I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="FormDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="Fo rmDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
I have several UDFs created. Inside one of the UDFs I need to execute a dynamic SQL statement and then take that result and do something else with it, before returning the final value.
I know you can not execute a stored proce from inside a function. I also know you can not use the EXEC statement.
I did read that you could use an external stored procedure and/or managed CLR procedures inside a function.
I have created a managed procedure CLR (C#) that simply executes a passed statemetn and returns the value to the calling routine. I have this all coded and is working fine.
However, I am struggling with knowing how to call this CLR procedure from inside my function, seeing how I can not use EXEC statement.
Hi,I'm tring to call a stored procedure i'v made from a DNN module, via .net control.When I try to execute this sql statement: EXEC my_proc_name 'prm_1', 'prm_2', ... the system displays this error: Could not find stored procedure ''. (including the trailings [".] chars :)I've tried to run the EXEC statement from SqlServerManagement Studio, and seems to works fine, but sometimes it displays the same error. So i've added the dbname and dbowner as prefix to my procedure name in the exec statement and then in SqlSrv ManStudio ALWAYS works, but in dnn it NEVER worked... Why? I think it could be a db permission problem but i'm not able to fix this trouble, since i'm not a db specialist and i don't know which contraint could give this problem. Also i've set to the ASPNET user the execute permissions for my procedure... nothing changes :( Shoud someone could help me? Note that I'm using a SqlDataSource object running the statement with the select() method (and by setting the appropriate SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure ) and I'm using the 2005 sql server express Thank in advance,(/d
Does MS-SQL allow us to create an user-defined function within the stored-procedure script? I have been getting errors. It's my first time using the user-defined function with stored-procedure. I welcome your help.
CREATE FUNCTION ftnVehicleYearFormattor (@sValue VARCHAR(2)) RETURNS VARCHAR(2) AS BEGIN IF (LEN(@sValue) < 2) SET @sValue = '0' + @sValue
Hi.I'm really new to MSSQL, so therefore my question can sound stupid.Is it possible to use a function written in a module in MS-ACCESS in astored procedure?Or how can it be done, it is a complicated function with loop and more.I'll appreciate all answers also negatives ones.TIAJørn
I am trying to add a simple case statement to a stored procedure oruser defined function. However when I try and save thefunction/procedure I get 2 syntax errors. Running the query in queryanalyser works fine and a result is given with no syntax errors. Ibelieve its something to do with the spaces in the field names. Not mychoice as its an existing system I have to work around. Any helpgreatly appreciatedSQL QueryDECLARE @pfid VARCHAR(100)SET @pfid = '000101'SELECTCaseWHEN GetDate()BETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfidUser Defined Function (Errors Line 11 & 15)CREATE FUNCTION dbo.get_Margin(@pfid VARCHAR(100), @dtNow DATETIME)RETURNS DECIMAL ASBEGINDECLARE @Return as DECIMALSET @Return = (SELECTCaseWHEN @dtNowBETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-(dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfid)RETURN @ReturnEND
hai, the problem is - I have created a userdefined function using SQL 2000 create function getfulldate (@date varchar(10))returns datetimeasbegindeclare @getfulldate datetime set @getfulldate = dateadd (mi,55,@date) return @getfulldateend and normally we call this in the SQL statements as select *, dbo.getfulldate('2006-05-03') from emp This works fine and what I need was, I need to invoke the user-defined function like select *, getfulldate('2006-05-03') from emp that is, without using "dbo". If I call in that manner, it gives error as - 'getfulldate' is not a recognized function name. So, here what is the purpose of dbo and can I call in my desired manner as mentioned above. anyone guide me, thanks!
Is it possible to call a user-defined function without prefixing itwith 'dbo.' within a SELECT clause somehow? Just curious; it's not abig issue but just a stylistic one for me.Thanks!Joel Thornton ~ <groups@joelpt.eml.cc>
My task is to bind and show 3 different values coming from three different queries into three different columns of GridView. I had done this as mention in below. Program was successful. But I want to excute these three queries in same Stored Procedure. I can do that and stored in seperated variables. I need help how to call these three different values in data adapters and store each value in three different columns of grid view.
Simply I want to below statement in stored procedures and call from program. Can any one help me plz.
con = DataBaseConnection.GetConnection();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_DAmt),0) from PA_Deposits where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con); da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]); da.Fill(ds,"Dep");
SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_EAmt),0) from PA_Expenses where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con); da1.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]); da1.Fill(ds,"Exp");
SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select isnull(sum(PA_IAmt),0) from PA_Income where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con); da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PA_UID"]); da2.Fill(ds,"Inc");
// This is another way I had tried. But failed. I am getting Index out of bound error. Can any solve this if possible to u. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select isnull(sum(PA_DAmt),0) from PA_Deposits where PA_UID = @PA_UID", con); cmd.Parameters.Add("@PA_UID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = (int)Session["PA_UID"]; GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
cmd.CommandText = "select isnull(sum(PA_EAmt),0) from PA_Expenses where PA_UID = @PA_UID"; GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
cmd.CommandText = "select isnull(sum(PA_IAmt),0) from PA_Income where PA_UID = @PA_UID"; GridView1.Rows[0].Cells[3].Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
ASPX Code for Grid View <h2>Account Summary</h2><br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" emptydatatext="There are no data records to display." Width="238px" > <Columns> <asp:TemplateField >
Dear all,After reading the Book Online, I am still confued by when to use store proc or user-defined function. The most obvious different for me is that 1. UDF can return a table eg select * from dbo.UDF(a, b , c) In real word application, what factor should i consider?Also, any debug tools in sql server ?Ad_dee
Hello all, I'm trying to construct a select statement in a stored procedure that filters based on the returned values of a number of functions. My function works fine, but when I try to call the function from the stored procedure I get an error. I'm going to try explain the thought process behind what I'm doing. Hope I make enough sense.The purpose of the stored procedure is to perform a wildcard search on a tool. The tool contains a number of FK that link to different tables (e.g., manufacturer, vendor). So I'm creating functions that also search the manufacturer and vendor and return the matching IDs. Example of tool SELECT statement:SELECT tool_number, tool_description FROM tool WHERE tool_manufacturer IN (UDFmanufacturer_SearchName(@search_string) This gives me an error:'UDFmanufacturer_SearchName' is not a recognized built-in function name. Function code (removed some wrapping code for simplicity):SELECT manufacturer_id FROM manufacturer WHERE manufacturer_name LIKE '%' + @search_string + '%'These statements both work if I run a independent query: SELECT * FROM UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol') SELECT * FROM tool WHERE tool_manufacturer IN (SELECT *FROM UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol')) This code fails:SELECT * FROM ato_tool WHERE ato_tool_manufacturer IN (UDFmanufacturer_SearchName('mol')) I'm stuck. I haven't been able to find anything that shows me where I'm going wrong. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks,Jay
I have several stored procedures with parameters that are defined withuser defined data types. The time it takes to run the procedures cantake 10 - 50 seconds depending on the procedure.If I change the parameter data types to the actual data type such asvarchar(10), etc., the stored procedure takes less that a second toreturn records. The user defined types are mostly varchar, but someothers such as int. They are all input type parameters.Any ideas on why the stored procedure would run much faster if notusing user defined types?Using SQL Server 2000.Thanks,DW
We are trying to create a TVF that executes a CLR Stored Procedure we wrote to use the results from the SP and transform them for the purposes of returning to the user as a table.
Code Snippet
[SqlFunction ( FillRowMethodName = "FillRow",
TableDefinition = "CustomerID nvarchar(MAX)",
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.Read,
DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
public static IEnumerable GetWishlist () {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Context Connection=true" )) {
using ( SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow )) {
if (reader.Read ()) {
myList.Add ( reader[0] as string );
return (IEnumerable)myList;
When command.ExecuteReader is called, I am getting an "Object not defined" error. However, the stored procedure can be used in SQL Management Studio just fine.
I have a number of databases that require a set of common functions. I'd like to place all those functions in a central DB. I'm having trouble calling them using the syntax FunctionDB.GetParamLength() for example, which works within the FunctionDB database.
Any ideas/suggestions? I really don't want to maintain seperate copies of the functions across 5+ databases.
When I am trying to call a function I made from a stored procedure of my creation as well I am getting:
Running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].
Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.TTLValue", or the name is ambiguous.
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[DeleteSetByTime].
This is my function:
RETURN SELECT Settings.TTL FROM Settings WHERE Enabled='true'
This is my stored procedure:
SET @TTL = dbo.TTLValue()
DELETE FROM SetValues WHERE CreatedTime > dateadd(minute, @TTL, CreatedTime)
CreatedTime is a datetime column and TTL is an integer column.
I tried calling it by dbo.TTLValue(), dbo.MyDatabase.TTLValue(), [dbo].[MyDatabase].[TTLValue]() and TTLValue(). The last returned an error when saving it "'TTLValue' is not a recognized built-in function name". Can anybody tell me how to call this function from my stored procedure? Also, if anybody knows of a good book or site with tutorials on how to become a pro in T-SQL I will appreciate it.
We have a user-defined function that can be called directly via SQL (in SQL Server Management Studio) without error. We would like to use this function to populate a column, whist data is being processed within Integration Services. Using an OLE DB Command transformation to achieve this would seem the most appropriate.
The following was inserted for the SQLCommand property:
However, when the Refresh button is pressed we are presented with the error below:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8004E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x8004E14 Description: "Invalid parameter number".
If we use SET instead of EXEC (e.g. SET ? = dbo.GetOrderlineStatus(@dt_required = ?, @dt_invoice = ?, @dt_despatch = ?, @ch_status = ?, @si_suffix = ?, @re_quantity = ?, @vc_invoice_id = ?, @vc_order_id = ?)) the following error is produced:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 7, 'Peter', 'Wang', '678 Old St', 'Detroit',
'Michigon', '67899', 'PeterWang@yahoo.com'
======================================================================= Now, I want to insert a new record into the dbo.Friends table of my shcDB by executing the following T-SQL and Visual Basic 2005 codes that are programmed in a VB2005 Express project "CallshcDBspWithAdoNet": --Form1.vb--
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Public Sub InsertNewFriend()
Dim connectionString As String = "Integrated Security-SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;" + _
"Initial Catalog=shcDB;Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_InsertNewRecord", connection)
=========================================================== I ran the above project in VB 2005 Express and I got the following 5 errors: 1. Name 'EXEC' is not declared (in Line 16 of Form1.vb) 2. Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses (in Line 16 of Form1.vb) 3. Name 'sd-insertNewRecord' is not declared. (in Line 16 of Form1.vb) 4.Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb) 5. Expression expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb) ============================================================ I know that "EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',
'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', 'CraigUtley@yahoo.com' "in Line 16 of Form1.vb is grossly in error. But I am new in doing the programming of T-SQL in VB 2005 Express and I am not able to change it.
Please help and advise me how to correct these problems.
I have a UDF that takes my input and returns the next valid business day date. My valid date excludes weekends and holidays. It works perfect except for one issue. It doesn't check to see if today's date is a holiday. I pass a query to sql server like so " select dbo.getstartdate('01/ 10/2007',2)" It then moves ahead two business days and returns that date. Here is the current code. Hopefully someone can tell me how to do the holiday check on the current date. I really don't want to rewrite the whole script . Code--------------------------------------------------------- SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO --DROP FUNCTION GetStartDate --declare function receiving two parameters ---the date we start counting and the number of business days CREATE FUNCTION GetStartDate (@startdate datetime, @days int) RETURNS datetimeASBEGIN --declare a counter to keep track of how many days are passingdeclare @counter int /*Check your business rules. If 4 business days means you count starting tomorrow, set counter to 0. If you start counting today, set counter to 1*/set @counter = 1 --declare a variable to hold the ending datedeclare @enddate datetime --set the end date to the start date. we'll be -- incrementing it for each passing business dayset @enddate = @startdate /*Start your loop.While your counter (which was set to 1), is less than or equal to the number of business days increment your end date*/WHILE @counter <= @days BEGIN --for each day, we'll add one to the end dateset @enddate = DATEADD(dd, 1, @enddate) --If the day is between 2 and 6 (meaning it's a week --day and the day is not in the holiday table, we'll --increment the counter IF (DATEPART(dw, @enddate) between 2 and 6) AND (@enddate not in ( select HolidayDate from tFederalHoliday where [HolidayYear] = datepart(yyyy,@enddate) ) ) BEGIN set @counter = @counter + 1 END --end the while loopEND --return the end dateRETURN @enddate --end the functionEND GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi everyone, I am tring to pass acomma delimited string to a function and this function is parsing the string so that I can see individual values so for example I am passing 1,2,3,4,5 as a parameter to my function and I am parsing this string so that I can write something like this Select * from tableA where userID in(1,2,3,4) It is working fine. Only problem is if the user passes word 'all' instead of 1,2,3,4 then I have to doSelect * from tableA My function looks like this. How can I modify this function if I pass 'all' as a paramater. Any help will be appreciated.CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ParseText2File] (@p_text varchar(4000), @p_Delimeter char(1)) RETURNS @results TABLE (id varchar(100)) AS BEGIN declare @i1 varchar(200) declare @i2 varchar(200) declare @tempResults Table (id varchar(100)) while len(@p_text) > 0 and charindex (@p_Delimeter, @p_text) <> 0 begin select @i1 = left(@p_text, charindex(@p_Delimeter, @p_text) - 1) insert @tempResults select @i1 select @p_text = right(@p_text, len(@p_text) - charindex(@p_Delimeter,@p_text)) end insert @tempResults select @p_text insert @results select * from @tempResults return END Thanks