Can Flash Work With SQL 2005 For Non-web Application?

Mar 9, 2007

I am not sure if this is the right folder to post, but currently I'm considering using Flash as an interface, the application at seems impressive, simple and sweet. But I'm wondering if I can build desktop application with flash and SQL2005 as backend for all the processing. at the same time, the flash shall be getting updates from a server. Possible?

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Storing/Retrieving Flash Files In/from Sql Server 2005

Dec 17, 2007

Hi There,
Can I store flash files in the database. I have a table with one of the columns as varbinary datatype. Previously, I was saving images (as filebytes) into this column. But now I need to implement something to store the flash file. So, is it possible to store flash files in the database and retrieve them and display them in an page?
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!!

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Cannot Get A Simple Database Application To Work

Apr 24, 2008


I tried to create a simple application based on the Sql Server CE samples and, as is typical when I play with databases, the program failed. In this case it failed to even load. The program has a form and a data source that I dropped onto the form. When I run the program the program breaks at this line:

Code Snippetthis._connection = new global::System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection();

The error is:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
Additional information: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

My first attempt at 'fixing' this was simply to copy the requisite DLLs to my bindebug folder. I found the DLLs here:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5 and copied these - sqlcecompact35.dll, sqlceca35.dll, sqlceme35.dll, sqlceoledb35.dll, sqlceqp35.dll and sqlcese35.dll, sqlceer35EN.dll - to my bindebug folder.

Now instead of the first error, I get this error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.BadImageFormatException' occurred in System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll
Additional information: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

I am running Vista Business (x64) and using (the desktop version of) Sql Server Compact Edition 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition. The test 'program' is written in C#. (Incidentally I can play with the database with no problems in Visual Studio 2008's server explorer. I can look at data, add data, etc.)

Can anyone please help?


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ReportBuilder.Application Will Not Work On Client On Network

Apr 10, 2006

Windows : 5.1.2600.131072 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.42
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)

Deployment url :$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application

Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application did not succeed.
+ The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

No transaction error was detected.

There were no warnings during this operation.

* [4/10/2006 11:34:29 AM] : Activation of$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application has started.

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [4/10/2006 11:34:29 AM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException (Unknown subtype)
- Downloading$SQL05/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application did not succeed.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadAllFiles()
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadManifestAsRawFile(Uri& sourceUri, String targetPath, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestDirectBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options, ServerInformation& serverInformation)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDeploymentManifestBypass(SubscriptionStore subStore, Uri& sourceUri, TempFile& tempFile, SubscriptionState& subState, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
--- Inner Exception ---
- The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
- Source: System
- Stack trace:
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)

No transaction information is available.

Does anyone know how that I can get the reportbuilder.application to run on a client on the network. It seems that if I have to remote into the actual server to get the report builder to work would be pointless for users on the network. I get the 401 Unauthorized all the time. Any comments would help.


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Scientific Application For Sharing Work - Replication?

May 15, 2006


I'm developing a scientific appliation - to forecast the spread of disease. The algorithm has been designed such that different subpopulations reside on separate computers.

The model uses the same set of data repeatedly, and only returns a small signature that reflects the appropriateness of a particular set of parameters.

The model does however change, and I'm looking for a way to roll out this model (which only contains T-SQL, CLR assemblies and service broker code).

I have considered setting up a database on each computer which has the 'data' files which are static, and a separate database which contains the algorithm which can be amended.

Could one then detach the algorithm database making the new version that can then be rolled out (by attaching it to each computer used)?

Is this the best practice? Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to do this?

Go well


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How Do I Know Whether The Connection Is Open With The Sqlserver Database While Work In The Application?

Oct 22, 2007

How do i know whether the connection is open with the sqlserver database while work in the application?

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How To Change Application To Work With Test DB Opposed To Production DB

May 26, 2015

How do I change application code to easily switch between the application working against a test database versus working with a production database?

My thought is to change the connection string to work with a test DB, and when ready to Publish, change the connection string back to the production DB.  After Publish is successful, change the connection string back to the test DB.

At first, it appears it will work.  Will it?  Whether it will or won't?

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Flash SQL Backend

Mar 13, 2007

Hi there SQL TEAM

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

We have a customer who would like us to write an application in flash that has a SQL 2005 Backend

Can Flash integrate with Microsoft sql 2005?
And if so are there any tutorials?

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Flash Back

Mar 3, 2008

have query flash back facility in sqlserver 2005?

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Backup To Flash Drive

Jul 20, 2005

I have a utility I wrote which can backup/restore my database as wellas schedule backups. This has always worked pretty well except when Itry to backup to a USB Flash Disk. When I use one of these the backupfails. If I backup to the C:/ drive then copy it over to the disk itworks fine but when SQL Server tries to do it, it can't.I am simply doing the following:BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO DISK = 'E:/backup.dat_bak' WITH INITAnyone know what could be going wrong?

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SQL CE Performance On Flash Memory

Mar 17, 2008


I hope somebody here can help on my problem.
I wrote a MFC application using sql ce and is running prefectly smooth on wince and PPC 2003.
But when i deploy it to Windows Mobile, the database performance drop dramatically.
I knows the drop on performance is due to the I/O speed on the flash memory.(The previous mobile os are using ram instead).
Is there any solution or work around which I can solve this problem.

Recently i solved the performance issues on "insert" to DB by using a commit buffer(Instead of commit to the sdf instantly).
But how about the "select" performance? It's too slow which take about 3 sec to select a record from the DB.

Does Microsoft provide any suggestion on the sqlce perofrmance on windows mobile?


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SSCE With Flash Memory

Dec 11, 2007


I have a question about using SSCE with flash memory. Our CE components equally allocate the write access to the memory location. But write access is guaranteed only 10000 times per memory cell.
So I need to know

1. what changes are made to the file system if I add an entry to a table?
Is this entry the only information added to the file system?
2. What happens if I delete an entry? Will SSCE optimize the data in the filesystem?

Thanks a lot for helping.
Regards Flo

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Data Files In Flash Drive

Jan 26, 2005

Hi friends, i want to know something abt sql server installation and database properties as under.1) how much disk space reqd by multiuser sqlserver 2000 db to install ?2) is it possible to install sql 2K on Flash Drive ( gen connect at USB) ?3) When v create a database user Enterprise Manager , which files created by database ?4) If i Know datafiles name of a database e.g. pubs , and if v copied on cd and paste on other system which has sql 2K install , does those database works ?5) is it possible to create database on flash drive ? thanx in advance.

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Possible To Add A Flash Player Control To A Report?

Jan 10, 2007

I'm working on a project where the client wants us to create custom charts which have features not found in the standard Reporting Services charts. I would like to use flash to build this and have found an existing flash charting package for which I have the code and which I plan to expand.

Here's the problem:

The client wants to include these charts in his Reports. Is there some way to add a flash control to a report so that it will appear on the web page as a fully-functional flash presentation, which can then be included when printing or exporting?

The alternative, would be to figure out some means of generating the chart using flash outside of the report, exporting a bitmap of the chart and then saving the bitmap to a known location on the file system so It can be referenced by a report. This has some serious complications, and may not be feasible.

Any ideas?

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Database && Flash Wear Management

Jul 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm currently developping a windows .net compact framework application which is basically a local datalogger.

Since my application will log data to the database (located on compact flash card) a few times a second over long period, I wonder if SQL Server Compact Edition offers some mechanism to reduce disk access.
By example, can SQL Server compact edition wait let's say 5-10 "insert into" commands before actually write to the database located on the flash card ?.

Any ideas which could help me to reduce flash wear would be greatly appreciated !


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Copy Database To My Flash Driver

Apr 28, 2008

I want to copy a database in my company's computer to my flash driver.
Then I am going to copy this database to my home compuer.
What is the full procedure?


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Inserting Flash Object In Report

Mar 29, 2008

Hello friends,
So, this is my senario...
i'm using SQL 2005 reporting service which reports are shown to the client from my web-site...
I've included a report viewer in my ASPX page through which i'm displaying the reports.
I wanted to know if their is any way by which i can embed a flash file in my report.

Secondly, i have some reports in which I have used the matrix control. And to display the headings of the columns i've created individual text-boxes & have made them overlap on the top region of the matrix.thoe these text boxoes are getting rendered in proper places when i preview the reports during design time, but when they get rendered in my website all the heading text-boxes get scattered all 'round the report......has anyone faced such weired problems & is there any alternate way of do'in the same ??

thanks in advance,

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Inserting Flash (shockwave Files And Animated Gifs Into DB

Dec 1, 2006

Can someone please tell me if it is possible to insert a flash movie into MSSQL 2005 and if so what would be the most appropraite data type to use for this.
 Any links to tutorials on how to uplaod such fiules would be appreciated

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How To Store Flash Files Into The Sql Server 2000 Database

Mar 1, 2008


How to store flash files into the sql server 2000 database and again display them back in user interface?thanks 

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SQLCe Errors When Doing Developing A SQL Mobile Application With Visual Studio 2005 And SQL Server 2005 Tutorial

Feb 26, 2008

I'm attempting to use RDA to synchronize a pocket pc emulator with SQL Server 2005 database by following tutorial, which uses AdvWorksMobile database that comes with SQL Server 2005.

When get to testing of "To test application features " ( step 4 of the merge replication setup lab ), I am receiving SQLCe Exception errors.

ORIGINALLY, I was able to deploy an application and view the local database on the emulator, but once I clicked "InitSinc" button, I received an error.

"Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not" exist, access is denied because the SQL user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.
Found this error listed in Server Agent Errors log, but it wasn't very helpful since it doesn't provide any suggestions on fixing the problems.

I am brand new to SQL CE Server , mobile programming and .NET framework in general so please bare with me

All the connections / security settings, etc that were set up were taken from a tutorial so I am not sure what SQLCeServer is complaining about. Reading up on the error on the web didn't help, it all pointed to making sure that the snapshot folder had correct permissions set up. I verified that MACHINENAMEUISR_MACHINENAME guest user had Read rights to the database so I don't think that piece is the problem. Otherwise ,Merge publication has been setup in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio by following the tutorial.

I am trying to run this sync on my home pc so there should be no issues with any user permissions

I have IIS installed

I did NOT have SQL Server Agent running in management studio at this time

I am trying to run this tutorial on an XP machine, which is my regular home PC so I dont think there are any special networking settings to consider

I am able to hit http://localhost/AdvWorksMobile/sqlcesa30.dll from my pc OK, but when I try to hit it from a cradled emulator ( after replacing "localhost" with "MACHINE_NAME" ), Internet Explorer on the emulator gives me a "Cannot Connect With Current Settings" error message. This part wasn't part of tutorial but decided so not sure if I am supposed to be able to hit it from my I am not sure if the fact that I can't hit it is related to the problem.
AFTER STARTING SQL SERVER AGENTin Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I killed the application, and after relaunching it, it hits "The Specified table does not exist [Vendor]" error. This time it doesn't even launch first - that is I dont even get to pressing "InitSinc" button. Debugger is showing that this error is hit on the following line in AdvWorksMobile.AddWorksDataSetTableAdapters

int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable);

I am not sure why the errors changed on me after starting SQL Server Agent.
What can I do to fix this connection problem?

Thank you so much for your help!


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Can SQL 2005 And SQL Express 2005 Work On One Machine?

Nov 4, 2006

Can SQL 2005 developer edition and SQL Express 2005 work on one machine?

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VS 2005 Doesn't Work With SQL Server 2005.

Jul 23, 2007

When I try to add a SQL Server Database as a new item into the App_Data folder of my Web Project, I get this error demanding that SQL Server Express has to be installed. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Is there some setting or something to make VS 2005 Pro work with a standard SS database? I don't want to use the express edition. I can't use SS's management studio with that.

Does Microsoft monitor this forum? I thought they were going to be taking technology forward; not backwards. I'm losing a lot of time having to install and uninstall and reinstall to get the environment into a mode that works lke I want it to work. If they didn't intend for SS standard edition to be used with VS 2005 Pro, then why did they include SS developers edition in the Pro package?

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Can .net 1.1 Work With SQL SERVER 2005 ?

Jul 13, 2007

 What should I do if I want my 1.1 work with sql server 2005I get wrong message : SQL Server does not exist or access denied

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How To Work In SLQ Server 2005

Nov 26, 2007

I am moving my site to a host that has SQL Server 2005. I am pretty goodwith Access, but I don't know much about SQL Server.I'm currently using SQL Server 2000, and I access it with Access 2000, whichmeans I can't do a lot.Would I be able to work in it using SAL Server Express? What I amparticularly interested in, is being able to run queries (views).I need to update stock every day. If I was using Access I would import orlink the new stock table, and then join the 2 tables by the product number -(the product table and the new stock table), and pull the records where thestock amounts were different, then copy the column from the stock table tothe product table (or do an update query, although copying is usuallyquicker and easier).I would do that, not just for stock amounts, but for price changes, to adddescriptions, and a few other things.How can I do that in SQL Server 2005? What program do I need to have on mydesktop to do that?Please explain in baby terms, if possible!Thanks!

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Cant Get SQL Server 2005 To Work

Feb 8, 2007

Hello ia m trying to install SQL Server 2005 but i am unable to run it. I installed Net Framework 2.0
Then i have tried the following files:
Then i installed Service PAck 1 for that but an error occoured during the install.

Basiclly i have no idea what i am doing here. It creates a configuration tools start menu item but it seems just like configuration. In C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBinn there is a file called sqlservr.exe but all it does is create a black console window and does nothing.

OS: XP Pro + SP2

How to get it to work?

Thank You

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Will SQL CAL 2000 Work With SQL 2005?

Sep 28, 2006

I am thinking about updating to SQL 2005. Currently running SQL 2000, and have a couple hundred SQL CAL 2000 device licenses. Can I upgrade to SQL 2005 without purchasing new device licenses?

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SQL 2005 Express Does Not Work

Jun 5, 2007

My SQL 2005 suddle stopped working. I unistalled and reinstalled it, but it still does not work. How do I fix it?

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Does SQL 2005 Encryption On X64 Work?

Oct 5, 2006

Are there any known issues with EncryptByKey/DecryptByKey on x64 machines?

I have a test script where I create a sample table and encrypt a column and later decrypt it. It works fine on my x86 box. When I run the *exact* same test script on an x64 server I'm getting unprintable characters back on the DecryptByKey. I cannont find anything I'm doing different between the two.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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Accessing AS 2005 From ASP.NET Application

Nov 17, 2005

I have an application. This application provide consolidated information to the user using Analysis Services 2005. Within it, one aspx page uses MDX query to retrieve the information from the cube. However, we are unable to access AS 2005 because of authentication issues. What would be the easier to implement and deploy scenario?
How can I access AS 2005 from an ASP.NET application? Is there any feature to use?

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Application Roles In SQL 2005

Jun 13, 2006

We have an an application that was written using OLE DB (ADO) against a SQL 2000 Server that uses an Application role to give rights to the database objects. It connects, calls sp_setapprole and goes on. If the database needs to LOCK a record, it is creating a new ADO Connection and instantiating the Approle again. This model has been working fine up til now.

Now we are installing a SQL 2005 server for the latest version of the product we are working on and are running into an error. The error is
Error: 18059, Severity: 20, State: 1.
The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then tried to reset the connection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See "Impersonation Overview" in Books Online.

It's happening when the second ADO Connection for locking a record is being created and the sp_setapprole is being executed.

One of my questions is what is the problem with executing the approle on a different connection? Our code has not changed, so obviously SQL 2005 is doing something different. The other is What can we do to correct this?

Is the resource pooling different? We had problems in the beginning with approles and figured out through research that we needed to add OLE DB Services=-2 to the connection string to turn off resource pooling.

Is there an extra step to using Approles in SQL 2005?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as we need to resolve this ASAP.



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ORDER BY Clause Does Not Work In SQL 2005?

Feb 6, 2006

A quick background on the problem;
My company is in the process of a migration from Windows Advanced Server 2K, SQL 2K to Server 2003 and SQL 2005. I'm not certain of the exact process used by our DBA to convert the DB, but I can access it, and all my tables/views/sprocs appear to be in the right place.
I copied all my web files to our new server after the DBA was done with her job, made a new user on the new instance of SQL server, changed a few connection strings in my global.asa and global.asax, and ta-dah! Just like magic, the new site opened on our new servers without much resistance.
None of the content on our sites is sorted. I cannot seem to get ORDER BY statements to work at all. They appear to be disregarded by SQL server when not in MODIFY mode for a particular view (in SQL Server Management Studio).
So, when I MODIFY a view, add criteria (NOT SORT), save the changes, then OPEN, the criteria is respected. The filter is applied. BUT...
If I MODIFY a view and add a SORT using ORDER BY (by hand or with the Manager) the sort is NEVER respected when the view is Opened through the manager or in my code.
If I open any sorted view and then click MODIFY, and then RUN (without making ANY changes), the sort works with no problem whatsoever.
To summarize/restate my case, if I OPEN any view in the system that has an ORDER BY criteria, the sort is NOT APPLIED. If I instead right-click and MODIFY, then click RUN, the SORT is APPLIED.
I've tried sorting datetime and text fields, all with the same results - none. This single dumb issue has been delaying the migration of our servers for days!
Can anyone help?
Thanks always in advance,

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Why This Trigger Doesn't Work In Sql 2005

Mar 28, 2008

hi eveyrone,

I have an after insert trigger that works in sql2000 but not in sql2005. Can you please help me!!

CREATE trigger dbo.trUPS_tbl_I
on dbo.UPS_tbl
After Insert --For insert
declare @Tracking varchar(800),
@UPSID varchar(10),
@Cmmd varchar(800)

select @UPSID = cast(inserted.UPSID as varchar)
from inserted


set @Cmmd = 'c:TasksUpdTrackingUpdateTrackingCS ' + @UPSID + ' ' + 'UPS1'
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmmd

The UpdateTrackingCS program will call a stored procedure to get the inserted data and update other databases. And the reason to put the commit statement in sql2000 is to have sql commit the transaction, so the store procedure in UpdateTrackingCS can query thtat inserted records.

When I use the same code in SQL2005, no matter what I do the UpdateTrackingCS program cannot query the data by the UPSID. It always says record not found.

I have tried to change commit to begin trans ... commit trans. But nothing works. Please help!

Thanks in advance.


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Why This Trigger Doesn't Work In Sql 2005

Mar 28, 2008

hi eveyrone,

I have an after insert trigger that works in sql2000 but not in sql2005. Can you please help me!!

CREATE trigger dbo.trUPS_tbl_I
on dbo.UPS_tbl
After Insert --For insert
declare @Tracking varchar(800),
@UPSID varchar(10),
@Cmmd varchar(800)

select @UPSID = cast(inserted.UPSID as varchar)
from inserted


set @Cmmd = 'c:TasksUpdTrackingUpdateTrackingCS ' + @UPSID + ' ' + 'UPS1'
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmmd

The UpdateTrackingCS program will call a stored procedure to get the inserted data and update other databases. And the reason to put the commit statement in sql2000 is to have sql commit the transaction, so the store procedure in UpdateTrackingCS can query thtat inserted records.

When I use the same code in SQL2005, no matter what I do the UpdateTrackingCS program cannot query the data by the UPSID. It always says record not found.

I have tried to change commit to begin trans ... commit trans. But nothing works. Please help!

Thanks in advance.


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