exact exception page, if someone thinks that it may help. Here is the update command that was generated: UPDATE [Record Information] SET [Speed] = @Speed, [Recording Company] = @Recording_Company, [Year] = @Year, [Artist] = @Artist, [Side 1 Track Title] = @Side_1_Track_Title, [Side 1 Track Duration] = @Side_1_Track_Duration, [Side 2 Track Title] = @Side_2_Track_Title, [Side 2 Track Duration] = @Side_2_Track_Duration, [Sleeve Description] = @Sleeve_Description WHERE [Record Database ID] = @original_Record_Database_ID
Apparently no stored procedures exist for any of these operations, and I am unsure why. The "Record Database ID" is my identity column, and is the only field that is (and is supposed to be) uneditable.

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SQL Update/Insert/Delete Problem

Nov 13, 2005

Hi,I just upgraded my ASP.NET 2.0 BETA 2 environment to the final release of ASP.NET 2.0 VWD.Once the update was finished, I could open my website without any problems..... Now, I noticed that in the final release, some modifications have been included in the Membership Stored Procedure and other stored procedures. So I created a new database (SQL Express) and added my data again.After re-creating my SQLDataSources, I tryed to enable the Editing and Deleting option in VWD and once I run my web application, it seems when selecting editing and then update, it doesn't work anymore....This is my code :
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IMMOASPNETDBConnectionString %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM aspnet_test WHERE (testID = @Original_testID)" SelectCommand="SELECT BuyID, BuyNL, BuyFR, Lastupdated FROM aspnet_Buy"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE aspnet_Buy SET BuyNL = @BuyNL, BuyFR = @BuyFR WHERE (BuyNL = @original_BuyID)">
<asp:Parameter Name="Original_testID" />
<asp:Parameter Name="BuyNL" />
<asp:Parameter Name="BuyFR" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_BuyID" />
&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;<br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="BuyID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="BuyID" HeaderText="BuyID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="BuyID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="BuyNL" HeaderText="BuyNL" SortExpression="BuyNL" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="BuyFR" HeaderText="BuyFR" SortExpression="BuyFR" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Lastupdated" HeaderText="Lastupdated" SortExpression="Lastupdated" />
</asp:GridView>Can someone help me with this ? What is wrong with the Update command ?Thanks to all,Bart

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SqlDataSource: Insert, Update And Delete Not Available

Jan 3, 2006

Hello Guys,
I’m trying to create a sqlDataSource using the wizard, I can get the select statement, the here clause and the order by clause but when I click on the Advanced button the options to generate the insert, update and delete statements are not available. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

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Insert, Select, Update And Delete

Apr 7, 2006

I've got four pages with in the first page a insert, in the second a select, in the thirth a update and in the fourth a delete statement. First the values of a textbox will be inserted in the database, then the values will be shown in labels and than it is possible to edit or delete the values inserted. Every inserted item belonging to each other has one ID. The follwing values has a second ID etc.
How can I make that possible?? I think that I should pass the ID's between the pages so I'm sure that I edit or delete the values that I want. So insert value 1 in page 1, show with select value 1 in page 2, edit or delete value 1 in page 3 and 4.
Maybe I didn't explain it good enough for you, please tell me then!!

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What Is Faster?! Update Or Delete And Insert

Dec 6, 2007


What is faster / better for performance?

Check if something already excist and update the changed values? or delete the whole table and then insert everything?


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Insert/ Update/ Delete Slowness.

Jul 10, 2006

SQL2K sp4

Howdy all. I opened a 200 mb. file in Query Analyzer that is full of Inserts/ Updates/ and Deletes. I tried just to parse it, and killed it after 18 hours. There is no blocking. All of the appropriate indexes exist. I even removed them and retried JIC. The box is plenty powerful for this task. Does anyone have any ideas?
I've tried several times with no luck. At the top of the file is SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON and then every 10,000 statements is COMMIT WORK. I've tried adjusting the number of commits to a lower number with no luck. This works fine on smaller files (3 - 20 mb).

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