Can I Add A Record Number As Data Passes Through

Oct 20, 2006


In SSIS, is it possible to add a record number to each row of data as I copy it from the source to the destination.

An example of my source data is below, For each MemberID want to record the number of times it occurs in the table. 





What I want it to look like when it gets to the destination is:

MemberID     RecordNumber

2898     1

2899     1

2899     2

Like an Identity column I suppose, not for the whole table but for each MemberID.




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Stored Procedure Passes Test In Gridview, But Nothing Shows Up On The Page

Feb 25, 2008

Like the subject says I have tested the SP in Gridview. Everything looks fine. But when run nothing shows up on the page.
I have tried using QueryStrings to pass the data and Controls.
Here is the Gridview Code:<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#3366CC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" />
<RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#003399" />
<Columns><asp:BoundField DataField="FirstName" HeaderText="FirstName"
SortExpression="FirstName" /><asp:BoundField DataField="LastName" HeaderText="LastName"
SortExpression="LastName" /><asp:BoundField DataField="EthnicID" HeaderText="EthnicID"
SortExpression="EthnicID" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Gender" HeaderText="Gender"
SortExpression="Gender" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Height" HeaderText="Height"
SortExpression="Height" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Weight" HeaderText="Weight"
SortExpression="Weight" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Hair" HeaderText="Hair" SortExpression="Hair" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Eyes" HeaderText="Eyes" SortExpression="Eyes" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" />
<PagerStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#009999" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#CCFF99" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#003399" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#CCCCFF" />
Here is the Datasource:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQL2005_311004_modelsystemConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="spSearch" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="FirstName"
QueryStringField="fn" Type="String" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="LastName" QueryStringField="ln" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="EthnicID" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Gender" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Height" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="weight" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Hair" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Eyes" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="City" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="State" Type="String" />
I hope you can help me with this one!!!

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Get Record Number

Sep 22, 2006

I have a table containing 1000 records. I do have a primary key associated with the table. But I want to get the Record Number of each record. Is there a way to get it. That means for first record it should be 1 and so on and so forth.

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Want To Get The Order Number Of Each Record

Dec 22, 2006

I want to retrieve data from SQL server database table I also want to get the order number of each record also For example consider the following table I want to get one (1) associated with A, Two (2) associated with B Three (3) associated with E Name Mark A 10 B 9 E 10 How can I do this?
I want to retrieve data from SQL server database table
I  want to get the order number of each record also
For example   consider the following table 
I want to get one
Name          Mark
A                  10
B                   9
E                 10
(1) associated with A,
  Two (2) associated with B
Three (3) associated with E
How can I do this?
Please help me

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Query Using The Record Number

May 7, 2004

happy friday...
my table has 200,000 + records and I want to see the particular record which I think it is causing the problem.
How could i query 195,203rd record?
thank you, yanoroo

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Trigger & Record Number

Oct 16, 2007


I have a table with a field that contains the record number. This field is an identity column that is needed to be compatible with old Clipper programs. I've to ensure continuity in the numbering. So I have to update those numbers each time one or several records are deleted. I was thinking of using a trigger but I'm quite novice in this domain and don't know how to do it. Does anyone have a solution for this problem ?

Thank you in advance.



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Get The Number Of Days It Has Been Since A Record Was Inserted

May 22, 2007

Hiwhen inserting records into a table one of the fields is a date field.  I am using the GETDATE() function to insert the date as the record is being inserted.when i retrieve an entire record from the table i want to be able to select this date, but also to get the number of days it has been since that record was 3 daysif the record was inserted less than one day ago (<24 hrs ago) i would like it to return the number of hours. e.g. 22 hrsi dont want hours to be displayed if the days is >= 1.please can anyone guide me with this?thanks!

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Get Only One Record Out Of X Number Of Records Per User ID

Oct 29, 2013

I need to create a query that will select only one record out of x number of record per user id.

Sample Data
User ID | Date |Status
001 |10/1/2013 |01
001 |10/2/2013 |A1
002 |1/1/2013 |BB
003 |5/8/2013 |EE
003 |4/2/2013 |BB

Expected Result
User ID | Date |Status
001 | 10/2/2013 |A1
002 | 1/1/2013 |BB
003 | 5/8/2013 |EE

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Loop Through Record Set And Assign Number

Nov 7, 2013

I am new to SQL Server (coming from Oracle background) and have a large table I need to loop thru and assign a number 1 thru 5 on each record.

below is an example of how I would do it in Oracle.

num number := 1;
cursor c_rec is SELECT rowid, t.* FROM temp t order by t.column;
for d_rec in c_rec
update temp set column = to_char(num)

[Code] ....

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Record Count Begin With Big Number

Jul 20, 2005

Hi I have a Table with Automatic ID numbers...In access I delete All records by handWhen I add new record with delphi (SQL)the number ID of record count begin with last record+1and not with 0Someone know the statement to reset that?thanx for any help

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Question On Displaying Large Number Of Record?

Oct 20, 2006

I have datagrid that needs to display a log table which has more than million records. Since it it huge number, it is not possible to get dataset using "select * from log_table" to fill and to bind to datagrid.Is there anyway to display first 100 rows on first page and show next 100 rows if use clicks on page 2?Thank you very much in advance!Justin 

View 4 Replies View Related

How To: Retrieve A Limited Number Of Records From A Record Set

Apr 24, 2008

I€™m working on a database project that will ultimately contain millions of records for each lot. In addition, each lot will have up to 96 corresponding serial number records.

I would like to add a SQL parameter that would tell the database engine to only return X number of records.

For Example:
If table TBL_LOTS contains one million records I would like to limit the return set to 100 for example.

What would I need to add to the SQL command to below to restrict the data set to the first 100 records in the set of one million?


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How Do I Display Current SQL Server Record Number

Mar 21, 2008

Do anybody know how can I find or display to the current SQL server 2005 record number (eg. 10 of 1600) on a VB 2005 form label. The BindingNavigator on the form has been deleted. Thanks.

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Transact SQL :: How To Assign Random Number Between 0 And 1 To A Record

Nov 17, 2015

I need to assign a random number between 0 and 1 to all eligible cases of cancer. 

I have a file of records like:

How can I assign a random number to each record?

View 10 Replies View Related

To Get An Unique Sequence Number (record Locking)

Aug 27, 2007

can someone pls show me a way to get an unique sequence at below senario:

PC1 & PC2 using their own local client progam to access to Database Server at SERVER1.
In the SERVER1, there is a table SEQUENCE in a database DATABASE1.
And the table's structure of SEQUENCE are SeqType & SeqNo.
Here is the sample data:

SeqType SeqNo
Invoice 100
DeliveryOrder 200

Now, how to prevent PC1 & PC2 to get a same Invoice No. if they request the Invoice No. at the same time?
Is it possible to lock the record Invoice when i perform a SELECT statement, then i update the Invoice to 101, lastly release the lock for Invoice?

pls advise. thanks.

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Creating A Record Number That Auto Generates In SSIS

Jan 8, 2008

Can anyone help me figure out how to set up a new table using SSIS with a record field that will generate a unique number? The record number is also the primary key in the table. I did this about a year ago with a bit of help, but once you get the language right and initiate the creation, the text for defining the table is no longer available. I have seen a lot of references for MySQL and MS SQL 2000 and an AUTO_Generate or a UNIQUE ID. None of this works within MS SQL 2005 in SSIS.


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Code That Return Correct Number Of Record When Run Without Aggregate Function

Nov 26, 2013

I have sql code that returns the correct number of record when run without an aggregate function like count(myfield) and group by myfield. It always returns 86 row which is correct when Select DISTINCT is used. As, expected when DISTINCT is not used I get double the number if rows or 172. But when I count(myfield) and group by myfield the count is 172 and not 86. The strangest thing about this is that when I am grouping a set of items

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

The other group sum up correctly while others don't. What can explain this? Here is the code.

Select DISTINCT ws.p4Districtnumber, ws.cycle, ws.worksetid, count(msi.MeterSessionInputKey) as ASND
from fcs.dbo.WorkSet as ws
left outer join fcs.dbo.WorkAssignment as wa
on ws.WorkSetID = wa.WorkSetID
left outer join fcs.dbo.MeterSessionInput as msi
on wa.worksetkey = msi.worksetkey


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How Can I Get The Actual Line Number From Inside Flatfile Sources For Each Record?

Jun 12, 2006

hi all,

maybe this is not a serious problem, but I tried for days to come toi a solution without success.

My Problem:

I have have several flatfile sources I need to import into a sql-server 2005 DB.

It is very important for me to have the original line number from inside the source file for each record. The rowcount transform doesn't fit in for this task, because it accumulates all rows until the end of the dataflow.

I tried script components and it works fine if i assume there are no errors in my source. then I simply could declare a local variable and count it up and add a custom collumn to my output. But for errors in my source this won't work, because a second script component won't know the actual value of a package level variable, which i use to store the value, because i am only allowed to access this variable in the post execujte method of the script.

How can I achieve my goal? Please help me...

Thanks in advance .. Bernd

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Transact SQL :: Retrieve Latest Record Of Serial Number With Multiple Entries

Sep 30, 2015

I work for an organization that repairs serialized devices. Each time a device is repaired it's serial number is recorded in a database table along with the date it was repaired along with other information about the device. There are multiple cases where a unit has been repaired more than once.

I am trying to write a query that will return the serial only once and that record will be the record of the latest repair date. To sum it up,

Return a list of serials where if a serial exists more than once in the table, return only the instance of the serial record(s) with the max(created_dt). The end result will be a list of distinct serial numbers.

Here is my Query. The problem I believe is in my sub-query but I am not sure how to structure it.

, PinSerial
, L4Serial
, L4Model

[Code] ....

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Trouble With An ASync Query To Insert A Record And Return The Auto Number Field.

Aug 31, 2007

I get this error when I look at the state of my SQLresults object. Have I coded something wrong?Item = In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.  conn.Open()
Dim strSql As String

strSql = "INSERT INTO contacts (companyId, sourceId, firstName, lastName, middleName, birthday, dateCreated)" _
& "VALUES ('" & companyId & "', '" & sourceId & "', '" & firstName & "', '" & lastName & "', '" & middleName & "', '" & birthday & "', '" & now & "') SELECT @@IDENTITY AS 'contactId'"

Dim objCmd As SqlCommand
objCmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, conn)

Dim aSyncResult As IAsyncResult = objCmd.BeginExecuteReader()

If aSyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() = True Then

Dim sqlResults As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

sqlResults = objCmd.EndExecuteReader(aSyncResult)

Dim cid As Integer

cid = sqlResults.Item("contactId") = cid
Return cid
Return "failed"

End If  

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Getting Data In The Same Record

Jun 10, 2004

I am trying to get these three different stored procedures to execute and enter data into the same record. It works, but each sql statement creates a new record, so account info, fromterritory info and toterritory info are in their own rows. Can anyone help me figure this out??

Sub InsertData()

dim sql1 = "insertaccounttransfermike '" & AccNumber.SelectedItem.Value & "'"
dim sql2 = "insertaccounttransfermikefrom '" & FromName.SelectedItem.Value & "'"
dim sql3 = "insertaccounttransfermiketo '" & ToName.SelectedItem.Value & "'"

' Create Connection Object, Command Object, Connect to the database
Dim conn as New SQLConnection(connstr)

Dim cmd1 as New SQLCommand(sql1,conn)
Dim cmd2 as New SQLCommand(sql2,conn)
Dim cmd3 as New SQLCommand(sql3,conn)

' go to the datagrid query page


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Displaying One Data Record

Jun 30, 2007

Hi all, this is a very basic question of diplaying a data. on my aspx page I have datasource that will return only ONE record.
  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsCategoryName" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:KaruselaConnectionString %>"        SelectCommand="SELECT Title FROM tbh_Categories WHERE CategoryID=@categoryID  ">        <SelectParameters>            <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="-1" Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="id" Type="int32"/>        </SelectParameters>    </asp:SqlDataSource> 
on the server side I would like to manipulate the title of the page according to the data returned from the query:
 and on the behind code if (!this.IsPostBack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["ID"]))
DataView dv2 = (DataView)sdsCategoryName.Select(arg);
this.Title = string.Format(this.Title, dv2.Table.Columns[0].ToString());
  of course it doesn't work. my question is this. do we really have to put the query datasource on the client side?and secondly, how can I view the recorsd I recieves from the query?Thanks for the help. 

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Filter Data By Row Number

Jan 30, 2007

FROM (SELECT [Patient Identifier], [Operator Index], Date, Time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [Patient Identifier], Date
ORDER BY [Patient Identifier], Date, Time) AS RowNum
FROM Complete
WHERE [Operator Index] <= 89) AS a
WHERE RowNum <= 4
FROM (SELECT [Patient Identifier], [Operator Index], Date, Time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [Patient Identifier], Date
ORDER BY [Patient Identifier], Date, Time) AS RowNum
FROM Complete
WHERE [Operator Index] >= 90) AS a
WHERE RowNum <= 2

This query returns values above 90 (I need 2 of them) or values between 80 and 89 (data is already filtered for only greater >=80) and I need 4 values above 80. I only need either 2 above 90 or 4 above 80, not both, and this query returns 2 above 90, but also the values between 80 and 89. If there are already 2 above 90, I do not want any values between 80 and 89. If there are 4 above 80, I do not need any additional values. If the are two above 80 and 1 above 90, I will take all of them (max I will ever take is 4).

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Number Data Types...

Jul 23, 2005

Hello all,I'm kind of struggling with numeric data types...I have read alot of material, and think I have a 'decent' grasp on thevarious number data types and the effects of the scale and precision.However, I want to store a value of '1.0', and every variation I trystill truncates the value.Is there a way to store 1.0 in a number data type?Thanks so muchWarren M

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Add Sequence Number To Data

Sep 17, 2007

Hi all, I need some your help.
I want to add sequence number to data flow below:

Cust_Name | Month
Chonnathan | 5
Chonnathan | 4
Chonnathan | 7
Derec | 3
Derec | 9

and the result i need is:

SEQ_nbr | Cust_Name | Month
1 | Chonnathan | 4
2 | Chonnathan | 5
3 | Chonnathan | 7
1 | Derec | 3
2 | Derec | 9

How can I do it in Integration Service to show like the above?

Thank you for your respones,

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Data Type In Audit Record

Mar 30, 2007

Hi,I want my application to audit any data changes (update, insert,delete) made by the users. Rather than have an audit table mirroringeach user table, I'd prefer to have a generic structure which can loganything. This is what I've come up with:TABLE: audit_record*audit_record_id (uniqueidentifier, auto-assign, PK) - uniqueidenfiier of the audit recordtable_name (varchar) - name of the table where the action (insert/update/delete) was madepk_value (varchar) - primary key of the changed record. If the PKitself has changed, this will store the old value.user_id (varchar) - user who changed the recorddate (datetime) - date/time at which the change was madeaction (int) - 0, 1 or 2 (insert, update, delete)TABLE: audit_column*audit_record_id (uniqueidentifier, composite PK) - FK tocdb_audit_record table*column_name (varchar, composite PK) - name of the column with changeddatanew_value (text?) - value after the changeSo every column which changes has its new value logged individually inthe audit_column table. However, I'm not sure what data type thenew_value column should have. The obvious answer (to me) is text, asthat can handle any necessary data type with the appropriateconversion (we don't store any binary data). However, this table isgoing to grow to millions of records and I'm not sure what theperformance implications of a text column will be, particularly giventhat the actual data stored in it will almost always be tiny.Any thoughts/recommendations/criticism would be greatly appreciated.ThanksAlex

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Triggers And Record Data Question

Jun 13, 2006


I have a need to do something in a trigger, I have read all the in's and out's of when to use or not to use a trigger, so I am not looking for an answer like that.

What i am wondering is how to get the fields from a record that triggered the trigger.

for example

an on insert trigger......

Inserted record example:
Field names: key field1 field2 field 2
field data 1 Jack filed baseball

i want to do a trigger that will insert the differnt fields into differnt tables

on insert (very rough example)
insert field1 into names
insert field2 into status
insert field3 into sports


or better yet is it possiable to send var's to a stored procedure for example:

create procedure [insert data]

(@ID [int],
@field1 [nvarchar](10),
@field2 [nvarchar](10),
@field3 [nvarchar](10))
insert @field1 into names
insert @field2 into status
insert @field3 into sports


ON record insert have a trigger send the data for the record that was inserted to the stored procedure.

Hope this makes sence:

View 8 Replies View Related

How To Get Data From 2 Tables ...most Recent Record

Apr 25, 2008

Hello, i have this problem
tbl1 :{ pcb varchar(30) ,serial varchar(30)},result varchar(30)
tbl2: { pcb varchar(30) ,date_time varchar(30),result varchar(30),data1 varchar(30),data2 varchar(30),}

what i need is for a range of serials get the pcb (from tbl1) and for those pcb's get as resultSet the table

tbl3:{pcb,serial,data1,data2} containing most recent data on date_time column.

example. tbl1 ={ pcb1,sn1,pass}



where date1 is the most recent date

Request:what i want is for serial>=s1 and serial<=s2 get


What i already did is this:

Code Snippet
select max(CONVERT(DATETIME,tbl2.date_time,103)),tbl1.serial,tbl2.pcb
from tbl2
left JOIN tbl1
ON tbl2.Pcb=tbl1.pcb
where tbl1.serial>='1' and tbl1.serial<='53'
and tbl2."Result" like 'pass' and tbl1."result" like 'pass'
group by tbl2.pcb,tbl1.serial

And this works correctly.But unfortunately i also need data1 and data2 columns from tbl2.
If i include them in the Select Clause i have to include them also in the group by ,and this gives me also duplicate records.I mean it would return from tbl2, all records containing pcb1,pcb2.

How can i resolve this issue?
Thank you very much,


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Data Mining :: MS Excel Data Mining Add-ins / Maximum Number Of Predict Columns

Jun 4, 2015

Having successfully created :

- a data mining structure with about 80 columns.
- a data mining model using Microsoft_Decision_Trees with 2 prediction columns. 

I thought I would then explore the possibility of have more than 2 prediction columns, in this case 20.

I get an error message and I can't work out :
a) if this is because there's a limit to the maximum number of prediction columns and where that maximum is stated.
b) if something else has become corrupted
c) there's a know bug and if the error message is either meaningful or not.

Either way, I'm unable to complete the data mining wizard 

The error message is :Errors in the metadata manager. Either the mining structure with the ID of '[my model Structure]' does not exist in the database with the ID of 'DMAddinsDB', or the user does not have permissions to access the object.

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Updating A Record On A SQL 6.5 From Data In SQL 2000 Server

Sep 30, 2004

I need to update one row in a SQL Server 6.5 DB from a row in SQL 2000 server DB. What would be the best way to do this?

I have my 2000 server defined as a Remote Server in 6.5, however I get the error message:

contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

View 9 Replies View Related

Trsafering Access Record In Sql Data Base...

Jan 13, 2007

Assumig i have acces and my_mdb.mdf (in instace named DVD377-14D9E48CSQLEXPRESS)
Access mdb have table named my_table with:


i have same table named my_table in sql instance with same named record and same property of access mdb

i want to transfer all record from access table in sql db, record by record...


rs.recorset1 of access in rs.recorset1 of sql db
rs.recorset2 of access in rs.recorset2 of sql db
rs.recorset3 of access in rs.recorset3 of sql db


record by record becose during the export from access to sql i make various operation on single record...

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Add A Record When Data Is Not In The Table

Feb 13, 2015

I have a report that summarizes hospital readmissions. Some months may only have a female or male patient that is readmitted but, I want to show both months either way.

create table dbo.Scott_TEST
YearMonth char(9),
Gender char(1),
NumOfFemale int,
NumOfMale int

[Code] ....

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How To Update Data Record When Defined As Money

Nov 23, 2014

When i try to use the following command;

Update (table name)
set (Field name)='0'

where ID='1449' (1449 location of the record).

The "Field name" value is 875 and i need to edit the value to 0(zero).

It appears an error -

Msg 260, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbname.dbo.table name', column 'field name'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

So if i change the data type from right click design menu to nvarchar(50) can it be edited from the command that i used above?

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