Calling Subscription Screen Inside Report Viewer

Sep 3, 2007


I use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service to develop all my Reports. i design the report and deploy to the report server. i have created a Web application where i use the above report to be shown inside a ReportViewer page.

when any user view's the report i also want to give them the subscription screen inside the report viewer. BIG QUESTION is how do i call the subscription screen of a specific report inside the report viewer?

any help is appreciated

/Chandresh Soni

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Problem Deploying Custom Report Item. Items Shows In Preview Screen In VS, But Not In Server Deployed Report

Nov 29, 2006

I have developed a custom report item that works fine in design and preview mode while in Visual Studio. I cannot get it to show up on my deployed reports. Here's what I have done so far:

1. Deployed the report using Visual Studio

2. updated the rsreportserver.config file with the following entry:

<ReportItem Name="PedigreeChart" Type="Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.PedigreeChartRenderer, Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart" />

3. Updated the rssrvpolicy.config file with the following entry.

Description="This code group grants Uabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.dll FUllTrust permission. ">
Url="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerinUabr.Rap.PedigreeChart.dll" />

I've also tried using the StrongNameMembershipCondition with no better results.

4. The dll and its dependencies are copied to the bin directory of the report server.

5. When I load a report with this custom report item on it, the report loads fine with no errors or warnings in the log file (even with verbose tracing). The area where the custom item should be is just white. It's almost like Reporting Services isn't registering the item correctly.

This is particularly frustrating because the report works fine in Visual Studio - apparently I configured that correctly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm stumped.

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Calling SP Inside The SP

Jul 13, 2004

hai guys

how should we have to cal the store procedure inside the same store procedure.

for Example

Create procedure A
Select * from mytable
execute A

is this the correct one

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Trying To Use A Image That Is On The Network That Show On The Layout Screen But Not On The Preview Screen?

Oct 25, 2007

get the following error when I click on prview.

Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

[rsWarningFetchingExternalImages] Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount or the target image(s) are not enabled for anonymous access.

[rsInvalidMIMEType] The value of the MIMEType property for the image €˜image1€™ is €œtext/html; charset=utf-8€?, which is not a valid MIMEType.

Preview complete -- 0 errors, 2 warnings

This is the URL:


I've been told that image is a gif how should I set the mimeType?Or is this a security issue of some sort?

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Calling Variable Inside T-SQL Statement

Oct 4, 2007

Can someone please take a quick look at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong I'm sure it's something simple.  I'm a little new to stored procedures but I've been using SQL and T-SQL for quite some time, I've just always used inline queries with my ASP.  This procedure needs to be run monthly by me or another person I grant access to and will update sales information that our sales staff will be paid commission on.  I need to supply the start date and and end date for the query and it will pull this information from our business system which is hosted remotely by a third party and pull it into our local SQL server where we can run commission reports against it.  (I hope this is enough information you can understand where I'm trying to go with this).  I know my problem right now lies in how I'm trying to call the variable inside of my T-SQL.  Any help is appreciated.  This is an old Unix system and it stores the date as YYYYMMDD as numeric values incase someone wonders why I have dimed my dates as numeric instead of as datetime =)
I'm using a relativity client to create an ODBC connection to the UNIX server and then using a linked server to map a connection in SQL this is the reason for the OpenQuery(<CompanyName>
-- =============================================
-- Create date: 10/4/2007
-- Description: This proc is designed to pull all CSA
-- part sales from XXXXXX business system and upload them
-- into the local XXXXXXXX Database for commission reporting
-- =============================================CREATE proc usp_CSAPartsSalesUpdate@date1 int, @date2 int
INSERT INTO CSAPartsSales ( CSA, CustomerNumber, CustomerName, Location, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, InvoiceAmount )
SELECT SalesRoute, HInvCust, CustOrCompName, HInvLoc, HInvNo, HInvDate, HInvAmt From OpenQuery(<CompanyName>, 'Select CPBASC_All.SalesRoute, PMINVHST.HInvCust, CPBASC_All.CustOrCompName, PMINVHST.HInvLoc, PMINVHST.HInvNo, PMINVHST.HInvDate, PMINVHST.HInvAmtFROM PMINVHST INNER JOIN CPBASC_All ON PMINVHST.HInvCust = CPBASC_All.CustomerNo
WHERE (((PMINVHST.HInvAmt)<>0) AND ((PMINVHST.HInvDate)>=''' + @date1 + ''' And (PMINVHST.HInvDate)<=''' + @date2 + ''') AND ((Trim([CPBASC_All].[SalesRoute]))<>'''' And (Trim([CPBASC_All].[SalesRoute]))<>''000''))')
In this example date1 will be equal to 20070901 and date2 will be equal to 20070930 so I can pull all CSA sales for the month of September.
This is the error message I get when I try to create the proc:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure usp_CSAPartsSalesUpdate, Line 17
Incorrect syntax near '+'.
~~~ Thanks All~~~

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Set View Report Button So It Does Not Go Off Screen

Feb 27, 2008

The "View Report" button is relatively positioned so when the report content is wider than the screen size, it pushes it to the right such that the users have to scrool right to click on it again. Is there a way of setting the "View Report" button to a fixed position to eliminate this?

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Calling Stored Procedures Inside Cursors

Aug 13, 2001

I have created a cursor using the following type of syntax:

SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees
OPEN MyCursor
CLOSE MyCursor

Instead of the SELECT statement (SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees), I actually have a very complex select statement. I have created a stored procedure to handle this select. However, I cannot find a way to call a stored procedure in place of the SELECT statement in the cursor. Is this possible? Thanks.

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Report Wizard - No 'Next' Button Highlighted On Last Screen

May 21, 2007


I am trying to use the report wizard and I get to the last screen where it asks for a name for the report file. The 'Next' button is not unprotected although the 'Finish' button is.

As far as I can tell I have setup the Matrix style report up correctly. If I use the 'Finish' button, Visual Studio just crashes.

The help does not give any clue and I have not found any answers in the forum.

Any ideas what the problem might be?

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How To Eliminate Login Screen When I Try To Access Report Via URL

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to access a report via url

it always asks for username and password.

All my users login to my project which is 1.1(vs2003) based project, now from inside the project, if they try to access any report from (which is on framework 2.0), they have to go through a autentication screen which is related to sql server reporting services.

can you please help, how to override this login screen.

Thank you very much for the information.

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Newbe Question: Calling Function Inside Select

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!I have a scalar function that returns integer:xview (int)Now, I'm trying to build a procedure that has the following selectinside:select atr1, xview(atr2)from tablenameBut, I get the 'Invalid name' error when I try to execute thatprocedure.If I got it right, I must use user.fn_name() syntax, but I cannot usedbo.xview() inside my procedure since it means xview will always beexecuted as dbo, which is unaccaptable.I'm a bit confused, so any hint is very welcomed.Thanks!Mario.

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Calling Managed CLR Procedure From Inside User Defined Function -- How To ?

May 15, 2008

I have several UDFs created. Inside one of the UDFs I need to execute a dynamic SQL statement and then take that result and do something else with it, before returning the final value.

I know you can not execute a stored proce from inside a function. I also know you can not use the EXEC statement.

I did read that you could use an external stored procedure and/or managed CLR procedures inside a function.

I have created a managed procedure CLR (C#) that simply executes a passed statemetn and returns the value to the calling routine. I have this all coded and is working fine.

However, I am struggling with knowing how to call this CLR procedure from inside my function, seeing how I can not use EXEC statement.

Any advice on how to do this?


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System Crashes While Printing A Report - Blue Screen Error

May 8, 2007

When I try to print a report ( report viewer control from ASP.NET application). The print dialog box opens, once I select the printer and click ok. It show €œprinting 1 page€? for 3-4 seconds and the System(computer)crashes and displays a blue screen error. This is happening for only two of my reports. And currently we have disabled the print button for these.

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Change Page Title From Report Viewer/Manager To The Actual Report Name?

Jan 26, 2007

Can a person change the page title from "Report Viewer/Manager" to the actual report name?

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Report Viewer Jump To Issues With Relative Intra-report URLs

Dec 26, 2007


Very strange phenomenon with the "Jump to report:" Hyerlink Actions when I deployed my reports to the production servers:

The Actions no longer funcioned properly when attempting to go to one report to another. Sometimes, the same report would come up and sometimes a different report. It appeared that whatever mechanism Report Server uses to construct the proper URL when using "Jump to report:" is unreliable(or the URL is not being honored by the web-server).

All this is happening under the Report Viewer control. I have had to do a painful fix of manually constructing the entire absolute URL and including the reportviewer control in the url.

Any way to get back relative Jump to report: URL's?

Thanks JS

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Reporting Services :: Generating Excel Report Using Report Viewer At Run Time

Apr 28, 2015

We are generating excel report using report viewer at run time but if excel report having more then 65000 record generating error Microsoft. Reporting Services.OnDemandReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceed.

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Problem With Report Viewer , No Data Is Displayed And Report Comes Out As Empty

Dec 6, 2007

Hi ,

I have a problem using Report Viewer With SQL Reporting Services 2005.

I had a really weird issue with a ReportViewer. It would show the little green Loading progress bar image €¦ but it wouldn€™t show any data, just a white background where the output should be. I knew the data was there because exporting to Excel or PDF showed the data just fine.

The problem is report toolbar is display but NO DATA is displayed and the report comes out as EMPTY .

Thanks in advance..

Can you please help me out in resolving this problem.

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Passing Parameter To The Sql Server Report Using Report Viewer Control

Dec 29, 2006


I want to give filtering criteria in my SSRS report.

I have drop down list control having list of Email's of clients.

So, how can i pass the value of the particular Email id in my SSRS report using Report Viewer control?

How can i pass user input as parameter in my report using visula studio 2005?



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SSRS Report Rendering Different In VS2005 And In Report Viewer Via URL Access

Apr 17, 2008

I'm using Reporting Services to render a text (stored in sql as varchar(max)). The text is all plain text, with some lines having trailing spaces.

Source text file i've imported to SQL via SSIS:
CLIENT: 10055

*Note the trailing spaces on the line before 'STATEMENT 2007'.

I've designed a report using the Report Project in VS2005 to retrieve this text via a stored procedure. When I test the report using the 'Preview' tab in the IDE, it looks good
CLIENT: 10055

But when I deploy the report and run it using URL Access:

CLIENT: 10055



On all lines with trailing spaces, they (the trailing spaces) have been removed. This is affecting my formatting of some reports and statements. We really want to use the report viewer as it has built in paging, print and export capabilities.

Why does it look okay in VS2005 but different in Report Viewer via URL Access and Report Manager?

Note: When I export as PDF, it looks okay.

The stored procedure I use to return the data is a CLR Hosted assembly as below:

Code Snippet
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _

Public Shared Sub GetPagedDocument(ByVal inText As SqlString)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim row As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData("RowText", SqlDbType.Text))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select cast(doc as varchar(max)) as 'DOCTEXT' from testdoc WHERE id='" + inText + "'")
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
cmd.Connection = cn
SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(row) 'initialise the resultset to be returned
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
'If no records in result set, return.
If Not dr.HasRows Then

row.SetString(0, "There is no document to display or you do not have permission to view the document.")
' SqlContext.Pipe.Send("There is no document to display.")
End If
'Read rows in the result set

'Get the entire text
Dim docText As String = dr.Item("DOCTEXT")
row.SetString(0, docText)
'end debug

End Sub
End Class

Any help will be appreciated.

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Reporting Services :: Fixing Ssrs Report Table Column Heading While Scrolling Is Not Working In Report-viewer?

Dec 14, 2012

i just clicked on Advanced mode in Column Group, and then in Row Group Side i set Fixed Data=true for first  top static. I'm using local report not server report and i'm displaying that local report in Reportviewer. Now also its not working....

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How To Pass Parameters From Report Viewer To Report Server

Mar 28, 2008


I am having hard time in sending parameters to the report server through reportviewer control from my application. Could anybody help me on this issue?. Is there any way to send the parameters and also what kind of configuration do i need on my report project so that it can accept parameters from my application.


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Running A SSRS Report In A Report Viewer Control In .net

Jun 29, 2007

Do I need the report server running in order view a SSRS report in a report viewer control? I've created my report in .net and it works great when I'm viewing it in visual studio, but can I run it my web app without the report server.

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Report Explorer And Report Viewer Webparts Not Working With New WSS 3.0

Jan 22, 2007

I just installed a fresh lab machine with WSS 3.0 and SQL 2005 SP1. I registered the RS web parts.

In the home page I added the Reports Explorer and the Report viewer web parts. I set up the Reports Explorer and the list of reports are showed.

When I connect the Report Viewer Web part to get report from the Report Explorer web part I get the maintenance WSS page. I have to delete the Report Viewer web part to have the page working again.

If I use only the Reports Viewer with a report (not connected to Reports Explorer) is working just fine.

Any ideas what could be the problem? Any hints on how to investigate this is also much appreciated.



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Can Not View The Report Embeded In Report Viewer

Mar 19, 2008


I added a page to exsisting web site. Then I used report viewer to show a report. But when I try to view it in the browser, I get the following error message.

Server Error in '/Website' Application.

The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.InvalidConfigFileTypeException: The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found

Source Error:

Line 272: <asp:View ID="vwWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server">
Line 273: <aspanel ID="pnlWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server" Width="683px">
Line 274: <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rvWARRatingChageReport" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"
Line 275: Height="100%" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%">
Line 276: <ServerReport ReportPath="/CRMReportsQA/ORA/WARRatingsChange" ReportServerUrl="http://wiismab00035038:8095/Reportserver" />

Source File: c:Dev EnvironmentWebsiteApplicationsORAPDCRD.aspx Line: 274

Stack Trace:

But I created another website using visaul studio in my local machine and then used report viewer to disaply the same report. Its in server mode same as earlier. This one can be viewed without any trouble.

I'm not familiar with ASP.NET thing. Can anyone help me to resolve this one?


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Report Viewer Is Printing A Cached Report

Mar 6, 2007

Hi All

I have a reporting viewer in a windows form that behaves very strange. When I open the form and run the report it shows up nicely in the report viewer. If I print the report it only prints one page. When i print the report a second time the whole report is printed. Next I'll change the report parameters and run the report, then it shows up nicely in the viewer, but when I print the report the first report is printed.

Does anyone know what to do with this problem?

Thanks in advance

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Is It Possible To Know Whether Report Is Still Executing In Report Viewer? (Web Forms)

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a Report Viewer and a Exit button in Web Form. Untill the report is processed i don't want to enable the button.

so Is it possible to know whether report is still executing in report viewer ?

I am using Remote Mode.

Any help will be appreciated.



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? Embed PDF Inside Of SQL Server Report Servics Report

Dec 21, 2006

Hi ...

I posted this same question on the ASP.NET forum and haven't received an answer, so I thought I'ld move the discussion over to this forum. My question has been read several times, so I know I'm not the only one facing this problem, but nobody seems to know how to make it happen.

Anyhow, I'm building a system where we collect a great deal of meta data inside of SQL Server. The meta data is associated wtih files that the users can attach - image files and PDFs. I can get the image files to display properly, however I can find no way to actually display the contents of the PDF file as part of the report.

We want to print out the meta data as a header to the PDF and then print the PDF in it's entirety. As an example, we would print out:

Emergency Plan Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Facility Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Last Review Date: 99/99/9999 Reviewed By: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


-- Emergency Plan --

-- Evacuation Plan 1 --

-- Evacuation Plan 2 --

I can print the file names - they are fields in the database, but how do I embed the actual PDF in to the report? They can print on different pages - I don't care about that, but I need to get them to be a part of the report.

Thanks ...


Any day above ground is a good day!

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Reporting Services :: Subscription Of A Report RDL Still Running Even When Report Does Not Exist

Oct 1, 2015

I'm still receiving the emails of some subscriptions of reports that were already deleted, how these subscription could be deleted or turned off.

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Cannot Set The Subscription For Any Report Created By AS 2005 Through Report Builder.

Jan 23, 2008

I have created couple report through report builder which using AS cube as the data source. Every time when I try to access the New Subscription from the web UI. It complains about "Subscriptions cannot be created because the cedentals used to run the report are not stored, or if a linked report, the link is no longer valid.".

So I went into "Properties" -> "Data Source" and use the custom data source. I've selected "Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services" and put in the following Data Source=SQLTEST;Initial Catalog="Data Warehouse AS". I've select "Crednetials stored securely in the report server", using my Windows login and password.. and I've got the following error.

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.

The SemanticQuery element at line 7, column 351 (namespace cannot appear under Envelope/Body/Execute/Command. "

Please help!!!

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How Can I Add Report To Report Viewer In Page

Feb 18, 2008

sorry but this is my first dayes to using sql report services i make 14 report in sql report services server and do't know how can i add this reports to my aspx page
and every report have parameters how can i send this parmeter to reports when he open or load in aspx page
like companyID and employeeID
my report have his datasource and dataset
sorry but i just start to using reports services

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Report Viewer

Aug 24, 2007

I am looking for capturing Report viewer events on the web form. Can anyone tell me how to fo this?
S Suresh

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Report Viewer In .DOT NET 3.5

Apr 22, 2008

Hi all,

is it possible to use ReportViewer control in project Windows Application (WPF) in msvs2008,which uses .DOT NET 3.5? I need to run ReportViewer component under xaml but I don't know how / or is it possible?

thanks for every helpful reply


<Window x:Class="WindowsApplication2.Window1"
Title="WindowsApplication2" Height="329" Width="533"


Thanks ,

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Error With Report Viewer

Feb 15, 2008

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to open up my web application now, after installing the report viewer add on and placing it onto one of my pages.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=nutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system could not find the file specified.

Source Error:
Line 47: <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A" />

Source File: web.config

So far I have tried to fix this error by installing the reportviewer.exe on the server. I have also verified that the ReportViewer files are in the assembly folder on the server. I also found a site saying to run the reportviewer.exe from a specific location, here is the link

but when I try to browse to the folder it is talking about I found out that I don't even have a BootStrapper folder under Microsoft Visual Studio 8/SDK/v2.0

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this error?

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Favicon In Report Viewer?

Apr 26, 2007

I understand this may be Off Topic for this board, but has anyone figured out how to add a Favicon to the Report Viewer?

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