Blank Field Blank Field Blank Field Blank Field Blank Field Blank Field Blank Field
The user would enter the start date, in this case the 1st Jan 07 and then this would populate a table. This seems like it should be so simple but I can't work it out, can anyone help please?
I have thought about this, and I cannot in my head come up with a way to create this. Maybe I am thinking about it too much, or maybe it is this difficult and I will need a 3rd party tool.
My users have requested a SQL Reporting Services report that looks like a calendar. Each page will be one month on the calendar. And then the data will fall on the calendar according to a date field in the database. It should not be all that difficult, but I cannot think of a way to acheive this.
Has anyone tried to build a report that is basically just a calendar, and each page is a month of the calendar? If so, did you build it using the standard SQL reporting services tools, or did you purchase a 3rd party vendor?
We have developed several reports using VS 2005 and deployed them to our SQL 2005 reporting server. As most of our reports use date parameters we would like to incorporate a calendar control to allow users to select their date range as opposed to typing them in. I have done some reseach online but can only find vague references on how to do this. Has anyone out there been able to successfully deploy a calendar control onto an SQL report? Thanks!
When I preview my Reporting Services Report in VS2005 the report uses 2 separate pages. Even when there is very little data on Page 1 it will display something on Page 2.
I have had a lood through the forum but although folks seem to be having a lot of issues with layout I can't see a problem quite like this one.
We have a number of customer reports which need to be exported to PDF and to look quite smart. They are single page reports with things like address and customer info at the top, followed by the main report, all of which can have a variable number of rows. Then at the bottom is some supplementary information which can also vary quite substantially in size. All I want is for the main report to hug the top of the page and the supplementary one to hug the bottom of the page - and I only really care what it looks like in PDF format. The problem is that I can't seem to achieve this. As the area at the top expands the bottom section moves up and down the page. I'd be quite happy to set aside a fixed area at the bottom of the page for the supplementary report, but I can't even work out how to acheive that! You would think that the obvious answer would be to put it in to a footer, but for some reason you can't put data elements in to headers or footers (why?). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to find the best way to use a date parameter on a OLAP report and get the calendar pop to be used instead of a dropdown.
Whenever I change from string to datetime for the parameter I (of course) get an error about different data types, since OLAP is returning the fields as strings and formatted.
Any easy (or best) approach to use to get a calendar pop to work with an OLAP report? I am mainly doing this for date range searches and do not want people to pick from huge dropdowns for dates.
I'm trying to create a report like following format. Any idea how can I design it? 'ID', 'Title', 'Answer' and 'Comment' have to span multiple rows which will list 'Response'.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Title Answer Response Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | Q1 | B | A | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | B | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | C | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | D | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | Q2 | C | A | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | B | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | C | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | D | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am trying to change the Page size of the layout dynamically. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so can you point me in the right direction to find resources for this.
report is required to show the salary levels of employees within the company sorted by department. first page shows overall company details rest of report is to show a chart and a matrix for each department - initally did this as a top level report and a subreport - the sub-report was put inside a table - the table grouped on department - so each time the department changed, a different sub-report was generated
this worked fine - chart and matrix generated ok - but it was slow as the sub-report was calling the stored proc each time to get the same data
decided to re-do by putting the chart and the matrix into the top-level report table (instead of the sub-report) this is alot faster (takes < 10% of time) but the matrix is causing the pagination to go wrong the table has three equal size columns in it and is the width of the report (apart from margins)
if i make the matrix the width of one column (same width as it was in the subreport), it overflows when the matrix has > 5 columns
this was not happening in the sub-report
think the problem is that the matrix is expanding, it only expands the width of the column it is in - and so the table still has to draw the other two columns - which it does overflowing onto a new page
I'm working on an invoice report, that requires borders around the whole report. I've got header, footer and body in the report. In the body section, i've got a table which shows line items for an invoice. So the table grows as per the no. of lines in the invoice. As said before I've got to have border around the report. I tried put info in ractangles with borders for header/footer and table with borders in body section. The borders appears fine for headers and footer ractangles but as the table grows/shrinks, border from body section is not continuous to the footer section. i.e. For an invoice with 2 line items the borders for table will appear for two lines only but i want it to be scratched up to the footer area regardless of no. of line items in the invoice.
I've also tried to use borders for header, footer and body sections itself rather than using ractangles. But then when i export the report to pdf and print from pdf, it looks fine but when i tried to print from report manger its missing right hand side border for page header, footer and body. I've made sure there is enough margin around report. Report body/header/footer are 19 cm wide that's mean the report still have 2 cm of space for margins. The left/right margin are 0.5 cm.
I've been trying to do various things for last 2 weeks but not getting anywhere. Can i anyone please help into this?
I'm trying to deal with a way to change the report parameter's default layout.
currently it seems to default to two columns, that's fine until you have a large screen and the "View Report" button is all the way to the right and you have a big chunk of whitespace.
For Example: Parameter 1 Parameter 2 <View Report> Parameter 3
I'd like it to show up instead as: Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 <View Report>
I have been trying to adjust the report regions fit into the whole report page. I could see the width and height property of the whole report page from the report property dialogue, but where can I find the width and height for the particular report region like the table? Then I could accordingly adjust the layout of both the report page and report region like table?
I am using SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services and Reporting Services with Visual studio 2005 Professional Edition. I have developed couple of reports in visual studio 2005 environment using report server project of business intelligence projects. In one of my report I am using MDX query which is created using Query Builder of Report wizard. Once I finished with report wizard a report created and shown with data, layout and preview tabs. I can preview the report. But, when I click on data tab there is no MDX query exists. After that I can't even preview the report.
I have a report that looks and works fine in the native 'screen layout' but when I select the Print Layout option, a blank page is inserted after each page. These blank pages contain the header and footer, but not the body section of the report. Has anyone else seen this sort of thing? Is there something in my report layout causing this, or is it a bug in the Print Layout rendering?
I'm using Cube.My DimDate tables Datekey is integer .But client wants a calendar to set date as you see in picture .how can I change calendar value  which will be input by user.
Since SP2 was installed on our SSRS server a couple of days ago, reports viewed in the client Report Viewer control (with or without VS SP1) show a black background when in Print Layout Mode. All other rendering options work fine. Anyone else seen this? Any clues how to fix?
I am trying to create a calendar style report that will have 12 months (as columns) and store opening listing in rows. I have created a matrix, but the problem that I have is that the store opening listing displays in the right period, but they are not in any order. I would like to have the openings always on top, right under the header in the matrix. Now I have them scattered randomly all over the matrix. I tried numerous way of sorting and that does not work.
I am attaching a sample of what I would like to accomplish (months are columns).
I designed a report in reporting services 2005. When i look at the view layout for the report everything is aligned correctly but if i go to print preview one matrix is shifted up or down. I have tried to put the matrix inside a rectangle but the issue is still present. Does anyone know why this is happening or any suggestions on what to do to fix it.
I'm developing a site in and one of the main parts is to manage a timesheet. Now the problem i'm facing is; how do I save this timesheet in a database in a way that it's easy to save and easy to query from. I'm thinking about problems as i.e. 1st of a month is middle of the week, so I can't save it like this:
Hello there I'm having a little issue with Updating a SQL Table. *Deep Breath* OK, lets begin from the start... I Have a Table Called Job. I've an ASP Page setup to insert a new record into the Job table via a DetailsView Control with an SQLDataSource bound to it. This table has many columns in it, 4 of which are DateTime columns. I use a calendar Control from the toolbox for the DateTime selection and bound all the Calender control's SelectedDate to: SelectedDate='<%# Bind('EnteredDate') %>' using the EnteredDate field as my example. I only insert DateTime Values into 2 of the 4 DateTime columns in the original INSERT, so the remaining 2 columns are NULL. I have an UPDATE setup on a different page to edit the previously inserted rows in job using another SQLDataSource again using the bind method for calendars: '<%# Bind('RevisedDate') %>' My Problem is (according to this post I found online ) the page crashes with "Specified cast is not valid". The reason being I'm trying to bind to the remaining 2 NULL DateTime columns in an attempt to update them with a value my user will not be able to insert in the original INSERT. The solution Code I found on the link above is in VisualBasic and I have had little luck in trying to convert it into C# to even see if it solves my problem: VB Code: Function FixDBNull(ByVal inVal As Object) As DateTime If inVal Is DBNull.Value Then Return DateTime.Now Else Return inVal End IfEnd Function ASP Code: <asp:calendar id="calEditRevisedDate" runat="server"selecteddaystyle-backcolor="red"selecteddate='<%#FixDBNull(eval("RevisedDate")) %>'visibledate='<%# FixDBNull( eval("RevisedDate")) %>'selectorstyle-backcolor="Green"></asp:calendar> Any suggestions or work arounds would be greatly appreciated Thank You
I have 2 dropdownlist and a gridview. The dropdownlists filter the gridview, but now I have added two calendars and two textboxes. After user makes selections from the calendar the text boxes are populated with the dates. How do I add this to the following select parameter so that the filtering/querying works properly? (what I have here does not work in terms for the dates, but dropdownlists filter when I remove the dates section):<asp:SqlDataSource ID="DATA" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DATA_Connection %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [atable] WHERE(afield=@param1 or @Param1='Select something' or((CONVERT(char(10), adate, 101)>=@param3 AND CONVERT(char(10), bdate, 101)<=@param4)) AND(bfield=@Param2 OR @Param2='Select something' or((CONVERT(char(10), adate, 101)>=@param3 AND CONVERT(char(10), bdate, 101)<=@param4))" UpdateCommand="Update atable set afield=@afield, bfield=@bfield where id=@ID" > <selectParameters> <asp:controlparameter name="param1" controlid="DropDownList1" PropertyName="SelectedValue" type="String" /> <asp:controlparameter name="param2" controlid="DropDownList2" PropertyName="SelectedValue" type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="param3" ControlID="Textbox1" PropertyName="Text" Type="string" /> <asp:ControlParameter Name="param4" ControlID="Textbox2" PropertyName="Text" Type="string" /> </selectParameters>
Hi Everyone. I’m trying to read data from a databasefile called database.mdf which has a connection string called “ConnectionString1�. The aim is to highlit specific days in my calender. For example if there is an event in my database that day on the calander will be highlited. The database has a columb called “Date� in a table called “Dates�. Please can you help? My knowlade in and VB is very limited. This is as far as I have gone. (I don’t realy understand the VB part as I have copyed it from somone) I just need the vb code to connect to the database.
Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDb Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayRenderEventArgs) If IsExistMeeting(e.Day.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")) Then e.Cell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red e.Cell.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow End If End Sub Function IsExistMeeting(ByVal datestring As String) As Boolean Dim constr As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ConnectionString.ToString() '"your connection string" Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constr) Dim sqlsel As String = "select count(*) from Dates where CONVERT(char, date, 101)='" + datestring + "'" Dim sda As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlsel, connection) Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet() sda.Fill(ds, "Dates") If ds.Tables("Dates").Rows.Count = 0 Then Return False End If Return True End FunctionEnd Class
I'm looking for a function that will return an INTEGER that computes the number of days between two dates based on a 360-calendar year instead of using just the datediff function which is actual days.
If anybody knows where I could find something like this, I would be greatly appreciated.
Does this site have a library of user-defined sql functions? Or, does somebody have a site that you know of where there are a bunch?
i have inherited a sql database to work on and cannot seen to fix this error. its an availability calendar and at the end of each month a new month is generated, it by default makes all dates unavailable but i need them available. is this done in the database as a default??if a member has logged in recently then the avails populate fine but if they have not logged in for a while then they all show unavailable? i