Can't Get A Subreport To Start On The Correct Page Or Table Header To Repeat On Multiple Pages
May 24, 2006
I am staring to lose my mind on all this "work-around" BS in trying to create a dynamic header.
I have a report with contains a table, whose first two lines are a header line in which I want to repeat on each page. Then I have about 20 detail rows of information related to the header. The 21st detail row is a merged cell that contains a subreport relating to the header item.
When printing to PDF, the detail rows consume about half the page and the subreport is anywere from half a page to several pages long. When the subreport is more than half a page, it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the bottom half of the first page blank. No matter what I set the page breaking to, it continues this behavior. In addition, when the subreport data spans more than one page, my parent table's header row will not print to the next page even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.
I am coding this way because I have found no good way of creating a dynamic header that will correctly and consistantly display data that has detail that spans more than one page.
My problem is about the rendering behaivor of large subreports (more than 1 page) In that cases the subreport begins in a second page (a new page), it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the first page with blank space. Another efect of this behaivor is that the parent table's header row will not print to the next pages even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.
I saw many posts related to this (I list them at the end) and only one answer from the Microsoft team (in the post of the user Luca B. - sub-reports don't start in the first page In resume, the answer is that there are an implicit keep toghether property and that this behaivor will be reviwed in the fucture
I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP2 and the "behaivor" continues.
Someone of the Microsoft team can tell us if this behaivor will be changed and when?
I find the folowing posts reletade to the problem:
Post title - Author- URL
sub-reports don't start in the first page - Luca B. -
Can't get a Subreport to start on the correct page or table header to repeat on multiple pages - unit107 -
Subreport not printing or exporting properly - EJJ -
Sub Reports Issue - Leo12 -
Sub report ocassionally forcing page break when printing - Tom Majarov -
Headers on new pages using Lists and Subreports - Charleh -
Subreports and page breaks - dsavill -
I am building a report with 3 tablixs using SQL Server 2008. Tablix 3 is long and spans over 3 pages. I am trying to get the header for the to remain visible on all pages and as we scroll through the end of each page. Now this is a frequently asked question and I have found the approach to achieve the desired results. All approaches involve clicking in the advanced mode of the row and column groups to modify the static and dynamic groups.However, when I click the advanced mode there is no effect. I have attached a picture of the design mode. The tablix3 is grouped by the Department column.
I hope hope you can help me because I am sort of helpless here. I searched the web for this issue ("reporting services subreport overflow to new page no table header in main report"), however could not seem to be lucky enogh to find a result. The search string pretty much sums it up: A table cell of my report contains a sub-report that displays multiple lines of data itself. If the data output of the sub-report is long enough to overflow to the next page, the table header of the main report table is not displayed on the new page.
Some background info: The data table of this report has three data rows per record, the first of which contains a cell containing an employee's name and some more merged cells containing the sub-report in question. The header row of the main report data table has the attribute "RepeatOnNewPage" set to true and the data table itself has the attribute "RepeatHeaderOnNewPage" also set to true. If it matters, the SQL Server version is the one needed to run MS CRM 3.0 - 2000 it was, IIRC. My software design environment ist Visual Studio 2003 with the Reporting Services addon.
So, if anyone of you knows, what do I have to do to display the table header even on the pages a sub-report overflows to?
I very much look forward to your answers or helpful links.
I am using reportitem to show the data in the header from a table cell.i see the values just on the first page, from second page onwards reportitems not showing the values at all.
I am getting the reportitems values from a tables header cell and also made the tables header cell's property checked repeat header in all pages.
Header is appearing but the values in reportitems are not populating from page 2 onwards.
i tried / used everything including inserting group header still i don't get it towork.
I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.
The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,
Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()
In RS 2005 i am using a table to show the multiple records.Now i want to repeat the header of the table for each record of table but dont know how to do this.the layout should like..
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
In a tabular report I have one or more columns that need to be repeated on every new physical page when printed.
Viewing the report in the ReportViewer control allows such columns to be fixed using the "FixedHeader" switch, allowing the user to conveniently scroll the reports content while always having the fixed columns in sight. This is perfect. However, when switching to the Print Layout view or when printing the report, I would like to have these fixed columns be printed on every new page that is generated at the beginning of the table printed.
E.g. I have a report that has a huge number of columns that need to be shown. When printed, the columns need at least 6 pages' width. I would be very convenient if I could repeat e.g. the first column (containing some identificational information) on every of these 6 pages. It wouldn't hurt if e.g. 7 pages would be generated because of the repeated column(s).
I'm not sure what is going on but I created a table in the body of a report. I have set the RepeatOnNewPage property to be true. When I preview it the header is on all pages. Perfect! However when I print preview it or export to PDF the header is on Page 1 thru 6 it skips 7 and 8 and then prints on 9. This is happening on a few of my reports.
I am making a book-like report, I am using a report that has a header and calling a sub-report that has it's own header. However the sub-report header is not showing on the parent report. Parent report header is prevailing over the sub-report. Is it possible to have both headers displaying?
Hi all, I am designing a mailing label report. I put the client info. on a sub-report. I want to use a parameter to input the label amount and sub-report will be repeated by that amount. How can I implement this? TIA Micror
i've made a report containing a subreport. the subreport is in a table. the table headers should repeat. but if the subreport expands more than one site, the table header doesnt repeat.
okay. i could place the table header in report header, but in report header i cant use fields from a dateset.
I have an SSRS report I'm working on. I have Row Groups plus details.
A) How can I get the row group headers to repeat on every line? B) I would still like to use the drill down, click the plus sign, and have that work when I export to excel.
Here is the report header: URL....My first thought was is there a way simply to cause the header to repeat. I cannot find that anywhere to do that.My second though was to split the cells and copy the fields to all the rows.Here is the same header with split cells:URL....two problems.
A) I cannot split one cell; See the "X" in the second capture. B) How do I still hid the rows until I drill down.
I have report with a table, that generates rows to more than 1 page. When the user prints the report, each page should show the table header. Presently or by default , the table header is shown(printed) only on the first page.
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
I am very new to SSRS. I developed a report which has two subreports in it. Blank page is generated at the end of each Page. Can any one help me how to avoid this.
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
After finally overcoming a number of hurdles with LisaNicholls help, I've got one hurdle left that I can't seem to get around. A system I'm updating currently outputs attendance registers in HTML which is built using some complex ASP.NET code. To make this more manageable, I decided to try and handle this output in Reporting Services.
Whilst the output looks fairly inocious and simple, in theory it's been a nightmare to implement. Because it's inteded for print output, my intention was to output the report straight to PDF, however I'm encountering an issue trying to get some of the data to "repeat" on each of the PDF pages.
If you look at the following image;, you'll see 4 main areas.
The problem areas are the red, green and blue ones.
The unmarked bottom section is a matrix which pages fine on PDF. The TEXBOXES in the red area can possibly be worked-around by using report parameters. The TABLES in the blue and green areas are the main problem. I can't include them in a report header workaround because there could be multiple rows per table
So, back to my question, how do I get the three marked coloured areas to repeat on each "page" of the PDF?
In reporting services i have a table and below which i have a chart. The table has lot of values so the report spans multiple pages. I have set page breaks such that the table displays only 10 records. After all the values have been displayed in the last page the chart is displayed. I want the chart to display in each and every page of the report. It is the same chart that i want to display. How do i do this?
When viewing a report our users see that it is x number of pages, however when they print the report is actually y number of pages. For example once a report is ran, it says that it is 43 pages, however in actuality it is 62 pages. If they only want to print the last page, they choose to print 43 from the print dialog box, but that gives them a page in the middle of the report not the last page. Is there a way to remedy this?
Hello, If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.
I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.
Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11 Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.
When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header. If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side. Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew
When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?
In SRSS 2005 (SP2) my page header seems to take up the same amount of space on the 1st page it would take if it were to print; I have PRINT ON FIRST PAGE set to false - the header doesn't print - it just leaves the same amount of space. How do you get the report to ignore that. I do have a report header built into the body of my report. I have tested this by increasing the size of my page header and it does move the report up or down on the 1st page by that amount.
Status as the row heading and month as the column heading. The detail is a count off the records which fall into these statuses and the month columns.
The detail also contains a navigation link to a subreport which returns the records which make up the count.
For example if the detail contains a 7 , when i click on the 7 it returns 7 records with details off these records. The subreport accepts 2 parameters which is passed over from the navigation link, the parameters are - status id and month.
My question is - I have put a total on the matrix for the month columns, when i click on the total value the subreport appears (as the total is treated as part off the details) but it does not return the correct number off records. Im unsure as to why the total would not return all records , but it seems it is not passing the month parameter correctly, it seems to not to know to pass 'all' months which appear on the matrix as it is the 'total'. It seems to get confused and returns records only for a particular month. I thought the matrix would be smart enough to know that when a total has a navigation to return all records.
I've got a main report with five subreports. Based on a value of a parameter in the main report one the subreports is filled with data, all the other subreports will have no records. When the report is displayed in on the reportserver it is working fine, bit when I export the data to a CVS format, also the element names of the subreports are added to the CSV Output.
When i change the value of Data Output of the subreport item in the main report to Auto it doesn't export the records of the filled subreport.
How can I disable the export of the dataelement names in the CSV export?
I have created a "parent" table with various columns and added an extra detail row to drop a nested subreport into the table passing parameters into the sub in order to obtain the child subreport. The problem is that the the while I can line up the columns in the sub report with the parent report,
I observe something like this:
parent columns:
a b c d e f
child columns
a b c d e f
The problem is in the last column of the parent "f" it appears stretched out for some reason-about an inch even though can grow is set to false.
Its like the child is forcing the parent's last column to expand yet when i observe the border around the table in the child the "f" is clearly more narrow than the parent's f despite my matching the column widths in the layout exactly the same . In preview mode, the parent's last column is extended width-about an inch more was added. Note I tested it with No data in the child's last column and it still expands the parent column by that inch.
Also note when I dropped the subreport into the parent report I'm merging the cells on the detail row that the subreport fits across columns a, b, c, d, e, f.
So even though the subreports data lines up properly under a, b, c, d, and e; the parent's "f" still expands outward.
Any clues or suggests on what I should consider changing. I'm stumped.
I've never attempted to use the "Repeat Report Item with Data Region on Every Page " feature before. I'm trying to use it on text boxes with the data region being a matrix. I have a report that is two pages, and the text boxes are only appearing on the first page. Also, the matrix is appearing with zero space between it and the header. Any ideas?
I think I know the answer but I have a report that is supposed to print in Ledger. It has a header that has report information on the left and on the right has page count and date run. When the user resizes the page to letter, only the first part of the header shows (left piece with report information). Instead of resizing the header it seems it truncates it. Is there a way to resize it. If I move the right side over it looks centered on the Ledger size.