Dec 13, 2007

I have been checking out this CLR_AUTO_EVENT, according to performance dashboard and sys.dm_os_wait_stats we have lot of wait there. More then 45% of total wait on the server. I fired up my local server and installed assembly a sample table and started to reproduce the behavior. After running more 1000 call to function CLR_AUTO_EVENT start to accumulate. I started to comment out a bit of the logic. But still CLR_AUTO_EVENT builds up.

<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _
Public Shared Function fu_VarFilter( _
ByVal varKodIn As SqlString, _
ByVal varFilterIn As SqlString _
) As SqlBoolean

€˜Normal there is logic here that select what row to return. But commed it out and still the

' CLR_AUTO_EVENT builds up.

Return True
End Function


select * from tfanvar WHERE dbo.fu_VarFilter('21-1-1-1-3', VldVar) = 1

In this way the whole table is scan and all rows are delivered , With this completely empty function I get CLR_AUTO_EVENT start to accumulate

Shall I even care about this wait? Or what? Is that normal?

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CLR_Auto_Event And CLR_Manual_Event Wait States

Mar 10, 2008


I'm hoping someone can clarify what I am seeing below:

I have a SQL Server which the 2nd top wait state according to the SQL Server 2005 SP2 dashboard is "CLR_Auto_Event" and "CLR_Manual_Event". This server dosen't have CLR Integration enabled in "Surface Area Configuration", and we do not have any CLR applications. I've checked this dashboard many times and CLR never appeared before, and nothing has changed on the server interms of new databases, and we don't host any applications on the server. I ran a short profiler trace and didn't see any CLR Assembly Loads.

Is there something I'm missing....?

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