May 7, 2008
CREATE procedure r_routeGetCache1
@pLongest varchar(32),
@pLongestCls int,
@pDate datetime,
@pSrcInt varchar(7),
@pSrcIntGroup varchar(64),
@pSrcIntDom varchar(64),
@routeclass int=0 ,
@pCLI varchar(32)='',
@pOperatorGroup int = 0 ,
@isgrade int=0
declare @pc varchar(2)
declare @dd int
declare @hh int
declare @mm int
set @pc=left(@pLongest,2)
set @dd=1+(@@datefirst+datepart(dw,@pDate)-2)%7
set @hh=(datepart(hh, @pDate)-0)
set @mm=datepart(mi, @pDate)
set nocount on
--- Azam
select top 1 @routeclass = routecls from r_interface
where [group] = @pSrcIntGroup
and state='I'
if @routeclass is null set @routeclass=0
--- End
CREATE TABLE #operator_selected (
[routecls] [int] NOT NULL ,
[oprId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[cls] [varchar] (1) NOT NULL ,
[pc] [varchar] (2) NOT NULL
insert into #operator_selected(routecls,oprid,cls,pc)
select x.routecls,x.oprid,x.cls,x.pc
from RoutingV3..r20_route_timecls x (nolock),
RoutingV3..r_TimeCls y with (nolock),
RoutingV3..r_interface tit with (nolock),
RoutingV3..r_timecode tco with (nolock),
RoutingV3..r_daycode dco with (nolock)
where x.routecls=0
and = x.oprid and tit.state = 'I'
and y.tintid =x.oprid and y.cls=x.cls
and and and
and @dd between dco.d1 and dco.d2
and ((24+@hh+isnull(tit.prefixcls,0))%24) * 100 + @mm between tco.h1
and tco.h2-1
and x.pc=@pc
CREATE TABLE #timecls_selected (
[routecls] [int] NOT NULL ,
[oprId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[pc] [varchar] (2) NOT NULL ,
[prefixcode] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
cnt int,
clsA int,
clsP int,
clsO int,
clsW int,
[cls] [varchar] (1)
insert into
select a.routecls, a.oprid, a.pc, max(a.prefixCode) prefixCode,
count(*) cnt,
sum(case when a.cls='A' then 1 else 0 end) clsA,
sum(case when a.cls='P' then 1 else 0 end) clsP,
sum(case when a.cls='O' then 1 else 0 end) clsO,
sum(case when a.cls='W' then 1 else 0 end) clsW, 'Z' cls
from RoutingV3..r20_route12 a(nolock), #operator_selected b
where a.routeCls=@routeclass --b.routeCls
and a.oprId=b.oprId and a.cls=b.cls
and a.pc=b.pc
and left(@pLongest,prefixLen)=a.prefixcode
--- Exclude Artificial
--and not (id<0 and parentId is not null and parentId>0)
group by a.routecls, a.oprid, a.pc
update #timecls_selected
set cls = (case when (clsW>0) and (cnt = clsW) then 'W'
when (clsO>0) and (cnt = clsO) then 'O'
when (clsP>0) and (cnt = clsP) then 'P'
when (clsA>0) and (cnt = clsA) then 'A'
else 'Z' end)
update #timecls_selected
set cls = (select max(a.cls) from RoutingV3..r20_route12 a (nolock)
where a.routecls=#timecls_selected.routecls
and a.oprid = #timecls_selected.oprId
and a.pc=#timecls_selected.pc
and a.prefixCode=#timecls_selected.prefixCode
and ((a.cls='A' and #timecls_selected.clsA<>0) or
(a.cls='P' and #timecls_selected.clsP<>0) or
(a.cls='O' and #timecls_selected.clsO<>0) or
(a.cls='W' and #timecls_selected.clsW<>0))
where cls = 'Z'
seqno int identity(10,10),
priority int,
[id] int,
isactive int,
reason int,
exception int,
exceptionCls int,
calcexception int,
ext int,
oprid int,
parentid int,
routecls int,
prefixcode varchar(50),
universe varchar(5),
domain varchar(5),
pdomain varchar(5),
[group] varchar(40),
interface varchar(40),
userinfo varchar(40),
hint varchar(100),
clsorg char(1),
cls char(1),
cost float,
flag int,
rating int,
access varchar(10),
redlist int ,quality float)
if @isgrade =0
insert into #route(isactive,reason, exception, exceptionCls, calcexception,[id],parentid,routecls,oprid,prefixcode,clsorg,cls,cost,
case when x.oprid>0 then x.state
else case when quality=99 then 0 else x.state end
end isactive,
isnull(x.exception,0) exception,
--case when x.oprId>0 then isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) else (case when x.quality=99 then 0 else isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) end) end exceptionCls,
isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) exceptionCls,
case when (isnull(x.exception,0) = 0) then 0
when x.exception > 0 then cast((x.exception+0.5)*10 as int)
else case when x.Id>0 then cast((x.exception-0.5)*10 as int) else 0 end
end [calcException],, x.parentId, x.routeCls, x.oprId, x.prefixCode, x.clsOrg, x.cls,
x.cost, x.priority, rating, x.flag, x.ext,x.quality
from RoutingV3..r20_route12 x(nolock), #timecls_selected b
where x.routecls=b.routecls and x.oprid=b.oprid and x.pc=b.pc and
x.prefixcode=b.prefixcode and x.cls=b.cls
order by x.cost
insert into #route(isactive,reason, exception, exceptionCls, calcexception,[id],parentid,routecls,oprid,prefixcode,clsorg,cls,cost,
case when x.oprid>0 then x.state
else case when quality=99 then 0 else x.state end
end isactive,
isnull(x.exception,0) exception,
--case when x.oprId>0 then isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) else (case when x.quality=99 then 0 else 10 end) end exceptionCls,
isnull(x.exceptionCls,0) exceptionCls,
case when (isnull(x.exception,0) = 0) then 0
when x.exception > 0 then cast((x.exception+0.5)*10 as int)
else case when x.Id>0 then cast((x.exception-0.5)*10 as int) else 0 end
end [calcException],, x.parentId, x.routeCls, x.oprId, x.prefixCode, x.clsOrg, x.cls,
x.cost, x.priority, rating, x.flag, x.ext,x.quality
from RoutingV3..r20_route12 x(nolock), #timecls_selected b
where x.routecls=b.routecls and x.oprid=b.oprid and x.pc=b.pc
and x.prefixcode=b.prefixcode and x.cls=b.cls
order by x.quality,x.cost
set nocount on
select top 5
'r20_route12' routeset,
x.seqno priority,, x.isactive, x.reason, x.exception, x.exceptionCls, x.calcexception,
isnull(x.ext,0) ext,
x.routecls, x.prefixcode, y.universe, y.domain, y.pdomain,
y.[group], interface, y.userinfo, y.hint, x.clsOrg, x.cls
timecls, x.cost, x.flag, x.rating,
'11111' access, 0 redlist,x.quality grade
into #topN
from #route x, RoutingV3..r_interface y with (nolock)
where x.isActive=1
and @pLongest like x.prefixcode+'%'
and exceptionCls<>0
order by seqno+[calcException], x.cost
'r20_route12' routeset,
x.seqno priority,, x.isactive, x.reason, x.exception, x.exceptionCls, x.calcexception,
isnull(x.ext,0) ext,
x.routecls, x.prefixcode, y.universe, y.domain, y.pdomain,
y.[group], interface, y.userinfo, y.hint, x.clsOrg, x.cls
timecls, x.cost, x.flag, x.rating,
'11111' access, 0 redlist,x.quality grade
into #all
from #route x, RoutingV3..r_interface y with (nolock)
and @pLongest like x.prefixcode+'%'
order by seqno+[calcException], x.cost
delete #all
from #topN a, #all b
where =
set nocount off
select * from #topN where isActive=1
union all
select * from #all where isActive=1
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I have a loopback connection using ODBC in the DLL initialization codeofthe SQL Server ESP Module (SQL Server 2000). The loopback connectionworksfine when the DSN is specifed with the "NT Authentication", however thesamefails when specified with the "SQL Server user authentication". I havetriedusing both the SQLConnect and SQLDriverConnect calls, butu none of themworks. Also the same code works fine on SQL Server 2005. Is this aknownproblem with some fix, or am I doing something wrong here??The code is as given below,// ESPODBCLoopback.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLLapplication.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <sql.h>#include <sqlext.h>#include <srv.h>#define XP_NOERROR 0#define XP_ERROR 1#define SEND_ERROR(szMessage, pServerProc) { srv_sendmsg(pServerProc, SRV_MSG_ERROR, 20001, SRV_INFO, 1, NULL, 0, (DBUSMALLINT) __LINE__, szMessage, SRV_NULLTERM); srv_senddone(pServerProc, (SRV_DONE_ERROR | SRV_DONE_MORE), 0, 0); }// typedef const char* (_MakeODBCConnection)(void);static const char* _szMessage = "ODBC Working out....";void_MakeODBCConnection(void){char szConnOut[1024];SQLSMALLINT nOut = 0;const char* szDSNName = "TestOdbc";const char* szUsername = "test";const char* szPassword = "test";SQLHANDLE hEnvironment = NULL;SQLHANDLE hDBConnection = NULL;if (SQL_ERROR == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE,&hEnvironment)) {_szMessage = "Failed to create the environment handle";return;}SQLSetEnvAttr(hEnvironment, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,(void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3,SQL_IS_INTEGER);if (SQL_ERROR == SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hEnvironment,&hDBConnection)) {SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to create the database connection";return;}/*----------------- This is where it fails -------------------*//* Tried both the with/Without database name */if (SQL_ERROR == SQLDriverConnect(hDBConnection, GetWindow(,(SQLCHAR*)"{DSN=TestOdbc;UID=test;PWD=test;DATABASE=test;}", SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)szConnOut, sizeof(szConnOut), &nOut, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)){SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to connect to the database";return;}/*if (SQL_ERROR == SQLConnect(hDBConnection, (SQLCHAR*)szDSNName,SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR*)szUsername, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR*)szPassword, SQL_NTS)) {SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "Failed to connect to the database";return;}*/SQLFreeConnect(hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDBConnection);SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hEnvironment);_szMessage = "ODBC Connection cycle completed successfully";}BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved){switch (ul_reason_for_call){case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:_MakeODBCConnection();break;case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:break;case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:break;case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:break;}return TRUE;}static void_CheckODBCConnection(void){//_MakeODBCConnection pFunction = NULL;//_szMessage = pFunction();}extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)RETCODE xp_test_odbc(SRV_PROC *pServerProc){//_szMessage = _MakeODBCConnection();if (FAIL == srv_paramsetoutput(pServerProc, 1, (BYTE*)_szMessage,(ULONG)strlen(_szMessage),FALSE)) {return XP_ERROR;}return XP_NOERROR;}Thanks,Anil KumarArizcon Corporation ( )
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