I need to run stored procs based on a list in a code table. In other words, it reads the name of a stored proc from a table and runs it and does this for all the rows in the table. I think the ForEach loop container will do what I need and there is an ADO enumerator option but the documentation does not tell you how to use this. From what I can tell, you need to get a dataset into an SSIS variable first and then you plug the variable name into the ForEach ADO enumerator. Is that correct? If so, can someone tell me how to get a dataset into a variable?
I've a whole suite of files that I want to load, many of which can be loaded concurrently and some which can only be loaded once other files have already been loaded.
I'm using a seperate Stored Procedure (sp) per file with bulk insert and I'm calling these bulk insert sp's from a controlling sp, what I'd like to do is call several load processes simultaneously from the control sp, and wait till they have all completed before moving on to the next set of files.
I'm about to start investigating using osql to do this, but I would be grateful for any suggestions, useful articles etc that anyone can offer.
So here's my deal, I've got a bunch of tables set up like so.
CaseName_Class CaseName_Address CaseName_Mailing
The casename obviously changes based on the name of the case, but all table share the "_Class", "_Address" etc.
Now, I have built apps for these to do various things, handling mail, logging claims in, whatever. And at this point in time each case has a new directory with the files inside that directory that all do the same thing. Reason why this sucks is that if I change an app in one place, I should be hanging it in about 100 other places which causes...
So, what I am attempting to do is created a stored proc in SQL to handle one of the applications, pass in a few variables and make all of the cases run off of that one proc...yay! go me.
Now...due to the fact I have to pull the case prefix name everytime the proc runs, I am kind of shooting myself in the foot being that the proc has to recompile everytime to get that casename.
The code that is currently there and works, looks like this
I have an SSE system/database with a WinForms (VB.NET) application front end... i am just wondering how I can update a stored procedure in the local SSE database from my application?
This is a real big issue for us and our automated deployment.
Okay not really understanding how to do this, but how do I access system stored procedures from code? Basically I would like to determine information about each table in my database, the primary key, number of columns, the names of the columns and the datatypes of the columns in each table. Not too much to ask. How do I go about accessing this information. I have a fairly good idea on how to do it using T-SQL but how do I do it using an assembly? Has anyone else done this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
We have a product that we were experiencing high recompile rates do totemp tables, we have re-written them to use table variables to reducerecompile rate. The problem I am having is that we have somecustomers still on SQL 7 where the table variables were not valid. Iwould like to have one installation script that would create thestored procedure with table variables on SQL Server 2000 and withouton SQL Server 7, I have been unsuccessful do to the limitation thatCREATE PROCEDURE statement cannot be in a script with any otherstatements.Was wondering if anyone else has run into this and found a way aroundit.
Is there a way to namespace groups of stored procs to reduce confusion when using them?
For C# you can have ProjectName.ProjectSection.Classname when naming a class. I am just wondering if there is a way to do the same with SQL stored procs. I know Oracle has packages and the name of the package provides a namespace for all of the stored procs inside it.
I'm looking at writing some customized insert, update and delete stored procs for a replication target. For various reasons I would like to write a "one size fits all" custom stored proc for each of these tasks.
It looks like I can get the data values passed as parameters just fine.
I was wondering if there's a way to also pass the source schema and table name as parameters, or to determine these on the fly in my all purpose stored procs. Some replication products refer to these types of values as "tokens" that can be included in the replication data stream sent to the target.
I can adjust the source database replication publications, and article definitions, but I cannot modify the actual source database tables to include these as values in data columns. It is possible a view that contains these elements as strings might fly, but I was hoping to avoid cluttering the source database.
If you drop / rename a table and then recreate the table with the SAME NAME, what impact does it have on stored procedures that use these tables? From a system perspective, do you have to rebuild / recompile ALL the stored procedures that use this table?
I had a discussion with someone that said that this is a good idea, since the IDs of the tables change in sysobjects and from a SQL SERVER query plan perspective, this needs to be done...
Question 2
If you Truncate a Table as part of a BEGIN TRANSACTION, what happens if an error occurs? Will it Rollback? The theory is that it won't because Truncate doesn't utilize the logs where as Delete From uses the SQL Logs?
Hello. I was using the new sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats function which is nice for seeing counts of insert/update/delete actions per table index, bla bla bla... Anyways, question, can I do the same thing with Profiler? meaning, can I trace stored procs and sopmehow see the proc exec WITH each table it does actions against? Not talking about filtering on table names in the text, talking I just want to run an application, which uses all stored procs, and see every table used by that execution of the proc, and also the number of rows inserted,updated,deleted.... If so, which Profiler events/columns must I flick on to gather that? Thanks, Bruce
I have 1 table with a huge amount of data that I recive from someone else in a flat file format. I want to be able to filter through that data and scrub it and find out the good data and bad data from it.
I'm scrubbing the data using different stored procs that i've created and through a web interface that the user can pick which records they wish to create.
If I were to create a new table for clean records, what is the syntax to keep Appending to that table through the data that i'm obtainig via the stored procs that i've created.
Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appriciated in advance
SELECT A.INTCUSTOMERID,MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 23 then '1' else '0' end) + MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 12 then '1' else '0' end) + MAX(case when A.intpreferenceid = 10 then '1' else '0' end) AS PREFER FROM CUSTOMER GROUP BY A.INTCUSTOMERID ORDER BY A.INTCUSTOMERID END
I have a stored procedure that return 0 or 1 row and 10 columns. In my subsequent queries I only need 1 column from those 10 columns. Is there any better way other than creating or declaring temp table and than making a select from that table.
So I am looking int CTE to execute stored procedure and than make a selection from CTE, but CTE does not allow me to execute stored procedure. Is there any other better way of acheiving this.
We are trying to create a TVF that executes a CLR Stored Procedure we wrote to use the results from the SP and transform them for the purposes of returning to the user as a table.
Code Snippet
[SqlFunction ( FillRowMethodName = "FillRow",
TableDefinition = "CustomerID nvarchar(MAX)",
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.Read,
DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
public static IEnumerable GetWishlist () {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Context Connection=true" )) {
using ( SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow )) {
if (reader.Read ()) {
myList.Add ( reader[0] as string );
return (IEnumerable)myList;
When command.ExecuteReader is called, I am getting an "Object not defined" error. However, the stored procedure can be used in SQL Management Studio just fine.
Hello again, hope this post is not offensive to the newsgroup.
I am just wondering what is an efficient method of invoking external code from SQL server. I do not want to load assemblies in SQL, I want to run something outside. So far options considered:
1. Windows Service - loop and check for a specified condition in database. 2. Web Service Listener - use SQL CLR to call the web service. 3. Queueing mechanism. Use MSMQ and widows service (similar 1) [probably reliant on CLR to send messages]. 4. Service Broker - similar to 3. but message handling is SQL internal and in transaction.
All of the above are listeners in a way, could there be something that relies on event handlers - a stab in the dark.
How do I search for and print all stored procedure names in a particular database? I can use the following query to search and print out all table names in a database. I just need to figure out how to modify the code below to search for stored procedure names. Can anyone help me out? SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
It runs fine on my machine; however, on anyone elses machine "result" comes back as "failure". We have figured out that it is loading the package and variables fine but failing before the first step of the package. Does anyone know why this would be? Or how to fix it? I am totally stumped considering it works fine on my machine.
need help with my problem i have this view this code change the value field "new_unit" evry month from 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 like this evry 4 month it return to 1 >2.......... ------------------------------------------ for example
if i put unit_date = 01/05/2008 and unit=1 than new_unit=1
my question is how to create a stored procedure that move forward (all the employee) the "new_unit" field in +1 OR "unit_date" value MONTH +1
like create stored procedure name "plus" + so if i run this name stored procedure name "plus"
the stored procedure go to the viewor table and change the code view or table value
so i forward all the the "new_unit" or "unit_date" value IN one (change the cycle)+1
it doesn't matter if it change the "unit" value in the table "dbo.empList" or "unit_date" value
the important thing is that i can forward +1 or backward -1
evry time i run the stored procedure i get +1 (in the "new_unit") and olso create stored procedure name "minus" + so if i run this name stored procedure name "minus" this stored procedure that move backward the the "unit" value in the table "dbo.empList" or "unit_date" value in -1
When I run my report from within visual studio 2005 it generates just fine.
However, when I run the report from the reporting services local web site I get the following error. What do I need to do to fix this (temporarily turning off .net security uusing caspol didn't work).
An error occurred while executing OnInit: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed
I'm having problems with a stored procedure, that i'm hoping someone can help me with.
I have a table with 2 columns - Username (varchar), LastAllocation (datetime)
The Username column will always have values, LastAllocation may have NULL values. Example
Username | LastAllocation ------------------------ Greg | 02 October 2005 15:30 John | 02 October 2005 18:00 Mike | <NULL>
My stored procedure needs to pull back a user name with the following criteria:
If any <NULL> dates send username of first person where date is null, sorted alphabetically, otherwise send username of person with earliest date from LastAllocation
Then update the LastAllocation column with GETDate() for that username.
This SP will be called repeatedly, so all users will eventually have a date, then will be cycled through from earliest date. I wrote an SP to do this, but it seems to be killing my server - the sp works, but I then can't view the values in the table in Enterprise Manager. SP is below - can anyone see what could be causing the problem, or have a better soln? Thanks Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE PROCEDURE STP_GetNextSalesPerson AS DECLARE @NextSalesPerson varchar(100)
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM REF_SalesTeam WHERE LeadLastAllocated IS NULL) > 0 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @NextSalesPerson = eUserName FROM REF_SalesTeam WHERE LeadLastAllocated IS NULL ORDER BY eUserName ASC END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @NextSalesPerson = eUserName FROM REF_SalesTeam ORDER BY LeadLastAllocated ASC END
SELECT @NextSalesPerson UPDATE REF_SalesTeam SET LeadLastAllocated = GETDATE() WHERE eUserName = @NextSalesPerson
Hello-I'm fairly new to writing SQL statements and would greatly appreciatesome help on this one.I'm working on a project for a non-profit that I volunteer for. Partof the database tracks membership using tables like this:PersonInfo-------------------PersonID (primary key)FirstNameLastNameetc..PeopleMemberships-------------------PPLMembershipIP (primary key)PersonIDMembershipTypeIDFeePaidMembershipTypes--------------------MembershipTypeID (primary key)MembershipYearStandardFeeMembershipDescription (varchar)Just because a person is in PersonInfo, doesn't mean they have anythingin PeopleMemberships (they can be in the databse for other reasons andnot have or have ever had a membership).Membership fees vary by year and type of membership and they want toretain a history of a person's memberships.What I'm looking to do here is write a query (a view in SQL Server)that will return the following InfoPersonID, MostRecentMembershipYear, FeePaidForThatMembership,DescriptionOfThatMembershipI'm thinking that I'd use max(MembershipYear), but that requires groupby for the other columns, so I'm getting all of the people'smemberships returned.I'm pretty sure this can be best done with a subquery, but I'm not surehow.Can someone please point me in the right direction or provide a samplethat I can learn from?Kindly,Ken
I am wondering if it is possible to execute an .exe from a stored proc. I have an application that calls a stored proc and I am wanting for that stored proc to call up an app to show certain results. I have no way of doing this on the application itself as I dont have the source code. So, since I do have access to the SQL I am wondering if it could be done there.
First off, this is a cross post which is also located here: http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=34073
Now, with the following stored procs and UDF, the Result is NULL and I cannot figure out why.
What I am doing is calling a stored procedure pass in an OUTPUT variable of type float. This stored proceudre then calls a different stored procedure passing the same OUTPUT variable of type float. The second stored procedure then calls a UDF passing in two variables to be multiplied ans this should set the OUTPUT variable to the result.
The UDF does return the correct result to the interior stored procedure, but the interior stored procedure does not pass the value back to the original stored procudure resultint in a Result value = NULL.
The code is below, just copy / past, execute and you will see exactly what I mean.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to improve my SQL and reduce the number of connections my website is making to the server.
Currently I have a stored procedure that gets all the games (and their details) for a single user which works fine which uses a WHERE userid = @userid which is an Int value.
I now need to create a new procedure which brings back the to all their "friends" (again by their userid). How is it best to do this? I originally tried to do a WHERE userID IN (@userid) but was unable to work out what variable type to use for @userid.
Is it best to do a single query in this way or is there a way to use the existing SP, loop through the collection of userids and join the result together into a single set to return? If an IN is the best route, what is the correct datatype for the variable?
can anyone help me out.... i need to compare a date that was retrieved from the database and the system date then it must be coded in the stored procs of the database.. help!!!!
This is the code which I have written in code window.
Public Shared Function CalcLocalFactor(ByVal CalcLifeCode As Integer, ByVal CalcFiscalAge As Integer, ByVal CalcLifeYearsUsed As Double, ByVal CalcLocConvention As String, ByVal CalcSRate As Integer) As Double Dim locCalcFiscalAge As Integer = 0 Dim locFactor As Double= 1.0 Dim locFactor1 As Double = 1.0 Dim REM1 As Integer = 1 Dim DEP As Double = 0 Dim YR As Integer Dim HALF_YEAR As Double Dim LINEAR As Double Dim MACR As Double If CalcFiscalAge > CalcLifeCode + 1 Then locCalcFiscalAge = 0 locFactor = 1.0 End If If (CalcLocConvention <> "HALF-YEAR" And CalcLifeYearsUsed < CalcLifeCode) Then locFactor = Math.Round((CalcLifeYearsUsed / CalcLifeCode), 4) End If If (CalcLocConvention = "HALF-YEAR") Then for YR = 1 to CalcFiscalAge step 1 If YR = CalcLifeCode + 1 Then locFactor1 = 1 Exit For End If If (YR = 1 Or YR = CalcFiscalAge) Then HALF_YEAR = 2 Else HALF_YEAR = 1 End If LINEAR = Math.Round(REM1 / (CalcLifeCode - YR + 1.5) / HALF_YEAR, 4) MACR = Math.Round(REM1 / CalcLifeCode * CalcSRate / HALF_YEAR, 4) If MACR >= LINEAR Then DEP = MACR Else DEP = LINEAR End If locFactor1 = locFactor1 + DEP REM1 = 1 - locFactor1 locFactor = locFactor1 Next End If Return locFactor End Function
I'm calling this code in a Report Parameter like below:
It is working fine for the first record where as for other records, the value is not getting changed. i.e. the first records value is coming repeatedly for all other records also.
How can I dynamically change the parameter values of the function?
Parameter is not accepting directly the field names, hence I used other parameter to initialize the field and used that parameter for this.
Ex. Parameter Name ; FieldPurchDate (internal) FieldName : PURCHDATE Other parameter: FieldInDate (internal) FieldName : InDate
While initializing the new parameter CalcPurchDate,, I used an expression for this: Parameters!CalcFiscalAge.Value
=iif(Parameters!FieldPurchDate.Value is nothing, Parameters!FieldInDate.Value,Parameters!FieldPurchDate.Value)
and using this CalcPurchDate for processing of the parameter:
I'm relatively new to stored procs (not to SQL or SQL Server) and I am trying to get transactions to work within a stored proc. Here is the code:
( --define the parameters that are needed @userID char(32), @userName varchar(50), @status char(10), @type char(10), @password varchar(50), @firstName varchar(100), @lastName varchar(100), @email varchar(200), @domain varchar(50), @pwdExpiry int, @badLogin int, @lastLogin datetime, @full varchar(8000), @read varchar(8000), @noaccess varchar(8000) ) AS BEGIN TRAN tmp1 --First, insert the user into the system INSERT INTO ptsUsers(UserID, UserName, Status, Type, Password, FirstName, LastName, Email, DomainName, PasswordExpiry, BadLoginAttempts, LastLoginDate) values(@userID, @userName, @status, @type, @password, @firstName, @lastName, @email, @domain, @pwdExpiry, @badLogin, @lastLogin);
--Now, we need to add the function access edges for the user declare @arrayValue char(32) declare @rightID char(32) declare @sepPos int while patindex('%,%',@full)<>0 BEGIN select @sepPos = patindex('%,%' , @full) select @arrayValue = left(@full, @sepPos - 1) -- replace the value with an empty string select @full = stuff(@full, 1, @sepPos, '')
--create and parse the new id declare @strID char(32),@tmpStr varchar(40) set @tmpStr = newid(); set @strID = REPLACE(@tmpStr,'-','')
--get the access right id for full control select @rightID = (Select AccessRightID from ptsAccessRights where Name = 'Write') if(@rightID IS NOT NULL) --insert the records that are full access INSERT INTO ptsFunctionAccessEdges(FunctionAccessEdgeID, FunctionID, AccessRightID, UserID) VALUES(@strID, @arrayValue, @rightID, @userID) else RAISERROR(50100,15,1) END COMMIT TRAN tmp1 IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 RAISERROR(50101,15,1) ROLLBACK TRAN tmp1
The transaction does not rollback when any errors occur at all. Any advice/help?
I am not an expert in Stored Procs. I would like to build one for a product list that would return a default value without using output parameters, if possible. Ultimately, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
It currently looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE ProductsByVendorNo ( @VendorNum nvarchar(24) ) AS
SELECT P.ProductID AS ProductID, P.ProductShortName AS ProductName, P.ProductDesc AS ProductDesc, U.UnitDesc AS Unit, P.VendorProductNumber AS VendorNumber, V.VendorName AS VendorName, P.Price AS Price, P.ImageThumb AS ImageThumb
FROM tblProducts AS P INNER JOIN tblUnitCodes AS U ON P.UnitCode=U.UnitCode INNER JOIN tblVendors AS V ON P.VendorID=V.VendorID
WHERE V.VendorsVendorNo = @VendorNum AND P.Inactive = 0
ORDER BY ProductName, VendorNumber
I would like for it to return a default, constant value for the URL in the ImageThumb field, if this one is empty. I could not find good documentation of how to use IF statements for this case, i.e. to alter the return of just one field.
I want to "deny" create, update,and delete access on the dbo stored procs that are in the database, but do not want take away dbo owner access. is this possible?
can i create a role and deny access on a particular table in msdb? or a system table in the user table. Thus preventing the developers on the box access to update any of the dbo owned sp's and have them create their own user-owned stored procs?