Long story short: Installed SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition along with Visual Studio 2005. Everything worked as it should.
Then there was a problem installing .NET Framework 2.0 Security Update. Fixed that by uninstall and reinstall of .NET Framework 2.0.
Now SQL Server does not work. So I figured uninstall/reinstall. Only problem is that it WILL NOT uninstall. I have tried to uninstall manually per KB article (9009967). That doesn't work either.
I had to do a system restore to solve some other issues now my SQL Server 2005 doesnt work (SQL Server 2000 on the same machine [diffrent instance] does). I have tried to uninstall with add/remove programs but the instance doesnt appear there. I have tried to use the 'ARPWrapper.exe /Remove' command as described in KB909967 wich also fails. I have also tried to reinstall with no sucess. I also tried uninstalling SQL2000 and removing as many references as I could find, again now joy.
Is there a script somewhere to remove everything (although I would like to try and keep the SQL2000 instance)?
Nobody could help with the problem. I eventually got a query to run after several attempts at deleting and recreating databases. Then, I was hit with the following error message:
Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOGGREGATION)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTools.VSIntegration)
Nobody could help with that either but based on posts with the same message, I tried uninstalling sql server. It wouldn't uninstall nor can I repair or reinstall. Uninstalling thru Add or Remove Programs only resulted in the program listing being removed from Add or Remove Programs. Most of the sql server programs are still installed. They can be run but continue to malfunction. When I try a new installation, I get a message that the programs are already installed.
Is a complete reinstall of windows xp, programs and data the only solution? I hate to believe it; but, at this point, I see no other choice.
I have VS 2005 and SQL 2005 Developer ed (OS Vista) installed on my pc. When I uninstall SQL 2005, I encounter an error for SQL Reporting (someting to do with unable to read some file). Since then I am unable to reinstall SQL Reporting or uninstall SQL Reporting. I removed all the files from the directory but still I have not been able to do....Please advice...
Neither the SQLCMD utility nor SQL Management Studio Express will function any longer but the DB engine still works when connecting via VB Express or EXCEL VBA. SQLCMD tries to connect to the internet then stops with no message. Problems started with SQL Management Studio Express whereby the screen dialog seems corrupted when I start to use New Query or try to copy and paste queries so I uninstalled and reinstalled SQL Express and seem to have made the problem worse. My system has Office 2003 with Business Contact Manager (ie MSSQL$MICROSOFTSMLBIZ) which seemed to cause a problem with the SQL Express install so I uninstalled Business Contact Manager but still no success. Anything special I need to do in the uninstall/reinstall that I might not be doing ? Thanks.
Since there is not a method to uninstall SP2 for SQL Server 2005 Express, it is recommended to completely uninstall and then reinstall. I have backed up all databases as well as generated a script to recover username/passwords, is there anything else I should be taking into consideration?
Previously, I have installed SQL 2005 developer edition simplyfied chinese successfully. But yesterday, I tried to install mobile client software factory. The installation process create a database as following: Create DATABASE [AdventureWorksMobileStaging] ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'AdventureWorksMobileStaging', FILENAME = N'C:GotDotNetMCSF_728ReferenceImplementationsAdventureWorksToGoDBScriptsAdventureWorksMobileStaging.mdf' , SIZE = 195584KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) ( NAME = N'AdventureWorksMobileStaging_log', FILENAME = N'C:GotDotNetMCSF_728ReferenceImplementationsAdventureWorksToGoDBScriptsAdventureWorksMobileStaging_log.ldf' , SIZE = 265344KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%) But today, when I start my notebook, SQL server could not be started.
Then I uninstalled the SQL instance by start->control panel->uninstall...The uninstall process seems OK. Note that I only uninstalled the instance.Then I tried to reinstall SQL 2005. However it was reported a Performance Monitor Counter registry key mismatch error occures. I tried to fix it but failed. The problem is as following:
1, The installation process report a warning of low memory. My notebook has 512M memory. I have reinstalled SQL 2005 once successfully. At that time, the warning also shows, but it seems that this warning does not affect installation.
2, User type problem. The OS of my notebook is XP professional, which is upgraded from XP home edition. I login it using a domain user such as: "my company's domainmyaccount". I found it curiously that although I assign myaccount as an Administrator, it will automaticly changed to "SQL$...." account. I don't know why and when the account property is changed. But everytime, when I found, I will assign myaccount as an Administrator back.
3, Performance Monitor Counter registry key problem. To fix the problem, I firstly tried to run lodctr.exe in cmd window but failed. When I cd to c:windowssystem32 dir, I can ran lodctr.exe correctly. I check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib, the result is: "Last Counter"=dword:0000149c (11128) "Last Help"=dword:0000149d (11129) Then I check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib 09 and 004, the result is confusing. I can find counter and help key,but both keys contains really a lot of stuff as: (1) first page of Counter key: 1 1847 2 System 4 Memory 6 % Processor Time 10 File Read Operations/sec 12 (2) first page of Help key: 3 The System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one instance of a component processors on the computer. 5 The Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of random access memory on the computer. Virtual memory consists of the space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory counters monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging, a symptom of a memory shortage, can cause delays which interfere with all system processes. 7 % Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration of the idle thread is active in the sample interval, and subtracting that time from interval duration. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time that the service is inactive, and subtracting that value from 100%. 9 % Total DPC Time is the average percentage of time that all processors spend receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs). (DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than the standard interrupts). It is the sum of Processor: % DPC Time for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. System: % Total DPC Time is a component of System: % Total Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. DPCs are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt count. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time. 11 File Read Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of reads. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
I could not find the maximum value of the Counter key and help key, so I could not repair Last Counter and Last Help key as discribed at SQL 2005 help. Which item correspond to maximum value of the Counter key and help key?
I tried to correct Last Counter and Help key as: "Last Counter"=dword:0000149c (5276) "Last Help"=dword:0000149d (5277) But it also doesn't work.
I had SQL Server 2005 Express installed on my computer, but was having problems with it interacting with Visual c++ 2005 Express Edition. I uninstalled both items, but now cannot get SQL Server to reinstall. Everything works fine until the installation gets to the "SQL Server Database Services" portion. At that point, I get a failure stating, "The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information see the SQL Server Books Online topics, 'How To: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files' and 'Starting SQL Server Manually'." Behind this modal dialog box, in the install window, it seems to have stopped at "Running action to shutdown instance(Run As Normal User) RANU instance shutdown in progress: MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS"I have tried everything I can find online about this, including use of the Windows Install Clean Up, Aaron Stebner's blog about how to remove a beta version (http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/2005/12/08/501885.aspx), Ttools, and the Visual Studio Uninstall program. I have manually deleted the folder for SQL Server from my Program Files folder, I have deleted all mention of the program from my registry, and yet I still cannot get the darned thing to reinstall. My computer is a Pentium Duo-Core 2 6600, running at 2.4 GHz, with 2GB RAM, 129GB of 279GB hard drive space free , with an NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS video card. As I say, I had the program running, it just won't reinstall. I am logged on as the one and only user, and I have Administrator priveleges. There have been no changes to the PC aside from removing and trying to reinstall the C++ and SQL Server programs. Can anyone give guidance as to what the heck is going on and what to do?? The haed and tail of my error log is below. I am stuck. Thank you.
=== Verbose logging started: 11/1/2007 11:16:13 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe === MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:234]: Resetting cached policy values MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:234]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:234]: ******* RunEngine: ******* Product: c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi ******* Action: ******* CommandLine: ********** MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:234]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server. MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:234]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:250]: Cloaking enabled. MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:250]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:16:13:250]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0 MSI (s) (DC:EC) [11:16:13:250]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: Resetting cached policy values MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: ******* RunEngine: ******* Product: c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi ******* Action: ******* CommandLine: ********** MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:13:250]: File will have security applied from OpCode. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi' against software restriction policy MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: Note: 1: 2262 2: DigitalSignature 3: -2147287038 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi is not digitally signed MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: End dialog not enabled MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: Original package ==> c:e02e41a11dc741be12SetupSqlRun_SQL.msi MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:781]: Package we're running from ==> c:WINDOWSInstaller46c82d.msi MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{2B2EF9D0-3876-4021-8F44-FA294E6D3C36}'. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: Detected that this product uses a multiple instance transform. MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: MSCOREE already loaded, using loaded copy MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: Applying multiple instance transform 'qlRun01.mst'... MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: Looking for storage transform: SqlRun01.mst MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: Validating transform 'SqlRun01.mst' with validation bits 0x809 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:16:15:828]: Transform 'SqlRun01.mst' is valid. . . . Property(S): SqlVerComBinRes1033.CC4DBEA7_CD8B_4AAE_A10F_657CBA390BD6 = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COMResources1033 Property(S): SqlInstance.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL Property(S): SqlTarget.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Property(S): SqlInstanceBin.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn Property(S): Data.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Property(S): DataInstance.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL Property(S): FTDataDir.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): DataInstanceTxt.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL Property(S): DataInstanceFTData.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): ModuleID_FTSSV = 68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C Property(S): SqlFullTextDefaultPath = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): FTERefPath.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): QuotedServiceGroupFTS.CC1A8C58_27D1_4D38_BF1B_C0A5CBB90616 = ANDYSSQLServer2005MSFTEUser$ANDYS$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): FTEInstName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = SQLEXPRESS Property(S): FTERudeInstName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = MSSQL.1 Property(S): FTERegRoot.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSearch Property(S): FTEInstanceSubDir.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = MSSQL.1MSSQL Property(S): FTEStartupType = 0 Property(S): FTEStatus = 3 Property(S): InstanceRegKey.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1 Property(S): InstanceName.7827AB3E_7041_406A_9591_4DB66042927F = SQLEXPRESS Property(S): SqlVerComFT.BB43EC2E_1D73_400F_AE2F_F370407BC222 = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM Property(S): Ver.BB43EC2E_1D73_400F_AE2F_F370407BC222 = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90 Property(S): FTESqlInstanceBin.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn Property(S): FTESqlInstance.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL Property(S): FTESqlInstanceBinRef.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef Property(S): FTESqlInstanceDotNumber.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1 Property(S): SqlVer.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90 Property(S): FTESharedCompRoot.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90 Property(S): Sql.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Property(S): SqlTarget.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Property(S): ProgramFilesFolder.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program Files Property(S): CAFTERemovePerfCounters.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = $SQLEXPRESS Property(S): CAFTEUninstallFTERef.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef|c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): CAFTEUpgradeFTERefFiles.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = SQLServer$SQLEXPRESS:c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef Property(S): CAFTEUpgradeFTERefFilesRollBack.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef Property(S): CAFTEInstallFTERef.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef|c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData Property(S): CAFTEAddCertificate.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn Property(S): CAFTEInstallPerfCounters.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLEXPRESS Property(S): CARemoveFTEServiceDependency.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = msftesql$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): CASetLaunchPermissions.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = {68C6D318-77E0-11D5-8528-00C04F68155C}:NT AUTHORITYNetworkService Property(S): FTERegInstName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = SQLEXPRESS Property(S): FTERegRudeInstName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = MSSQL.1 Property(S): FTEUPGRADE.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = 0 Property(S): FTEUpgrade30.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = 0 Property(S): FTEUpgradeMSSearchApp.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = SQLServer$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): FTEUpgradeMSSearchStandalone.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = 0 Property(S): CostingComplete = 1 Property(S): FTEInstID.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = 1 Property(S): FTEAppID.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = {68C6D318-77E0-11D5-8528-00C04F68155C} Property(S): FTEAdminCLSID.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = {68C6D37C-77E0-11D5-8528-00C04F68155C} Property(S): FTEIFTEAdmin.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = {64f6bd6f-cc0d-11d6-9a15-505054503030} Property(S): FTEMSFTEPXY.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = {64f6bdd4-cc0d-11d6-9a15-505054503030} Property(S): FTEDollarInstName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = $SQLEXPRESS Property(S): FTEServiceName.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C = msftesql$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0 Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0 Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0 Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0 Property(S): RSVirtualDirectoryServer = ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): SqlActionManaged = 3 Property(S): SqlNamedInstance = 1 Property(S): SqlStateManaged = 2 Property(S): RSVirtualDirectoryManager = Reports$SQLEXPRESS Property(S): SOURCEDIR = c:e02e41a11dc741be12Setup Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {B0F9497C-52B4-4686-8E73-74D866BBDF59} Property(S): SQLBROWSERSCMACCOUNT = NT AUTHORITYNetworkService Property(S): SQLSCMACCOUNT = NT AUTHORITYNetworkService Property(S): DebugClsid.CC1A8C58_27D1_4D38_BF1B_C0A5CBB90616 = {04F4B2AC-58A6-4ADD-98ED-84973C96062A} Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:19:42:109]: Note: 1: 1708 MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:19:42:109]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Installation failed.
MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:19:42:125]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist MSI (s) (DC:F0) [11:19:42:125]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 MSI (s) (DC:EC) [11:19:42:125]: Destroying RemoteAPI object. MSI (s) (DC:38) [11:19:42:140]: Custom Action Manager thread ending. === Logging stopped: 11/1/2007 11:19:42 === MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:19:42:140]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 MSI (c) (1C:1C) [11:19:42:140]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 === Verbose logging stopped: 11/1/2007 11:19:42 ===
Previously, I have installed SQL 2005 developer edition simplyfied chinese successfully. But yesterday, I tried to install mobile client software factory. The installation process create a database as following: Create DATABASE [AdventureWorksMobileStaging] ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'AdventureWorksMobileStaging', FILENAME = N'C:GotDotNetMCSF_728ReferenceImplementationsAdventureWorksToGoDBScriptsAdventureWorksMobileStaging.mdf' , SIZE = 195584KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) ( NAME = N'AdventureWorksMobileStaging_log', FILENAME = N'C:GotDotNetMCSF_728ReferenceImplementationsAdventureWorksToGoDBScriptsAdventureWorksMobileStaging_log.ldf' , SIZE = 265344KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%) But today, when I start my notebook, SQL server could not be started.
Then I uninstalled the SQL instance by start->control panel->uninstall...The uninstall process seems OK. Note that I only uninstalled the instance.Then I tried to reinstall SQL 2005. However it was reported a Performance Monitor Counter registry key mismatch error occures. I tried to fix it but failed. The problem is as following:
1, The installation process report a warning of low memory. My notebook has 512M memory. I have reinstalled SQL 2005 once successfully. At that time, the warning also shows, but it seems that this warning does not affect installation.
2, User type problem. The OS of my notebook is XP professional, which is upgraded from XP home edition. I login it using a domain user such as: "my company's domainmyaccount". I found it curiously that although I assign myaccount as an Administrator, it will automaticly changed to "SQL$...." account. I don't know why and when the account property is changed. But everytime, when I found, I will assign myaccount as an Administrator back.
3, Performance Monitor Counter registry key problem. To fix the problem, I firstly tried to run lodctr.exe in cmd window but failed. When I cd to c:windowssystem32 dir, I can ran lodctr.exe correctly. I check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib, the result is: "Last Counter"=dword:0000149c (11128) "Last Help"=dword:0000149d (11129) Then I check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib 09 and 004, the result is confusing. I can find counter and help key,but both keys contains really a lot of stuff as: (1) first page of Counter key: 1 1847 2 System 4 Memory 6 % Processor Time 10 File Read Operations/sec 12 (2) first page of Help key: 3 The System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one instance of a component processors on the computer. 5 The Memory performance object consists of counters that describe the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer. Physical memory is the amount of random access memory on the computer. Virtual memory consists of the space in physical memory and on disk. Many of the memory counters monitor paging, which is the movement of pages of code and data between disk and physical memory. Excessive paging, a symptom of a memory shortage, can cause delays which interfere with all system processes. 7 % Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration of the idle thread is active in the sample interval, and subtracting that time from interval duration. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time that the service is inactive, and subtracting that value from 100%. 9 % Total DPC Time is the average percentage of time that all processors spend receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs). (DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than the standard interrupts). It is the sum of Processor: % DPC Time for all processors on the computer, divided by the number of processors. System: % Total DPC Time is a component of System: % Total Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. DPCs are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt count. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time. 11 File Read Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache. It is measured in numbers of reads. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
I could not find the maximum value of the Counter key and help key, so I could not repair Last Counter and Last Help key as discribed at SQL 2005 help. Which item correspond to maximum value of the Counter key and help key?
I tried to correct Last Counter and Help key as: "Last Counter"=dword:0000149c (5276) "Last Help"=dword:0000149d (5277) But it also doesn't work.
Hi I installed SQL server 2005 Express and it was successfully set up but I kept on getting error 26 when I try to connect to a database, so I remove all SQL programs from the control panel and reinstall SQL server 2005, but this time the set up stopped halfway saying "cannot start server". How can I successfully reinstall SQL server 2005 express?
I've got a Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server. It had got SQL installed. But then SQL was uninstalled. Now I need to put SQL back in, but I don't see how!
There're three CD-Rom but I don't see how and from which CD to install back SQL.
PS: Correct me if I'm wrong, Windows Server 2003 is sold with SQL 2005, right?
I had installed SQL Server 2005 for the first time in order to study for the SQL SERVER 2005 Implementation and Maintenance exam. Everything was going ok until I got to the section on Partitions. When I attempted to follow the lessons on partitions, I received an error indicating that the Enterprise Edition was needed for Partitions.
I uninstalled SQL Server and re-installed the Enterprise Edition (MSDN disk). When I re-installed, I was not promopted for a new/default instance name). The old instance that had used for the original installation is presented when I attempt to "Connect to Server." When I select that instance and click Connect, I receive the "Cannot connect to <server name>" error message.
How do I re-establish that instance name or create another default instance?
Hi,I’m having a problem uninstalling SQL Server 2005. I went into add/remove programs,clicked on each of the entries for all of the associated services to remove them,then removed SQL Server 2005, rebooted, and the tasks are still listed in services.There are no entries in add/remove programs.I’m removing SQL Server in order to install Visual Studio first - I’ve still gota problem with the “Package Load Failure” that I posted about last week:http://forums.asp.net/thread/1402873.aspxCan anyone give me a clue as to how I can completely remove SQL Server?I’m running Win 2k SP4.Thanks!
Hi all,Afetr a bad install of sql server 2005 which failed due to WMI problem; something that seems unfixable save a reinstall of windows.I am now left with a part installion of sql server 2005. From add/remove programs clicking 'remove' activates nothing as does change. However the files are there in program files.At start up I get multiple fatal errors etc.Does anyone know how I can unistall SQL server 2005 completely - perhaps from the command line?Or..how could I stop SQL server from trying to start at start up?All help most appreciated.TFM
I uninstalled SQL Server 2005 through "Add or Remove Programs". Apparently I did something wrong. The files are gone, but when I try to reinstall, the installer says SQL Server already exists, and won't install. When I go to the Configuration Manager, it shows all the components, but not of the services are started - or will start. How do I clean this up without wiping my drive and reinstalling my OS?
If I try to uninstall my SQL Server 2005 I nead to have instaled SqlSupport.msi in my list programs and I don't have it. Then I found it in a folder "...ServersSetup" but it dosen't work. I can't install that program and if it's already instaled I can't see it in my list programs. What can I do?
I have been trying to uninstall SQL Server (Enterprise Edition) from one of our development boxes and the programs bombs out. When I looked in the log file, I see the following error message which is useless needless to say. Has anyone come across this issue? How did you resolve it? Thanks in Advance.
I am trying to uninstall Sql Server 2005 Beta in order to upgrade to the Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition but without success.
Here is what I have already done:
I had VS 2005 2.0 Beta and Sql Server 2005 Beta installed. I wanted to upgrade to the Professional Editions so I uninstalled VS 2005 2.0 Beta and Sql Server 2005 Beta from Add/ Remove programs.
I have successfully installed VS 2005 Professional Edition but when I try to install Sql Server 2005 it gives me an error saying that SQL Server 2005 has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, .NET Framework, or SQL Server 2005.
My SQL Server 2005 Beta has expired and I want to unistall it. When I try, it tells me I need to have .NET framework 2.0 before I can run setup. I do have .NET 2.0. And I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and I still get the error from SQL Server when I try to unsintall. This error is pissing me off and this stupid beta is taking up almost a gig of space. HELP.
I have a failed sql cluster setup on Windows 2003 OS cluster. sql will not uninstall on node 1 because it says the group name was not specified in the template.ini file for the cluster. The OS cluster nodes have been evicted from the cluster. The OS cluster is no longer available to provide a group name for.
SQl uninstall process process is failing because of the error mentioned above.
I want to completely , uninstall SQL server from both nodes, clean up Windows Server and install just a default instance of SQL server on just one of the machines, The cluster can wait.
This is getting extremely annoying. I cannot unistall another instance of SQL Server Express 2005.
I have had three different servers with the separate installs of SQL Server Express 2005. I remove the product (Backup Exec, Dell IT Assistant, Microsoft System Center 2007). I uninstall the third-party product and they leave behind SQL Server Express 2005. For what idiotic reason I do not know. Then I try and remove SQL Server Express 2005 and for the third straight time it fails.
Here's the latest failure error, "TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup ------------------------------ The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=1603&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlcax.cpp%40SetInstanceProperty%40SetInstanceProperty%40x534 ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
Does anyone know how to actually remove SQL Server Express 2005? This is pathetic.
I'm trying to perform a silent install/uninstall of SQL Server 2005 Express. I manage to install silently, but when trying to uninstall with the following command line:
there is one item left behind - "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client"
Does anyone know how to uninstall this as well?
Also, if MSXML 6.0 is already installed when installing SQL Server 2005 Express, when performing an uninstall with the above command line, MSXML 6.0 is also uninstalled, which may not be the desired outcome.
Ok, I have tried everything I can think of, but I am still getting errors to do with SQL server 2005 beta. Since the beta expired on all the VS.net 2005 I thought it would be a good idea to uninstall the lot to save some hard disk space...how wrong I was!!
After going through "Add and Remove Programs" and removing all components of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on my desktop I get an error telling me there is a copy already installed and to remove it before continuing. Well nothing shows up under "Add and Remove Programs"; Windows cleanup shows none of the SQL Server components; a check of the register (HOTKEYS.../unistall) have no SQL Server entries; under services all SQL Server services are disabled and not running.
I have followed all the steps in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/909967 (Describes how to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually).
Anyone out there got a solution? (Visual Studio 2005 eval is loaded on the box)
Now i already remote all the SQL's related at the "Add or Remote Programs" there. But inside the "Services" there still consist the SQL Server,SQL Server Active Directory Helper,SQL Server Agent, SQLServer Analysis Services,SQL Server Browser,SQL Server FullText Search,SQL Server InteGration Services and SQL Server Roporting Services. And inside the Start menu >All programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 still have the "Configuration Tools" Folder. And in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server still have a lot of thing inside there. Can anyone teach me how to finish the uninstall? because i plan to uninstall the SQL and reinstall it again. Thanks in advance...
On my backup server running Symantec BackupExec 11D, I wanted to install Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005 Express. I started performing the update using "Windows Update", but cancelled the upgrade process just before it started to install (right after the downloading/verifying download phase of Windows update).
Now when I try to find the SP2 update using Windows Update, it doesnt show up on the update website. Rebooting the server doesnt help. I manually downloaded the file for SQL 2005 Express SP2 and tried installing it, but it says "the component is already installed" and I have to exit the process.
BackupExec 11D is running fine as of now, and it might not face problems later.. but I am not sure. Is there any way to uninstall SP2 and re-install it again!??