Caching &&< 1 Minute

Mar 7, 2007

Is it possible expire a report cache after less than one minute? I'm looking for a way to only have a report hit the database once every 10 seconds, no matter how many people are hitting it. Thanks.

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Lookup - Full Caching Vs Partial Caching Vs No Caching

Sep 13, 2005

I needed to do lookup on tables with approx 1 million records (how else do I know if record already exists?).

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Getting Every Other 5-minute Average Value...

Feb 1, 2008


Here is a part of result set.
It is of every minute value.

How can I get every other 5-minute average value?

id datetime value
------------------- ----------------------------- --------

0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:36:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:37:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:38:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:39:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:40:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:41:00 0.104
0xC00302FD 2008-01-31 18:42:00 0.104


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How To Calculate Transactions Per Minute

Jan 17, 2002

How do i calculate the Transactions Per Minute (TPM). Do i need to use the Performance Monitor or Profiler. Let me know How do i calcualte.

I would like to have 24,000 inserts in One minute Per data migration. Is 24,000 will be Transaction Per Minute.

Thanks in Advance.


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Minute Count Query

Aug 22, 2007

I need a query that gives me the sum of every rows (time column) with lower 'rownr'

the result:

current table looks like this:

and i want the 'timesum' column to be in format hhhh:mm
current format is rownr=int, time=datetime

thx for all help


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Generate 5 Minute Intervals

Jan 28, 2008

Probably a very simple problem, but im stumped. I have a table which gives the start-time and end-time of an employees work day. I want to create a view which contains a line of data for each 5 minute period worked. Please help.

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Strip Off Hour, Minute, Second From A Datetime?

Jan 18, 2005

I would like something I can do inline eg:

select convert(blahdatatype,a.datefield) as smallerdatefield

where a.datefield is a datetime. If a contains rows like:

01/20/2005 22:17:23
08/23/2001 03:04:15

Then the SQL above returns:

01/20/2005 00:00:00
08/23/2001 00:00:00

Is there any non-obnoxious way (eg: without have to result to using datepart a million times) to do this? For instance, Oracle provides a function called Trunc which does it, but I cannot find an SQL Server equivalent. Anyone? TIA!!!

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Need To Only Return Rows In 5 Minute Intervals

Mar 6, 2012

I have collected perfmon data that is in every 15 seconds. I need to run a query that will only retrun rows that are 5 minutes from the last row starting at a specific date/time.

Here is the current query


[Code] ......

"CounterDateTime" is in every 15 seconds. So starting from '2012-03-02 11:59:00' I need only rows for every 5 minutes after that.

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How To AVG Values For One Hour Of Five-minute Increments?

Feb 18, 2008

Hello all,

I have the following very simple SQL Query:

SELECT TOP (100) AutoNumber, Date, ZNT, SAT, RAT, RH
FROM HV_Values

This shows the top 100 entries for a table (where there is a date entry every 5 minutes). Here's five sample records:

1 12/4/2006 4:12:11 PM 67.13 70.50 71.56 8.23
2 12/4/2006 4:17:11 PM 67.13 70.50 71.56 8.33
3 12/4/2006 4:22:11 PM 67.19 70.69 71.69 8.19
4 12/4/2006 4:27:11 PM 67.19 70.63 71.69 8.18
5 12/4/2006 4:32:11 PM 67.19 70.69 71.75 8.05

What I'd like to do with the sample query above is take an AVG for one hour for the values ZNT, SAT, RAT, I stated the records are every five minutes in the table, I'd like to create 60 minute AVGs.

Any ideas or sample queries I can work with?

Thank you very much! gad1

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Job Schedule Every Minute For A Stored Procedure

Jan 31, 2008

hi, i need to synchronize a table from a database to two tables on a different database. I was thinking in a stored procedure to do it and create a job that execute it every minute.

I don't know if this is the right method... maybe it can be a bad decision for the server performance.

Anyone can help me to do that?

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SQL Server Agent Jobs And A Frequency &< 1 Minute

Jan 22, 2004

Just wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to create a SQL Server agent job that ran once every 30 seconds. I can't enter a value below 1 minute when editing the job schedule in Enterprise Manager.

Alternatively, I can create duplicate stored procedures and set one to run on the minute and one on the half minute. Thought there might be a better alternative to this though and I'll always have to be remembering to makes changes to both sprocs.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Difference In Seconds To Round To Minute?

May 20, 2014

I'm trying to get the difference between the two times in minutes with the seconds rounded up or down

As an example the difference in the times:

1900-01-01 09:27:49.000, 1900-01-01 09:32:28.000 is 279 seconds which is 4.65 minutes,


cast(round(datediff(second, convert(datetime, '1900-01-01 09:27:49.000'), convert(datetime, '1900-01-01 09:32:28.000')) / 60, 2) as numeric(18,2))

I am receiving the value 4.00 instead of 5 which I would like 4.65 to round to. How can I get the difference in seconds to round to the minute ?

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SQL 2012 :: Dump Every 1 Minute In Secondary Replica?

Jun 9, 2015

SQL is generating dump every 1 min with error

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0000000000000020 at

Server is running SP2 CU2.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Scrub Data In 5 Minute Intervals

Nov 2, 2015

I have a situation where I have table with over a billion records and needs to be scrubbed. Table does have a field with date time timestamp. I have been deleting rows from the table using the script below which basically provides me delete statements by date for records older than 90 days.

But now on each day row count is over 30 million rows and it takes forever to delete by date and transaction log becomes humongous.

So I would like to scrub it in 5 minute intervals instead of daily for records older than 90 days. Even in 5 minute intervals the record count tends to be around a million. This will keep the delete slice small enough to not a gigantic transaction log.

declare @startdate Datetime
declare @enddate Datetime
set @startdate = getdate()-480
set @enddate = getdate()-90

--set @vStart = select convert(varchar,@startdate, 102)

print @startdate
print @enddate

WHILE (@startdate < @enddate)
print 'delete from vending where DetectedDate < ''' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101) +''''
set @startdate = @startdate+1

I am hoping to modify the script above to produce a script with statements like this for a window between last 90 and 120 days:

delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:25:00 PM'
delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:30:00 PM'
delete from vending where DetectedDate <'6/15/2015 8:35:00 PM'

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Return Data Only If Time Is Equal By A Minute

Apr 9, 2015

Just wondering what is the best time to ensure that we only return data when the datetime field is the same when compared between two datetimes within a minute difference.

As in the following should return the data:

'2015-04-09 09:00:20' compared to '2015-04-09 09:00:50'

And the following should not return the data:

'2015-04-09 09:01:20' compared to '2015-04-09 09:00:50'

The problem, is that I'm merging data from three different result sets, which they all have data for every minute, however, the timestamp can be different by seconds or milliseconds.

So, I'm only interested to return the data when the two fields that I'm comparing are equal within a minute. I need to ignore seconds and milliseconds.

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Aggregating Financial Data To 1 Minute Intervals

Aug 19, 2006

I'm trying to create a query to return Open, Close, Max and Min Price for each 1 minute interval. Source data has two fields - Price, and Datestamp at 5 second intervals.

I can calculate the Max and Min (below) and set the datestamp to the middle of the interval, but get stuck on how to also return the Open and Close price for each interval.

SELECT MAX(price) AS MaxPrice, MIN(price) AS MinPrice,
DATEADD(ss, 30, DATEADD(n,DATEDIFF n, '1/1/2006', DateStamp),'1/1/2006')) AS DateStamp
FROM MasterData
GROUP BY DATEDIFF(n, '1/1/2006',DateStamp)

Any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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What Is The Right Datatype To Store Hours Up To The Minute Precision?

Jan 28, 2006

Right now the database I am working with is storing time inan Integer data type and is storing the time value in seconds.The application does not allow entering seconds. It acceptsminutes and hours.I have a report where it is doing:SELECT SUM(TIMEENTERED)and the SUM is *blowing* up as the SUM is reachingthe BIGINT range.I can fix the problem by changing all codes to:SELECT SUM(CAST(TIMEENTERED AS BIGINT))But now that I ran into this problem I want to find outif storing the time in seconds using INTEGER datatype is the best solution?I've been searching this newsgroup and other placesthe whole day. I even ran into my own three year oldpost. Three years ago my problem was data migrationrelated and now it is more of performance related thananything else. could not find this specific topic in SQL books likeSQL for Smarties 2005 by Joe Celko (very good stuff ontemporal topics but nothing specific to my question),or Inside SQL Server 2000.Which data type would be ideal and why?smalldatetime?integer?decimal?float?The type of operations that are being done in the databaseare:1- Entering time in hours on work done on a taskFor the data entry part, the application accepts2.5 as 2 and a half hours and it is storing2.5 * 3600 = 9000 seconds.It also accepts entering 2:30 as 2 hours and30 minutes and again storing 9000 seconds.I even saw a page where you can enter clocktime: I worked from 9:30AM to 12:45PMas an exampleWhen i checked the underlying table(s) I sawthat the ENTEREDTIME is always the durationin seconds. So the data entry can either be2.5 hours where ENTEREDTIME = 9000 secondsor9:00AM to 11:30AMwhere STARTDATE is today's date for examplestored as 1/27/2005 09:00AMand where ENTEREDTIME = 9000 seconds2- All kinds of reports showing total time in hoursfor example: Project1 = 18.5 hoursThe code in the SP are all like:SUM(ENTEREDTIME) / CAST(3600 AS DECIMAL(6,2))AS TOTALTIME3- I am sure a lot of other arithmetic calculations arebeing done with this ENTEREDTIME field.What would be the best way to store hours/minutesbased on how we are using Time in the database?Either I will stick with Integer but store in minutestime instead of calculating in seconds and most likelyupdate all the SUM(ENTEREDTIME) toSUM(CAST(ENTEREDTIME AS BIGINT))or I will switch to storing in decimal/float andmaybe avoid doing :SUM(ENTEREDTIME) / CAST(3600 AS DECIMAL(6,2))AS TOTALTIMEsince the ENTEREDTIME would already be storedin hours time.or I will use DATETIME since in the cases ofI worked from 9:00AM to 11:30AMI have to have a separate column to store the date also.I am a little confused I am hoping I will get some helpfrom you and maybe if I can't find the best solution, atleast eliminate the NOT so good ones I am thinking of.Thank you

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Increase Of Lock Waits Per Minute With Mirroring

May 29, 2007

Hey All:

About a month ago I setup mirroring with our DB, High safety with automatic failover. Ever since the lock waits per minute in the DB went from maybe 2-5 per minute to 22-25 per minute. I am not sure if this was expected or what; but sometimes it spikes even higher than that.

Does this sound off the charts to anyone or normal for mirroring?


Let me know if you need anymore info....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Converting Hour And Minute To Decimal?

Jul 31, 2014

I am having some issues converting time to decimal from one of my column which display it as

2014-07- 08:16:31.000 (datetimecreated)

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SQL 2012 :: Server Agent Shutting Down Minute After Starting

Aug 27, 2014

When I start SQL Server Agent it's shutting down minute after starting. I tried to set Alerts to send email. After I configured Database Mail ,I was able to send test email , however after that SQL Server Agent started to misbehave.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Group Data Into 15 Minute Intervals

Apr 8, 2015

I want to group my data into 15 minute interval . Below is my sample data and desired result set.

Create TABLE #HalfHourlyIntervals
IRevenue FLOAT,
TRevenue FLOAT

[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: Notify Only If Blocking Is Happening For More Than A Minute Or 30 Seconds

Aug 14, 2015

I have configured an alert like below to track all blocked events in SQL Server across all databases and then kick start a sql job when a blocking happens which inserts data to a table, when there is a blocking in SQL server , i get an email  --which is working fine and i am able to track all queries.

but, HOW to get notifications ONLY if BLOCKING IS HAPPENING FOR MORE THAN 30 SECONDS OR 1 MINUTE with out using sp_configure?

USE [msdb]
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_alert @name=N'Blocking Process', 

[Code] .....

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Transact SQL :: Counting Blocks Of Time In 15 Minute Chunks

Feb 16, 2012

We have data that consists of an employee number, a start time and a finish time, similar to the example below


00001 10-Feb-2012 06:00:00 10-Feb-2012 10:00:00

00002 10-Feb-2012 07:15:00 10-Feb-2012 10:00:00

00003 10-Feb-2012 08:00:00 10-Feb-2012 10:00:00

I am trying to come up with a procedure in SQL that will give me each 15 minute block throughout the day and a count of how many employees are expected to be at work at the start of that 15 minute block. So, given the example above I would like to return

10-Feb-2012 00:00:00     0
10-Feb-2012 00:15:00     0
10-Feb-2012 06:00:00     1
10-Feb-2012 06:15:00     1


I'm not too worried if the date part is not included in the result as this could be determined elsewhere, but how can I do this grouping/counting?

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Transact SQL :: Update Date With Specific Hour / Minute And Second

May 7, 2015

How I can update the following date to get the desired result with specific hour, minute and second
2014-01-01 00:00:00.000

Desired Result
2014-01-01 17:20:20.000

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Caching UDF

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have an application that reads data from a very slow database link(like 10 seconds per call) though what I am looking for would be ofgeneric use for anyone who has long-running queries that arefrequently repeated.I would like to be able to cache the results of a query so that I donot have to re-execute that query if it is reissued. Ideally Ibelieve that this could be implemented by hiding the query inside aUDF and exposing the UDF through a view. The UDF could then "Checkthe cache" and only run the slow query if there wasn't a match (or ifthe match was too old). From what I understand the best way to dothis would be for the cache to be an extended stored procedure.Has anyone done or seen this? Has someone written a copy that Icould purchase? Does anyone care to offer their opinnion of how or ifthis could work?Thanks in Advance,Steven

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table With 3 Million Plus Records Taking Half A Minute?

Aug 6, 2015

I have a table that I need to do some computations on all the data but first I need to remove the duplicate records and insert the results into a destination table. Here's the example below. My table has 3.1 million rows. I have tried using the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY but both ways to select the data takes about half a minute to run. I'm wondering if there is a way to increase performance. Users are ok with this time since the process runs overnight but improving it won't hurt. I do have a clustered index on these fields but that doesn't seem to improve any.

SELECTDateYear ,
DateMonth ,
Nbr ,
Nbr1 ,
Nbr2 ,
Datafield1 ,


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DB Engine :: Page Life Expectancy Increases Dramatically From A Minute To Another

May 22, 2015

I measure PLE on my server and insert them every minute into a table. Now, when I look into the table I just dont know how to interpret the following data. I dont understand how is that possible. It's an sql server bug? or? How to interpret that data? 

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Transact SQL :: Use Date / Hour And Minute In Datetime Column Type?

Nov 9, 2015

I just need the date, hour, and minute...not the micro seconds. Do I have to DATEPART and concatenate each or is there any way to simply truncate the milliseconds from it? Or is there a date format to put extract and report on it as...


I see there is a format 131 that puts it in..


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Changing Seconds To Hours And Minutes And Rounding To The Nearest 15 Minute.

Dec 6, 2007

I found in another forum that if I take the seconds and divide them by 15 then round up and multiply them by 4 I can get this done, but I can't figure out how to work it into my select statement. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. dbo.SLPTRANS.TimeSpent is the field I am trying to convert.

SELECT dbo.SLPTRANS.ClientID, SUM(dbo.SLPTRANS.TransValue) AS Expr1, dbo.SLPTRANS.TimeSpent AS Expr2
dbo.INVOICE ON dbo.SLPTRANS.InvoiceID = dbo.INVOICE.RecordID
HAVING (dbo.SLPTRANS.ClientID = 405)

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SQLDataSource Caching

Jul 21, 2006

Hello All,
I want to use SQLDataSource as a base of all Gridview in my application. I have read that SQLDataSource support caching.
I want to know as SQLDataSource is a child control of page class. It will get unloaded when page is unloaded. So how caching works. Like I am using SQLDataSource as base of my GridView control. When I perform paging or sorting,In theory It says that It will not hit the Datbase again. It will keep that Data in memory as DataSet, but this will stay alive upto life of page, which starts again and again when a page is requested, So as its child controls.
Can anybody give me more intrinsics on this.
Any Help from Microsoft is appreciated !!!!
Thanks !!

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SqlDataSource Caching

Nov 4, 2006

I know I can use the SqlDataSource object and cache the results by setting it's enableCache property to true, but what if I am using essentially the same SqlDataSource control across multiple pages? For instance I have a States SqlDataSource on many pages in my site, if I enable caching on all of these objects won't they all be cached separately? Is the solution to not use the SqlDataSource and instead cache the datatable of results and bind the dropdownlists to that? Thanks in advance.

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Caching Set Up Problem

Nov 9, 2006

Hi Expert, Am I doing it right? Can you give me any suggestions please? Thank you!!I followed the way for setting up the sql cache dependency from, I still have the following error:
When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called prior to execution of a command added to the SqlDependency instance.
IssueSummary.aspx<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="IssueSummary.aspx.vb" Inherits="IssueSummary" title="Issue Summary" %><%@ Register Assembly="AtlasControlToolkit" Namespace="AtlasControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc2" %><%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.Web.Atlas" Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI" TagPrefix="cc1" %><%@ OutputCache Duration="999999" VaryByParam="None" SqlDependency="CommandNotification" %>
Global.asaxSub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ICTConnectionString").ConnectionStringDim needToInstall As Boolean = TrueTryDim tables() As Stringtables = SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.GetTablesEnabledForNotifications(connectionString)If (Not tables Is Nothing) ThenDim tbl As StringFor Each tbl In tablesIf (tbl.ToLower().Equals("IssueDetails")) ThenneedToInstall = FalseEnd IfNextEnd IfCatch ex As ExceptionneedToInstall = TrueEnd TryIf (needToInstall) ThenSqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableNotifications(connectionString)SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications(connectionString, "IssueDetails")End IfEnd Sub
Web.config<connectionStrings><add name="ICTConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=jamesle-3;Initial Catalog=IssueCommunicationTool;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/></connectionStrings><system.web><caching><sqlCacheDependency enabled="true" pollTime="1000" ><databases><add name="ICTDB" connectionStringName="ICTConnectionString" /></databases></sqlCacheDependency></caching>
SQL Server 2005 - Database - IssueCommunicationToolSELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'IssueCommunicationTool'
Return = 1, it means the broker service is enabled. Also, the database has created the table ASPNET_SQLCacheTableForChangeNotification, the trigger in IssueDetails table, and some other store procedures.

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Sql Dependency Caching

Nov 24, 2006

Hello, I have caching enabled in my application and I am using SqlCacheDependency to cache my tables. Well, the cache works fine but when the table is updated the information in my cache does not update. I DO have the broker service started and running but not sure what else i am missing. I am using sql server 2005.

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