I have 1 project in VC++ and 1 in Vb.net I have added the VC++ project in VB.Net project using 'Add Existing item option' Now i want to use a method from VC++ project in VB.net How can i do so?????
I have two ASP pages. Page 1 has a button that when pressed, it will display page 2. Page 2 has a button that will call the reporting service (by a URL) . The button on page 1 has the "method=post" to pass a value to page 2. Page 2 wlll use this value as variable to the reporting service.
It works fine for the first time calling the report. But after that, I go back to page 1. When press the button on page 1 and go to page 2, it cannot get the value. Is that something wrong with the reporting services.
I've been trying to create an async transform component and one of the things I'd like to do is add a new output and/or columns to existing outputs for each input column that is selected. I thought that the SetUsageType method would be a good place to do this as it will allow me to delete output's and columns based on the user's selections but, despite the fact that my code doesn't actually throw or cause errors, when I return from the SetUsageType method I'm informed that error 0xC0047041 (DTS_E_OBJECTNOTINHASHTABLE) has occurred . I pared the method down to an absolute minimum and found that a call to GetVirtualInput is enough to push it over the edge even if it does nothing! What is wrong here? Thanks Charlie
Sample: public override IDTSInputColumn90 SetUsageType(int inputID, IDTSVirtualInput90 virtualInput, int lineageID, DTSUsageType usageType) {
Hello! I've begin to do a tutorial of this site: Working with Data in ASP.NET 2.0 c#, but in the 3. step I can't make something: In this step I can't add parameterized methods to the TableAdapter. The problem come up when I want to add Sql query. SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, DiscontinuedFROM ProductsWHERE CategoryID = @CategoryID The error message: Error in WHERE clause near '@'.Unable to parse query text. So, how can i use parameter in this method? tnx for the help Simpson
why would I not be able to obaint the out parameter in temp.
myCommand.Parameters["@CompanyName"].Value.ToString() reamains null after execution and when the same Stored procedure is executed in TSQL things work just fine.
MY DBA wrote a trigger, that upon hitting the delete button for a payment, the payment would be transferred to another table and the trigger would call a sp as well. since the trigger is calling the sp, I should only supply the parameters.
I've been studying this tutorial over here at: http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/doc/data/databases.aspx#updatedelete but I can't seem to get my gridview working. I want to be able to edit the fields and also delete an entire row from the table if needed. I hard coded in the update and delete commands into my objectdatasource but I still get the error message. Also, I can't even refresh the aspx page: <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/templates/admin.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="article_comments.aspx.vb" Inherits="admin_Default2" title="Untitled Page" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHeading" Runat="Server"> </asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageContents" Runat="Server"> `<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" Width="536px" DataKeyNames="ratingID"> <Columns> <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ratingID" HeaderText="ratingID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="ratingID" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="rating" HeaderText="rating" SortExpression="rating" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ip" HeaderText="ip" SortExpression="ip" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="itemID" HeaderText="itemID" SortExpression="itemID" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="comment" HeaderText="comment" SortExpression="comment" /> <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="active" HeaderText="active" SortExpression="active" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetRatings" TypeName="articlesTableAdapters.tblArticleRatingTableAdapter" DataObjectTypeName="articles+tblArticleRatingDataTable" DeleteMethod="DELETE FROM [tblArticleRating] WHERE [ratingID] = @ratingID" UpdateMethod="UPDATE [tblArticleRating] SET [ratingID] = @ratingID, [rating] = @rating, [ip] = @ip, [itemID] = @itemID, [comment] = @comment WHERE [ratingID] = @ratingID"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="dataTable" Type="Object" /> <asp:Parameter Name="itemID" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters></asp:ObjectDataSource> </asp:Content> >
Hi guys, hoping one of you may be able to help me out. I am using VS 2005, and VB.net for a Windows application. I have a table in SQL that has a list of Storedprocedures: Sprocs Table: SPID - PK (int), ID (int), NAME (string), TYPE (string)The ID is a Foreign key (corresponding to a Company ID), the name is the stored procedure name, and Type (is the type of SP). On my application I need to a certain SP depending on the company selected and what page you are on. I have a seperate SP that passes in parameters for both Company, and Type and should output the Name value: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[S_SPROC] ( @ID int, @TYPE CHAR(10), @NAME CHAR(20) OUTPUT )AS SELECT @NAME = NAME FROM SPROCSWHERE [ID] = @IDAND [TYPE] = @TYPE Unfortunately I dont seem to be able to get the output in .Net, or then be able to fill my dataset with the Stored Procedure.Has anyone done something similar before, or could point me in the right direction to solving this problem. ThanksPhil
I'm trying to write an esqlc program that will run a stored procedure that returns several output parameters. I haven't been able to find any documentation to date that explains how to run the "EXEC SQL EXECUTE procname" command and specify the output parameters.
My stored procedure "aek_proc1" takes one input parameter (p1 - an 8-character string) and 3 output parameters (p2 - an integer; p3 - an 8-character string, and p4 a 40-character string).
My esqlc program contains the following code….
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char p1[9]; int p2; char p3[9]; char p4[41]; WXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;
Any idea what I'm doing wrong or how it should be coded?
I'd really appreciate any advice you can offer!!
I've spend hours browsing this newsgroup and found lots of examples of how to do this in VB and from Query Analyser but I can't find any examples for ESQL/C that work.
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone might be able to provide some direction on.
1. Why can't you call a proc when the proc uses temp tables? I wrote a simple proc (select * from table) and the data subscription works perfect. I then take that same query and put it into a temp table and the data set can't be validated by the subscription, Why?
2. Why can't you pass a simple execute statement in a data subscription? (execute dbo.RptTakeTheLeadFLSDinnerCompetition @FiscalQuarter ='2007-Q3', @StoreRegionID = '9231', @StoreType = 'Full-Line Store') works perfect in SQL but once you try and validate in the data subscription is fails.
3. Another question, why if I dumb down the proc and the number of parameters does it work? Are there limitations on the number of parameters you can pass into a proc from a data driven subscription?
Basically, I want to declare a few variables dynamically and pass them into a execute statement that calls the proc. Which in turn runs the report.
This seems to be much more difficult than it was in DTS (or perhaps I just need to adjust to the new way of doing things).
Eventually I found that I needed to use "SQL command from variable" and using two other variables as input parameters. The expresion for the command is
This previews correctly and the resulting columns are available for mapping to a destination. So far so good.
By the way, is this the best way to call a stored procedure with parameters?
I have pasted the stored procedure at the end of this posting because I have come accross a puzzling problem. The query as shown below works correctlly but if I un-comment the delete statement, the preview still works and the columns are still avilable for mapping but I get the following errors when the package is executed.
Error: 0xC02092B4 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [1]: A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC02092B4.
I realise that I could execute the delete query in a separate SSIS package step but I am curious as to why there is a problem with the way I tried to do it.
At one stage the stored procedure used a temp table and later I also experimented with a table variable. In both cases I got similar errors at execution time. In the case of the temp table there was another problem in that, while the preview worked, there were no columns available for mapping. Using a table variable seemed to overcome this problem but I still got the run time error. eventually I found a way to avoid using either a temp table or a table variable and the package then worked correctly, copying the data into the desitnation table.
It seems to me that if there is any complexity at all to the stored procedure, these errors seem to occur. Can anyone enlighten me as to what the "rules of engagement" are in this regard? Is one solution to use a wrapper stored procedure that simply calls the more complex one?
ALTER procedure [dbo].[usp_ValveStatusForDay]
@dateTime DateTime,
@reportName VarChar(100)
DECLARE @day VarChar(10)
DECLARE @month VarChar(10)
DECLARE @year VarChar(10)
DECLARE @start VarChar(25)
DECLARE @end VarChar(25)
SET @day = Convert(Varchar(10),DatePart(day, @dateTime))
SET @month = Convert(VarChar(10), DatePart(month, @dateTime))
SET @year = Convert(VarChar(10), DatePart(year, @dateTime))
This is the code which I have written in code window.
Public Shared Function CalcLocalFactor(ByVal CalcLifeCode As Integer, ByVal CalcFiscalAge As Integer, ByVal CalcLifeYearsUsed As Double, ByVal CalcLocConvention As String, ByVal CalcSRate As Integer) As Double Dim locCalcFiscalAge As Integer = 0 Dim locFactor As Double= 1.0 Dim locFactor1 As Double = 1.0 Dim REM1 As Integer = 1 Dim DEP As Double = 0 Dim YR As Integer Dim HALF_YEAR As Double Dim LINEAR As Double Dim MACR As Double If CalcFiscalAge > CalcLifeCode + 1 Then locCalcFiscalAge = 0 locFactor = 1.0 End If If (CalcLocConvention <> "HALF-YEAR" And CalcLifeYearsUsed < CalcLifeCode) Then locFactor = Math.Round((CalcLifeYearsUsed / CalcLifeCode), 4) End If If (CalcLocConvention = "HALF-YEAR") Then for YR = 1 to CalcFiscalAge step 1 If YR = CalcLifeCode + 1 Then locFactor1 = 1 Exit For End If If (YR = 1 Or YR = CalcFiscalAge) Then HALF_YEAR = 2 Else HALF_YEAR = 1 End If LINEAR = Math.Round(REM1 / (CalcLifeCode - YR + 1.5) / HALF_YEAR, 4) MACR = Math.Round(REM1 / CalcLifeCode * CalcSRate / HALF_YEAR, 4) If MACR >= LINEAR Then DEP = MACR Else DEP = LINEAR End If locFactor1 = locFactor1 + DEP REM1 = 1 - locFactor1 locFactor = locFactor1 Next End If Return locFactor End Function
I'm calling this code in a Report Parameter like below:
It is working fine for the first record where as for other records, the value is not getting changed. i.e. the first records value is coming repeatedly for all other records also.
How can I dynamically change the parameter values of the function?
Parameter is not accepting directly the field names, hence I used other parameter to initialize the field and used that parameter for this.
Ex. Parameter Name ; FieldPurchDate (internal) FieldName : PURCHDATE Other parameter: FieldInDate (internal) FieldName : InDate
While initializing the new parameter CalcPurchDate,, I used an expression for this: Parameters!CalcFiscalAge.Value
=iif(Parameters!FieldPurchDate.Value is nothing, Parameters!FieldInDate.Value,Parameters!FieldPurchDate.Value)
and using this CalcPurchDate for processing of the parameter:
Hi,I am trying to write a method which needs to call a stored procedure and then needs to get the response of the stored procedure back to the variable i declared in the method. private string GetFromCode(string strWebVersionFromCode, string strWebVersionString) { //call stored procedure } strWebVersionFromCode = GetFromCode(strFromCode, "web_version"); // is the var which will store the response.how should I do this?Please assist.
private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirecto ry|\PEService.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; conn.Open(); string strSQL = "Select Count(*) as ctr From Cust Where Email=" + textBoxEmail + "and Passwd=" + textBoxPW;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL,conn); int ctr=(int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (ctr == 1) MessageBox.Show("Correct"); else MessageBox.Show("Wrong"); conn.Close(); }
i have this code for my login form. when i remove conn.Open(); in the code it says... ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
and when i put conn.Open(); it says... An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:... failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
Okay so here's a wierd one. I use SQLYog to peek into/administrate my databases.I noticed that this chunk of code is not producing a value... Using Conn As New MySqlConnection(Settings.MySqlConnectionString) Using Cmd As New MySqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbladminpermissions WHERE (PermissionFiles LIKE '%?CurrentPage%') AND Enabled=1", Conn) With Cmd.Parameters .Add(New MySqlParameter("?CurrentPage",thisPage)) End With Conn.Open() Exists = Cmd.ExecuteScalar() End Using End Using Exists is declared outside of that block so that other logic can access it. thisPage is a variable declared outside, as well, that contains a simple string, like 'index.aspx'. With the value set to 'index.aspx' a count of 1 should be returned, and is returned in SQLYog. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbladminpermissions WHERE (PermissionFiles LIKE '%index.aspx%') AND Enabled=1 This produces a value of 1, but NO value at all is returned from Cmd.ExecuteScalar(). I use this method in MANY places and don't have this problem, but here it rises out of the mist and I can't figure it out. I have no Try/Catch blocks so any error should be evident in the yellow/red error screen, but no errors occur in the server logs on in the application itself. Does anybody have any ideas?
The following query returns 0 when executing in Query Analyzer:SELECT isnull(Count(*),0) as total FROM SplitDetail WHERE SiteCode = 14 AND ProjectID = 4367Yet ExecuteScalar() in vb.net return a -1.
Howdie y'all! I'm trying to do an executescalar() on the next stored procudure... SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsers WHERE UserEmail = @UserEmail; Strangely enough I get SqlServer exception that tells me there's a syntax error. Is there something I'm overseeing? Cheers, Wes
Hi all I am currently developing a Help Desk for our company. One of my problems is Data lookups in other tables within a SQL 2000 DB. i.e. Client Details and Information in one table (hd_clients) and Client History (hd_history) in another. 'hd_history' contains a column called 'c_id' which references the 'hd_clients' table 'c_id' column A typical One-to-Many relationship. When a user goes to the Help Desk's Service page. I want to display the client's name in one of my GridView's Databound Columns. See Below: ... <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Client" SortExpression="c_id"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblClient" runat="server" Text='<%#GetClient(Eval("c_id")) %>' /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> ... This then calls: GetClientName - Which is as follows. ... Public Function GetClientName(ByVal ClientID) Dim ScalarValue As String = "" Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=XXX; Initial Catalog=XXX; uid=XXX; pwd=XXX") Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("SELECT [Name] FROM [hd_clients] WHERE [c_id] = @ClientID", myConnection) myCommand.Parameters.Add("@ClientID", SqlDbType.Int) myCommand.Parameters("@ClientID").Value = ClientID Try myConnection.Open() ScalarValue = myCommand.ExecuteScalar Catch ex As Exception Console.Write(ex.Message) End Try
If ScalarValue > "" Then Return ScalarValue.ToString Else Return "<span style='color: #CCCCCC'>- NULL -</span>" End If
End Function ... This works perfectly on my Laptop (which runs the IIS and SQL Server Instances + VS2005). But, when placed on our production server brings back the '- null -' value instead of the Client's Name. I have set both machines up in exaclty the same way - and cannot get this to work. I have tried 'ExecuteReader' but from what I understand is 'ExecuteScalar' is better for single value lookups.
Any help in this matter would be great and really appreciated. Thanks.
i have Cust table with 5 columns (Name, Add, Contact, UserID, Passwd)
my sql statement is not working correctly.. "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust WHERE UserID='" + textBoxEmail + "'AND Passwd='" + textBoxPW + "'"
what maybe the problem? i have 1 record and when im running it, whether the input is right or wrong, the count is always zero(0). i think the problem is in my sql statement(maybe in the where clause) because i tried counting the records by "select count(*) from cust" and it correctly says 1 record. pls help!
I having a strange problem, my code is as below: cmd.connection = cnncmd.commandtext = "select count(*) from member" dim i as integeri = cInt(cmd.executescalar) However, what the result tat i get is "&H0" ! When I use the same query in sqlquery, it did show out the result as "11".I have no idea abt wat is goin on, can anyone gv me some guide ? Thanks.
Hey folks, I was just learning how to work with ScopeIdentity and I found out I needed somthing called executescalar. Things seem to be working really well, and I think I did it write, except I'm having one strange little oddity. Everytime my page writes to my databases, it writes rows. I'm really curious to know what I did wrong. Any ideas? Thank you as always :-) Public Sub newoptic(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles newpostBTN.Click If newpostTXTBX.Text = "" Then Exit Sub End If Dim mySQL As String = "insert into msg_topics (topic_title, topic_forum_id) values (@topicTITLE, @forumID); Select Scope_Identity()"Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DBconnect")) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(mySQL, myConn)cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@topicTITLE", newposttitleTXTBX.Text) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@forumID", HDN_topic_forum_ID_LBL.Text) myConn.Open()Dim topic_ID_holder As Integer = cmd.ExecuteScalar() HDN_topic_id_holder_LBL.Text = (topic_ID_holder) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() myConn.Close() End Sub
Oh, one more quick question if whoever responds knows the answer. Why do I need a semi-colon here "@forumID); Select" ? The websites I learned about this from didn't explain that, and I've never used a semicolon in my select statements before, so I figured there must be something special about it.
I need to execute stored procedure which is suppose to return GUID to my IF statement and if it is Nothing I execute other Stored procedures else some other procedures. My problem is that even though by looking at the data I know that after the execution of the procedure it should return some guid value it doesn't anybody who had the same issue??? That is the code block where I am trying to return guid from my stored procedure: getGroupID.Parameters("@GroupName").Value = dr.Item("Group ID").ToString() If getGroupID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then 'Find Group by IP address if input Data Table doesn't have group getGroupIDByIP.Parameters("@IP").Value = dr.Item("IP").ToString() If getGroupIDByIP.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then insertGroup.Parameters("@GroupID").Value = Guid.NewGuid insertGroup.Parameters("@Group").Value = dr.Item("Group ID") insertGroup.Parameters("@ACCID").Value = getAccID.ExecuteScalar() insertGroup.ExecuteNonQuery() command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupID.ExecuteScalar() Else command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupIDByIP.ExecuteScalar() End If Else command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupID.ExecuteScalar() End If Thank you
I am using the following C# code and T-SQL to get result object from aSQL Server database. When my application runs, the ExecuteScalarreturns "10/24/2006 2:00:00 PM" if inserting a duplicated record. Itreturns null for all other conditions. Does anyone know why? Doesanyone know how to get the output value? Thanks.------ C# -----aryParams = {'10/24/2006 2pm', '10/26/2006 3pm', 2821077, null};object oRtnObject = null;StoredProcCommandWrapper =myDb.GetStoredProcCommandWrapper(strStoredProcName ,aryParams);oRtnObject = myDb.ExecuteScalar(StoredProcCommandWrapper);------ T-SQL ---ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[procmyCalendarInsert]@pBegin datetime,@pEnd datetime,@pUserId int,@pOutput varchar(200) outputASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;select * from myCalendarwhere beginTime >= @pBegin and endTime <= @pEnd and userId = @pUserIdif @@rowcount <0beginprint 'Path 1'set @pOutput = 'Duplicated reservation'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endelsebeginprint 'Path 2'-- check if upperlimit (2) is reachedselect rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))),count(rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))))from myCalendargroup by rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30)))having count(rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30)))) =2and (rtrim(cast(beginTime as varchar(30))) + ', ' +rtrim(cast(endTime as varchar(30))) =rtrim(cast(@pBegin as varchar(20)))+ ', ' + rtrim(cast(@pEnd asvarchar(20))))-- If the @@rowcount is not equal to 0 then-- at the time between @pBegin and @pEnd the maximum count of 2 isreachedif @@rowcount <0beginprint 'Path 3'set @pOutput = '2 reservations are already taken for the hours'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endelsebeginprint 'Path 4'--safe to insertinsert dbo.myCalendar(beginTime, endTime,userId)values (@pBegin, @pEnd, @pUserId)if @@error = 0beginprint 'Path 4:1 @@error=' + cast(@@error as varchar(1))print 'Path 4:1 @@rowcount=' + cast(@@rowcount as varchar(1))set @pOutput = 'Reservation succeeded'select @pOutput as 'Result'return 0endelsebeginprint 'Path 4:2 @@rowcount=' + cast(@@rowcount as varchar(1))set @pOutput = 'Failed to make reservation'select @pOutput as 'Result'return -1endendendEND
Hi, I just have a Dataset with my tables and thats it I have a grid view with several datas on it no problem to get the data or insert but as soon as I try to delete or update some records the local machine through the same error Unable to find nongeneric method... I've try to create an Update query into my table adapters but still not working with this one Also, try to remove the original_{0} and got the same error... Please help if anyone has a solution
I have code that has worked just fine for some time, and now all of the sudden I am having an issue. I have a simple INSERT statement built and then make the following call:
RecordID = cmd.ExecuteScalar
I have never had a problem with this before. The RecordID of the newly inserted record is returned into the RecordID Integer varibale. All of the sudden, the varibale has a value of 0 (null I assume is being returned), but yet the INSERT worked just fine. I can check the table in SQL and it is populated with no issues.
No exception is thrown of any type or anything. Does anybody know what may be happening?
I am new to asp.net and studying on book.. currently i am stuck with a problem which not understand what is it !! Can anyone help me ?? I trying a shopping cart "Check Out" method, and when i am done the process.. My order_lines Table can update the OrderID which just generated !! What wrong with the statement ??
Protected Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) Handles Wizard1.FinishButtonClick ' Insert the order and order lines into the database Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing Dim trans As SqlTransaction = Nothing Dim cmd As SqlCommand Try conn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString) conn.Open() trans = conn.BeginTransaction cmd = New SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = conn cmd.Transaction = trans ' set the order details cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Orders(MemberName, OrderDate, Name, Address, City, State, PostCode, Country, Total) VALUES (@MemberName, @OrderDate, @Name, @Address, @City,@State, @PostCode, @Country, @Total)" cmd.Parameters.Add("@MemberName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@OrderDate", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Address", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 255) cmd.Parameters.Add("@City", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@State", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@PostCode", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 15) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Country", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Total", Data.SqlDbType.Money) cmd.Parameters("@MemberName").Value = User.Identity.Name cmd.Parameters("@OrderDate").Value = DateTime.Now() cmd.Parameters("@Name").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtName"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@Address").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtAddress"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@City").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCity"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@State").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtState"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@PostCode").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtPostCode"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@Country").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCountry"), TextBox).Text cmd.Parameters("@Total").Value = Profile.Basket.Total Dim OrderID As Integer OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) <-- Is it wrong or need to add wat ? ' change the query and parameters for the order lines cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO OrderLines(OrderID, ProductID,Quantity, Price) VALUES (@OrderID, @ProductID, @Quantity, @Price)" cmd.Parameters.Clear() cmd.Parameters.Add("@OrderID", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Quantity", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Price", Data.SqlDbType.Money) cmd.Parameters("@OrderID").Value = OrderID For Each item As CartItem In Profile.Basket.Items cmd.Parameters("@ProductID").Value = item.ProductID cmd.Parameters("@Quantity").Value = item.Quantity cmd.Parameters("@Price").Value = item.UnitPrice cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Next ' commit the transaction trans.Commit() Catch SqlEx As SqlException ' some form of error - rollback the transaction ' and rethrow the exception If trans IsNot Nothing Then trans.Rollback() End If ' Log the exception Throw Finally If conn IsNot Nothing Then conn.Close() End If End Try ' we will only reach here if the order has been created successfully ' so clear the cart Profile.Basket.Items.Clear() End Sub
Hi all, From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in http://support.microsft.com/kb/308049, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.