Calculating Average For Each Student And Get The Highest

Feb 12, 2013

I want to calculate average of grades of each student and get the highest one with SQL command.

I have 2 tables:


I need to calculate average of each student and then get the highest.

My try:

SELECT Students.StudentId,Students.StudentName,AVG(Grades.Grade) AS avg_grade FROM Students s JOIN Grades g ON Grades.StudentId =Students.StudentId
GROUP BY Students.StudentId, Students.StudentName

ORDER BY avg_grade
LIMIT 1 FROM Students;

I encounter problem with this code, maybe it's Completely wrong...

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Find Highest Marks In Student Table Query

Oct 9, 2007

Hi Everybody
I've one table named Student. Here is data











Now I want to write a query that displays student with subjects and marks who secured highest marks in each subject.
I want to output like this





So will anybody help me to write a sql query that acheive the same output

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Average Number Of Contact Hours Per Student

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to find out the the Average number of contact hours per student. in Reporting Services 2005. The contact hours is the in the Totaltime field

Is this formula correct

=Sum(Fields!TotalTime.Value)/Avg(Fields!TotalTime.Value) is in the =Fields!StateServices.Value Group

My groups are



SELECT Student_ind.[Student ID], ParticipantActivity.ActivityDate, School_tbl.[Studentschool Id], School_tbl.schoolID, ParticipantActivity.TotalTime,
ParticipantActivity.Services, ParticipantActivity.Activity, Student_ind.SSID, ParticipantActivity.StateCategory, ParticipantActivity.StateServices
FROM ParticipantActivity INNER JOIN
School_tbl INNER JOIN
Student_ind ON School_tbl.[Student ID] = Student_ind.[Student ID] ON ParticipantActivity.[Student ID] = Student_ind.[Student ID]


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Top 10 Servers With Highest Average CPU?

Mar 9, 2015

I have a need to create a line graph report in SSRS 2008. The report should show the top 10 servers from a group of servers with the highest CPU utilization for the last day. The report is for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2012. I have a SQL query that will return the average CPU for all of the servers in the group, with the average for each hour (24 records per server).

How can I get the top 10 servers with the highest average CPU? I think I need to create an average of the averages, then select the top 10. Here is the SQL query I have so far:

Use OperationsManagerDW
cast(vPerf.AverageValue as numeric(10,2)) as AverageCPU,


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Calculating Average With Count

May 2, 2007

Im trying to get the average Fuel Consumption for A Manufacturer that produces two or more cars, so far ive only been able to find all manufacturers Average Fuel consumption.

Heres what I have so far

Select aManufacturer.MName, avg(FuelCons)
From aCar
Join aBuilts On aBuilts.CName = aCar.CName
Join aManufacturer On aBuilts.MName = aManufacturer.MName
Group by aManufacturer.MName

This produces nearly all I want only I need to be able to get only the Manufacturers who produce two or more Cars, ive tried implementing a few Count statements but nothings working, any ideas?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculating Average For Each Record

Jul 4, 2014

How to calculate Average sal foe below scenario.

I am having tables with 12 columns as jan,feb,.......dec.

Now I want to calculate average salary for each record, but condition is that if any month salary is zero then that column also exclude from average calculation.

For example : if jan and feb column values are zero then i want to calculate (mar+apr+...+dec)/10.

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Calculating Average Number Of Patients Per Day

Dec 3, 2013

I am calculating the average number of patients per day as like this


but i am getting results as like this 5.111111111111 , 8.000000000000,1.000000000000

we don't want to get that many digits after point we want only two digits like this 5.11,8.00 or 8, 1.00 or 1.

How can i do this?

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Calculating Average By Hierarchy Level

Jul 5, 2007

Hi all,

I have a problem which needs to be sorted out immediate in Analysis service Cube. My requirement is as follows

The following data explains the average value of each employee in corresponding level.

Level1 - > E1 – (25hrs /25days) =1 hrs/day
Level2 ---------- >E2 – (125hrs /25days) = 5 hrs/day
Level3 ------------------------ >E4 – (150hrs /25days) = 6hrs/day
Level4 --------------------------------------- > E6 – (100hrs /25days) = 4hrs/day
Level4 --------------------------------------- > E7 – (75hrs/25days) = 3hrs/day
Level4 --------------------------------------- > E8 – (175hrs/25days) = 7hrs/day
Level3 ------------------------ >E5 – (75hrs/25days) = 3hrs/day
Level2 ---------- >E3 – (100hrs /25days) = 4hrs/day

I have productivity records of each day and each employee. I need to calculate avg of each last level employee productivity by monthly. Again Last level employee productivity avg must be added up with their immediate head. But, when I define a Measure Item as avg in the cube, it sums all the values of lost level employees & head and divides with number of records (normal avg).

My requirement is calculating each head avg by sum of each last level employee avgs / no of employees. If head having value, he too will be added. Again Head’s Avg will be added up immediate head.

The following calculation gives average value at each level.

Average of Level 3(E4) = > (4+3+7+6)/4 = 5 hrs/day< = (E6+E7+E8+E4)/4

Average of Level 2(E2) = > (5+3+5)/3= 4.333 < =avg(Level3(E4))+avg(Level3(E5)))/2

Average of Level 1(E1) = > (4.333+4+1)/3 = 3.111
< = avg(Level3(E2))+avg(Level3(E3)))/2

Formula for average of level :
: (Sum of Children value + Head Value of Corresponding children) / (No.of Children +1)

I want to calculate average of each employee as well as average of each level in cube (SQL Server Analysis Services).

Thanks in advance

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Problem Calculating Moving Average

Jul 20, 2005

Firstly, sorry for the long post, but I've included a fair bit ofsample data.Im doing a comparision of 10yr Bond prices and CPI adjustments, withan 18 week moving average of the CPI. I'm using a nested sub-query tocalculate the moving average, but I'm having difficulty selectingexactly 18 data points (ie When I include the 'HAVING COUNT(C1.Closes)= 18' line, I get no results).Can anyone help?-- Some sample data:CREATE TABLE Bond10 (Closes [datetime] NOT NULL ,Prices [smallmoney] NOT NULL ,)INSERT INTO Bond10SELECT '1994-01-14', 6.57 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-21', 6.53 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-28', 6.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-04', 6.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-11', 6.54 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-18', 6.89 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-25', 7.18 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-04', 7.43 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-11', 7.43 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-18', 7.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-25', 7.66 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-01', 7.96 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-08', 8.07 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-15', 8.24 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-22', 8.23 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-29', 8.45 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-06', 8.82 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-13', 8.86 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-20', 8.44 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-27', 8.75 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-03', 8.79 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-10', 8.77 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-17', 9.24 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-24', 9.63 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-01', 9.66 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-08', 9.59 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-15', 9.41 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-22', 9.56 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-29', 9.58 UNIONSELECT '1994-08-05', 9.31CREATE TABLE AvgCPI (Closes [datetime] NOT NULL ,AvgCPI [smallmoney] NOT NULL ,)INSERT INTO AvgCPISELECT '1994-01-14', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-21', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-01-28', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-04', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-11', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-18', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-02-25', 2.04 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-04', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-11', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-18', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-03-25', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-01', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-08', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-15', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-22', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-04-29', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-06', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-13', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-20', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-05-27', 1.51 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-03', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-10', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-17', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-06-24', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-01', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-08', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-15', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-22', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-07-29', 1.80 UNIONSELECT '1994-08-05', 1.80-- My query so far:SELECT A1.Closes, A1.Prices, B1.AvgCPI, SUM(C1.AvgCPI) AS MovSumCPI,AVG(C1.AvgCPI) AS MovAvgCPI, COUNT(C1.AvgCPI) AS CounterFROM (SELECT Closes, Prices FROM Bond10) A1LEFT JOIN (SELECT Closes, AvgCPI FROM AvgCPI) B1 ON A1.Closes = B1.ClosesLEFT JOIN (SELECT Closes, AvgCPI FROM AvgCPI) C1 ON C1.Closes >= A1.Closes AND DATEADD(Week,-18,C1.Closes) <A1.ClosesGROUP BY A1.Closes, A1.Prices, B1.AvgCPI, C1.AvgCPI-- HAVING COUNT(C1.Closes) = 18ORDER BY A1.ClosesDROP TABLE Bond10DROP TABLE AvgCPIExpected ResultsCloses Bon10 AvCPI MovAvg========== ==== ==== ====14-Jan-94 6.57 2.0414-Jan-94 6.57 2.0421-Jan-94 6.53 2.0421-Jan-94 6.53 2.0428-Jan-94 6.44 2.0428-Jan-94 6.44 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.044-Feb-94 6.51 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0411-Feb-94 6.54 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0418-Feb-94 6.89 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.0425-Feb-94 7.18 2.04 2.044-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 2.014-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9811-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9511-Mar-94 7.43 1.51 1.9218-Mar-94 7.44 1.51 1.8918-Mar-94 7.44 1.51 1.8625-Mar-94 7.66 1.51 1.8325-Mar-94 7.66 1.51 1.801-Apr-94 7.96 1.51 1.781-Apr-94 7.96 1.51 1.758-Apr-94 8.07 1.51 1.728-Apr-94 8.07 1.51 1.6915-Apr-94 8.24 1.51 1.6615-Apr-94 8.24 1.51 1.6322-Apr-94 8.23 1.51 1.6022-Apr-94 8.23 1.51 1.5729-Apr-94 8.45 1.51 1.5429-Apr-94 8.45 1.51 1.516-May-94 8.82 1.51 1.516-May-94 8.82 1.51 1.5113-May-94 8.86 1.51 1.5113-May-94 8.86 1.51 1.5120-May-94 8.44 1.51 1.5120-May-94 8.44 1.51 1.5127-May-94 8.75 1.51 1.5127-May-94 8.75 1.51 1.513-Jun-94 8.79 1.8 1.5310-Jun-94 8.77 1.8 1.5417-Jun-94 9.24 1.8 1.5624-Jun-94 9.63 1.8 1.571-Jul-94 9.66 1.8 1.598-Jul-94 9.59 1.8 1.6115-Jul-94 9.41 1.8 1.6222-Jul-94 9.56 1.8 1.6429-Jul-94 9.58 1.8 1.665-Aug-94 9.31 1.8 1.67Thanks,Stephen

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Calculating Average From Rows Entries..

Mar 19, 2008

Dear all,

I havea table name HISTORY_MEASURE which is a collection of different measure value issue from different mesuring device.

Values inthis table is represented as follow :

Id Name Value
1 Diameter1 0.45
2 Diameter2 1.23

3 Temperature2 123
4 Temperature2 200
5 Diameter1 0.65

Out of this table what I need to do is calculate the average value for each same [Name]. As you can see from the sample set above, the Diameter1 has 2 entries value hich gets store at different time of course.

So I I take the example of Diameter1 I need to calculate and display in a field the average results.
The result would be

Name Average
Diameter1 .....
Diameter2 ....
Temperature2 ....
Temperature1 ....

How can I perform this ?

Or could it be better to get a view of the table above which gets display as follow :

Diameter1 Temperature2 Diameter2
0.45 123 1.23
0.65 200 0

Thanks fro your help

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Reporting Services :: Add Sum - Calculating Average In A Matrix

Jun 9, 2015

I am having trouble with calculating AVG in a matrix. I have done the subtotal but I would like to know how to calculate the Average. I would also like AVA below the Total.  

Link : [URL] ....

I have also added an image oh how the matrix looks like.

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Help Needed With Calculating Average For Both Parent And Child Rows

Mar 29, 2008

I am trying to create a SSRS report that needs to show average for both parent and child rows. In the example below i need to show an average of ErrorRecAge column for Company, then for cic_Group and one grand total/avg. How can this be done from single query (as below) and using SSRS built in functions/codes? I am also curious to know if this can be done from TSQL directly (ex. something similar to running sum/total). I appreciate the help.


CustomerCorrection.Id As ParentId,

cc_company As cc_company2,

ccError.Id As ErrorId,

COALESCE(cic_Group,'Other Errors') As cic_Group,

COALESCE(cic_Code,'Unknown') As ErrorCode,COALESCE(cic_Description,'Unknown') As ErrorDescription,

DateDiff(hh,cc_entrydt,getdate())/24.00 AS ErrorRecAge


CustomerCorrection Inner Join CCError On

CustomerCorrection.Id = CCError.CustomerCorrectionId

Left Outer Join CustomerImportControl On

cic_code = ce_errno

Where cc_company = 'IWA' And CustomerCorrection.Id In (129,1004,3228)

Order By CustomerCorrection.Id

That Returns
129 IWA 992 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 399.500000
129 IWA 1089 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 399.500000
129 IWA 1760 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 399.500000
1004 IWA 952 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 365.333333
1004 IWA 1853 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 365.333333
3228 IWA 10 Other Errors Unknown Unknown 329.375000

Here is my temp workaround:

Select a.*,b.*




cc_Company, Count(Distinct CustomerCorrection.Id) as RecCount, Avg(DateDiff(hh,cc_entrydt,getdate()))/24.00 As RecAge



Group By cc_Company

) As a

Inner Join



cc_company As cc_company2,

COALESCE(cic_Group,'Other Errors') As cic_Group,

Count(Distinct ccError.Id) As ErrorRecCount,

AVG(DateDiff(hh,cc_entrydt,getdate()))/24.00 As ErrorRecAge


CustomerCorrection Inner Join CCError On

CustomerCorrection.Id = CCError.CustomerCorrectionId

Left Outer Join CustomerImportControl On

cic_code = ce_errno

Group By cc_company, COALESCE(cic_Group,'Other Errors')

) as b

On a.cc_company = b.cc_company2

Order By cc_Company,cic_group

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Calculating Average Count By Day / Week / Month / Quarter / Year

Aug 18, 2014

I need developing a query to get the average count by the following:

Day - use daily info for the last ??? days

Weekly - average
- Add all days and divide by 7
- As of Saturday midnight

Monthly - average
- Add all days and divide by days in the month
- As of last save on last day of month

Quarter - average
- Add all days and divide by number of days in the quarter
- As of last day of quarter

Year - average
I don't have requirements for year as of yet.

How can I get the avery count per these timeframes?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Calculating Average Read / Write Latency Across Instance Using Counters

Apr 27, 2015

How you would calculate the average read/write latency experienced by a SQL Server instance during a specific time window in order to monitor this for multiple instances. From this MSDN blog, I know that you have to take multiple samples and do some calculations to get the correct latency.

[URL] ...

However, the SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats object tracks these numbers per resource pool and we want to get one number for the whole server. Since there can be a different base value for each resource pool, you can't simply sum the numerator values together. Here's some sample data from a server that illustrates the problem.

object_name counter_name instance_name cntr_value cntr_type
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) default 307318919 1073874176
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) Base default 25546724 1073939712
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) internal 2045730 1073874176
SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats Avg Disk Read IO (ms) Base internal 208270 1073939712

I'm thinking I would need to do some sort of weighted average, but I'm not sure if that will result in the correct value. Here's the formula I am thinking about using currently before doing the calculation over time

((default * default[base]) + (internal * internal[base]))/(default[base] + internal[base])

Then to do the calculation over time, I'd use the changes in the calculated numerator and denominator to get the average.

Does this sound like to correct way to get this value? Is there a good way to verify?

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Reporting Services :: Calculating Average Amount Of Working Days In A Month - SSRS 2005 Matrix

Jun 22, 2015

I have got this matrix and I am trying to calculate the average amount of working days in a month. At the moment, I have divided the total number of jobs by 21 for every month which is a hard coded value. However, I am not sure how to retrieve this value dynamically. Is there any formula that can find out the working days?

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Analysis :: Calculation Of average Using DAX AVERAGE And AVERAGEX

Jun 21, 2015

Calculation of an average using DAX' AVERAGE and AVERAGEX.This is the manual calculation in DW, using SQL.In the tabular project (we're i've noticed that these 4 %'s are in itself strange), in a 1st moment i've noticed that i would have to divide by 100 to get the same values as in the DW, so i've used AVERAGEX:

Avg_AMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMP]/100)
Avg_AMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_AMPdollar]/100)
Avg_FMP:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMP]/100)
Avg_FMPdollar:=AVERAGEX('Fct Sales';'Fct Sales'[_FMPdollar]/100)

The results were, respectively: 701,68; 2120,60...; -669,441; and  finally **-694,74** for Avg_FMPdollar.i can't understand the difference to SQL calculation, since calculations are similar to the other ones. After that i've tried:

test:=SUM([_FMPdollar])/countrows('Fct Sales') AND the value was EQUAL to SQL: -672,17
test2:=AVERAGE('Fct Sales'[_Frontend Margin Percent ACY]), and here, without dividing by 100 in the end, -696,74...

So, AVERAGE and AVERAGEX have a diferent behaviour from the SUM divided by COUNTROWS, and even more strange, test2 doesn't need the division by 100 to be similar to AVERAGEX result.

I even calculated the number of blanks and number of zeros on each column, could it be a difference on the denominator (so, a division by a diferente number of rows), but they are equal on each row.

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Need An Average By Year Of An Average By Month

Feb 15, 2008

I have a temp_max column and a temp_min column with data for every day for 60 years. I want the average temp for jan of yr1 through yr60, averaged...
I.E. the avg temp for Jan of yr1 is 20 and the avg temp for Jan of yr2 is 30, then the overall average is 25.
The complexity lies within calculating a daily average by month, THEN a yearly average by month, in one statement.

Here's the original query.
accept platformId CHAR format a6 prompt 'Enter Platform Id (capital letters in ''): '

SELECT name, country_cd from weather_station where platformId=&&platformId;

SELECT to_char(datetime,'MM') as MO, max(temp_max) as max_T, round(avg((temp_max+temp_min)/2),2) as avg_T, min(temp_min) as min_temTp, count(unique(to_char(datetime, 'yyyy'))) as TOTAL_YEARS
FROM daily
WHERE platformId=&&platformId and platformId = platformId and platformId = platformId and datetime=datetime and datetime=datetime
GROUP BY to_char(datetime,'MM')
ORDER BY to_char(datetime,'MM');

with a result of:

-------------------- --
OFFUTT AFB___________US

-- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------

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Student Who Wants To Dba

Jan 10, 2005

i'm currently a student in computer information sciences, and i wanted to give my studying some more focus thus choosing dba. now i'd like to dba but be as broad as possible when i first start out my career. i know some programming languages and recently finished a C# book for doing .net development and a book for scripting. but where should i go from here? should i just start studying ms sql server? what about a microsoft certification? i'm very curious to know where the next step in my studying should be, so anyone who was in my shoes, i'd love to hear any information you have to offer. TIA

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Beginner Student PL/SQL To T-SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm finishing up a beginning SQL class where we learned on an Oracledatabase and the transition to working on SQL Server is easy. The next moreadvanced course will be in PL/SQL, but I know I will be working on SQLServer in the workplace, so my question is if I should take this course.Will I benefit from the basic philosophies that will be covered, or will itjust make a transition for me more difficult? Will it be partly a waste oftime and money and I'd be better served getting a book and self teachingmyself? I know that in a greater sense learning something isn't necessarilya waste, but I mean from the perspective of my goal of being able to use SqlServer, will this course be useful?thanks.

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Student Needs Help With Editions

Oct 18, 2007

I am starting a class on SQL Server, and my school wants me to builddb's either on campus or remotely at my home connecting to their SQLServer Enterprise.Will I be okay to use Developer Edition at home to connect with anEnterprise-licensed SQL Server on campus, to build databases,sprocs, .net apps that connect to the database stored on my school'sserver?I would rather avoid the Express edition.thanks

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A Student Would Like To Know What A Database Administrator Does.. Thank You

Jan 18, 2008

I'm a kid and I'd like to know what kind of work a database administrator does. It would be great to learn from a real database administrator how you spend your typical day at the office. What are some of your main duties? Thanks so much in advance.

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How To Find Age And Group By Student Number Like (IT%)

Aug 4, 2013

I have created a table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student](
[StudentNumber] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Name] [char](50) NOT NULL,
[Contact] [int] NOT NULL,
[Address] [char](50) NOT NULL,
[DateOfBirth] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[YearEnrolled] [int] NOT NULL,
[Year] [int] NOT NULL;

And insert the following data:

INSERT INTO Student VALUES('IT123456X', 'Ahmad Adam','05-18-1997', '33 Mangis Rod', 19970518, 2013, 1);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES('IT334455U', 'Mary Tan', '01-23-1996', '51 Koon Seng Road', 23-01-1996, 2012, 1);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES('BS123456X', 'Samuel Lee', '03-30-1997', '2 Joo Chiat Lane', 30-03-1997, 2013, 1);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES('BS234234Z', 'Nathaniel Koh', '12-08-1997', '5 Stll Road', 08-12-1997, 2013, 1);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES('BS987987F', 'Siti Faridah', '07-04-1995', '3 Duku Road', 04-07-1995, 2011, 3)

How do i calculate the age and how can i group by the StudentNumber like 'IT%'

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Transact SQL :: How To Upgrade Student Grade Only

Jun 9, 2015

We have SQL database now a days we are planing to update our students ID Records but i don't know the exact query for this. Table format is below

StudentID                          Name
500132253/Prep               Aslam
112344883/Prep               Ali
451132537/Prep               Ahmed

Now i want to update only the grade from prep to KG-1 without update the registration number only prep to kg-1. in one column there is student register number and after slash the grade.

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Need To Identify Student With Multiple Id Numbers

Jan 17, 2008

My working table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Name_ID4](

[id_num] [decimal](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[student_last_name] [varchar](30) NULL,

[student_first_name] [varchar](30) NULL,

[student_middle_init] [varchar](1) NULL

[local_student_id] [bigint] NULL,

I need to identify only the students with more than one local_student_id and the associated local_student_id's.

I can identify the students with two id's but not the associated id's





from Name_ID4

group by




having (count(*) > 1)

order by student_last_name, student_first_name, student_middle_init


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Only Max Date Record Should Be Shown For Every Student

May 25, 2015

I have a table which shows data in below format

Now I need that only the max date record should be shown for every student as shown below...

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Find 90th Percentile Scores For Each Student

Sep 15, 2006

I am stumped on a set-based approach for this one.

A cursor approach is straightforward enough, but i want to avoid that.

Here's my table:

create table StudentScores
id int primary key identity(1,1),
student_id int not null,
score int not null

with some sample data:

insert into StudentScores (student_id, score)
select 1, 10 union all
select 1, 29 union all
select 1, 50 union all
select 1, 53 union all
select 1, 45 union all
select 1, 10 union all
select 1, 29 union all
select 1, 50 union all
select 1, 53 union all
select 1, 45 union all
select 1, 88 union all
select 2, 23 union all
select 2, 54 union all
select 2, 55 union all
select 2, 34 union all
select 2, 56 union all
select 2, 78 union all
select 2, 23 union all
select 2, 54 union all
select 2, 55 union all
select 2, 34 union all
select 2, 56 union all
select 2, 78 union all
select 2, 23 union all
select 2, 54 union all
select 2, 55 union all
select 2, 34 union all
select 2, 56 union all
select 2, 78 union all
select 2, 98

What I want is, for each student, what is their 90th percentile score?

For a given single student, one possibility would be:

declare @studentid int
set @studentid = 2
select top 1 @studentid as student_id, a.score as [90th percentile score]
select top 90 percent score from StudentScores
where student_id = @studentid order by score asc
) as a
order by a.score desc

But I want this for all students, and not use a cursor.

Any ideas?


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Dose MS Sell SQlSerever With Student Rate?

Apr 4, 2006

Dose MS sell SQlSerever with student rate? If so, which website do Ibuy from?

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Attendance Records - Bulk Insert In Student Database

Apr 5, 2012

I have a csv that contains attendance records that I get daily from a 3rd party grade book solution. I need to import directly into the attend table in our student database.

Attend File-"1112","0021","404550","20120402","ABU","2300000","06","05"

The file is setup as follows, School Year, school number, student_id, absence date, absence code, course number, section number.

I need to check the student schedule to see if they are scheduled for that class when the import runs. So if they had a schedule change in the middle of the day it won't post attend to a dropped class.

I have done something similar to this before with the way I export teachers out to our grade book. I have it check the master schedule to see if the teacher is teaching at least one class, that way it won't export tutors and office staff to the grade book. I used the script below to do that but not sure who to apply it to a bulk insert.

Script Used to export teachers note last four lines, checks master
USE [GSchool]

[Code] ....

Secondly I need to check the date of the record and overwrite a record if one already exists for that exact course and section for that student, I need this because if they make changes to a previous day from absence un excused to excused I need to get rid of the unexcused by overwriting it.

One more thing that would be nice but is optional, is there a way to send log of errors on the import via email?

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Data Access :: How To Compute Student Grade In Server

Nov 21, 2015

i am having problem putting this query to calculate students grade using the condition and legend bellow.



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Transact SQL :: Retrieve Last Class Attended By The Student Using JOIN

May 14, 2015

In my query, I am showing Student Record and also want to retrieve the last class attended by the student using JOIN to the table (ClassHistory).

ID     Student_Name
1     Arindam
2     Brenda
3     Callie

ID     Class     Year
1     4           2003
1     5           2004
1     6           2005
2     4          2003
2     5          2004
3     4          2003

ID    Student_Name    Class Record
1    Arindam                   6
2    Brenda                     5
3    Callie                       4

The result is like - Arindam last class was Class 6, while Brenda was in Class 5 and Callie was in class 4.

Please note that the query will b part of a larger query and the Class record to be retrieved from ClassHistory if possible need to be retrieved through JOIN.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Calculate Attendance For Single Student For Yearly Basis

Jul 2, 2015

I have to calculate the Total number of days present and absent for a singel student.

AS of now i have 3 tables.

1.Daily attendance - Columns -[Guid][,AcademyId],[StudentId],[Date],[Status],[Reason]
2.Student details - Columns - [Guid],[FullName],[DOB],[Address]
3.Class Details - Columns - [Guid],[AcademyId],[Class],[Section],[Startdate],Enddate]

So now i have loaded all the data into the table.

I can fetch the counts for total present and absent

Query i have tried is

@StudentId Uniqueidentifier ='0B2D4D41-8D33-4D79-A981-03E0F093F458'
select A.StudentId ,A.Date,Count(Date)Total,B.Guid,

[Code] ....

AS result of this query i get the data.Present count and Absent count from date inserted in Dailyattendance tables.

SO my problem is if the student have promoted to next class then by this query it will count the before year also how do i need to calculate the count according to the Class StartDate and Enddate as i mention in the Class Details table what will be the query.

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Student Trying To Install SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition On Windows Vista

Jan 18, 2008

Has microsoft issued an update so I can install SQL 2005 DE on Windows Vista? Thank You!

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Get The Highest Value.

May 26, 2006

Hi! i have a column named number(int),ref_number(char),date(date),creator(ch ar)...what would be my query string, if posible, to get the highest value for clumn 'number'? by the way im using SQL Desktop Engine... any inputs will be greatly appreciated...thanks in advanace!

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