Calculating Total Events (query)
Jan 23, 2008
Hi. I'm trying to calculate the total number of cases that more than 4 events. This is my query:
select count(defendanteventpros.vbkey) as countcase from defendanteventpros
where exists (select * from defendanteventpros where eventid=2 and eventdate between '1/1/2007' and '12/31/2007')
having count(defendanteventpros.vbkey)>4
The defendanteventpros table has a vbkey (primarykey) eventid (type of event) and an evetndate (when the event takes place).
What I'm trying to find is how many cases had 4 or more events and were received (eventid=2 from above) between 1/1/2007 and 12/31/2007.
I keep getting a big number that I know is not correct. I would appreciate any help anyone can offer! Thanks!
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Aug 10, 2006
Hi all,
I have a table named Prescription that consists of attributes like PatientId, MedicineCode, MedicineName, Prices of different drugs, quantity of different drugs(e.g 1,2,3,10), date .
I would like to get a summary of the total number and amount of different drugs in a specific period, the total amount of each type of drug.
I kindly request for help.
Thanx in advance.
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May 22, 2015
I created a PowerPivot measure which is a ratio Ratio = Number of Events/Time calculated on 12 months. I would like the grand total to be this Rate Sum(Number Of Events)/Sum(Time calculated).
In my Pivot I have one measure which I called Value and this value can have different types depending on one attribute.For instance one attribute is number of events, an other one is time and the third one is ratio.I want to display a custom grand total simple sum for events and time and a calculation of my ratio for ratio.
For instance
201501 201502 201503 TOTAL
Number of events 8 10 10 28
Time 5 5
4 14
Ratio 8/5 10/5 10/4 28/14
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Jun 12, 2004
I am trying to calculate a whole school total tuition. I've got helped with individual tuition total which is
create proc sp_individualtuition
select c.contractNum, (c.tuition-((sum(d.discountPer))* c.tuition)) as totaltuition
from contract c, contractDiscount cd, discount d
where c.contractNum = cd.contractNum
and cd.discountNum =d.discountNum
group by c.contractNum, c.tuition
however how can i calculate the whole school total tuition (adding all the individual total tuition)?
my contract, contractDiscount and discount DDL are down below
create table contract(
contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key,
contractDate smalldatetime not null,
tuition money not null,
studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId),
contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId)
create table contractDiscount(
contractNum int not null,
discountNum char(3) not null
alter table contractDiscount
add constraint pk_contractdiscount primary key clustered (contractNum, discountNum)
alter table contractDiscount
add constraint fk_contractdiscount_contractnum
foreign key (contractNum)
references contract(contractNum)
alter table contractDiscount
add constraint fk_contractdiscount_discountnum
foreign key (discountNum)
references discount(discountNum)
create table discount(
discountNum char(3) primary key,
discountDesc varchar(100) not null,
discountPer decimal(3,2) not null
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Oct 19, 2007
Hi All,
I have to create a table like this using SSRS.
LoanStatus NoOfLoans Amouunt Percentage
Sent to Partner
Denied by Partner
Accepted by Partner
Loan Apps Pnd Disb
Loan Apps Disbursed
Table is grouped by loan status.
Percentage is calculate as NoOfLoans/TotalNoOfLoans.
Please can anyone tell me how to calculate the grand total and Percentages?
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a requirement to calculate the total outage time, based on logged fault tickets, of network nodes. Basically, multiple tickets may be raised for a single node and those tickets could overlap or sequence over a given period; the task here is to calculate the total time (hh:mm) of the outage in the period.
3 tickets raised for a node outage over, say, a 48 hour period. Ticket 1 (spanning a total of 5 hours) overlaps with ticket 2 (spans 3 hours) by 1 hour; ticket 3 starts 5 hours after ticket 2 and spans 1 hour. Total outage time on the tickets is 7hrs + 1hr (T1+T2 minus the 1hr overlap) and the full time of T3.
In summary, it's calculating the total ticket time, allowing for overlaps of tickets, etc.
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Jul 22, 2015
Calculating % of Column Total in Charts...
Doing this exercise in Excel is always very simple:
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Jul 20, 2005
I haven't a clue how to accomplish this.All the data is in one table. The data is stored by registration dateand includes county and number of students brokne out by grade.Any help appreciated!Rob
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Jun 20, 2007
Hello experts. I have been searching for anything about this but found very little. What are the events logged in SQL Server Error Logs aside from Successful/Failed Login, Backup/Restore/Recover database and, start/init sql server? Can we configure this to log other events, like CREATE or DBCC events for example? If so, how? Thanks a lot.
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Jan 28, 2006
I have a start date, end date for each event.
I want to list all events between the start and end date comes in Saturday or Sunday.
in SQL server 2005 TSQL statement.
any insights ?
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Feb 3, 2014
I am using this code for LongRunning Queries.
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed
ACTION (sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack)
WHERE sqlserver.sql_statement_completed.duration > 60000
[Code] ...
Here Instead of writing to XML file how can send an EMAIL if a query runs more than 1 minute in my server ?
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Mar 20, 2004
I would like to AUTOMATICALLY count the event for the month BEFORE today
count the events remaining in the month (including those for today).
I can count the events remaining in the month manually with this query (today being March 20):
SELECT Count(EventID) AS [Left for Month],
FROM RECalendar
(EventTimeBegin >= DATEADD(DAY, 1, (CONVERT(char(10), GETDATE(), 101)))
AND EventTimeBegin < DATEADD(DAY, 12, (CONVERT(char(10), GETDATE(), 101))))
Could anyone provide me with the correct syntax to count the events for the current month before today
to count the events remaining in the month, including today.
Thank you for your assistance in advance.
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Nov 1, 2006
We keep a database of events that are classified by severity. I've got a good, efficient query that gives me the grand total for these events. And I have a bad slow query that breaks down the information into daily totals.
My fast query will count the totals for 3213586 events in 4 seconds. The slow daily query takes about 60 seconds for each day.
Please help optimize my slow query!
------ Database schema is:
Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nuls
GMTtime (int)
GMToffset (smallint)
nameType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
descType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
nameType (varchar)
msgType (varchar)
------- The database view eventView that's used by my queries:
SELECT DATEADD([second], [time] + 60 * offset, '01/01/70') AS timeStr, msec, host, process, dbName, ptName AS point, description, rtuName AS rtu, groupName, message, type, sevInt, [time]
FROM dbo.summary
------- Fast totals query:
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]) as Events,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 1)as Low,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 2)as Medium,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 3) as High,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 4) as Low1,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 6) as Medium1,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 8) as High1,
(select count(*)
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 9) as High2
------- Slow daily query:
declare @myDay datetime
declare @begDay datetime
declare @myTable
table( myDay datetime,
Events int,
Low int, Medium int,
High int, Low1 int, Medium1 int,
High1 int, High2 int )
select @myDay = getdate()
select @begDay = convert(datetime, '10/01/2006')
while @begDay <= @myDay
insert into @myTable (myDay) values (convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
update @myTable set Events =
(select count(*) as Events
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set Low =
(select count(*) as Low
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 1
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set Medium =
(select count(*) as Medium
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 2
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set High =
(select count(*) as High
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 3
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set Low1 =
(select count(*) as Low1
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 4
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set Medium1 =
(select count(*) as Medium1
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 6
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set High1 =
(select count(*) as High1
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 8
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
update @myTable set High2 =
(select count(*) as High2
from [event].[dbo].[eventView]
where type = 'alarm' and sevInt = 9
and convert(varchar, timeStr, 101) = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101))
where myDay = convert(varchar(20), @begDay, 101)
select @begDay = dateadd(day,1,@begDay)
select * from @myTable
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Oct 12, 2006
I have a sql server express 2005 database with a table named Events with a column named Date (datetime datatype). I want a query that will display all rows that are either current or future but not past. I suspect there is a simple way of doing this. As a Newbie searching archived threads this is what I have come up with so far. I determine the number of days from present:SELECT DATEDIFF(day, Date, GETDATE()) AS NumberOfDays FROM EventsThis yields number of days from present with positive numbers in the past and negative numbers in the future. Thus setting a WHERE clause to <= 0 would limit my results to present or future events. Something like this:SELECT * FROM EventsWhere DATEDIFF(day, Date, GETDATE()) AS NumberOfDays <= 0The error message states: "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'"This feels like a clumsy way to approach this problem, but I have to start where I am.Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.
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Jun 4, 2015
I use this code in a utility procedure (for performance testing) but it is really slow.
For example, a session with three events is taking 5 seconds to complete this query:
DECLARE @xml xml=
SELECT CAST(xet.target_data AS xml)
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS xet
JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS xe
ON (xe.address = xet.event_session_address)
WHERE = @name
with data as
convert(varchar(128),convert(varbinary(128),'0x'+n.value('(action[@name="context_info"]/value/text())[1]','varchar(128)'),1)) context
, n.value('(data[@name="duration"]/value/text())[1]','int')/1000.0 duration
, n.value('(data[@name="cpu_time"]/value/text())[1]','bigint')/1000.0 cpu_time
, n.value('(data[@name="physical_reads"]/value/text())[1]','bigint') physical_reads
So, I was wondering (considering the buffer is usually only holding a few hundred events)
1. Is this the wrong way to query data from a ring buffer?
2. Is there any way to make this code quicker?
3. Is it better to target a file store rather than a ring buffer for this?
select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(0x0106000000020000000103000000010000000B0000001000000000000840000000000000003D
[Code] .....
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Jul 17, 2007
Hi all,
I am investigating using Query Notifications - a great addition BTW. I have built a test app - loosely based on MSDN example - and am running against a SQL Express 2005 server. I have the following problem:
I have start/stop buttons to enable change checking, and a hardcode query that I am using for testing. If I stop and restart I now recieve duplicate notifcations, a single change causing the OnChange event to fires twice with two different ids Repeat this and the event will fires 3 times for each change and so on.
This only happens with a running app, if I restart the app I only get a single notification so I assume I have missed a step in stopping query notifcations or reinitialisation. I have include code below:
private bool Start()
// Remove any existing dependency connection, then create a new one.
if (SqlDependency.Start(_currentConnectionString))
if (connection == null)
connection = new SqlConnection(_currentConnectionString);
if (command == null)
command = new SqlCommand(_sqlQueryString, connection);
return (true);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
private void Stop()
if (command != null)
command.Notification = null;
command = null;
if (connection != null)
connection = null;
private void GetDataSnapshot()
// Empty the dataset so that there is only
// one batch of data displayed.
// Make sure the command object does not already have
// a notification object associated with it.
command.Notification = null;
// Create and bind the SqlDependency object
// to the command object.
SqlDependency dependency = new SqlDependency(command);
dependency.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(dependency_OnChange);
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
adapter.Fill(dataToWatch, tableName);
private void dependency_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
// This event will occur on a thread pool thread.
// Updating the UI from a worker thread is not permitted.
// The following code checks to see if it is safe to
// update the UI.
ISynchronizeInvoke i = (ISynchronizeInvoke)this;
// If InvokeRequired returns True, the code
// is executing on a worker thread.
if (i.InvokeRequired)
// Create a delegate to perform the thread switch.
OnChangeEventHandler tempDelegate = new OnChangeEventHandler(dependency_OnChange);
object[] args = { sender, e };
// Marshal the data from the worker thread
// to the UI thread.
i.BeginInvoke(tempDelegate, args);
// Remove the handler, since it is only good
// for a single notification.
SqlDependency dependency = (SqlDependency)sender;
dependency.OnChange -= dependency_OnChange;
// At this point, the code is executing on the
// UI thread, so it is safe to update the UI.
lblStatus.Text = String.Format(statusMessage, changeCount);
// Add information from the event arguments to the list box
// for debugging purposes only.
lbChanges.Items.Add("Id: " + dependency.Id);
lbChanges.Items.Add("Info: " + e.Info.ToString());
lbChanges.Items.Add("Source: " + e.Source.ToString());
lbChanges.Items.Add("Type: " + e.Type.ToString());
// Reload the dataset that is bound to the grid.
if (e.Info != SqlNotificationInfo.Error)
Thanks, Nick
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Feb 23, 2004
I have events which require certain things be done several days before the event and things be done several days after the event. I attempted to use the DATEADD function to subtract 3 days from the event date. The SQL Statement I created did just that, but, it displays 3 days back from today's date.
There are 2 tables:
CalendarCategories -- Table
CalCategoryID -- int field
CalCategoryName -- varchar field
CalendarEvents -- Table
CalCategoryID -- int Field
Title -- varchar Field
StartDate -- DateTime Field
I have to perform some tasks 3 days before the event. So, TODAY, I want to see a listing of those events which are scheduled for 3 days FROM NOW.
This is my current SQL Statement:
SELECT DATEADD(d,-3,StartDate) AS [Update Payoffs & Ins], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents WHERE datepart(dd,StartDate)=datepart(dd,getdate()) AND datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate())
This SQL Statement takes TODAY'S events and gives them a date of February 20. See example of the results at
This is what I have already done relative to my calendar listings:
Specific Event Types for the Current Month :
SELECT StartDate AS [Date and Time], CalCategoryName AS [Cls Type], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents inner join CalendarCategories
on CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = CalendarCategories.CalCategoryID
where (CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 1 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 2 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 3 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 4 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 20) AND (datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate()) AND datepart(yy,StartDate)=datepart(yy,getdate())) AND CalendarEvents.ModuleID = 360 ORDER BY StartDate ASC
Specific Event Types for the Current Day:
SELECT StartDate AS [Date and Time], CalCategoryName AS [Cls Type], Title AS [Closing Description] FROM CalendarEvents inner join CalendarCategories
on CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = CalendarCategories.CalCategoryID
where (CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 1 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 2 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 3 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 4 OR CalendarEvents.CalCategoryID = 20) AND (datepart(dd,StartDate)=datepart(dd,getdate()) AND datepart(mm,StartDate)=datepart(mm,getdate()) AND datepart(yy,StartDate)=datepart(yy,getdate())) AND CalendarEvents.ModuleID = 360 ORDER BY StartDate ASC
Your assistaince is much appreciated.
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Dec 19, 2007
Hi all
As you know when you run a piece of TSQL scrypt in Query Analizer
at the bottom of the page , sql-server will show you the Time of completion of your there any way to capture this time
from SQL-Server environment and use it in the Front-End Application
to inform the user?
Kind regards.
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Aug 31, 2006
AA Guyz i want to calculate class position of students from a table.Sample data is as follows...Roll # - Name - Marks1 - ABC - 602 - DEF - 603 - GHI - 574 - JKL - 555 -MNO - 506 -PQR - 53The query should return the following result.Roll # - Name - Marks - POSITION1 - ABC - 60 - 12 - DEF - 60 - 13 - GHI - 57 - 34 - JKL - 55 - 45 -MNO - 50 - 56 -PQR - 53 - 6I want query in MS SQL Server 2000
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Feb 12, 2008
Hey all,
I have following query
select Date,
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May 2, 2007
real simple question. how would i total this query?
select source,dof,count(dof) from xentel_chk group by source,dof order by source,dof
comes out like:
NM | 20070216 | 20
NM | 20070223 | 17
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Dec 12, 2003
I need to get the Grand Total of the results of this query.
The query pulls the total customer quotes for each community in a management company and loads my DataGrid:
This query works fine for individual community totals"SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT vcName, COUNT(DISTINCT vcCustId) AS " & _
" Total FROM dbo.PropReportData WHERE cManagementCo = '" & Session("MgmtCo") & "' and " & _
" (vcEntryDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & StartDate & "', 102)) AND " & _
"(vcEntryDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & EndDate & " 11:59:59 PM" & "' , 102))GROUP BY vcName ORDER by vcName"
At first glance you would think that the following query would return the Grand Total for all communities in the management company:
Current Grand Total Query"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT vcCustID) As gTotal FROM PropReportData WHERE
cManagementCo = '" & Session("MgmtCo") & "' AND vcEntryDate >= '" & Session
("StartDate") & "' AND vcEntryDate <= '" & Session("EndDate") & " 11:59:59 PM' "
But here's the problem. If there are multiple customer quotes created for different communites, then the customer(vcCustID) is only counted once in the Grand Total Query because I have to use DISTINCT, which of course only picks up one instance of the customer.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 5, 2004
Let say I have this table in MS SQL server
table transaction(date,sales)
how to query to get result like this (date,sales,sum(sales last 7 day))
I'm thinking about using self join, but it means I must have to self join 7 times to get the total sales for the last 7 day. Is there any better way to do this? or maybe special function within MS SQL server.
note: i'm not looking for total sales per week group by each week, but total last 7 day sales for each day
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Sep 15, 2014
select col1,count(*) from client1..table1 group by col1
select col1,count(*) from client2..table1 group by col1
select col1,count(*) from client3..table1 group by col1
The results yields
I am trying to get the following result but can't figure out how to get the total in the end.
Total 22
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Sep 21, 2013
I have to write a query to get the count() of the customer who has max sales in the last 6 query is
Select Inv_Cust,Count(Inv_Cust) as Salescount From Inv_Header Group By Inv_Cust,Inv_Date Having Inv_Date Between MIN(Inv_Date) And DATEADD(MM,6,min(Inv_Date))
which gives me a result like
inv_cust ' Salescount
How can I modify my existing query to get this.
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Jun 9, 2004
Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.
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Feb 26, 2014
Very new to SQL and trying to get this query to run. I need to sum the total trips and total values as separate columns by day to insert them into another table.....
My code is as follows;
Insert Into [dbo].[CombinedTripTotalsDaily]
[Code] .....
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Oct 26, 2015
For some reason my Add Total is grey out, when i tried to add grand total using some expression.
I have two row & two column groups?
Is there any alternative or how can i enable add total? using you can see in my Attached Image
I'm using iff condition in my expression..
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Dec 18, 2013
I have a table with the Group name and Total Count by group . I need to add a 'Total' and summation of all counts at the end .
(GroupName VARCHAR(10),NumberOfCases INT
INSERT INTO #Temp Table (GroupName,NumberOfCases)
VALUES ('Grp A',10)
INSERT INTO #Temp Table (GroupName,NumberOfCases)
VALUES ('Grp B',20)
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Apr 4, 2008
I've got this
SELECT vehicleref, capID, make, model, derivative, COUNT(vehicleref) total, SUM(case when inStock=1 then 1 else 0 end) AS stock, (SELECT dealer FROM tblMatrixDealers WHERE id=dealerid) As Dealer FROM tblMatrixStock WHERE inStock = 1 GROUP BY vehicleref, capID, make, model, derivative, dealerid
I need to get the number in stock, i.e. when instock=1 and the total i.e. when instock=1 or 0
But the problem is i'm only showing records where instock=1 so my SUM(case when inStock=1 then 1 else 0 end) AS stock statement is useless.
Whats the best way to do this
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Sep 3, 2015
i am getting error for the mdx query fortotal profitis there any other way to write??????
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a query that uses a CTE which looks similar to this
WITH cte_Products AS
FROM Products
WHERE SomeColumn = @SomeVariable)
SELECT rownum,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte_Product) AS TotalRowCount
FROM cte_Product AS products
WHERE Rank <= @LastXItems
AND RowNum BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) and (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows)
The (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte_Product) AS TotalRowCount is in there because I need the total row count that is queried by the CTE. But I feel like this is an inefficient way of doing this. I would just split out the query for the total row count, but then I have to do another sub query to get the rank again since rank is calculated using the Rank method. Does anyone have any ideas of how best to do this?
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Jun 28, 2015
I have a table that writes daily sales each night but it adds the day's sales to the cumulative total for the month. I need to pull the difference of todays cumulative total less yesterdays. So when my total for today is 30,000 and yesterday's is 28,800, my sales for today would be 1,200. I want to write this to a new field but I just can't seen to get the net sales for the day. Here is some sample data. For daily sales for 6-24 I want to see 2,000, for 6-25 3,000, 6-26 3,500, and 6-27 3,500. I'm thinking a case when but can't seem to get it right.
(date_created date,
sales decimal (19,2))
INSERT INTO sales (date_created, sales)
VALUES ('6-23-15', '20000.00'),
('6-24-15', '22000.00'),
('6-25-15', '25000.00'),
('6-26-15', '28500.00'),
('6-27-15', '32000.00')
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