Cache ODBC Dsn Problem In Connection Manager
May 14, 2007
I have created a simple SSIS package using the Import / Export wizard. I have, in Connection Manager, created a DataReaderSrc connection using .Net ProvidersODBC Provider to connect to my exising DSN name of AMPFM which is an ODBC connection to a InterSystems Cache Database. It test successfully but fails when I run the package with the error at the bottom of this text. I have also tried the following connection string which also tests successfully but then fails when I run the package:
Dsn=AMPFM;server=;uid=_system;port=1972;database=ALL;query timeout=1
SSIS package "Package1.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0047062 at Data Flow Task, Source - Query [1]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Source - Query" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0x80131937.
Can someone help me with this problem? I need to create several packages to pull data from this Cache database on a regular basis and find myself stuck at this step.
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Sep 14, 2015
How do I know when its the right time to use the Cache Connection Manager? Â I understand that Full Cache mode eliminates the need to query the lookup table for every row.
Is the Cache Connection Manager intended for use by multiple packages that need access to the same lookup data?
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Feb 13, 2007
I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.
I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?
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Jul 27, 2015
ConnectionManager manager = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsConvert.GetWrapper(base.Connections.Connection);
IDTSConnectionManagerCache100 cache = manager.InnerObject as IDTSConnectionManagerCache100;
if (cache != null)
 System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Cache is found.");
and use
IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumn100 id = connMgr.Columns["Id"]; get the column info.
but how do i get the cache connection content ?I want to look in the content in a script component code.Â
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Sep 15, 2005
I am testing out the ODBC connection manager, as part of my beta testing from my company. I created a new conn manager on the palate (dsn pointing to local sql server). But I am not sure how this one can be used. I can not use any of the Data flow sources which can use this ODBC connection manager. Using the said conn manager in a Datareader source shows up the error "Can not acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager".
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Jan 17, 2008
I want to import data from Oracle database programmatically using ODBC connection manager. I was able to import data by creating an ODBC DSN and then using it BIDS with ADO.NET connection using ODBC data provider for Oracle. Now I want to do the same programmatically. How should I create a connection manager? I tried using code below
ConnectionManager cmOracle = this.package.Connections.Add("ADO.NET: ODBC");
cmOracle.Name = "OracleSourceConnection";
cmOracle.ConnectionString = "Dsn=MyDSN;uid=MyID;";
But I get an error when acquiring connection
The connection manager "__" is an incorrect type. The type required is "__". The type available to the component is "__".
Which one of the connection managers given by Microsoft here should be used?
Has anyone come across similar scenario?
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Mar 24, 2008
I am using SSIS 2005 on Windows 2003 server. Using Excel Source to dump the data for staging database.
I am getting following error while I execute it through BI studio's execute button.
Please help.
- Sachin
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Mar 11, 2008
I have deployed my packages into Sql Server and I am using Configuration File. As my Data Source is Excel, I have changed the connection string during deployment with Server Path. But I am getting the following errors. Actually the File Exist in Path. May I know What is cause of the issue? Do I need to give any permission to execute the package.
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
component "Excel Source Service Contract Upload" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
One or more component failed validation.
There were errors during task validation.
DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error Code: 0x80004005 Source: "MS JET DB Engine" Description : Path is not valid
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Dec 27, 2007
I am working on SQL Server 2005 (x64) with Windows Server 2003 (x64) operating system. I am having a major issue in SSIS. Here is the detailed explanation of the issue :
I have an EXCEL file in 2003 / 2007 version. It contains some data. I want to import the data using SSIS into SQL Server 2005 (x64) database table. I have taken "EXCEL FILE SOURCE" and "SQL Server DESTINATION". It was failed on importing data. Surprisingly it works fine in SQL Server 2005 (x32). Can you please explain why it is NOT woking on (x64) ?
Here is the error code i am getting:
[Excel Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
Appreciate your time and patience !!
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Mar 17, 2008
I have an SSIS package that I need to modify. It was developed in Visual Studio 2005 and runs faithfully in production on SQL Server 2005. Suddenly, I can't open the package on my own workstation. I see a big red "X" image and a message stating "Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document." The real reason the document can't be loaded appears to be:
Error loading DataWarehouseLoader.dtsx: The connection type "OLEDB" specified for connection manager "Warehouse Logging OLE DB" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name.
Does anyone know what causes this and what I can do? The package has been in production for 9 months and I've never seen this problem before.
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Dec 12, 2007
Can anyone give a quick description of the meaning of this message andwhat needs to be done to get a connection.I'm running DBArtisan with SQLServer 2000 client SP4 installed.I also get the same message with MS Enterprise Manager so this iscoming out of the actual ODBC connection attempt.Thanks in advance!
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Jun 1, 2015
I am using SSIS 2014 with the below .net framework version and installed in Windows server 2012 R2 . I have installed my client's odbc drivers (both 32 bit and 64 bit) in my production server and created ODBC system DSNs for 32 bit and 64 bit.
When i open SSIS 2014 and tried to create the odbc connection but i can able to see only the 32 bit system DSN connection ,i can't able to see my 64 bit odbc system dsn connection.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51650
SQL Server Integration Services  Â
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0
And i installed my client odbc drivers(32,64 bit) and created ODBC system DSNs in my local system and when i open ssis 2014 and i can able to see both the ODBC system DSNS(32,64) connections from SSIS ODBC connection.
I am using below version of .net framework in my local system which was installed in windows 7 and i have SSIS 2012 also installed in my system and i can able to see both ODBC connections using 2012 as well in my local system.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50938
SQL Server Integration Services  Â
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 12.0.1524.0
why i can not see the ODBC 64 bit system DSN connection from SSIS in my production server ?
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Oct 28, 2004
Please help share with me if you know the version compatibility matrix of Ms SQL Server, ODBC driver (sqlsrv32.dll), Driver Manager (odbc32.dll) and ODBC API spec. For instance, how can I know Ms SQL Server 2000 can work with which version of sqlsrv32.dll, a particular version of sqlsrv32.dll can work with which version of odbc32.dll and a certain version of sqlsrv32.dll/odbc32.dll conforms to which version of ODBC API spec (e.g. 3.5).
Any help will be appreciated.
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Feb 6, 2008
I have a package that uses a for loop to iterate through an unknown amount of excel files and pull their data into a table. However, there will be cases when the file is corrupted or has some sort of problem so that either the transformation will fail or the excel data source will fail with an oledb connection error.
Could anyone suggest a clean way to trap these errors? Specifically, the "Cannot Aquire Connection from Connection Manager", which is the excel connection.
John T
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Aug 30, 2006
When I create a new odbc connection to a SQL server 2005 Db I get a failure telling me dat de SQL server does not allow remote connections.
How can I allow the server to allow this.
Any help appreciated
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Apr 7, 2008
When running the project in debug mode or non-debug mode, I get the following error from MS Visual Studio:
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Package [Connection manager "SYBASE_CONNECTION"]: The connection manager failed to defect from the transaction.
Any ideas???
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Apr 15, 2015
I use SQL Server 2012 and visual studio 2010.I created SSIS Project with task "Execute Package". Control flow view as: Package1 (execute package) -> Package2 (data flow).Data flow in Package2 view as: ADO.NET source -> ADO.NET destination.
When I started Package2, it's work. I havn't errors.But when I started Package 1 I have error "Unable to get managed connection from the Connection Manager runtime". In execution log I see that ADO.NET source produced this error on verification stage. Package failed on verification stage, not on execution stage.Why when I started Package 2 it work, but when I started Package1 (and Package1 started Package2) it failed?
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Feb 14, 2008
Hi All,
I am getting the following error if I am using the package "Transaction Option=Required" while running through Sql Job:
The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "<connection name>" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
while I running the SSIS package on BI environment, I am getting the following error:
[Connection manager "<connection name>"] Error: The SSIS Runtime has failed to enlist the OLE DB connection in a distributed transaction with error 0x8004D00A "Unable to enlist in the transaction.".
I know the alternative solution is to make the "Transaction Option=Supported", but in my case I have run the whole flow in a single transaction. I came to know that this has been fixed in the service pack1(ref. to FYI.. some time it was running successful.
I have taken all the necessary step to run the SSIS package in a distributed transaction(like the steps for MSDTC) and also created the package flow in a sequence.
I was going through the link - but all those didn't solve my problem.
If anyone can help me it will be great. or it is a bug in SSIS?
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Jun 28, 1999
A developer installed a FoxPro application on my workstation and every time I connect to SQL Server 7 I get the following message:
The ODBC resource DLL(C:WINNTSystem32odbcint.dll) is a different version than the ODBC driver manager (C:WINNTSystem32odbc32.dll).
You need to reinstall the ODBC components to ensure proper operation.
I can still connect to the database and everything seems to work but I want to correct this problem. Could anyone tell me how to reinstall the ODBC components? I tried reinstalling SQL Server 7 on my workstation but it tells me that I have not selected any components, even though everything is selected. Do I need to uninstall SQL Server and then reinstall it?
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 27, 2007
Im getting this error when trying to set up a cache dependency...are there any special permissions etc?From CS:SqlCacheDependency dep = new SqlCacheDependency("MySite-Cache", "Products");Cache.Insert("Products", de.GetAllProductsList(), dep); From connectionStrings.config:<add name="SiteDB" connectionString="Data Source=localhost,[port]SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=true;User Instance=true; AttachDBFileName=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />Also tried this using my machinename<add name="SiteDB" connectionString="Data
Source=<machinename>,[port]SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=true;User
Instance=true; AttachDBFileName=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> From web.config: <caching> <sqlCacheDependency enabled="true" pollTime="10000"> <databases> <add name="MySite-Cache" connectionStringName="SiteDB" pollTime="2000"/> </databases> </sqlCacheDependency> </caching> EDIT: So making progress I can't seem to get the table registered for cache dependency:The sample i have says"aspnet_regsql.exe -E -S .SqlExpress -d aspnetdb -t Customers -et"and the command line response is "Enabling the table for SQL cache dependency..An error has happened. Details of the exception:The table 'Customers' cannot be found in the database."Where does this "Customers" table come from? There is obviously not an application specific "Customers" table in aspnetdb I'm confused probably more by the example than anything....
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a Rounding error: Between flat file connection manager Source & OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005) in my Dataflow.
File looks like this lets call column names Col A,B,C,D
70410000 RD1 1223631.92 196042.42
70329000 ICD 11025.84 3353.88
71167300 COL 104270.59 24676.96
flat file connection manager settings: first row Column names then Advanced tab Col A float , Col B float , Col C string ,Col D float ,
OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005)
[PARTY_NO] [float] NULL,
[PARTY_NAME] [varchar](75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[GENIABR] [float] NULL,
Problem: ColA (Source) Rounding error to PARTY_NO (Destination)
I have a field of text of in a flat file that the flat file connection manager Source picks up correctly €œ70000893€?
However when it gets the OLE DB Connection Destination the data has changed to 70000896. That€™s before its even Written to the database.
The only clue that something is wrong in the middle is the great Data viewer shows the number as 7.000009E+07
Other clues looking at the data it appears there is a rounding error on only the number that dont end in 00
ColA (Source) PARTY_NO (Destination)
71167300 71167296
70329000 70329000
70410000 70410000
Any ideas people?
Thanks in advance
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Dec 17, 2007
hi all,
i got the error, when i run my package after deploy into the server machine;
i can able to run that package in my local machine, if i deploy it to the server or some remote machine, its not running, and rises error messages, that says cant accquire connection from the connection manager;
the problem might be with the login name and password; i could not see any password in any of my config file, or connection manager while running the package.
how to resolve this problem?? please help me!
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Oct 5, 2001
Hhmm! Trying to create a trigger on a table called ACCOUNT owned by SYSDBA. SQL 7 on NT 4. Authentication is on NT logon ID.
Create Trigger [SGIACCTINS] on [ACCOUNT] for insert as
insert into SGI_ACCT_DB (accountid,account) select accountid,'I' from inserted
The error message, this is in SQL Manager, is
Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42S02)
Error 208: Invalid Object Name 'ACCOUNT'
Any clues?????
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Feb 19, 2015
I have a child package where the ConnectionString property of a Connection Manager is set by a Parent Package Variable Configuration. I set up a script task that brings up a message box with the value of the ConnectionString property right before the dataflow task.
MessageBox.Show(Dts.Connections["CPU_*"].ConnectionString.ToString());When I run the parent package, the message box shows that the connection string is changing with every iteration, but in the dataflow it always draws the data from the same source.
The connection manager is an ADO.Net type, RetainSameConnection is set to False, and I've been researching this for days.
(Update 2/23/2015): To make this stranger, when I look at the diagnostic logs, they tell me that when the new connections are being opened they are using the new connection strings.
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Mar 30, 2007
I've created a SSIS Solution and have created Data Sources. I have two packages. One was created before the Data Sources, and one was created after. The package that was created after is using connections from the Data Sources. I want to change the package before the Data Soruces were created to use them, but when I right click in the Connection Managers pane "New Connection From Data Source.." is not an option.
Did I not add it to the Solution properly?
How do I get it to show?
Did I not refresh something?
Please provide the how if you figure it out.
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Jul 26, 2006
How would one go about using an ODBC connection with SSIS. I'm trying to ETL some Sybase ASE data, but I get the error when I try it:
"cannot acquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager"
This wasn't any help:
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Jul 3, 2007
This is the first time I have used SSIS, so please bear with the ignorance.
I have a super simple package that inserts x000's of rows into a temporary table. The data source is a file that the user will upload. I need to be able to tell the package what file to upload. I'm thinking the simplest thing would be to edit the connectionString property of the SourceConnectionFlatFile at runtime. Is this possible? What form should the file path be in (UNC, other)? And, are there any other considerations I should be aware of?
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Aug 9, 2006
Is there anyone who tried to use a connection from connection manager to create a new connection in a script task? Including the password?
Now i passed the connection to the script task and called it in the vb script but then the password is not passed into the connect string.
Im searching for an example that works with passing the password in the connectstring?
Any help will be greatfull.
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Dec 11, 2006
In my ssis package,
I have a DSN connection like this: "DSN=myDSNname". Which decide from i have to pull the data.
By using OLE DB Source Editor, I want to assign that ODBC Connection to it.
By data source Reader i can achive this but where i have to pass the hard-code SQL Query that i don't want.
i'm using the variable for dynamic SQL command.
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May 31, 2007
Is there a way to drop clean buffers at the database level instead of the server/instance level like the undocumented €œDBCC FLUSHPROCINDB (@dbid)€??
Is there a workaround for €œdbo€? to be able to flush procedure and data cache without being elevated to €œsysadmin€? server role?
PS: I am aware of the sp_recompile option that can be used to invalidate cached execution plans.
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Sep 12, 2001
Receiving error "Microsoft ODBC Server Driver Timeout Expired".
This is happening when running queries or stored procedures through VB6 and also in Enterprise Manager.
Have set query timeout to 0 and command timeout to 0 but no joy.
Enterprise manager cannot even perform a count of records (16Million) without timeing out.
Can anyone end of tether!
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Dec 1, 2015
I'm new to SSRS. I've installed SQL Server 2014 on my Windows 7 machine and logged in web interface at localhost/Reports, created data source with ODBC driver connecting to my PostgreSQL database, I've selected "Credentials stored securely in the report server" and provided login and password. Now I wanted to create some test report. So I clicked on Report Builder which launched a desktop application (not ideal I must say) where I tried to click through a wizard to create some report.
I tried table wizard, selected "Create a dataset" and selected my data source. It asked me to provide password again and then I got following error:
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Even though test connection works just fine, even from that very same window.
So my questions are:
How do I fix that issue so I could create reports using SSRS and my PostgreSQL database?How do I embed the user/password into connection so users don't have to re-enter the password? The reason is, I want to create data source through SSRS API from my own application and I don't want to have users be bothered with passwords
Just to clarify - I tried creating ODBC data source through admin tools in Control pannel and gave it the same name but it didn't work, both SQL Server and PostgreSQL are installed on the same machine.Â
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Jan 16, 2008
Is there a way by which we can make the Connection in the connection manager retry for a certain amount of time?
I have a DataFlow Task which uses a OLE Source which is connected to a database. there are time when the connection to the database is not available due to some transport level error. so i wanted the connection manger to make a couple of tries before giving up and saying that it was not able to connect and it timed out..
i have the Connect TimeOut and the General Timeout properties set to 0, but is there a way to retry?
Thanks for any help in advance
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