Can't Find Error- Help?

Dec 27, 2007

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 6 which is around the comment line where is shows monthly and other. Getting message incorrect systax near '/'.

-- 'M' = Monthly, 'O' = Other
@FiscalPeriod smallint,

set nocount on


SET @DateFrom = CASE @Frequency
WHEN 'M' THEN convert(varchar,(SELECT efsc_from_date
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_to_date = (SELECT max(efsc_to_date)
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_to_date < getdate())),101) + ' 00:00:00'
WHEN 'O' THEN convert(varchar,(SELECT efsc_from_date
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_fiscal_year = @FiscalYear and efsc_fiscal_period = @FiscalPeriod),101) + ' 00:00:00'
ELSE convert(varchar,getdate()-1,101)

SET @DateTo = Case @Frequency
WHEN 'M' THEN convert(varchar,(SELECT efsc_to_date
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_to_date = (SELECT max(efsc_to_date)
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_to_date < getdate())),101) + ' 23:59:59'
WHEN 'O' THEN convert(varchar,(SELECT efsc_to_date
FROM rs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHERE efsc_fiscal_year = @FiscalYear and efsc_fiscal_period = @FiscalPeriod),101) + ' 00:00:00'
ELSE convert(varchar,getdate()-1,101)

SET@FiscalPeriod =CASE @Frequency
WHEN 'O' THEN@FiscalPeriod
ELSE (SELECTefsc_fiscal_period
FROMrs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHEREefsc_to_date = (SELECTmax(efsc_to_date)
FROMrs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHEREefsc_to_date < getdate()

SET@FiscalYear =CASE @Frequency
WHEN 'O' THEN@FiscalYear
FROMrs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHEREefsc_to_date = (SELECTmax(efsc_to_date)
FROMrs3_reporting.dbo.rs_entity_fiscal (NOLOCK)
WHEREefsc_to_date < getdate()

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[help] SQL Error - I/O Error 2 (The System Cannot Find The File Specified)

May 13, 2004

Windows 2000 Server SP4 + SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Editon SP3,RAID5.

the windows event log give the following error information:

I/O error 2(The system cannot find the file specified) detected during write at offset 0x0000010c6c4000 in file 'D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataGJSZBANK_Data.MDF'.

I have searched microsoft knowledge base and got this article:;EN-US;828339

but don't understand some contents in the topic:

For example, if you encounter the following error message in the SQL Server Errorlog file, SQL Server encountered operating system error 2 when it uses a Windows API call to write to the tempdb primary database file:

Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 4
I/O error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.) detected during write at offset 0x00000000284000 in file 'D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdata empdb.mdf'

Because SQL Server has already successfully opened the file and did not receive an “Invalid Handle” error, the error is likely being raised in a lower-level kernel software component, such as the file system or a device driver. This problem does not indicate a problem in SQL Server, and it must be investigated as an issue with the file system or a device driver that is associated with the file.

Does that mean this is not a SQL Server error?
Does that mean something wrong with my operating system? or something wrong with my hard disk?

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Error:ADO Could Not Find The Specified Driver

Aug 4, 1999

I installed SQL7 on my windows 95 desktop for testing. When I try to open the tables for the Northwind database, I get the message box "ado could not find the specified driver". No records are displayed.

Any suggestions?


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Error: Could Not Find SP Upd.sp_MSrepl_xxx_xxxxxx_1

May 3, 2007

Trying to set up replication as follows:

SQL2000 publisher , acting as it's own distributor (v8.0.760)

Transactional Replication with updateable subscriptions

SQL2005 subscriber (v9.00.3042)

Push subscription with immediate updating from distributor to subscriber and queued updating from subscriber to distributor

The set-up went smoothly and changes in the publication db flow down to the subscriber as expected. However, changes at the subscriber fail to flow up to the publisher.

The Queue Reader agent reports the error "Server MyServer, Database publisher_db : ODBC Error: Could not find stored procedure "upd.sp_MSrepl_ins_mytable_1"

The SP 'sp_MSrepl_ins_mytable_1' exists in the publisher db but the owner is 'dbo' not 'upd' (there is no such login as 'upd' on the server)

The only useful article I have found on the net suggests that this could be caused by a bug (jn SP3?) but the situation described in that article and the fix/workaround for it don't seem to apply for me.

The problem and fix in that article was: table MSsubscription agents in the subscriber db had a queue_id value of 'mssqlqueue' and the fix was to set it to 'mssqlqueuev2'.
However, it is already ''mssqlqueuev2' in my subscription db so I'm at a loss to explain why it's still generating calls looking for SPs owned by 'upd'.

other info:
Just to see if it would work around my immediate peoblem I tried creating a user called 'upd' and duplicating the SPs.
This worked up to a point. Changes replicated up to my publisher ok. However, when I created a conflict (changed same row on publisher and subscriber at same time)
the Queue Reader fell over with error: "Server MyServer, Database publisher_db : ODBC Error: Could not find stored procedure "upd.1".

Investigated the stored procdure sys.sp_replqueuemonitor in my subscription database and found statements like this:
select publisher, publisher_db, publication, queue_server, queue_id
from dbo.MSsubscription_agents
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end AND
update_mode IN (2,3) AND
queue_id != N'mssqlqueue'
note that the queue_id is is looking for is 'mssqlqueue'.
If I manually run sys.sp_replqueuemonitor I get no results (unsurprising since the data in dbo.MSsubscription_agents has queue_id='mssqlqueuev2'.

It looks to me as if some of the SPs created when the publication and/or subscription was set up are incorrect...???

Any advice or suggestions on how to approach this problem?

View 8 Replies View Related Me To Find Out The Error In The Code

Jan 5, 2007


when i tried to run the following code , the code keeps on running without creating the required table...............

pls can anyone help me to figure out the problem........

waiting for your replies...

int row_head = 3;

int col_head = 3;

TextBox[] columns1=new TextBox[5];

TextBox[] rows = new TextBox[2];

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

columns1[ i ] = new TextBox();

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

rows[ i ] = new TextBox();

columns1[0].Text = "col1";

columns1[1].Text = "col2";

columns1[2].Text = "col3";

rows[0].Text = "rowh1";

rows[1].Text = "rowh2";

String[] description=new string[10];

for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)

description[k] = k.ToString();

int index_value = 0;

int des_index = 0;

string datatype = "";

string command = "";

SqlConnection sqlCN = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

for (int i = 0; i < col_head + 1; i++)


if (i == 0)

datatype += "(col " + i + " varchar(20),";

else if (i + 1 == col_head+1)

datatype += "col" + i + " varchar(20))";


datatype += "col" + i + " varchar(20),";



MessageBox.Show("create table " + textBox1.Text + " " + datatype);

string selectCommandText = "create table " + textBox1.Text +datatype;




SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(selectCommandText, sqlCN);


MessageBox.Show("open ");

// the following command is not executed.....


MessageBox.Show("open and execu");

for (int i = 0; i < row_head + 1; i++)



if (i == 0)


command="' ',";

for(int j=0;j<col_head;j++)










command = "'"+rows[index_value++].Text+"',";

for (int j = des_index; j < des_index + col_head; j++)


if (j +1== des_index+col_head)

command += "'" + description[j] + "'";


command += "'" + description[j] + "',";


des_index = des_index + col_head;


MessageBox.Show("INSERT INTO " + textBox1.Text + " values(" + command + ")");

sqlCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + textBox1.Text + " values("+command+")";




selectCommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + textBox1.Text;

sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(selectCommandText, sqlCN);


SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCommandText, sqlCN);

DataSet DS = new DataSet();


MessageBox.Show("fini 2");

DataGridView1.DataSource = DS.Tables[0].DefaultView;


catch (Exception eio)

{ }}


View 6 Replies View Related

How Can I Find The Exact Error Line ?

Jan 6, 2006

Hi all,
i have an insert function using stored procedure with parameters. At some point while assigning parameters i make a casting problem but all i get is:
String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.
how can i find the exact line causing the error?
thank you

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Where Can I Find Out All The Definitions Of SQL Error Code

Sep 17, 1998


Does anybody know where to find out the definition of all the SQL error code
For example, What does error code 4002 means ? What does error code 3146 means ? Thanks.

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Error : 806 -- Could Not Find Virtual Page...

May 19, 1999

at SQL Server startup, in error log:
Error : 806, Severity: 21, State: 1
Could not find virtual page for logical page <number> in database 'EMGTEST'

Error : 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1
Database 'EMGTEST' (dbid 7): Recovery failed. Please contact Technical Support for further instructions.

Database 'EMGTEST' cannot be opened - it has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. The SA can drop the database with DBCC.


I reset status to Emergency mode (sysdatabases.status = -32768),
run dbcc checkdb, dbcc newalloc, dbcc all looks just fine.
I also changed database status to 12 (sysdatabases.status = 12 - select into/bulkcopy and trunc. log on chkpt.) and then run dbcc checkdb, dbcc newalloc, dbcc textall again. looked just fine.
but, if I restarted server , database will be marked 'suspect' again, because of Error 806.

any ideas?


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Error - Could Not Find Installable ISAM

Dec 6, 2007

First, let me state this is no longer an error, rather I wanted to share this experience with you. Primarily due to the fact I could not find any reference to this specific situation via Google, etc.

SQL Server 2005
We have a linked server that points to xbase files on a local drive to the SQL database. This linked server is used to pull in data on a daily basis from a legacy XBase application. This setup has been in use for quite some time and once in awhile any query request using the linked server throw this exception:

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "<somelinkedservername>".
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "<somelinkedservername>" returned message "Could not find installable ISAM.".

So I started digging into this and tried a few things. First, I attempted to drop and recreate the linked server. That was wishful thinking at best and, of course, the error still persisted. Then I noticed something very odd on the database. We had 80+ connections open from the Idera diagnositics software. These connections went back to the prior day at approximately 6 AM and every scheduled interval since. A quick DBCC INPUTBUFFER showed me they were making many calls to the WMI services on the machine. I shut down Idera and tried to kill all the connections and they just sat there in a KILLED/ROLLBACK state for over an hour (while I looked into the issue). Finally, I attempted to stop the WMI service and it gets stuck in a 'Stopping' state. Well, this tells me it's truly hung up for some reason. Eventually I used Sysinternals Process Explorer to identify the process and kill it manually. Once I restarted the service the linked server began working w/o an issue.

With this in mind, I assume that the SQL Server utilizes a WMI provider for this type of situation (access to a dbase IV file on the local file system). As far as to why the WMI service became nonresponsive, I don't know why it did this right now. I speculated that perhaps the Idera product was causing it with not releasing all the COM resources (it used sp_OA procedures to call into WMI) but since I don't have the complete source I can not confirm.

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.Net CF 2.0 Error , Can't Find PInvoke DLL 'dbnetlib.dll'.

Jan 16, 2006

Hi All,

I'm developing Pocket Pc application, In that i have set of statement, which establishes connection with sql Server 2000 Database. When ever I try to open SqlConnection, I€™m getting error "Can't find PInvoke DLL 'dbnetlib.dll'.". Right now i am working in .Net Compact Framework 2.0 , But previously i worked in .Net CF 1.1 i didn€™t face problem while doing that. Can any one help me to solve this issue?

  My code exactly look like :


Private SqlCmd As New SqlCommand

Private SqlTrans As SqlTransaction

Private SqlConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection

Private SqlCmdBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder

Private SqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter

Public Function Select_DocumentTemplate() As DataSetDocumentTemplate

Dim DocuMentTemplateDs As New DataSetDocumentTemplate


SqlConn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa")

 If SqlConn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then


End If

 SqlCmd = New SqlCommand

SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

SqlCmd.CommandText = New StringBuilder(500).Append("Select_documentTemplateDetails").ToString()

SqlCmd.Connection = SqlConn

SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmd)

SqlCmdBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(SqlDataAdapter)


Return DocuMentTemplateDs

Catch ex As Exception

Throw ex



End Try

End Function

' When Ever I try to call above method to retrive data from Db  , It's giving Missingmethod Exception and error message will be "Can't find PInvoke DLL 'dbnetlib.dll'."

Thanks ,






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Can't Find PInvoke DLL'sqlceme30.dll' Error

Feb 28, 2008

I have deployed an application on mobile and when i run the application on mobile it shows this error
"can't find PInvoke DLL'sqlceme30.dll'"

What's the problem pls explain

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Cannot Find File Or Assembly Error.....

Feb 28, 2007

I created an assembly to access my SSRS web service in a Script task. The package runs fine on my machine but gets the following error from the production box.....

The script threw an exception: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3bd4760abc5efbcb' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I followed the exact same procedures for creating the .dll on the production box as I did developing on my machine...strong name, load to gac etc....but it still cannot find it.

My production SQL Server is 64 bit so perhaps there is another step I need to take? Anyone have a clue as to what I may be missing?


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Error 3: The System Cannot Find The Specified Path

May 5, 2006

Installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise trial a week ago on XP Pro. Installed new Seagate 80G HD; used Seagate's utility to copy old C: to new drive as new boot drive. All seems to work fine, except, when booting up, SQL server doesn't start. When I try to start it manually I get the following:

Could not start SQLSERVER service on the local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the specified path.

1. What could be wrong?

2. How do I fix it?

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Error: Could Not Find Stored Procedure !!

Feb 28, 2007


Error: Could not find stored procedure.

I Installed the SQL Server SP2 and the error still occurs when ever I call the stored procedure from my windows app!!


Any Help ?

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How To Find Out The Reason For Error 17883?

Sep 26, 2007

Hello, ereryone

I use MSDE in my system, and sometimes the following error occurs in MSDE. After that, I can not even access MSDE with the osql command.

Can anyone give some advice as how to deal with this kind of error or how to find the real reason? I have checked MS homepage, but I can not get the details of it.

Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0 The Scheduler 0 appears to be hung. SPID 0, ECID 0, UMS Context 0x003B70F8

Thanks in advance.

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Smalldatetime To String Conversion, Can't Find Error

Sep 3, 2007

Hi, I'm making a webapplication in C# with MSSQL as database.
I've created a form to do an advanced search on books. The user can type in name, author, .... and he can also mark 2 dates from to Calendar objects (I made sure date one can not be bigger than date 2). I'm using smalldatetime as DBtype. The 2 selected values are DateTime in asp. The results are shown in a gridview. Since I added the feature I keep getting the same error and I can't find where it is. Here's some code:
 1 public List GetBooks2(string invB,string titelB, string auteursB, string taalB, string uitgeverijB, string jaarB, string keywordsB, string categorieB, string standplaatsB, string ISBN,DateTime datum1, DateTime datum2, string sortExpression)
2 { //this is my method for the advanced search
3 using (SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
4 {
5 string strSql = "select * FROM Boek where 1 = 1";
6 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(invB)) strSql += " and (inventaris_nr like @invB)";
7 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titelB)) strSql += " and (titel like @titelB)";
8 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(auteursB)) strSql += " and (auteurs like @auteursB)";
9 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uitgeverijB)) strSql += " and (uitgeverij like @uitgeverijB)";
10 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ISBN)) strSql += " and (ISBN10 like @ISBN or ISBN13 like @ISBN)";
11 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(standplaatsB)) strSql += " and (standplaats like @standplaatsB)";
12 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(jaarB)) strSql += " and (jaartal like @jaarB)";
13 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordsB)) strSql += " and (keywords like @keywordsB)";
14 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(taalB))
15 if (taalB == "Andere")
16 strSql += " and (taal NOT IN ('nederlands', 'frans', 'engels', 'spaans', 'italiaans', 'duits'))";
17 if (taalB == "--Geen voorkeur--")
18 strSql += "";
19 else
20 strSql += " and (taal like @taalB)";
22 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(categorieB))
23 if (categorieB == "--Selecteer een categorie--")
24 strSql += "";
25 else
26 strSql += " and (categorie like @categorieB)";
28 if (datum1 == null)
29 strSql += "";
30 else
31 if (datum2 != null)
32 {
34 strSql+=" and datumB between @datum1 and @datum2";
35 }
36 else strSql+="";
37 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBLOCKED EXPRESSION
38 strSql += " order by " + sortExpression;
39 else
40 strSql += " order by id";
42 SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(strSql, oConn);
43 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@invB", "%" + invB + "%"));
44 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@titelB", "%" + titelB + "%"));
45 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@auteursB", "%" + auteursB + "%"));
46 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@taalB", "%" + taalB + "%"));
47 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@uitgeverijB", "%" + uitgeverijB + "%"));
48 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@jaarB", "%" + jaarB + "%"));
49 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywordsB", "%" + keywordsB + "%"));
50 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@categorieB", categorieB ));
51 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@standplaatsB", "%" + standplaatsB + "%"));
52 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ISBN", "%" + ISBN + "%"));
53 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@datum1", "%" + datum1 + "%"));
54 oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@datum2", "%" + datum2 + "%"));
57 oConn.Open();
58 SqlDataReader oReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader();
59 List boeken = GetBoekCollectionFromReader(oReader);
60 oReader.Close();
61 return boeken;
62 }
63 }

I think that that method is correct, not sure though...  The code for GetBoekCollectionFromReader(oReader) is this=1 protected List GetBoekCollectionFromReader(IDataReader oReader)
2 {
3 List boeken= new List();
4 while (oReader.Read()) //THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR APPEARS
5 {
6 boeken.Add(GetBoekFromReader(oReader));
8 }
9 return boeken;
10 }
That's the method where the error appears... Where should I place a breakpoint to get the exact location? To make sure all methods in this code are explained, here's the code for GetBoekFromReader(oReader))= 1 protected Boek GetBoekFromReader(IDataRecord oReader)
2 {
3 Boek boek = new Boek();
4 boek.idB= (int)oReader["id"];//id auto generated dus verplicht
5 if(oReader["inventaris_nr"] != DBNull.Value)
6 boek.Inventaris_nrB = (string)oReader["inventaris_nr"];
7 if (oReader["auteurs"] != DBNull.Value)
8 boek.AuteursB = (string)oReader["auteurs"];
9 boek.TitelB = (string)oReader["titel"];//titel verplicht
10 if (oReader["taal"] != DBNull.Value)
11 boek.TaalB = (string)oReader["taal"];
12 if (oReader["uitgeverij"] != DBNull.Value)
13 boek.UitgeverijB = (string)oReader["uitgeverij"];
14 if (oReader["aantal_p"] != DBNull.Value)
15 boek.Aantal_pB = (string)oReader["aantal_p"];
16 if (oReader["jaartal"] != DBNull.Value)
17 boek.JaartalB = (int)oReader["jaartal"];
18 if (oReader["keywords"] != DBNull.Value)
19 boek.KeywordsB = (string)oReader["keywords"];
20 if (oReader["categorie"] != DBNull.Value)
21 boek.CategorieB = (string)oReader["categorie"];
22 if (oReader["standplaats"] != DBNull.Value)
23 boek.StandplaatsB = (string)oReader["standplaats"];
24 if (oReader["ISBN13"] != DBNull.Value)
25 boek.ISBN13 = (string)oReader["ISBN13"];
26 if (oReader["ISBN10"] != DBNull.Value)
27 boek.ISBN10 = (string)oReader["ISBN10"];
28 if (oReader["URL"] != DBNull.Value)
29 boek.UrlB = (string)oReader["URL"];
30 if (oReader["username"] != DBNull.Value)
31 boek.UsernameB = (string)oReader["username"];
32 if (oReader["passwoord"] != DBNull.Value)
33 boek.PasswoordB = (string)oReader["passwoord"];
34 if (oReader["datumB"] != DBNull.Value)
35 boek.DatumBoek = (DateTime)oReader["datumB"];
36 if (oReader["status"] != DBNull.Value)
37 boek.StatusB = (string)oReader["status"];
40 return boek;
41 }
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
That's the error I get by the way. It also appears when I do a search and I don't use the date function... for example when I only fill in the title textbox and I don't select any dates from the calendars...
Sorry for the long post, but I think it's the only way to get a clear view on it...

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Error 3125 - The Database Engine Can&#39;t Find <name>

Mar 20, 2001

I am running SQL 7.0 with Access 97 as a front end. I am having a problem linking one of the tables with an odbc connection. When I try to link the table, it gives me the error :

"The database engine can't find <name of table>. Make sure it is a valid parameter or alias name, that it doesn't include invalid characters or punctuation, and that the name isn't too long."

I have tried renaming the table, and it then will allow the connection, but if I rename it back to the original name, it doesn't work again. The table name is "Invoice_Line_Item". Changing the name permanently is not an option.

Has anyone else run across this problem, or know of a fix for it.

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Find Versus Select Error In SQL Express.

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to look up records by the first letter of the last name in SQL Express ADO recordsets.

"Select * from people where people.lastname like 'a%'"

works correctly. (a*) works also.


PtRs.Find "lastname LIKE 'a%'", 0, adSearchForward

Does not work, does not find anything, but if I use 'a %' ('a<space>%') it finds the first last name starting with a.

Why does a% not work. Can you not use wild characters in Find Statements in SQL Express?

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SQL Search :: Could Not Find Stored Procedure Error

Jun 10, 2015

Few users are getting ‘could not find stored procedure error’ for several SPs in SQL 2012 even these SPs exist in DBs. if it’s a bug in SQL 2012 and its suggested workaround.

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I Am Getting Error Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'sp_sdidebug'.

Apr 23, 2008


I am running visual studio 2003 and trying to connect to sql server 2005. I am running under debug mode.

When it is coming to connection.Open it is giving the error ""Could not find stored procedure 'sp_sdidebug'".

Please help me how can i resolve this.


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Error: Server Agent Cant Find Dts File

Apr 17, 2006

Im trying to schedule an integration sevice package with no anvile. I have tried both running it in Agent under Integration services and operation system (CmdExec) and still wont work. Under CmdExec, the command is /FILE "C:Documents and SettingsebuahMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsSwamp_SolutionFIRSTTIME_DOWNLOADSSIS_ACT.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF. In the advance tab, I checked outfile to a log.txt file so as to read the log if there was any errors. The account running the job is the same account that sql server agent services is running which would only mean I really dont need any proxy account to run the job. When i run the job under CmdExec, i get the error

Executed as user: CYPRESSAdministrator. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x529C255F20199B40A83858B1CCC875F2 (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

when I run the same package under integeration system, the error I get in the logg file is

<message>System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)</message>
<source>ACT TABLE 250</source>
<starttime>4/17/2006 1:20:47 PM</starttime>
<endtime>4/17/2006 1:20:47 PM</endtime>

If you ask me, I dont know whats going on but I am very fustrated. Have been working on this for 4 days now. I really really need help.

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BIDS Gives Me 'cannot Find One Or More Components' Error After Install

Sep 17, 2007

I have a Windows XP PC that we are trying to install SQL Tools on. When I install I get an error message that says 'cannot find one or more components'. When I finish the install, everything works except Buisiness Intelligence Development Studio, which is the product we will use the most. We do not have Visual Studio.Net or any of those product on this PC.

We have tried uninstalling and reintalling. We have tried both the Enterprise and Development CDs to get the tools installed. Both give us this error.

Any ideas?

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About An Error Message Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'dbo.U_Login .

Jan 19, 2007

Hi All,I am having an error message when running the program below, the message says " Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.U_Login ". I have tried a inline Sql statement to match if user exists and then redirects to another page but when using a Stored Procedure what I get is the above mentioned error. I am logged onto my PC as Administrator but I don't know why this error appaears. Can anyone help me with this ? I am using SQL Server Express with Visual Studio. here the application I am trying to run:1 using System;
2 using System.Data.SqlClient;
3 using System.Data;
4 using System.Configuration;
5 using System.Web;
6 using System.Web.Security;
7 using System.Web.UI;
8 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
9 using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
10 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
13 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
14 {
15 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
16 {
18 }
19 protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
20 {
22 //SqlDataSource LoginDataSource = new SqlDataSource();
23 //LoginDataSource.ConnectionString =
24 // ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LoginConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
25 ////ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LoginConnectionString"].ToString();
26 ////// if (LoginDataSource != null)
27 //// // Response.Redirect("DebugPage.aspx");
29 //Sql connection = LoginDataSource.ConnectionString;
31 string UserName = txtUserName.Text;
32 string Password = txtPassword.Text;
34 // string query = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userName = @UserName " + "AND Password = @Password";
35 //SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(query, new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()));
37 SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand("dbo.U_Login", new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()));
40 //SqlConnection SqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); //added
41 //SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(); //added
42 //Command.Connection = SqlConnection1; //added
43 // Command.Connection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
44 //SqlConnection_1.Open();//added
46 Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //added
47 //Command.CommandText = "dbo.U_Login"; //added
52 Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", UserName);
54 Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", Password);
56 Command.Connection.Open();
58 SqlDataReader reader;
61 //reader = Command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);11
63 reader = Command.ExecuteReader();
66 if (reader.Read())
68 Response.Redirect("DebugPage.aspx");
69 else
70 Response.Write("user doesn't exist");
73 //SqlConnection_1.Close();//added
76 }
77 private static string GetConnectionString()
78 {
80 return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LoginConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
82 }
85 }

 Thanks in advance

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SQLSERVER-The System Cannot Find The File Specified(error While Running The JOB)

May 27, 2008


I have a SQL Server Agent job set up to run a job that calls a dts package on the server.

When I run the DTS Package manually, everything works fine and does what it is supposed to do.

When I run the job, The job fails. If somebody had this error can you please help me out

I am getting following error in my job...

DTSRun: Loading...Error: -2147287038 (80030002);
Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: The system cannot find the file specified. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts.hlp
Help context: 713.
Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

could you please let me know what is the possible cause for the above error.

Many Thanks,

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SEM V1.01 - Error Connecting To Database, Can't Find PInvoke DLL Dbnetlib.dll

Oct 1, 2006

I have an IPAQ 2795 and installed a program that emulates Enterprise
Manager on a Windows Mobile Device called SEM v1.01 from

I have installed the latest Net Compact Framework and service patches / updates
I have installed MS SQL Mobile Edition
I have installed Client CAB

But I still get this error when I try to run the program.

Can anyone suggest a solution?


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Error Message Could Not Find Server 'FLDB1' In Sysservers....

Jun 19, 2007

I'm getting the following message from a VB6 program running ADO...

It will process a job then I get the message.... [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find server 'FLDB1' in syssservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers...

This started to happen after I moved the db from SS2000 to SS2005...

Our db server and sql server instance on that server are both named 'FLDB1'... Do I need to run the above execute sp_addlinkedserver command on the new 2005 server?


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With New Hard Drive- Error 3: The System Cannot Find The Specified Path

May 5, 2006

Installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise trial a week ago on XP Pro. Installed new Seagate 80G HD; used Seagate's utility to copy old C: to new drive as new boot drive. All seems to work fine, except, when booting up, SQL server doesn't start. When I try to start it manually I get the following:

Could not start SQLSERVER service on the local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the specified path.

1. What could be wrong?

2. How do I fix it?

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Where To Find Detailed Error Report When Setting Up Mirroring Fails

Dec 14, 2006

I had a problem with mirroring that I only was able to resolve when I attempted to replicate instead. Replication gave me an error message that expained the problem; mirroring simply failed.

Is there any place where mirroring logs the details of what it is doing & why it is failing?

BTW, the problem was that the server name was changed after SQL was installed. Although i knew this, the forums indicated taht SQL 2005 automatically picks up the new name after it is restarted. This apparently is not true...


Dave S

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Cannot Find Server Or DNS Error When Using JAVASCRIPT With DNS Alias

Oct 15, 2007

Using SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services and want to open new IE window to link to a site.
We are using IE 6.0.

I am using the following Navigation "Jump to URL" in report:

This works as expected if I am not using the DNS alias to reference Reporting Services. But if I use the DNS alias when referencing Reporting Services, then when I click the link in the report I get the "Cannot find server or DNS Error" in the IE window that opens. Everything else works correctly in the reports when I use the DNS alias.

Anyone have a clue why this is happening?

Thanks, DR

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Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Error) - Can't Find Perflib To Edit!

Feb 1, 2008

I keep encountering this error when I try to install another SQL Server after uninstalling Express:  - Performance Monitor Counter Requirement (Error)
Performance Monitor Counter Requirement
The System Configuration Check for Performance Monitor counter registry
value has failed. For details, see How to: Increment the Counter
Registry Key for Setup in SQL Server 2005, in the readme file or in SQL
Server Books Online.  I've looked up the solution and it
says to change the Perflib entry in the register...only I don't seem to
have one! this is highly annoying as I can do nothing to remedy the
situation. Any ideas?

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Connection.Open () ERROR !!! Unable To Find Stored Procedure Sp_sdidebug.

Feb 15, 2006

Hi all,
When I try to open a connection it gives me error "Stored Procedure sp_sdidebug not found"
Can anyone help me in this respect?
I was running the same application with the SQL Server 2005 only earlier when it was running.But now after I reinstalled VS.NET & SQL Server I am getting this error.What could be the problem?
Please help... I am badly stuck up.

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DB Engine :: Error - Failed To Connect To IPC Port - System Cannot Find File Specified

Jun 2, 2008

In Management Studio i highlight my query and then click on 'Analyse query in Database Engine Advisor' but i get the following error message: "Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified".  Seems like if I reboot my computer it works one time then get the same error on the second time.I'm running developer edition with service pack 2.

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Error 0x80070002 While Preparing To Load The Package. The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Mar 8, 2007


I have a package which calls another package. It had been working fine for a while. Recently I changed the connection managers' names. Everything in the parent package works fine. Database has been updated correctly. But when it comes to calling the child package it generates :

OnError,CRPRCHMSQCZ,,Execute AMSClientAgentMaintenance,,,3/8/2007 5:49:38 PM,3/8/2007 5:49:38 PM,-1073602332,0x,Error 0x80070002 while preparing to load the package. The system cannot find the file specified.
.      (there is a period here instead of a file name)

I tested the child package on the server. It works fine. I connected the child package to the Execute Package Task by selecting from the packages on the server. So it is there for sure. Connection manager's name is read from the .dtsConfig. Child package is executed from my development machine but not on the server. I made a small test package just to call this child package, it generates the same error...

Any help is appreciated



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