Calculating Time Differenc Between Text Fields
Feb 8, 2007
I am using MS SQL Server 2000.
I have 4 text fields
1. event begin date
2. event begin time
3. event end date
4. event end time
I have to find the day and time difference in months days hours and minutes between the event begin date & time and the event end date & time – The event begin date and event end date are char(8) & event begin time and event end time are char(4) – with military time. I would need to combine the event begin date & event begin time to get the event begin date & time and the same for the event end date & time.
If the values of the 4 text fields are
event begin date = ‘20070207’, event begin time = ‘2015’, event end date = ‘20070208’, event end time = ‘0105’, the difference should be 0 month 0 day 4 hours 50 minutes.
Can somebody please help with MS SQL Server 2000 syntax?
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Nov 22, 2000
Yesterday we ran into a very surprising problem: a colleague had developed a view which calculated a numbero of domain functions on an integer field (sum, count, standard deviation, average).
We were amazed to find that the view always returned an integer value for the average (not for the std dev, though). This was obviously wrong. We even tried changing the function to Sum(fld)/Count(fld) where "fld" was the fieldname, but we still got this strange curious result.
I got around the problem using the CONVERT function to change the integer value into a floating (e.g. Avg(CONVERT(FLOAT(5),fld)), but this is so strange that I'm sure we'll have the same problem again and again.
Now, can anyone tell me why the SQL engine is so incredibly stupid to presume that the average of a series of integer values is necessarily an integer???
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Aug 27, 2005
I am fairly new to this, but I need to write a query that calculates whether an order made a shipping cutoff based on creation time, and when it actually shipped, based on local customer time. All times in the table below are central time.
Heres where it gets complicated for me. If the order was created after 8:00am local customer time the same day, and shipped prior to 5pm local customer time, it would be considered a pass, or a 1. If an order was created after 8am local customer time, BUT didnt ship until AFTER 5pm local customer time, it would be considered a failure or a 0. And to complicate things even more, if the order is created after 5pm local customer time, the order create time would be treated as it was created at 8am local customer time the following day local customer time, and would need to be shipped prior to 5pm local customer time that day. Would CASE be appropriate for this? Or am I thinking wrong? Any help would really be appreciated!!
Ordernum OrderCreate OrderShipDate TimeZ
67890 5/5/2005 11:575/6/2005 15:33 EST
35789 5/5/2005 13:575/5/2005 14:19 MST
44465 5/5/2005 13:58 5/5/2005 21:58 CST
87654 5/5/2005 18:00 5/7/2005 21:58 PST
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Oct 14, 2005
I have a table called Tickets which contains ticket information for a machine. Each machine can have more than one ticket number opened at the same time. The ticket number contains start date/time and end date/time of the ticket. Thereefore the table looks something like this:
Ticket_No (int)
Machine_No (int)
Description (char)
Start_Time (datetime)
End_Time (datetime)
I want to be able to calculate total duration time(in hours) that EACH MACHINE had a ticket open...but here is the tricky part. The total duration time that a machine had ticket open has to encompas any tickets that may fall in the same time period. For example:
If Machine A has a ticket open at 8:30 and the ticket is closed at 10:00. Meanwhile, Machine A had another separate ticket open at 9:30 which was closed at 10:30. In this case, the total duration time for this machine would be from 8:30 to 10:30 for a total of 2 hrs duration time.
Can anyone help me get started in tackling this problem or provide any examples?
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Dec 4, 2013
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DigiTracker](
[DigitrackID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[contact_id] [int] NOT NULL,
-- not accurate b/c it returns 0 for all TimePerPageSec
SELECT DATEDIFF(second,min(createDt),max(createDt)) AS TimePerPageSec
FROM DigiTracker
GROUP BY contact_id, ZinePageNumber
time spent (in seconds) between each record
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi guys, I am having difficulty calculating the time duration between receiving process to shipping process.
I have a table that consists of: Order#, Processes, Time_In, Time_Out.
Order# can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
While at the same time Order# 1 can go through more than one process, i.e.: Receiving, VisualTest, MechanicalTest, ..., Shipping.
Every Order# does not necessarily goes through all processes, but surely they will go through receiving process and shipping process.
For each process we will have recorded time when the order# comes in and when it finishes with each process.
I need to calculate the length of time from Time_In from Receiving to Time_Out in Shipping.
Order# | Process | Time_In | Time_out
1 | Receiving | 2007-12-1 10:00:00.000 | 2007-12-1 10:10:00.000
1 | Incoming Q.A. | 2007-12-1 10:40:00.000 | 2007-12-1 11:42:00.000
1 | Visual Check | 2007-12-2 08:10:00.000 | 2007-12-2 11:00:00.000
1 | Shipping | 2007-12-2 11:20:00.000 | 2007-12-2 11:52:00.000
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I have a table called Bookings which has two important columns;Booking_Start_Time and Booking_End_Time. These columns are both of typeDATETIME. Given any day how can I calculate how many hours are availablebetween the hours of 09.00 and 17.30 so a user can see at a glance how manyhours they have unbooked on a particular day (i.e. 8.5 hours less the timeof any bookings on that day), can this be done with a queryor do I have to work it out in my code?Thanks for your help
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi guys, I am having difficulty calculating the time duration between receiving process to shipping process.
I have a table that consists of: Order#, Processes, Time_In, Time_Out.
Order# can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
While at the same time Order# 1 can go through more than one process, i.e.: Receiving, VisualTest, MechanicalTest, ..., Shipping.
Every Order# does not necessarily goes through all processes, but surely they will go through receiving process and shipping process.
For each process we will have recorded time when the order# comes in and when it finishes with each process.
I need to calculate the length of time from Time_In from Receiving to Time_Out in Shipping.
Order# | Process | Time_In | Time_out
1 | Receiving | 2007-12-1 10:00:00.000 | 2007-12-1 10:10:00.000
1 | Incoming Q.A. | 2007-12-1 10:40:00.000 | 2007-12-1 11:42:00.000
1 | Visual Check | 2007-12-2 08:10:00.000 | 2007-12-2 11:00:00.000
1 | Shipping | 2007-12-2 11:20:00.000 | 2007-12-2 11:52:00.000
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
2 | xxxxx | xxxxx | xxxxx
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 9, 2011
I have data in which i need to calculate employees working hours for a day...
name time in_out
manisha 2011-01-01 9:30:00.000am 1
manisha 2011-01-01 10:30:00.000 0
manisha 2011-01-01 10:45:00.000 1
manisha 2011-01-02 1:00:00.000am 0
How can i calculate time in that two dates as 1 is for entry an 0 is for exit..
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Jun 6, 2008
Hi all,
Thanks for setting up such a great site and forum.
Here is my problem:
I have a table like the following in SQL Server 2005:
order | taskid | main_person | temp_person | start_assign_date
1 | 3 | John | John | 2008-01-01 10:20:22
2 | 3 | John | Joe | 2008-02-05 15:20:22
3 | 3 | John | John | 2008-02-07 20:25:20
4 | 6 | Joe | Joe | 2008-01-01 10:20:22
5 | 6 | Joe | Mike | 2008-02-01 10:20:22
6 | 10 | Doug | Doug | 2008-01-01 10:20:22
7 | 7 | Russ | Russ | 2008-02-01 11:20:22
8 | 7 | Russ | Mike | 2008-02-08 12:20:22
9 | 7 | Russ | John | 2008-02-10 20:05:12
It was made to record who was in charge of a specific task at a specific time. Each task has its own main responsible person and some substitutes for that person as Temporary Persons (who did the task while main person was away). The Main Person's name is in the temp_person column when he is doing the task by himself.
I'd like to generate a report that shows:
- in a specific time period
- which persons were in charge of a specific task and
- for how long
Something like this:
From 2008-##-## to 2008-##-##
Task 3 - John - 15 days
Task 3 - Joe - 5 days
Task 6 - Joe - 18 days
Task 6 - Mike - 2 days
Task 10 - Doug - 20 days
I have some ideas to do that when there are both start and end dates for every record but I couldn't find a way to use the next assignment start date for each task, as the end date for its previous record (in that task group) to calculate the duration for that record.
I can group the tasks and users and put them in the chronological order but I can't indicate the next start date as the end date for the previous record (in specific task group) to use the date difference functions.
Any hint or comment would be appreciated.
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Dec 19, 2007
Hi all
As you know when you run a piece of TSQL scrypt in Query Analizer
at the bottom of the page , sql-server will show you the Time of completion of your there any way to capture this time
from SQL-Server environment and use it in the Front-End Application
to inform the user?
Kind regards.
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Dec 21, 2005
I have a data set like so:UTC_TIME Timestamp NodeID Message FlagLineStation11/19/2005 10:45:07 1132397107.91 1 3 5 1028103411/3/2005 21:05:35 1131051935.20 2 3 5 1009104311/25/2005 21:12:16 1132953136.59 3 3 5 10371049I added the UTC_TIME column in as aconversion of the unix timestamp inthe TIMESTAMP column.Keeping things simple and straightforward, I need to be able tocalculate the difference from one record to the next (ordered byTIMESTAMP or UTC_TIME) and output the result into another column in thetable.NODEID is the unique id.First, what is the function to do so if, say, I only wanted tocalculate the difference between 2 records as just a basic SELECTstatement. That way I can answer quick question based on any one or twoNODEID's.Second, how would I further that to continually calculate (as statedabove)?WOuld this be a stored procedure? A trigger? A cursor?I am learning as I go here. Any help is greatly appreciated.R.
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Nov 23, 2015
select TOP 10 rec_id,trans_id,number_id,card_no,message_id,trans_datetimefrom [dbo].[trans_log]
order by trans_datetime desc101, 1,34343, 99999, 200, 2015-11-23 12:27:25.710101,2,34343,99999,210,2015-11-23
12:27:26.710102,3,43434,88888,200,2015-11-23 12:28:26.714102,4,43434,88888,233,2015-11-23 12:28:27.710expected result:34343,99999,datediff(ss,'2015-11-23 12:27:26.710','2015-11-23 12:27:25.710') --difference between row 2 and row 143434,88888,datediff(ss,'2015-11-23 12:28:26.714','2015-11-23 12:28:27.710') --
difference between row 4 and row 3difference between row 6 and row 5...In the above query, I always want to find the difference in transaction date time between second and first row in a moving window.I have the unique id as rec_id to compare the next row with the previous row.
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Mar 17, 2008
Calculating time between two date In Sql Server 2005help me ..
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a requirement to calculate the total outage time, based on logged fault tickets, of network nodes. Basically, multiple tickets may be raised for a single node and those tickets could overlap or sequence over a given period; the task here is to calculate the total time (hh:mm) of the outage in the period.
3 tickets raised for a node outage over, say, a 48 hour period. Ticket 1 (spanning a total of 5 hours) overlaps with ticket 2 (spans 3 hours) by 1 hour; ticket 3 starts 5 hours after ticket 2 and spans 1 hour. Total outage time on the tickets is 7hrs + 1hr (T1+T2 minus the 1hr overlap) and the full time of T3.
In summary, it's calculating the total ticket time, allowing for overlaps of tickets, etc.
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Oct 29, 2015
I have a table that contains an employee id and dates signifying time periods that those employees were working. I need to calculate anniversaries, such as 20 year, which are the sum of all periods spend working projected out to 20 years. For example,
emp_idstart_date end_date
1001 1998-01-01 2003-06-21
1002 1999-05-23 2008-03-28
1001 2004-08-19 NULL
1003 2004-10-12 2006-07-25
1004 2005-04-28 NULL
1002 2008-11-02 NULL
1003 2009-05-17 NULL
The periods in which the employees were inactive (the time period between active ranges) would push back their anniversary date, obviously. I'm only concerned with employees that are currently active (ie. the most recent record has a NULL end date). I thought about trying to use datediff to calculate the time between active periods, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it.
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Dec 28, 2006
I am setting up a monitor to alert me if an SQL job has failed in the "last 20 minutes". This should run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My query looks something like this.
select * from TALMAIN.msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory where job_id = '7139D5D1-CD88-46E8-8324-5D5A0D8D3A27' and run_status <> 1 and
DATEPART(YYYY,GETDATE()) = substring(convert(char(8),run_date),1,4)and
DATEPART(MM,GETDATE()) = substring(convert(char(8),run_date),5,2) and
DATEPART(DD,GETDATE()) = substring(convert(char(8),run_date),7,2)and DATEPART(HH,GETDATE()) = substring(convert(char(8),run_time),1,2)and (DATEPART(MI,GETDATE()) - substring(convert(char(8),run_time),3,2)) <= 20.
The run_date and run_time columns in msdb..sysjobhistory are stored as integers. Tried a couple of things, but I am unable to convert both of them to datetime data type. The last conditions in the above logic hold true for only "2 digit" hour and minute values.
DATEPART(HH,GETDATE()) = substring(convert(char(8),run_time),1,2)and (DATEPART(MI,GETDATE()) - substring(convert(char(8),run_time),3,2)).
What about time values like 00:05 AM and single digit time values like 1:00 AM and 9:05 AM, for example?. I pasted some sample run_date and run_time values from sysjobhistory below.
run_date run_time
2006122821510 -- 02:15:10 AM (how to get the minute count?)
2006122821510 -- 02:15:10 AM (same as above)
20061227233014 -- 23:30:14 PM (this is strt forward)
20061227233014 -- 23:30:14 PM (same as above)
200612273016 -- 00:30:16 AM (how to get minute count?)
200612273015 -- 00:30:15 AM (how to get minute count?)
Is there a simpler logic to achieve this? Hope I was clear, else let me know. Please advise. Thank you.
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Mar 7, 2007
I'm trying to find a solution to for a report i am building and was hoping that some of you will share your expertise with me. Basically, I need to work out how long an Incident Ticket was suspended (ie it's status is "on hold").
The data is stored something similar to the following...
Ticket Date Status
------ ---- ------
333 14/03/2005 10:24:19 "to on hold"
333 14/03/2005 15:23:01 "from on hold"
334 14/03/2005 11:14:11 "to on hold"
334 14/03/2005 16:26:15 "from on hold"
335 15/03/2005 10:10:15 "to on hold"
335 15/03/2005 11:15:35 "from on hold"
335 15/03/2005 13:26:10 "to on hold"
335 15/03/2005 14:30:59 "from on hold"
335 16/03/2005 14:00:05 "to on hold"
335 16/03/2005 16:45:15 "from on hold"
336 16/03/2005 10:10:15 "to on hold"
336 16/03/2005 12:45:12 "from on hold"
This is the result i'd like to see....
Ticket Start Hold End Hold Time Suspended
------ ---------- -------- --------------
333 14/03/2005 10:24:19 14/03/2005 15:23:01 datediff(...
334 14/03/2005 11:14:11 14/03/2005 16:26:15 datediff(...
335 15/03/2005 10:10:15 15/03/2005 11:15:35 datediff(...
335 15/03/2005 13:26:10 15/03/2005 14:30:59 datediff(...
335 16/03/2005 14:00:05 16/03/2005 16:45:15 datediff(...
336 16/03/2005 10:10:15 16/03/2005 12:45:12 datediff(...
Has anybody done something along the same lines? If so, could you point me in the right direction?
Thanks in anticipation
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Jul 13, 2015
We are maintaining 3 Shifts in our database. Problem in maintaining date and time for 3rd Shift. For example, today date is 13th July and third shift timing is 11 PM - 7 AM. Then I have to display the beginning date as 13/07/2015 11 PM and end date as 14/07/2015 7 AM. Please find the data(in seconds) available in database which I need to use for my calculation.
Start time in Seconds(Hcreacion)
End time in seconds(Hcerrar)
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Mar 6, 2008
We have a proc that runs nightly which updates stats. For each database it will run dbcc updateusage on each table, then then sp_updatestats on the database itself.
This process normally takes about an hour, but recently the time has gone up dramatically.
I am looking at ways of making the run faster. One suggestion was to split the work and have it run in parrallel, with multiple procs all doing the same job but on different databases. So for example, I could have a proc that would determine which databases would take the longest to process, and then call 3 different copies of our update proc, each getting a different set of databases to process.
If I went this route, how could I determine which databases would take the longest to complete this process? I'm investigating determining this from sysindexes' rowmodctr, or maybe just database size?
Any suggestions on how I could get an estimate of which dbs would be the most costly to update stats? This is for SQL Server 2000.
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results. I have the following database structure:
Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK)
Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar)
I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields. I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view. I tried to execute the following query:
CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID
GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID)
But this gave me the error:
Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns.
I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like.
Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.
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May 20, 2014
I have a requirement to be able to calculate the transit time between international locations when I have the flight departure time and flight arrival times and departure and arrival locations.
We have a problem though, in that the datetime stored are local times, and the journeys can involve crossing the international date line in either direction, so it is possible for the arrival time to be earlier than the departure time!
To give a famous example, if you flew Concorde from London to Washington, you could depart at 10am on the 1st of June (London time) and arrive at 8.00am on 1st June (Washington time)
Even worse, you could leave Brisbane at 2.00 am on the 1st June, cross the International Date Line and arrive at San Francisco at 23:00 on 31st May!
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Jan 22, 2008
I have followed many tutorials on selecting and replacing text in text fields, varchar fields and char fields, but I have yet to find a single script that will to all 3 based on field type. Let's assume for a moment that I don't know where all in my database a certain value that I need changed resides ... i.e., the data's tablename and fieldname. How would I go about doing the following ... or more importantly, is this even possible in a SQL only procedure?1) Loop over entire database and get all user tables2) Loop over all user tables and get all fields3) Loop over all fields and determine the field type4) switch between field types and change a string of text from 'a' to 'b'Please be gentle, I'm a procedure newb.
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Sep 25, 2007
I have a data table in my project that has a "text" (not varchar) field in it. I am trying to load this field with little paragraphs of text for showing on my pages. How do I get the free text loaded into the table? The database explorer and all the data grid controls cut the text off at one line. There doesn't seem to be any way to get multiline text into this table.
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a Microsoft Access 2007 Database I've developed here that was designed for 2 users. Our CEO saw the Access Database and has added about 20 users. Since the additional users have been given access the Backend Access Database is being killed. I've moved the Data to SQL Server 2005 but there are 2 fields timestart and timeend that worked fine in Access but after moving them to SQL Server now show a datetime of 12/30/1899 7:00 AM instead of just 7:00 AM. So If I run a query to show the time schedule for 03/21/2008 I get nothing. How can I write the query so that it only looks at the time portion of those fields?
Thanks for your assistance.
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Apr 22, 2008
My group is working on a project for school and neither of us have much experience with SQL or ASP. We are pretty much just writing an SQL query to get the data in a certain date range and using ASP to write the tables with the data in it.
Our problem is the SQL database has separate fields for date and time. There is nothing we can do about this because the VB.NET program that populates the tables automatically does this. We can't figure out how to do the BETWEEN statement when they are separate fields. We can do it for a date range and it works fine. An example of what we want to do is show the data from 11:00 am on 04/01/2008 until 4:00pm 04/03/2008.
Does anyone have any idea what we can do? I really want to learn this but it's frustrating because we can't seem to get much help at school.
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May 3, 2008
question - need to store only TIME in the fields what to use ?
when i CREATE new TABLE and to store only TIME in the fields what to use
smalldatetime ?
smalltime ?
need to store only TIME like
and need to see only the TIME not 01-01-1900:06:25
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Mar 2, 1999
Hey everyone,
using SQL 6.5 sp_makewebtask in a stored procedure I want to create a
press-info file.
My query calls four fields, a datum field, two varchar fields and a text
field, it's
the field "PrText" in my example:
EXEC sp_makewebtask @outputfile=' m',
@query='SELECT Datum, Ort, Headline, PrText
FROM news
WHERE ID = 27',
@templatefile='F:EntwicklungRedaktionZeitwendenTem plates.htm'
My question: Am I limited to 255 characters in this case? After 255
characters the text is cut off and
I have only a truncated text fragment.
Is there a possibility to get the whole text without using @blobfmt (I don't
want to use this parameter because
I want to have the datum data, the varchar headline AND the text in ONE
I have tried the same as dynamic query in ASP where I have no problem to get
the whole content of the text field, but I want
to create a static file because this information will be read often, but
won't be updated frequently
and I don't want to charge the server resources to much.
Has anybody an idea? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You
Dorothee Wiethoff
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Sep 23, 2004
I'm unable to run a Union query with text fields in it. I get the following error:
'The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected at DISTINCT'
Is there no way to run a UNion statement for two tables that have text fields in them??? Please help.
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Mar 16, 2006
The Text datatype can hold several million characters
The size of a record can be no more than 8 KB in normal data.
Created a table with one text field. For some reason can only store 1K of data into it. Even if the 8K limit was a factor (which it shouldn't for a text field) I cannot add more than 1K of data into my text field. 1023 characters to be exact.
Why is SQL Server 2000 doing this and more importantly how to resolve?
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May 10, 2004
Hi, I'm sure that this is probably a really easy question to most of you, but I seem to be spending ages on it as I am new to SQL. how do I add the carraige return char between joining two text fields ie.
Thanks for your help.
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Mar 29, 2006
New to using MS SQL server!
I have a requirements DB. Before I came on board, the DB was seeded with requirements text and a requirements ID in separate columns. I've been asked to append the ID in front of the text:
Text - The user shall be able....
ID - 1.01.01.
Combined - 1.01.01.The user shall be able....
I've created the following query that displays the columns:
Should I create an UPDATE query based on this SELECT, updating the REQUIREMENTNAME column with FIELDVALUE + REQUIREMENTNAME?
Please advise - thanks!
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Jul 23, 2005
I've just gotten my data into SQL Server, and changed the connection stringon the program.There was a memo field (Access 2000) and we put that in a text field (with adefault length of 16?).Now, when displaying the data online (through asp pages), there are bigwhite-space gaps in the pages (that display the memo field data), imageshave a "double" url( are lots of place with " ".The field data has html tags in it, if that has anything to do with it.It seems like I've heard that there are issues with text fields. Is thiswhat they meant? Is there anything I can do?Thanks, JA
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