Can't Connect To SQL Server When Hosted Within VMWare

Jun 2, 2008

I'm having loads of trouble trying to connect to SQL Server using management studio when the database is hosted within VMware.

Here is what I've found:
1) I can ping the Virtual machine at
2) If I open the virtual machine and use management studio locally on the machine, but use the above IP address, correct credentials, the database logs in ok.
3) If I open management studio but on my development machine and put the EXACT same credentials into the login screen of step 2, I get the dreaded error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed to completion of the server not responding....

Remote connections are set to allowed on the VM host machine too, so I know its not this that is the problem.
The VM also hosts IIS and serves ASP pages just fine.

What am I missing?

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My ISP Does Not Allow Me To Remotely Connect To My Hosted SQL Server DB--How Can I Use SQLDataSource And Other Controls In Development?

Jun 30, 2007

My ISP does not allow me to remotely connect to my hosted SQL Server DB--how can I use SQLDataSource and other data bound controls in development?
Here are my specs:
    IDE:  Visual Web Developer Express 2005
    Database:  MS SQL Server
    ASP Version:  ASP.NET 2.0
The SQL Server is hosted centrally at the ISP; basically I have been given the connection string parameters.
My question is this:
    Do I use two web.config files (one for when I develop locally and one for when I deploy remotely)?  If so, how?  Will the SQLDataSource control find the connection string defined in web.config on the remote server?  I don't want to have to write all of the database code and it would be a big loss of one of the major benefits of using ASP.NET 2.0 if I do.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated,

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Can't Connect DataSource In VWD To Hosted Database

Mar 7, 2008

I've tried everything. The CreateUserWizard works fine, but then, I didn't have to connect anything for that. I've tried both SQLServer and MySQL. Connection Strings are correct, everything is correct as far as I can see. I've followed every step many many times. I'm about to go back to the old style and use VB6, because this is just stupid. The error I get is "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)" If anyone could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it.

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SQL Server And VMWare

Jul 29, 2007

Hi anyone

We've implemented VMWare ESX (virtual machine) on our organisation and we might implement for SQL Server in term of DEV (development) and UAT (testing).

Any thought implementing this on PRODUCTION? The PRE-SALES guys from VMWare said it's ok BUT personally I'm not really convince on this? Anyone?


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SQL Server Under VMWare

Jul 20, 2005

Our server guys are pushing VMWare at us, anybody encounter any issuesrunning SQL Server 2K under VMWare ? I have an instance running on atest server, but the application doesn't do a whole heck of a lot.thx

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SQL Server 2005 And VMWARE

Jun 6, 2007


We are running SQL 2000 on VMWARE from last year which had some issues in regards to performance (We are dealing with MultiMillions Records)

Recently we bought SQL Server 2005 Standard edition, and my management want to put that on VMWARE AS WELL.

Now I have concerns, as far as my understanding goes, for Database Servers we should use Standalone Servers ?

I need your advice, that is it wise to put Database server on VMWARE or not?

Thanks in advance.


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Is SQL Server Supported In A VMWare Environment

Aug 24, 2005

I have looked all over the MS site and can find very little information regarding SQL Server's support for the VMWare environment.  Based on other information that I have obtained on other forums and web-site it looks like it is not supported by Microsoft, but I would like the company line if possible.

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Hosted SQL Server: Where To Start?

Dec 17, 2004

I just added a 30MB SQL Server 2000 space for my site.

My host said that it only provides the space and nothing else. They will not be providing any means to connect to the database like Enterprise Manager 2000 or MS Client Network Utility. I'm not familiar with any of these and I looked at Microsoft's site to download it but I cannot find it.

Do you have any suggestions on how I go about setting up my hosted SQL Server? If those utilities are costly, are there cheaper/free alternatives?


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Adding Roles To Hosted Server

Oct 24, 2006

I need to find out how to add roles to my SQL that is on a hosted server.I have created 2 roles, but after publishing and uploading my site, when I try and create a user, I get the error:"Exception Details: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException: The role 'userAtype' was not found."There are two other roles that the same happens with.Running it locally all was fine, I just didn't seem to get this info where it needs to be when I uploaded it.I'm new to messing about with SQL, so sorry if this is really elementary.I have VS2005 Standard, and the SQL Server Management Studio Express.The hosting provider I have does not allow remote connections to the DB on shared hosting, so I need to (?) generate a script to populate the DB? and run it in their browser-based Querry Window?How would I do this?Thanks.

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Accessing Hosted Mssql Server

Jan 9, 2005

Hi there,

We've got an mssql database hosted on our fasthosts account, however I don't have any applications to access this. When using MySQL databases I use the MySQL control centre available on the MySQL website.

Are there any similar applications available (and if possible free!) that do a similar job for mssql.

Thanks for your help guys!

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Can A SQL2005 DB Be Hosted On A SQL2000 Server ?

Jan 2, 2007

I'd like to host a small website created using VS2005 EE with a company that offers just SQL2000 DB support.
My question, can i use the DB created by VS site manager as a DB to the site, if not, is there any alternatives.

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Sqlexpress Connection On Hosted Server

Sep 7, 2006

I am using a virtual dedicated server to host sqlexpress at a remote site. I can't get the connection from MS SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect over the Internet. I only have the box IP address ( and have tried various forms of as the server name.

Can someone point me in the right direction please?

Thanks, John

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Remote Hosted SQL Server - Approach?

Jul 18, 2007

I have been happily using RS (SQL200) on one of our local servers for some time. However, we have SQL2000 installed on a hosted, managed remote server for some applications we provide.

We need to report on the data so the obvious decision was to get RS installed on the remote machine so I could design and deploy the necessary reports from here to RS on the hosted server.

However, for various reasons (that I do not fully understand) the default install of RS does not work on the remote server and the hsoiting company won't install it in anything other than it's default dormat. So our original plan seems to be stuffed.

What are options here? It was suggested that we could 'replicate' the hosed server data to my 'local' SQL server but that seems to have hit a brick wall too.

What would I need to do to report using the 'local' RS against the 'remote' data - is this possible?

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Restore Database On VMWare

Jan 19, 2008



I've been pulling my hair out, trying to restore a database on a virtual machine (Vista Home Basic), hosted via VMWare on a WinXP Pro sp2 box.

Executing a command in a cmd file:

EXECUTE('RESTORE DATABASE [' + @Database + '] FROM DISK = ''' + @BackUpPath + '.bak''');

Produces this error:

Log Name: Application
Source: MSSQL$AB_1
Date: 20/01/2008 9:27:34 AM
Event ID: 18204
Task Category: (2)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: appsbook
BackupDiskFile:penMedia: Backup device 'C:Program FilesAppNameDbBAckUp.bak' failed to open. Operating system error 2(error not found).
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="MSSQL$AB_1" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49152">18204</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2008-01-19T22:27:34.000Z" />
<Security />
<Data>C:Program FilesAppNameDBBAckUp.bak</Data>
<Data>2(error not found)</Data>

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change IP Address Of Server Which Is Locally Hosted And Is Not On Cluster?

Sep 3, 2014

I am asking about a virtual IP for SQL Server, is there a way we can assign a different IP to SQL Server other than the server's(host) IP address? like the same what we do in a clustered env.

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Restore Backup To Remote Hosted Server

Aug 21, 2006

Sorry if this is elementary, but I have searched and cannot find an answer.
I have a backup file of a sql server 2000 database. I want to restore it to a remote hosted sql server 2005.
Using sql server management studio, it seems to me that I cannot access the files stored local on my computer.
Does anybody have a solution?
What is the best way to deploy my backup file to the remote server?
Thanks for any suggestions!

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Accessing Stored Procedures On Hosted Server

Oct 19, 2007

I have several hosted websites using MS SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 set up as DotNetNuke portals. I need to do a minor patch in a stored procedure to fix buggy functionality in one module. I have the patch, but what do I need to install on my local machine in order to edit the stored procedures on the hosted database?

The hosting company's support said to install SQL Server Management Services (SSMSEE.msi), but the install fails giving a link to a pre-requisite component called ADOMD.msi. That one seems to install okay, but I still get the same error when trying to install the Management program.

Perhaps I need SQL Server Express on my local machine? I'm really just looking for the best way to access and edit stored procedures on my hosted database?

I would REALLY appreciate a nudge in the right direction...?


Michael E. Smith

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Backups/Restores Of Remote Hosted SQL Server To Local?

Aug 21, 2005

Is there any way to backup a remote SQL Server that is on a hosted account to a local drive?  We have a web hosted account that has a SQL Server that we do not have full admin rights on, just dbo access to the data and structure.  We would like to be able to do backups and restores to our local development server if possible.  Perhaps vis DTS or some similar means?  WE cannot use the normal backup/restore as we do not have right to these fucntions nor can we access the servers local drives directly.

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SQL 2012 :: Attaching MDF / LDF Hosted On Another Server / Mapped Drive

Mar 20, 2015

Although clearly not best practice for a produciton DB, is it supported to attach MDF/LDF files that are hosted on a network drive?

I have been exploring options to host a read only archive database that we need to access on a very short term adhoc basis.

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Migrate SQL Server 2000 DB On Hosted Environment To SQL 2k5 Express

Nov 26, 2005

I have web application and sql server 2k database in hosted environment. How can migrate my database to another server where I have SQL Server Express 2005.

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SQL 2012 :: VMWare Providing Failover And Redundancy

Sep 30, 2015

Today a vendor bluntly stated that VMWare provides the same failover and redundancy for SQL that would render "AlwaysOn" high availability unnecessary.

Essentially that VMWare would detect a problem and failover and have .9999 uptime .

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Encryption Choices / Best Practices For Hosted Environment (shared Server)

Aug 29, 2007

I'm building a hosted website and I am using SQL 2005.
The DBA for the host has told me that i can not encrypt a symmetric key with a certificate, when using that symmetric key for encryption. As i read that this method provided optimum performance/ security for encrypting columns of data.

The DBA told me i can use a cert or a symmetric key for encryption.
I have searched for comparisons and found a blog entry by Laurentiu Cristofor comparing certs with asymmetric keys. Which leads me to believe that certs and asymm are very different than symmetric keys.

My question is which is the best choice in a hosted environment for column encryption, a cert or symmetric key.
Which is more secure? Does one offer a significant performance (dis)advantage?


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SQL 2012 :: VMWare Snapshot Breaks Windows Cluster?

Dec 17, 2013

We have set up SQL server 2012 alwaysOn availability group on windows 2012. It runs and fails over successfully. Recently, a VMWare creates a snapshort of a primary and it breaks a cluster. We saw errors in a cluster log.

In VMware setting, The quiesce option is turned off for these VMs. Also, we configured cluster setting :Windowssystem32> (get-cluster).SamesubnetThreshold = 10 ( Relaxed )

Cluster node 'Test1' was removed from the active failover cluster membership. The Cluster service on this node may have stopped. This could also be due to the node having lost communication with other active nodes in the failover cluster. Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to check your network configuration. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to the network adapters on this node. Also check for failures in any other network components to which the node is connected such as hubs, switches, or

File share witness resource 'File Share Witness' failed to arbitrate for the file share 'TestTEstQuorum'. ensure that file share 'TestTestQuorum' exists and is accessible by the cluster.In alwaysOn error log, A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica 'Test1' with id [CAD40D99-E333-457E-9993-BBE977D2CDA2]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.

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Moving To Hosted Dedicated Server - Cannot Open Database Requested In Login

Oct 3, 2005

Hello all,

I hope someone can help with my current issue as i have now spent the last 8
hours trying to solve it!  Here goes...

I am currently moving all my websites from our in house set up to a FASTHOSTS
dedicated server.  Our in house set up consists of separate server for web
and data and works well even with my recent foray into .Net sites.

I have just moved the most recent of my .Net sites
( to the FASTHOSTS server and cannot
get the site to connect to the database (this has also been installed on the
FASTHOSTS server).  One of the pages that connects to the DB is, where i am getting the error..

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login
'MasseratiChauffeurDrive'. Login fails.
Login failed for user 'lateral'.

This DB has been restored from back up from the original DB.  I have
recreated the user name on the new SQL server and added it to the new DB
also.  I am using a webconfig to connect to the DB, the exact same one
that works on my current live server
( only with the obvious change
to the SQL server name.

The only difference i can see in the 2 setups is that the new one has both the
webserver and the SQL server on the one machine and that machine uses domains.

My current in house setup does not use domains and as mentioned before web and
date are 2 separate servers.

Can anyone help?  Or even understand what the hell i have written? lol

Thanks in advance

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Maximum Size Of DB Hosted On Cloud Environment?

Feb 28, 2015

what is the maximum size of a DB hosted on SQL 2012 cloud environment?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Recover Value Of Column In Database Hosted Online

Jun 3, 2015

SQL server, by-mistake I updated values of a column in a database hosted online, is there any way undo the transaction. I didn't created any backup of the database. I read that still it can be recovered through the .ldf (log file) but unable to access it. Is there anyway to get access of the Log file or is there any way to recover the data.

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SQL Server, WebMatrix And Hosted Server

Dec 11, 2006

Is it possible to make a connection to a hosted SQL Server using the WebMatrix?  All attempts have resulted in the following error message.Unable to connect to the databaseSQL Server does not exist or access denied.ConnectionOpen (Connect()). 

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Cannot Connect W/ Java App But Can Connect W/ .Net App - SQL Server Express 2005

Dec 12, 2006

I'm having a problem connecting with a Java application but I CAN connect using my .Net application - the user name and password are the same for both (using the same database on SQL Server Express 2005).

The error I get is: " Cannot open database "CORNERS" requested by the login. The login failed." An interesing note - I get the same message if the database is not running.

SQL Server Express 2005 is installed in mixed mode.

Here is my connection string in the .Net appplication: <add key="connectString" value="Server=(local);UID=sa;PWD=myPasswd;Database=CORNERS" />.

These are my values in my Java app web.xml -

<param-name>DBURL</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:sqlserver://localhostsqlexpress:1055;databaseName=CORNERS</param-value>

And yes, the port is 1055 - I checked to find it.

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 (sqljdbc_1.0.809.102).

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong so that the login fails in the Java application but works in the .Net application?

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ASPNETDB.mdf - Setting Your Website To Use Your Hosted DB Instead

May 13, 2007

Hi,I'm running Visual Web Developer 2005 and have created a small site with a log-in function. In VWD this automatically creates the database ASPNETDB.mdf which stores all the user / log-on data.I have 1 x MS SQL Server 2005 DB which I am using to store data for my site.Can anyone advise me on how to setup my site / the ASPNetDB so that it runs on my MS SQL Server?I've searched the ASP.NET forums etc and this does seem to be an area where people are struggling. I have tried running the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe) and get the following error:"Setup failed.Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated."As a beginner I've struggled from downloading an online template, then uploading it to my site, and the log-on doesn't work. There didn't seem any instructions / advice on what to do with the ASPNETDB.mdf database.Help / advice would be much appreciated!Thanks,Tom

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Backup Strategies For Hosted Enviroment ?

Oct 2, 2007

Im about to start a project that will be hosted by a third party web host.  What is a common way to backup your database and have the backup saved ?  The data may end up being several 100 MB of user settings, text etc (blog type stuff).  If the DB gets to be several 100MB, then does making a backup and ftping it offsite  sound reasonable ?  Does ftp bandwidth usually count against your overall bandwidth usage ?  

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Connecting To SQL Express On A Hosted Site

Dec 28, 2005

I just moved my domain to  When I run my website locally, everything works fine.
When I ftp it to my server space on, I get a "remote connection" error.  Does anyone have an example of a connection string I should be using to connect while on the server?

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Access Connection To Hosted Database?

Jun 28, 2012

I have a SQL Server 2005 database hosted by a provider that has about 500 databases on their site. I am running Access2007 on a Windows 7 Home Premium edition.

What I am trying to do is create a new Access2007 application and attach (i.e: Link) to the SQL Server tables. I am using SQL Authentication.

I have done this before where i attached via ODBC to Oracle, but it was on the corporate network - not on a hosted server. When i try to walk thru the Access process, it does not seem to let me give it the database name. I have the connection string i use in C# (for example: Data Source, Initial Catalog, UserID and Password), how to connect with Access2007.

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Security In Hosted Database Servers

Sep 22, 2007


I am working on an ASP.NET apllication which will work with sensitve data that needs stored as encrypted. The ASP.NET application and SQL Server 2005 will be hosted outside of our company.

My questions are:

When I create a database master key, a certificate and a symetric key to encrypt and decrypt my data, will I be able to use these (master key, cert and symetric key) in other databases (say my local development SQL Server 2005 instance)?
Is a managed hosting a better solution to have total control over the the keys in the database?
Is there a white paper or guidance document for security in hosted databases?Thanks

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