Calling Variable Inside T-SQL Statement

Oct 4, 2007

Can someone please take a quick look at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong I'm sure it's something simple.  I'm a little new to stored procedures but I've been using SQL and T-SQL for quite some time, I've just always used inline queries with my ASP.  This procedure needs to be run monthly by me or another person I grant access to and will update sales information that our sales staff will be paid commission on.  I need to supply the start date and and end date for the query and it will pull this information from our business system which is hosted remotely by a third party and pull it into our local SQL server where we can run commission reports against it.  (I hope this is enough information you can understand where I'm trying to go with this).  I know my problem right now lies in how I'm trying to call the variable inside of my T-SQL.  Any help is appreciated.  This is an old Unix system and it stores the date as YYYYMMDD as numeric values incase someone wonders why I have dimed my dates as numeric instead of as datetime =)

I'm using a relativity client to create an ODBC connection to the UNIX server and then using a linked server to map a connection in SQL this is the reason for the OpenQuery(<CompanyName>





-- =============================================


-- Create date: 10/4/2007

-- Description: This proc is designed to pull all CSA

-- part sales from XXXXXX business system and upload them

-- into the local XXXXXXXX Database for commission reporting

-- =============================================CREATE proc usp_CSAPartsSalesUpdate@date1 int, @date2 int


INSERT INTO CSAPartsSales ( CSA, CustomerNumber, CustomerName, Location, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, InvoiceAmount )

SELECT SalesRoute, HInvCust, CustOrCompName, HInvLoc, HInvNo, HInvDate, HInvAmt From OpenQuery(<CompanyName>, 'Select CPBASC_All.SalesRoute, PMINVHST.HInvCust, CPBASC_All.CustOrCompName, PMINVHST.HInvLoc, PMINVHST.HInvNo, PMINVHST.HInvDate, PMINVHST.HInvAmtFROM PMINVHST INNER JOIN CPBASC_All ON PMINVHST.HInvCust = CPBASC_All.CustomerNo

WHERE (((PMINVHST.HInvAmt)<>0) AND ((PMINVHST.HInvDate)>=''' + @date1 + ''' And (PMINVHST.HInvDate)<=''' + @date2 + ''') AND ((Trim([CPBASC_All].[SalesRoute]))<>'''' And (Trim([CPBASC_All].[SalesRoute]))<>''000''))')


In this example date1 will be equal to 20070901 and date2 will be equal to 20070930 so I can pull all CSA sales for the month of September.

This is the error message I get when I try to create the proc:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure usp_CSAPartsSalesUpdate, Line 17

Incorrect syntax near '+'.

~~~ Thanks All~~~


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Scripting: Dumb Q.. How Can I Store A DTS Variable Inside A Script Variable?

Nov 1, 2005


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Calling SP Inside The SP

Jul 13, 2004

hai guys

how should we have to cal the store procedure inside the same store procedure.

for Example

Create procedure A
Select * from mytable
execute A

is this the correct one

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Calling Stored Procedures Inside Cursors

Aug 13, 2001

I have created a cursor using the following type of syntax:

SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees
OPEN MyCursor
CLOSE MyCursor

Instead of the SELECT statement (SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees), I actually have a very complex select statement. I have created a stored procedure to handle this select. However, I cannot find a way to call a stored procedure in place of the SELECT statement in the cursor. Is this possible? Thanks.

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Newbe Question: Calling Function Inside Select

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!I have a scalar function that returns integer:xview (int)Now, I'm trying to build a procedure that has the following selectinside:select atr1, xview(atr2)from tablenameBut, I get the 'Invalid name' error when I try to execute thatprocedure.If I got it right, I must use user.fn_name() syntax, but I cannot usedbo.xview() inside my procedure since it means xview will always beexecuted as dbo, which is unaccaptable.I'm a bit confused, so any hint is very welcomed.Thanks!Mario.

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Calling Subscription Screen Inside Report Viewer

Sep 3, 2007


I use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service to develop all my Reports. i design the report and deploy to the report server. i have created a Web application where i use the above report to be shown inside a ReportViewer page.

when any user view's the report i also want to give them the subscription screen inside the report viewer. BIG QUESTION is how do i call the subscription screen of a specific report inside the report viewer?

any help is appreciated

/Chandresh Soni

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Calling Managed CLR Procedure From Inside User Defined Function -- How To ?

May 15, 2008

I have several UDFs created. Inside one of the UDFs I need to execute a dynamic SQL statement and then take that result and do something else with it, before returning the final value.

I know you can not execute a stored proce from inside a function. I also know you can not use the EXEC statement.

I did read that you could use an external stored procedure and/or managed CLR procedures inside a function.

I have created a managed procedure CLR (C#) that simply executes a passed statemetn and returns the value to the calling routine. I have this all coded and is working fine.

However, I am struggling with knowing how to call this CLR procedure from inside my function, seeing how I can not use EXEC statement.

Any advice on how to do this?


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Variable Inside A Variable From Sql TAsk

Sep 28, 2006

I've got two Sql Tasks on my dtsx. The first one loads a value into "Proyecto" user variable and the second one executes a variable named "SegundoProceso" which contains from the beginning:

"select Fecha from LogsCargaExcel where Proyecto = " + @[User::Proyecto] +""
As SqlSourceType propety I have "Variable" and inside ResultSet or Parameter Mapping nodes there is nothing.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query ""select Fecha from LogsCargaExcel where Proyecto = " + @[User::Proyecto] +""" failed with the following error: "Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Where am I wrong?


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How To Write Select Statement Inside CASE Statement ?

Jul 4, 2006

Hello friends,
I want to use select statement in a CASE inside procedure.
can I do it? of yes then how can i do it ?

following part of the procedure clears my requirement.

SELECT E.EmployeeID,
CASE E.EmployeeType
select * from Tbl1
select * from Tbl2
select * from Tbl3

can any one help me in this?
please give me a sample query.

Thanks and Regards,
Kiran Suthar

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Variable Insert To SQL Server Insert Satement Setting Values For The @variable INSIDE Sql

Apr 29, 2007

ok, I am on Day 2 of being brain dead.I have a database with a table with 2 varchar(25) columns I have a btton click event that gets the value of the userName,  and a text box.I NEED to insert a new row in a sql database, with the 2 variables.Ive used a sqldatasource object, and tried to midify the insert parameters, tried to set it at the button click event, and NOTHING is working. Anyone have a good source for sql 101/ASP.Net/Braindead where I can find this out, or better yet, give me an example.  this is what I got <%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server">     protected void runit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {       //SqlDataSource ID = "InsertExtraInfo".Insert();      //SqlDataSource1.Insert();    }      protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlDataSource newsql;                newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@name", "Dan");        newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@color", "rose");        String t_c = "purple";        string tempname = Page.User.Identity.Name;        Label1.Text = tempname;        Label2.Text = t_c;        newsql.Insert();    }</script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">    <title>mini update</title></head><body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">        &nbsp;name<asp:TextBox ID="name" runat="server" OnTextChanged="TextBox2_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox><br />        color        <asp:TextBox ID="color" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />        <br />        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click1" Text="Button" />        &nbsp;<br />        set lable =&gt;<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label" Width="135px" Visible="False"></asp:Label><br />        Lable 2 =&gt;        <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br />        Usernmae=&gt;<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />        <br />        <br />        <br />        <br />        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:newstring %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [favcolor] WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color"            InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, @color)"            OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT [name], [color] FROM [favcolor]"            UpdateCommand="UPDATE [favcolor] SET [color] = @color WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color">            <DeleteParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" />            </DeleteParameters>            <UpdateParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="color" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" />                <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" />            </UpdateParameters>            <InsertParameters>        <asp:InsertParameter("@name", "Dan", Type="String" />        <asp:InsertParameter("@color", "rose") Type="String"/>                                       </InsertParameters>        </asp:SqlDataSource>        &nbsp;        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"            AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="name" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">            <Columns>                <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" ShowSelectButton="True" />                                <asp:BoundField DataField="color" HeaderText="color" SortExpression="color" />                <asp:BoundField DataField="name" HeaderText="name" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="name" />            </Columns>        </asp:GridView>           </form></body></html>  

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How To Use Select Statement Inside Insert Statement

Oct 20, 2014

In the below code i want to use select statement for getting customer


from customer table.Rest of the things will be as it is in the following code.How do i do this?

INSERT INTO EMImportListing ("
sql += " CustId,Title,Description,JobCity,JobState,JobPostalCode,JobCountry,URL,Requirements, "
sql += " IsDraft,IsFeatured,IsApproved,"
sql += " Email,OrgName,customerAddress1,customerAddress2,customerCity,customerState,customerPostalCode,


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Variable Inside A Nested Loop

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to write a utility/query to get a report from a table. Belowis the some values in the table:table name: dba_daily_resource_usage_v1conn|loginame|dbname|cum_cpu|cum_io|cum_mem|last_b atch------------------------------------------------------------80 |farmds_w|Farm_R|4311 |88 |5305 |11/15/2004 11:3080 |abcdes_w|efgh_R|5000 |88 |4000 |11/15/2004 12:3045 |dcp_webu|DCP |5967 |75 |669 |11/16/2004 11:3095 |dcp_webu|XYZ |5967 |75 |669 |11/17/2004 11:30I need to write a query which for a given date (say 11/15/2004),generate a resource usage report for a given duration (say 3 days).Here is my query:************************************set quoted_identifier offdeclare @var1 intset @var1=0--BEGIN OUTER LOOPwhile @var1<=3 --INPUT runs the report for 3 daysbegindeclare @vstartdate char (10) --INPUT starting dateset @vstartdate='11/15/2004'--builds a range of datedeclare @var2 datetimeset @var2=(select distinct (dateadd(day,@var1,convert(varchar(10),last_batch,101)))--set @var2=(select distinct (dateadd(day,@var1,last_batch))from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1where convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@vstartdate)set @var1=@var1+1 --increments a daydeclare @var5 varchar (12)--set dateformat mdy--converts the date into 11/15/2004 format from @var2set @var5="'"+(convert(varchar(10),@var2,101))+"'"--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as resultdeclare @vloginame varchar (50)declare @vdbname varchar (50)--BEGIN INNER LOOPdeclare cur1 cursor read_only forselect distinct loginame,dbname fromdba_daily_resource_usage_v1where convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@var5--??????PROBLEM AREA ABOVE STATEMENT??????--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as result--however cursor is not being built and hence it exits the--inner loop (cursor)open cur1fetch next from cur1 into @vloginame, @vdbnamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin--print @var5 produces '11/15/2004' as resultdeclare @vl varchar (50)set @vl="'"+rtrim(@vloginame)+"'"declare @vd varchar (50)set @vd="'"+@vdbname+"'"--processes the cursorsdeclare @scr varchar (200)set @scr=("select max(cum_cpu) from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1 whereloginame="+@vl+" and dbname="+@vd+" and "+"convert(varchar(10),last_batch,101)="+@var5)--set @var3 =(select max(cum_cpu) from dba_daily_resource_usage_v1where--loginame=@vloginame and dbname=@vdbname--and convert(varchar (10),last_batch,101)=@var5)print @scr--exec @scrfetch next from cur1 into @vloginame, @vdbnameend--END INNER LOOPselect @var2 as "For date"deallocate cur1end--END OUTER LOOP************************************PROBLEM:Even though variable @var5 is being passed as '11/15/2004' inside thecursor fetch (see print @var5 inside the fetch), the value is not beingused to build the cursor. Hence, the cursor has no row set.Basically, the variable @var5 is not being processed/passed correctlyfrom outside the cursor to inside the cursor.Any help please.Thanks*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Update Variable Inside DataFlow

May 22, 2007

Dear friends,

Someone told me that I couldnt update the global variavel inside a dataflow... but i need to have some solution to do that... :-(

I crate my identity column manually based on a global variable... and it works perfect, but in one dataflow I have to insert 2 times in the some table... so... in the second time my identity will be GlobalVariavel + increment of the first time rows inserted...

how can I save this increment in the dataflow? How can I count the rows inserted in the first time do use it in the second time i save Data to the some table??


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Updating The Variable Inside The Dataflow

Nov 2, 2007

Is it possible to update the value of a user defined variable within the DataFLow in SSIS. I am aware you can update a variable using a script task in the Control Flow, but how about the DataFlow?

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Executing A Variable Inside A Stored Procedure

May 7, 2005

Hello :) I need to do something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE SelectCostumers @name varchar(100)
Declare @SQL = "SELECT Id, Name FROM Costumers"
IF (@name IS NULL)
@SQL += "WHERE Name LIKE @name"
See, what I need is a string variable that I can concatenate with whatever I want depending on the parameter I get.
Thank you

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Change Local Variable Inside Query

Jul 20, 2005

/*Given*/CREATE TABLE [_T1sub] ([PK] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[FK] [int] NULL ,[St] [char] (2) NULL ,[Wt] [int] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK__T1sub] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([PK]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO _T1sub (FK,St,Wt) VALUES (1,'id',10)INSERT INTO _T1sub (FK,St,Wt) VALUES (2,'nv',20)INSERT INTO _T1sub (FK,St,Wt) VALUES (3,'wa',30)/*Is something like the following possible.The point is to change the value of the variableinside the query and use it in the calculated field.This doesn't compile of course, but is therea way to accomplish the same thing?*/DECLARE @ndx intSET @ndx = 1SELECT(a.FK+ (CASE WHEN @ndx > 0THEN (SELECT @ndx = b.WtFROM _T1sub bWHERE b.Wt = a.Wt)ELSE 0 END)) as FKplusWTFROM _T1sub a/*Output would look like this:*/FKplusWT-----------112233/*I know, I can get this output just by addingFK+WT. This is not about that.This is about setting vars inside a query*/thanks, Otto Porter

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Accessing Variable Inside Script Task

Sep 4, 2007


I have a variable in SSIS that I want to access inside the Script Task. I assigned the variable in the ReadOnlyVariables in the Script Task property. How do I access it?


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Need Help On How To Passing Variable Inside A Data Flow

Jun 19, 2006


Is it possible to passing variable at row level within a data flow? If so, what transformation should use?


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Assign Value To A Variable Inside Data Flow

Mar 14, 2008


I have an aggregate transformation in a dataflow task.
It has only 1 output value.

I'm trying to assign this value to a user variable, but I can't figure out how to do that.

i can hack something silly together - like write the value to the db, and then get it out, but I there has to be an easier way..

Thanks a lot.!

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Using Variable Value As Calling Parameter

Nov 16, 2006

I want to know why this code does not work in a query. The table 'iDay_INTRAD' exists and is detected if I use a statement exec sp_tables iDay_INTRAD. This statement returns one row. The code below returns no rows. Apparently the query is looking for table '@p1' not the value of this variable. Is it possible to do what I want to do in SQL Server?

DECLARE @p1 varchar (10)
DECLARE @p2 varchar(10)
SET @p1 = 'iDay_'
SET @p2 = 'INTRAD'
SET @p1 = @p1 + @p2
exec sp_tables @p1


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To Access Global Variable Inside Oledb Command

Mar 13, 2008


How to use a global variable of a package inside oledb command

Glb_Rowcount Variable

I need to use this variable value inside oledb command.

P.S: No use of stored procedures and no script component

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If Statement Inside Sql Query??

Jun 7, 2008


I have an if statement for one of my columns in my query.
I want to write the if statement as a part of my select statement.
How would I do that. Do to a couple of rules I am not allowed to write a stored procedure for this.

I could use the "decode function" but

I have something like this:
if column1 = '1' or column2 = '2' then select "Yes" etc..

I tried doing select decode (column1 or column2, , , ) but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?

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If Statement Inside Sql Query??

Jun 7, 2008


I have an if statement for one of my columns in my query.
I want to write the if statement as a part of my select statement.
How would I do that. Do to a couple of rules I am not allowed to write a stored procedure for this.

I could use the "decode function" but

I have something like this:
if column1 = '1' or column2 = '2' then select "Yes" etc..

I tried doing select decode (column1 or column2, , , ) but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?

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Select Statement Inside UDf

Jul 26, 2007

iam trying to rerieve a certain value from one table
and i want to use that vaue inside a UDF
iam usinf a table valued function as i have to retireve no of values
Can i do something like this to retrieve the value

SET @Value=Select Value from Table WHERE xyz='some no.'
as this value is being calculated by some other fucntion and now this funcation has to use this at runtime.

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SET Inside Of SELECT Statement

Sep 20, 2007

How can I do this

Select id
set @temp = id
from tblexample

I want to do something, on each row output, with @temp.

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Using A While Inside A Select Statement

Oct 19, 2007

Hi All,
Can we use the while loop inside a select statement? Meaning, something like this:

Code Block

What I want to do here is I have a table which has all the dates but with time only representing 00 hrs. I want to display this column and along side, I want to have another column, which displays the date split at 6 hours. So, one left column, there will 4 columns on the right.

Hope the question is clear.

Thanks a lot.


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Variable Type Errors When Calling Stored Procedure

May 12, 2008

I currently have a stored procedure that is defined as follows:


@TableName char(100),

@LastSyncDateTime datetime,

@ErrorState int OUTPUT

I am using an execute sql task to call this procedure. The connectiontype is ADO .NET and the SQLSourceType is DirectInput. The IsQueryStoredProcedure setting is false, and the following is my SQL Statement I have entered:

exec UpdateSyncLog 'myTestTable', @LastSyncDateTime, @ErrorState

Result set is set to None, as this query returns NO results (i.e. has no select statements in it that returns results).

I have two variables in this SSIS package. CurrentDateTime, and ErrorStateVal. CurrentDateTime is of Data type DateTime, the ErrorStateVal is of type Int32

The parameter mappings are as follows:

Varialbe Name=User::CurrentDateTime, Direction=Input, DateType=DateTime, Parameter Name=@LastSynDateTime, Parameter Size=-1

Variable Name=User::ErrorStateVal, Direction=Output, DateType=Int32, Parameter Name=@ErrorState, Parameter Size=-1

The error I am getting when running this execute sql task is as follows:

Error: 0xC001F009 at AS400 to SQL Full Repopulation Sync: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec UpdateSyncLog 'myTestTable', @LastSyncDateTime, @ErrorState" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Execute SQL Task

This makes no sense to me, both the SSIS variable ErrorStateVal is Int32, as well as the parameter declaration in the Execute SQL task is Int32 with direction of OUTPUT, and my stored procedure definition has @ErrorState as an integer as well.

What gives?

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Automatic Rollback Inside Using Statement?

Sep 1, 2006

If I start a transaction using the following approach ...             using (SqlTransaction trans = destConn.BeginTransaction())            {         some transfers using SqlBulkCopy            }...will an automatic rollback occur in case of unhandled errors inside the scope of the using statement?

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Counter Inside Select Statement?

Nov 14, 2007

Hi, can you add a counter inside a select statement to get a unique id line of the rows?
In my forum i have a page that displays a users past posts in the forum, these are first sorted according to their topicID and then they are sorted after creation date. What i want is in the select statement is to create a counter to get a new numeric order.
This is the normal way:
SELECT id, post, comment, created FROM forum_posts WHERE (topicID = @topicID) ... some more where/order by statements
This is what i want:
DECLARE @tempCounter bigintSET @tempCounter = 0SELECT @tempCounter, id, post, comment, created FROM forum_posts WHERE (topicID = @topicID)... some more where/order by statements and at the end.. (SELECT @tempCounter = @tempCounter + 1)
Anyone know if this can be done?

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Declare Inside Select Statement?

Nov 12, 2003

I have a need to execute a cursor inside a select statment, but I'm having problems figuring this out. The reason this need to be inside a select statement is that I am inserting the cursor logic into a query expression in PeopleSoft Query.

So! Here's the statement that works:

DECLARE @fixeddate datetime
DECLARE @Effdt datetime
if @CVG_ELECT <> 'E'
SET @fixeddate = @Effdt

PRINT @fixeddate

If I execute this in SQL Query Analyzer it gives me the data I am looking for. However, if I try to paste this into a select statement, it goes boom (actually, it says "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.", but you get the idea).

Is it possible to encapsulate this inside a select statement?

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Function Inside A Select Statement

Aug 23, 1999

Can I write a function inside a Select statement in sql server 7.0
If so HOW ?

Manish Mehta

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If Statement Inside A Stored Procedure!!!!

Mar 20, 2007

hi all,
i'm wondering if i can use one stored procedure in too cases, this is the senario:
i have stored procedure for admin and another one for user, they have the same select everything is the same except that in admin SP i have where @admin = admin and for user i have where @user = user
if there a way to use if and else to make this happen
this is what i did so far:

CREATE PROCEDURE [test] @admin INT, @user INT, @indexType INT as
if @indexType = 1


SELECT * FROM table WHERE something IN (SELECT * FROM anothertable where admin = @admin)
SELECT * FROM table WHERE user = @user

any suggestion will be very helpful

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'Case' Statement Inside 'Where' Clause

Mar 13, 2008


I've been trying to put a simple case statement into my 'where' clause but having no luck, is there another way to do the following?

DECLARE @searchCriteria Int
SET @searchCriteria = 2

SELECT column1, column2 FROM TABLE WHERE
CASE @searchCriteria
WHEN 1 THEN (column3 = 1000100)
WHEN 2 THEN (column3 = 1000101)


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