Calculate Elapsed Time Between Dates And Exclude A Time Span.
Dec 18, 2007
I need a formula to calculate the time (let's say in minutes) between two dates/times.
The problem is that I have to exclude the time between 06 PM and 06 AM and also exclude the time in the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
I will use this in a couple of reports made in Reporting Services.
If anyone have an algoritm that could be modified for this and is willing to share this I would be very grateful.
Many thanks!
/Per Lissel
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Jun 19, 2015
I am trying to calculate the time difference between the value in the row and the min value in the table. So say the min value in the table is 2014-05-29 14:44:17.713. (This is the start time of the test.) Now say the test ends at 2014-05-29 17:10:17.010. There are many rows recorded during that start and end time, for each row created a time stamp is created. I am trying to calculate the elapsed time and have it as a row in the results.
min(timestamp) - timestamp(value in row) = elapsed time for that test
where Channel = '273'
Here is the table DDL
USE SpecTest
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Spec1](
[Spec1ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Channel] [int] NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
Here is some dummy data to use
INSERT INTO Spec1 (Channel, Timestamp, Lambda, Power)
VALUES(273, '2014-05-29 14:44:17.713', 800, '-64.91');
INSERT INTO Spec1 (Channel, Timestamp, Lambda, Power)
VALUES(273, '2014-05-29 15:05:09.507', 800, '-59.11');
INSERT INTO Spec1 (Channel, Timestamp, Lambda, Power)
[Code] ....
Example desired results (I hope the formatting works)
Channel | Timestamp | Lambda | Power | Elapsed_Time
273 | '2014-05-29 14:44:17.713', | 800, | '-64.91' | 0
273 | '2014-05-29 15:05:09.507', | 800, | '-64.91' | 00:20:51
273 | '2014-05-29 15:26:00.520', | 800, | '-64.91' | 00:41:42
273 | '2014-05-29 16:28:34.213', | 800, | '-64.91' | 01:44:16
273 | '2014-05-29 16:49:25.853', | 800, | '-64.91' | 02:05:08
273 | '2014-05-29 17:10:17.010', | 800, | '-64.91' | 02:25:59
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Aug 17, 2007
Ok, so I have some horribly convuluted SQL that I would love to optomize. I'm not happy leaving it in it's current state, that's for sure!
I'm currently working on our test bed servers, so obviously my stats are out because of the "crap-ness" (yes, that's the technical term) of the hardware, but still, it should NEVER need to take this long!!
Basically, the issue arises in the nasty join to the career table (one employee can have multiple career lines). Just to make things complicated, employees can have any number of career records on any given date, these can even be input for future career events. The following SQL picks out the latest-current career date for each employee based on the career_date being <= GetDate() and the date of entry for this date being the greatest.
career_date | datetime_created
2009-01-01 | 2006-05-05 13:55:21.000
2007-01-01 | 2006-05-05 13:54:18.000
2007-01-01 | 2006-05-05 13:52:55.000
From the above we want to return
2007-01-01 | 2006-05-05 13:54:18.000
SELECT a.sAMAccountNameAs 'sAMAccountName'
, a.userPrincipalNameAs 'userPrincipalName'
, 'TRUE'As 'Modify'
, RTRIM(e.unique_identifier)As 'employeeID'
, RTRIM(e.employee_number)As 'employeeNumber'
, RTRIM(e.known_as)
' ' + RTRIM(e.surname) ELSE NULL ENDAs 'displayName'
, RTRIM(e.known_as)As 'givenName'
, RTRIM(e.surname)As 'sn'
, RTRIM(c.job_title)As 'title'
, RTRIM(c.division)As 'company'
, RTRIM(c.department)As 'department'
, RTRIM(l.description)As 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName'
, RTRIM(REPLACE(am.dn,'\',''))As 'manager'
, t.full_mobile
' (DD: ' + RTRIM(t.mobile_number) + ')'ELSE NULL END
As 'mobile'
, t.mobile_numberAs 'otherMobile'
, ad.address_ad_countryAs 'c'
, ad.address_ad_address1
+ CASE WHEN ad.address_ad_address2 IS NOT NULL THEN
', ' + ad.address_ad_address2 ELSE NULL END
+ CASE WHEN ad.address_ad_address3 IS NOT NULL THEN
', ' + ad.address_ad_address3 ELSE NULL END
+ CASE WHEN ad.address_ad_address4 IS NOT NULL THEN
', ' + ad.address_ad_address4 ELSE NULL END
+ CASE WHEN ad.address_ad_address5 IS NOT NULL THEN
', ' + ad.address_ad_address5 ELSE NULL ENDAs 'streetAddress'
, ad.address_ad_poboxAs 'postOfficeBox'
, ad.address_ad_cityAs 'l'
, ad.address_ad_CountyAs 'st'
, ad.address_ad_postcodeAs 'postalCode'
, RTRIM(ad.address_ad_telephone) +
CASE WHEN RTRIM(a.othertelephone) IS NOT NULL
AND RTRIM(ad.address_ad_telephone) IS NOT NULL THEN
' (Ext: ' + RTRIM(a.othertelephone) + ')'
CASE WHEN RTRIM(a.othertelephone) IS NOT NULL
AND RTRIM(ad.address_ad_telephone) IS NULL THEN
'Ext: ' + RTRIM(a.othertelephone)
ENDAs 'telephoneNumber'
FROM employee e
JOIN career c
ON c.parent_identifier = e.unique_identifier
AND c.career_date =(
SELECTmax(c2.career_date) c2
WHEREc2.parent_identifier = c.parent_identifier
ANDc2.career_date <= GetDate()
AND c.datetime_created =(
SELECT max(c3.datetime_created) c3
WHEREc3.parent_identifier = c.parent_identifier
ANDc3.career_date = c.career_date
JOIN AD_Import am
ON am.employeeNumber = c.manager_number
JOIN AD_Import a
ON a.employeeID = e.unique_identifier
JOIN AD_Telephone t
ON t.unique_identifier = e.unique_identifier
JOIN AD_Address ad
ON ad.address_pwa_location = e.location
JOIN xlocat l
ON l.code = c.location
WHERE (a.employeeNumber IS NOT NULL
OR a.employeeID IS NOT NULL)
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.
(1706 row(s) affected)
Table 'AD_Import'. Scan count 4, logical reads 106, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'AD_Address'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'AD_Telephone'. Scan count 2, logical reads 10, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 868, logical reads 956, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'xlocat'. Scan count 2, logical reads 8, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'career'. Scan count 5088, logical reads 2564843, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'people'. Scan count 1697, logical reads 5253, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 826, logical reads 914, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 15203 ms, elapsed time = 8114 ms.
Any advice on what I can do to optomize?
Oh judt to point out that "employee" is a view on the "Table 'people'."
EDIT: I know it's pointing out the obvious, but I'm pulling out the managers "DN" from AD_Import based on the manager_number and employeeNumber matching.
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Oct 22, 2015
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
How can i do this?
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Feb 16, 2006
I have a database where user events are recorded quite frequently. I'd like to be able to get a count of the 'good' events that happen in each 5 second period. Unfortunately I don't know how to display and group by a time range.
Here is the query I would like to change:
SELECT count(*), clientTime
WHERE (sessionId = '122b') AND (type = N'sys_goodaction') AND (paraName = 'value')
GROUP BY clientTime
It returns records like:
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:05.250
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:05.267
1 |2006-02-16 23:21:06.470
I'd like it to return records like:
5 |2006-02-16 23:21:06 - 23:21:10
3 |2006-02-16 23:21:11 - 23:21:15
4 |2006-02-16 23:21:16 - 23:21:20
Anyone know how I could do this? Is it even possible?
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Nov 18, 2013
I have to compare two time duration for a resource booking system. for example if a resource is booked for 9.00am to 2.00am ,it must not be booked during that duration and other coinciding times e.g 1.00pm to 2.00 pm should not be booked or even 9.00 am to 5.00pm should not be booked.
how can i write a sql query for this.
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Sep 18, 2007
Some advice appreciated on the following, thanks!
I have this query:
select field1, field2, astartdate, anenddate
from atable
where astartdate BETWEEN '9/11/2007 12:00:00 AM' AND '9/18/2007 11:59:59 PM'
I need the results to be like the following:
field1,field2,anenddate-astartdate <<that's minus
Thank you for the help!
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Aug 23, 2012
I am not sure how to go about doing this. I have a record that has a start time of 1 am and a stop time of 9pm (same day for simplicity) and I want to know how many hours during a peek time and how many were not.
For example, the application starts and inserts into the data base the start time of 1am and then the user stops the app at 9pm. Lets say the peek hours are 1pm to 7pm. I know i can do a date diff function to get how long the app ran for but how can I get the amount of hours it ran during the peek time? I know there has to be some mathematical solution to this but it is escaping me at the moment. I want to do this over many records so a a cte or pivot table is the end solution for performance.
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Sep 12, 2013
field prodDate puts out values as such:
8/12/2013 7:50:15
8/12/2013 7:51:03
8/12/2013 7:53:42
8/12/2013 7:54:12
8/12/2013 7:56:02
8/12/2013 14:57:57
8/12/2013 14:59:59
I'd like to get a time span sum beginning with the first prodDate entry and ending with the last.
The idea is I'll then use that to divide lbs produced, thus giving me a gauge for lb per hour.
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Nov 19, 2015
I need a boost to understand how to get started on solving this SQL Query.
TicketId Seq StatusDateTime
T10001 1 2015-05-04 15:54:00.000
T10001 2 2015-05-04 16:35:00.000
T10001 3 2015-05-04 16:42:00.000
T10001 4 2015-05-05 08:19:00.000
T10002 1 2015-05-04 15:56:00.000
T10002 2 2015-05-04 15:57:00.000
I need to find the total StatusDateTime for each TicketId
I need to find the average StatusDateTime for all TicketIDs
Ex. TicketId, "T10001", has 4 records based on the Seq column.
By using this, I should be able to find the amount of time between the first Seq and the last Seq to get a total time span for Ticket.
Expanding on this, I should be able to add up all of the Ticket's calculated time spans and divide by the number of tickets to get the average time span.
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Jul 10, 2014
Looking for returning multiple entries from a time span. I have a date, start-time, end-time and duration. I need the start-times separated in a list. It's fine if temp tables are needed - I have that clearance.
Entry might look like:
(datetime) date: 7/10/2014
(int) start-time 820
(int) end-time 1000
(int) duration 20
The result would needed:
(datetime) 7/10/2014 08:20:00
(datetime) 7/10/2014 08:40:00
(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:00:00
(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:20:00
(datetime) 7/10/2014 09:40:00
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Oct 30, 2015
I have a table that includes the fields below:
Machine - TINYINT
StartTime - DATETIME
What I am trying to do is figure out how much time is used for production per day. The problem is, there are production runs that run over midnight and possible multiple days without ending. For example, if I have the following data:
ID - 1
Machine - 2
StartTime - 2015-09-01 22:00:00.000
EndTime - 2015-09-03 22:00:00.000
So what I am looking for is taking the above record and turning it into 3 records like below:
ID Machine StartTime EndTime
1 2 2015-09-01 22:00:00.000 2015-09-01 23:59:59.999
1 2 2015-09-02 00:00:00.000 2015-09-02 23:59:59.999
1 2 2015-09-03 00:00:00.000 2015-09-03 22:00:00.000
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Sep 11, 2013
I have about 20 scripts to run as
exec script1 ...
exec script20
I want to know how long does each of the script piece take. So how can I keep the records of time spent and save them as a file or save them into a table?
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Oct 29, 2015
I have a table that contains an employee id and dates signifying time periods that those employees were working. I need to calculate anniversaries, such as 20 year, which are the sum of all periods spend working projected out to 20 years. For example,
emp_idstart_date end_date
1001 1998-01-01 2003-06-21
1002 1999-05-23 2008-03-28
1001 2004-08-19 NULL
1003 2004-10-12 2006-07-25
1004 2005-04-28 NULL
1002 2008-11-02 NULL
1003 2009-05-17 NULL
The periods in which the employees were inactive (the time period between active ranges) would push back their anniversary date, obviously. I'm only concerned with employees that are currently active (ie. the most recent record has a NULL end date). I thought about trying to use datediff to calculate the time between active periods, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it.
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May 20, 2014
I have a requirement to be able to calculate the transit time between international locations when I have the flight departure time and flight arrival times and departure and arrival locations.
We have a problem though, in that the datetime stored are local times, and the journeys can involve crossing the international date line in either direction, so it is possible for the arrival time to be earlier than the departure time!
To give a famous example, if you flew Concorde from London to Washington, you could depart at 10am on the 1st of June (London time) and arrive at 8.00am on 1st June (Washington time)
Even worse, you could leave Brisbane at 2.00 am on the 1st June, cross the International Date Line and arrive at San Francisco at 23:00 on 31st May!
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Aug 7, 2007
Hi all,
I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.
I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.
For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,
then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.
Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.
Is this possible in SSRS 2005?
Any pointers will be usefull...
Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.
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Apr 21, 2006
Hi i am trying to make a trigger that calculates a new due time from a start time. I have a hour target like 24 hours, but the dates have an starttime and stoptime or the days could even be closed. I need it to calculate the new due datetime using the 24 hours as effective working time.
Any ideas ?
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Jan 27, 2008
How do you build a query to calculate the time of employement or any space of time for each person in a table? I'm thinking I would want to use a "Current Date" and "Select Datediff" calculations of some sort and reference the hiredate against the current date but I have been unable to find much on this type of query.. Please help..
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Apr 5, 2006
Can anyone help with the following Transact SQL question? Thanks. Ineed a store procedure to return the the result recordset which will beexecute from a web page. The database has tables, A and B. For each Arecord, there are many related B records. In the B table there is atimestamp field which tracks the change of A record. For example, A1has B like the followings:ID TimeStamp Chg Code Descption== ========= ======= ========A1 1138375875 E null //end of the eventA1 1138025002 S resumeA1 1137092615 S don't careA1 1137092570 S stopA1 1137092256 I null //start of theeventI need to generate all records in table A and total elapse time foreach record, but B with Chg Code 'S' that has "don't cacre" to bededucted from the total time, so that the result will be like this:ID Name TotalTime(seconds)== ==== =======A1 xyz 351187
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Dec 19, 2007
Ok, I know that there is a very smart programmer out there that can resovle my issue.
I am trying to calculate time worked by 15 minute intervals.
Emp 1 started work at 13:00:00 and worked 183 minutes
Emp 2 started work at 17:15:00 and worked 150 minutes
Emp 3 started work at 08:30:00 and worked 17 minutes
I need to show the following results:
time employee #of_min_worked
08:30:00 3 15
08:45:00 3 2
13:00:00 1 15
13:15:00 1 15
13:30:00 1 15
13:45:00 1 15
14:00:00 1 15
14:15:00 1 15
14:30:00 1 15
14:45:00 1 15
15:00:00 1 15
15:15:00 1 15
15:30:00 1 15
15:45:00 1 15
16:00:00 1 3
17:15:00 2 15
17:30:00 2 15
17:45:00 2 15
18:00:00 2 15
18:15:00 2 15
18:30:00 2 15
18:45:00 2 15
19:00:00 2 15
19:15:00 2 15
19:30:00 2 15
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Oct 8, 2014
I am having below schema:
CREATE TABLE #Attendance(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[StudentID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ClassID] [int] NOT NULL,
[DateAdded] [datetime] default getdate() NOT NULL
insert into #Attendance(StudentID,ClassID,DateAdded) values(1,1,'2014-10-07 10:38:02.900')
[Code] ....
DateAdded column in first table is nothing but in and out time.
Now I want to prepare a query where I want to consider MIN DateAdded and max DateAdded and calculate the duration of student present in the class.
Validations i need to consider are:
If class is starting at 10am then student can come at 9:50am, i.e. Dateadded column should consider as student present in that class if value is less that 10 minutes of StartTime from #ClassAttendance table. Class End time i want to calculate depending upon ClassMinutes from #ClassAttendance
Also DateAdded column should be 10 minutes plus compared to calculated endtime. If its more than that consider lower DateAdded time.
And by using this thingIi want to calculate total number of minutes student present in the class and number of minutes absent.
If there is only one DateAdded for class then consider as a absent student.
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Sep 3, 2015
I have 2 tables as defined below. I want to calculate PS1time and Ps2 time.
Table 1
ABCP8/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 13:41
ABCP8/24/2015 14:038/24/2015 15:31
ABCP8/25/2015 12:098/25/2015 13:25
XYZP8/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 21:44
Table 2
ABCS28/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 19:22
ABCS28/24/2015 19:228/30/2015 21:34
XYZS28/27/2015 22:228/28/2015 13:10
XYZS28/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 15:34
XYZS18/28/2015 15:348/28/2015 22:44
ABCPS18/24/2015 13:148/24/2015 19:22
XYZPS18/28/2015 15:348/28/2015 21:44
XYZPS28/28/2015 13:108/28/2015 15:34
For Each O_Id How much time spent for Ps1 and PS2. I tried but not able to reach expecting results as mentioned.
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Oct 9, 2013
i am using this expression to get the time difference between two times.
{%Z.elapsed.time(,@AK.VD.depart.time,,@DV.VD.arrival.time,"hh.hh")*60} as [LOS (min)]
When Arrival time and depart time both are on same day above expression working to get the diference .
But if arrival date 2013-09-20 00:00:00.000 and arrival time 0800 and depart date 2013-09-21 00:00:00.000 and depart time 0050 when i calculate the time difference(using above expression) between these two i am getting -429.60 which is wrong. i have to get around 990.
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Apr 29, 2015
Now a sample table is included and an expected result list. I also added a piece of the sql to obtain the results.
The remaining question is how to calculate the total break time in minutes. The first two columns of the results are already in the code.
Sample of table clock
employee check_in check_out
----------- ---------------- ----------------
1 08:00:00.0000000 11:00:00.0000000
2 08:30:00.0000000 12:14:00.0000000
2 12:25:00.0000000 16:00:00.0000000
1 11:30:00.0000000 14:00:00.0000000
sample of table breakt
startt endt
---------------- ----------------
09:45:00.0000000 10:00:00.0000000
12:00:00.0000000 12:30:00.0000000
The result I am searching for:
| Employee | Timemin| Breakmin|
| 1 | 180 | 15 |
| 2 | 224 | 19 |
| 2 | 215 | 5 |
| 1 | 150 | 30 |
DROP TABLE breakt;
startt TIME
, endt TIME
INSERT INTO breakt(startt,endt) VALUES ('09:45:00','10:00:00');
[Code] .....
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Jul 20, 2005
I am using SQL Server 2000. I need to query my database for all thecontracts that came in during a certain time frame (user is promptedfor reportingperiodid).Table - PeriodsFields - Reporting Period id intReporting Period desc varchar(30)Reporting Period Begin Date datetimeReporting Period End Date datetimeIf the user selects a 3 then the begin date is Jan. 1, 2004 and theend date is June 30, 2004.Now I need to calculate did any money come in for each week in thattime frame. I need to create a weekly list of all the weeks in thattime frame. Each time frame begins on a Monday. So my list wouldlook like1/5/20041/12/20041/19/20041/26/2004All the way to the end of that time period.How do I create this weekly list from a given time period using T-SQL?I would appreciate any and all help on this.Thanks,Tony
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Apr 9, 2015
My data is looks like this,
2015-03-01 13:38:07.343----------------1
2015-03-01 14:04:04.460----------------1
2015-03-02 19:33:55.117----------------3
2015-03-02 19:33:55.117----------------4
2015-03-02 19:39:26.580----------------1
I want data looks like this
Day 1------------------------------------------2
Day 2------------------------------------------8
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Apr 10, 2008
I have a number of databases with large tables. I need to update them from time to time. I want to get the recordcount of the table and calculate based on that the amount of time it would take to update the table. Any idea who I can do this? I'm using coldfusion 8 with sql to do this. Any advice would be appreciate!
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Nov 4, 2015
How to calculate estimated completion time of a job and what is the variance/difference in time based on previous job history. Looking for tsql query which can accomplish this.For example)...Daily a job is taking 10 mins to complete. However, today due to some reason, the job is running over an hour and still running. It could be a blocking issue or some performance issue on the server due to which the job is still running.
In such cases, using a tsql query or a stored proc which monitor these jobs every 3 mins (Configurable value), so every 3 mins , query has to check, if they are any jobs which are taking more time than its usual completion time/avg completion time in that case shoot an email using dbmail functionality i.e. sp_Senddbmail .. From there, DBA can dig further using waits or sql trace etc...
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Jul 2, 2015
I have a table like this.
([S_ID] varchar(7), [S_ACTV_CODE] varchar(4), [S_USER] varchar(5), [S_DATETIME] varchar(19), [S_ACT_IND] int)
('AAA-111', NULL, 'USER1', '2015-06-15 00:21:06', 0),
('AAA-111', '2', 'USER1', '2015-06-15 00:21:07', 0),
Basically I want to calculate the time spent by S_Users on a particular S_ACTV_CODE:
- S_ACTV_CODE_PREV means the previous active records.
- S_START_TIME is the time of S_DATETIME when a S_ACTV_CODE starts
- S_END_TIME is the time before a S_ACTV_CODE changes to another S_ACTV_CODE
- For the first record, S_ACTV_CODE is null, so there is no S_ACTV_CODE_PREV, so S_ACTV_CODE_PREV is NULL
- For the second record S_ACTV_CODE has some value, but S_ACTV_CODE_PREV is NULL for first record. So second record S_ACTV_CODE_PREV is also NULL
- For the last record (means S_ACTV_IND = 1), the user is currently working on it and S_ACTV_CODE is not changed. So S_END_TIME is a open time and we want to keep it as NULL
So the result should be as below:
AAA-111 NULL NULL USER1 2015-06-15 00:21:06
2015-06-15 00:21:07 1
AAA-111 NULL 2 USER1 2015-06-15 00:21:07
2015-06-17 03:20:33 183566
AAA-111 2 4 USER2 2015-06-17 03:20:33
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May 16, 2015
I have a table like below
i need to calculate total working time against 'AttID' (where I - intime, O - OutTime)
ex :
AttID TotalTime
1 08:02:00
2 07:45:00
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Nov 24, 2003
I need to know the time in hours between 2 dates in a SQL database.
I made the subtraction but I have as result a date.
Any Idea???
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May 23, 2015
I need to calculate the amount of time between each visit. I am pulling the Row Number for my visits and now I need the date span that goes between each day. I also need a new column that returns a Yes or a No if the date span exceeds 3 years.
ROW_NUMBER ( ) OVER ( PARTITION BY pv.PatientProfileId ORDER BY pv.Visit ASC ) AS RN
, CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ) , pv.Visit , 101 ) AS Visit
, pv.TicketNumber
, vstatus.Description AS VisitStatus
, doc.ListName AS Doctor
[Code] ....
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Sep 19, 2014
I have two nvarchar fields with time data 12:34:34 and the second one 12:34 I want to calculate the difference in Hours. The first field is called (OTIM) the second field is called (ReportedTime) if the name matters. I tried substring to trim the OTIM, I am unable to make it work.
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