Calculated Column Not Working

Jan 29, 2007

Ok I have three columns in my database that deal with ratings of individual ads.  One is called totalrating, one is totalvotes, and one is averagerating.  TotalRating gets incremented with the rating and totalvotes is incremented by one when someone votes.  Then averagerating is a calculated column which divides the totalrating by the totalvotes.  The problem is unless I manually set totalrating and totalvotes to 0, the stored procedure does not work.  They both remain null.  I tried to set the default value for each column to 0, which visual studio changed to ((0)).  Maybe I am doing this wrong.  If someone could help me I would really appreciate it.  Thanks so much.
Dave Roda 

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Transact SQL :: Calculated Fields Stop Working When There Are 10 Or More Rows In A Table

Nov 4, 2015

Windows Server 2003 R2 - Enterprise - SP2 - 32 Bit
SQL Server 2014 Express - 32 Bit

Problem: I have a calculated field on a PO table that adds up item prices on an Item table to get the total PO value. This works as expected until there are at least 10 rows in the PO table. From the 10 row on the calculated field stops working and only shows 0.

I have experienced this before and it seems like calculated fields break on the 10th row of a table and onward.

My PO table
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Quote_Number] [varchar](max) NULL,
[Customer] [varchar](max) NULL,
[CustomerPO] [varchar](max) NULL,
[PO_Received_Date] [datetime] NULL,
[Total_PO_Value] [decimal](18, 2) NULL,

[Code] ....

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Analysis :: Calculated Column That Makes Integer In YYYYMMDD Format Form Date Column

Oct 12, 2015

I am trying to create a whole number DAX calculated column that is derived from a date column. Basically it gets the date from the source data column and outputs it as an integer in the YYYYMMDD format.So 01/OCT/2015 would become --> 20151001...I've been fidgeting with DAX but my problem is that I keep missing the leading zeroes for months and days. So 01/March/2015 becomes 201531 which is not what I want (I need 20150301 in this case).

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Calculated Column Or ...

Jan 1, 2008

I have a location table with columns for [state tax rate], [local tax rate] and a bit column for each to indicate if it is active. From this I need to calculate a total tax percentage; i.e.(state tax rate * bit) +(local tax rate * bit). If I want to stay at the database with this I can identify three alternatives (I'm sure there are more):
1. Calculated column
2. Table Variable (or Temp. Table)
3. View

I'm interested in feedback as to which of these methods is more appropriate or if there is a better way I haven't identified.


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Replace Column With A Calculated Column

Sep 12, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I'm a newbie to SSIS. While experimenting with it I've encountered an issue which I'm hoping someone of you could help me out with. I have need to make a specific transformation which as output would have to produce rows with a new calculated column that replaces single column from input. New column has different data type than input column it is replacing. I've used Derived Column Transformation (DER) to do the first part of the work - appending new column and calculating its value (based solely on value from single original column that has to be replaced). Question is how should I do second part, task of removing no longer needed column from the pipeline? I've tried in DER instead of Derived Column being added as new column, selecting Replace 'column' but as it seems it is meant to replace only column data and not column data type (what I've expected). I've also tried using Copy Column Transformation (CPYC) but as it turns out CPYC transformation just (logically) duplicates data in the pipeline with optional different allias.

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Formula For Calculated Column

Sep 19, 2005

Hi,I'm struggling to get a calculated column to work in sql, the fields to be calculated are:[AdRevenue_a]     money[Admissions_a]      int[DoorPrice_a]       smallmoney[DoorSplit_a]        moneyAnd the calculation I require is:(AdRevenue_a / ( (Admissions_a * DoorPrice_a) - DoorSplit_a ))  *  100This is what I think it should be but it doesn't work...convert(decimal(6,2), ((AdRevenue_a / ((Admissions_a * DoorPrice_a) - DoorSplit_a))*100) ))Any suggestions??

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How To Add A Calculated Column In A View

Apr 21, 2008

*first issue
how to add a calculated column in a view such that this calculated column will be calculated from the oraginal columns

create view vw1
select tab.col1,tab.col2 from
from tab

and i want to add a column that contains the result of a comparison between col1 and col2 (col1<col2) such that the values of the column will be true,false


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Exclude Row If Calculated Column Is Zero?

Oct 3, 2013

I am attempting to create an SQL statement that will query a file and give me amount totals by company number/customer number. The totals have to be combined into 4 groups (1/2/3/4) for each amount total in company number/customer number combination. In effect it will look something like this:

00001 | 11111 | 1 | $55
00001 | 11111 | 2 | $12
00001 | 11111 | 3 | $19
00001 | 11111 | 4 | $ 0
00001 | 22222 | 1 | $99
00001 | 22222 | 2 | $53
...and so on.

I HAVE THIS PART WORKING ALREADY. The problem is that I am trying to exclude the rows that have 0 (zero) in the amount column from showing up in the output. The amount is a calculated field of all the invoice for that company number/customer number combination for that sort (eg: Company 00001/Customer 11111/Sort 1 has $55 associated to it). I cannot use the calculated field in my where clause.

I will include a simplified version of my select statement so you can see how I got as far as I have and where to go so I pretty much say "WHERE SUM(SubTBL.Amount) <> 0".

SUM(SubTBL.Amount) As TotAmt,
WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) <= 30 THEN '1'
WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) BETWEEN 31 AND 60 THEN '2'
WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) BETWEEN 61 AND 90 THEN '3'
WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD))> 90 THEN '4'


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How To Disable Calculated Column?

Mar 29, 2007

I have calculated column which is referenced by function and I need to alter the function. How can I disable the calculated column so I am able to modify the function?
I have orders table and I need to disable the calculated column OrderDate so I may able to modify the function dbo.udfTicksToDateTime.

OrderDateAsTicks BIGINT,

OrderDate AS dbo.udfTicksToDateTime(OrderDateAsTicks)


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Calculating The Sum Of A Calculated Column

Mar 28, 2008


I'm writing a query that calculates values for each id, then I need to sum up all the values for each id and put them in another field, here is what I wrote but SQL cannot understand the column that I calculeted

select id,term_cd,
case when RIGHT(term_cd, 1) IN ('6') and substring(term_cd, 2,4) <= 2004) then '1'
when substring(term_cd, 2,4) <= 2004 and RIGHT(term_cd, 1) = 5 then '0.5'
else '1' end as term_count,
SUM(term_count) AS ttd_enrolled
group by id,term_cd

SQL gives me an error "invalid column name tern_count" in the line where I calculate the sum.
what's wrong with the query? or should I calculate the term_count in an inner query?

Appretiate your help

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How To Create And Retrieve A Calculated Column

Jul 6, 2006

Table: Names
Columns: Name_RID char(10)
Name_Type smallint
Name_Last char(50)
Name_First char(25)
Name_MI char

I have search for and see how to put the columns for the last, first mi together (Name_Last + ', ' + Name_First + ' ' + Name_MI) as Name
But how can I test the value of the Name_Type field to determine how the Name column looks
if Name_Type = 1 then
Name = (Name_Last + ', ' + Name_First + ' ' + Name_MI)
Name = Name_Last

The Name_Type represents Individual versus an Entity
0,ABC Pipeline,,
1,Williams, John,A

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SQL Server 2008 :: Add Calculated Row Item In Same Column

Mar 12, 2015

I need to add a calculated column item in the same column. Please see SQL Codes for both existing data and desired outcome.

Product O is added according to:

for 201501 Product O= sum of en_count for product Y,W,N when yrmnth=201501
for 201502 Product O= sum of sum of en_count for product Y,W,N when yrmnth=20150


--Existing Data
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it

--===== Create the test table with
product char(100),
yrmnth varchar(6),
en_count int,

[Code] ....

--Desired Outcome


--===== Create the test table with
product char(100),
yrmnth varchar(6),

[Code] ....

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Calculated Column Based On Case Statement Result

Dec 10, 2013

I'm new to SQL Server and would like to add a calculated column to this query from the report writer in our ERP system based on the NextFreq case statement result.

Basically, I want to create a column called service with result as follows:

If IV.meter > NextFreq then the result should be 'OVERDUE'
If (NextFreq - IV.meter) <50 then the result should be 'DUE SOON'
Otherwise the result should be 'NOT DUE'

This is the code from the current report writer query:

Select IV.item, IV.meter, isnull(,0)as name, case when whh.meterstop is null then 0 end meterstop, whh.rejected, Case when cast(meterstop as int) > 0 then cast(meterstop as int) when meterstop is null then isnull(IV.meter,0) else isnull(IV.meter,0) end EndMeter, ISNULL(CAST(SUBSTRING(,1,4)as int),0) as LastFreq,
case when whh.rejected = 1 then ISNULL(CAST(SUBSTRING(,1,4)as int),0) when ISNULL(CAST(SUBSTRING(,1,4)as int),0) = 0 then 100 when ISNULL(CAST(SUBSTRING(,1,4)as int),0) = 100

[Code] ....

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Analysis :: Increase Size Of Calculated Column In Cube

Aug 21, 2015

Where we have increase the size of the calculated column in cube..whether in attribute  or some where else...

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Power Pivot :: DAX Calculated Column Formula Using SEARCH

Oct 30, 2015

I have written a simple DAX calculated column formula using SEARCH and got an error: It tells the text "PWP" cannot be found but as you can see the screen shows this text exsist within "Promotional Claim"The same happens when I try FIND function.

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Power Pivot :: Lookup Inside Calculated Column

Oct 13, 2015

My simplistic data model looks like this: 


Spread Product Sales Channel ..

2 x CB ..
2 y CB …
4 x GFR ..
4 y GFR ..

I need a column with Spread Mapping, which should look like this:

->There are more columns in data model. 
-> Spread for GFR is wrong so it must be mapped to be able to compare with CB

I guess there should be calculated column formula to calculate Spread Mapping. How to do it?

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Hide Calculated Column In Matrix Report And Show Only In Total

Sep 25, 2007

Hi All,

I need to show the Cumulative calculated value only in Total by year/Group. I could not use Visibility expression using

InScope, as it creates *Blank column. Please go thru details below.

Month01 02 03 Total
Salary Salary Salary Salary Cumulative (Calc)

Employee01 20 5 25 25
Employee02 10 10 20 45

How can i achieve this?. Any suggestion on this would be appreciated.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Calculated Time Difference Column In Create Table

Jul 14, 2015

How to include a time difference column using 2 other date columns during creation of a table ?

The requirement is to create a table and include the following columns:

1.Downtime start date & time
2.Downtime end date & time
3.Downtime Duration in hh:mm (calculated date difference between column 1 and 2)

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How To Add A Calculated Column In Report Builder Using A Model Based On A SSAS Cube

Mar 21, 2007

I am trying to add a calculated field / column in Report Builder when working with a Report Model built from anAnalysis Services Cube. I can create the calculated Field/Columns, but I get an error whenever I try to use it in a report.

Is there a way to create a report builder calculated column on report models built from a SSAS cube? Is this supported?


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Power Pivot :: DAX - Lookup Scalar Text Value With A Filter In Calculated Column

Jun 23, 2015

In a calculated column I am trying to get a scalar text value from a lookup to another table. This works quite well when getting numerical values with the following formula:

=MinX(Filter(LookUpTable;LookupTable[from]<=MySourceTable[Day] && LookupTable[to]>=MySourceTable[Day]);LookUpTable[numericalColumn])

But as soon as I substitute the numerical column by a string column, #error results.

I also want to mention that the above query yields only one row as a result. It should be simple to return the value of one of the columns but after searching for quite some time, I could not find any function for that.

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Reporting Services :: Adding Calculated Column To Series Group In The Chart?

Jun 11, 2015

I want a report that displays selected year quantity sales and previous year sales quantity and their quantity difference.

i also want to display a chart like I added year to the series group but i don't know how to add difference to the series group.

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Power Pivot :: Running Rank Calculated Column That Obeys Context Filters

Jul 13, 2015

I am looking to add a column to one of my tables that displays a running rank of how many times a customer has ordered in a given period. 

I currently have such a column however this column ranks against ALL of the orders that a customer has placed and ignores filters, whereas I need one that ranks based on the filters that are active at any given time. 

The current formula is:

CustOrderCountPersistant=RANKX(FILTER('Q1 Data Set',[k1_customer_id]=EARLIER([k1_customer_id])),[order_id],[order_id],1,DENSE)

For example, if I am looking at a full years worth of data and a customer has placed 10 orders in that period this formula will add a 1 in the column for first order, a 2 for the second and so forth all the way to 10, the last order. 

However it will give me exactly the same results if I filter the data to just one month of that year where they may have order only 2 orders. 

In this scenario I want to have another column with a table that is filter sensitive and would show 1 for the first order and 2 for the second order. 

Now, I do understand that the issue here is probably the FILTER() I have on as, if I understand correctly, that means all other filters are ignored. My attempts at reworking the formula to remove this have been unsuccessful (such as using a CALCUALTE and trying to use filter properties within that forumula).

To explain the context - I want to create a measure that counts how many customers have placed x amount orders in y number of days e.g. how many customers have placed 2 orders in 30 days.

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Add Calculated Field In Order Table Based On Price Column In Product Table

Nov 18, 2014

I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?

this query returns the values i want in the table.

select a.quantity * b.price
from tblCustomerPurchases as a
join tblProduct as b
on a.ID=b.ID

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SQL 2012 :: Calculated Columns Conditional On Calculated Columns Multiple Tables

Apr 20, 2014

I have 4 tables involved here. The priority table is TABLE1:

000001235 04/14/2014 335 A0A00 605
000001234 04/14/2014 243 A0A01 243
000001236 04/14/2014 425 A0A02 500

TRANAMT being the amount paid & TOTBAL being the balance due per the NAMEID & RMPROPID specified.The other table includes a breakdown of the total balance, in a manner of speaking, by charge code (thru a SUM(OPENAMT) query of DISTINCT CHGCODE

000001234 04/01/2014 400 A0A01 ARC 0
000001234 04/05/2014 -142 A0A01 ARC 228
000001234 04/10/2014 15 A0A01 ALT 15


Also with a remaining balance (per CHGCODE) column. Any alternative solution that would effectively split the TABLE1.TRANAMT up into the respective TABLE2.CHGCODE balances? Either way, I can't figure out how to word the queries.

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Updating Column In A Dataset Not Working

Aug 8, 2006

Hi all,
I'm trying to update various rows in my DB with a new value once an action occurs.  I am using the following code which does not throw any exceptions, but also does not change the values.  Can someone steer me in the right direction?
public static void ChangeRefCode()
SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectDB.getConnectString());
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapt = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Posting",dbConn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

SqlCommandBuilder sqBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapt);
dataAdapt.Fill(ds, "Posting");
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Posting"].Rows)
dr["ref_code"] = DateTime.Today.Ticks + "-" + dr["poster"].ToString();
dataAdapt.Update(ds, "Posting");
catch (Exception ex)

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UpdateText() Not Working Correctly On Ntext Column

May 25, 2006

I'm trying to run the following SQL against my ntext column, Testtbl.Task I want to replace where the ampersand sign got HTML encoded to  "&amp;", and I want to strip it down to only the ampersand sign and deletethe "amp" and the ";".It executes, but I still have the HTML encoding for the ampersand sign if the issue is NOT the first character in the ntext column.  If it's the first part of the ntext column, then it works.

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Export Column Tarnsformation Is Not Working Properly

Sep 28, 2007

i have a table having two column say columnA and columnB.columnA(text datatype) contains the data that is to written in a file and columnB(nvarchar datatype) contains the filepath.

but while configuring the export column tranformation, in the export column field i am getting the list of both the colums. here i am choosing columnA but in the file path name column i am not getiing the name of the column which contains the file name.

can anyone help me regarding how to configure the file path name column in export column transformation. from where we ll get the file path name.

in control flow, i have used only dataflow component and data flow tab i have used oledb source-->export column transformation-->oledb destination.

please help in configuring the export column transformation.
thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why SELECT AVG(column) From Table Is Not Working In Jet Database?

Feb 10, 2007


VB 2005 Express
Jet/Access database

One of the Forms of these application display a Jet database table. Why querries Min, Max, Avg do not work?


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DISTINCT Not Working To Eliminate Duplicate Column Names

Feb 28, 2008

In my employee table has the following fields empid, empFname, empLname, email, city
Say it has data like follows:
1, Lucy, Sam,, city1
2. Sam, Wite,, city2
3. Laura, Mac,, city2
4. Stacy, Soo, , city1
So in my case I want to show all the column but I want to eliminate multiple email addresses.  I tried Distinct but its not workin because here every column is not distinct.  So what should I use?
In my case I only want to show empID 1, 3, 4.  I want to show all the columns

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Table Census Data - Summary Column Not Working

Jul 4, 2014

I have a table census data containing the number of people having ages ranging from 0 to 120 years. Year 0 is in a column called F_0 and year 120 is in a column called F_120 with everything in between.

For example, when I create a script for the table the column for year 0 appears as: [F_0] [numeric](38, 8) NULL

I've already created 2 summary columns (people 0 to 18 years old and people 19 to 59 years old).

I follow the same methodology to create a summary table for people from 60 to 100 years old, but all the calculated values are NULL.

So the following is successful:
[Under_19] AS (((((((((((((((((([F_0]+[F_1])+[F_2])+[F_3])+[F_4])+[F_5])+[F_6])+[F_7])+[F_8])+[F_9])+[F_10])+[F_11])+[F_12])+[F_13])+[F_14])+[F_15])+[F_16])+[F_17])+[F_18]) PERSISTED,

But this is not:
[Over_60] AS (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((([F_60]+[F_61])+[F_62])+[F_63])+[F_64])+[F_65])+[F_66])+[F_67])+[F_68])+[F_69])+[F_70])+[F_71])+[F_72])+[F_73])+[F_74])+[F_75])+[F_76])+[F_77])+[F_78])+[F_79])+[F_80])+[F_81])+[F_82])+[F_83])+[F_84])+[F_85])+[F_86])+[F_87])+[F_88])+[F_89])+[F_90])+[F_91])+[F_92])+[F_93])+[F_94])+[F_95])+[F_96])+[F_97])+[F_98])+[F_99])+[F_100])+[F_101])+[F_102])+[F_103])+[F_104])+[F_105])+[F_106])+[F_107])+[F_108])+[F_109])+[F_110])+[F_111])+[F_112])+[F_113])+[F_114])+[F_115])+[F_116])+[F_117])+[F_118])+[F_119])+[F_120]) PERSISTED,

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Working Samples Required Import Column Transformation

Apr 26, 2006


Do anybody have sample packages of how to use Import Column Transformation?

I couldn't make any sample package by going through the information present in the Microsoft site.

Can anybody help me out?


Sreekanth Ammisetty

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Integration Services :: ISNULL Not Working In Derived Column?

May 7, 2015

i have a derived column which contains the days of a month from 1 to 31

I have this expression for column 1:

(DT_R4)([1] == 4 ? 0.5 : ISNULL([1]) ? 0.0 : 1.0)

But the ISNULL function will not work. I am sure, there are some NULL Values in Column [1] but i get all the Time the value 1.0 back.

I need the Value 0 instead of NULL to calculate the days in an extra Column.

So that i have in the end a result column which have values for example: 4,5 or 5,5 .why ISNULL is not working?

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TEXT Data Type Column: Replacing Chars : Why Isn't This Routine Working?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi;I am trying to write a rountine ( below ) that will go into a colum oftext data type ( fae.pmcommnt ) locate the word "to" and replace it.I have the routine below. I get no error messages, but it also seemsto do nothing :).Any clues would be greatly appreciated.ThanksSteve================================================== =============declare @ptrP intSELECT @ptrP = PATINDEX('%to%', pmcommnt)from fae where projid ='00013'declare @ptrPC binary(16)select @ptrPC = TEXTPTR(pmcommnt)from faeif( TEXTVALID ('fae.pmcommnt', @ptrPC ) > 0 )print 'works'print @ptrPUPDATETEXT fae.pmcommnt @ptrPC @ptrP 2 'JJ'select projid, pmcommnt from fae

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