I have a report in which there is a field called "Returned Qty" and there is a parameter called Show Qty now I want this field returned Qty to only appear if this show Qty parameter is set to yes. Can Anyone suggest me how to do this?
I guess It could be done by using the properties option and writing some expression. I appreciate the response,
I have a report that has a Parameter called "LevelOfDetail" This has 2 possible values "Summary, Detail, or Combined".
The report has a Summary Section and a subreport that holds the details. WIthin the summary section is a Matrix (a list of all properties and some values)
If they choose to see the details, the matrix in the details section will show a break out of all this information summarized in the summary section.
The Details Matrix is set to have a page break at the beginning and end of the top level group.
I have a list control on the summary page that contains the details subreport and passes the appropriate parameter.
Everything works the way I want until I try to set visibility on sub report.
Once I set the conditional visibility of the report objects (based on the Level of Detail parameter) the page breaks are not recognized.
This is important as the user will never print the report, but will be downloading to Excel.
If the page breaks work correctly, each page is assigned a different worksheet in their downloaded workbook.
I have a report which produces invoices. These invoices are more complex than your average ones.
The invoice is for one customer but many orders. Within the invoice, orders are grouped together by their delivery address which can be different for each order within the invoice. I throw a page for each seperate delivery account and sub-total by delivery account too. All this works fine and page breaks are all OK. However I also need a summary page at the end of the invoice showing 1 line per delivery account andf the sub-total for it, then I show a grand total.
To achieve this, I used a list control, grouping on Invoice number. within it I placed 2 tables. 1 is the main Invoice table, the 2nd is the summary table. I have a page break on a group in table 1 that controls the split on delivery account. I have a page breaks on table 2. Again this all works fine and paging is perfect.
Here's the crunch though! If the invoice only contains one delivery account, I need to suppress the summary table. This I can do BUT I still get the page throw for it, effectively giving blank pages. The page break is triggered regardless of whether the containing control is visible or not.
I'm pretty accomplished with RS and I've tried all sorts of tricks and hacks to get round it but it seems a page break is added regardless of whether the control triggering it is visible or not!
I've tried rectangles both with the table in it and outside. And with the page break on the rectangle and when that didn't work , on the table inside it.
I have a field on a report where on occasion, will display 'PR'. We need to have this field hidden if that is the value of the field. I wrote an expression for visibility like: iif(Fields!ThisName.Value="'PR'", false, true), however it still diplays. Is there something else that I need to do here?
how visibility can be toggled between two textboxes in ssrs? For example if textbox1 is visible and textbox2 is hidden initially and textbox2 should be visible when clicked on textbox1 and textbox1 should go invisible when textbox2 is shown... and then again when clicked on textbox2, textbox1 should be visible and textbox2 should go invisible.In a short, it is like switching visibility between 2 textboxes... A click on first textbox should display the second textbox and another click on second text box should display first text box.I cannot provide parameter as it is not there in the requirement. how to toggle the text within a single text box to fulfill above requirement...
Greetings, I have five rows in a group header. The top row is a true header row with details that will always be there and will always be visible. The bottom four rows have their Visibility.Hidden property set to 'TRUE'. All four of the bottom rows are assigned the same Visibility.ToggleItem. Of the four bottom rows, any or all of them may not have data at any one time. I want to find a way of allowing the rows to toggle from hidden to visible, but if one or all of the rows have a field item whose value is 0 then that row must remain invisible regardless of whether it is toggled.
I am still working on this puzzle, but if someone can provide me with an easy solution while I struggle, I would greatly appreciate it.
In ssrs, I want to create an expression for the row visibility. But, the expression will contain 2 conditions from different 2 datasets (DealStarts & RowofTrendingVisibility). I have applied a solution from online, but got an error message isÂ
"The Visibility.Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix9’ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'launchdate' is not declared. "
I think that there is a minor issue in my syntax.
=iif ((Last(MonthName("DealStarts"))=monthname(month(today())) or launchdate ("RowofTrendingVisibility")<Parameters!StartDate.Value),true, false)
I Have an SSRS report which shows questions and answers pulled from a view tables.I have 3 rows: Row 1 shows questions and answers 1 - 128, row 2 shows questions and answers 128 to 248 and row 3 shows 248 onwards.I only want the row with the correct questions and answers to show.So am using this query for example:
=IIf((Fields!vQuestions_Question_ID.Value < 128 Or Fields!vQuestions_Question_ID.Value > 247) AND (Fields!vQuestions_Response_value.Value < 128 Or Fields!vQuestions_Response_value.Value > 247), False, True)
which fails.If I only use= IIf(Fields!vQuestions_Question_ID.Value < 128 Or Fields!vQuestions_Question_ID.Value > 247, False, True) this works.What is the correct syntax for the multiple IIfs as i want both the criteria in the first query satisfied?
VS 2008. I have the following set up. Group1, Group2, Group3 header, Group 3 detail rows..When I set the row visibility (hide based on Group2) on the Detail row, it still shows up when the report is originally rendered.
It should be: Group1 expanded, Group2 collapsed, Group3 header hidden and detail rows hidden It is showing: Group1 expanded, Group2 collapsed, Group3 header hidden, Group3 detail row visible.
I never had this trouble in 2005. Is there something different about row visibility in 2008?
Hi all, I have a problem with a report I have created. It has around 52 columns and each column is shown or hidden based on a boolean parameter. Simple huh? I though so.
Each column has an expression similar to =IIF(Parameters!showfirstname.Value,False,True) for the Hidden field. This is not the hidden field for the 'cell' or 'header' but for the entire column.
The problem is, the report is correctly displayed as a pdf, tiff, excel file (possibly others), but all columns with an expression as the hidden value are not displayed in the xml or csv output regardless of the parameter value. This also applies if the expression is =IIF(True,False,True) or =IIF(1=1,False,True).
As soon as I change this field back to a simple 'True' or 'False' it displays correctly. I've tried playing around with setting the output options to values other than the default Auto setting to no avail.
There are numerous comments about this on newsgroups online going back to the first release of reporting services but none of them have solutions.
Most of our reports need to be rendered directly to PDF. And since we have multi paged reports, we have implemented document map to have navigation. while exporting to the PDF, Users want the Bookmarks to be visible by default. However, this is not the case. The bookmarks tab in the Navigation tools of Acrobat is not expanded rather we need to manually click on it to see the bookmarks. This behavior is different from Crystal Reports XIr2 where the bookmarks are defaulted to be visible when opening a PDF exported by crystal.Is there any way to replicate this behavior in SSRS too?
VS2005/SSR2005 Reporting: How can one control an individual report fields visibility (toggle on/off) at run time, based on data values (of the same field or another field) in the report. Without user having to sit there and "Click".
I'm trying to write an expression for the "Hidden" property of a column in a table. The column is only populated with data if the group on my table is open. If the group is collapsed, then the column is empty. I'd like to make the column hidden if the group is collapsed. So I'm thinking it would be something like this:
But I can't find anyone who has written this anywhere.
I'm basically trying to make this report do the same thing a matrix does, but the matrix doesn't let me label the columns. I put textboxes above the matrix in line with the columns, but when I deploy the report to ReportManager, the textboxes get thrown all over the place and don't line up with the columns anymore.
So I guess if you can't answer the first question, an alternate question I have is how are you supposed to label the columns (row groups) in your matrix? They don't have headers, if I try to line textboxes up with them they get all messed up during deployment. They have that textbox up there in the top left corner that runs across the top of all of the row group columns, but if I put labels separated spaces in that textbox, the spaces get removed in rendering so the text is pushed all to the left and doesn't line up anymore.
I have an SSRS report that I want to use conditional formatting on. When the value of the cell = 0, I want the background yellow, and the font red. For the background, I have:
=IIF(Fields!reads.Value = 0, "Yellow","White")
For the font color, I have
=IIF(Fields!reads.Value = 0,"Red", "Black")
The issue is that the background one is working properly, while the font one is not. If the value = 0, the font is invisible. The value is present in the report (I can export to excel and see it just fine). If I change both the background and font to the defaults, the value is STILL invisible.
I was wondering if there was a way to do a conditional group in Reporting Services or do I need to create another report? One user wants it grouped by a certain field and another user does not want it grouped at all. I know I can hide the group header with a parameter but I don't want it sorted by the group either.
I am having trouble setting conditional page breaks to my reports.
i.e... I am having a report where I need to allow user the option to set page break between a group or not.
Based upon the option selected by the user, I need to add page break to the report. I tried with all possibilities inside Sort and Group dialog box, but could not figure out how to toggle the option at runtime.
Does anyone know how to implement page breaks on runtime? Help me plzzzz!! I really need this to be done€¦Thanx in advance for any help..
I've got an SSRS 2008 report with 4 nested groups on rows. Report requirements are that each new group at each level have a subtotal. I've gotten this to work just fine. After the users saw the report, they had a new request - if the SubTotal has only 1 row to Subtotal, do not display the Subtotal. If there are 2 or more rows, display the Subtotal line.I know I can go to the Grouping Properties, and on the Visibility properties select the "Show or hide based on the expression" - I am struggling with the experssion. How can I check to see if there are more than one row at this group level? The query is SQL with 2 sub selects, and 7 tables in various join clauses.Â
The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox190€™ uses an aggregate function on data of varying data types. Aggregate functions other than First, Last, Previous, Count, and CountDistinct can only aggregate data of a single data type.
I know this should be simple but I can't figure it out. I am reading in a csv file to a conditional split task, all I want to do is split the file based on a field. Some values in field will have a suffix say ABCD while others wont. So my conditional split says Right(FieldA,4)=="ABCD" which then splits file in two directions or at least it's meant to. Problem is that it does not work. I think it has something to do with the field type in the csv file although I have tried using a Data Conversion task but to no avail all the field values with ABCD suffix are ignored by my conditional split and head off the same way as other values. Funny thing is is that if I manually add a value to the file with a suffix of ABCD and run task again then the conditional split works on the manually added row and all rows with suffix of ABCD. It's like it does not recognise previous values as string until one is added manually.
MID, IIN and NUM_EVENTS are composite keys. and only NUM_EVENTS get incremented. All records start with NUM_EVENTS = 1.How can I create a query that only displays those records that only NUM_EVENTS = 1 meaning their still on the first stage of processing?
MID, IIN and NUM_EVENTS are composite keys. and only NUM_EVENTS get incremented. All records start with NUM_EVENTS = 1.How can I create a query that only displays those records that only NUM_EVENTS = 1 meaning their still on the first stage of processing?
SELECT table1.col1 ,€™n/a€™ _response FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2
This is the query that get the report data for my report. Now I need to replace the second column with an actual response like €˜accepted€™ and €˜rejected€™. And these values should be a result of evaluation of this form
If(Statusarray.count < 1) Set _response = €˜accepted€™ Else Get Statusarray[1] Compare this to Statusarray[0] Set _response = some result based on comparision.
The _response returned in the query should return the actual response based on this evaluation where ResponseStoredProcedure is sent the current row value for table1.col1.
How can this be done in sql(using SQL Server 2005)
There was a similar question to mine a few time ago about conditional execution, but I'm having some problems with it to which I couldn't find any answer, could anyone help?
My condition is checking if a DateTime from a DB table is null. I use the Execute SQL Task to retrieve the record (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM myTable WHERE conditions = TRUE), then I map 2 fields to their respective global variables.
Then I created the green arrow connector and used a precedence expression based on sucess. I used the expression IsNull(@variable). For some reason, even if the @variable comes as null - I checked the info in the DB - it still comes out as '1999-11-30'
I've looked around and the IsNull method can be used to also change the value in the event of it being null, could it be changing my variables value to this even if I didn't pass that value as a parameter to the function? If so, how else can I test it for null? I've tried "== null", "= null" and even ".equals(null)" - which I know is absurd, but I'm running out of options here...
Could you enlighten me, please??? Thanks in advance!