Hi ,
I have a question about calling functions in SQl Server 2005.
Let's say that I have created as a dbo a function called Calculations.
If I want to call it from T-SQL I will write Select dbo.Calculations (arguments if any) etc.
My question is If I can skip the "dbo" part. Call the function without using the dbo .
Can I do that ?
Should I create the function as supervisor ? Does Sql Server has a property or something which will allow me to call the function without using the "dbo." ?
I was playing around with the new SQL 2005 CLR functionality andremembered this discussion that I had with Erland Sommarskog concerningperformance of scalar UDFs some time ago (See "Calling sp_oa* infunction" in this newsgroup). In that discussion, Erland made thefollowing comment about UDFs in SQL 2005:[color=blue][color=green]>>The good news is that in SQL 2005, Microsoft has addressed several of[/color][/color]these issues, and the cost of a UDF is not as severe there. In fact fora complex expression, a UDF in written a CLR language may be fasterthanthe corresponding expression using built-in T-SQL functions.<<I thought the I would put this to the test using some of the same SQLas before, but adding a simple scalar CLR UDF into the mix. The testinvolved querying a simple table with about 300,000 rows. Thescenarios are as follows:(A) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column(B) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column and as a criterionin the WHERE clause(C) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column(D) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion in theWHERE clause(E) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column(F) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion inthe WHERE clauseA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(295310 row(s) affected)A: 1563(150003 row(s) affected)B: 906(295310 row(s) affected)C: 2703(150003 row(s) affected)D: 2533(295310 row(s) affected)E: 2060(150003 row(s) affected)F: 2190The scalar CLR UDF function was significantly faster than the classicscalar UDF, even for this very simple function. Perhaps a more complexfunction would have shown even a greater difference. Based on this, Imust conclude that Erland was right. Of course, it's still faster tostick with basic built-in functions like CASE.In another test, I decided to run some queries to compare built-inaggregates vs. a couple of simple CLR aggregates as follows:(G) Calculate averages by group using the built-in AVG aggregate(H) Calculate averages by group using a CLR aggregate that similatesthe built-in AVG aggregate(I) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group (average excluding highestand lowest values) using built-in aggregates(J) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group using a CLR aggregatespecially designed for this purposeA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(59 row(s) affected)G: 313(59 row(s) affected)H: 890(59 row(s) affected)I: 216(59 row(s) affected)J: 846It seems that the CLR aggregates came with a significant performancepenalty over the built-in aggregates. Perhaps they would pay off if Iwere attempting a very complex type of aggregation. However, at thispoint I'm going to shy away from using these unless I can't find a wayto do the calculation with standard SQL.In a way, I'm happy that basic SQL still seems to be the fastest way toget things done. With the addition of the new CLR functionality, Isuspect that MS may be giving us developers enough rope to comfortablyhang ourselves if we're not careful.Bill E.Hollywood, FL------------------------------------------------------------------------- table TestAssignment, about 300,000 rowsCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestAssignment]([TestAssignmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[ProductID] [int] NULL,[PercentPassed] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_TestAssignment] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TestAssignmentID] ASC)--Scalar UDF in SQLCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIsEven](@intValue int)RETURNS bitASBEGINDeclare @bitReturnValue bitIf @intValue % 2 = 0Set @bitReturnValue=1ElseSet @bitReturnValue=0RETURN @bitReturnValueEND--Scalar CLR UDF/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;public partial class UserDefinedFunctions{[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDetermini stic=true,IsPrecise=true)]public static SqlBoolean IsEven(SqlInt32 value){if(value % 2 == 0){return true;}else{return false;}}};*/--Test #1--Scenario A - Query with calculated column--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario B - Query with calculated column as criterion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END=1--Scenario C - Query using scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario D - Query using scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--Scenario E - Query using CLR scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario F - Query using CLR scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--CLR Aggregate functions/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct Avg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;}}public void Merge(Avg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (numValues == 0){return SqlDouble.Null;}else{return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;}[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct TrimmedAvg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;this.minValue = SqlDouble.MaxValue;this.maxValue = SqlDouble.MinValue;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;if (Value < this.minValue)this.minValue = Value;if (Value > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Value;}}public void Merge(TrimmedAvg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;if (Group.minValue < this.minValue)this.minValue = Group.minValue;if (Group.maxValue > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Group.maxValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (this.numValues < 3)return SqlDouble.Null;else{this.numValues -= 2;this.totalValue -= this.minValue;this.totalValue -= this.maxValue;return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;private SqlDouble minValue;private SqlDouble maxValue;}*/--Test #2--Scenario G - Average Query using built-in aggregate--SELECT ProductID, Avg(Cast(PercentPassed AS float))FROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario H - Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.Avg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS float)) AS AverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario I - Trimmed Average Query using built in aggregates/setoperations--SELECT A.ProductID,CaseWhen B.CountValues<3 Then NullElse Cast(A.Total-B.MaxValue-B.MinValue ASfloat)/Cast(B.CountValues-2 As float)End AS AverageFROM(SELECT ProductID, Sum(PercentPassed) AS TotalFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductID) ALEFT JOIN(SELECT ProductID,Max(PercentPassed) AS MaxValue,Min(PercentPassed) AS MinValue,Count(*) AS CountValuesFROM TestAssignmentWHERE PercentPassed Is Not NullGROUP BY ProductID) BON A.ProductID=B.ProductIDORDER BY A.ProductID--Scenario J - Trimmed Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.TrimmedAvg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS real)) ASAverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID
Supposing I have an SQL Server Function named Fxn1 which returns a VARCHAR(6) value. I want to use this returned value in another function named Fxn2 but Fxn2 accepts a parameter of type INT. Fxn2 itself returns an INT value. This has to be achieved in a single line.
The following line of code will not work in SQL Server. How should I achieve this?
I have a rather complex function (part of a production planning engine) that is written in VBA, and is part of my front end app. I'd like to be able to somehow call this function from either a sproc or DTS package in SQL. Is this possible, or am I going to have to convert the function to a SQL sproc (ugh)?
Hey guys, I recently found out u can actaully JOIN tables that are on different dbs as long as they are on the same SQL Server by specifying [DATABASE].[DATABASEOWNER].[TABLE]. I now have a question tho. Can you access functions the same way? i have tried using the same syntax, but I get an error saying 'Invalid object name'
Hi, I am writing a stored proc that will so a very simple search for users in the database. In my database I am storing a birthday as a datetime column called 'bday'. Users can search for people between a certain age range; say 23 - 30.
Here is my search query:
alter procedure sp_wm_quickSearch @lookingFor int, @mySex int, @country varchar(500), @ageTo int, @ageFrom int, @state varchar(10), @userid int
select * from wm_user a inner join wm_user_details b on a.userid=b.userid where a.lookingfor = 0 and a.sex = 1 and a.country = 'United States of America' and a.state = 'Washington'
I found a simple function that looks like it can do what i need it to do:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnYearsApart ( @FromDate DATETIME, @ToDate DATETIME ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN @FromDate > @ToDate THEN NULL WHEN DATEPART(day, @FromDate) > DATEPART(day, @ToDate) THEN DATEDIFF(month, @FromDate, @ToDate) - 1 ELSE DATEDIFF(month, @FromDate, @ToDate) END / 12 END
How do I call this function in my query and pass it the age, and use the age as a search param. I imagine it woudl look something like this:
select * from wm_user a inner join wm_user_details b on a.userid=b.userid where a.lookingfor = 0 and a.sex = 1 and a.country = 'United States of America' and a.state = 'Washington' and fnYearsApart(a.bday, Some DateTime.Now function) < 24 and > 30
but this line doesn't work: (obviously i need to replace datetime.now
fnYearsApart(a.bday, Some DateTime.Now function) < 24 and > 30
I have a number of databases that require a set of common functions. I'd like to place all those functions in a central DB. I'm having trouble calling them using the syntax FunctionDB.GetParamLength() for example, which works within the FunctionDB database.
Any ideas/suggestions? I really don't want to maintain seperate copies of the functions across 5+ databases.
Hi,I alredy tried to search this problem in last posts, but I couldn'tfind the answer.I try to access via Extended SP the method in a dll.I registered the dll as a ExSP, with a name of method. But aftercalling it in T-SQL, I became such a error message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot find thefunction SendGeneralNotify_FromA in the library [LibraryName.dll].Reason: 127(error not found).In this dll I have only one class an it has events, properities andmethods.I will to call one of these methods.aha ... very importand. Please don't say that this dll should bewritten in c++ because it is made like that (no VB).Maybe somebody of you have an example how I should call it, to becamean access on this dll?Sorry for my not well english.With best regards, looking forward for reply-----------------------------MatikJoin Bytes!
We have a user-defined function that can be called directly via SQL (in SQL Server Management Studio) without error. We would like to use this function to populate a column, whist data is being processed within Integration Services. Using an OLE DB Command transformation to achieve this would seem the most appropriate.
The following was inserted for the SQLCommand property:
However, when the Refresh button is pressed we are presented with the error below:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8004E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x8004E14 Description: "Invalid parameter number".
If we use SET instead of EXEC (e.g. SET ? = dbo.GetOrderlineStatus(@dt_required = ?, @dt_invoice = ?, @dt_despatch = ?, @ch_status = ?, @si_suffix = ?, @re_quantity = ?, @vc_invoice_id = ?, @vc_order_id = ?)) the following error is produced:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
Hi, I have got a simple C# assembly which call a ASP.net web service and executes a webmethod, now i want to call this assembly from sql server 2005 within the sql server function. can any body let me know how to do it. Thanks
Setup: I have a C# 2.0 class library that contains certain business logic that is to be triggered by certain database states. There is a trigger that calls a stored procedure that is working properly (i.e. the stored procedure is being executed). Problem: I have not yet figured out how to call the dll from the stored procedure. Does anybody have any tutorials they could point me to or any advice to point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for any help.
User-Defined string Functions MS SQL Server 2005 Transact-SQL SQLCLR (VB. Net, C#.Net, C++. Net)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased to offer, free of charge, the following string functions MS SQL Server 2005 Transact-SQL SQLCLR (VB. Net, C#.Net, C++. Net):
AT(): Returns the beginning numeric position of the nth occurrence of a character expression within another character expression, counting from the leftmost character. RAT(): Returns the numeric position of the last (rightmost) occurrence of a character string within another character string. OCCURS(): Returns the number of times a character expression occurs within another character expression (including overlaps). OCCURS2(): Returns the number of times a character expression occurs within another character expression (excluding overlaps). PADL(): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the left side. PADR(): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the right side. PADC(): Returns a string from an expression, padded with spaces or characters to a specified length on the both sides. CHRTRAN(): Replaces each character in a character expression that matches a character in a second character expression with the corresponding character in a third character expression. STRTRAN(): Searches a character expression for occurrences of a second character expression, and then replaces each occurrence with a third character expression. Unlike a built-in function Replace, STRTRAN has three additional parameters. STRFILTER(): Removes all characters from a string except those specified. GETWORDCOUNT(): Counts the words in a string. GETWORDNUM(): Returns a specified word from a string. GETALLWORDS(): Inserts the words from a string into the table. PROPER(): Returns from a character expression a string capitalized as appropriate for proper names. RCHARINDEX(): Similar to the Transact-SQL function Charindex, with a Right search. ARABTOROMAN(): Returns the character Roman numeral equivalent of a specified numeric expression (from 1 to 3999). ROMANTOARAB(): Returns the number equivalent of a specified character Roman numeral expression (from I to MMMCMXCIX).
Plus, there are CHM files in English, French, Spanish, German and Russian.
Plus, there are versions for MS SQL SERVER, SYBASE ASA, DB2, Oracle.
More than 8000 people have already downloaded my functions. I hope you will find them useful as well.
For more information about string UDFs MS SQL Server 2005 Transact-SQL SQLCLR (VB. Net, C#.Net, C++. Net) please visit the http://www.universalthread.com/wconnect/wc.dll?LevelExtreme~2,54,33,29527
Please, download the file http://www.universalthread.com/wconnect/wc.dll?LevelExtreme~2,2,29527
Hi, I create a dll assembly with the strong name in VB.Net environment. Created assembly is registered also. SQL Server 2005 configuraton level is set at "80" I want to call that assembly from stored procedure with the database config level at "80" But when i execute the stored proecure i get the following error Error Source: "ODSOLE Extended Procedure" Description: "Invalid Class String"
My Code in VB.Net is given below: Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Globalization Imports System.IO Imports System.data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data.SqlTypes Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Diagnostics Imports GreatDataAccess
Namespace Test Public Class clsTest
Public Shared Sub GenTest() ''''............ some code is here End Sub End Class End Namespace
Stored Procedure CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PPGenerateFile] AS BEGIN Declare @retVal INT Declare @comHandler INT declare @errorSource nvarchar(500) declare @errorDescription nvarchar(500) declare @retString nvarchar(100)
-- Intialize the COM component
EXEC @retVal = sp_OACreate Test.clsTest, @comHandler OUTPUT IF(@retVal <> 0) BEGIN --Trap errors if any EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @comHandler,@errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT SELECT [error source] = @errorsource, [Description] = @errordescription Return END
I have created a SOAP/HTTP end point which returns .NET DataSet ( ... FORMAT=ROWSETS_ONLY ... ). Then I created a proxy class using Visual Studio 2005 and wrote a cusumer .NET class in which I call that web service's method synchronously. Everything is Ok but when I call asynchronously "TargetInvocationException" is raised. I need urgent solution to this problem.
rst.MoveFirst Do While Not rst.EOF lstEntity.AddItem (rst.Fields(0)), 0 'lstEntity.AddItem (rst.Fields(1)), 1 rst.MoveNext Loop
The Stored Proc is as follow:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DefaultEntityData] AS BEGIN
SELECT tblEntities.[Name], tblEntities.PrimaryKey FROM tblEntities ORDER BY tblEntities.PrimaryKey;
The table contains 24 entries
As you can see in the VB code, I am trying to read the returned "table" into an Access ListBox. The listbox should display the entities Name but not the Primary key, but the primary key should still be "stored" in the to so that it can be used to access other data.
I have moved the tables from Access to SQL Server 2005, and would also like to port all the sql queries to sp's in SQL Server. The old way for populating the listbox was a direct SQL query in the RowSource property field. I have tried to set the lstEntity.RowSource = rst but it did not work.
Here are my Q's: 1) As what does the SP return when it is called and is there a better way to catch it than I am doing at the moment? 2) How do I read the values into the listbox, without displaying the primary key in die box?
Thank you in advance! Any help is very much appreciated.
Hi,I am learning SQL Server 2005. I need to call .NET assembly procedurefrom T-SQL.Here's part of my assembly:using System;using System.Data.Sql;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;namespace DemoSQLServer{public sealed class Demo{[SqlProcedure(Name="PodajKsi¹¿ki")]public static void PodajKsi¹¿ki(){SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Ksi¹¿ki");SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();SqlContext.Pipe.Send(dr);}...}}I have created assembly in Object Explorer (Programmability /Assemblies).How to call procedure? I tried:exec DemoSQLServer.PodajKsi¹¿kibut I got a message:Could not find stored procedure 'DemoSQLServer.PodajKsi¹¿ki'.Please help.Thank you./RAM/
For those intersted here is our TOC and the book's link. You can preorder at this point. We are sticking to the Nov. timeframe, but we may get it done sooner.
Chapter 1 Introducing SQLCLR Chapter 2 Building a Procedure Chapter 3 SQLCLR Strucutre & Common Tasks Chapter 4 Creating Objects Chapter 5 Compare & Contrast Chapter 6 Replacing TSQL Objects Chapter 7 Using the Base Library Chapter 8 Using Procedures in Apps Chapter 9 Error Handling Chapter 10 Administration Chapter 11 Case Study
Dear Group.Wondered if any of you has any suggestion for the following?Trying to install SQL Server 2005 Eval on a 'clean' machine. Well, mymistake was probably that I had installed Visual Studio 2005Professional Eval before which installed an MSSQL Express instance.Since then I didn't get 'Enterprise Manager' (excuse my ignorance, Iknow it's called differently in2005 but it's late and I'm tired) forMSSQL 2005 installed.Don't remember the error exactly but after sometrying I received some error during the MSSQL Management Studio (isthat right?) installation that it needs to be upgraded in some ini filewhich I looked for to no avail. ANYWAY, after some desperate registrydeletes and following MS Kbase articles I arrived at: 'The installerhas encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This mayindicate a problem with the package. The error code is 2718.' duringthe installation of SQL Server Backward-Compatibility files.Which is of course complete rubbish. We all now that Microsoft has donean awful job in getting SQL Express and SQL Server installedside-by-side but it never has been as bad as this on any machinebefore. Needless to say the package is fine as I've used it many timesbefore. Any suggestions?Gratefully yours,Martin'Just wanna get on with work. Tired of starring at error messages.'
I would like to run a DTS using a Vbscript, i managed to get the DTS running, but i would like to pass the value of a global variable, but im having lots of dificulties.
Since it is a VBS i only have access to the things registered on the registry of the machine, so i don't have access to the microsoft.sqlserver.dts.runtime, at is maximum.
So i do the following
Set objApplication = CreateObject("MSDTS.Application")
Set objDTSPackage = objApplication.LoadPackage("T.dtsx", True, Nothing)
'This should pass the variable but insted i have an error
set pkgVars = objDTSPackage.Variables
set myVar = objDTSPackage.Variables.Add("User::Name", false, "User", "TesteA")
I have a stored procedure on a SQL server, which is workign correctly to check some date/time parameters and then insert a row into a log table. I am calling it from an ASP page. Initially I just called it and didn't worry about the return value. However the Stored procedure now will return a value to determine if it made the change or not and if not why (ie log entry was at incorrect time etc). I woudl liek to capture this returned value in my code to display a message to the user but am havign problems finding the right way to get the value. I am calling the SP as follows: Shared Sub createlogentry(ByVal ID, ByVal tme, ByVal val) Dim result As String Dim cs As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connecttion1").ToString Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs) con.Open() Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.CommandText = "CreateLogEntry" cmd.Parameters.Add("@ChID", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters("@ChID").Value = ID cmd.Parameters.Add("@Value", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters("@Value").Value = val result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString End Using End Sub
I have tried amending the ExecuteNonQuery line to ExecuteReader() Any help appreciated Regards Clive
I need to create a stored procedure (SQL 2005). I did it in C# (Visual Studio). The .dll file (inside) uses web services of Project Server 2007 (I just need to log on, create a project and log out). I prepared 2 files (exactly the same code): dll an exe. the .exe works fine. the problem is with .dll file (stored procedure in SQL)...
by the way: I created serialization file with sgen tool.
the problems start when I am trying to register these 2 .dlls in SQL server. I can do that in unsafe mode only. when I am trying to register them in externall access (normal dll) and safe mode (serialization .dll) I am getting errors:
CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because method "add_QueueCheckInProjectCompleted" on type "ConsoleApplication11.ProjectWebSvc.Project" in external_access assembly "ConsoleApplication11" has a synchronized attribute. Explicit synchronization is not allowed in external_access assemblies
thus I did it in unsafe mode (both of them). than I created the procedure.
Now, I tried to call that procedure. I am getting error:
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'Main':
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with the error message:
<h2>Object moved to <a href="http://my_comp:22278/projectserver/_layouts/1033/error.aspx?ErrorText=Object%20reference%20not%20set%20to%20an%20instance%20of%20an%20object%2E">here</a>.</h2>
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ConsoleApplication11.ProjectWebSvc.Project.QueueCreateProject(Guid jobUid, ProjectDataSet dataset, Boolean validateOnly)
at ConsoleApplication11.Program.Main()
That means "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". the problem occurs when calling QueueCreateProject method
I dont understand that error. I wrote the same code for .dll and .exe. the .exe file is working ok (no errors) but .dll (as a stored procedure) shows this error
my code in C#:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Net;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
I am trying to execute an SSIS package from an MS Access 2003 database that imports a table from the Access database into a target table in SQL 2005. I saved the package in SQL 2005 and tested it out. If I run it from the Management Studio Console with Run->Execute ... everything works just fine. However, if I try to run it using "Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'DTExec /SER DATAFORCE /DTS SQL2005TestPackage /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V'" the execution will always fail when the Access database is open (shared mode). It will only work when the Access database is not open. The connection manager looks like this: "Data Source=E:Test.mdb;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1". The error is listed below:
Code: 0xC0202009 Source: NewPackage Connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" Description: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Could not use ''; file already in use.".
Recently I changed over a ASP script from our old Access 97 database to our new SQL database. When I changed it over, some of my SQL pulls on my Active Server Page started to give me erros. One of them is the function date(). When I used it pulling from Access like this :
strSQLQ = "SELECT * FROM cocoitem WHERE CustNum = '" & strcustnum & "' AND stat = 'C' AND [due-date] > DateAdd('yyyy', -1, Date()) Order By [cust-po], [due-date] ASC ;"
Then it worked fine. When I redirected the ASP to the new SQL server I recieved an error like this:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
'Date' is not a recognized function name.
/scripts/order/shippingstatsclose.asp, line 45
So my question is, what is the SQL server equivalent of the function Date()?
Hi I have a problem which I’m not sure how to resolve! I have a aspx with two drop down list; 1st one has (annual salary, daily salary, hourly rate) 2nd one has ( 0-4999, 5000-9999......)
The second one is generated by the value selected in the first one. I have stored the values in a table (as nvarchar) and used sqldatasource to run a query, which matches the entry in the first box and fill the second drop down list accordingly.
How ever I have a problem, when I want some one to search for example; an average salary of 5000-9999, it should output entry's that have a similar daily rate, and hourly rate... But I’m not sure how I can accomplish this, does any one have any ideas! Many thanks
Hi,the Soundex search words that sounds similar.Does MS SQL Server has some function to make some intuitive search?For example, for search term database, it should return rows that contains: "database" word, but also rows that contains "Oracle", "MySQL", "MS SQL" etc. terms.
Can someone tell me if this is a SQL Server bug? I tried this in both version 7 and 2000, the results are the same.
SET @timeA = GETDATE() SET @msDiff = 0
WHILE @msDiff <= 10 BEGIN SET @timeB = DATEADD(ms,@msDiff,@timeA) PRINT 'If adding ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@msDiff) + ' milliseconds to Time B, then Time B is ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEDIFF(ms,@timeA,@timeB)) + ' millisecond greater than Time A' SET @msDiff = @msDiff + 1 END
This seems like a serious bug if an application depends heavily on milliseconds comparison.
I am sorry to continue bothering this forum with the continuation of this question but here it is. And thank you to Craig for giving me the equivalent of the function Date() in SQL. Now when I pull from the SQl Server with the old ASP pull with this statement using GETDATE()
strSQLQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM cocoitem WHERE CustNum = '" & strcustnum & "' AND (stat = 'O' OR stat = 'F') AND [due-date] > DateAdd('yyyy', -1, GETDATE()) Order By [cust-item], [due-date] ASC;"
I get this: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Invalid parameter 1 specified for dateadd.
/scripts/order/shippingstatsopen.asp, line 28
So I guess I need to also know the equivalent of DateAdd . Also, does anyone know of a Access Function to Sql 7 function comparison chart so I can write for the new database comprehendingly?