I have a function that I need to call from an execute sql task. I want to bind the return value from the function to an ssis variable.
Can someone please show me an example of what the function syntax needs to look like in order for this to work? I know that with sp's, you need to explicitly state the column names.
CREATE PROCEDURE fts_insert_service_tasks( @status_no int output, @status_text nvarchar(255) output, @fts_employee char(100) , @fts_SCCode bigint, @fts_TaskDescription ntext) AS
declare @str_err nvarchar(255) declare @err_no int
set @err_no=0
if ( isnumeric(@fts_SCCode) = 0 ) begin set @str_err ='The fts Sccode is not a number' set @status_text = @str_err set @err_no=@err_no+1 return end
if ( @fts_SCCode = '' ) begin set @str_err ='The fts Sccode can not be null ' set @status_text = @str_err set @err_no=@err_no+1 return end
if ( len(@fts_employee) > 100) begin set @str_err ='Maximum Employee length allowed is 100 characters' set @status_text = @str_err set @err_no=@err_no+1 return end
if ( @fts_employee = '' ) begin set @str_err ='The employee fiedl can not be null' set @status_text = @str_err set @err_no=@err_no+1 return end
if (@err_no=0) begin
INSERT INTO fts_ServiceTasks (fts_employee , fts_Sccode, fts_taskdescription) VALUES(@fts_employee, @fts_SCCode, @fts_taskdescription)
set @status_no=0 set @status_text = 'Add Service Task Ok' end
begin set @status_no=@err_no set @status_text = @str_err end GO
and I called it from the ASP
<%function Add_Service_Task(fts_employee,fts_sccode, fts_TaskDescription) cm.ActiveConnection = m_conn cm.CommandType = 4 cm.CommandText = "fts_insert_service_tasks" cm.Parameters.refresh cm.Parameters(3).Value = fts_employee cm.Parameters(4).Value = fts_sccode cm.Parameters(5).Value = fts_TaskDescription on error resume next cm.Execute if cm.Parameters(1)=0 then exec_command=cm.Parameters(2).Value else call obj_utils.ErrMsg(cm.Parameters(2).Value,3000) Response.End end if if err.number <> 0 then call obj_utils.ErrMsg("System error at " & err.number & err.Description & ", please contact the administrator", 5000) Response.End end if Add_Service_Task=exec_command end function%>
I test with SQL 2k, Win2k3 OK But with Win2k i got:
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E30) Type name is invalid. /fmits/classes/cls_servicecall.asp, line 256
I am trying to use SSIS to update an AS400 DB2 database by calling a stored procedure on the AS400 using an OLE DB command object. I have a select statement running against the SQL Server 2005 that brings back 20 values, all of which are character strings, and the output of this select is piped into the OLE DB command object. The call from SSIS works just fine to pass parameters into the AS400 as long as the stored procedure being called does not have an output parameter defined in its signature. There is no way that I can find to tell the OLE DB command object that one of the parameters is an output (or even an input / output) parameter. As soon as one of the parameters is changed to an output type, I get an error like this:
Code Snippet
Error: 0xC0202009 at SendDataToAs400 1, OLE DB Command [2362]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF.
Error: 0xC0047022 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Command" (2362) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
Error: 0xC0047021 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
Information: 0x40043008 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043009 at SendDataToAs400 1, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Task failed: SendDataToAs400 1
Warning: 0x80019002 at RetrieveDataForSchoolInitiatedLoans: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
Warning: 0x80019002 at Load_ELEP: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "Load_ELEP.dtsx" finished: Failure.
I really need to know if the call to the AS400 stored procedure succeeded or not, so I need a way to obtain and evaluate the output parameter. Is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do? Any help is appreciated.
I'm having a hard time to getting back an xml data back from a stored procedure executed by an Execute SQL task.
I'm passing in an XML data as a parameter and getting back resulting XML data as a parameter. The Execute SQL task is using ADO connection to do this job. The two parameters(in/out) are type of "string" and mapped as string.
When I execute the task, I get the following error message.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "dbo.PromissorPLEDataUpload" failed with the following error: "The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 2 ("@LogXML"): Data type 0xE7 has an invalid data length or metadata length.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I also tried mapping the parameter as XML type, but that didn't work either.
If anyone knows what's going on or how to fix this problem please let me know. All I want to do is save returning XML data in the parameter to a local package variable.
I write a simple StoreProcedure, but it shows error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to float.", please help with thanks: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.getLastQID @lastQID nvarchar(50) OUTPUTAS SELECT @lastQID=Str(Max(QID)) FROM Questions RETURN @lastQID
Hi everyone,I have a problem. The problem is my local database which I have to transfer from local to server. I can transfer all my table but I cant transfer my all Sp.Please Somebody help me.What I can transfer all my database from local to server.I real need help.
can u give me some idea how to make Sp who having two variables as a parameter having values seperated by "," now thses vaues have to insert in to two tables tbColor .... colorname,product_id and tbSize.......sizename,product_id thanksss
Hi,I am written a store procedure that would access four tables and grab appropriate fields.. I am using JOIN functionality because it can have multiple rows. ( The goal is: )Step 1: User can search by ID or MEMBER_ID or both .. grab all the data from mainTable based on the search. WORKS.Step 2: TABLE 2 (userTable table) get EMAIL for each record that was grabbed.. based on the ID. WORKS.Step 3: TABLE 3 and TABLE 4.. I am having some problems combing into the query.. how to add multiple JOINS… Is it safe? Please see below what data needs to be combined into the query.--Code works for Step 1 and 2.declare @ID varchar(20), @MEMBER_ID varchar(20) set @ID= null --testing data.. set @MEMBER_ID ='15552' –testing data.. Select MainTable.REFNO,MainTable.ID,mainTable.MEMBER_ID,userTable.EMAILFROM mainTableLEFT JOIN userTableON mainTable.ID = userTable.IDWhere (mainTable.ID = @ID OR @ID IS NULL) and(mainTable.MEMBER_ID = @MEMBER_ID OR @MEMBER_ID IS NULL)TABLE 3: (works by itself)SELECT SR.COMPANY, SR.LOCATION_NOFROM SI INNER JOIN SR ON SI.SR_ID = SR.SR_IDWHERE SI.ID = MainTable.ID)ORDER BY SR.DATE_RECEIVED DESCTABLE 4: (works by itself)I will be retrieving LOCATION_NO from SR table and comparing the value to the below query: for each record that was found in the mainTable.select LOCATION_NAME from locationwhere LOCATION_NO= SR.LOCATION_NO Please help me solve this.. Thank you
This is an issue with calling a stored procedure, which calls a function.this input parameter of the function is a list nvarchar.where i am giving the input like : 1,2,3,4,8 here for the corresponding id's 1,2,3,4,8i wanna take all the details and displaying it ina crystal report........ CREATE FUNCTION iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl (@list nvarchar(MAX)) RETURNS @tbl TABLE (number int NOT NULL) ASBEGIN DECLARE @pos int, @nextpos int, @valuelen int SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1 WHILE @nextpos > 0 BEGIN SELECT @nextpos = charindex(',', @list, @pos + 1) SELECT @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0 THEN @nextpos ELSE len(@list) + 1 END - @pos - 1 INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES (convert(int, substring(@list, @pos + 1, @valuelen))) SELECT @pos = @nextpos END RETURNEND create proc [dbo].[Comparison](@ProductVersionID VarChar(50))asbeginselect PV.Productversionname, F.FeatureID, F.Title, F.description, F.Modifieddate,PVF.IsPresent, FG.Title from features F,ProductVersionFeatures PVF, productversion PV, Featuregroup FG where F.FeatureID = PVF.FeatureID and PVF.productversionid = PV.ProductVersionID and iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl(@ProductVersionID) i ON PVF.productversionid = i.numberendThis is my Storeprocedure, where i am calling a function in this stored procedure but when i am trying to execute the Sp, i am facing an error liek this :Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Procedure Comparison, Line 4'iter$simple_intlist_to_tbl' is not a recognized built-in function name. can any body please help me why this is hapenig, how can i solve this issue
i am trying to write a store procedure which inserts data from flat file to table but i want to align the rows for data transformation, like which column should be transferred to which column on the existing table. can anyone help me with this..i know how to do it thru DTS or SSIS but just want it in script...
I am producing a php report using SQL queries to show the SLA status of our calls. Each call has response, fix & completion targets. If any of these targets are breached, the whole SLA status is set as 'Breach'.
The results table should look like the one below:
Logged Date
Call Status
SLA Status
Approval for PO€™s not received
05-01-06 14:48
PO€™s not published
06-01-06 10:21
Approval for PO€™s not received from Siebel.
05-01-06 14:48
Whereas I can pick the results for the first 6 columns from my Select query, the 'SLA Status' column requires the following calculation:
The problem is that my query is returning multiple entries for each stage of the call (see below), whereas I just want one entry for each call, with SLA status 'Breach' if any of the stages for the call were out of SLA.
Logged Date
Call Status
SLA Status
Approval for PO€™s not received
05-01-06 14:48
Approval for PO€™s not received
05-01-06 14:48
Approval for PO€™s not received
05-01-06 14:48
Any help will be much much appreciated, this issue has been bothering me for some time now!!!
I have a package that I have been attempting to return a error code after the stored procedure executes, otherwise the package works great.
I call the stored procedure from a Execute SQL Task (execute Marketing_extract_history_load_test ?, ? OUTPUT) The sql task rowset is set to NONE. It is a OLEB connection.
I have two parameters mapped:
tablename input varchar 0 (this variable is set earlier in a foreach loop) ADO. returnvalue output long 1
I set the breakpoint and see the values change, but I have a OnFailure conditon set if it returns a failure. The failure is ignored and the package completes. No quite what I wanted.
The first part of the sp is below and I set the value @i and return.
Why is it not capturing and setting the error and execute my OnFailure code? I have tried setting one of my parameter mappings to returnvalue with no success.
This is my function, it returns SQLDataReader to DATALIST control. How to return page number with the SQLDataReader set ? sql server 2005, asp.net 2.0
Function get_all_events() As SqlDataReader Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("...........")) Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("EVENTS_LIST_BY_REGION_ALL", myConnection) myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim parameterState As New SqlParameter("@State", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2) parameterState.Value = Request.Params("State") myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterState)
Dim parameterPagesize As New SqlParameter("@pagesize", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterPagesize.Value = 20 myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPagesize)
Dim parameterPagenum As New SqlParameter("@pageNum", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterPagenum.Value = pn1.SelectedPage myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPagenum)
Dim parameterPageCount As New SqlParameter("@pagecount", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterPageCount.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPageCount)
myConnection.Open() 'myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) 'pages = CType(myCommand.Parameters("@pagecount").Value, Integer) Return myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) End Function
Variable Pages is global integer.
This is what i am calling DataList1.DataSource = get_all_events() DataList1.DataBind()
How to return records and also the return value of pagecount ? i tried many options, nothing work. Please help !!. I am struck
I'm trying to create a report that's based on a SQL-2005 Stored Procedure.
I added the Report Designer, a Report dataset ( based on a shared datasource).
When I try to build the project in BIDS, I get an error. The error occurs three times, once for each parameter on the stored procedure.
I'll only reproduce one instance of the error for the sake of brevity.
[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the query parameter 'UserID' contains an error : [BC30654] 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.
I've searched on this error and it looks like it's a Visual Basic error :
I am trying to bring my stored proc's into the 21st century with try catch and the output clause. In the past I have returned info like the new timestamp, the new identity (if an insert sproc), username with output params and a return value as well. I have checked if error is a concurrency violation(I check if @@rowcount is 0 and if so my return value is a special number.)
I have used the old goto method for trapping errors committing or rolling back the transaction.
Now I want to use the try,catch with transactions. This is easy enough but how do I do what I had done before?
I get an error returning the new timestamp in the Output clause (tstamp is my timestamp field -- so I am using inserted.tstamp).
Plus how do I check for concerrency error. Is it the same as before and if so would the check of @@rowcount be in the catch section?
So how to return timestamp and a return value and how to check for concurrency all in the try/catch.
by the way I read that you could not return an identity in the output clause but I had no problem.
i have using BCP to output SP return data into txt file, however, when it return nothing , it give SQLException like "no rows affected" , i have try to find out the solution , which include put "SET NOCOUNT ON" command before select statement, but it doesn't help :(
anyone know how to handle the problem when SP return no data ?
I have a stored procedure that selects the unique Name of an item from one table.Â
SELECT DISTINCT ChainName from Chains
For each ChainName, there exists 0 or more StoreNames in the Stores. I want to return the result of this select as the second field in each row of the result set.
SELECT DISTINCT StoreName FROM Stores WHERE Stores.ChainName = ChainName
Each row of the result set returned by the stored procedure would contain:
ChainName, Array of StoreNames (or comma separated strings or whatever)
I've written a T-SQL stored procedure that I want to call other stored procedures. The opening part of it looks like this:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spArchive] @dtArchiveBefore DateTimeASEXEC spArchiveAHD @dtArchiveBeforeGOEXEC spArchiveContract_History @dtArchiveBeforeGOEXEC spArchiveContracts @dtArchiveBeforeGO But I'm getting this error repeatedly: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 2 Must declare the scalar variable "@dtArchiveBefore".I've searched for this term but can't figure out what's wrong with my code.Any ideas?Robert W.
Do you know when should I use extend sp to call a dll file, and when should I use sp_OACreate to call dll. It seems only dll created by C++ can be called from extend sp, how about VB created dll?
MS SQL 2005 I developed several SP that update tables If I execute them one by one in the SQL Sever Management Studio, they work ok
Now, I want to execute them all inside another SP I wrote it (attached code) Execute it and give me a message that runs successfully but that is not true May anyone of You tell me the right syntax to do it?
[Code] USE REPORTES GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATEPROCEDURE dbo.Astral_sp_Acumula AS -- EXECUTE [REPORTES].[dbo].[Astral_sp_AcCpasArtC] GO EXECUTE [REPORTES].[dbo].[Astral_sp_AcDevArtC] GO EXECUTE [REPORTES].[dbo].[Astral_sp_AcVtasArtV] GO -- More sp executions [Code]
Hi all, I have 2 tables like that CREATE TABLE tab1 ( id int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , master varchar (50) NULL ) ON PRIMARY GO
CREATE TABLE tab2 ( id int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , student_name varchar (50) NULL , master_id int NULL )
Now i want to create a Sp which is
create proc inner_sp(@s1 varchar(50)) as insert into tab1(master) values (@s1)
and i want to call it from another sp
create proc outer_sp2(@s2 varchar(50),@s1 varchar(50)) as declare @r int exec inner_sp @s1 set @r=Scope_Identity() insert into tab2(student_name,master_id) values(@s2,@r)
exec outer_sp2 'Vivek1','Test'
But in table tab2 master_id column contain NULL value.... Please fix it... Ujjwal
is it possible to call a SQL job from an ASP.NET application? if so, how? I'm using VS.net2003 and am programming in C#I've been searching for a while, but haven't found anything. It doesn't help that one of my keywords when searching is "job(s)."
I have two databases with two identical tables in seperate physical locations. I want database B tables to be updated automatically when database A tables change. Is there a way to call a web service from SQL to make this happen? Or is there a better way to do this? I would really like it to get the rows that were modified and then copy only those rows to the other database tables. If anyone knows if this can be done please let me know. Thank you.
Well I seem to be a gomer when trying to understand XML. Could some one please help me? I am trying to write a script or DTS package that will read 4 XML files (Do not call list) compare each phone number to the numbers I have in my DB and if there is a match put the contactID in to another table. Or at the very least get the XML phone numbers into the database. This is what the XML doc looks like
can someone point me in the right direction? I know how to call a stored procedure, but I can't seem to find code examples on how to call user defined functions.
Is it possible for me to call a DTS package from within a stored procedure? If it is not possible to do so directly, would I at least be able to call the package through a job?
Hi, I need to call a stored procdure from a SQL statement that I am running from query analyzer.
My SQL statement will select from a master table of bills. I have a stored procedure that calculates the amount due on each bill. The sp does not use the master table in the calculation.
How do I form the SQL statement to call the sp, which needs one of the master table columns as a parm? i.e. SELECT *, EXEC sp_abc columns name AS whatever FROM tblMaster WHERE...... TIA! Dave