Can't Drop Trigger Assembly

Jun 20, 2006

Created an assembly based on this article...

Now I want to make changes and redeploy the assembly but when I try to drop I get this.

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies asms WHERE = N'AuditCommon')


Msg 6590, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

DROP ASSEMBLY failed because 'AuditCommon' is referenced by object 'clr_trigger'.

Any ideas?

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Using Trigger To Notify An Assembly Of Changes.

Oct 13, 2006

I have a requirement to create a sorted list of objects, stored withinan assembly, and I would like to use a After Insert/Update trigger tonotify that assembly that something has changed, rather than pollingthe database for changes all the time.My initial problem is that I need to create a static list so that itcan be dynamically looked at by other assemblies, but SQL Server won'tallow me to attach a dll which contains a static method.Has anyone done something like this? Are there any decent examplesavailable anywhere?any help will be appreciated.simo

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Drop Trigger With A Variable Trigger Name

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all in .net I've created an application that allows creation of triggers, i also want to allow the deletion of triggers.
The trigger name is kept in a table, and apon deleting the record i want to use the field name to delete the trigger

I have the following Trigger

the error is at

DROP TRIGGER @DeleteTrigger

I'm guessing it dosen't like the trigger name being a variable instead of a static name
how do i get around this?

thanks in advance

-- ================================================

-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:

-- Create Trigger (New Menu).SQL


-- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters

-- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter

-- values below.


-- See additional Create Trigger templates for more

-- examples of different Trigger statements.


-- This block of comments will not be included in

-- the definition of the function.

-- ================================================





-- =============================================

-- Author: <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description: <Description,,>

-- =============================================


ON tblTriggers




-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


Declare @DeleteTrigger as nvarchar(max)

select @DeleteTrigger = TableName FROM DELETED

IF OBJECT_ID (@DeleteTrigger,'TR') IS NOT NULL

DROP TRIGGER @DeleteTrigger




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ALTER ASSEMBLY Error Msg 6509 An Error Occurred While Gathering Metadata From Assembly ‘&&<Assembly Name&&>’ With HRESULT 0x1.

Feb 22, 2008

I work with February CTP of SqlServer 2008.
I have an Assembly with several UDTs inside. Version of assembly is 1.0.*
I use CREATE ASSEMBLY statement to register this assembly, and it runs without any errors. Then I rebuild CLR solution without doing any changes in source code. In that case the only difference between new and old assemblies is version (difference in fourth part of version).
Then I try to update assembly in SqlServer. I use
FROM <path>
statement for this. Statement runs with error:
Msg 6509An error occurred while gathering metadata from assembly €˜<Assembly name>€™ with HRESULT 0x1.
I found the list of condition for ALTER ASSEMBLY in MSDN:
ALTER ASSEMBLY statement cannot be used to change the following:
· The signatures of CLR functions, aggregate functions, stored procedures, and triggers in an instance of SQL Server that reference the assembly. ALTER ASSEMBLY fails when SQL Server cannot rebind .NET Framework database objects in SQL Server with the new version of the assembly.
· The signatures of methods in the assembly that are called from other assemblies.
· The list of assemblies that depend on the assembly, as referenced in the DependentList property of the assembly.
· The indexability of a method, unless there are no indexes or persisted computed columns depending on that method, either directly or indirectly.
· The FillRow method name attribute for CLR table-valued functions.
· The Accumulate and Terminate method signature for user-defined aggregates.
· System assemblies.
· Assembly ownership. Use ALTER AUTHORIZATION (Transact-SQL) instead.
Additionally, for assemblies that implement user-defined types, ALTER ASSEMBLY can be used for making only the following changes:
· Modifying public methods of the user-defined type class, as long as signatures or attributes are not changed.
· Adding new public methods.
· Modifying private methods in any way.

But I haven€™t done any changes in source code, so new version of assembly satisfies all this conditions.
What could be the reason for such behavior?
P.S. I€™ve got the same error, if I add or change any method in assembly before rebuilding.

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Unable To Drop Trigger - No Permission

Jul 9, 2009

I created a trigger that will throw a message whenever a new record is inserted in the table. Now I want to remove this trigger. I am not able to remove.

CREATE TRIGGER prod_culture_trig ON Production.Culture
SELECT 'New culture entry added';

I get the following error message:

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 2, Procedure prod_oulture_trig, Line 4
There is already an object named 'prod_oulture_trig' in the database.

This error confirms that we have the trigger already existing. Now I run the code

DROP TRIGGER prod_oulture_trig;

I get the following error message -
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the trigger 'prod_culture_trig', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

What permission do I require? This is a test database on my computer with me as the administrator.

How to remove this trigger?

View 15 Replies View Related

DDL Trigger And Drop Table Causes Error

Jul 24, 2007

I have a DDL Trigger that writes a record into a table when any DDL event happens.

It works great except when I try dropping any object. I get an error at that point and the object is not dropped. The trigger and error are listed below.




/****** Object: DdlTrigger [MonitorDBChanges] Script Date: 07/24/2007 11:02:02 ******/









set nocount on

declare @EventType varchar(100)

declare @SchemaName varchar(100)

declare @ObjectName varchar(100)

declare @ObjectType varchar(100)

declare @Script varchar(2000)


@EventType = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]','nvarchar(max)')

,@SchemaName = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]','nvarchar(max)')

,@ObjectName = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]','nvarchar(max)')

,@ObjectType = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectType)[1]','nvarchar(max)')

,@Script = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]','nvarchar(max)')

-- Is the default schema used

if @SchemaName = ' ' select @SchemaName = default_schema_name from sys.sysusers u join sys.database_principals p

on u.uid = p.principal_id where = CURRENT_USER

insert into MonitorDBChanges

select @EventType, @SchemaName, @ObjectName, @ObjectType, getdate(), SUSER_SNAME(), CURRENT_USER, ORIGINAL_LOGIN(),@Script








Error Msg:

SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ARITHABORT'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1934)

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Drop Trigger From Replicated Table??

Apr 14, 2007

I created a trigger on a replicated table in a publishing database on SQL Server 2000. When I attempt to ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE TRIGGER ..., I get a message that I cannot alter the table since it is part of a publication. Does anyone know if I would be able to issue a DROP TRIGGER or ALTER TRIGGER on a replicated table?



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Msg 6573 Method, Property Or Field In Assembly Is Not Static. VB.Net Assembly In SQL Server Problem

Feb 29, 2008

I am trying to get a function I created in VB 5 for Access and Excel to work in SQL 2005. I was able to update the old VB code to work in VB 2005. I compiled and made a .dll, and I was able to register the new Assembly in SQL Server. When I try to create the Function, I get an error:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Temperature(@FluidName char, @InpCode Char, @Units Char, @Prop1 varchar, @Prop2 varChar)


AS EXTERNAL NAME FluidProps.[FluidProps.FluidProperties.Fluids].Temperature

Error returned:

Msg 6573, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Temperature, Line 21

Method, property or field 'Temperature' of class 'FluidProps.FluidProperties.Fluids' in assembly 'FluidProps' is not static.

Here is the code (part of it) in the VB class:


Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Imports System.Security

Imports System.Security.Permissions

Namespace FluidProperties

'Option Strict Off

'Option Explicit On

Public Partial Class Fluids


Function Temperature(ByRef FluidName As Object, ByRef InpCode As Object, ByRef Units As Object, ByRef Prop1 As Object, Optional ByRef Prop2 As Object = Nothing) As Object

Call CalcProp(FluidName, InpCode, Units, Prop1, Prop2)

Temperature = ConvertUnits("-T", Units, T, 0)

End Function

If I change the Function Temperature to Static, I get an error that functions cannot be Static. Its been a long time since I created the code and am having a hard time in my older age of getting the cobwebs out to make it work.

I have no problem getting the function to work if I call it from a VB what do I need to do to get it to work on data in my SQL server?



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Failed To Load Expression Host Assembly. Details: StrongName Cannot Have An Empty String For The Assembly Name.

Jan 12, 2006

I previously had an ASP.NET 1.1 site running on my IIS 6.0 server (not the default website) with Reporting Services running in a subdirectory of that website.  I recently upgraded to ASP.NET 2.0 for my website and was greeted with an error when trying to view a report.  The error was very non-descript, but when I checked the server logs, it recorded the details as "It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process.  Please use the IIS Administration Tool to reconfigure your server to run the application in a separate process."


First of all, I could not figure out where and how to do this.  Secondly, I decided to try to also change the Reporting Services folders to run ASP.NET 2.0 and when I did, I was greeted with the following message when attempting to view a report:


"Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: StrongName cannot have an empty string for the assembly name."

Please help.

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Creating A System.Management Assembly In Order For My Own Assembly To Work?

Aug 2, 2006


I am a bit paranoid about what I just did to my SQL Server 2005 with this CLR experiment.

I created a Class Lib in C# called inLineLib that has a class Queue which represents an object with an ID field.

in another separate namespace called inLineCLRsql, I created a class called test which will hold the function to be accessed from DB, I referenced and created an instances of the Queue class, and retrieve it's ID in a function called PrintMessage.

namespace inlineCLRsql{

public static class test{

public static void PrintMessage(){

inLineLib.Queue q = new inLineLib.Queue();

int i = q.queueId ;





to access this from the db, I attempted to create an assembley referencing inLineCLRsql.dll. This didn't work as it complained about inLineLib assembly not existing in the db. I then attempted to create an assembley for inLineLib but it barfed saying System.Management assembly not created.

so what I did is (and this is where I need to know if I just ruined sql server or not):


2- CREATE ASSEMBLY SystemManagement

FROM 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.Management.dll'


3- CREATE ASSEMBLY inLineLibMaster

FROM 'D:inLineServerinLineLibinDebuginLineLib.dll'


4- and finally


FROM 'D:inLineServerCLRSQLinlineCLRsqlinDebuginlineCLRsql.dll'


Everything works after those steps (which took some trial and error). I can create a sproc like:


EXTERNAL NAME inLineLib.[inlineCLRsql.test].PrintMessage

and it returns the Queue ID

Is there anything unadvisable about the steps above?

Thanks for your help


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Error Registering Assembly Using CREATE ASSEMBLY

May 1, 2008

We have written a test CRL stored procedure to test replacing one of our complex stored procedures but can€™t get it deployed to our SQL server that hosts a mirrored configuration of our production database (very locked down). It works fine on our development instances (not very locked down). It only references the default assemblies that were added when we created the project. All it does is use Context Connection=true to get data, loops though some records and returns the data using SQLContext. CLR is enabled on SQL server, the assembly is strongly signed, and we tried deploy using the binary string with the SAFE setting.

CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly 'SQLCLRTest2' failed because assembly 'SQLCLRTest2' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies are up-to-date and trusted (for external_access or unsafe) to execute in the database. CLR Verifier error messages if any will follow this message
[ : SQLCLRTest2.StoredProcedures::GetLift][mdToken=0x600001e] Type load failed.
[token 0x02000008] Type load failed.

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Error: CREATE ASSEMBLY For Assembly

May 31, 2007

I am trying to deploy a Database Project with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Standard.
I import €œSystem.IO€? and have therefore set the permission levels to EXTERNAL_ACCESS.

I am receiving the same error message that many folks have received.

CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly 'Images' failed because assembly 'Images' is not authorized for PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS.
The assembly is authorized when either of the following is true: the database owner (DBO) has EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission and the database has the TRUSTWORTHY database property on; or the assembly is signed with a certificate or an asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission. If you have restored or attached this database, make sure the database owner is mapped to the correct login on this server. If not, use sp_changedbowner to fix the problem. Images.

My CLR access is €œon€?

I have tried

1) From master run: GRANT EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY to [BuiltinAdministrators].
2) From master run: GRANT EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY to €œMy Windows Authentication ID€?.
4) In Visual Studio .NET 2005 Set the permission levels to €˜external€™
5) Tried BuiltinAdministrators and my SQL Server Windows Authenticated Login ID for the ASSEMBLY OWNER.

I can compile BUT NOT DEPLOY

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Steve

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CREATE ASSEMBLY Using Assembly Binary?!?!

Mar 8, 2006

I was trying to understand how VS.NET2005 was deploying .NET CLR assemblies to SQL2005 so I ran a trace and found some interesting results.

VS.NET creates some SQL that looks pretty interesting:

CREATE ASSEMBLY [AssemblyNameHere]
FROM 0x4D5A90000300000004000000FFFF000......<continue binary data>

Boy howdy!

I have tried to reproduce this and create my own deployment application but I cant figure out how they create this binary stream. The info in BOL is not much help and I have not found any samples anywhere on how to create this stream in c#.

Anyone out there been able to get this to work?


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Drop All Indexes In A Table, How To Drop All For User Tables In Database

Oct 9, 2006

Hi,I found this SQL in the news group to drop indexs in a table. I need ascript that will drop all indexes in all user tables of a givendatabase:DECLARE @indexName NVARCHAR(128)DECLARE @dropIndexSql NVARCHAR(4000)DECLARE tableIndexes CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM sysindexesWHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'F_BI_Registration_Tracking_Summary')AND indid 0AND indid < 255AND INDEXPROPERTY(id, name, 'IsStatistics') = 0OPEN tableIndexesFETCH NEXT FROM tableIndexes INTO @indexNameWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGINSET @dropIndexSql = N' DROP INDEXF_BI_Registration_Tracking_Summary.' + @indexNameEXEC sp_executesql @dropIndexSqlFETCH NEXT FROM tableIndexes INTO @indexNameENDCLOSE tableIndexesDEALLOCATE tableIndexesTIARob

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Assembly.Load Can't Load My Custom Assembly From The GAC.

Mar 7, 2007

Hi there.

I have an assembly, call it A1, that I've deployed to a SQL Server 2005 database. I can use the managed stored procedures from A1 in SQL Server no problem.

In A1 there is a bit of code which uses the Assembly.Load() method, so load another assembly and use instances of class found in that external assembly. However, when I run the managed stored proc in A1 that uses Assembly.Load() I get the error:

Could not load file or assembly 'A1, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken='????' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

(note: for security I've changed some of the above line).

So I changed the Assembly.Load() to use


I re-built the project, re-deployed it and ran the code in SQL Server - it worked. I could create an instance of a System.Data.DataSet for example. So why can't I load my own custom assembly? My assembly does have a strong name and it's installed in the GAC. I wrote a console app to try and Assembly.Load() my custom assembly and that worked fine (it was also running on the same server as the SQL Server).

So it's defiantely the SQL Server that can't 'see' my customer assembly. What do I need to do this assembly so that SQL Server will allow me to Assembly.Load it, just as it can with System.Data?


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Rollback Will Drop Created Tables And Drop Created Tables In Transaction..?

Dec 28, 1999

Hi folks.

Here i have small problem in transactions.I don't know how it is happaning.
Up to my knowldge if you start a transaction in side the transaction if you have DML statements
Those statements only will be effected by rollback or commit but in MS SQL SERVER 7.0 and 6.5
It is rolling back all the commands including DDL witch it shouldn't please let me know on that
If any one can help this please tell me ...........Please............
For Example
begin transaction t1
create table t1
drop table t2

then execute bellow statements
select * from t1
this query gives you table with out data

select * from t2
you will recieve an error that there is no object

but if you rollback
T1 willn't be there in the database

droped table t2 will come back please explain how it can happand.....................

Email Address:

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CLR-Based Trigger? Recursive Trigger? Common Table Expression?

Nov 14, 2006


I'm new to this whole SQL Server 2005 thing as well as database design and I've read up on various ways I can integrate business constraints into my database. I'm not sure which way applies to me, but I could use a helping hand in the right direction.

A quick explanation of the various tables I'm dealing with:
WBS - the Work Breakdown Structure, for example: A - Widget 1, AA - Widget 1 Subsystem 1, and etc.
Impacts - the Risk or Opportunity impacts for the weights of a part/assembly. (See Assemblies have Impacts below)
Allocations - the review of the product in question, say Widget 1, in terms of various weight totals, including all parts. Example - September allocation, Initial Demo allocation, etc. Mostly used for weight history and trending
Parts - There are hundreds of Parts which will eventually lead to thousands. Each part has a WBS element. [Seems redundant, but parts are managed in-house, and WBS elements are cross-company and issued by the Government]
Parts have Allocations - For weight history and trending (see Allocations). Example, Nut 17 can have a September 1st allocation, a September 5th allocation, etc.
Assemblies - Parts are assemblies by themselves and can belong to multiple assemblies. Now, there can be multiple parts on a product, say, an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and so those parts can belong to a higher "assembly" [For example, there can be 3 Nut 17's (lower assembly) on Widget 1 Subsystem 2 (higher assembly) and 4 more on Widget 1 Subsystem 5, etc.]. What I'm concerned about is ensuring that the weight roll-ups are accurate for all of the assemblies.
Assemblies have Impacts - There is a risk and opportunity impact setup modeled into this design to allow for a risk or opportunity to be marked on a per-assembly level. That's all this table represents.

A part is allocated a weight and then assigned to an assembly. The Assemblies table holds this hierarchical information - the lower assembly and the higher one, both of which are Parts entries in the [Parts have Allocations] table.

Therefore, to ensure proper weight roll ups in the [Parts have Allocations] table on a per part-basis, I would like to check for any inserts, updates, deletes on both the [Parts have Allocations] table as well as the [Assemblies] table and then re-calculate the weight roll up for every assembly. Now, I'm not sure if this is a huge performance hog, but I do need to keep all the information as up-to-date and as accurate as possible. As such, I'm not sure which method is even correct, although it seems an AFTER DML trigger is in order (from what I've gathered thus far). Keep in mind, this trigger needs to go through and check every WBS or Part and then go through and check all of it's associated assemblies and then ensure the weights are correct by re-summing the weights listed.

If you need the design or create script (table layout), please let me know.


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Trouble With Update Trigger Modifying Table Which Fired Trigger

Jul 20, 2005

Are there any limitations or gotchas to updating the same table whichfired a trigger from within the trigger?Some example code below. Hmmm.... This example seems to be workingfine so it must be something with my specific schema/code. We'reworking on running a SQL trace but if anybody has any input, fireaway.Thanks!create table x(Id int,Account varchar(25),Info int)GOinsert into x values ( 1, 'Smith', 15);insert into x values ( 2, 'SmithX', 25);/* Update trigger tu_x for table x */create trigger tu_xon xfor updateasbegindeclare @TriggerRowCount intset @TriggerRowCount = @@ROWCOUNTif ( @TriggerRowCount = 0 )returnif ( @TriggerRowCount > 1 )beginraiserror( 'tu_x: @@ROWCOUNT[%d] Trigger does not handle @@ROWCOUNT[color=blue]> 1 !', 17, 127, @TriggerRowCount) with seterror, nowait[/color]returnendupdate xsetAccount = left( i.Account, 24) + 'X',Info = i.Infofrom deleted, inserted iwhere x.Account = left( deleted.Account, 24) + 'X'endupdate x set Account = 'Blair', Info = 999 where Account = 'Smith'

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Generic Audit Trigger CLR C#(Works When The Trigger Is Attached To Any Table)

Dec 5, 2006

This Audit Trigger is Generic (i.e. non-"Table Specific") attach it to any tabel and it should work. Be sure and create the 'Audit' table first though.

The following code write audit entries to a Table called
with columns
'ActionType' //varchar
'TableName' //varchar
'PK' //varchar
'FieldName' //varchar
'OldValue' //varchar
'NewValue' //varchar
'ChangeDateTime' //datetime
'ChangeBy' //varchar

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class Triggers
//A Generic Trigger for Insert, Update and Delete Actions on any Table
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlTrigger(Name = "AuditTrigger", Event = "FOR INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE")]

public static void AuditTrigger()
SqlTriggerContext tcontext = SqlContext.TriggerContext; //Trigger Context
string TName; //Where we store the Altered Table's Name
string User; //Where we will store the Database Username
DataRow iRow; //DataRow to hold the inserted values
DataRow dRow; //DataRow to how the deleted/overwritten values
DataRow aRow; //Audit DataRow to build our Audit entry with
string PKString; //Will temporarily store the Primary Key Column Names and Values here
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))//Our Connection
conn.Open();//Open the Connection
//Build the AuditAdapter and Mathcing Table
SqlDataAdapter AuditAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE 1=0", conn);
DataTable AuditTable = new DataTable();
AuditAdapter.FillSchema(AuditTable, SchemaType.Source);
SqlCommandBuilder AuditCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(AuditAdapter);//Populates the Insert command for us
//Get the inserted values
SqlDataAdapter Loader = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from INSERTED", conn);
DataTable inserted = new DataTable();
//Get the deleted and/or overwritten values
Loader.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from DELETED";
DataTable deleted = new DataTable();
//Retrieve the Name of the Table that currently has a lock from the executing command(i.e. the one that caused this trigger to fire)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT object_name(resource_associated_entity_id) FROM
ys.dm_tran_locks WHERE request_session_id = @@spid and resource_type = 'OBJECT'", conn);
TName = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
//Retrieve the UserName of the current Database User
SqlCommand curUserCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT system_user", conn);
User = curUserCommand.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
//Adapted the following command from a T-SQL audit trigger by Nigel Rivett
SqlDataAdapter PKTableAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(@"SELECT c.COLUMN_NAME
where pk.TABLE_NAME = '" + TName + @"'
DataTable PKTable = new DataTable();

switch (tcontext.TriggerAction)//Switch on the Action occuring on the Table
case TriggerAction.Update:
iRow = inserted.Rows[0];//Get the inserted values in row form
dRow = deleted.Rows[0];//Get the overwritten values in row form
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, iRow);//the the Primary Keys and There values as a string
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)//Walk through all possible Table Columns
if (!iRow[column.Ordinal].Equals(dRow[column.Ordinal]))//If value changed
//Build an Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "U";//U for Update
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = dRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["NewValue"] = iRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the entry
case TriggerAction.Insert:
iRow = inserted.Rows[0];
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, iRow);
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)
//Build an Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "I";//I for Insert
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = null;
aRow["NewValue"] = iRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the Entry
case TriggerAction.Delete:
dRow = deleted.Rows[0];
PKString = PKStringBuilder(PKTable, dRow);
foreach (DataColumn column in inserted.Columns)
//Build and Audit Entry
aRow = AuditTable.NewRow();
aRow["ActionType"] = "D";//D for Delete
aRow["TableName"] = TName;
aRow["PK"] = PKString;
aRow["FieldName"] = column.ColumnName;
aRow["OldValue"] = dRow[column.Ordinal].ToString();
aRow["NewValue"] = null;
aRow["ChangeDateTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
aRow["ChangedBy"] = User;
AuditTable.Rows.InsertAt(aRow, 0);//Insert the Entry
//Do Nothing
AuditAdapter.Update(AuditTable);//Write all Audit Entries back to AuditTable
conn.Close(); //Close the Connection

//Helper function that takes a Table of the Primary Key Column Names and the modified rows Values
//and builds a string of the form "<PKColumn1Name=Value1>,PKColumn2Name=Value2>,......"
public static string PKStringBuilder(DataTable primaryKeysTable, DataRow valuesDataRow)
string temp = String.Empty;
foreach (DataRow kColumn in primaryKeysTable.Rows)//for all Primary Keys of the Table that is being changed
temp = String.Concat(temp, String.Concat("<", kColumn[0].ToString(), "=", valuesDataRow[kColumn[0].ToString)].ToString(), ">,"));
return temp;

The trick was getting the Table Name and the Primary Key Columns.
I hope this code is found useful.

Comments and Suggestion will be much appreciated.

View 16 Replies View Related

Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Oct 30, 2007

Table 1













Table 2































I want to be able to create a trigger that updates table 2 when a row is inserted into table 1. However I€™m not sure how to increment the ID in table 2 or to update only the row that has been inserted.

View 17 Replies View Related

Trigger - Require Help For Updating A Trigger Following An INSERT On Another Table

Feb 5, 2008
















I want to be able to create a trigger so that when a row is inserted into table A by a specific user then the ID will appear in table B. Is it possible to find out the login id of the user inserting a row?

I believe the trigger should look something like this:

create trigger test_trigger
on a
for insert
insert into b(ID)

from inserted i
--specific USER

View 9 Replies View Related

How To Create A Assembly

Sep 13, 2006


I have one ClassLibrary three member functions.I have the dll for this...Can some one please tell me how to create a Assembly in .NET.

I need to create a simple private assembly with the dll that i have.


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How To Add Assembly In GAC To SQL 2005?

Jan 12, 2007

I want use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to access excel file my clr. But that assembly is installed in GAC. How could I register it in SQL 2005?


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How To Deploy An Assembly (CLR)?

Nov 2, 2006

Good day to ALL,

I have already setup a db to my client.

My sp's are all created using CLR.

If my sp's are changed, how do I deploy them back to my client?

I usually send them a backup of the DB during the first few implementation.

But currently, their DB now contains live data, so I can't just let them restore the backup.

Is there another way?

Thanks and more power!


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Cannot Create Assembly

May 30, 2007

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express and am unable to create an assembly. The following code:

create assembly HelloWorld from 'c:HelloWorld.dll'

with permission_set = safe

returns the following error:

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'assembly'.

I noticed that the word "assembly" isn't in blue text and what's more, if I expand the programmability node on any database, there is no assembly node. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

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Methods Within An Assembly

Apr 4, 2007

Is there a way to retrieve the methods within an assembly that are attributed with SqlTrigger or SqlProcedure using T-SQL?

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How To Add A Signed CLR Assembly

Aug 30, 2012

I'm trying to add an assembly to my SSDT project, and in my assembly, it requires EXTERNAL access, which also means that the assembly has to be signed, and an asymmetric key must be created from the assembly.  I can't figure out how to get this to work from the SSDT project.

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SQL 2005 &&amp; CLR Assembly

Feb 22, 2008


One of my databases has an assembly that uses system.web. Therefore, in the deploy script, the developer has put in a create assembly for it like so

Create Assembly [System.Web]
FROM 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.Web.dll'

followed by the create assembly statements for the actual bespoke assemblies.

The deploy script all works fine, as do the assemblies it creates.

However, when SQL restarts, the calls to the assemblies no longer work, and the only way to get them to is to run the deploy script (which drops them if they exist and recreates them) again.

Not particularly familiar with 2005 & CLR. Is this normal behaviour (I would have expected that once deployed, they were there after re-boot). If it's not how things are supposed to work, what's wrong, and how do I fix it?


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Calling .net Assembly In DTS Package

Sep 26, 2006

Hi everyone,   I want to call the .net assembly(DLL) in a DTS package. Can anyone help me as to how to achieve this. I read numerous articles on internet, but couldn't find the one that can help me with this problem.Any help or directing me to an article will be greatly appreciated.Thanks.Vinki

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SSIS - Need To Reference .NET Assembly Without GAC

Jan 25, 2007

I have a .NET assembly that I need to reference and use within my SSIS script task.
The only way I can acheive this is to strongly name my assembly and put it in the GAC.
This is not possible as my assembly is already in production and uses other 3rd party assemblies that would also need to be registered in the GAC.
As a workaround, I have created a .Net console application that references my assembly, that call from a SSIS Process Task.
Does anyone know of another way I could use my .NET assembly within my SSIS package?
Any help appreciated.

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Is There A .net Assembly (api) That Lets Me Run Transact Sql From C#?

Apr 25, 2008

I see examples of running osql programmatically, but was wondering if there is a better way?

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Assembly For Stored Procedure

Feb 24, 2006

I was playing around with the CLR in writing assemblies for the sql server 2005 stored procedure.  I guess the example i found was for the beta version
This line is from the beta but no longer works.  Any ideas what will fix this.  There is no longer GetCommand property.
SqlCommand cmd = SqlContext.GetCommand();
public partial class StoredProcedures{[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure]                                                                               public static void StoredProcedure1()
// Put your code here
SqlCommand cmd = SqlContext.GetCommand();
cmd.CommandText="select firstname + ' ' + lastname + as [name] from";
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
SqlPipe sp = SqlContext.GetPipe();

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Error While Creating Assembly

Apr 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly on a sql server 2005 machine but it gives me following error:

Msg 33009, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database 'XYZ'. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database 'XYZ' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.

I tried using the alter authorization statement to change the owner.
It did not work.

I am able to create same assembly on another test database but can not create it on this database.

Is this because of orphan logins?

Thanks for the help.


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