Calculate A Variable Average In SQL Server?

Jun 11, 2007

ok so i have this table:


priceSold - money
itemsSold - int

An example of 4 rows on my table would be like this
$1400 80
$1500 85
$1560 82
$1700 81

to calculate the average of the price sold related to the number of sold items just have to do
Select avg(priceSold*itemsSold)

But sometimes i just want the average price of the first 100 sold items, so how can i make my query to just use the first 100 sold items?

in math it would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*20) ) / 100

but if i wanted the first 200 it would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*85) + (1560*35)) / 200

and if i wanted the first 300 would be like this
average= ( (1400*80) + (1500*85) + (1560*82) + (1700*53)) / 300

but of course the number i want will always be a variable which is less than the total of the products sold. So, how the heck do i program this query where the number of the items sold is variable and it will take the rows of the database depending on how many items were sold.

I hope i didnt wrote my explanation too confusing and that i can get any help from you guys. thank you a lot for the help and byye

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How Do I Calculate The Average Variable Length For A Varchar?

Feb 26, 2008

im trying to learn how to calculate table size.
i understand some of it, but im stuck at calculating the varchars

Ex. i have 2 varchar columns
- varchar(50)
- varchar(100)

i'm suppose to find the average length for them?

i'm suppose to use that to add up to my ROW SIZE

and also after i got the average, do i add 2 for variable columns overhead and another 2 for Row pointer in row offset array

please help me asap before 2morrow night.
i have a test

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Calculate Average Within A Query

Nov 29, 2013

I am trying to calculate an average within a query:

coalesce(field1, 0) + coalesce(field2], 0) + coalesce(field3, 0)/Count [AVG]

It seems to be subtracting the value of field3 from the total of 3 fields at some points instead of giving me the average.Some of the results are here:

Count Field1 Field2 Field3 Total Average
===== ====== ====== ====== ===== =======


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How To Calculate Average Of Fields That Are Not Zero

May 27, 2015

I have a few columns: Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5

Week1 = 5
Week2 = 0
Week3 = 10
Week4 = 7
Week5 = 0

How do I calculate the average based on the fields that are not zero?

(5+0+10+7+0)/5 = 4.4
(5+0+10+7+0)/3 = 7.3

How to let create a custom column to let the SQL know that I only want to divide by 3 instead of 5?

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How To Calculate Average Row Size Of A Record.

Apr 22, 2008

 I want to calculate average row size of a record. By based on this i want to add some more columns into an existing table. Here is my table structureCREATE TABLE patient_procedure(    proc_id int IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT proc_id_pri_key PRIMARY KEY,    patient_id int NULL,    surgeon_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,    proc_name varchar(20) ,    part_name varchar(30),    wth_contrast int ,    wthout_contrast int ,    wth_wthout_contrast int,    xray_part varchar(60),    arth_area varchar(30),    others varchar(30) ,    cpt varchar(20) ,    procedure_date smalldatetime NOT NULL,    mraloperrun varchar(20),CONSTRAINT patientid_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY(patient_id)    REFERENCES dbo.patient_information (Patient_id)) Now i got a requirement that i have to add two more procedures with different columns.The columns overall size is 195 bytes.I can place those two procedures as seperate tables. I dont want to do that becuase of front end requirements.Here the problem is when the user enters these two procedures information remaining fields will store the  null value. I know that when we store the null values into corresponding columns min of 1 byte will be occupied. Please suggest me that shall i include these columns into the above table. If i add these columns is performance will be decreased or not. Waiting for valuable suggestions. 

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How Do I Calculate Average Leadtime In Sqlserver...

Sep 2, 2007

How do I Calculate Average Leadtime...
I have a Table named "iCalls_Calls" which has 2 Columns (start_Date and Closed_Date).I need to calculate average leadtime based on the columns from this table . I have a query and i need to add this ( calculate average leadtime) to this query.



Can anyone send me the correct query to calculate the average time ?

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Calculate Average Analysis Servives

Aug 6, 2004

Hi this might be pretty simple to you guys out there but i am having issues doing it.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!

Calculate Average of a measure called DIST irrespective of any dimension the page field.

Ie. to say it should calculate the average for any doension i bring on the rwo field.

Looking forward to your help.

you can mail me at

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Calculate Average Growth Rate

Apr 30, 2008

I've got a statistics table that I've been writing to for about 2 years now. Every saturday night, a size (in MB) snapshot of each DB file is taken and dumped into this table. I'm then emailed a copy for that week.

Now, I'm trying to figure out what the fastest growers are. Here's the table ddl

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBSizeStats] (
[statid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[LogDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[Server] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[DBName] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[MDFName] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[MDFSize] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[LDFName] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[LDFSize] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[TotalSize] [decimal](18, 0) NULL

What I'm trying to figure out is how to query the average monthly and yearly growth percentages per DB on the MDFSize column.

I'm usually pretty good at this sort of thing, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around how to solve this issue. I'm not having a very good math day.

what am I missing here?

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How To Calculate Average Number Of Days Taken

Jan 16, 2014

How to calculate the overall average number of days taken to complete something.

The two fields are enquiry_date (date enquiry is recorded) and complete_date (date enquiry completed/closed).

Each enquiry has a enquiry_number

Sample data typically looks like:

Enquiry number - enquiry_time - complete date
1 - 01/01/2014 - 12/01/2014
2 - 01/01/2014 - 11/01/2014
3 - 01/01/2014 - 10/01/2014
4 - 01/01/2014 - 07/01/2014
5 - 01/01/2014 - 12/01/2014
6 - 01/01/2014 - 04/01/2014


What is the piece of SQL which looks at the average date difference for each enquiry and then sums it all up to give an overall average number of days it takes?

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Calculate Rolling Average Cost From Two Dataset

Sep 11, 2013

I need calculating a rolling 3 month average cost from the two dataset below. Which is the 3 month Average of Dataset1 / Dataset 2.

Dataset 1:

SELECT(factAdmissions.ContractCode + '-' +factAdmissions.BenefitPlanCode) AS [Contract Code],
ISNULL(sum(AmountPaid),0)As [Amount Paid]
FROM factAdmissions

[Code] ....



(factMembership.ContractCode+'-'+ factMembership.BenefitPlanCode) As Product,
ISNULL(count(Distinct MemberId),0) As MemberCount
From factMembership
Where EffectiveCCYYMM >= '200701'

[Code] ....

View 20 Replies View Related

Calculate Sum And Average - Patient Information For All Nurses

Oct 8, 2013

I have one table with columns patientName , Nurse,ArrivalDate, DepartDate . It has all the patient information for all the Nurses.

I need to calculate Number of patients per Nurse and Average number of patients per day per nurse.

We need to calculate Average Number of patients per day per nurse = Total Patients per nurse/No.of unique days they worked

I need my report as like this.

DistinctNurse No.ofPatients AvgNo.ofpatients PerDay
Tina 100 25
Sony 50 16.6

How to get the result as above.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Average Based On A Scenario

Oct 30, 2015

Col1                      Col2       Col3          Col4
54763.00              21           0              0             
59574.00              23           0              0             
64085.00              20           0              0             
0.0               0.00      0           0              0             

I'm trying to calculate Average of Col1 of above table based on below scenario:

CASE WHEN all the columns in the above table are “0” (as highlighted) THEN I want AVERAGE of Col1 as (Row1+Row2+Row3)/3

ELSE if at least one of the column of highlighted row has value other than “0”, THEN I want the AVERAGE of Col1 to be (Row1+Row2+Row3+Row4)/4

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Declare The Scalar Variable @average

Dec 8, 2007

Hi all,

In my SQL Server Management Studio Express, I have a Database "testDb" that has a dbo.Inventory with a column "quantity". I executed the following sql script:

USE testDb


CREATE FUNCTION AverageQuantity(@funcType varchar(20))

RETURNS numeric AS


DECLARE @average numeric

SELECT @average = AVG(quantity) FROM Inventory WHERE type=@funcType

RETURN @averge



I got the following error message:

Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure AverageQuantity, Line 6

Must declare the scalar variable "@averge".

I think it was declared already in the BEGIN - END block. Please tell me why I got this error and advise me how to fix this problem.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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How To Calculate The Size Of A VARBINARY(max) Field Or Variable

Jan 7, 2008

How can i do the following:

Calculate the size of a varbinary(max) field or variable

Calculate the average of a varbinary(max) table column
I am using SQL 2005
Thanks for your posting

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Analysis :: Calculation Of average Using DAX AVERAGE And AVERAGEX

Jun 21, 2015

Calculation of an average using DAX' AVERAGE and AVERAGEX.This is the manual calculation in DW, using SQL.In the tabular project (we're i've noticed that these 4 %'s are in itself strange), in a 1st moment i've noticed that i would have to divide by 100 to get the same values as in the DW, so i've used AVERAGEX:

Avg_AMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMP]/100)
Avg_AMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMPdollar]/100)
Avg_FMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMP]/100)
Avg_FMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMPdollar]/100)

The results were, respectively: 701,68; 2120,60...; -669,441; and  finally **-694,74** for Avg_FMPdollar.i can't understand the difference to SQL calculation, since calculations are similar to the other ones. After that i've tried:

test:=SUM([_FMPdollar])/countrows('Fct Sales') AND the value was EQUAL to SQL: -672,17
test2:=AVERAGE('Fct Sales'[_Frontend Margin Percent ACY]), and here, without dividing by 100 in the end, -696,74...

So, AVERAGE and AVERAGEX have a diferent behaviour from the SUM divided by COUNTROWS, and even more strange, test2 doesn't need the division by 100 to be similar to AVERAGEX result.

I even calculated the number of blanks and number of zeros on each column, could it be a difference on the denominator (so, a division by a diferente number of rows), but they are equal on each row.

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Need An Average By Year Of An Average By Month

Feb 15, 2008

I have a temp_max column and a temp_min column with data for every day for 60 years. I want the average temp for jan of yr1 through yr60, averaged...
I.E. the avg temp for Jan of yr1 is 20 and the avg temp for Jan of yr2 is 30, then the overall average is 25.
The complexity lies within calculating a daily average by month, THEN a yearly average by month, in one statement.

Here's the original query.
accept platformId CHAR format a6 prompt 'Enter Platform Id (capital letters in ''): '

SELECT name, country_cd from weather_station where platformId=&&platformId;

SELECT to_char(datetime,'MM') as MO, max(temp_max) as max_T, round(avg((temp_max+temp_min)/2),2) as avg_T, min(temp_min) as min_temTp, count(unique(to_char(datetime, 'yyyy'))) as TOTAL_YEARS
FROM daily
WHERE platformId=&&platformId and platformId = platformId and platformId = platformId and datetime=datetime and datetime=datetime
GROUP BY to_char(datetime,'MM')
ORDER BY to_char(datetime,'MM');

with a result of:

-------------------- --
OFFUTT AFB___________US

-- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Third Column Using Second Column And Variable

Nov 23, 2015

create table #t
id int,
col1 decimal(18,2)

[Code] ...

-- I want to subtract @X and col1. But my variable @X must be reduced for each value in col1 for each next row until it reaches zero.


-- id col1 col2
--@X at starting point is 15000
-- 1 5000.00 0 --@X IS 10000 = 15000 - 5000(col1)
-- 2 1000.00 0 --@X IS 9000 = 10000 - 1000
-- 3 10000.00 1000.00 --@X IS 1000 = 9000 - 10000
-- 4 12000.00 12000.00
-- 5 300.00 300.00
-- 6 35000.00 35000.00

--in col2 i just put zero where col1 is substract from @X and continue for every subsequent order.
-- in 3 row value is 1000 becouse @X is that big (1000 left from col1)

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Average Download Rates For SQL Server

May 4, 2007

I have a SQL Server hosted on a Win2003 server. I have a monitor on the server letting me know the average download speeds. When I do a large select from a remote connection, it looks like the download rate maxes out at around 10 kb/sec.

Is this an average download rate for a server hosting sql server?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Cumulative Average Without Cursor

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to calculate cumulative GPA which is currently it is being done via a cursor and i was looking to change it to set based if possible.

The cumulative GPA is basically the average marks of all courses in a term and all previous terms. Where I am having an issue is if the course was taken in a previous term and the mark was lower, then the lower mark in not factored in to the GPA. If a course was taken in a previous term and the mark was higher then the marks for the current term are not factored into the GPA.

In the example below, math is taken in all three terms and the current term's mark is included in the GPA but not the previous terms because current terms mark is higher. Two classes (bio,chem) are taken in third term but not included due to marks being higher in second term.

CREATE TABLE [gpa]([term] int,
[course] varchar(10),
[mark] float);
VALUES (1,'math',3),

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Trying To Add Third Grouping Set To Return Average Aggregate

Feb 16, 2014

i'm building a query to return metrics that will drive 3 seperate pivot tables showing

1. Total count of LineItems per D_Type each month
2. Total count of LineItems per Status each month
3. Avg count of LineItems per Invoice each month

I am able to get the first two, but having hard time with the 3rd.

Here's some representative ddl
create table Remediation
(Invoice nvarchar(10), D_Type nvarchar(20), Status nvarchar(20), RemediationDate datetime);

insert into Remediation values
--this will create data for Jan, 2014
('501', 'Recycle', 'Pass', getdate()-30),
('501', 'Reuse', 'Pass', getdate()-30),
('501', 'Remarket', 'Fail', getdate()-30),


how to add the average metric to this query?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Complex Mode (average) Calculation

Aug 20, 2015

I've been asked to find the Mode of the loads on trips we run. So I run a count on the [loads] (without grouping, in an analytical function) column, then sort on the highest counts. The problem is when there is a tie. In that case, I need to find the mean of all the tied values. This means that if there is no mode at all, it would simply take the mean of all the values.

Here is sample data:

trip char(1) NULL,
date int NULL,
loads int NULL

[Code] ...

And here is what I'd like to see:

trip char(1) NULL,
loads int NULL
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('A', 15)
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('B', 17)
insert into test (trip, loads)
values ('C', 11)

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Get Average Of Two Largest Number Amount Three Column For Particular Identity

May 3, 2015

1 08 09 10 -
2 10 25 26 -
3 09 15 16 -

I want to calculate the average of the larges two number from the column A,B & C for particular identity and store that average in the AVG column....

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Calculating Average Read / Write Latency Across Instance Using Counters

Apr 27, 2015

How you would calculate the average read/write latency experienced by a SQL Server instance during a specific time window in order to monitor this for multiple instances. From this MSDN blog, I know that you have to take multiple samples and do some calculations to get the correct latency.

[URL] ...

However, the SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats object tracks these numbers per resource pool and we want to get one number for the whole server. Since there can be a different base value for each resource pool, you can't simply sum the numerator values together. Here's some sample data from a server that illustrates the problem.

object_name counter_name instance_name cntr_value cntr_type
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) default 307318919 1073874176
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) Base default 25546724 1073939712
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) internal 2045730 1073874176
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) Base internal 208270 1073939712

I'm thinking I would need to do some sort of weighted average, but I'm not sure if that will result in the correct value. Here's the formula I am thinking about using currently before doing the calculation over time

((default * default[base]) + (internal * internal[base]))/(default[base] + internal[base])

Then to do the calculation over time, I'd use the changes in the calculated numerator and denominator to get the average.

Does this sound like to correct way to get this value? Is there a good way to verify?

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Calculate IOPs For Production Server?

Jan 13, 2014

We have SQl Server in the production with dozens databases that reside on a SAN in the RAID 1 configuration with SAS 10K disks. Few databases have a huge overload on the SAN (more writes than reads). As there are some performance issues we are considering new SAN.

Is there any way we can get average IOPs in this server? I tried to use PerMon but without success. I don't know if I can chose "Total" for Logical drives in PerMon for the counters? I read dozens of pages: use sqlio, take this counters, use that, but no straight way to calculate. I know that SAN could have the relevant info for IOPs but our old one doen't provide it.

how can I calculate it (without use these links or use this counters with no calculation procedure in the end)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Expression To Calculate Age On Server

Apr 16, 2015

I have been trying to calculate age and the results either round the age up one year or down one year. I have tried CASE, DATEDIFF, FLOOR functions but nothing works.

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How Does SQL Server Calculate GETDATE? (was Newbie Question)

Mar 8, 2006

My apologies if my question seems rather naive, but I'm looking for some info on how SQL Server (2K) calculates the GETDATE info. Is it from an internal algorithm of some type, or does it simply pull the info from the local server info?

Thanks to all.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Calculate Charge From Given Input Set

Mar 17, 2015

Work on sql server 2008 r2, need recursively charge amount calculation process.want to write an sp, In my sp I need to calculate head sum base on parameter head and given amount: Picture describe my db input set, from the input set I need to calculate total charge amount on given head,

Input set 1 HeadAmountIsPercentHead PercentGiven AmountCalculated AmountWorking Sequence

Input Set 2 HeadAmountIsPercentHead PercentGiven AmountCalculated AmountWorking Sequence
Wages 10YesFinancial8001 2
Financial 10YesTotal 10 1


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Calculate Date Time

Apr 9, 2015

My data is looks like this,

2015-03-01 13:38:07.343----------------1
2015-03-01 14:04:04.460----------------1
2015-03-02 19:33:55.117----------------3
2015-03-02 19:33:55.117----------------4
2015-03-02 19:39:26.580----------------1

I want data looks like this

Day 1------------------------------------------2
Day 2------------------------------------------8

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Total Between Two Columns

Sep 14, 2015

I have update schema and I upload image with my desire result.

sinGroup NVARCHAR(10)
,column1 INT
,column2 int

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Calculate Number Of Days

Oct 8, 2015

I have client table which has client_id Eff_from and Eff_to columns.Eff_from and Eff_to are the dates that client is eligible for service. I need to know the average number of days from the day that he became not eligible and new eligibility date .

1001 12/24/200712/8/2010
1001 5/27/20138/2/2013

for expl days between
12/8/2010 and 12/13/2012
3/26/2013 and 5/27/2013
8/2/2013 and 9/24/2013

then AVG them.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate EndDate From Subsequent StartDate

Jul 28, 2014

Here is sample data I am working with:

Create table cattimelines (categoryID int, EffectiveDate datetime, CategoryValue varchar(11))

INSERT INTO cattimelines(categoryID, EffectiveDate, CategoryValue) VALUES(1000, '2014-01-01', 'A')
INSERT INTO cattimelines(categoryID, EffectiveDate, CategoryValue) VALUES(1000, '2014-02-01', 'B')
INSERT INTO cattimelines(categoryID, EffectiveDate, CategoryValue) VALUES(1000, '2014-04-01', 'C')
INSERT INTO cattimelines(categoryID, EffectiveDate, CategoryValue) VALUES(1000, '2014-07-01', 'A')

I need to calculates a term date for each record which will be 1 day before the effective date of any new record, thus:



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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Age Of Various Students In School System

Aug 31, 2014

In a sql server 2012 database, I have a field called date of birth that is stored in a tha that is stored in a datetime format. I need to determine the age of various students in the school system. Thus can you show me sql to that I can use to determine the a child is currently?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Calculate Customers Age And Value By Month And Year?

Sep 22, 2014

What's the best way to calculate a customers age and value by month and year?

I need to be able to calculate customer value by month and year, and then to calculate their age at each month in time. I've found a way of grouping sales by month and year that includes age for a particular contact like this:

select fh.contact_number
, concat(year(fh.transaction_date), '-', month(fh.transaction_date)) as transaction_month_year
, cast(fh.transaction_date as date) as transaction_date
, sum(fh.amount) as ttl_amount_in_month

[Code] .....

It seems to work, but any better way to achieve this?

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