Can I EXPORT Tables To A Backup DB And Delete Them From My Production Server?
Jul 23, 2005
I have a database file approximately 30GB in size which creates 3 data
tables daily. I need to reduce the size of the DB due to disk size
limitations. Could I EXPORT some tables, let us say over thirty days
old, to something like DB_Name_Archieve and them delete them from the
production DB to reduce the size? I also need the ability to
reference/read them at a later time as needed.
As a side note, could SQL Server use data on a redirected drive i.e.
NET Used. This would allow me to move the old tables to the redirected
drive and reference them as needed.
As always, thanks in advance.
View 1 Replies
May 29, 2007
I have a 20 GB SS2005 database that I would like to be replicated to a dev server for testing purposes. I might have some issues with the firewall blocking ports. I haven't read up on the specifics of how log shipping works yet, but I assume that is the best approach. A daily transfer would suffice.
A few options I am considering:
1. use the built in stuff, but I'm not sure it will work with our security settings, and if the trans logs are large it might be strained.
2. writing a small custom app to zip up the log file then ftp them down to the dev server. This could run nightly.
3. some third party util, such as FolderShare could transfer the log files
Any comments or suggestions?
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Aug 1, 2007
I currently have a SQL Server cluster setup with a Primary DB Server SERVER1 and the Standby server SERVER2. SERVER1 has been failing more than normal is the past few weeks and its takes upto 5 mins for SERVER2 realize that SERVER1 is down. I am looking for a better way to implement a backup server on production with minimum downtime. Please adivse..
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Jul 20, 2005
Any help would be greatly appreciated.My problem is that I need to set up a backup SQL Server 2000 machinewhich can be used in case of a failure to my primary. All databases(30 as of now) must be an up to the minute exact copy of productionand include most recent changes in data as well as any structurechanges (Tables, Views, SP's, Triggers, Users . . etc).When I tried this using Transactional Replication, the replicationprocess gets fouled up once I introduce any kind of structure changesto the DB. I've considered the idea of doing periodic backups andrestoring it to my backup SQL server, but this does not give me theconcurrency needed with 0 latency.I've seen articles that recommend using Transaction Replication with'Scheduled Table Refresh', and also doing database dumps to restore onthe backup machine, but I have not been able to find any documentationregarding this to try out. How can I implement this type of backupstrategy in SQL 2000?
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Jan 10, 2001
I have a table with with 4000000 lac records in one table and I tried to copy
the data from this table to an another table using
It failed sayin that the transaction log is full...and neeeds to back up the
transaction log to free some space.
Now if I try to delete the table TAB2 it system is hanging.
Any ideas
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Sep 6, 2007
Hi All
I am using Sql Server 2000.
The database is being used since 5 years and the transaction file (mdf) has increased upto 12Gb.
We are thinking of reducing the size of the database and keeping only the data of the past 1 year. So I would like to know if there is some way of backup or export so that I can get latest 1 year data.
Thanking You All:S :S :S
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Jun 9, 2008
I would like to have guide for backup
estore strategy for production DB..if i have to apply for high availability of production DB..
consider scenario ..Full backup every week, differential backups every 6 hours, and logs every fifteen minutes.
suppose my DB is crashed at 8:14 AM and my last logs were backed up at 8 AM then by looking above startegy then i lost my DB from 8 am to 8:14 am???? if not then where it shud find???
also looking above scenario by taking backup for such high frequency is it full my disk?? guide me pls...
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Sep 18, 2001
There is a database located at remote location we wanted the same on the local we backed it up then restored the same on the local server everything went successfull.
When i tried to create user it says the user is already existing, but nither can i see the user nor drop the one..(ofcourse not existing) it gives me an error 15023.
The other problem is that when i check the storedprocedures i can see and open them when i try to look for permissions or assign it by clicking permissions tab it says the specific stored procedure doesnot exist and gives me a sql-dmo error 21770.
I donno what would be appreciated.
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Jul 30, 2015
I would like to auto daily back up for all databases on a SQL Server Express 2014, and keep back up of last 30 days.
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Mar 25, 2004
I am working on IBUYSTORE's db. I have added a backoffice/admin to the site.
I have a page where I retrieve a customer's details based on the customerid such as the following:
CMD As New SqlCommand(Ssql, oConn)
CMD.Parameters.Add("@cust_ID", id)
I am also using a sqldatareader.
I have a delete button. If the site manager clicks on that button i want to delete all that customer's details including all his orders from both orders and orderdetails tables.
I am not sure how to accomplish it.
The tables are as follows:
Customers: Orders: OrderDetails
customerid customerid orderid
I tried the following delete:
Dim objCMD As New SqlCommand(strDelete, oConn)
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@CUST_id", id)
objCMD.Parameters.Add("@orderID", LBLORDER.Text)
I get the following error:
DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_Orders_Customers'. The conflict occurred in database 'Store', table 'Orders', column 'CustomerID'. DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_OrderDetails_Orders'. The conflict occurred in database 'Store', table 'OrderDetails', column 'OrderID'. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated
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Jul 23, 2014
I am attempting to create a Test db from a full backup of the production db. With 2012, I cannot do it the the way i had done it in previous versions (and now i understand why because of Logical names).
The Test db runs in the same instance as Prod db.
I attempted to run this but come up with errors. This is what i executed:
The errors are all cannot execute due to PROD is in use.
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Jul 29, 2015
I want to delete all backup files from a folder older than a specific date. But if I use the beklow query, I need to pass how many days of older backup files I need to delete whereas in my case, I dont know how many days/month/syears of old backup files are there in the backup folder.
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'FORFILES /p c:BACKUP /s /m *.sql /d -30 /c "CMD /C del /Q /F @FILE"'
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Jun 15, 2007
I just used the SSIS Import and Export Wizard to copy 50+ tables from SS05 to SS2K.
I found that the wizard created a package that I could not figure out how to edit, e.g., to change whether or not it had to CREATE a table, or just use an existing one. (I created some problems by manually editing the receiving table names to be ones that already existed -- but the original names it had did not exist, so it knew it had to create them. What I should have done, and eventually ended up doing, was scroll through my list of tables in the "receiving" box; I just figured editing the name would be faster, not realizing what problems I would create for myself.)
Anyhow, now that I see the complex package that the wizard creates, with a LOOP over the 50+ tables, I would like to know how/where in the package it is storing the information about the tables to copy.
Basically the wizard creates the following Control Flow tab entries (in processing sequence order):
an Execute SQL Task: NonTransactableSql
a Sequence Container: Transaction Scoping Sequence, which contains
an Execute SQL Task: AllowedToFailPrologueSql
an Execute SQL Task: PrologueSql
a Foreach Loop Container, which contains
a Transfer Task with an icon I did not notice in the Toolbox
an Execute Package Task: Execute Inner Package
an Execute SQL Task: EpilogueSql
an "on success" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: PostTransaction Sql
an "on failure" arrow to
an Execute SQL Task: CompensatingSql
Where, and how, can I look within this package to see the details about the tables I am transferring? I see that one of the Connection Managers is "TableSchema.XML" -- but it points to a temporary file on my hard drive, that I presume is populated by the package. Where does it get its information?
This is certainly much more complex than the package I would have written, based on my limited knowledge of SSIS. I would have been inclined to create 50+ Data Flow tasks, one for each table.
So now I'm trying to understand why the Wizard created this more-complex package.
Any help will be appreciated, including references to non-Microsoft books/websites/etc.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 16, 2007
Hello, How can I copy a table from one database to another database with SQL Server Management Studio.Thanks,Curt.
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Jan 23, 2008
I have a predefined excel sheet template.I want to create excel sheet report by exporting data from sql server tables into this excel sheet template.
This package i will be calling from windows form application.
I want to know is this is possible through Sql server integration service (SSIS) ?
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Nov 26, 2007
this is my Delete Query NO 1
alter table ZT_Master disable trigger All
Delete ZT_Master WHERE TDateTime> = DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate())-(select Keepmonths from ZT_KeepMonths where id =1),0) AND TDateTime< DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate()),0)
alter table ZT_Master enable trigger All
I have troble in Delete Query No 2
here is a select statemnt , I need to delete them
select d.* from ZT_Master m, ZT_Detail d where (m.Prikey=d.MasterKey) And m.TDateTime> = DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate())-(select Keepmonths from ZT_KeepMonths where id =1),0) AND m.TDateTime< DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate()),0)
I tried modified it as below
delete d.* from ZT_Master m, ZT_Detail d where (m.Prikey=d.MasterKey) And m.TDateTime> = DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate())-(select Keepmonths from ZT_KeepMonths where id =1),0) AND m.TDateTime< DATEADD(month,DATEDIFF(month,0,getdate()),0)
but this doesn't works..
can you please help?
and can I combine these 2 SQL Query into one Sql Query? thank you
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Apr 24, 2015
I would like to export all tables from Oracle 11.2 to MS SQL Server 2012 R1.
Using the tool "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant v6.0 for Oracle" did not work for me because there are too many warnings and errors regarding the schema creation (MS cannot know it because they are not the schema designer). My idea is to leave/skip the schema creation to the application designer/supplier and instead concentrate on the Oracle data export and MS SQL data import.
What is the easiest way to export all tables data from Oracle to MS SQL Server quickly?
Is it:
- the „MS SQL Import and Export Data“ Tool
- the “MS SQL Integration Services” Tool
- not Oracle dump *.dmp format because it is a propritery binary format
- flat file *.csv (delimited format)
View 14 Replies
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Sep 13, 2006
How to delete/drop all the tables from SQL Server Database without using Enterprise Manager?
I tried using DROP Tables, Truncate Database, Delete and many more but it is not working. I want to delete all tables using Query Analyzer, i.e. through SQL Query.Please help me out in this concern.Nishith Shah
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Aug 20, 2007
I want to delete the duplicate rows from two tables and get the resultant non-duplicate rows from both the tables into another table
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Jan 3, 2005
I am trying to take an entire MS SQL database and put it in an sql file. I have succesfully copied the tables into an sql file by highlighting the tables in enterprise manager and choosing 'generate sql script'.
That gives me the structure, but now I would like the data (in insert statements). I have looked in enterprise manager's export wizard and sql analyzer to no avail. There seem to be a lot of options for exporting data except this one! Please point me in the right direction.
At the end of the day, I would like to be able to put everything in a text file. Then, should I have problems, I can just copy my text into query analyzer and have a brand new database.
Thank you in advance.
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Apr 16, 2004
I dump my databases to backup devices each night.
However would like to purge old backups - say older than a week - from the device.
Is it a case that I have to drop and re-create the devices every 7 days or can SQL do this for me?
I have seen the RETAINDAYS claus but it applies to tape backups only?
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Feb 22, 2005
I have a production database that i need to refresh to our test environment daily. The database size is 700 MB.
I do not need to transfer the stored procedures and triggers , users and logins.
Would a DTS package that runs every night be the best and the easiest solution to implement or should i look into log shipping and snapshot replication.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm working on an ASP.Net project where I want to test code on a localmachine using a local database as a back-end, and then export it tothe production machine where it uses the hosting provider's SQL Serverdatabase on the back-end. Is there a way to export tables from oneSQL Server database to another in such a way that if a table alreadyexists in the destination database, it will be updated to reflect thechanges to the local table, without existing data in the destinationtable being lost? e.g. suppose I change some tables in my localdatabase by adding new fields. Can I "export" these changes to thedestination database so that the new fields will be added to thedestination tables (and filled in with default values), without losingdata in the destination tables?If I run the DTS Import/Export Wizard that comes with SQL Server andchoose "Copy table(s) and view(s) from the source database" and choosethe tables I want to copy, there is apparently no option *not* to copythe data, and since I don't want to copy the data, that choice doesn'twork. If instead of "Copy table(s) and view(s) from the sourcedatabase", I choose "Copy objects and data between SQL Serverdatabases", then on the following options I can uncheck the "CopyData" box to prevent data being copied. But for the "CreateDestination Objects" choices, I have to uncheck "Drop destinationobjects first" since I don't want to lose the existing data. But whenI uncheck that and try to do the copy, I get collisions between theproperties of the local table and the existing destination table,e.g.:"Table 'wbuser' already has a primary key defined on it."Is there no way to do what I want using the DTS Import/Export Wizard?Can it be done some other way?-Bennett
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Feb 5, 2007
From Newbie to Newbie,
Add reference to:
'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
'Microsoft ADO Ext.2.8 for DDL and Security
'Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.File
Code Snippet
Public Shared Sub Restart()
End Sub
'You have to have a BackUps folder included into your release!
Private Sub BackUpDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackUpDB.Click
Dim addtimestamp As String
Dim f As String
Dim z As String
Dim g As String
Dim Dialogbox1 As New Backupinfo
addtimestamp = Format(Now(), "_MMddyy_HHmm")
z = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
g = addtimestamp + ".mdb"
'Add timestamp and .mdb endging to NewAppDB
f = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissBackUpsNewAppDB" & g & ""
File.Copy(z, f)
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
MsgBox("Backup completed succesfully.")
If Dialogbox1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub RestoreDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim Filename As String
Dim Restart1 As New RestoreRestart
Dim overwrite As Boolean
overwrite = True
Dim xi As String
With OpenFileDialog1
.Filter = "Database files (*.mdb)|*.mdb|" & "All files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Filename = .FileName
'Strips restored database from the timestamp
xi = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
File.Copy(Filename, xi, overwrite)
End If
End With
'Notify user
MsgBox("Data restored successfully")
If Restart1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub CreateNewDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim L As New DatabaseEraseWarning
Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Dim Restart2 As New NewDBRestart
If File.Exists("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb") Then
If L.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
Exit Sub
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
End If
End If
Cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;
Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5")
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim Tablename As ADOX.Table
'Taylor these according to your need - add so many column as you need.
Dim col As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col1 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col4 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col5 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col6 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col7 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col8 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Tablename = New ADOX.Table
'Open the connection
Cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;Jet
OLEDB:Engine Type=5")
'Open the Catalog
Cat.ActiveConnection = Cn
'Create the table (you can name it anyway you want)
Tablename.Name = "Table1"
'Taylor according to your need - add so many column as you need. Watch for the DataType!
col.Name = "ID"
col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Name = "MA"
col1.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col2.Name = "FName"
col2.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col2.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col3.Name = "LName"
col3.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col3.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col4.Name = "DOB"
col4.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adDate
col4.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col5.Name = "Gender"
col5.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col5.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col6.Name = "Phone1"
col6.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col6.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col7.Name = "Phone2"
col7.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col7.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col8.Name = "Notes"
col8.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col8.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
Tablename.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "ID")
'You have to append all your columns you have created above
'Append the newly created table to the Tables Collection
'User notification )
MsgBox("A new empty database was created successfully")
'clean up objects
Tablename = Nothing
Cat = Nothing
Cn = Nothing
'Restart application
If Restart2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub CompactDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
JRO = New JRO.JetEngine
'The first source is the original, the second is the compacted database under an other name.
JRO.CompactDatabase("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program
FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb; JetOLEDB:Engine Type=5")
'Original (not compacted database is deleted)
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
'Compacted database is renamed to the original databas's neme.
Rename("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb", "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
'User notification
MsgBox("The database was compacted successfully")
End Sub
End Class
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Jul 22, 2015
The database has approx. 2500 temporary tables. The temp tables match a pattern such as APTMP... I tried deleting the tables in SSMS with the statement, Delete from Information_Schema.tables where substring(table_name,1,5) = 'APTMP' This returns the error message"Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed".
What is the correct way to delete a group of tables whose name match a pattern from within SSMS?
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Aug 12, 2007
I am trying to write one sql statement that deletes from two tables. Is it possible ? If yes, any thoughts ?
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Nov 23, 2006
how i can do a script to export tables,store procedures and data in SQL Server Management Studio Expres
I just arrive to do a script for tables and stores procedures
help please
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Feb 24, 2015
I have the need to delete old backup files via TSQL job. Found this solution online:
PushD "
emoteservershareDIFF" &&(
forfiles -m *DIFF*.sqb -d -1 -c "cmd /c del /q @path"
) & PopD
It works remotely if I run it via command prompt. But when I add this to a TSQL job on my remote SQL instance, it runs without deleting anything. What I'm missing?
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Jan 28, 2008
i hv made a rdl having 2 tables.My requirement is to display the tables on different sheets of excel, so i hv inserted "Page Break At End" in table1.
As a result im getting tables in different sheets but second table (in sheet2) is starting from 2nd row of the sheet i.e. 1st row is coming as hidden, and i want to remove this row as client feed's this excel file in some other application.
If anyone is aware of the solution pl. reply ASAP.
Thank u.
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Jan 23, 2002
is there a quick T-SQL that backup a table to a file
that it is possible to restore the data in the future to the same table ?
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Jan 10, 2006
Please, can anyone sort this out for me?
What is the difference between backup-restore and export-import data?
Thanks in advance :rolleyes:
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Jun 5, 2001
i want to delete the backup files older than 15 days. how can i do this?
Actually i backup the db and log using the TSQL, and the backup files are in d:ackup folder. I tried sqlmaint,xp_sqlmaint but its not running .
Any idea? thanks in adv.
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Nov 15, 2005
I have a database which size is 64Go, and i backup it everyday with 1 day of retention.
But the maintenance plan don't delete the file older than 1 day.
This works fine for the other db.
Do you know what is the pb ?
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