Can't Install Reporting Services On Vista X64

Mar 8, 2007

When I try to install Reporting Services on my Vista x64 machine, the following happens:
In the System Configuration Check, there is a "ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement" warning.
On the following section, Reporting Services is greyed out so cannot be installed.I have found many posts on this matter and all of them suggest going into "Turn Windows Features on / off" and enabling various IIS7 features. However, even though I have ticked every possible IIS7 feature the problem remained.

I have also installed SP2, but again this didn't help when I returned to the original installation.

Can anybody please help?

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Cannot Install Reporting Services On Windows Vista

May 15, 2008

Hi Guys,

I was struggling with installing reporting services from Sql 2005 dev edition on windows vista. I somehow managed to install the SQLExpress edition for Reporting Services, but now i want to unistall it and install Sql Reporting Services from Sql 2005 Dev edition CD.

When I try to unistall the SQlExpress Reporting Servie instance, the screen which says unistalling components disappears in a couple of secs and when i refresh the list of programs installed under Programs and features, i can still see SQLExpress Reporting Servies, i do not understand why this is happening and probably this is the reason behind not able to see the Reproting Services check box ungreyed when installing SQL 2005 dev edition.

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Unable To Install Reporting Services On Vista

Apr 9, 2007

Hi ,

i'm a new to vista and also with sql server 2005 reporting services ..

i was able to install all the tools in sql2005 express edition except reporting services a message IIS required ..even though the IIS is running and able to browse http://localhost ..

can any one give me an idea , how to install reporting services on vista with IIS7


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Can't Install Reporting Services And Full-Text Search On Windows Vista

Apr 26, 2007

When I install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2 on Windows Vista, Reporting Services and Full-Text Search are not being installed. My user account is configured as a Standard User. When I initiate the installation, I'm prompted for the password for the administrator user account.

During the System Configuration Check, I get a warning for the IIS Feature Requirement action. The associated message says: "Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online."

KB Article 920201 ("You receive a warning message on the System Configuration Check page of the SQL Server 2005 Setup program on a computer that is running Windows Vista or a Server Core installation of Windows Server "Longhorn"") seems to address this issue. I used the Windows Features applet and selected all of the Internet Information Services items that were listed in the KB article; however, the "Windows Authentication" item was not in my list. ("IIS Metabase" and "IIS 6 WMI" were in my list but were worded differently--"IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility" and "IIS 6 WMI Compatibility", respectively--but I selected them both.) When I re-ran the SQLEXPR_ADV installer, I got the same warning...and Reporting Services and Full-Text Search were still not installed.

I went back into the Windows Features applet and selected all of the remaining unselected "Internet Information Services" items, and then re-ran the SQLEXPR_ADV installer. I got the same warning...and Reporting Services and Full-Text Search were still not installed.

It's frustrating that there is no obvious reason or error message as to why Reporting Services and Full-Text Search are not being installed. Are these features compatible with Windows Vista? Does anyone have an idea as to what the problem might be?

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Cant Install Reporting Service On Vista Home Premium

Mar 11, 2007

I am using Vista Home Premium, Sql 2005 Sp2 & IIS 7.0

I tried to install Reporting service on Vista home premium. Got message there is compatability issue with this version of Windows. Then i check support website and downloaded SP2. BUT CANT STILL INSTALL REPORTING SERVICE ON MY SYSTEM.

Have tried all solution but i think problem is with windows authentication. which is creating problem for me.

Can Someone Help......?

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Steps To Install SQL Server Express (&& Reporting Serivces) On 64 Bit Windows Vista Ultimate

Apr 13, 2007

Steps to install SSX (& Reporting Serivces) on 64 bit Windows Vista Ultimate

I struggled quite a bit over the past few days to complete this install. The sequence of steps is less obvious than those for Windows XP Pro on a 32 bit machine.

I recorded all the steps in one place in cookbook style for non-technical (but database capable) users like myself. I have referenced appropriate other postings and sources for detail steps. These are steps I found useful, you may be in a different situation.

My environment is as follows:
-New HP dv9000 w/ 2GHz and 2GB memory
-Factory installed Windows Vista Ultimate. Note this includes .NET Framework 2.0 so I did not have to deal with installing that.
-I have no extant databases or SQL Server that I am trying to convert or upgrade!

Setup Steps Before Install:
1) Turn off User Account Control.
At present, I am a one-user operation with close control over my system and there seemed to be issues with getting reporting services set up right with UAC. I may come back and modify this step later on and certainly would change this for any releasable systems.

1a)Go to Control Panel Home --> User Accounts --> Turn User Account Control on or off.
1b)Unselect Use User Acount Control.
2)Set up your IIS 7.0 for Reporting Services.
IIS 7.0 has IIS 6.0 Compatibility features turned off out of the box. You will turn them on with this step. This is needed for both Reporting services and to enable the Adminscripts that are used in Step 3 below.

2a) Use the Control Panel --> Programs --> Turn Windows features on and off function.
This is quite nicely desribed with screen shots at:
These steps worked for me although they are labeled Vista Beta 2.

3)Set up your 64 bit machine to run 32 bit ASP.NET
This capability is needed to make sure you pass the System Configuration Check for Reporting Services. I don't know the full implications of this step and wonder if it might eventually bite me if I have to flip-flop between 32 and 64 bit ASP.NET or have them both run at the same time.

3a) Open a command line window by:
Start --> Accessories -- Cmd Prompt
3b) In this window type:
cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1

At some point, you may wish to go back to 64 bit. For that, see the posting by MihaelaE as an Answer in the SQL Server Reporting Services Forum under a thread started by fagster on 3/8/2007.

Now to actually install SQL Server.

1) Download the 64 bit SSX.
This step fooled me for a while as the 64-bit downloads are 'below the fold' on the web page.

1a) Go to the SSX download page:

1b) Scroll down the page and below Step 5, Register, you will see this text which takes you to the download you want:
"* For the 64-bit install of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, click here."
1c) Follow the "click here" to get the download.

2) Install the package from step 1c and you will get SQL Server Express.

2a) The install may fail and complain about not finding a valid SQL Server Native Client Install, sqlncli_x64.msi. You will have to extract the files manually and then run the sqlncli_64.msi package by itself. Then you can go back to step 2 and should be successful.
To do this, see post of Mike Wachal on 4/5/2007 to SQL Server Express Forum, titled "Cannot Install SQL Server Express on Vista Ultimate -- cannot find MS SQL Server Native Client".

3) Now add in the SQL Server Management Studio Express 64 bit version.

3a) Go to the SSX download page:

3b) Scroll down the page and below Step 5, Register you will see this text which takes you to the download you want:
"* For the 64-bit install of SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, click here."

3c) Follow the "click here" to get the download.

4) Now add the SQL Server Reporting Services.

4a) Go to the SSX download page:

4b) Scroll to Step 3 Download and Install (in the middle of the page) and download SQL Server Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2.
4c) Install, but at the Feature Selection screen, disable all components EXCEPT Reporting Services. You already have the other components installed.
4d) In the install, you will get a screen called "Report Server Installation Options". Go ahead and select the "Install but do not configure the server" radio button.

5) Go ahead and configure SQL Server Reporting Services.
I'm not highly skilled in this area so I recommend the SQL Server Express Video "Learning Video 10: Getting Started with Reporting Services". This is found at:
I found this video to be cogent and useful.

That's what it took me to get SQL Server Express installed with reporting services on a 64 bit Vista Ultimate system. Sorry if this is so long but I wanted to cover all the steps that hung me up.

To forum moderators: If I have any errors that will lead people astray, I'm more than happy to correct them.

This posting is "AS IS" with no warrantees and caveat emptor.

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Reporting Services On Vista

Sep 9, 2007

Luckily I still have my old XP PC which has SS Reporting Services installed because my new PC w/Vista Home Premium does not have the Windows Authentication feature needed to install SSRS.

Does anyone know if there is an upgrade for Vista Premium to Business?? I'd much rather learn SSRS on my faster PC.


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Installing Reporting Services On Vista X64 (with IIS 7.0)

Jan 21, 2007

After wrestling my fair share on the Reporting services installation on Vista x64 with IIS 7.0 I figured to write out the details where the bells and whistles are found.

1. First Sergio Tarillo has written good guide for IIS 7.0 configuration so that Reporting Services accepts it. The guide is non-english, but the screenshots are self-explanatory:

2. After that the resulting error is complainment about ASP.NET being 32-bit and not 64-bit registered. This actually means, that the application pool is opted to run 32-bit code. The real toggle is located under IIS management Application Pools ==> Set Application Pool Defaults... (top-right on the screen).

Under there set Enable 32-bit Applications to False.

3. You will need to install SQL Server 2005 SP2 CTP.

Note: The files seem to be named according to the KB article; however the filename does not show how old/new edition the SP2 CTP actually is (or at least I happened to have some from end of the November, when the current one as of now is December CTP - with different file size).

You can catch the December CTP here:

Or choose the "safer" route and use the "Where to find the latest SPs page":

After the SP installation I got the Reporting Server Configuration Manager to work without errors. However I ran out of time to work around the other errors configuration permission issues still.

I'll post follow ups as the thing progresses.


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Reporting Services Menu Does Not Appear When Install Reporting Service Add-in For SharePoint

May 14, 2008

Hi all,

I have some problem about reporting service add-in.

After I install reporting service add-in for SharePoint, reporting service menu does not appear in Application Management Tab in SharePoint Central Administration.

I try to uninstall and re-install again, it remain not work.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much.

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Reporting Services + Vista Home Premium = @!!$#%*

Sep 5, 2007

I am just wondering....

Has ANYONE actually gotten Reporting Services to install under Windows Vista Home Premium?!?!

I have gone through every possible fix, KB Article and anecdote and I STILL can't get it to install. Every IIS option is there that should be there.

In all honesty, what was Microsoft thinking? I'll make RS compatible with every OS we offer EXCEPT this one...

What truly bites is now that Visat is out, it is almost impossible to buy a new laptop/PC without it. Looks like it's nuke my new laptop and install XP...great...

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services On Windows Vista

Jun 13, 2006

Hello out there!

I've tried to install all features in the SQL Server 2005 to run on Windows Vista. The Reporting Services failed to install. I think it is because of the IIS 7.0 that 's not recognised by SQL Server.

Is there anyone who have had the same problem and is there anyone who have a suggestion to solve this problem?

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10 Hours Of Hell -- Reporting Services Under Vista - Does It Work?

Feb 13, 2008

I have a brand-new Toshiba laptop, running Vista Business, that I installed SQL Express onto. Prior to installation, I was sure to install all the requisite IIS components so SSRS would install.

The installation ran fine -- installed all components. The configuration ran fine. Everything that is supposed to be green shows green

But, when I go to http://localhost/ReportServer, I get:

Server Error in Application "Default Web Site/ReportServer"


HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found
Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.

Error Code: 0x800704ec

Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler

Module: IsapiModule

Requested URL: http://localhost:80/ReportServer

Physical Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServer

Logon User: Anonymous

Logon Method: Anonymous

Handler: AboMapperCustom-34881

Most likely causes:

No handler mapping for this request was found. A feature may have to be installed.
The Web service extension for the requested resource is not enabled on the server.
The mapping for the extension points to the incorrect location.
The extension was misspelled in the browser or the Web server.
What you can try:

Install the feature that handles this request. For example, if you get this error for an .ASPX page, you may have to install ASP.NET via IIS setup.
Verify that the Web service extension requested is enabled on the server.
Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the server level.
In the Features view, double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions to verify that the Web service extension is set to Allowed.
If the extension is not in the list, click Add in the Actions pane.
In the Add ISAPI and CGI Restrictions dialog box, type the path of the .dll or .exe file in the ISAPI or CGI Path box, or click Browse to navigate to the location of the file.
In the Description box, type a brief description of the restriction.
(Optional) Check "Allow extension path to execute" to allow the restriction to run automatically. If you do not check this option, the restriction status is Not Allowed, which is the default. You can allow the restriction later by selecting it and clicking Allow on the Actions pane.
Click OK.
NOTE: Make sure that this Web service extension or CGI is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list.
Verify that the location of the extension is correct.
Verify that the URL for the extension is spelled correctly both in the browser and the Web server.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
More Information... This error occurs when the necessary Web service extension is not enabled, the location or the name of the extension are misspelled or incorrectly entered.

Server Version Information: Internet Information Services 7.0.

The only lead I could find when I googled this error was a reference to running appcmd to ensure that was enabled. It sure looks like it is:

C:WindowsSystem32inetsrv>appcmd list config -section:isapiCgiRestriction
<add path="%windir%system32inetsrvasp.dll" allowed="true" groupId="ASP" description="Active Server Pages" />
<add path="%windir%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet_isapi.dll" allowed="true" groupId="ASP.NET v2.0.50727" description="ASP.NET v2.0.50727" />


Honestly... I'm out of ideas. I've been messing with this for 8 hours now, and I'm ready to fling the laptop out the window. I've completely UNinstalled SQL Server, IIS, reinstalled both, repeated the uninstall/reinstall after double-checking all files were deleted, and so on.

Does *anyone* know how to resolve this error? I checked IIS.NET and although they have a few references to it (not within the Reporting Services context) there never seems to be a definitive answer as to what the solution is.

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Unable To Configure Reporting Services With Vista/IIS7

Jan 10, 2007

I am trying to configure a reporting server on my laptop at work. This laptop is running Vista and IIS 7. When I install reporting services, the option for "Install the default configuration" is disabled (greyed out) during setup. The install is successful, but then when I try to connect in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, I get an unhandled exception ("A WMI error has occurred an no additional error information is available."). If I continue, this error continues to crop up as I attempt to configure the Report Server. When I attempt to configure the virtual directory, the configuration manager crashes. Then, when I navigate to the reportserver page, I get a page that states:
Server Application Unavailable

The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.

Any ideas for a solution or workaround would be greatly appreciated.



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Vista IIS7 And Reporting Services Wont Deploy

Feb 25, 2007

I am using vista, iis7 sql server 2005 sp2, vs 2005.

i first noticed that i could not deploy to the localhost server after upgrading to vista.

i installed sql server sp2 and configured the iis7 using the control panel. Everything i needed to check off got loaded exept the check box in the ApplicationDevelopmentFeatures subcategory under the iis configuration section.

It errored out when i clicked apply. there was no specific error just that it did not get added.

Controlpanel> Programs>T urnWindowsFeaturesOnAndOff> InternetInformationServices> WorldWideWebServices> ApplicationDevelopmentFeatures> (check box)

When i click OK, afte a few minutes, i get a message:

"An error has occurred. Not all the features were successfully changed."

what good is iis7 if it cannot support

I assume something is wrong. It is not permissions. I am the administrator account and i have assigned my account as the administrator for both sql server and reporting services.

So what is it?

Jerry Cicierega

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Vista + SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Authentification Woes

Apr 22, 2007

Hey guys, I'm creating an ASP.Net 2.0 Web app with VB in the code behind files. I've created a few reports in Business Intelligence Dev Studio that I've deployed to a Windows 2003 Server that has SQL Server 2005 & Reporting Services 2005 on it. Last night I ran into a problem as I tested code on my laptop. And after about 3 hours I have come to the conclusion that it's the way Vista authenticates or its some kind of bug.

When I go to set the report parameters I get an error about invalid credentials and get a HTTP 401 unauthorized. I googled and searched on the forums, however it didn't make sense to me why it was working before now not working. No one was signed on AIM to test to see if it was a specific computer issue, so I decided to try and code a workaround.

I set ShowCredentialsPromt to True and I never got a prompt for credentials when the parameters were attempted to be set. I just got the error. I'm not on my laptop right now, but I will include the exact verbiage of the error message.

i have read lots of posts regarding this by my question is why does the same code not work on Vista than XP? Is that the deciding factor of my issue? I'll get some friends with Vista to test out the site and see if they get the error as well. Any insight?

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Sql Reporting Services Sql 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Vista

Mar 17, 2008

I have a couple of questions which is better for commercial development
the standard edition sql or sql express edition?
Does the express edition 2005 in visual studio professional come with
advanced services or do you have install sp2?
Has anyone installed sql 2005 reporting services on vista ultimate
is there anything I should know besides the article How to install
sql reporting services on a windows vista computer? Thanks
I have sql express on my visual studio 2008, however I have
not installed it. Will this be a problem if I install standard ediion?

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Installation Problem With SQL Server Express Reporting Services And Windows Vista

Apr 11, 2008

I have been through virtually every last posting on installing SQL Server Express with Advanced Services in this site and still have no success accessing the Reporting Services site: http://localhost.reports$sqlexpress. I get a the correct background to the site as in the tutorials, but only get "ERROR - unable to connect to the remote server", which may be indicative because this is all installed on my local machine (Dell AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ 2.11 Ghz, 1GB, Windows Ultimate). I have gone through How to install ... on a Windows Vista-based computer, KB934164, and most recently, How to configure .. to allow remote connections, kb 914277, in hopes of addressing the "remote server" issue. I still can't get past this obstacle. PLEASE HELP!! :-)

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Ms Reporting Services Install

Feb 25, 2005

Where can I find the Reporting Service setup ?

Is it linked to a particular version of SQLServer 2000 (Standard...)

On the CD ?

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Can Not Install Reporting Services, Help!

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm running Windows XP and SQL Server Developer Edition (sp3) and I'm tryingto install the MS SQL Server Reporting Services that is in the MSDN of April2004. I also have Visual installed.So when I run the CD all goes well until you specify the database for thereporting server and then I get the following error:"This edition of the Report Server Database is not supported on the editionof SQL Server 2000 you have chosen. Please choose on that matches therequirements."MS Requirements are SQL 2000 Standard, SQL 2000 Enterprise, and SQL 2000Developer edition.What does this mean, any comments or feedback will be greately appreciated.- Sergio

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Install Reporting Services

Mar 14, 2008

How can I install SQL2005 Reporting Services to a local pc? I have a WindowsXP workstation and want to be able to report from SQL databases, and am having a very hard time understanding what is necessary to get to the Reporting Services. I loaded the SQL2005 cd, but when it got to the Components to Install screen, Reporting Services was grayed out and not able to be selected. The SQL databases are maintained on a separate server apart from my workstation.
MS Access 2000 is loaded on the computer and I know I can make pass-through queries for reporting, but I really would like to move to SQL2005. I just do not know where to go next.
Thanks for any help.

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Install Reporting Services

Oct 16, 2007

I may be a fool, I installed Sql 2005 on my dev box, and I forgot to check reporting services. Anyway how can I install reporting services once I have installed Sql Server? I tried re-runing setup but I did not see a reporting services option as an option. I am sure I am just missing something simple.


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Where Should I Install Reporting Services

Nov 2, 2007

Hi All,

We are having a bit of a disagreement of where to install reporting services within work, and i would like some input.

Basically there are two views.

1. We leave reporting Services running on one of our current servers, and reference it through the report viewer, using http. I think the firewall is setup to do this internally. The websites will then use the control to access the reports.

2. We have reporting services on our external DMZ where all our websites reside.

I have argued for number 1, becuase mainly of memory usage and problems it can cause to servers performance wise.

Anyone else got any ideas?

Cheers, Nick

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Reporting Services Install - Please Help

Jul 31, 2007

I am trying to configure Reporting Services on a server which is not the database server. I keepo getting a message telling me I am not authorized to access the Report Manager or Report Server virtual directories... no matter what user and pass I enter.

How do I get this to work? Remember Reporting Services is installed on a server separate from the databsae server.


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Install Reporting Services On Another IIS Website

Nov 9, 2004

I am using IIS6 and installed Reporting Services on http://myWebsite in IIS.
This works fine and I can access http://myWebsite/ReportServer and http://myWebsite/Reports

My problem is that I also need Reporting Services on another website in IIS6.
I have a website which I also need Reporting Services on. I created two virtual directories (Reports,ReportServer) that point to the same directories as which the original Reporting Services site does, but it doesn't work. I get "You are not authorized to view this page message in IE." when I view in my browser

Any suggestions?

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Install Sql Express Reporting Services?

Mar 19, 2008

I am trying to install sql express advanced services. I already have sql installed on one machine and removed it from another machine completely. When installing on both machines I only get two main components when the list comes up. I have uncheck (or checked) to show all components. There is no "Reporting Services" listed. I am downloading the sqlexpress_adv.exe file from microsoft. Please, how do you install the reporting services? It is not in the list of components to install!!!

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SQL 2000 Reporting Services Install ASp .Net 1.1 With IIS

Mar 29, 2007

I am intalling SQL 2000 Reporting Services on my Development Machine. Win Xp, VS .Net 2005 & VS .Net 2003. I do have ASP .NET 1.1 & 2.I am frustated even though I have ASP .NET 1.1 installed it kept complaining that it is not installed. I also tried registering ASP .NET 1.1 version through Visual Studio command Prompt.

Still it is complaining that I don't have ASP .NET 1.1

What I have to do?

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.


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Need Help To Install Sql 2000 Reporting Services

Apr 1, 2008

Hi All,

I am a newbie to SQL 2000 Reporting Services. I have been given a task on installing SQL 2000 Reporting services on our servers. We have one database server (SQL 2000) with SP3a. We have one web server with IIS 5.1 and ASP.NET 1.1 installed.

I plan to install the Report Server database on the SQL 2K DB server; but I want to install the Report Server on the web server with IIS. Is that possible ? If yes can you please describe in detail how can I do it ?

The other question I am having is from where can I download SQL 2000 Reporting Services (DEV edition or ENT edition). Is this something available online ?

Please help, as this is very important for the project given to me.

Thank you all in advance

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Help! New Reporting Services Install Cannot Be Connected To!!

Nov 2, 2007


I've installed Sql server 2005 enterprise edition in full onto windows server 2003 as investigating the BI option. All fine except reporting services just fails to connect to the reports server. Im connecting using management studio on the same machine ie local.

- Currently using the same Domain administrator username and password everywhere as in testing as dont want to be sidetracked by connection issues- has total access across the network.
- http:\servername
eports works fine but httpervername
eportserver does not work
- Reporting services configuration is showing all green ok symbols and that connects fine
- all other components are fine.
- Changed to TCP & named pipes for database in Surface config but no luck (in the features section of this tool clicking in windows integrated security brings up same error

Getting a long piece of HTML code message which can't copy, but the 2 key parts of the error message below seem to be:

1) "Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'." which is at the top
2) "The file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators." in the body

Any ideas as need to fix asap

Many Thanks


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Cannot Install Reporting Services (2005)

Mar 31, 2008

I am trying to install reporting services with SQL Server 2005 and having no luck. I have tried different versions of SQL Server 2005 along with different pcs/servers including Vista, Server 2003 on virtual pc and Server 2003 on an actual real server but no luck. I keep getting the option greyed out when I try and install. In fact many of the options are greyed out. I do have a version of SQL Server which installs fine but doesn't include Reproting Services.

Any ideas?


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Reporting Services Not An Option On Install.

Mar 11, 2007

I am running Vista home premium and installing SQL Express Advanced and do not get the reporting service install option during the installation. I got the warning messages during the installation that the IIS is not available but I have the IIS 7 working with all the features enabled. My ASP.NET apps work on the IIS and connect fine to SQL too, just can not seem to get the reporting services.

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Reporting Services Failed Install

Sep 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have an SBS server that I tried to installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition for some testing/dev work (non-production server here) and although SQL installed, the reporting services component failed with the following.

Machine : RAND
Product : Reporting Services
Error : The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting reporting service and share point exclusion path. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

Machine : RAND
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Product Version : 9.1.2047.00
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_RAND_RS.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting reporting service and share point exclusion path. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
Error Number : 29528

Could use some help figuring that out...heh. I am able to shoot the entire log (the SQLSetup0001.RAND.RS.log) but it's like 10MB, and I didn't see a file upload option here. Any help is much appreciated though!

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64bit OS 32bit SQL Install With Reporting Services?

Mar 10, 2008

Hi All,

Probably a dumb question but our network guy has installed 64 bit Win2003 on one of the servers onto which I'm tasked with running our 32bit SQL Server 2005 server.

The installation goes through without a hitch and I'm able to get the SP2 installed over the top with no problem. I am, however, having trouble when trying to browse into the Reporting Services pages. I simply get a std "Page Not Found" web page. I've gone through the Report Server Configuration to see if I can get things to come up properly and everything appears to be initializing properly but still "no go"...

Can one of you MVP's give me a direction? I know it's relatively few details to get started but I'll provide whatever's necessary to get me pointed in the right direction.


"Jack of All Trades, Master of SQL (NOT)"

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Adding Reporting Services To An Existing SP1 Install

Mar 13, 2007


Is there an easy way to install reporting services on a machine that is already running sp1? When I initially isntalled Sql Server I did not install ssrs. Now, SP1 is installed and when I run the setup tool to install ssrs, it warns me regarding a "version change", presumablly because my media is not sp1, but RTM. Any ideas?

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